Current Affairs Marathon Session 4 Q. Who will take charge as MD and CEO of HDFC Bank on October 27th, 2020? A. Sashidhar Jagdishan B. Aditya Puri C. Padmaja Chunduru D. Rakesh Sharma

27 अक्टू बर, 2020 को एचडीएफसी बकℂ के एमडी और सीईओ के 셂प मᴂ कौन कार्यभार संभालेगा? A. शशशधर जगदीशन B. आददत्र् पुरी C. प饍मजा चुंद셂 D. राकेश शमाय Ans. A • On 4th August 2020, the Reserve Bank of has approved the appointment of Sashidhar Jagdishan as Managing Director and CEO of HDFC Bank. • He will take over from incumbent Aditya Puri who is set to retire on October 26, 2020. • Sashidhar Jagdishan joined the bank in the year 1996 as a manager in the finance division. • He became Business Head- Finance in 1999 and was appointed as the Chief Financial Officer of HDFC Bank in 2008. Q. Which Indian state government has launched ‘E- Raksha Bandhan’ for online training on cyber crimes? A. Maharashtra B. Kerala C. Telangana D. Andhra Pradesh

ककस भारतीर् रा煍र् सरकार ने साइबर अपराधⴂ पर ऑनलाइन प्रशशक्षण के शलए 'ई-रक्षा बंधन’ शु셂 ककर्ा है? A. महाराष्ट्र B. केरल C. तेलंगाना D. आंध्र प्रदेश Ans. D • On 3rd August 2020, the Andhra Pradesh state government has launched ‘E-Raksha Bandhan’ for online training on cyber-crimes. • As many as 1 lakh women, girls and the general public would be trained through ‘E-Raksha Bandhan’ up to August 31, 2020. • The Andhra Pradesh Police, Crime Investigation Department (CID), FM Radio, Cyber Crime Prevention Against Women and Children (CCPWC), Cyber Peace Foundation and other organisations are organising this campaign. • The programme aims to create awareness among the public on Cyber crimes across the State. Q. Who has been appointed as the new MD & CEO of SBI Card? A. Hardayal Prasad B. Ashwini Kumar Tewari C. Ravindra Jain D. Lakshmi Mittal

एसबीआई काडय के नए एमडी और सीईओ के 셂प मᴂ ककसे ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. हरदर्ाल प्रसाद B. अश्विनी कु मार तेिारी C. रविंद्र जैन D. लक्ष्मी शमत्तल Ans. B • Ashwini Kumar Tewari has assumed as new Managing Director (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SBI Cards & Payment Services (SBI Card) with effect from 1st August 2020 • He started his banking career with SBI in 1991 as a probationary officer. • He has replaced the outgoing MD & CEO Hardayal Prasad, who retired on July 31, 2020 • SBI Cards & Payment Services Ltd is a payment solutions provider in India. • It was launched in October 1998 by the State Bank of India. • It is headquartered in Gurgaon, . Q. In July 2020, the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports has constituted a Selection Committee for selecting awardees. Who among the following is not a member of this committee? A. Mukundakam Sharma B. Sardar Singh C. Rahul Dravid D. Virender Sehwag

जुलाई 2020 मᴂ, र्ुिा मामले और खेल मंत्रालर् ने पुरस्कार विजेताओं के चर्न के शलए एक चर्न सशमनत का गठन ककर्ा है। ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से कौन इस सशमनत का सदस्र् नहीं है? A. मुकंु दकम शमाय B. सरदार शसंह C. राहुल द्रविड़ D. िीरᴂद्र सहिाग Ans. C • In July 2020, the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports has constituted a Selection Committee for selecting awardees for the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, Dronacharya Awards, Arjuna Awards, Dhyan Chand Awards, Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar Award and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (MAKA) Trophy for the year 2020. • Retired Justice of Supreme Court Justice Mukundakam Sharma is the Chairperson of the Committee. • Virender Sehwag (), Sardar Singh (Hockey), Monalisa Baruah Mehta (Table Tennis), Deepa Malik (Para-athletics), Venkatesan Devarajan (Boxing), Manish Batavia (Sports Commentator), Alok Sinha (Sports Journalist) Alok Sinha and Neeru Bhatia (Sports Journalist) have been included in this committee. Q. Name the first director of the National School of Drama (NSD) who has passed away recently. A. Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay B. KPS Menon C. LM Singhvi D. Ebrahim Alkazi

नेशनल स्कू ल ऑफ ड्रामा (एनएसडी) के पहले ननदेशक का नाम बताइए श्जनका हाल ही मᴂ ननधन हो गर्ा है? A. कमलादेिी च絍टोपाध्र्ार् B. के . पी. एस. मेनन C. एल. एम. शसंघिी D. अब्रादहम अलकाजी Ans. D • Ebrahim Alkazi passed away on 4th August 2020. • He was 94 years old. • He was the first Director of the National School of Drama (NSD). • He was considered as the Father of modern Indian theatre. • He assumed charge of the National School of Drama in the year 1962. • National School of Drama (or NSD) is a theatre training institute situated at New . • It is an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. • It was set up in 1959 by the Sangeet Natak Akademi. Q. Which of the following has prepared a draft Defence Production and Export Promotion Policy 2020 (DPEPP 2020)? A. Ministry of Home Affairs B. Ministry of Defence C. Defence Research and Development Organisation D. Ministry of External Affairs

ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसने रक्षा उत्पादन और ननर्ायत प्रोत्साहन नीनत 2020 (डीपीईपीपी 2020) का मसौदा तैर्ार ककर्ा है? A. गहृ मंत्रालर् B. रक्षा मंत्रालर् C. रक्षा अनुसंधान और विकास संगठन D. विदेश मंत्रालर् Ans. B • Ministry of Defence has prepared a draft Defence Production and Export Promotion Policy 2020 (DPEPP 2020) to provide impetus to self-reliance in defence manufacturing. • The policy will be in line with the ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat Package’. • The main objective of the DPEPP policy is to achieve a turnover of Rs 1,75,000 Crores (US$ 25 billion). • It includes export of Rs.35,000 Crore (US$ 5 billion) in Aerospace and Defence goods and services by 2025. Q. Which of the following ministry has approved the ‘Khadi Agarbatti Atma Nirbhar Mission’ on August 2, 2020? A. Ministry of Commerce and Industry B. Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises C. Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship D. Ministry of Finance

ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस मंत्रालर् ने 2 अगस्त, 2020 को 'खादी अगरबत्ती आत्मननभयर शमशन’ को मंजूरी दी है? A. िाखण煍र् और उ饍र्ोग मंत्रालर् B. सूक्ष्म, लघु और मध्र्म उ饍र्म मंत्रालर् C. कौशल विकास और उ饍र्शमता मंत्रालर् D. वित्त मंत्रालर् Ans. B • The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has approved Khadi Agarbatti Atma Nirbhar Mission on August 2, 2020 to generate employment and make India self-reliant in agarbatti production.

• This mission was proposed by Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC).

• The proposal was submitted for the approval of the Ministry of MSME in July 2020. Q. Who has been appointed as the new Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir on 6th August 2020? A. Girish Chandra Murmu B. Rajiv Mehrishi C. Manoj Sinha D. Rajiv Gauba

6 अगस्त 2020 को जम्मू और कवमीर के नए उपरा煍र्पाल के 셂प मᴂ ककसे ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. गगरीश चंद्र मुमूय B. राजीि महवषय C. मनोज शसन्हा D. राजीि गौबा Ans. C • On 6th August 2020, Manoj Sinha was appointed as the new Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir.

• He is the Senior BJP leader from Uttar Pradesh.

• He is the first political leader to take charge as the LG of the union territory.

• He was former Minister of State for Railways and later held an independent charge of Ministry of Communication.

• He has replaced Girish Chandra Murmu. Q. Which Indian multinational company has been ranked second biggest brand after Apple on the FutureBrand Index 2020? A. Reliance Industries B. TATA Consultancy Services (TCS) C. Infosys D. Aditya Birla Group

फ्र्ूचर ब्रांड इंडेक्स 2020 पर एप्पल के बाद ककस भारतीर् बहुराष्ट्रीर् कंपनी को दसू रा सबसे बड़ा ब्रांड का दजाय ददर्ा गर्ा है? A. ररलार्ंस इंडस्रीज B. टाटा कं स쥍टᴂसी सवियसेज (टीसीएस) C. इंफोशसस D. आददत्र् बबड़ला समूह Ans. A • Reliance Industries has been ranked second biggest brand after Apple on the FutureBrand Index 2020.

• The 2020 list is topped by Apple, while Samsung is ranked third, followed by Nvidia, Moutai, Nike, Microsoft, ASML, PayPal and Netflix.

• The FutureBrand Index is a global brand perception study based on the PwC Global Top 100 Companies by market capitalisation. Q. Which Union Ministry has launched the 'Sahakar Cooptube NCDC Channel'? A. Ministry of Communications B. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting C. Ministry of Science and Technology D. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare

ककस कᴂ द्रीर् मंत्रालर् ने 'सहकार कू प絍र्ूब एनसीडीसी चैनल' लॉन्च ककर्ा है? A. संचार मंत्रालर् B. सूचना और प्रसारण मंत्रालर् C. विज्ञान और प्रौ饍र्ोगगकी मंत्रालर् D. कृ वष और ककसान क쥍र्ाण मंत्रालर् Ans. D • On 4th August 2020, Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare Shri Narendra Singh Tomar launched the Sahakar Cooptube NCDC Channel.

• It is a new initiative by the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC).

• The channel will focus on encouraging youth and farmers to learn about the benefits of cooperatives.

• It will aim to bring in more youths in the cooperative sector. Q. Which Indian state has launched the "Parivar Pehchan Patra" scheme? A. Andhra Pradesh B. Haryana C. Kerala D. Madhya Pradesh

ककस भारतीर् रा煍र् ने "पररिार पहचान पत्र" र्ोजना शु셂 की है? A. आंध्र प्रदेश B. हररर्ाणा C. केरल D. मध्र् प्रदेश Ans. B • On 4th August 2020, the Haryana state government launched the "Parivar Pehchan Patra" scheme.

• Under this, each family will be considered a single unit and allotted an 8-digit unique identification number.

• The purpose of "Parivar Pehchan Patra" is to create an authentic verified and reliable data base of all families in Haryana. Q. Who among the following chaired the first General Council meeting of the Khelo India Scheme on 4th August 2020? A. Kiren Rijiju B. C. M. Venkaiah Naidu D. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore

ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसने 4 अगस्त 2020 को खेलो इंडडर्ा र्ोजना की पहली सामान्र् पररषद की बैठक की अध्र्क्षता की? A. ककरन ररश्जजू B. नरᴂद्र मोदी C. एम. िᴂकै र्ा नार्डू D. रा煍र्िधयन शसंह राठौर Ans. A • Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju chaired the first General Council meeting of the Khelo India Scheme on 4th August 2020.

