University of California, Hastings College of the Law UC Hastings Scholarship Repository Hastings Law News UC Hastings Archives and History 11-15-1995 Hastings Law News Vol.29 No.3 UC Hastings College of the Law Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.uchastings.edu/hln Recommended Citation UC Hastings College of the Law, "Hastings Law News Vol.29 No.3" (1995). Hastings Law News. Book 220. http://repository.uchastings.edu/hln/220 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the UC Hastings Archives and History at UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hastings Law News by an authorized administrator of UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. San Francisco, California November 15, 1995 Volume 29, Number 3 Cut and Paste Exams? The Hastings Beat contractingtheirservices.Hesaid Wednesday, November 8, and Steve Kasher Glenn Von Tersch theellllll; and the prohibition STAfFWRmlI that the College wanted "total anempted to address these against having law school coverage of any problem~ that concerns. The first point raised related materials on the his summer, Hastings may threaten the community, and """""""''''''''''' concerned the hard drive issue. n I SW'prise move into compUler.Healsomentioned College of the Law the Hastings Safety and Security Theprocedweforusingcornputers T the information age, that professors look for I is nnt set in stone, or even close to contractedwiththeSan Department cannot legally carry Hutmgsha5decidedto answenlotheirquestions,and Francisco Police Department to any weapons. According to allow students to type their solid. However, at this time, it including a treatise on provide apoliceofficcrdedicated Simms, a police offICer dedicatw elJlffis on their computer. The appears the task of clearing OUt negligence on a tons e:lam to!heschooleveryevening.From exclusively to school security Administration felt this beller hard drives will diminish to a woold bea sure flag. While reflected the background of requirement that students delete the use of compulers 5:30 to 11:30 p.m .. , the SFPD provides an armed presence on today'sstudents.Somestucients all law school related files from undoubtedly adds new officer patrols McAllister and campus that can beuer contain think better when staring ata their hard drives before the teSt. dimensions to the cheating Hyde Streets adjacent to the potentially dangerous situations. monitor and typing than wben Additionaliy, Dean Gray problem,itdoesnotguarantee school, as well as the route from Gordon Clark, an SFPD offlCCT writing with a pen. The discussc:dhaving Eric Noble, who il will be a significant issue. the school to the parking area who patrols the campus, said he CalifomiaSweBarnowailows handles information services, Dean Martinez and Dean owned by the College. believes that "problems with review what students wished to the use of Word Processors, Gray messed that presentation According to lbomas Simms, whether or not to arm the keep on their hard drives sophisticated little machines (organization. neatness, etc.) Director of Administrative (Hastings] security force" was a indiYidually. One wonders bow with most of the power of a only tends to highlight the Services, the College IxIdgeted factor in deciding to hirc the homecornpuler. Mr. Noble might interview all of quality of the analysis in the SI26,OO) this flSCll year to pay pauols. Prtdictably,andnQtwilhout these students, and when. answer.Atypewrittenanswer for the patrol atS38.08 per hour. Simms insisted that a lack of reason, a few people are upset Additionally. Mr. Noblenotedthat that is good looks good. and a by this. Tbe five main the list of word processing typewritten mediocre answer Simmssaidthearrangementis confidenceintheCollege'sSafcty objections raised by students programs was more for looks obviously mediocre. designed to provide "a level of and Security Depanmenl was not are: incredibleeffon involved compatibility than a complete Dean Martinez stated he had increased safety and protection" a motivation to hire the SFPD in clearing out bard drives; restriction. kept track of how students to the school community. The pauol. ''No, DOl in the lea<;t,~ he novel opportunities for Dean Gray felt that cheating typing exams fared relative to constant presence of a uniformed said, "we are proud of them." He cheating; unfair advantage for will occur, but probably not atany the class as a whoJe. Looking policeofficeris intended tosecure said that the department and the greater rate than it does under students using computers: lack athisresultsoveranwnberof theareaimmediatelysurrounding SFPD patrOl complement each normal circumstances. He of sufficient notice of this years, he concluded that the campus. This allows the Olher 10 promote a safer