sephiroth cathedron album download wordpress Sephiroth cathedron album download wordpress. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Cloudflare Ray ID: 67a261552ab3c3d9 • Your IP : • Performance & security by Cloudflare. Sephiroth (5e Creature) Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 209 (22d8 + 110) Speed 40 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 24 (+7) 19 (+4) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) Saving Throws Str +13, Dex +10, Con +11, Wis +9 Skills Athletics +13, Intimidation +11, Insight +9, Perception +9 Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks Senses truesight 60 ft.; passive Perception 19 Languages Common, Deep Speech Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) Elemental Spellcasting. Sephiroth’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell saving throw DC 19). He can innately cast the following spells while he is immune to their corresponding damage types, requiring no material components: 3/day (acid): tidal wave 3/day (cold): ice storm 3/day (fire): fireball 3/day (lightning): lightning bolt 3/day (thunder): shatter (as a 4th-level spell) 1/day (acid): maelstrom 1/day (cold): freezing sphere 1/day (fire): wall of fire 1/day (lightning): storm sphere (as a 5th-level spell) 1/day (thunder): whirlwind. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Sephiroth fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Magic Resistance. Sephiroth has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Magic Weapons. Sephiroth’s greatsword is a magical weapon. One-Winged Angel. Sephiroth can use a bonus action to sprout a single wing. He gains a flying speed of 60 feet, and can use a bonus action to Dash on each of his turns. When he takes the Dash action this way, opportunity attacks against him are made with disadvantage until the end of his turn. Regeneration. Sephiroth recovers 15 hit points at the start of each of his turns as long as he has at least 1 hit point remaining. ACTIONS. Multiattack. Sephiroth makes two greatsword attacks. Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage. Special Attack (Recharge 5-6). Sephiroth uses one of the following attack actions. Octaslash. Sephiroth makes a greatsword attack. On a hit, the attack inflicts an extra 49 (14d6) slashing damage. Hell’s Gate. Sephiroth makes a greatsword attack. On a hit, a shockwave erupts from the point of impact. The target and each creature within a 30-foot radius of it must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) magical bludgeoning damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a successful one. On a failed save, a creature is also knocked prone. The target of the greatsword attack makes this save with disadvantage. Shadow Flare. Sephiroth hurls balls of dark energy at up to seven points within 100 feet that he can see. Each creature within a 20-foot radius of one of those points must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature in the area of more than one blast is affected only once. Heartless Angel (Recharge 6). Sephiroth magically brings one creature within 60 feet that he can see to the brink of death. The creature must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or drop to 0 hit points. Once the saving throw has been resolved, that creature is immune to Sephiroth’s Heartless Angel action for 8 hours. LEGENDARY ACTIONS. Sephiroth can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Sephiroth regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn. Flash Step. Sephiroth moves up to his movement speed without provoking opportunity attacks. Slash. Sephiroth makes a greatsword attack. Elemental Infusion (Costs 2 Actions). Sephiroth becomes immune to one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. This immunity lasts for 1 minute, or until he uses this legendary action to become immune to a different damage type. Elemental Casting (Costs 2 Actions). Sephiroth innately casts one of his 3/day spells. He cannot take this legendary action unless he has used his Elemental Infusion legendary action on a previous turn. The name Sephiroth is spoken with a mix of fear and dismay throughout the land. Once revered as the greatest of heroes, this stoic silver-haired swordsman has sunk to the deepest depths of infamy, slaughtering and manipulating others in pursuit of an unfathomable purpose. Superhuman. Sephiroth was a member of SOLDIER, a group of warriors said to have been enhanced through unknown means to make them stronger, faster, and smarter than the average warrior. Sephiroth was the ultimate exemplar of this program, and while he has long since cut ties with SOLDIER, his uncanny abilities remain. Master Swordsman. Sephiroth wields the Masamune , a greatsword whose slender