Bulletin No. 2020–21 May 18, 2020 HIGHLIGHTS of THIS ISSUE
HIGHLIGHTS Bulletin No. 2020–21 OF THIS ISSUE May 18, 2020 These synopses are intended only as aids to the reader in identifying the subject matter covered. They may not be relied upon as authoritative interpretations. ADMINISTRATIVE obtained on a group basis for subordinate organizations af- filiated with and under the general supervision or control of a central organization. Rev. Proc. 2020-29, page 859. This procedure modifies Rev. Proc. 2020-1 temporarily to allow for the electronic submission of requests for letter INCOME TAX rulings, closing agreements, determination letters, and information letters issued by the Associate Chief Counsel Notice 2020-32, page 837. (Corporate), Associate Chief Counsel (Financial Institutions This notice provides guidance regarding the nonde- and Products), Associate Chief Counsel (Income Tax and ductibility of costs that are the subject of loan for- Accounting), Associate Chief Counsel (International), Asso- giveness under section 1106 of the Coronavirus Aid, ciate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs and Special Industries), Associate Chief Counsel (Procedure and Administration), Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), Public and Associate Chief Counsel (Employee Benefits, Exempt Law 116-136, 134 Stat. 281 (March 27, 2020). Organizations, and Employment Taxes). This procedure also contains revised procedures for determination letters Notice 2020-34, page 838. issued by the IRS Large Business and International Division. This notice provides the applicable reference price for qual- ified natural gas production from qualified marginal wells during taxable years beginning in calendar year 2019 for EXEMPT ORGANIZATIONS the purpose of determining the marginal well production credit under §45I. The applicable reference price for taxable Notice 2020-36, page 840.
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