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THE VOICE OF ROSA MYSTICA MOTHER OF THE UNIVERSAL CHURCH FONTANELLE DI MONTICHIARI - (Brescia) MAY 2016 - YEAR 26 - N. 3 Monthly bulletin of the Foundation Rosa Mystica - Fontanelle Montichiari (Bs) - Italy The celebrations on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary ast April was a particular- ly intense and important 50 Years have passed since the day that in this Lmonth for all the faithful blessed place the fi rst prayer fl ourished to Ma- and pilgrims who came to pray ria Rosa Mystica, Mother of the Church. With a at Fontanelle, as well as for all heart full of gratitude the faithful and pilgrims re- the devotees of Maria Rosa newed the offer of roses of sacrifi ce, prayer and Mystica all over the world, who in so many ways made us feel penance, invoking the Holy Virgin for the grace of their affinity, in communion of fi delity to the promises of the Holy Baptism. prayer. On the Sunday of the Di- 1 vine Mercy (Sunday after Easter), We celebrated on two succes- grims renewed the offer of roses April 3, 2016, we solemnly cele- sive Sundays, fi rst on Easter and of sacrifi ce, prayer and penance, brated a heart-felt anniversary at a week later on April 17, the fi rst invoking the Holy Virgin for the Fontanelle, commemorating the day of the anniversary on which grace of fi delity to the promises of beginning of the devotion to Rosa these events took place in Fon- the Holy Baptism». Mystica in Fontanelle, the Sunday tanelle (the Sunday after Easter Many pilgrims assisted at this after Easter of 1966, when for the 1966 fell, in fact, precisely on April ceremony in an atmosphere of fi rst time Pierina Gilli was inspired 17), and this was an opportunity to great recollection and emotion; to raise in that remote location celebrate with renewed solemnity Councillor Patrizia Mulé, repre- between fi elds her prayer to Ma- the afternoon Mass at 16:00. The senting the Mayor of Montichiari, ria Rosa Mystica, asking her to mild and sunny day had further addressed to all attendees heart- make it for many a place of peace, encouraged a huge number of the felt and sincere words, assuring consolation, physical and spiritual faithful, all eagerly thanking Maria personal and institutional prox- healing. Rosa Mystica for the many gifts imity to the importance of Marian This year in particular, we cele- they had received and imploring devotion that in these places has brated the 50th anniversary of this graces and blessings. been held for fi fty years. Also on fact (1966-2016) and therefore we At the end of the Mass, we went this solemn occasion we entrusted celebrated the presence of Mary in in solemn procession to the chap- our journey to Maria Rosa Mystica. Fontanelle with particular solem- el dedicated to Rosa Mystica and In this place so many roads start, nity and devotion, welcoming pil- here we have unveiled and blessed personally, collectively and eccle- grims and offering them the com- a commemorative plaque located siastically, according to the stages fort of sacramental confession outside of the chapel on the right and times that do not depend on and participation in the Eucharist. side; it is intended to commemo- our will; we renew our entrustment Two masses were celebrated, one rate the occasion of the celebra- to Mary, here also venerated as the in the morning and one in the af- tion of the 50th anniversary with Mother of the Church, pleading ternoon, cheered up by the parish these simple words: «50 Years her to safeguard her people and to choir of Chiari, concluded with the have passed since the day that in always uphold them on their path traditional short procession to the this blessed place the fi rst prayer of conversion and purifi cation, for chapel dedicated to Rosa Mysti- fl ourished to Maria Rosa Mystica, the salvation of the world. ca, containing a large statue dedi- Mother of the Church. With a heart Episcopal delegate cated to her. full of gratitude the faithful and pil- Mgr. Marco Alba A First Mass under the gaze of Maria Rosa Mystica n Saturday, April 9, in the Cathedral of Colombo, the capi- more moving than the Ordination; not only all the people of the Otal of Sri Lanka, by the imposition of hands and prayers by village were there with us, but also the whole great family of Archbishop Ranjith, Deacon Don Sashika Manoj was ordained devotees and friends of Rosa Mystica and practically whole Fon- priest. On arrival the night before on the island in the beautiful tanelle was there at the altar. At the end of