blade is longer than he is tall. Such is his skill and inhuman strength that he can wield this blade singlehanded without any loss of skill, and such is his speed that he can swing the blade faster than the eye can see. A well-known story claims that Sephiroth once felled a fire giant with what appeared to be a single stroke, but when his comrades examined the body they found eight separate cuts that had been made near-simultaneously. Variant: No Infusions If Sephiroth foregoes the use of his Elemental Infusion legendary action and his Elemental Spellcasting feature, he has an effective Challenge Rating of 18 (20,000 XP). Sephiroth. A Python3 script to build cloud block lists for servers. Requirements. Python 3.8. Setup. Python. It is recommended to install sephiroth into a virtual environment. From a brand new Ubuntu 18.04 machine, the setup flow should look something like this: You can also get the always-latest updates by cloning directly from the repository. Docker. Alternatively, we provide a Dockerfile with build and run instructions, or you can fetch the latest version from dockerhub: Usage. Sephiroth provides a built in help menu through the use of Python's argparse library. It tells you which commands are required, as well as other options. Example. Supported Servers. nginx - Makes use of nginx's ngx_http_geo_module which comes with the nginx package in Ubuntu 18.04. Optionally supports the use of proxy_protocol , in the event that you are using a PROXY-enabled redirector. apache - Generates a mod_rewrite rule set to do conditional redirects based on cloud ip ranges. Does not (to my knowledge) support proxy_protocol usage. Requires -r REDIR_TARGET for the RewriteRule iptables - Generates a set of iptables DROP rules to block access from listed IPv4 ranges. ip6tables - Generates a set of ip6tables DROP rules to block access from listed IPv6 ranges. Supported Providers. While Sephiroth began as a cloud blocking script, it became apparent that there were plenty of other sources of ip addresses that might be useful, and so we expanded. This is the list of currently supported providers. aws - Amazon Web Services. Obtained via the documented download process. azure - Azure Cloud. Fetched via a two part process. Fetch the html of the download page and then parse the html to get the failoverLink anchor tag. That JSON is then downloaded. gcp - Google Cloud Platform. Fetches the cloud.json as documented via the docs. oci - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Fetched via the documented download process asn - Lookup IP ranges by ASN. Uses Hackertarget API to make fetching results painless. Limited to 100 ASN lookups per day per source IP. file - Read line-separated list of addresses from one or more files. Lines that begin with # are ignored and lines that contain a # after the address save the comment into the output. tor - Fetch the bulk list of Tor exit nodes from the website and add them to the list. do - Digital Ocean. Fetched from google.csv as documented on the Platform page. Acknowledgements. These are resources I found while building sephiroth that I thought were quite helpful. Sephiroth. Sephiroth is the primary of VII by Square-Enix and one of the major villains of its extended universe. A member of SOLDIER, Sephiroth was idolized for his supreme strength and considered a war hero. After misinterpreting his origins, which causes him to believe himself to be the only remaining survivor of the Ancients, Sephiroth enacts a vendetta against mankind with the ultimate goal of becoming a god and controlling the Planet. History [ ] Sephiroth's personality is one of cold ruthlessness. Sephiroth is intelligent and respectful to those he deems worthy - he considers Professor Gast Faremis a great scientist, but looks down on Professor Hojo and describes him as "a walking mass of complexes." He also develops something of a messiah complex, proclaiming several times he is "the chosen one", destined to lead the Planet and become a god. In Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- , the prequel to the main game, Sephiroth was born to Professor Hojo and Lucrecia Crescent approximately twenty-seven years before Final Fantasy VII. After his birth, Shinra raised Sephiroth to be a super soldier, the very first SOLDIER. They told him nothing of his mother except that her name was "Jenova," and that she died during childbirth. It was implied he knew his father was the mad scientist Professor Hojo, although this seemed to earn the Professor no respect in Sephiroth's eyes. He has referred to his father as "inexperienced" and "a walking mass of complexes." However, Sephiroth respected Professor Gast until he left Shinra under Ifalna's guidance. Sephiroth proved to be incredibly