Excavations at Kommos (Crete) During 1980 241
EXCAVATIONSAT KOMMOS(CRETE) DURING 1980 (PLATES 49-61) During our fifth season' at Kommos (23 June-27 August) we finished excavation of selected Late Minoan (LM) houses on the hilltop, now being preparedfor publication.On the hillside we uncovered Middle Minoan (MM) house levels. To the south, we nearly completed work on the later Greek Sanctuary(4th century B.C.-mid-2nd century after Christ) and exposed parts of two successive Iron Age temples below. Near by, along the shore, we explored furtherthe monumentalMinoan buildingsdiscovered in 1979.2 'The excavation is being carried out by the University of Toronto and the Royal Ontario Museum under the auspices of The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, with the cooperation of the Greek ArchaeologicalService. Financialsupport for 1980 was providedby the Social Sciences and Humani- ties Research Council of Canada (Grant 410-78-0590-X2S1), the University of Toronto, and the Royal OntarioMuseum as well as the SCM Corporationof New York and Leon Pomerance.Kodak Canada,Ltd., Keuffel and Esser of Canada,and the PolaroidCorporation of America helped provide equipment. Full-time staff during the fifth season consisted of the Director, representingthe University of Toronto and the Royal OntarioMuseum; Professor Maria C. Shaw, ScarboroughCollege, University of Toronto; Professor L. Vance Watrous, the State University of New York at Buffalo;Professor James Wright, Bryn MawrCollege; ProfessorJohn McEnroe, IndianaUniversity (formerlyof the University of Toronto). Also present were the following former or present students at the University of Toronto: Giuliana Bianco, excavationarchitect and artist, Lucia Nixon (presentlyat the University of Cambridge),and Douglas Orr. Of the above, Nixon, McEnroe, Orr, M.
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