THE NEW YORK STEM CELL FOUNDATION REALIZING THE PROMISE Cover photo: Elena Ezhkova, New York Stem Cell Foundation – Stan and Fiona Druckenmiller Fellow, Class of 2009. Photo credits: Sarah Warnock: cover and pages 6-7; Theo Stanley: inside front cover, page 2 (top, second and bottom), page 4 (except second row center, bottom row left and bottom row right), page 8, page 13, page 18, page 20 (top row, bottom row left), page 23, page 25 (top row center, top row right, bottom row center and bottom row right), and inside back cover (second row left); Joyce Culver: page 2 (third) and page 14 (middle); Dan Epstein: page 4 (bottom left); Tristan Cook: page 14 (top and bottom), page 15, page 20 (second row left and third row left), page 25 (top row left and middle left) and page 27; Kevin Eggan: page 17; Philip Greenberg: page 25 (center row right); Patrick McMullen Co.: page 10, page 20 (second row middle, second row right, and bottom row) and inside back cover (bottom right); Ginger Popper: inside back cover (top row right, bottom left); Nicolas Breslow: inside back cover (third row left); Jamie Watts: page 9; Fred Marcus Photography: page 4 (top right) Design: Rafael Weil at 1995 Broadway, Suite 600, New York, NY 10023 / 212 787 4111
[email protected] / THE NEW YORK STEM CELL FOUNDATION REALIZING THE PROMISE tem cell research offers the greatest hope for medical advances we have ever known. The research frontier of the 21st century, it holds the promise of cures for S neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s; autoimmune diseases like diabetes, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis; heart disease; cancer; blindness; spinal cord and other traumatic injuries.