
GAIA Nº 15, LISBOA/LISBON, DEZEMBRO/DECEMBER 1998, pp.159-166 (ISSN: 0871-5424)


Thomas R. HOLTZ, Jr. Department of Geology, University of . College Park, MARYLAND 20735. USA E-mail: [email protected]

Daniel L. BRINKMAN Department of Geology and Geophysics, . P.O. Box 208109, New Haven, CONNECTICUT 06520-8109. USA E-mail: [email protected]

Christine L. CHANDLER Division of , Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University. P.O. Box 208118, NEW HAVEN, Connecticut 06520-8118. USA E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT: As in many carnivorous , the teeth of most theropod are characterized by serrations. Denticle size (or serration coarseness) and its inverse, serra- tion density, scale with relation to absolute size along the same allometric curve for most groups of carnivorous vertebrates. One of the few groups traditionally inter- preted as carnivorous that does not follow this same allometric scale is the theropod dino- saur . Troodontids differ from all other theropods with the exception of therizinosauroids in that their serrations are particularly coarse; that is, their denticles are larger and correspondingly more widely spaced than expected for a plesiomorphic thero- pod of similar tooth size. Morphometric analysis of the teeth of herbivorous dinosaurs and also show allometric scaling of serration coarseness, with -eaters generally having significantly larger denticles than meat-eaters for the same tooth size. The difference in the size of the denticles between and may be related to differences in the size and resistance of plant and muscle fibres. Troodon and therizinosauroid serra- tion coarseness plot along the herbivorous rather than the carnivorous curve. Although al- ternative explanations may exist, the denticle morphometrics of Troodon may be a reflection of the inclusion of a significant portion of plant matter in its diet compared to that of other theropods. The enlarged brain, grasping manus, and possible stereoscopic vision of the Troodontidae have traditionaly been interpreted as predatory adaptations. However, this same suite of characters is found in some herbivorous or omnivorous ; and, thus, may reflect a feeding habit in Troodon that involved the processing of a significant amount of plant matter.

INTRODUCTION coelurid (ROMER, 1966), a possible hypsilophodon- tid (B , 1981), and correctly, as one of a group of The species Troodon formosus L , 1856 was AIRD EIDY theropod dinosaurs previously referred to as the established on a single reptilian tooth with a distally Saurornithoididae (R , 1969; BARSBOLD, pinched and large serrations, collected from the USSELL 1974; C , 1982; CURRIE, 1987). Judith Group of . Originally consid- ARPENTER ered lacertilian, it has had a confused systematic Part of the confusion as to the taxonomic position history, being classified as a megalosaurid (NOP- of the Troodontidae lies in its characteristic tooth SCA, 1901; HAY, 1902), a pachycephalosaurid (GIL- (Fig. 1). As with most other groups of MORE, 1924), the of L.S. Russell's redefined theropods, the teeth of troodontids are serrated. But theropod family Troodontidae (RUSSELL, 1948), a unlike most theropods, the tooth morphology of

