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Branch Daily Record WEATHER INDICATIONS Detailed iaform&tloa on page BRANCH DAILY RECORD V&L. 12—NUMBER 79. LONG BRANCH, N. J., SATURDAY. APRIL 5, 1913. PRICE TWO CENTS BUM OF ALARM SCUTARI REPORTED TO MURDER SUSPECT OR. FIELD RESIGNS BODY OF ONE OF CLOCKS ENDS CHAPEL TO HAVE FALLEN JUDGE STEINBACH COLLAPSES IN CELL; AS CAVALRY CAPTAIN1 DROWK VICTIMS DEFEAT CHATTLE FIV: Prank Leads to Suspension of TO ALLIES TODAY High Compliments Paid New ITT 'Prominent Red Bank Surgeon BECOVERED TODDY Score 16 to 10 in Game—Local Four Students in Asbury I District Court Judge at Affair Quits Post He Has Filled I _ Junior Girls' Team - 'i High School. Surrender of Supposedly Im-! Here Last Night. Leehan Goes to Pieces When He Por Seventeen Years. Life-saving Crew of Station Be- Turns the Tables. * Four i.tiidenis In the Asbury Park i pregnable Turkish City to ; surrounded by sou™ or the local Learns That Man of Whom | Much mii'iii'Uc «as ?xprea&ml in an low Sea Brigbt Takes Thf girls' lKtHkeUia.ll team of tU? high school have been suspended by lawyers and many friends. Hon. Jacob He Made Confidant <!tiu! tfiH of It cii Hank thia morning lt«<! M.'ink high m lu.ui added anott < r l'rhiciiuil Charles P. Hui because of ! Montenegrins and Ser- stemimeh. it., of the District court of iwhon It WRH U'Rriiftl Him l>r. Ed win From Undertow the in their long string of victories y«». an "April Fool" prank that* caused the iln« Second Judicial District of the Was a De- | Kif»lti, who ts well-known all over the << iil»*\ 4<it.'i'ftfiiin when tlu'> defeated Told in i Corpse of Man 1 1 <li»orgiiiiiziiiiiin nf i hspci exerelaeu on j County of Monmouth, gat at a compll Stau-, had u-ndiTeit hin n>iiitmition ns tin Chuttlf girls' tpam *n the int. , tective. Cftpi&Ss of the Swond Troop of Cav Tues*iy They are Miss Mildred Mar ;mentary ulnnw last night In the Im- Lost Here. rm-diHl SQhOOl cmirt 6gr Uie spore tit i iiH-r, !'ivd Hope, Alfred Illckman and perial Hotel, lu speech after speech ii try, of lied Hank. Tin* formal resitf 16 to 1'f Don Burton., They are accused of Judge Stelnbach was complimented by nation Wiia tendered by Dr. Field »ev Although it was tV (liattle girls' having concealed alarm clocks about his fellow townsmen with regard to tfrttl iiav8 ago and took efftH't laut nrnt gariu' dr (he HHwnn, they played TiU'sdav. A repras*ntftttve of the CAUSE OF ACCIDENT the dsfeembly room, whose Inopportune SIEGE HAS LASTED Into ability and Judicial temp*rainent. WEEPS AS HE IS fn»t and Meady r'im'v holding '"*• Daily M-ii'iii vuiuly emteuvored to Ret tin-tltiuhulntidtis caused the abandon lllMl Hank irl (loun to spve TOLD OF THE TRAP iD comn:(iM11-;t!ion with the \>•;inn>iI ment of tho devotional exerciser NEARLY SIX MONTHS IS STILL A MYSTERY « " »' Hur^4>oti ibis nit)i nm>-'. but Kuceeeded and two foitlH, while th*>y gu«*eilod It was during a song, students say. in getting an interview \\*o> I>r. Ruhl la waging One bnsk»t« and four fouls. that alarm No. 1 rang out. The clock imui. Dr. F Powers Issued Orders for Aban Refuses Food and Calls For Mai8i»nt, and he con j Captain Smith's Body Not Yet From th* htnrl t© Hit* last minute was found and confiscated. The ser- flrmod thp rtimor. It wan i>xclllng and both teams were But Hia Wife, Who Hain't Arf, l*r. Huhlmnn statetf that ttrftptn^af Found- —One of Men S«s- ehwred on b>* a number rived Yet Prom . , action Wftji due t» his. prr-talns dm leu cued Considered Out Tn tfie firHt half the CUattle Without warning, alarm No. 2 got Montenegrins Pushed AH physician and surgeon. Ho naiil wort' the inaMtcrti of the gltuation. into action. More giggles, grim coun- White that Dr. Kleld hud round it imuoaslbU- of Danger Minn ('lurk iueceedi&Ji in dropping lu tenances on the platform, confusion Them With More two basksU, while Miss P. Worden, of late to devote as much time as la r in (TAiieral. Fury. Plains. required (or the position ot Captain \ Now. of n-il Hank, nould make only one. Then c&me the climax. miti \t WHS & and in oonsequeriee d* willed to reaigu. Alt i;* UI-VIH»1'IH, the irft forward t grand slain, according to students. For ' Dr. KieUi Is operating surgeon in the Chat tip, succeeded hi throwing two (bis coupe bad been selected the most j Munmouth Meuioi Ltl Hospital, thlt* foul*, ending the flr^t half with the powerful, demoniacal, cuss-produclng ! FINAL ASSAULT BY HORDES HOPE FOR A CONFESSION jelly, aiul this work taken up much of BURIAL FUND IS STARTED score G to 2 in Chaltle'H favor. terror of early morning sluAvber 4i»- ) his time. lie Is also president of the The* itfd Dank glrla b**Kan the B*V- turb^ra unpopularly popular with those J Monmouth Poultry Club, of Red Hank. outl half witli u rimh. Hi»d after a few Tomu Hlver, N. J.. April 6. -Having ; Marino Tuseo. whose unme lias al- minutes of hard plto'Ing begau to go who need to be prodded out of their j London, April 5 -Scutari has sur Dr. Field has been "a itu-mber of *!