• The annual competitions like the Khelo India Youth Games and University Games, are being organized at the national level under the Khelo India Scheme. Q. Who has been conferred with the prestigious "Impact Most Influential Woman Award" for the year 2020? A. Mona Jain B. Ashish Bagga C. Kalli Purie D. Vivek Khanna

िषय 2020 के शलए प्रनतश्ष्ट्ठत "इम्पैक्ट मोस्ट इन्फ्लुएंशशर्ल िुमन अिाडय" से ककसे सम्माननत ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. मोना जैन B. आशीष बग्गा C. क쥍ली पुरी D. वििेक खन्ना Ans. C • Kalli Purie, Vice-Chairperson of India Today Group, has been conferred upon the prestigious ‘Impact Most Influential Woman Award’ for the year 2020. • Kalli Purie has made it to the top amongst the list of 50 Most Influential Women in the field of Advertising, Media and Marketing. • The 2020 edition of IMPACT’s 50 Most Influential Women List was presented by &TV. • This is the 9th edition of the award. Q. Who has been named as the next Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) on 6th August 2020? A. Girish Chandra Murmu B. Manoj Sinha C. Rajiv Mehrishi D. V. Narahari Rao

6 अगस्त 2020 को भारत के अगले ननर्ंत्रक एिं महालेखा परीक्षक (कैग) के 셂प मᴂ ककसे नाशमत ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. गगरीश चंद्र मुमूय B. मनोज शसन्हा C. राजीि महवषय D. िी. नरहरर राि Ans. A • On 6th August 2020, Girish Chandra Murmu was appointed as the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. • He is the 14th Comptroller and Auditor General of India. • He has replaced Rajiv Mehrishi. • He was also the first lieutenant governor of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. • He is a 1985 batch Indian Administrative Service officer of Gujarat cadre and was principal secretary to Narendra Modi during his tenure as Chief Minister of Gujarat. • The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India is an authority. • The CAG is mentioned in the Constitution of India under Article 148 – 151. • V. Narahari Rao served as the first Comptroller and Auditor General of India from 1948 to 1954. Q. Who has been appointed as the chairman of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on 7th August 2020? A. Arvind Saxena B. Girish Chandra Murmu C. Pradeep Kumar Joshi D. Ravindra Jain

7 अगस्त 2020 को संघ लोक सेिा आर्ोग (UPSC) के अध्र्क्ष के 셂प मᴂ ककसे ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. अरविंद सक्सेना B. गगरीश चंद्र मुमूय C. प्रदीप कु मार जोशी D. रिींद्र जैन Ans. C • On 7th August 2020, Pradeep Kumar Joshi was appointed as the chairman of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). • His tenure as the chairman of the UPSC will be till May 12th, 2021. • He is currently a member in the Commission. • He will succeed Arvind Saxena who completes his term as UPSC chairman on 7th August 2020. • At present, Bhim Sain Bassi, Air Marshal A S Bhonsle (retired), Sujata Mehta, Manoj Soni, Smita Nagaraj, M Sathiyavathy Bharat Bhushan Vyas, TCA Anant and Rajiv Nayan Choubey are other members of the UPSC. Q. Which of the following state government launched the "Mahila Evam Kishori Samman Yojana" on August 5th, 2020? A. Madhya Pradesh B. C. Uttar Pradesh D. Haryana

ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस रा煍र् सरकार ने 5 अगस्त, 2020 को "मदहला एिं ककशोरी सम्मान र्ोजना" शु셂 की? A. मध्र् प्रदेश B. राजस्थान C. उत्तर प्रदेश D. हररर्ाणा Ans. D • Haryana state government has launched the "Mahila Evam Kishori Samman Yojana" on August 5th, 2020. • This scheme was launched by the Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar. • Under 'Mahila Evam Kishori Samman Yojana', adolescent girls and women between 10 to 45 years of age of about 11,24,871 BPL families would be provided free sanitary napkins. Q. Which pair of Indian cricketers has been appointed as the global brand ambassadors of Win Trade Fantasy (WTF) sports? A. Virat Kohli and Shubhangi Kulkarni B. Rohit Sharma and Purnima Rau C. Suresh Raina and Harmanpreet Kaur D. Kuldeep Yadav and Poonam Yadav

भारतीर् किकेटरⴂ की ककस जोड़ी को विन रेड फℂ टसी (डब्ल쥍र्ूटीएफ) खेलⴂ के िैश्विक ब्रांड एंबेसडर के 셂प मᴂ ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. विराट कोहली और शुभांगी कु लकणी B. रोदहत शमाय और पूखणमय ा राि C. सुरेश रैना और हरमनप्रीत कौर D. कु लदीप र्ादि और पूनम र्ादि Ans. C • Cricketers Harmanpreet Kaur, the captain of the Indian squad at the ICC Women’s T20 World Cup in 2020 and Suresh Raina, have been appointed as global brand ambassadors of Win Trade Fantasy (WTF). • The WTF Sports was founded in July 2020. • It is headquartered in Bengaluru, Karnataka. Q. On 8th August 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 'National Sanitation Center' (Rashtriya Swachhta Kendra) under 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' in which Union Territory? A. Delhi B. C. Ladakh D. Jammu and Kashmir

8 अगस्त 2020 को, प्रधानमंत्री नरᴂद्र मोदी ने ककस कᴂ द्र शाशसत प्रदेश मᴂ 'स्ि楍छ भारत अशभर्ान' के तहत 'नेशनल सैननटेशन सᴂटर' (राष्ट्रीर् स्ि楍छता कᴂ द्र) का उ饍घाटन ककर्ा? A. दद쥍ली B. चंडीगढ़ C. ल饍दाख D. जम्मू और कवमीर Ans. A • On 8th August 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the "Rashtriya Swachhata Kendra" under Swachh Bharat Mission in Delhi. • Rashtriya Swachhata Kendra is an interactive experience center built to promote 'Swachh Bharat Mission'. • This centre is dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi. • In this center people will be told about the success of Swachh Bharat Mission and the benefits of cleanliness. • He also announced a week-long cleanliness campaign ‘Gandagi, Bharat Chorho’ till August 15, 2020. Q. Which country has become the first country in the world to grant regulatory approval to a coronavirus vaccine? A. UK B. USA C. Russia D. Brazil

कोरोना िार्रस िैक्सीन के शलए विननर्ामक अनुमोदन प्राप्त करने िाला विवि का पहला देश कौन सा बन गर्ा है? A. बब्रटेन B. संर्ुक्त रा煍र् अमेररका C. 셂स D. ब्राजील Ans. C • Russia has become the first country in the world to grant regulatory approval to a coronavirus vaccine after less than two months of human testing. • It is developed by Moscow's Gamaleya Institute. Q. India's first-ever mobile RT-PCR (reverse transcription- polymerase chain reaction) testing lab was launched in______. A. Kerala B. Maharashtra C. Andhra Pradesh D. Karnataka

भारत का पहला मोबाइल आरटी-पीसीआर (ररिसय रांसकिप्शन- पोलीमरेज चेन ररएक्शन) टेश्स्टंग लैब ______मᴂ लॉन्च ककर्ा गर्ा था। A. केरल B. महाराष्ट्र C. आंध्र प्रदेश D. कनायटक Ans. D • On 5th August 2020, India's first-ever mobile RT-PCR (reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction) testing lab was launched in Bengaluru, Karnataka. • The lab has been developed by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru. • It will have a capacity of conducting 9000 tests a day. Q. Which of the following apps has been declared the winner of the App AatmaNirbhar Bharat App Innovation Challenge 'in the social category? A. Roposo B. Elements C. Chingari D. YourQuote

ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस ऐप को सामाश्जक श्रेणी मᴂ आत्मननभयर भारत ऐप इनोिेशन चैलᴂज का विजेता घोवषत ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. रोपोसो B. एशलमᴂ絍स C. गचंगारी D. र्ोर क्िोट Ans. C • Homegrown video app ‘Chingari’ has emerged as the winner of ‘AatmaNirbhar Bharat App Innovation Challenge’, in the social category. • The second winner in the category was YourQuote, India's largest writing app, and news app Koo was the third winner. • While the first prize winner will get an amount of ₹20 lakh, the second and third winners will get ₹15 lakh and ₹10 lakh respectively. • The Prime Minister Narendra Modi had launched the ‘AatmaNirbhar Bharat App Innovation Challenge’, on July 4, 2020. Q. On August 9, 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a financing facility of Rs 1 lakh crore under the Agriculture Infrastructure Fund. The duration of the scheme shall be from FY2020 to______. A. FY 2025 B. FY 2028 C. FY 2030 D. FY 2029

9 अगस्त, 2020 को प्रधानमंत्री नरᴂद्र मोदी ने कृ वष अिसंरचना कोष के तहत 1 लाख करोड़ 셁पर्े की वित्तपोषण सुविधा शु셂 की। र्ोजना की अिगध वित्तीर् िषय 2020 से ______तक होगी। A. वित्तीर् िषय 2025 B. वित्तीर् िषय 2028 C. वित्तीर् िषय 2030 D. वित्तीर् िषय 2029 Ans. D • On August 9th, 2200, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a financing facility of Rs 1 lakh crore under the Agriculture Infrastructure Fund. • This fund has been launched for agri-entrepreneurs, startups, agri-tech players and farmer groups for post- harvest management and nurturing farm assets. • The duration of the scheme shall be from FY2020 to FY2029 (10 years). Under the scheme, ₹1 lakh crore will be provided by banks and financial institutions as loans with interest subvention of 3 per cent per annum and credit guarantee coverage for loans up to ₹2 crore. Q. In August 2020, which bank has launched the qualified institutional placement (QIP) with floor price of ₹351.36 per share? A. SBI Bank B. HDFC Bank C. ICICI Bank D. Axis Bank

अगस्त 2020 मᴂ, ककस बकℂ ने 351.36 셂पर्े प्रनत शेर्र के मू쥍र् के साथ क्िाशलफाइड इंस्टी絍र्ूशनल प्लेसमᴂट (QIP) लॉन्च ककर्ा है? A. एसबीआई बकℂ B. एचडीएफसी बकℂ C. आईसीआईसीआई बकℂ D. एश्क्सस बकℂ Ans. C • On August 10, 2020, the Private sector lender ICICI Bank has launched its fund-raising exercise through a Qualified Institutional Placement (QIP). • The Bank has set a floor price of ₹351.36 per equity share. • Qualified institutional placement (QIP) is a capital-raising tool. • It is primarily used in India and other parts of southern Asia. • The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) introduced the QIP process through a circular issued on May 8, 2006. Q. Which state government has launched a new scheme called the ‘Mukhya Mantri Kisan Sahay Yojana’? A. Rajasthan B. Gujarat C. Madhya Pradesh D. Maharashtra

ककस रा煍र् सरकार ने 'मुख्र्मंत्री ककसान सहार् र्ोजना' नाम से एक नई र्ोजना शु셁आत की है? A. राजस्थान B. गुजरात C. मध्र् प्रदेश D. महाराष्ट्र Ans. B • On August 10, 2020, the Gujarat State Government has launched a new scheme called the "Mukhya Mantri Kisan Sahay Yojana". • The scheme will replace Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana in the state for the current year. • The benefits of the Mukhyamantri Kishan Sahay Yojana will cover all farmers of the state. • Under this scheme, farmers will get compensation without any premium for the damage done to the crop due to drought, excessive rains or unseasonal rains. • Under this scheme, each farmer will be given a maximum compensation of up to Rs 1 lakh. Q. Recently there was a powerful explosion in the Lebanese capital of Beirut. Which chemical substance is believed to be the main component in this explosion? A. Ammonium acetate B. Ammonium nitrate C. Ammonium phosphate D. Ammonium carbonate

हाल ही मᴂ लेबनान की राजधानी बे셂त मᴂ एक शश्क्तशाली विस्फोट हुआ था। इस विस्फोट मᴂ कौन सा रासार्ननक पदाथय मुख्र् घटक है? A. अमोननर्म एसीटेट B. अमोननर्म नाइरेट C. अमोननर्म फॉस्फेट D. अमोननर्म काबोनेट Ans. B • On the afternoon of 4th August 2020, two explosions occurred at the port of the city of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. • It is considered to be one of the most powerful non- nuclear explosions in history. • This explosion was caused by 2,700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate stored for six years in a warehouse in the city’s port. • Ammonium nitrate is a chemical compound with the chemical formula NH4NO3. • It is a white crystalline solid consisting of ions of ammonium and nitrate. • It is highly soluble in water. • It is predominantly used in agriculture as a high- nitrogen fertilizer. Q. On 13th August 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a platform called "Transparent Taxation - Honoring The Honest" to honour the______. A. To honor the taxpayers of the country. B. To honor the honest officers of the Income Tax Department. C. To honor the Army. D. To honor the Banking Officers.