159 artigos/papers T.R. HOLTZ, JR.; D.L. BRINKMAN & C.L. CHANDLER

Troodon and other troodontids such as Saurornithoi- size (RUSSELL &DONG, 1993). Finally, an isolated des and is characterized by relatively tooth from the Upper of large, apically hooked denticles and a constriction , Koparion douglassi CHURE, 1994, has been between the root and (BARSBOLD, 1974; referred to the Troodontidae, although the presence OSMÓLSKA &BARSBOLD, 1990; RUSSELL &DONG, of troodontid-like teeth in therizinosauroids and ba- 1993). Grossly similar morphologies, with a con- sal ornithomimosaurs may weaken the validity of stricted root and large denticles, characterize the this referral. teeth of many ornithischians (e.g., basal taxa such Previous studies of vertebrate tooth serrations as Lesothosaurus, thyreophorans, pachycephalo- (C , 1990; FARLOW et al. 1991; ABLER, saurs, and basal ornithopods) and primitive sauro- HANDLER 1992) have focused on carnivorous taxa. However, podomorphs. some predominantly herbivorous amniotes also CHANDLER (1990) and FARLOW et al. (1991) have possess serrated teeth. In particular, the iguanid demonstrated that in most carnivorous vertebrates squamates, sauropodomorph and ornithischian di- with serrated teeth (including theropods, pseudo- nosaurs, and some primitive Tertiary suchian , varanid and mosasaurid include taxa with denticulate teeth. It is the squamates, the synapsid Dimetrodon, sabre- purpose of this study to examine a) the relationship toothed felids, and predatory fish such as Enchodus between serration coarseness and tooth size in her- and many sharks), serration coarseness scales with bivorous amniotes, b) to compare this relationship increasing tooth size along the same general trend between carnivores and herbivores, and c) to deter- (Fig. 2). One group traditionally considered to be mine where troodontid-like teeth plot among these carnivorous (OSMÓLSKA &BARSBOLD, 1990) that groups. scales along a different trend is the Troodontidae. MATERIALS AND METHODS Subsequent to these analyses, additional thero- pod groups have been discovered that possess In to examine the allometric relationship troodontid-like teeth. The derived coelurosaur between tooth size and serration coarseness in car- group Therizinosauroidea (formerly called Segno- nivorous and herbivorous vertebrates, measure- sauria) has been found to have teeth of the same ments were obtained from 600 teeth. This data set general morphology as Troodon (RUSSELL &DONG, included previously collected data of theropods and 1993; CLARK,PERLE &NORELL, 1994), although the various non-dinosaurian carnivores (CHANDLER, crowns of therizinosauroid teeth are less recurved 1990; FARLOW et al., 1991), and new material, in- than those of troodontids or most other theropods. cluding sharks and extinct and extant herbivorous Additionally, the tooth morphology of the two most amniotes. Measurements taken included Maximum primitive known ornithomimosaurs are similar to that Tooth Width (MTW) (mm) and serration coarseness of troodontids in terms of overall shape and basal (i.e., the length in mm encompassing five consecu- constriction, although the teeth of the Neocomian tive serrations) measured along the central portion (Barremian) Pelecanimimus polyodon PÉREZ- of the mesial or left keel and distal or right keel (Fig. MORENO et al., 1994 lack serrations and those of the 3). With small teeth, serration coarseness was ex- type and only specimen of the - trapolated from the length (mm) of two, three, or four Harpymimus okladnikovi BARSBOLD &PERLE, 1984 serrations. are too weathered to determine precise serration In order to obtain comparative data from ornithis- chian and shark teeth, we had to alter somewhat the way we defined our measurements. In such cases, MTW was defined as the distance from the base of the left keel to the base of the right keel when the most convex surface of the tooth crown was oriented towards the viewer. Some shark teeth also required that we modify the manner in which we measured serration coarseness. The keels of some shark teeth have both horizontal and vertical regions connected by intervening mid-keel segments. Whenever possi- ble, our measurements were made along the verti- cal or mid-keel portions of these teeth. Measurements of larger teeth were taken with dial calipers while those of smaller specimens were Fig. 1 - Labial view of maxillary tooth of Troodon formo- measured under a microscope using an ocular mi- sus, modified from CURRIE, RIGBY &SLOAN (1990). Ant - Anterior edge. Post - Posterior edge. Scale bar is 5 mm. crometer. Most measurements were made on shed


Fig. 2 - Plot of serration coarseness versus tooth width for theropod dinosaurs and other carnivorous vertebrates. A - Mesial or left serrations. B - Distal or right serrations. Note that Troodon plots with greater serration coarseness (i.e., larger serration size) for given tooth width than other theropods. teeth, but some were obtained from teeth in situ. RESULTS Other measurements were obtained from published After C (1990) and FARLOW et al. illustrations. A representative number of measure- HANDLER (1991), serration coarseness was plotted against ments from F et al. (1991), BRINKMAN, ARLOW Maximum Tooth Width (MTW) for carnivorous taxa C &CZAPLEWKSI (1998), and CIFELLI et al. (in IFELLI (Fig. 2) and herbivorous taxa (Fig. 4), with troodontid prep.) were transformed from number of serrations teeth data included on each plot. Several general per 5 mm to number of mm per 5 serrations.


