Senate the Senate Met at 9:32 A.M
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 146 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2000 No. 58 Senate The Senate met at 9:32 a.m. and was APPOINTMENT OF THE ACTING for its commitment to community out- called to order by the Honorable MI- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE reach as much as for its beautiful sanc- CHAEL D. CRAPO, a Senator from the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tuary. For over a century, the con- State of Idaho. clerk will please read a communication gregation has worked to put its faith The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today’s to the Senate from the President pro into action in Hawaii, nationally, and throughout Asia and the Pacific. prayer will be offered by our guest tempore (Mr. THURMOND). Dr. Robinson has served as senior Chaplain, the Reverend Dr. Edward The legislative clerk read the fol- minister at Central Union for 15 years Robinson, from the Central Union lowing letter: Church, Honolulu, HI. and has ministered in the United U.S. SENATE, Church of Christ for over 30 years. He PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, was born in Westwood, MA, and re- PRAYER Washington, DC, May 11, 2000. ceived his bachelor’s degree from The guest Chaplain, Dr. Edward Rob- To the Senate: Yankton College and bachelor of the- inson, offered the following prayer: Under the provisions of rule 1, section 3, of ology degree from Yankton School of Let us speak together in prayer. the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby appoint the Honorable MICHAEL D. CRAPO, a Theology. He holds a master’s of divin- Almighty God, our Creator and our Senator from the State of Idaho, to perform ity from United Seminary in St. Paul Redeemer, there are those across the the duties of the Chair. and master’s of sacred theology from aisle or awaiting us in our office or in STROM THURMOND, the Iliff School of Theology at the Uni- some other corner of the world whose President pro tempore. versity of Denver. He earned his doctor might and power trouble us and may Mr. CRAPO thereupon assumed the of ministry degree at San Francisco even make us afraid, but Your strength chair as Acting President pro tempore. Theological Seminary. grants us courage. There are those f In addition to his work in the United whose intelligence and oratory make Church of Christ, Dr. Robinson has us feel humbled and vulnerable, but RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING served on a number of boards and com- Your wisdom gives us grace to meet MAJORITY LEADER missions in Honolulu including the Sal- the challenge. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- vation Army, Girl Scouts, Shriner’s There are those whose laughter and pore. The Senator from Iowa. Hospital for Crippled Children, Hawaii jibes or the things they write about us Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, be- Habitat for Humanity, and Honolulu sometimes hurt, ridicule, and demean fore I give the opening script for the Boy Choir. us, but Your smile makes us welcome leader, I would like to defer to the Sen- Ted and Barbara Robinson are the and tells us we are worthwhile. There ator from Hawaii for a few minutes. proud parents of two children, Sarah are those whose schemes and dreams Mr. AKAKA. I thank the Senator. and Jonathan, and one granddaughter. for humanity confuse, bewilder, and The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- When we are home in Hawaii, we fre- terrify us, but Your vision for our lives pore. The Senator from Hawaii is rec- quently worship at Central Union. Ted gives us joy and hope. ognized. Robinson is one of the finest preachers Lord, in this incredible arena of to grace Hawaii. He is a friend and power and decisionmaking, in these in- f source of comfort for me and my fam- credible times as citizens of this land, GUEST CHAPLAIN, DR. EDWARD ily and inspires his active and growing surrounded by all these incredible peo- ‘‘TED’’ ROBINSON congregation to live their lives as cou- ple, teach us to use our God-given tal- rageous people of faith. By word and Mr. AKAKA. Mr. President, I am very ents to serve as You have served us. deed, he embraces the mission of Cen- pleased and extremely honored to wel- Amen. tral Union inscribed in the sanctuary come to the Senate our guest Chaplain above the altar: ‘‘Love Never Faileth.’’ today, Rev. Dr. Edward Merritt ‘‘Ted’’ f It is my pleasure and privilege to Robinson of Central Union Church in welcome my good friend and minister Honolulu. to the Senate. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Dr. Robinson is senior minister at Aloha. The Honorable MICHAEL D. CRAPO led Central Union Church in Honolulu, the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: largest United Church of Christ in the pore. We thank the Senator and join I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the West and 1 of the 10 largest in the with him in his gracious welcome to United States of America, and to the Repub- United States. Central Union was Reverend Robinson. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, founded over 150 years ago, and the Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, we indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ‘‘Church in the Garden’’ is renowned all thank Reverend Robinson for his ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S3857 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:14 Dec 04, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2000SENATE\S11MY0.REC S11MY0 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S3858 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2000 prayer this morning and for his leader- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- osition of permanent normal trade re- ship in the spiritual world. pore. The Senator from New York. lations with China, an epic decision we f Mr. MOYNIHAN. Mr. President, I do will have to make and which I think we thank my colleague, who will be speak- will be able to make in the context of SCHEDULE ing momentarily. I want to simply re- this legislation having succeeded. Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, for capitulate some of the statements I remind all who might be listening the leader, I will announce today’s made yesterday, of which the first and that 6 months ago, this legislation was business. the most important is to say this is the dead. It was not going anywhere. The The Senate will resume debate on the first trade bill to come to the floor of House had passed a measure limited to conference report to accompany the the Senate in 6 years. It is not simply Africa and not very well received over African Growth and Opportunity Act. that there have not been matters to at- here. They had not included anything By previous consent, at 10 a.m. the tend to, it is rather that we have not for the Caribbean Basin and Central Senate will proceed to a cloture vote been able to attend to them. America, as we call it, a program on the conference report. If cloture is Most important, we have been unable begun under President Reagan, and the invoked, debate will resume with the to provide the President with negoti- Finance Committee took it up. The Fi- anticipation of an early afternoon vote ating authority for future trade agree- nance Committee worked for 6 months on final passage of the trade bill. Sen- ments in the manner that developed on this matter. ators will be notified as further votes over the last half century, following I know there are persons who feel it are scheduled. the epochal decision and action in the is unacceptable because it does not Following the disposition of this im- first term of President Roosevelt under contain provisions that provide for as- portant legislation, it is hoped the Sen- Cordell Hull to begin the reciprocal sistance to sub-Saharan Africa with re- ate can begin consideration of the mili- trade agreements program. Under that spect to HIV/AIDS. tary construction appropriations bill. program, the United States negotiated I say to my friends, the Senate did The leader thanks colleagues for with individual countries, and then have such a provision. We fought for it their attention and cooperation. after World War II with a group of in conference. We were not able to suc- f countries gathered together under the ceed because on the House side it was umbrella of the General Agreement on thought the legislation was a trade MEASURE PLACED ON Tariffs and Trade. The Reciprocal measure and public health issues were CALENDAR—H.R. 4386 Trade Agreements Act of 1934 gave the not relevant. Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I un- President the authority to negotiate But also, absent economic develop- derstand there is a bill at the desk due and proclaim tariff reductions and that ment, there will be no controlling this its second reading. procedure evolved, in 1974, into the epidemic in Africa, anymore than in The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- trade agreements negotiating author- the subcontinent of Asia, and we will pore. The clerk will read the bill by ity, whereby the Congress gave the not have anything in which to begin an title for the second time. President the opportunity to reach a engagement on these matters—noth- The senior assistant bill clerk read as common agreement with other coun- ing. Anyone who comes to this body follows: tries and then send it to the Congress thinking that legislation which is not A bill (H.R.