option; and unfairneu tn indicated cheating at Hastings typewritten answers tend to seems rare, and of a nature such Hastings Safety and Security environment for the Hastings financially disadvantaged fallevenlyallalongthecurve, Department to bener protect the community. Art Wegner. students. that itnormallydoe!i not affect the and that typing is not an campus interior, particularly the President of the Hastings Public Associate Academic Dean curve. Some of the measures he advantage when it comes to Brian Gray and Academic Leo mentionedincludedpre.andpost. grading. The administration library. SafclY Officers Association, Dean Martinez had a question ellminspectionsofallcomputing The SFPD patrols are armed, declined to commenl and answer session on materials; computer-literate Simmssaid,whichwaspanofthe Clark said that his role is to proctorswhoaaivelypatrolduring College's motivation in "stop something from happening beforeithappens."Heexplained that the College is located al an intermediate point between the And, Leading into the Final Stretch ... moredangerousneighborimodsto the north and south of campus. Transients passing near campus Martin Pitha establishes a "City Youth STAR'WlnU; Achtenbttg,received26.8percent The NoYember election arenonnallytravelingfromooe continued San Francisco's Commission" to "advise the of these areas totheother. If they of the VOle. Upon realizing the Mayor and the Board of nTuesday,NOVembet reputation as a politically "know a police officer will be resultsoftheelection,Achtenberg Supervisors on issues that 7, San Franciscans progressivecity. Inaddition to the (nearcampus)~Clarksaid, "they Q wasted no time in formally primarily affect children and went to the polls to suoog showing by Achtenberg, wiUjusttravelrightthroughwhen endorsing Brown for the youth."1n another youth-related dccide local contests for mayor, woo vied to become the first they go by ra1her than StOP and Decemberrun-off. measure,SanFranciscansrejected disvict anomey, sheriff, and 15 ksbian mayor in thecity'shistory, bother students." The race for the top a youth curfew proposal which baUotpropositions. The rac::c:s for various ballot propositions prosecutor's job was also would have baJlned individuals mayor and disvict aucrney now revealed the city's ben\. competitive. Incumbent Disuict 17 years of age and under from shift gean tow.-d a December 12 Proposition 0, which would have Attorney Arlo Smith lost the publicplacesbetwecnllp.m.and In This Issue ... run-orr election because no retumedthenameofCesarChavez position he's held for 16 years , 5 a.m. unless accompanied by an candidaleineitherr.lcegamered streetbacktoAnnySueet,failcd NEWS receiving only 23.2 percent oCthe adull SOperce:ntoftheVQle. by a nine percent margin. Local Discussion Groups ........ 2 vote. Terence Hallinan, a former In approving Proposition G, The hotly contested mayor's residents and business owners RecentEvenu ................ 3 defense attorney and member of voters strengthened the police rau ended with former Speaker launched a successful drive to Delayed Grades ........... 4 the Board ofSupervisors,elltered oversight agency, the Office of of the Assembly Willie Brown place theproposition on the ballot Barrister'S Ball ................ 5 theraceafterfacingtermlimitson CitizenComplaints,bygivingita and incumbent Mayor Frank foDowing the namechange by the Protest .......................... 14 the Board and deciding against a larger budget and more power. JordanwinnUlgthetDptwOspotS, Board of Supervisors. San mayoral bid. He emerged Localgovemmentemployeesa1so FEATURES setting up the December show· Francisco voters approved victorious,receiving34.4percent emerged victorious this Ask Lana Luv. .............. 8 down. Brown received 33.6 Proposition C, a$29 million bond ofthevote, thus eamingaplacein November: although an audit for Alumni Profile ............ 8 percent of the vote, with Jordan measure to repair and improve the run-ofT with BiD Fazio, who thecity'sMunicipalRailwaywas Horoscope ................... 11 foDowing closely at. 32.1 pm:enl Steinhart Aquarium, located in received 31.8percenl Fazio. who approved.local voters turned back Dicta... .. .. 15 The third-place finisher, fonner Golden Gate Park. hasbeenaprosecutorunderSmith, a proposition which would have San Francisco Supervisor and had a well-publicized falling out San Franciscansa1so changed OPINIONS local government structure by requiredthecitytoannuallystudy Housingand Urban Development with the incumbent and then the possibility of conuacting out administrator Roberta approving Proposition F, which ................ .. •. 9 launched his campaign. govemmentservlccs. I~I Page 2 Hastings Law N~s NovtmIHr 15. /995
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