strong, gaining worldwide fame for his exploits such as his role in Shinra's victory against Wutai in 0000. In what would become his final mission, Sephiroth was ordered to inspect the Mako Reactor outside the town of Nibelheim on September 22, 0002. He entered with a small entourage, consisting of one other member of SOLDIER and a few Shinra MPs. Among this group is SOLDIER 1st Class member Zack Fair and his friend, a 16-year-old Shinra trooper named Cloud Strife. At the reactor, Sephiroth found several pod-like chambers containing monstrous creatures, apparently former humans, mutated by exposure to Mako. Deeper inside, he found a larger chamber labeled "JENOVA" containing a strange feminine-looking creature. When Zack suggests a connection between SOLDIER and the creatures in the tanks, Sephiroth flies into a rage. Deeply disturbed by the fact the creature had the same name as his "mother," and by the idea he might have been created in an experiment similar to the one that created the monsters in the pods, Sephiroth made his way to the mansion that had been occupied by Shinra researchers and began reading the research notes in the basement's library. As a result of what he had learned, Sephiroth became enraged and psychotic. Based on the Shinra reports, he believed Jenova was a Cetra and, therefore, as Jenova's "son," was the last Cetra survivor. He also believed that the human race had betrayed the Cetra 2,000 years in the past, leaving them alone to defend the Planet from a calamity it had faced (eventually revealed to have been Jenova itself), and resolved to take vengeance for his "ancestors." On October 1st, Sephiroth began to destroy Nibelheim, setting the town on fire and killing many of the townspeople before returning to the reactor to claim Jenova's remains. He was pursued by Tifa's father, Tifa, Zack, and Cloud. At the reactor, Tifa took up Sephiroth's Masamune from her father's corpse and attacked him, but he disarmed her and defeated her easily. Shortly after entering Jenova's chamber, Zack arrived and attacked him. In Final Fantasy VII , Zack was easily defeated, but Crisis Core altered this into a full battle where Zack fought Sephiroth in a fair fight. Either way, Zack was defeated and tossed out of the chamber. Cloud entered the reactor and picked up Zack's Buster Sword rushing after Sephiroth. Caught off-guard, Sephiroth was impaled from behind through the abdomen and collapsed. Due to Sephiroth's enhanced anatomy, he survived Cloud's assault though wounded greatly. As Cloud left him to tend to Tifa, Sephiroth sliced off Jenova's head and stumbled from the room. Cloud attacked him again, but Sephiroth stabbed him with the Masamune. Cloud summoned unknown strength and used the sword as a lever, hurling Sephiroth into a pool of Mako below the reactor. Sephiroth vanished with Jenova's head still in his grasp, apparently falling to his death. Following the Nibelheim Incident, Shinra sealed the records on Sephiroth and declared him killed in action. Afterwards, they rebuild Nibelheim in order to cover the incident up populating it with Shinra employees paid to act as the town's citizens. However, Sephiroth actually fell into the Lifestream as his willpower allowed himself stay alive. Over the next several years, Sephiroth travelled through the Lifestream whilst increasing in power and knowledge and eventually the fragments of his body congregate at the Northern Crater joining to recreate Sephiroth's physical form in a cocoon of Mako. His powers and desires enhanced, Sephiroth's goal now is to merge with the Lifestream and seize control of it to become a god. Though his physical body is encased in Mako, Sephiroth was now able to control Jenova's cells as an extension of his body and thus act on his plans through her. Meanwhile, Hojo injected Zack, Cloud, and the survivors of Nibelheim (save for Tifa who was rescued by Zangan before Shinra found her) with Sephiroth's cells turning them into Sephiroth Clones. Hojo believed the Jenova cells inside Sephiroth would call for a "reunion" of those who shared her cells and wished to see his theory put to the test. In Final Fantasy VII , approximately five years after his supposed death, Sephiroth enacted his plan and put out the call for the reunion of the Sephiroth Clones to the Northern Crater. Jenova's remains, which had been moved to Shinra Headquarters in Midgar, shapeshift into Sephiroth's form and break out of containment. Jenova/Sephiroth released Cloud and the members of AVALANCHE, who were being held prisoner, and killed President Shinra after declaring Shinra should never acquire the Promised Land. Cloud, seeing Sephiroth's Masamune left at the scene of President Shinra's death, suspected Sephiroth may be alive, and set out with AVALANCHE