13 अगस्त 2020 को, प्रधानमंत्री नरᴂद्र मोदी ने ______को सम्माननत करने के शलए "पारदशी कराधान- ईमानदार का सम्मान" नामक एक प्लेटफॉमय लॉन्च ककर्ा। A. देश के करदाताओं को सम्माननत करने के शलए। B. आर्कर विभाग के ईमानदार अगधकाररर्ⴂ को सम्माननत करने के शलए। C. सेना को सम्माननत करने के शलए। D. बकℂ कं ग अगधकाररर्ⴂ को सम्माननत करने के शलए। Ans. A • On 13th August 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a platform called "Transparent Taxation - Honoring The Honest" to honour the honest taxpayers of the country. • The “Transparent Taxation - Honoring The Honest” platform will initiate major tax reforms aimed at bringing transparency in income tax systems and empowering taxpayers. Q. What is the name of the world's first COVID-19 vaccine launched by Russia? A. COVAX-19 B. AZD1222 C. LV-SMENP-DC D. Sputnik V

셂स 饍िारा प्रक्षेवपत दनु नर्ा के पहले कोविड-19 िैक्सीन का क्र्ा नाम है? A. कोिाक्स-19 B. एजेडडी1222 C. सीएलिी -एसएमईएनपी -डीसी D. स्पुतननक िी Ans. D • Russia has become the first country in the world to grant regulatory approval to a coronavirus vaccine after less than two months of human testing. • It is developed by Moscow's Gamaleya Institute. • This vaccine is named 'Sputnik V'. Q. Recently, GK Menon was passed away. He was______. A. Economist B. Journalist C. Scientist D. Politician

हाल ही मᴂ जीके मेनन का ननधन हो गर्ा था। िह एक______थे। A. अथयशास्त्री B. पत्रकार C. िैज्ञाननक D. राजनेता Ans. B • Veteran sports journalist GK Menon was passed away on August 11th, 2020. • He was 93. • He was manager of the 1952-53 Bombay University team which won the Rohinton Baria Trophy by beating Delhi in the final at Bengaluru. • He worked with the Indian Express and The Times of India. Q. Who has won Prem Bhatia award 2020 for outstanding journalism? A. Shekhar Gupta B. Dipankar Ghose C. Nitin Sethi D. Prannoy Roy

उत्कृ ष्ट्ट पत्रकाररता के शलए प्रेम भादटर्ा पुरस्कार 2020 ककसने जीता है? A. शेखर गुप्ता B. दीपांकर घोष C. नननतन सेठी D. प्रणर् रॉर् Ans. B • Indian Express reporter Dipankar Ghose has won Prem Bhatia award 2020 for outstanding journalism. • He has been given the award for his coverage of the migrant labour crisis and other COVID-19-related issues. • The Prem Bhatia awards were instituted in 1995 by the Prem Bhatia Memorial Trust, in memory of eminent journalist Prem Bhatia (1911 – 1995). Q. Who among the following has won the Asian College of Journalism Award 2019 for investigative journalism? A. Shiv Sahay Singh B. Shekhar Gupta C. Dipankar Ghose D. Nitin Sethi

ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसने खोजी पत्रकाररता के शलए एशशर्न कॉलेज ऑ괼 जनयशल煍म अिाडय 2019 जीता है? A. शशि सहार् शसंह B. शेखर गुप्ता C. दीपांकर घोष D. नननतन सेठी Ans. D • Nitin Sethi has won the Asian College of Journalism Award 2019 for investigative journalism. • Shiv Sahay Singh was conferred with the K P Narayana Kumar Memorial Award 2019 for Social Impact Journalism. • Nitin Sethi is a journalist in the Huffington post. • He won Investigative Journalism award for his six-part series titled “Paisa Politics” published by The Huffington Post India. • The Investigative Journalism Award winner receives Rs 200,000 in prize money and the Social Impact Award winner gets Rs 100,000. Q. Who among the following has won the K P Narayana Kumar Memorial Award 2019 for Social Impact Journalism? A. Shekhar Gupta B. Dipankar Ghose C. Shiv Sahay Singh D. Nitin Sethi

ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसने सामाश्जक प्रभाि पत्रकाररता के शलए के पी नारार्ण कु मार मेमोररर्ल अिाडय 2019 जीता है? A. शेखर गुप्ता B. दीपांकर घोष C. शशि सहार् शसंह D. नननतन सेठी Ans. C • The K.P. Narayana Kumar Memorial Award for Social Impact Journalism went to The Hindu’s Shiv Sahay Singh for his report on “Death by digital inclusion: on faulty public distribution system in Jharkhand.” • Nitin Sethi has won the Investigative Journalism award for his six-part series titled “Paisa Politics” published by The Huffington Post India. • The Investigative Journalism Award winner receives Rs 200,000 in prize money and the Social Impact Award winner gets Rs 100,000. Q. Which has launched the “W-GDP Women Connect Challenge” across India in association with US Agency for International Development (USAID)? A. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation B. Reliance Foundation C. Sir Ratan Tata Trust D. Aditya Birla Group

ककसने अमेररकी विकास एजᴂसी (र्ूएसएआईडी) के साथ शमलकर भारत भर मᴂ "डब्ल쥍र्ू-जीडीपी िुमेन कनेक्ट चैलᴂज" शु셂 ककर्ा है? A. बबल और मेशलंडा गे絍स फाउंडेशन B. ररलार्ंस फाउंडेशन C. सर रतन टाटा रस्ट D. आददत्र् बबड़ला समूह Ans. B • In August 2020, the Reliance Foundation has launched the “W-GDP Women Connect Challenge” across India in association with US Agency for International Development (USAID) and Women’s Global Development and Prosperity (W- GDP). • W-GDP Challenge supports private sector-led approaches that close the gender digital divide, expand business opportunities and paves way for women empowerment. • Reliance Foundation was formerly known as Dhirubhai Ambani Foundation. • It was founded in 2010 by Mukesh Ambani. Q. Who among the following has been selected as the next Chairman of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)? A. Anil Chaudhary B. Anirban Dasgupta C. Soma Mondal D. Girish Seth

ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसे स्टील अथॉररटी ऑफ इंडडर्ा शलशमटेड (SAIL) के अगले अध्र्क्ष के 셂प मᴂ चुना गर्ा है? A. अननल चौधरी B. अननबायन दासगुप्ता C. सोमा मंडल D. गगरीश सेठ Ans. C • In August 2020, Soma Mondal was selected as the next Chairman of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL). • She will replace Anil Chaudhary. • In September 2018, Soma Mondal took over as the Director (Commercial) of Steel Authority of India Limited. • She has also served as the Director (Commercial), NALCO, Bhubaneswar. • She completed her graduation from the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela in 1984 in Electrical Engineering. • Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) is an Indian state- owned steel making company. • It is headquartered in New Delhi. • It was established on January 19th, 1954. Q. Who has been appointed as a new Chairman of Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER)? A. Soma Mondal B. Pramod Bhasin C. Ravindra Jain D. Pradeep Kumar Joshi

अंतरायष्ट्रीर् आगथयक संबंधⴂ पर भारतीर् अनुसंधान पररषद (ICRIER) के नए अध्र्क्ष के 셂प मᴂ ककसे ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. सोमा मंडल B. प्रमोद भसीन C. रिींद्र जैन D. प्रदीप कु मार जोशी Ans. B • In August 2020, Pramod Bhasin has been appointed as a new Chairman of Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER). • He is currently the Vice-chairman of the Board of Governors at ICRIER. • He will replace Isher Judge Ahluwalia. • Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) is an autonomous, policy-oriented, not-for-profit, economic policy think tank. • It was established in August 1981. Q. Which of the following has successfully test-fired its upper stage rocket engine named 'Raman' on August 13th 2020? A. Boeing India Pvt Ltd B. Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd C. Skyroot Aerospace D. Acumen Aviation

ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसने 13 अगस्त 2020 को 'रमन' नाम के अपने एक ऊपरी चरण के रॉकेट इंजन का सफलतापूिकय परीक्षण ककर्ा है? A. बोइंग इंडडर्ा प्राइिेट शलशमटेड B. दहदं स्ु तान एर्रोनॉदटक्स शलशमटेड C. स्काई셁ट एर्रोस्पेस D. एक्र्ूमेन एविएशन Ans. C • On August 13th 2020, SkyrootAerospace has successfully test-fired its upper stage rocket engine named 'Raman, which can place multiple satellites into orbit. • SkyrootAerospace was founded by former scientists of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). • It is headquartered in , Telangana. Q. “India@75 Summit – Mission 2022” was organized by______. A. FICCI B. NITI Aayog C. Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) D. RBI

"भारत@ 75 शशखर सम्मेलन - शमशन 2022" का आर्ोजन ______饍िारा ककर्ा गर्ा था। A. कफक्की B. नीनत आर्ोग C. भारतीर् उ饍र्ोग पररसंघ (CII) D. आरबीआई Ans. C • “India@75 Summit – Mission 2022” was organized by the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) via video- conferencing on August 8th, 2020. • The summit was focused on ‘reinventing technology in India’. Q. In August 2020, Niti Aayog's Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), has launched the second edition of its student entrepreneurship programme (SEP) in collaboration with______. A. Dell Technologies B. Google C. Microsoft D. TCS

अगस्त 2020 मᴂ, नीनत आर्ोग के अटल इनोिेशन शमशन (AIM) ने, ______के सहर्ोग से अपने छात्र उ饍र्शमता कार्यिम (SEP) का दसू रा संस्करण लॉन्च ककर्ा है। A. डेल प्रौ饍र्ोगगकी B. गूगल C. माइिोसॉफ्ट D. टीसीएस Ans. A • On August 11, 2020, Niti Aayog's Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), in collaboration with Dell Technologies, launched the second edition of its student entrepreneurship programme (SEP). • This programme has been launched for young innovators of Atal Tinkering Labs (ATLs). • The programme SEP 2.0 will allow student innovators to work closely with Dell volunteers. • The Student Entrepreneurship Programme (SEP) 1.0 was launched in January 2019. Q. In August 2020, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced to introduce a mechanism of ‘Positive Pay’ feature for all cheques of value______and above. A. Rs 1,00,000 B. Rs 50,000 C. Rs 40,000 D. Rs 90,000

अगस्त 2020 मᴂ, भारतीर् ररजिय बकℂ (RBI) ने…………………. और उससे अगधक मू쥍र् के सभी चेक के शलए ’पॉश्जदटि पे’ फीचर का एक तंत्र शु셂 करने की घोषणा की है। A. 1,00,000 셂पर्े B. 50,000 셂पर्े C. 40,000 셂पर्े D. 90,000 셂पर्े Ans. B • In August 2020, The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced to introduce a mechanism of ‘Positive Pay’ feature for all cheques of value Rs 50,000 and above. • This feature helps to avert cheque frauds. • The limit of Rs 50,000 will cover approximately 20 per cent of transactions by volume and 80 per cent by value. Q. Which Indian actor is the only Bollywood star to feature in Forbes’ list of highest-paid actors of 2020? A. Shahrukh Khan B. Salman Khan C. Amitabh Bachchan D. Akshay Kumar

