


I’m Abigail and I’m currently a freelance writer and Books Editor at The Rumpus with interests in writing, film, and audio. Previously I worked as a Publicity Assistant at Penguin Random House. I really love --these days, friends come to me for book recommendations and podcast recommendations. I’ve produced a podcast episode with The Heart and, lately, I’ve been trying to get my feet wet with tape syncs and transcription work. I’m also working on my own independent short-form podcast series which will hopefully consist of eight episodes.

The first podcast episode that really showed me what the form can do was probably The Heart’s “Movies In Your Head” (back in 2014!). Lately though, I really love Rough Translation and their episode “American Surrogate” has stayed with me.


My name is Anna Phelan and I work at TED, launching and marketing our original podcasts, and providing editorial guidance on the TED Radio Hour, of which the actual production is done by NPR. I’m originally from Ireland, where my focus was on literature and publishing. I’m drawn to audio storytelling because of its more intimate, experiential nature. I’m excited to delve into the trenches with production which I’m still new to, and ultimately I’d like to work on bringing more literary fiction to the world of podcasting.

I’m going to cheat here and say that my favourite podcast episode is the No series by The Heart, which is actually 4 episodes – and if I had to narrow, episode 3, Answers. It think it’s one of the most nuanced and beautiful pieces I’ve listened to. .


I just moved to New York from Washington, DC, for a job at WNYC where I’m helping grow their podcast audience. I also am one of the editors at The Bello Collective, a bi-weekly publication about audio storytelling and the podcast industry.

I’m looking forward to the class for two reasons: first, to improve my own technical knowledge of the production process, and second, to learn the basics well enough to help other beginners feel less intimidated about getting started (a sort of train-the-trainer opportunity, if you will).



I’m currently the General Manager of Moviefone.com where my day to day duties are heavily on the business side. For the better part of two years, my friends and family have been groaning about all the podcasts I’m constantly recommending. I’m looking to get the experience necessary to avoid hearing a boss talk about “pivoting to video” ever again.

Since it came out, I’ve been telling people to listen to ’s Man of the People (soon to be a movie with Robert Downey Jr), but their recent episode about the Mexican government skewing is amazing.


I’m Brandon Harrison, I’m short documentary programmer at the Film Festival. I also work in accessbility, writing, producing and narrating audio description, a lot of which can be found on Netflix. I dipped my toe in podcasting co-hosting and producing at SLAM Magazine and currently have my own talk/culture podcast, 2 and a Bottle, which I’m in the process of trying to rebrand and take to the next level. I’m excited to learn how to professionalize the podcast passion.

One of my favorite podcast episodes ever! Color Lines, from BackStory Radio on the history of passing in the US. I’m a fan of historical pods. .


I’ve spent my entire adult life in the film industry as an executive, screenwriter, award- winning producer (of HBO’s “America’s Dream” & TNT’s “Freedom Song”), and director. I’m also a writer (memoir, short story, novel) and photographer. I’ve been listening to interview podcasts the last few years as a source of inspiration & instruction. Then serendipitously, I was hired a couple of months ago by Thomas Nelson Books to adapt one of their books into a podcast drama series. As I began my research, I unearthed this whole brave new world of the drama podcast, and quickly fell in love, and a quest to tell my own stories in this platform! One of my favorite podcast episodes is from the series “Homecoming”, featuring Oscar Isaac, Catherine Keener, David Schwimmer & Mercedes Ruehl. The actors own this show -- Ms. Ruehl’s performance in this episode CYPHER, is awesome! And the sound effects production is equally powerful. MADE IN NY PODCAST CERTIFICATE PROGRAM JANUARY-FEBRUARY • 2018


I’m Danielle Roth, and I recently started a podcast producer position with Vanity Fair. I spent the past six months with StoryCorps as a production intern. Before making the move to NYC, I covered Harrisburg, Pennsylvania as a city reporter for an award-winning community magazine. I’ve worked as a fact-checker with Audible audio documentaries, which is the gig that first sparked my interest to start this whole podcast journey.