to find him and settle the score for what happened to Nibelheim. Role in Rakenzarn [ ] Sephiroth makes his debut at near the end of Chapter 5: Strange Reunion, alongside other Saint Lords. Here, he serves as one of the strongest members led by Ganondorf, who is the strongest among them. Cathedron. Scrobbling is when tracks the music you listen to and automatically adds it to your music profile. Recent Listening Trend. Day Listeners Thursday 4 February 2021 2 Friday 5 February 2021 2 Saturday 6 February 2021 3 Sunday 7 February 2021 1 Monday 8 February 2021 6 Tuesday 9 February 2021 3 Wednesday 10 February 2021 0 Thursday 11 February 2021 7 Friday 12 February 2021 4 Saturday 13 February 2021 3 Sunday 14 February 2021 2 Monday 15 February 2021 1 Tuesday 16 February 2021 4 Wednesday 17 February 2021 3 Thursday 18 February 2021 1 Friday 19 February 2021 4 Saturday 20 February 2021 8 Sunday 21 February 2021 0 Monday 22 February 2021 2 Tuesday 23 February 2021 2 Wednesday 24 February 2021 2 Thursday 25 February 2021 1 Friday 26 February 2021 1 Saturday 27 February 2021 3 Sunday 28 February 2021 2 Monday 1 March 2021 2 Tuesday 2 March 2021 2 Wednesday 3 March 2021 4 Thursday 4 March 2021 2 Friday 5 March 2021 1 Saturday 6 March 2021 7 Sunday 7 March 2021 2 Monday 8 March 2021 4 Tuesday 9 March 2021 6 Wednesday 10 March 2021 2 Thursday 11 March 2021 3 Friday 12 March 2021 7 Saturday 13 March 2021 5 Sunday 14 March 2021 5 Monday 15 March 2021 2 Tuesday 16 March 2021 4 Wednesday 17 March 2021 2 Thursday 18 March 2021 1 Friday 19 March 2021 2 Saturday 20 March 2021 2 Sunday 21 March 2021 2 Monday 22 March 2021 5 Tuesday 23 March 2021 3 Wednesday 24 March 2021 4 Thursday 25 March 2021 2 Friday 26 March 2021 1 Saturday 27 March 2021 0 Sunday 28 March 2021 2 Monday 29 March 2021 3 Tuesday 30 March 2021 3 Wednesday 31 March 2021 1 Thursday 1 April 2021 4 Friday 2 April 2021 1 Saturday 3 April 2021 1 Sunday 4 April 2021 2 Monday 5 April 2021 7 Tuesday 6 April 2021 4 Wednesday 7 April 2021 4 Thursday 8 April 2021 5 Friday 9 April 2021 3 Saturday 10 April 2021 2 Sunday 11 April 2021 5 Monday 12 April 2021 2 Tuesday 13 April 2021 2 Wednesday 14 April 2021 1 Thursday 15 April 2021 3 Friday 16 April 2021 2 Saturday 17 April 2021 0 Sunday 18 April 2021 0 Monday 19 April 2021 1 Tuesday 20 April 2021 3 Wednesday 21 April 2021 2 Thursday 22 April 2021 2 Friday 23 April 2021 3 Saturday 24 April 2021 1 Sunday 25 April 2021 1 Monday 26 April 2021 1 Tuesday 27 April 2021 0 Wednesday 28 April 2021 1 Thursday 29 April 2021 1 Friday 30 April 2021 3 Saturday 1 May 2021 2 Sunday 2 May 2021 2 Monday 3 May 2021 3 Tuesday 4 May 2021 2 Wednesday 5 May 2021 0 Thursday 6 May 2021 4 Friday 7 May 2021 1 Saturday 8 May 2021 1 Sunday 9 May 2021 3 Monday 10 May 2021 2 Tuesday 11 May 2021 1 Wednesday 12 May 2021 6 Thursday 13 May 2021 1 Friday 14 May 2021 0 Saturday 15 May 2021 2 Sunday 16 May 2021 3 Monday 17 May 2021 1 Tuesday 18 May 2021 2 Wednesday 19 May 2021 2 Thursday 20 May 2021 3 Friday 21 May 2021 1 Saturday 22 May 2021 2 Sunday 23 May 2021 0 Monday 24 May 2021 2 Tuesday 25 May 2021 3 Wednesday 26 May 2021 5 Thursday 27 May 2021 4 Friday 28 May 2021 3 Saturday 29 May 2021 1 Sunday 30 May 2021 4 Monday 31 May 2021 4 Tuesday 1 June 2021 1 Wednesday 2 June 2021 0 Thursday 3 June 2021 3 Friday 4 June 2021 4 Saturday 5 June 2021 2 Sunday 6 June 2021 1 Monday 7 June 2021 3 Tuesday 8 June 2021 3 Wednesday 9 June 2021 3 Thursday 10 June 2021 1 Friday 11 June 2021 1 Saturday 12 June 2021 1 Sunday 13 June 2021 1 Monday 14 June 2021 1 Tuesday 15 June 2021 3 Wednesday 16 June 2021 0 Thursday 17 June 2021 2 Friday 18 June 2021 5 Saturday 19 June 2021 1 Sunday 20 June 2021 3 Monday 21 June 2021 2 Tuesday 22 June 2021 2 Wednesday 23 June 2021 1 Thursday 24 June 2021 1 Friday 25 June 2021 2 Saturday 26 June 2021 0 Sunday 27 June 2021 3 Monday 28 June 2021 1 Tuesday 29 June 2021 2 Wednesday 30 June 2021 3 Thursday 1 July 2021 1 Friday 2 July 2021 0 Saturday 3 July 2021 0 Sunday 4 July 2021 1 Monday 5 July 2021 2 Tuesday 6 July 2021 0 Wednesday 7 July 2021 1 Thursday 8 July 2021 2 Friday 9 July 2021 4 Saturday 10 July 2021 4 Sunday 11 July 2021 2 Monday 12 July 2021 1 Tuesday 13 July 2021 1 Wednesday 14 July 2021 3 Thursday 15 July 2021 2 Friday 16 July 2021 0 Saturday 17 July 2021 2 Sunday 18 July 2021 1 Monday 19 July 2021 4 Tuesday 20 July 2021 0 Wednesday 21 July 2021 1 Thursday 22 July 2021 4 Friday 23 July 2021 1 Saturday 24 July 2021 1 Sunday 25 July 2021 3 Monday 26 July 2021 2 Tuesday 27 July 2021 2 Wednesday 28 July 2021 5 Thursday 29 July 2021 4 Friday 30 July 2021 2 Saturday 31 July 2021 2 Sunday 1 August 2021 1 Monday 2 August 2021 1 Tuesday 3 August 2021 4 Wednesday 4 August 2021 1. 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