फोब्लसय की 2020 के सबसे 煍र्ादा कमाई करने िाले अशभनेताओं की सूची मᴂ एकमात्र शाशमल भारतीर् अशभनेता कौन है? A. शाह셁ख खान B. सलमान खान C. अशमताभ ब楍चन D. अक्षर् कु मार Ans. D • Akshay Kumar is the only Bollywood star to feature in Forbes’ list of highest-paid actors of 2020. • With earnings of $48.5 million (roughly Rs 362 crore), he occupied the sixth place in the list. • This year, Hollywood star Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) has topped the list for the second year in a row with $87.5 million. Q. Which State Government has launched the "Orunodoi scheme", a mega scheme for women's financial empowerment? A. Karnataka B. Kerala C. Sikkim D. Assam

ककस रा煍र् सरकार ने मदहलाओं के वित्तीर् सशक्तीकरण के शलए एक मेगा र्ोजना "ओ셁नोडोई र्ोजना " शु셂 की है? A. कनायटक B. केरल C. शसश्क्कम D. असम Ans. D • In August 2020, the Assam State Government launched "Orunodoi scheme", a mega scheme for women's financial empowerment. • Under the mega scheme, a district-wise selection of beneficiaries will begin from August 17, 2020. • The beneficiaries will receive the amount in the bank account of a female family member on the first day of every month. • The scheme will begin from the month of October 2020. • Under the scheme an amount of Rs. 830 per month will be given to the eligible 17 lakh families to buy the essential items of food. Q. Which state government has launched “Indira Van Mitan Yojana”? A. Rajasthan B. Punjab C. Chhattisgarh D. Jharkhand

ककस रा煍र् सरकार ने “इंददरा िन शमतान र्ोजना” शु셂 की है? A. राजस्थान B. पंजाब C. छत्तीसगढ़ D. झारखंड' Ans. C • In August 2020, the Chhattisgarh state government has launched the "Indira Van Mitan Yojana". • It was launched by the Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on the occasion of World Tribal Day (9th August). • The scheme aims to make the forest dwellers in the state self-reliant. Q. On August 13th, 2020, Defence Minister inaugurated an Anti-Materiel Rifle called 'Vidhwansak' developed by the______. A. Ordnance Factory, Tiruchirapalli B. DRDO C. Tata Advanced Systems Limited D. ASHOK Layland

13 अगस्त, 2020 को, रक्षा मंत्री राजनाथ शसंह ने ______饍िारा विकशसत 'विध्िंसक' नामक एक एंटी-मटेररर्ल राइफल का उ饍घाटन ककर्ा। A. आर्ुध ननमायणी, नत셁गचराप쥍ली B. डीआरडीओ C. टाटा एडिांस्ड शसस्टम्स शलशमटेड D. अशोक लेलℂड Ans. A • On August 13th, 2020, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh inaugurated an Anti-Materiel Rifle ‘Vidhwansak’ developed by the Ordnance Factory, Tiruchi. • The weapon was developed by the in-house Research and Development team of the Ordnance Factory, Tiruchi, without any support from external agencies. • The 14.5/20 mm Anti- Materiel Rifle could be used for destroying enemy bunkers, lightly armoured vehicles, radar systems, communication equipment, parked aircraft and fuel storage facilities. Q. Which state government has launched the "Cheyutha Scheme"? A. Kerala B. Andhra Pradesh C. Sikkim D. Odisha

ककस रा煍र् सरकार ने "楍र्ुतथा र्ोजना" शु셂 की है? A. केरल B. आंध्र प्रदेश C. शसश्क्कम D. ओडडशा Ans. B • In August 2020, Andhra Pradesh state government has launched the "YSR Cheyutha Scheme". • This scheme focuses on providing financial assistance to women from the state. • The scheme applies to women who are above 45 years of age and below 60 years, and are from the SC, ST, OBC and minority communities. • The scheme will enable them to get direct cash transfers. • Over 23 lakh women will receive financial assistance of Rs 18,750 per annum. • The budget for this scheme is Rs 17,000 crore. Q. Who among the following has been appointed as the new Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of PNB Housing Finance Limited? A. Nitin Sethi B. Neeraj Vyas C. Hardayal Prasad D. Praveen Kumar Joshi

ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसे पीएनबी हाउशसंग फाइनᴂस शलशमटेड के नए प्रबंध ननदेशक और मुख्र् कार्यकारी अगधकारी के 셂प मᴂ ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. नननतन सेठी B. नीरज व्र्ास C. हरदर्ाल प्रसाद D. प्रिीण कु मार जोशी Ans. C • PNB Housing Finance Limited has appointed Hardayal Prasad as its new Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer. • He assumed the position on August 10, 2020. • He has replaced Neeraj Vyas. • He also served as the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer of SBI Cards. • PNB Housing Finance Limited (PNBHFL) is an Indian public limited housing finance company (HFC). • It is headquartered in New Delhi. • The company is promoted by Punjab National Bank. • It was established on November 11th, 1988. Q. Recently, famous personality Manitombi Singh passed away. He was a______. A. Economist B. Journalist C. Sportsman D. Politician

हाल ही मᴂ, प्रशस饍ध व्र्श्क्तत्ि मनीतोम्बी शसंह का ननधन हो गर्ा। िह एक_____थे। A. अथयशास्त्री B. पत्रकार C. खखलाड़ी D. राजनीनतज्ञ Ans. C * Former India footballer Manitombi Singh passed away on August 9th, 2020.

* He was 39.

* He played for Mohun Bagan and was part of the Hindustan FC team that won the Delhi Soccer Association league title in 2010. Q. Which state has topped in "ease of doing business 2019 ranking"? A. Telangana B. Kerala C. Andhra Pradesh D. Karnataka

कौन-सा रा煍र् "'ईज ऑफ डूइंग बबजनेस रℂककं ग 2019" मᴂ शीषय पर है? A. तेलंगाना B. केरल C. आंध्र प्रदेश D. कनायटक Ans. C * Andhra Pradesh has retained its top position in ease of doing business ranking 2019, followed by Uttar Pradesh and Telangana. * The commerce and industry ministry released the State Business Reform Action Plan Ranking on September 5, 2020. * Uttar Pradesh from North India, Andhra Pradesh from South India, West Bengal from East India, Madhya Pradesh from West India and Assam from North East India topped the ranking. * Among Union Territories, Delhi bagged the top spot. Q. Who among the following has been appointed as the 35th President of the Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA) for the period 2020-22? A. Manish Raj Singhania B. Vinkesh Gulati C. Sai Giridhar D. Ravindra Sinha

ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसे 2020-22 की अिगध के शलए ऑटोमोबाइल डीलर संघⴂ (FADA) के फेडरेशन के 35िᴂ अध्र्क्ष के 셂प मᴂ ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. मनीष राज शसंघाननर्ा B. विंकेश गुलाटी C. साई गगररधर D. रिींद्र शसन्हा Ans. B * The Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA) has announced the appointment of Vinkesh Gulati as its 35th President for the period 2020-22. * FADA also appointedf Manish Raj Singhania, Managing Partner – Ralas Motors, Raipur (dealer for Mahindra & Mahindra) as the Vice President and Chittur Selvakumar Vigneshwar, Deputy Managing Director – Anaamalais Toyota, Coimbatore (dealer for Toyota, VECV and Benelli) as the Secretary. * Sai Giridhar - Director, Saisha Motors - Jaipur (dealer for Skoda Auto) will be treasurer for the year 2020-22. * The Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA) is an apex national body representing automobile dealers of India. * It was founded in 1964. * It is now a registered body under the Companies Act 1956. Q. Which Indian state has topped in "The State of Young Child in India’ report? A. B. Tripura C. Tamil Nadu D. Kerala

ककस भारतीर् रा煍र् ने "द स्टेट ऑ괼 र्ंग चाइ쥍ड इन इंडडर्ा' ररपोटय मᴂ शीषय स्थान प्राप्त ककर्ा है? A. गोिा B. बत्रपुरा C. तशमलनाडु D. केरल Ans. D * Kerala, Goa, Tripura, Tamil Nadu and Mizoram are among the top five states "The State of Young Child in India’ report for the well-being of children. * In September 2020, the State of the Young Child in India report was released by Mobile Creches, a non- governmental organisation (NGO). * It was launched by the Vice President, Shri M Venkaiah Naidu. * The Young Child Outcomes Index (YCOI) and the Young Child Environment Index (YCEI) are parts of the report. Q. Which of the following states has not been ranked in the top five states in the Young Child Environment Index? A. Goa B. Sikkim C. Tamil Nadu D. Himachal Pradesh

ननम्न मᴂ से ककस रा煍र् को र्ुिा बाल पर्ायिरण सूचकांक मᴂ शीषय पांच रा煍र्ⴂ मᴂ स्थान नहीं ददर्ा गर्ा है? A. गोिा B. शसश्क्कम C. तशमलनाडु D. दहमाचल प्रदेश Ans. C * Kerala, Goa, Sikkim, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh have secured the top five positions in the Young Child Environment Index. * Assam, Meghalaya, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and have scores below the country’s average. * In September 2020, the State of the Young Child in India report was released by Mobile Creches, a non- governmental organisation (NGO). * It was launched by the Vice President, Shri M Venkaiah Naidu. * The Young Child Outcomes Index (YCOI) and the Young Child Environment Index (YCEI) are parts of the report. Q. Who has been appointed as the next Ambassador of India to the Republic of Italy on Sep 3, 2020? A. Dinesh Bhatia B. Piyush Srivastav C. Reenat Sandhu D. Neena Malhotra

3 शसतंबर, 2020 को इटली गणरा煍र् मᴂ भारत के अगले राजदतू के 셂प मᴂ ककसे ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. ददनेश भादटर्ा B. पीर्ूष श्रीिास्ति C. रीनात संधू D. नीना म쥍होत्रा Ans. D * Dr. Neena Malhotra has been appointed as the next Ambassador of India to the Republic of Italy on Sep 3, 2020.

* She is a 1992-batch Indian Foreign Service (IFS) officer and is presently Additional Secretary in the foreign ministry. Q. Which commercial bank has launched “Signature Visa Debit Card” for the affluent/high net worth individuals? A. State Bank of India (SBI) B. Bank of India (BoI) C. Bank of Baroda (BoB) D. ICICI

ककस िाखणश्煍र्क बकℂ ने व्र्श्क्तगत 셂प से संपन्न / उ楍च ननिल के शलए "शसग्नेचर िीजा डेबबट काडय" लॉन्च ककर्ा है? A. भारतीर् स्टेट बकℂ (SBI) B. भारतीर् बकℂ (BoI) C. बकℂ ऑफ बड़ौदा (BoB) D. ICICI Ans. B * On Sep 7, 2020, the Bank of India (BoI) launched “Signature Visa Debit Card” for the affluent/high net worth individuals maintaining an average quarterly balance of ₹10 lakhs and above. * This card will have a spending limit of up to ₹5 lakhs on POS & e-commerce and ₹1 lakh on ATM. * Bank of India (BOI) is a commercial bank. * It is headquartered , Maharashtra. * It was founded in 1906. * It has been government-owned since nationalisation in 1969. Q. Which country hosted the 35th Session of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific? A. India B. Japan C. Myanmar D. Bhutan

एशशर्ा और प्रशांत के शलए खा饍र् और कृ वष संगठन (FAO) क्षेत्रीर् सम्मेलन का 35िां सत्र ककस देश ने आर्ोश्जत ककर्ा था? A. भारत B. जापान C. म्र्ांमार D. भूटान Ans. D * Bhutan hosted the 35th Session of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC 35). * It was held from 1-4 September 2020. * The Union Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Parshottam Rupala represented India in the conference. * The conference focused on regional priorities and issues such as COVID 19, the state of agriculture, natural resources management, food security and nutrition. * Bangladesh will host the 36th Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific of the in 2022. * The first regional conference was held in , India, in 1953. Q. Who among the following has been appointed as the next Ambassador of India to the Republic of Croatia on 3 September 2020? A. Rahul Kulshreshth B. Birendra Singh Yadav C. Raj Kumar Srivastava D. Sandeep Kumar

ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसे 3 शसतंबर 2020 को िोएशशर्ा गणरा煍र् मᴂ भारत के अगले राजदतू के 셂प मᴂ ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. राहुल कु लश्रेष्ट्ठ B. बीरᴂद्र शसंह र्ादि C. राज कु मार श्रीिास्ति D. संदीप कु मार Ans. C * Raj Kumar Srivastava has been appointed as the next Ambassador of India to the Republic of Croatia on September 3, 2020.