It’s so hard to pick a favorite episode... I’ll go with Rough Translation: Anna In Somalia.


I am an independent producer. My background primarily is in kids media. My tenures include Head of Children’s Casting on ‘Sesame Street’ and Director of Development at the N Network (now TeenNick). I also teach screen and show bible writing. I produced an entertainment podcast and with the help of this course, I hope to develop a short-form news program and audio teen drama.

My favorite podcast was the first episode of ’StartUp’ with . There was nothing more gut-wrenching than hearing his not-to-smooth pitch for his business idea to a well-known venture investor. I ended up using it as a teaching tool when discussing pitching.


I’m a digital radio producer who loves stories about urbanism, sexuality, and music cultures – and the intersections thereof. I’m the former General Manager of WBAR Radio, an occasional live sound technician, and the host of a weekly disco show on Radio Free Brooklyn. I currently work as an executive assistant for the Department of Parks & Recreation, but am looking to change careers. Through this program, I’m excited to hone the skills necessary to transform my passion for radio into a profession.

So hard to pick a favorite podcast, but I think about Love & Radio’s A Girl of Ivory a lot. It’s a thoughtful and compellingly written exploration of a situation that could very easily be sensationalized. MADE IN NY PODCAST CERTIFICATE PROGRAM JANUARY-FEBRUARY • 2018


My name is Hannah, I’m one half of March Bradness, the world’s only March Madness style Brad Pitt themed podcast. I’ve been playing around with the medium for about a year now, and am thrilled by this opportunity to learn and expand on that self-made foundation. Aside from this, I consider myself a storyteller and amateur media scholar, looking at how we tell stories, what they’re saying with them, and how I want to tell them. I’ve mostly dabbled in teleplays and comics so far, but am fascinated by the return to the radio play that is podcasting. That being said, in terms of listening to podcasts I’ve got a pretty shallow reference point. I just finished the truly excellent Missing Richard Simmons, with the final episode being one of the most compelling looks at celebrity and our sense of ownership of people I’ve seen in a while-- definitely worth a look.


My professional career has taken me from content and technical writing in NYC and San Diego, to screenwriting and working in entertainment in LA, to most recently, attending a competitive software bootcamp. I am a full-blown podcast nerd (connoisseur?) and cannot wait to create a podcast of my own.

Debbie Millman’s interview on The Tim Ferriss Show, “How to Design a Life” is perhaps the most transformative piece I have listened to. Debbie’s raw honesty about her struggles to overcome hardship and rejection, as well as her resilience and solid life advice, make it the episode I would recommend to anyone considering changing careers or seeking to overcome obstacles, at any age.


My name is Maggi Delgado and I’m a 27-year-old multimedia producer from . I’ve been a media educator for Manhattan Neighborhood Network and a production assistant at Viacom. Right now I’m forging my way through creating my own original content through PinkLeo Productions. My first production is my podcast Mixing It Up with Maggi. I started it last year after experimenting with Youtube and producing and hosting The Feminist Tea Party with Charli and Maggi. Besides this, I love television and often write short films and tv scripts for competitions. Podcasting as an audio storytelling medium is new to me. However, I’m learning to embrace it since I get to have a genuine conversation with my guests. My biggest inspiration in the podcast world is definitely Cafe con Chisme. I lovetheir informality, humor and above all their mixture of Spanish and English. MADE IN NY PODCAST CERTIFICATE PROGRAM JANUARY-FEBRUARY • 2018


I’m originally from Southern California and I’m currently a music educator, DJ, radio host and producer here in NY. During the week, I work for Building Beats, an organization that teaches NYC’s youth how to produce music and DJ. Additionally, on nights and weekends, I DJ around NYC. I worked for a jazz and blues public radio station in California for a number of years but have since moved on to being a co-host for two radio programs here in NY - weekly on Brooklyn’s Lot Radio and monthly on London’s Radar Radio.

I love the radio and with that, one of my favorite podcast episodes ever is from Coast to Coast AM entitled “Rock & Roll and UFOs”.