the Mass, while every- Indian Ocean, I was looking forward with eagerness to the day of one went to kiss his hands, Don Sashika distributed to everyone ordination. Accompanied by Don Mattia, a a picture of our dear Lady, thus connecting young priest from Albenga, also a friend of forever his priesthood to Rosa Mystica. I Don Sashika, we were greeted with exqui- easily could write a hundred of pages to site courtesy during our short but intense describe those blessed days... Somehow, I stay. Even the scorching heat did not stop beg a few lines more to report a touching us to enjoy every moment of this trip. On episode, which took place after the mass. Saturday morning in the Cathedral, jam full At the arrival in the house of Shashika’s of priests and faithful, the solemn celebra- parents, his father and mother, I and Don tion of the ordination was marked by mo- Mattia assisted to a Marian sacrifi ce. The ments of intense emotion; to me the most new priest lit a candle in the form of a rose beautiful moment was when the parents at the foot of the statue that was donated of the newly ordained priests went on the The newly ordained priest with his parents. by the Foundation in memory of his pre- altar and begged their children, by now forever donated to the cious and generous service in Fontanelle. Everybody knelt down Lord, to give them the fi rst fruits of their blessing. Then on their while he offered himself, his loved ones, and every one to Rosa knees, they kissed their hands. Mystica, Mother of the Church. In that moment I understood Sunday was the fi rst Mass in his home parish dedicated to our what the devotion to Rosa Mystica in Sri Lanka and the world little Saint Maria Gtti. It was a wonderful feast with a bunch of really means and I shed tears of emotion. little orphans, dancing little girls and boys doing some acrobatic jumps to welcome the young priest. This fi rst Mass was even Don Giancarlo 2 Mary, our hope am not exaggerating at all if terlacing of those invisible but real the world were present, Africans, I assert that the afternoon of threads will, despite everything, Asians, South Americans... men IApril 17, the day on which we permit this troubled world to gath- and women, young and old, chil- celebrated the 50th anniversary of er around the essence in an un- dren and adults, healthy and sick. Fontanelle, was one of the best precedented way. For our Europe, In short, a whole world in its di- moments in my lifetime. Yes, those in particular, it means to be able to versity, more and more numerous were really happy hours during hold out without getting lost under and variegated, yet united around which I have experienced, as in the heavy pressure to which it is the essence, i.e. the faith that there few other occasions in the course subjected, without denying total- exists a supernatural reality, the of my life, what true Marian devo- ly that core of evangelical values hope that it actually cares about tion means, i.e. to render praises to around which it is built. I say this our lives, the love and mutual re- the Mother par excellence, aban- because it is precisely due to the spect that derives from all of this; doned to her in total confi dence, to celebration of the 50th jubilee of the only love and respect renders a come at the same time in fullness worship to Rosa Mystica, started real human life possible. The glue to her Son and through Him, to the for the fi rst time here at Fontanelle that holds everything together is a Holy Trinity who created all things in 1966, that I could sense a palpa- woman who two thousand years and governs everything with con- ble faith which was almost touch- ago said “yes”. A decisive “yes” stant and providential love. During able, an atmosphere full of real sa- that merges, in a mysterious but a long worship in front of Jesus credness that we all could breathe real way, earth and heaven, the hu- in the Sacrament of the Altar and in. And among all those pilgrims man and the divine in Jesus who is then re-experiencing during the rushing in from everywhere, fi lling man and God and therefore is, and Mass His sacrifice on the Cross every possible angle in Fontanelle, forever will be, the Emmanuel, i.e. and His Resurrection, as never be- a large variety of people represents “God with us.” fore, it appeared to me how unjust very well what is happening today certain criticisms are towards the in Italy. People from every corner of Rosanna Brichetti Messori Catholic Church, stating that too much importance is being given to the Marian cult.