* Presently, he is the Deputy Chief of Mission in the Embassy of India, Tokyo.

* He is an IFS officer of 1997 batch. Q. Which of the following state has launched SPARROW system for Administrative Service officers? A. Jammu and Kashmir B. Uttar Pradesh C. Kerala D. Madhya Pradesh

ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस रा煍र् ने प्रशासननक सेिा के अगधकाररर्ⴂ के शलए SPARROW प्रणाली शु셂 की है? A. जम्मू और कवमीर B. उत्तर प्रदेश C. केरल D. मध्र् प्रदेश Ans. A * On September 4, 2020, the Jammu and Kashmir administration has launched Smart Performance Appraisal Report Recording Online Window (SPARROW) system for Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Service officers.

* It was launched by the J &K Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha.

* The SPARROW system is aimed at bringing more transparency, avoiding loss of Appraisal Reports during the transition, ensuring better monitoring and timely completion of performance appraisals. Q. A new publication “The Little Book of Green Nudges” has been launched by the______. A. UNESCO B. WHO C. UNEP D. UNICEF

______饍िारा एक नर्ा प्रकाशन "द ग्रीन बुक ऑफ ग्रीन न्र्ूडेस" लॉन्च ककर्ा गर्ा है। A. र्ूनेस्को B. डब्ल쥍र्ूएचओ C. र्ूएनईपी D. र्ूननसेफ Ans. C * A new publication “The Little Book of Green Nudges” has been launched by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on September 1, 2020. * It aims to inspire up to 200 million students around the globe to adopt environmentally friendly habits and greener lifestyles. * The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is responsible for coordinating the UN's environmental activities. * It was founded in 1972 by Canadian businessman and philanthropist Maurice Strong. * It is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. Q. Which of the following has successfully tested the Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle? A. HAL B. BARC C. ISRO D. DRDO

ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसने हाइपरसोननक टेक्नोलॉजी डडमॉन्स्रेशन व्हीकल का सफलतापूिकय परीक्षण ककर्ा है? A. एचएएल B. बाकय C. इसरो D. डी. आर. डी. ओ. Ans. D * Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has successfully demonstrated the hypersonic air-breathing scramjet technology with the flight test of the Hypersonic Technology Demonstration Vehicle (HSTDV) from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Launch Complex at Wheeler Island, Odisha on 7th September 2020. * The hypersonic cruise vehicle was launched using an in- service strategic missile and taken to an altitude of 30 km. * India has now joined a select group of nations that have demonstrated hypersonic technology. * Now India is the fourth country after America, Russia and China that have this type of technology. Q. International Literacy Day is observed on______. A. 9th September B. 7th September C. 8th September D. 6th September

अंतरायष्ट्रीर् साक्षरता ददिस ______को मनार्ा जाता है। A. 9 शसतंबर B. 7 शसतंबर C. 8 शसतंबर D. 6 शसतंबर Ans. C * International Literacy Day is observed on 8th September. * The theme for International Literacy Day 2020 is “Literacy teaching and learning in the COVID-19 crisis and beyond”. * In 1966, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) designated 8th September as Literacy Day. * The day is aimed to spread awareness about the importance of literacy for individuals, communities, and societies. Q. Govind Swarup passed away on 7 September 2020. He was the ______. A. Journalist B. Radio Astronomer C. Economist D. Social Worker

गोविंद स्ि셂प का ननधन 7 शसतंबर 2020 को हुआ था। िह ______थे। A. एक पत्रकार B. रेडडर्ो खगोल विज्ञानी C. अथयशास्त्री D. सामाश्जक कार्यकताय Ans. B * Govind Swarup passed away on 7 September 2020. * He was 91 years old. * He is widely recognized as the ‘Father of Indian Radio Astronomy.’ * He was the founding director of the Pune-based National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA) of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR). * He built the Ooty Radio Telescope and the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) array in Pune. * In 1973, he was awarded the Padma Shri for his contributions. * In 1972, he received the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize. Q. Researchers from which of the following institute have developed a theranostics (diagnostic therapy) drug for lung cancer? A. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) B. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) C. Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) D. Tata Memorial Centre (TMC)

ननम्न मᴂ से ककस संस्थान के शोधकतायओं ने फेफड़ⴂ के कℂ सर के शलए एक थेरनोश्स्टक्स (नैदाननक गचककत्सा) दिा विकशसत की है? A. जिाहरलाल नेह셂 सᴂटर फॉर एडिांस्ड साइंदटकफक ररसचय (JNCASR) B. भारतीर् गचककत्सा अनुसंधान पररषद (ICMR) C. पंजाब इंस्टी絍र्ूट ऑफ मेडडकल साइंसेज (PIMS) D. टाटा मेमोररर्ल सᴂटर (टीएमसी) Ans. A * In September 2020, the researchers from Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) have developed a diagnostic therapy for lung cancer.

* This drug can detect the disease at an early stage paving the way for personalized medicine.

* The research work was funded jointly by DST, BRICS Multilateral R&D Projects grant, and SwarnaJayanti Fellowship Grant. Q. Which state government has launched the 'YSR Asara' scheme for Self-Help Groups (SHGs) on September 11, 2020? A. Karnataka B. Andhra Pradesh C. Telangana D. Mizoram

ककस रा煍र् सरकार ने 11 शसतंबर, 2020 को स्िर्ं सहार्ता समूहⴂ (एसएचजी) के शलए 'YSR Asara' र्ोजना शु셂 की है? A. कनायटक B. आंध्र प्रदेश C. तेलंगाना D. शमजोरम Ans. B * Andhra Pradesh state government has launched the 'YSR Asara' scheme for Self-Help Groups (SHGs) on September 11, 2020.

* It was launched by the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy.

* Under the scheme, outstanding loans of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) will be reimbursed.