I had the pleasure of co-producing a variety show called “The Good Vibes” on Brooklyn College Radio. I’ve then evolved to the exciting realms of podcasting, and currently co- produce a dating podcast that I am excited to flourish, after applying everything learned from this amazing opportunity with Made in NY. Currently, I am developing a webseries and enjoy researching impressive ways to reform my approach to storytelling. In addition to podcasting; photography, traveling the world and blogging about my lifestyle have become my most rewarding hobbies.

The episode Case#2:Brtiney, , puts a cheery spin to investigative . An author with little readers notices Brittany Spears snapped by paparazzi with her book in hand. Tune in as our narrator tries to track down Ms. Spears.


My name is Patrick and I co-run the independent music website Oh My Rockness with my wife, Claire. We list upcoming concerts (mostly of the indie / punk variety) in NYC (and LA / CHI). When I’m not doing a bunch of data entry for that, I write all our editorial and do our social media stuff. I contribute features for other music publications too andI’m also a screenwriter. My feature comedy “Lefty Loosey Righty Tighty” won best DIY film at Northside’s film fest awhile back and nothing happened with it but that’s ok! I’ve long wanted to create a regular Oh My Rockness podcast and I’m looking forward to learning how to pull it off.

I too would like to name check Mystery Show as a podcast that I think about a lot -- especially the belt buckle episode. MADE IN NY PODCAST CERTIFICATE PROGRAM JANUARY-FEBRUARY • 2018


I am an entrepreneur, filmmaker and reformed attorney. I completed a Spanish language independent feature film in 2013 and have spent the last few years working on screenplays for follow up projects and running my own business. I became interested in podcasting when I realized its storytelling potential. It’s exciting and fertile new ground for storytellers.

My favorite podcast episode has to be one of the early episodes that got me into podcasts.


About me and podcasting: I most recently worked for a consulting group that specializes in investigations of and training about sexual harassment and abuse, primarily working with colleges and private high schools. I’m planning to bring this experience to my time with Made in NY, with the idea of creating and producing podcasts that explore the complexities and anxieties surrounding sex today.

To keep up the love, The Break-up from deep cut I really enjoy.


I’m Sarah – a recent NY transplant, originally from the PNW. I co-host a weekly podcast called March Bradness where we’re pitting all of Brad Pitt’s movies against one another in a tournament style bracket. It’s a fun time. My day-job is graphic design and I love all things creative, from illustration to writing. My podcasting journey has been self-taught and included a lot of stumbling through the dark thus far, and I’m excited for the opportunity to receive formal instruction.

I feel basic using TAL as a favorite podcast episode example, but I really love Somewhere in the Arabian Sea. The sense of immersion is incredible. Despite not having an interest in either boats or the military, this episode is so compelling to me, and I think about it all the time. . MADE IN NY PODCAST CERTIFICATE PROGRAM JANUARY-FEBRUARY • 2018


A bit about me: I’m the managing editor of the online literary magazine Guernica. Before this, I spent three years in the world of book publishing, most recently as an assistant editor at Penguin Random House. I’ve also been a digital media teaching fellow with the educational nonprofit The Modern Story in Hyderabad, India, where I worked with high school students to make mini-documentaries about social, environmental, and cultural issues. Having lived mostly on the textual side of storytelling, I’m excited to learn how to do things with sound.

I’m a big fan of NPR’s Rough Translation, and I think they did a beautiful job with an incredibly fraught and challenging topic in “The Congo We Listen To” (especially at the end).


I’ve done a little bit of a lot of things — nonfiction production, web series, improv and sketch comedy, screenwriting, and most recently TV news at NBC. But since I’m truly obsessed with podcasts, I’m excited pivot this experience into the industry.

The episode I most often recommend to people is the Source Code episode of the late, great Mystery Show, i.e. the Jake Gyllenhaal episode.

The Made in NY Podcast Certificate Program is a collaborative initiative between The Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment and the Made in NY Media Center by IFP.