Fig. 3 - Schematic of measurements used in this paper. A - Generalized theropod tooth. B - Detail of same. C - Gener- alized herbivorous dinosaur tooth. Serration coarseness value is equivalent to the distance encompassing five consecu- tive serrations/denticles measured along the central portion of the carina (see text for exceptions). Maximum Tooth Width (MTW) is equivalent to the maximum fore-aft width of the tooth. patterns can be recognized. Many groups demon- the differences between plant and muscle fibre di- strate positive allometric trends with increasing ser- ameters or consistencies. Additionally, the greater ration coarseness for increasing tooth width. As serration coarseness of the thyreophorans may rep- previously determined, many carnivores (most resent structures adapted to processing larger or theropods, pseudosuchian archosaurs, mosasaurid tougher bundles of tissue fibres, although this will re- and varanid squamates, the synapsid Dimetrodon, quire additional study. Curiously, troodontids and sabre-toothed felids, many sharks, and the carnivo- therizinosauroids scale among the predominantly rous bony fish Enchodus) share the same general herbivorous rather than the carnivorous groups. Im- allometric trend (Fig. 2). Iguanids, mammals, and plications of this pattern are discussed below. many herbivorous dinosaur teeth similarly demon- strate positive for serration coarseness DISCUSSION but have higher serration coarseness values for a The serrations of the Troodontidae and the Ther- given MTW (Fig. 4). Troodontid teeth plot with serra- izinosauroidea are much larger than those of most tion coarseness values comparable to those of her- theropod dinosaurs of the same tooth size but are bivorous dinosaurs of the same tooth width. similar in size to those of iguanid lizards and sauro- Additionally, most thyreophoran dinosaurs and podomorph and many ornithischian dinosaurs. some other herbivorous dinosaurs have very high There are several possible explanations for this pat- serration coarseness values, ten times that of other tern. herbivores of the same tooth sizes, and thirty times that of a typical of the same tooth size. The It is possible that the larger denticles in troodon- plot of all the data together is presented as Figure 5. tids and therizinosauroids represent a reversal to some primitive dental condition in dinosaurs. Simi- These results suggest that while the allometric larly proportioned serrations are found both in primi- scaling observed is related to food habit, there is no tive sauropodomorphs and ornithischians, so it is simple dichotomy between carnivores and herbi- possible that this tooth form was found in the com- vores. In carnivores, most groups scale with propor- mon ancestor of the and . tionately small denticles. Taxa known or interpreted This hypothesis is difficult to test, as the dentition of to be herbivorous plot among two distinct regimes: the immediate sister groups to the Dinosauria (orni- one set comprised of mammals, iguanids, and many thodirans such as Marasuchus and Lagerpeton;NO- herbivorous dinosaurs have serration coarseness VAS, 1996) are currently unknown. However, values consistently larger than those of carnivores; serrated, blade-like (ziphodont) teeth of the general and a second set of primarily thyreophoran dinosaurs carnivorous trend are found in most pseudosuchian have even larger serration coarseness values. archosaurs and more primitive archosauriforms ABLER (1992) suggested that the serrations on (e.g., Euparkeria, erythrosuchids), so it is likely that theropod teeth were structures used in severing the the plesiomorphic theropods, rather than troodon- muscle fibers of their prey. Perhaps the denticles of tids, represent the basal dinosaurian tooth condi- teeth represent structures used to sever tion. plant fibres. If so, then the differences between her- It is also possible that the larger denticles of troo- bivore and carnivore serration sizes are likely due to dontids represent some form of compensation for


Fig. 4 - Plot of serration coarseness versus tooth width for Troodon, therizinosauroids, and herbivorous amniotes. A - Mesial or left serrations. B - Distal or right serrations. Note that, whereas Troodon teeth plotted with greater than ex- pected coarseness for tooth width among carnivorous forms (Fig. 2), teeth of this theropod plots among herbivorous taxa in the present figure. the generally smaller tooth size in these dinosaurs. F et al. (1991) considered that "the ex- While it is true that troodontids have among the ARLOW treme coarseness of this dinosaur's serrations for smallest teeth in the , plesiomorphic car- the size of its teeth suggests that Troodon used its nivorous theropods and varanid lizards of the same lateral teeth in a manner different from that of other tooth size as troodontids do not scale along the her- theropods". Perhaps the larger size of troodontid bivore trend. denticles was developed to sever larger-sized and/or more resistant structures. Slicing through


Fig. 5 - Plot of serration coarseness versus tooth width for all teeth examined. A - Mesial or left serrations. B - Distal or right serrations. Note that Troodon plots among herbivorous taxa (primarily sauropodomorph and ornithischian dinosaurs and iguanid lizards) rather than with the majority of known and presumed carnivorous forms. these larger or tougher bundles of tissues would tion remains that troodontid teeth scale along the have subjected the teeth of Troodon to substantially same curve as known herbivores. greater bending stresses than those inflicted on the Another possible manner in which Troodon might teeth of typical theropods. F et al. (1991) ARLOW have used its teeth differently from other theropods, found the teeth of Troodon to have calculated bend- and other carnivores in general, would be the proc- ing strengths greater than those of most comparably essing of food other than vertebrate muscle tissue. sized theropod teeth and mammalian canines. Potential food items other than meat include Whatever the merit of this suggestion, the observa-