(•<• p. It was a "Big Ben." He rendered to the Montenegrins and Ser learned that Detective Jamleson. the |so been given as DeBinonde Marie, the ahead, while things were looking riu man he trueted the most and whom Second Troop for* punt nineteen I Italian fieliermau who was drowned \>ioun Vor Chftttle. Mlsa Worden wm thumped and clattered and wu stttftt', vlane, according to a persistent uncon- years. He was Krst Lieutenant for cuueilit his wind and rilattered and firmed report here today. From Paris he had looked for aid, following his j>eHter»iuy morn lug when one of Our- all over the court dropping In Hensa- between a year and a half and two I roll Ht-nnesKt'v'n pound boaU W&fl clanged; took another rest and then and Vienna, news agencies and other arrest on a murder charge, was a («. tlnniil Mhot». Slip GBgod throe ba*- years I'lider the late Major 3. V, Al- swumptti while Koing off •how, was was ftt It again. The chapel VM a ban- sources, the rumor Was heard repeat- leotlve who had betrayed him, William kt-tn itnd two fouls. Miss DoreniUB aUoni of l1 8 city wll w lhen Cap mom ing by Caretaker VoUowetl suit, with two elnver »hot». doned. edly but the foreign office and dlplo-1 J. Leehan, collapsed in hU cell today. - " - ° " ' pitkeu up thin 8tf$Bi of tha Calef cottage, near Life MtHH Chandler edged one basket, too. Rut the joke had gjun too far. Ap- mats had no authentic information, i Following his arrest on the charge of 'talu of Second Troop. About seven- Saving Station, No. 3, just below Sefl Mi'--.- Reynolds, of Chattle, could cage preciative as be is of the tun of the The reports, however, agreed that) brutally slaying Mrs. Carrie C. Turner, teen yenrB ago, when Mnjor Alstrom the city fell early today before a vigor-} at l^akewood, two years ago, I^eehan resigned ih*» poet, Dr. Field was elect- Bright. Tin- body tva« Been floating only one basket find & foul. students in the high school. Principal In UK- undertow, upar a Jetty, shortly rjuff icould not condone thin offense OUB assault by 50,000 troop* of the Al-1 nan been extremely uervouit. ed to tiic vacancy and has Faithfully The H&attfM und ftiimmary. lies. • i "• .When the information that he had w*rved ever since. He has proved><*T all before 9 o'clock. Tho life saving < rew Chattle—Mies Heynolds. Isft for which'had gravely-disturbed the work was nutlfleil uiul the body was taken of tba sohool. He started an investi- made a confident of a detective reach- wnrd: Mini* Qulnn, right forward; Scutari was supposed to be Im- j ed him, he became ill and refused all Troopers, who ore very sorry to from the water and placed on tha \l\-- II. ('lark, centre; Miss Fleet, nation and suspensions immediately ,,,r(igtlabIe it has stood the se tears of his action. bt'iu -h. food offered him. He wept bitterly aa lineman and Proctor, left guard: Mil* followed. Principal Huff is popular, TIIP nieinberH of Second Trpop will ly ail months, but its strongest fort the details of the detective's scheme I'elky, right guard but for the most part his action is ap- now be comppllfd to nominate one of Captain (jieen, of Life having Stu fell several days ago when 200 Monte- to; trap him was unfolded and called Hed Hank—Miss Worden, right for proved. Judge Stelnbach. their number fir the officp. Trenton tion. No. 4, ut Galilee, wan notified. negrins sacrificed their lives to throw aloud for hta wife who has not yet ar- want; Mins Chandler, left forward: Quite likely the «uspended students As the meal progressed the lawyers headquarters will hv notffled and H He immediately called up Coroner bombs among the Turks.. rived from her home in White Plains, Minn Iiornniii, centre; Mlin Chamber- will be reinstated before sessions be- Two weeks ago the Powers ordered j present bandied each other anil some Colonel will be despatched to fted WitUnm 11.
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