* A sum of ₹6345.87 crore was released to the benefit of 7,91,257 Self-Help Groups (SHGs). Q. Which of the following state government has decided to develop 'Sanskrit Gram' across the state? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस रा煍र् सरकार ने पूरे रा煍र् मᴂ 'सस्ं कृ त ग्राम' विकशसत करने का ननणयर् शलर्ा है? A. Odisha B. Himachal Pradesh C. Uttarakhand D. Uttar Pradesh Ans. C * The Uttarakhand state government has decided to develop 'Sanskrit Gram' across the state. * People in these model villages will communicate with each other in the ancient Indian language on a daily basis. Q. Which state has topped the list of the most literate state in India in the National Statistical Office (NSO) survey? ककस रा煍र् ने राष्ट्रीर् सांश्ख्र्की कार्ायलर् (NSO) सिेक्षण मᴂ भारत के सबसे साक्षर रा煍र् की सचू ी मᴂ शीषय स्थान प्राप्त ककर्ा है? A. Tripura B. Andhra Pradesh C. Kerala D. Ans. C * Kerala topped the list of the most literate state in India in the National Statistical Office (NSO) survey. * The literacy rate of Kerala is 96.2%. Andhra Pradesh stood last with 66.4% literacy rate. * Delhi stands at the second spot with 88.7% literacy rate. It is followed by Uttarakhand at 87.6% and Himachal Pradesh at 86.6%. * The literacy rate of India is 77.7%. * The report was released by the Union Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. * The report by NSO was titled “Household Social Consumption on Education in India”. * The survey used the date between July 2017 and June 2018 as base data. Q. Who among the following was awarded the Indira Gandhi Peace Prize 2019? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसे इंददरा गांधी शांनत पुरस्कार 2019 से सम्माननत ककर्ा गर्ा था? A. Sheikh Hasina B. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation C. Lotay Tshering D. David Attenborough Ans. D * British broadcaster David Attenborough was conferred the Indira Gandhi Peace Prize 2019 by Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on 7th September 2020. * The Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development was instituted in the memory of the former prime minister by a trust in her name in 1986. * It consists of a monetary award of Rs 25 lakh along with a citation. Q. The estimated investment under the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana is______for the implementation during a period of 5 years from FY 2020- 21 to FY 2024-25. वित्त िषय 2020-21 से वित्त िषय 2024-25 तक 5 िषⴂ की अिगध के दौरान कार्ायन्िर्न के शलए प्रधानमंत्री मत्स्र् संपदा र्ोजना के तहत अनुमाननत ननिेश ______है। A. ₹20,050 crores B. ₹18,000 crores C. ₹25,060 crores D. ₹15, 000 crores Ans. A * On September 10, 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi digitally launched the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY). * The scheme is for the focused and sustainable development of the fisheries sector in the country. * The estimated investment under the scheme is Rs. 20,050 crores for the implementation during a period of 5 years from FY 2020-21 to FY 2024-25. This is the highest ever in the fisheries sector. * This scheme will be launched in all States/Union Territories (UTs) as a part of the AatmaNirbhar Bharat Package. * This scheme aims to enhance fish production by an additional 70 lakh tonne and increase fisheries export earnings to Rs.1,00,000 crore by 2024-25. Q. Which of the following bank has launched a scheme called ‘iStartup2.0’ for startups on September 10, 2020? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस बकℂ ने 10 शसतंबर, 2020 को स्टाटयअप के शलए ‘iStartup2.0’ नामक र्ोजना शु셂 की है? A. SBI B. ICICI C. HDFC D. PNB Ans. B * ICICI bank has launched a scheme called ‘iStartup2.0’ for startups on September 10, 2020. * 'iStartup2.0’ offers customers an eponymous Current Account which is available in three variants--Platinum, Gold and Silver. * 'iStartup2.0’ is a programme for startups that takes care of their banking as well as beyond-banking needs such as regulatory assistance, analytics, staffing, accounting, customer acquisition and digital outreach to customers. * 'iStartup2.0’ is a programme for startups that takes care of their banking as well as beyond-banking needs such as regulatory assistance, analytics, staffing, accounting. Q. Who was appointed as the chairman of National School of Drama by Rashtrapati Bhavan on Sep 10, 2020? 10 शसतंबर, 2020 को राष्ट्रपनत भिन 饍िारा नेशनल स्कू ल ऑ괼 ड्रामा के अध्र्क्ष के 셂प मᴂ ककसे ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा था? A. Anupam Kher B. Prasoon Joshi C. Paresh Rawal D. Amitabh Bachchan Ans. C * On September 10, 2020, Paresh Rawal was appointed as the chairperson of the National School of Drama (NSD). * The post had been vacant since 2017. * He is a former BJP MP. * He has been appointed for a period of four years. * National School of Drama (NSD) is a theatre training institute situated at New Delhi. * It is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. * It was set up in 1959 by the Sangeet Natak Akademi. Q. Who was appointed as the new Chairman of Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) on September 10, 2020? 10 शसतंबर, 2020 को भारत के विज्ञापन मानक पररषद (ASCI) के नए अध्र्क्ष के 셂प मᴂ ककसे ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा? A. N.S. Rajan B. Subhash Kamath C. Shashidhar Sinha D. Dinesh Kant Ans. B * Subhash Kamath was appointed as the new Chairman of Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) on September 10, 2020. * Ketchum Sampark Managing Director N S Rajan has been elected as the vice-chairman, while Mediabrands India CEO Shashidhar Sinha has been re-appointed as treasurer. * The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) is a self-regulatory voluntary organization of the advertising industry in India. * It is a non-Government body. * It was established in 1985. * It is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Q. The World Health Organisation's independent panel for pandemic response has appointed______as one of its 11 panellists from across the world. महामारी की प्रनतकिर्ा के शलए विवि स्िास््र् संगठन के स्ितंत्र पैनल ने ______को दनु नर्ा भर के 11 मᴂ से एक पैनशलस्ट के 셂प मᴂ ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा है। A. Harsh Vardhan B. Ashwini Kumar Choubey C. Rajesh Bhushan D. Preeti Sudan Ans. D * In September 2020, The World Health Organisation's independent panel for pandemic response has appointed India's former health secretary Preeti Sudan as one of its 11 panellists from across the world. * She is a 1983-batch IAS officer of the Andhra Pradesh cadre. * The global panel will evaluate international response to the Covid-19 pandemic and submit a report by May 2021 to the World Health Assembly. Q. Who among the following has been appointed as chairperson of Supreme Court Legal Services Committee? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसे सिो楍च न्र्ार्ालर् के कानूनी सेिा सशमनत के अध्र्क्ष के 셂प मᴂ ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. Deepak Mishra B. Arun Mishra C. Ranjan Gogoi D. R F Nariman Ans. D * In September 2020, the Justice Rohinton Fali Nariman was appointed as the Chairman of the Supreme Court Legal Services Committee. * He will replace Justice Arun Mishra. * The committee has been constituted for implementing the legal services programme in connection with the top court. Q. Which of the following state has launched the India’s first integrated Air Ambulance Service? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस रा煍र् ने भारत की पहली एकीकृ त एर्र एम्बुलᴂस सेिा शु셂 की है? A. Karnataka B. Kerala C. Goa D. Himachal Pradesh Ans. A * Karnataka Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa inaugurated the India’s first integrated Air Ambulance Service on September 8, 2020. * This will also be the first air ambulance based in South India, to provide services for medical emergencies. * The Air ambulance firm International Critical Air Transfer Team (ICATT) will run the services in collaboration with aviation technology firm Kyathi from the HAL airport in Bengaluru. Q. Which of the following department has launched the Five Star Villages Scheme? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस विभाग ने "पााँच शसतारा गांि र्ोजना” (Five Star Villages Scheme) शु셂 की है? A. Department of Rural Development B. Department of Land Resources C. Department of Posts D. Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation Ans. C * The Department of Posts has launched the Five Star Villages Scheme. * Under the scheme, all postal products and services will be made available and marketed and publicized at the village level. * The scheme was launched by Union State for Communications Minister Sanjay Dhotre. * The Department of Posts (DoP) is a government- operated postal system in India. * It is a subsidiary of the Ministry of Communications. * It was founded in 1854 by Lord Dalhousie. Q. In September 2020, the ‘SAROD-Ports’ (Society for Affordable Redressal of Disputes - Ports) was launched in which of the following Union Territories of India? शसतंबर 2020 मᴂ ‘SAROD-Ports’ (सोसाइटी फॉर अफोडबले ररड्रेसल ऑफ डडस्प्र्絍ू स - पो絍यस) भारत के ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस कᴂ द्र शाशसत प्रदेश मᴂ शु셂 ककर्ा गर्ा था? A. Delhi B. Andaman and Nicobar Islands C. Lakshadweep D. Puducherry Ans. A * Union Minister of State for Shipping Mansukh Mandaviya launched the Society for Affordable Redressal of Disputes-Ports (SAROD-Ports) in New Delhi. * SAROD-Ports consists members from Indian Ports Association (IPA) and Indian Private Ports and Terminals Association (IPTTA). * SAROD-Ports is established under Societies Registration Act, 1860. * SAROD-Ports is a dispute redressal mechanism to facilitate affordable and timely resolution of disputes for the maritime sector. * It will promote ease of doing business in the maritime sector because of the fast, timely, cost effective and robust dispute resolution mechanism. Q. Who among the following has won the Gold Medal in Wushu World Championship 2019? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसने िुशु विवि चैश्म्पर्नशशप 2019 मᴂ स्िणय पदक जीता है? A. Bharti Dhoundiyal B. Poonam Khatri C. Richa Gaur D. Monika Rana Ans. B * Martial artist Poonam Khatri, who won a silver medal at the Wushu World Championship, has now been acknowledged as the gold medallist. * Her medal got promoted after Iran’s Maryam Hashemi failed her anti-doping test. * Maryam Hashemi has received a four-year ban after testing positive for the anabolic steroid nandrolone. * Poonam Khatri is now the third Indian to win a gold in Wushu World Championship after Pooja Kadiyan (2017) and Praveen Kumar (2019). * The 2019 World Wushu Championships were the 15th edition of the World Wushu Championships, and were held in Shanghai, China. Q. India has ranked______position on the Global Economic Freedom Index 2020. िैश्विक आगथयक स्ितंत्रता सचू कांक 2020 मᴂ भारत को______िां स्थान शमला है। A. 79th B. 105th C. 78th D. 72th Ans. B * India has ranked 105th position on the Global Economic Freedom Index 2020. * India has fallen 26 spots as it stood at the 79th spot in last year's rankings. * Hong Kong topped the rankings. It was followed by Singapore. * China ranked 124th as per the rankings. * Economic Freedom of the World 2020 Annual Report is prepared by Canada's Fraser Institute. * The report has been released in India in conjunction with New Delhi-based Centre For Civil Society. Q. Who among the following has been appointed as the celebrity advocate for children's rights campaign of UNICEF India? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसे र्ूननसेफ इंडडर्ा के ब楍चⴂ के अगधकार अशभर्ान के सेशलबब्रटी एडिोकेट के 셂प मᴂ ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. Anushka Sharma B. Ayushmann Khurrana C. Virat Kohli D. Akshay Kumar Ans. B * Ayushmann Khurrana is appointed as the celebrity advocate for children's rights campaign - 'For Every Child' of UNICEF India. * He will promote and support UNICEF towards ending violence against children. * He will promote and support UNICEF's work around ending violence against children. Q. Which state government has launched the YSR Jala Kala scheme? ककस रा煍र् सरकार ने िाईएसआर जल कल स्कीम शु셂 की है? A. Telangana B. Andhra Pradesh C. Odisha D. Tamil Nadu Ans. B * Andhra Pradesh’s Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has launched YSR Jala Kala scheme that will drill borewells in the arid and uplands in the State. * This scheme will also provide free motors to small and marginal farmers. * The YSR Jala Kala scheme is estimated to bring in 5 lakh acres under cultivation through groundwater irrigation with an expenditure of ₹2,340 crore over the next four years. * YSR Jala Kala scheme will be implemented in 144 rural constituencies and 19 semi-urban constituencies. Q. Former cricket player and commentator Dean Jones passed away recently. He was from which of the following countries? पूिय किकेट खखलाड़ी और कमᴂटेटर डीन जोन्स का हाल ही मᴂ ननधन हो गर्ा। िह ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस देश से था? A. New Zealand B. Australia C. South Africa D. England Ans. B * Former Australian cricketer, coach and commentator Dean Jones passed away due to a cardiac arrest in Mumbai on September 24, 2020. * He played Tests and One Day Internationals (ODIs) for Australia. * In 2019, Jones was inducted into the Australian Cricket Hall of Fame. Q. Who has been elected as the President of The Indian Newspaper Society for the year 2020-21? िषय 2020-21 के शलए भारतीर् समाचार पत्र सोसाइटी के अध्र्क्ष के 셂प मᴂ ककसे चुना गर्ा है? A. Rakesh Sharma B. Shailesh Gupta C. L. Adimoolam D. Mohit Jain Ans. C * L. Adimoolam has been elected president of the Indian Newspaper Society for the year 2020-21. * He has replaced Shailesh Gupta. * D D Purkayastha (Ananda Bazar Patrika) is the deputy president, Mohit Jain (Economic Times) the vice president and Rakesh Sharma (Aaj Samaj) the honorary treasurer of the Society for the year 2020-21. * The Indian Newspaper Society is an apex body of the publishers of newspapers, magazines and periodicals in the country. Q. Which of the following countries will co-host the global climate summit on 12 December 2020? