International Film Festival April 24 – May 4, 2008 the Washington, Dc International Film Festival
THE 22ND ANNUAL WASHINGTON, DC INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL APRIL 24 – MAY 4, 2008 THE WASHINGTON, DC INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL A world of films…a window into our world. Whether experienced in movie theaters, on DVDs or television in our homes, on our iPods or computers, films are the major communications media of our time. Hollywood films dominate commercial cinema. However, scores of talented filmmakers around the globe produce thou- sands of quality films that speak with a different voice, provide a different point of view, and tell different stories. Presenting these films in the nation’s capital is the purpose of Filmfest DC. Photo: Chad Evans Wyatt Film festivals are a journey of Tony Gittens, Festival Director and Shirin Ghareeb, Assistant Director discovery, a visual and thought provoking adventure into how people see and interpret our world. Every Filmfest DC is different and every film is unique from every other film in the festival. Together, they comprise an amazing representation of human imagination, commitment and talent. The festival has two special focuses this year — Politics & Film and New Latin Ameri- can Cinema. Obviously, politics are especially prominent during this election season and we wanted to explore the role affairs of state play in people’s every day lives. Latin American filmmakers are always a treasure trove of inventive storytelling. The di- verse selection of new work we have gathered from the Spanish-speaking world (in- cluding Spain) are moving, humorous, and insightful. None of this would be possible without the many dedicated people who have shared their time and talents with Filmfest DC.
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