and (in the terrestrial environment, pri- tures (CLARK,PERLE &NORELL, 1994), which are marily arthropods, gastropods, and annelid worms). themselves basal theropod synapomorphies (SER- VARRICCHIO (1997), for example, postulated a pri- ENO, 1997; HOLTZ, 1998). Additionally, troodontids marily insectivorous diet for troodontids. possessed raptorial second pedal digits similar to those of the highly predaceous (C , 1998) However, given the morphometric similarities be- ARPENTER dromaeosaurids and the extant, omnivorous caria- tween the teeth of troodontids and those of con- mids (G , 1986). Similarly, the curvature of firmed or suspected herbivores, perhaps the very AUTHIER the manual digits of troodontids conforms to the cur- large denticles of Troodon represent an adaptation vature and narrow cross-section found in the dro- towards a diet containing more plant matter than in a maeosaurids, a morphology which has been more primitive hypercarnivorous theropod. This hy- interpreted as an adaptation for prey acquisition pothesis is uncontroversial for therizinosauroids (OSTROM, 1969). The shed teeth of troodontids are (P , 1984; BARSBOLD &MARYANSKA, 1990; RUS AUL - sometimes found in close association with isolated SELL &DONG, 1993) and has been suggested as a skeletal remains and eggs of various ornithopods in possibility for ornithomimosaurs (NICHOLLS &RUS- the of Montana (HORNER, , 1985; KOBAYASHI et al. 1999), but goes against SELL 1994), suggesting that the theropods may have fed the traditional interpretation of Troodon being a on these forms. Finally, unlike therizinosauroids, the predatory dinosaur (R &SÉGUIN, 1982; USSELL pubes are not opisthopubic, so that the abdominal OSMÓLSKA &BARSBOLD, 1990). However, troodon- cavity of Troodon was not enlarged relative to those tids also have other adaptations found in omnivo- of presumed hypercarnivorous theropods, as found rous or herbivorous vertebrates. For example, the in typical amniotes with a diet based solely or primar- large brain, grasping , and possible stereo- ily on (see H ,OLSON &BEER scopic vision of Troodon are often considered OTTON - BOWER, 1997 for a discussion of general aspects of predatory adaptations, but among the Mammalia herbivory in amniotes). Such morphologic and are characteristics of the predominantly herbivo- taphonomic evidence suggests at least some preda- rous/omnivorous and the omnivo- tion and/or scavenging on the part of Troodon. rous (North American ). The phylogenetic position of the Troodontidae is CONCLUSION currently unresolved. G (1986), SERENO AUTHIER Troodontid teeth are found to have larger denti- (1997), and MAKOVICKY &SUES (1998) recovered it cle sizes per tooth width than found in typical thero- as the sister taxon to ; similarly, pods and, in fact, scale allometrically with iguanids some of H (1998) support a position OLTZ and many ornithischian dinosaurs. It is almost cer- where troodontids are the sister taxon to the tainly this difference in serration scaling (as re- dromaeosaurid- clade. R &DONG (1993) USSELL flected in tooth morphology) that resulted in found troodontids as the sister taxon to the edentu- confusion over the systematic placement of Troodon lous oviraptorosaurs within a larger clade also con- earlier in this century. It is possible that the differ- taining Therizinosauroidea and : ence in serration size (or density) between Troodon this larger clade would thus contain all known thero- and most other theropods reflects a different diet pods with this tooth morphology. In this scheme, than in the majority of toothed Theropoda, in particu- troodontids are deeply nested within a clade of pre- lar a diet with a greater contribution of plant material sumably omnivorous and/or herbivorous theropods. than in a typical "carnivorous" dinosaur. Alternatively, the sister group to the Troodontidae may be Ornithomimosauria (P -MORENO et al., ÉREZ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1994; HOLTZ, 1994, 1998), a group considered by some to have been or herbivores The authors wish to acknowledge the advice and (NICHOLLS &RUSSELL, 1985). In this scenario Bulla- observations of numerous individuals concerning tosauria (=Troodontidae+Ornithomimosauria; this preliminary study: in particular, we would like to HOLTZ, 1994, 1996) represents one of several thank Randall Nydam, Anthony Fiorillo, Philip J. clades of theropods that developed troodontid-like Currie, and Ken Carpenter, who may not agree with teeth in response to a diet containing a greater per- the speculations presented here but whose com- centage of than that of typical theropods. ments have been most useful. Five major lines of evidence argue against Troo- REFERENCES don having been strictly herbivorous. Their lower jaws are similar to those of some advanced, highly ABLER, W.L. 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