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से कौन सा देश 12 ददसंबर 2020 को िैश्विक जलिार्ु शशखर सम्मेलन की सह-मेजबानी करेगा? A. France B. Germany C. Japan D. UK Ans. D * The United Nations and Britain will co-host a global climate summit on December 12, 2020. * The summit will be host to mark fifth anniversary of Paris Agreement. * This summit is intended to increase momentum ahead of the United Nations Climate Change COP 26 to be held in Glasgow in November 2021. Q. Who among the following has been included as the first female pilot in the squadron to fly Rafale aircraft? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसे राफेल विमान उड़ाने िाली स्क्िाड्रन मᴂ पहली मदहला पार्लट के 셂प मᴂ शाशमल ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. B. Mohana Singh Jitarwal C. Bhawana Kanth D. Shivangi Singh Ans. D * Flight Lieutenant Shivangi Singh has been included in squadron as India's first female fighter pilot to fly Rafale. * She will soon join the Ambala-based No. 17 squadron, also known as “Golden Arrows.” * She joined the air force in 2017. * She has flown the MiG-21 earlier. Q. Which of the following has been selected as a co- runner up of the prestigious Citizen Diplomacy Award? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसे प्रनतश्ष्ट्ठत शसटीजन डडप्लोमेसी अिॉडय के उप-विजेता के 셂प मᴂ चुना गर्ा है? A. Sehgal Foundation B. Reliance Foundation C. Give India Foundation D. Smile Foundation Ans. A * India’s Sehgal Foundation has been selected as a co- runner up of the prestigious Citizen Diplomacy Award for its human rights and women empowerment work in rural Indian communities. * The award will be presented by Assistant Secretary of State for Global Public Affairs Aaron Ringel during a virtual ceremony on September 30, 2020. * Along with Sehgal Foundation, Tempe Sister Cities is the other co-runner up of the prestigious annual award. * Sehgal Foundation is an Indian NGO focused on rural development with its head office in Gurugram, Haryana. It was founded as an Indian public, charitable trust in 1999 by plant geneticist Suri Sehgal. Q. Who has been appointed as the new president of the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) Society? कफ쥍म एंड टेलीविजन इंस्टी絍र्टू ऑफ इंडडर्ा (FTII) सोसार्टी के नए अध्र्क्ष के 셂प मᴂ ककसे ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. Manoj Joshi B. Anupam Kher C. Shekhar Kapur D. B .P. Singh Ans. C * On September 30, 2020, the Eminent filmmaker Shekhar Kapur appointed as the President of Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) Society and chairman of the institute's governing council. * His tenure will be till March 3, 2023. * He has replaced B.P. Singh. * The Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) is an autonomous institute under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting of the Government of India. * It was established in 1960. * It is located in Pune, Maharashtra. Q. Dharani, a Land Record Management System, has been launched by the which state government? धरनी, एक लℂड ररकॉडय मनै ेजमᴂट शसस्टम, ककस रा煍र् सरकार 饍िारा शु셂 ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. Telangana B. Andhra Pradesh C. Kerala D. Karnataka Ans. A * Dharani is a Land Record Management System launched by the Government of Telangana. * Dharani Maa Bhumi is the online portal via which the Telangana Government operates its land records. * This online portal of Maa Bhumi is a single platform for accessing all records related to lands located in Telangana. Q. Which state government has decided to start radio classes for students of classes 1-8? ककस रा煍र् सरकार ने कक्षा 1-8 के छात्रⴂ के शलए रेडडर्ो कक्षाएं शु셂 करने का ननणयर् शलर्ा है? A. Kerala B. Uttar Pradesh C. Odisha D. Arunachal Pradesh Ans. C * Odisha state government has decided to start radio classes for students of classes 1-8. * The “Radio Pathsala” programme will be held every day from Monday to Friday from September 28, 2020. Q. The Nagorno-Karabakh region is the regional dispute between______. नागोनो-काराबाख क्षेत्र क्षेत्रीर् वििाद ______के बीच है। A. Iran and Turkey B. Israel and Iran C. Armenia and Azerbaijan D. Georgia and Azerbaijan Ans. C * The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is an ethnic and territorial conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. * Armenia and Azerbaijan have been fighting over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region since 1988. * The region is mostly mountainous and forested. Q. Recently, which country has decided to ban cattle slaughter? हाल ही मᴂ, ककस देश ने पशु िध पर प्रनतबंध लगाने का फैसला ककर्ा है? A. B. Bhutan C. Maldives D. Sri Lanka Ans. D * On September 27, 2020, the Sri Lankan government has approved the proposal to ban cattle slaughter. * Sri Lanka is a Buddhist majority country, those following the religion constitute 70% of the country’s population. Most of them do not eat beef, as they consider cows sacred. Q. Who has been honored with the “Gansamradni Lata Mangeshkar” award for 2020-21? 2020-21 के शलए "गणसमादनी लता मंगेशकर" पुरस्कार से ककसे सम्माननत ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. Usha Mangeshkar B. Alka Yagnik C. Kavita Krishnamurthy D. Sadhana Sargam Ans. A * The Maharashtra state government has honored veteran singer Usha Mangeshkar with the “Gansamradni Lata Mangeshkar” award for 2020-21. * Maharashtra state government is presenting this award since 1992 to felicitate senior vocal artistes and their contribution. * The award carries a cash prize of Rs five lakh and a citation. Q. Which union ministry has launched the Ambedkar Social Innovation and Incubation Mission (ASIIM) under the Venture Capital Fund for SCs? ककस कᴂ द्रीर् मंत्रालर् ने अनुसगू चत जनजानत (SC) के शलए िᴂचर कैवपटल फंड के तहत अंबेडकर सोशल इनोिेशन एंड इनक्र्बेशनू शमशन (ASIIM) लॉन्च ककर्ा है? A. Ministry of Education B. Ministry of Labour and Employment C. Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises D. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Ans. D * The Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment, Thaawarchand Gehlot launched the Ambedkar Social Innovation and Incubation Mission (ASIIM) under the Venture Capital Fund for SCs. * The objective of this program is to encourage SC students studying in higher educational institutions to innovate and become entrepreneurs. Q. Which Railway Zone has launched the project "Operation My Saheli” for safety of lady passengers? मदहला र्ाबत्रर्ⴂ की सरु क्षा के शलए ककस रेलिे जोन ने "ऑपरेशन माई सहेली" पररर्ोजना शु셂 की है? A. Western Railway B. South East Central Railway C. North Western Railway D. South Eastern Railway Ans. D * The South Eastern Railway (SER) has launched a project called "Operation My Saheli" to boost the security of women passengers in trains during their entire journey. * 'Operation My Saheli (friend) gives security to women passengers from the originating point to the destination. * This project has been introduced in three trains Howrah-Yeshvantpur Duronto Special, Howrah- Ahmedabad Special and Howrah-Mumbai Special since September 18, 2020. Q. Which bank has launched a green initiative called "IB- eNote" for paperless working environment? "ग एन्िार्रमᴂट के शलए "IB-eNoteﴂककस बकℂ ने पेपरलेस िकक नामक एक ग्रीन पहल शु셂 की है? A. Axis Bank B. ICICI Bank C. Indian Bank D. Bank of India Ans. C * Indian Bank has launched a green initiative called "IB- eNote" for paperless working environment. * The initiative is expected to save costs on paper, printing and other administrative expenses. * Indian Bank also unveiled 'Ind Guru', an e-learning platform for its employees that offers technology- enabled Solutions aimed at capacity building. Q. According to data released by the National Crime Records Bureau, which city ranked first among 19 metropolitan cities in India in recording the highest number of crimes against women? राष्ट्रीर् अपराध ररकॉडय ब्लर्ूरो 饍िारा जारी आंकड़ⴂ के अनुसार, मदहलाओं के खखलाफ सबसे अगधक अपराधⴂ को दजय करने मᴂ भारत के 19 महानगरⴂ मᴂ से कौन सा शहर पहले स्थान पर है? A. Mumbai B. Delhi C. Bengaluru D. Jaipur Ans. B * According to data released by the National Crime Records Bureau, Delhi is ranked first among 19 metropolitan cities in India in recording the highest number of crimes against women. * The data states that Delhi accounted for 28% of the total figure, followed by Mumbai at 14.3% and Bengaluru at 7.7%. * The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) is an Indian government agency responsible for collecting and analysing crime data as defined by the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Special and Local Laws (SLL). * It is headquartered in New Delhi and is part of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India. * The current Director of NCRB is Ramphal Pawar (IPS). * It was formed on March 11, 1986. Q. Who among the following has not been awarded the CDRI Award 2020 for exemplary contribution to drug discovery and development? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से कौन दिा खोज और विकास मᴂ अनुकरणीर् र्ोगदान के शलए सीडीआरआई पुरस्कार 2020 से सम्माननत नहीं ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. Dr Bushra Ateeq B. Siddhesh Kamat C. Dr Surajit Ghosh D. Dr Ravi Manjithaya Ans. B * Siddhesh Kamat was not honored with the CDRI award 2020. * He was awarded the 'Young Scientist Medal' of the Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi for 2019. * The CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow awarded young researchers with CDRI Award for their outstanding contribution in drug discovery and development. CDRI Award 2020 was conferred to Dr Bushra Ateeq, Dr Surajit Ghosh and Dr Ravi Manjithaya. * CDRI Award was instituted in the year 2004. * CDRI Award carries a cash prize of Rs.20,000 and a citation. Q. Who has been elected as the National President of Indo-American Chamber of Commerce (IACC)? ककसे इंडो-अमेररकन चबℂ र ऑफ कॉमसय (IACC) के राष्ट्रीर् अध्र्क्ष के 셂प मᴂ चुना गर्ा है? A. Arvind Subramanian B. Uday Kotak C. Purnachandra Rao Surapaneni D. Sanjiv Bajaj Ans. C * Hyderabad industrialist Purnachandra Rao Surapaneni has been elected as the National President of Indo- American Chamber of Commerce (IACC). * He was the National Vice-President of IACC during 2018-2020. * He is the second Telugu entrepreneur to get elected as the National President of IACC. * IACC is the principal bilateral chamber committed to the promotion of industrial, economic, business and commercial activities between the United States of America and India. Q. In which country will India build a 100-bed cancer hospital and a cricket stadium under the $800 million Line of Credit (LoC)? 800 शमशलर्न डॉलर की लाइन ऑफ िेडडट (LoC) के तहत भारत ककस देश मᴂ 100-बेड का कℂ सर अस्पताल और एक किकेट स्टेडडर्म का ननमायण करेगा? A. Myanmar B. Bhutan C. Nepal D. Maldives Ans. D * India will build a 22,000-seater cricket stadium and 100- bedded cancer hospital in Hulhumale, Maldives, under the USD 800 million Line of Credit (LoC). * In March 2019, the Exim Bank had extended a USD 800 million LoC to the Maldives for developmental projects in the island nation. * In September 2020, India had extended a USD 250 million loan to the Maldives government to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19. Q. Which of the following Union Ministry has presented the Swachh Bharat Awards 2020? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस कᴂ द्रीर् मंत्रालर् ने स्ि楍छ भारत पुरस्कार 2020 प्रदान ककर्ा है? A. Ministry of Rural Development B. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change C. Ministry of Jal Shakti D. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Ans. C * Union Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat presented the Swachh Bharat Awards 2020 particularly under the drinking water and cleanliness categories. * The awards were given to States, Districts, Blocks and Village Panchayats. * The Swachh Bharat 2020 Awards were conferred under three categories which are Swachh Sundar Samudayik Shauchalaya (SSSS) campaign, Samudayik Shauchalaya Abhiyan (SSA) and Gandagi Se Mukt (GMB) campaign. Q. The second edition of the bilateral naval exercise "Bongosagar" was organized between which of the following countries? 饍विपक्षीर् नौसैननक अभ्र्ास का दसू रा संस्करण "बⴂगोसागर" ननम्नशलखखत देशⴂ मᴂ से ककसके बीच आर्ोश्जत ककर्ा गर्ा था? A. India and France B. India and Bangladesh C. India and UK D. India and USA Ans. B * The second edition of the bilateral naval exercise "Bongosagar", between India and Bangladesh was held on 3 October 2020 in Northern Bay of Bengal. * The first edition of the 'Exercise Bongosagar' was held in 2019. Q. Recently, the world's longest highway tunnel, Atal tunnel was inaugurated in which of the following states? हाल ही मᴂ, दनु नर्ा की सबसे लंबी राजमागय सरु ंग, अटल सरु ंग का उ饍घाटन ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस रा煍र् मᴂ ककर्ा गर्ा था? A. Uttrakhand B. Arunachala Pradesh C. Himachal Pradesh D. Jammu and Kashmir Ans. C * Atal Tunnel is a highway tunnel built under the Rohtang Pass in the eastern Pir Panjal range of the Himalayas on the Leh-Manali Highway in Himachal Pradesh. * It is the longest tunnel (9.02 Km) above 10,000 feet in the world and is named after former Prime Minister of India, Atal Bihari Vajpayee. * It was inaugurated by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi on 3 October 2020. * The Approximate cost of this project is ₹3,200 crore. Q. A global symposium called, 'India PV EDGE 2020' was organised by______on October 6, 2020. 6 अक्टू बर 2020 को 'इंडडर्ा पीिी एज 2020' नामक एक िैश्विक संगोष्ट्ठी का आर्ोजन ककसके 饍िारा ककर्ा गर्ा था? A. FICCI B. NITI Aayog C. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy D. Both B and C Ans. D * NITI Aayog, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, and Invest India, jointly organized a global symposium called ‘India PV EDGE 2020’ on October 6, 2020. * States namely Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Maharashtra participated in the conclave. * It is aimed at catalysing the cutting-edge PV manufacturing in India. Q. Who among the following has not been awarded the "Nobel Prize 2020" in Chemistry? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसे रसार्न विज्ञान मᴂ "नोबेल पुरस्कार 2020" से सम्माननत नहीं ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. Jennifer A Doudna B. Emmanuelle Charpentier C. Harvey J. Alter D. None of these Ans. C * Emmanuelle Charpentier of France and Jennifer Doudna of the U.S. won the Nobel Chemistry Prize 2020 for the gene-editing technique known as the CRISPR-Cas9 DNA snipping "scissors". * This is the first time a Nobel science prize has gone to a women-only team. * The 2020 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded jointly to Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice “for the discovery of Hepatitis C virus.” Q. Who among the following has been awarded the "Nobel Prize 2020 in Physics"? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसे "भौनतकी मᴂ नोबेल पुरस्कार 2020" से सम्माननत ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. Roger Penrose B. Reinhard Genzel C. Andrea Ghez D. All of the above Ans. D * The 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded jointly to Roger Penrose from Britain, Reinhard Genzel from Germany and Andrea Ghez from the US for discoveries about black holes. * Emmanuelle Charpentier of France and Jennifer Doudna of the U.S. won the Nobel Chemistry Prize 2020. * The 2020 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded jointly to Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice “for the discovery of Hepatitis C virus.” Q. The Nobel Prize 2020 in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded for which of the following discoveries? कफश्जर्ोलॉजी र्ा मेडडशसन मᴂ नोबेल पुरस्कार 2020 ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस खोज के शलए ददर्ा गर्ा है? A. Hepatitis C virus B. Covid-19 vaccine C. RNA-Based Therapies D. Innovation in Robotic Surgery Ans. A * The 2020 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine was announced on October 5, 2020. * It was awarded to Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice “for the discovery of Hepatitis C virus”. * Hepatitis C virus is a blood-borne virus and causes Hepatitis C. * The disease is chronic and a major cause of liver inflammation and cancer. Q. Louise Gluck has been awarded the Nobel Prize 2020 in which of the following fields? लईु स ग्लकू को ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस क्षेत्र मᴂ नोबेल पुरस्कार 2020 से सम्माननत ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. Chemistry B. Physics C. Medicine D. Literature Ans. D * American poet Louise Gluck has won the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature. * She has published twelve collections of poetry and some volumes of essays on poetry. * The Nobel Prize is given to the winner with a medal and prize money of 10 million Swedish kronor. * The Swedish chemist, engineer and industrialist Alfred Nobel established the five Nobel prizes in 1895. * The prizes in Chemistry, Literature, Peace, Physics, and Physiology or Medicine were first awarded in 1901. Q. On Nov 17, 2020, the 12th BRICS Summit will be held under the chairmanship of which of the following country? 17 निंबर 2020 को, 12िां बब्रक्स शशखर सम्मेलन ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस देश की अध्र्क्षता मᴂ आर्ोश्जत ककर्ा जाएगा? A. China B. Russia C. India D. Brazil Ans. B * The 12th BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) Summit will be held on November 17, 2020. * This summit will be held under the chairmanship of Russia to discuss partnership among its members for global stability, shared security and innovative growth. * The theme of the meeting of the leaders of BRICS countries is 'BRICS Partnership for Global Stability, Shared Security and Innovative Growth'. * Since 2009, the BRICS nations have met annually at formal summits. Brazil hosted the most recent 11th BRICS summit on 13–14 November 2019. Q. Who has been appointed as deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India? ककसे ररजिय बकℂ ऑ괼 इंडडर्ा का डडप्टी गिनयर ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. NS Vishwanathan B. M Rajeshwar Rao C. Ashima Goyal D. Jayanth R Varma Ans. B * On October 7, 2020, the Central Government has appointed M Rajeshwar Rao as deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India. * He is currently the executive director of RBI. * He has replaced NS Vishwanathan as the fourth deputy governor. * He has been associated with the Reserve Bank since 1984. * He took charge as an executive director of the central bank in 2016. * The central government also appointed three external members Ashima Goyal, Jayanth R Varma and Shashanka Bhide to the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the RBI. Q. Which of the following international organizations has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2020? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस अंतरायष्ट्रीर् संगठन को नोबेल शांनत पुरस्कार 2020 से सम्माननत ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) B. World Health Organization (WHO) C. World Food Programme (WFP) D. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Ans. C * The Nobel Peace Prize 2020 has been awarded to World Food Programme (WFP) for its efforts to combat hunger and other humanitarian contributions on October 9, 2020. * The World Food Programme (WFP) is the food- assistance branch of the United Nations and the world's largest humanitarian organization addressing hunger and promoting food security. * It was formed on December 19, 1961. * It is headquartered in Rome, Italy. Q. The second edition of the bilateral naval exercise "Bongosagar" was organized between which of the following countries? 饍विपक्षीर् नौसैननक अभ्र्ास का दसू रा संस्करण "बⴂगोसागर" ननम्नशलखखत देशⴂ मᴂ से ककसके बीच आर्ोश्जत ककर्ा गर्ा था? A. India and France B. India and Bangladesh C. India and UK D. India and USA Ans. B * The second edition of the bilateral naval exercise "Bongosagar", between India and Bangladesh was held on 3 October 2020 in Northern Bay of Bengal. * The first edition of the 'Exercise Bongosagar' was held in 2019. Q. A global symposium called, 'India PV EDGE 2020' was organised by______on October 6, 2020. 6 अक्टू बर 2020 को 'इंडडर्ा पीिी एज 2020' नामक एक िैश्विक संगोष्ट्ठी का आर्ोजन ककसके 饍िारा ककर्ा गर्ा था? A. FICCI B. NITI Aayog C. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy D. Both B and C Ans. D * NITI Aayog, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, and Invest India, jointly organized a global symposium called ‘India PV EDGE 2020’ on October 6, 2020. * States namely Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Maharashtra participated in the conclave. * It is aimed at catalysing the cutting-edge PV manufacturing in India. Q. On Nov 17, 2020, the 12th BRICS Summit will be held under the chairmanship of which of the following country? 17 निंबर 2020 को, 12िां बब्रक्स शशखर सम्मेलन ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस देश की अध्र्क्षता मᴂ आर्ोश्जत ककर्ा जाएगा? A. China B. Russia C. India D. Brazil Ans. B * The 12th BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) Summit will be held on November 17, 2020. * This summit will be held under the chairmanship of Russia to discuss partnership among its members for global stability, shared security and innovative growth. * The theme of the meeting of the leaders of BRICS countries is 'BRICS Partnership for Global Stability, Shared Security and Innovative Growth'. * Since 2009, the BRICS nations have met annually at formal summits. Brazil hosted the most recent 11th BRICS summit on 13–14 November 2019. Q. Who has been appointed as deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India? ककसे ररजिय बकℂ ऑ괼 इंडडर्ा का डडप्टी गिनयर ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. NS Vishwanathan B. M Rajeshwar Rao C. Ashima Goyal D. Jayanth R Varma Ans. B * On October 7, 2020, the Central Government has appointed M Rajeshwar Rao as deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India. * He is currently the executive director of RBI. * He has replaced NS Vishwanathan as the fourth deputy governor. * He has been associated with the Reserve Bank since 1984. * He took charge as an executive director of the central bank in 2016. * The central government also appointed three external members Ashima Goyal, Jayanth R Varma and Shashanka Bhide to the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the RBI. Q. Which state government has launched a ‘Digital Seva Setu’ programme for rural areas? ककस रा煍र् मᴂ सरकार ने ग्रामीण क्षेत्रⴂ के शलए ‘डडश्जटल सेिा सेतु’ कार्यिम शु셂 ककर्ा है? A. Uttar Pradesh B. Kerala C. Gujarat D. Madhya Pradesh Ans. C * On October 8, 2020, the Gujarat state government launched the ‘Digital Seva Setu’ programme for the rural areas. * It is an initiative to connect the village panchayats through fibre network and is meant to ensure the optimum utilization of technology for public welfare. * Under this, 3500 village panchayats in the state have been connected by 100 Mbps optical fibre network. * This programme has been initiated under the Central government’s Bharat Net Project. Q. DRDO successfully flight tests Indigenously Developed Anti-Radiation Missile (RUDRAM) on Oct 9, 2020. It was launched from which fighter aircraft? डीआरडीओ ने 9 अक्टू बर, 2020 को स्िदेशी 셂प से विकशसत एंटी- रेडडएशन शमसाइल (셁द्रम) का सफल परीक्षण ककर्ा। र्ह ककस लड़ाकू विमान से लॉन्च ककर्ा गर्ा था? A. Rafale B. Mirage 2000 C. MiG-29 D. SU-30 MKI Ans. D * New generation Anti-Radiation Missile (RUDRAM) was successfully Flight tested onto a radiation target located on Wheeler Island off the coast of Odisha on Oct 9, 2020. * The missile was launched from SU-30 MKI (Sukhoi-30 MKI) fighter aircraft. * The RUDRAM is first indigenous anti-radiation missile of the country for (IAF), being developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). Q. Who has won the 10m air rifle event at the fifth edition of the International Online Shooting Championship on October 3, 2020? 3 अक्टू बर, 2020 को अंतरायष्ट्रीर् ऑनलाइन शदू टगं चैश्म्पर्नशशप के पांचिᴂ संस्करण मᴂ 10 मीटर एर्र राइफल प्रनतर्ोगगता ककसने जीती है? A. Etienne Germond B. Yashaswini Singh Deswal C. Martin Strempfl D. Visnu Shivaraj Pandian Ans. D * India's Visnu Shivaraj Pandian won the 10m air rifle event at the fifth edition of the International Online Shooting Championship October 3, 2020. * He shot 251.4 to win the title by a clear margin of two points. * The second place was won by Etienne Germond of France while Olympic quota winner Martin Strempfl of Austria took the third place. Q. Which state government has launched Jaganna Vidya Kanuka scheme for the students studying in government schools? ककस रा煍र् सरकार ने सरकारी स्कू लⴂ मᴂ पढ़ने िाले छात्रⴂ के शलए जगन्ना वि饍र्ा कनुका र्ोजना शु셂 की है? A. Karnataka B. Odisha C. Andhra Pradesh D. Mizoram Ans. C * Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Jagan Mohan Reddy launched Jaganna Vidya Kanuka scheme for the students studying in government schools. * The scheme would help in improving Government schools’ quality and enrolments. * The scheme will help in improving the quality of the government schools and the enrolments. Q. Which state will host the 13th edition of Aero India from February 3 to 7, 2021? कौन सा रा煍र् 3 से 7 फरिरी, 2021 तक एर्रो इंडडर्ा के 13 िᴂ संस्करण की मेजबानी करेगा? A. Karnataka B. Uttar Pradesh C. Haryana D. Tamil Nadu Ans. A * The 13th edition of Aero India-21 will be held at Air Force Station, Yelahanka, Bengaluru in Karnataka from February 3 to February 7, 2020. * The first edition of the air show was held in 1996 in Bengaluru, Karnataka. * Aero India is Asia’s largest air show and aviation exhibition. * Karnataka has been the first State in the country to formulate Aerospace Policy. Q. Which of the following state has become the first 'Har Ghar Jal' state in the country by providing tap water connections in rural areas? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से कौन सा रा煍र् ग्रामीण क्षेत्रⴂ मᴂ नल का जल कनेक्शन प्रदान करके देश का पहला 'हर घर जल' रा煍र् बन गर्ा है? A. Arunachal Pradesh B. Goa C. Kerala D. Karnataka Ans. B * Goa has become the first 'Har Ghar Jal' state in the country by providing tap water connection to every rural household. * The state has provided tap water connection to two lakh 30 thousand rural households. * The government's Jal Jeevan Mission aims to provide piped water to all rural households by 2024. Q. Which of the following country hosted the 17th annual Science and Technology in Society (STS) Forum? ननम्नशलखखत देश मᴂ से ककसने 17िᴂ िावषयक विज्ञान प्रौ饍र्ोगगकी और समाज (एसटीएस) फोरम की मेजबानी की? A. India B. Japan C. China D. Vietnam Ans. B * The 17th annual Science and Technology in Society (STS) Forum was hosted was hosted by Japan. * It was organized from 3 to 6 October, 2020. * India also participated in this forum. * The Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum was inaugurated in 2004. Q. Which of the following countries will co-host the global climate summit on 12 December 2020? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से कौन सा देश 12 ददसंबर 2020 को िैश्विक जलिार्ु शशखर सम्मेलन की सह-मेजबानी करेगा? A. France B. Germany C. Japan D. UK Ans. D * The United Nations and Britain will co-host a global climate summit on December 12, 2020. * The summit will be host to mark fifth anniversary of Paris Agreement. * This summit is intended to increase momentum ahead of the United Nations Climate Change COP 26 to be held in Glasgow in November 2021. Q. Dharani, a Land Record Management System, has been launched by the which state government? धरनी, एक लℂड ररकॉडय मनै ेजमᴂट शसस्टम, ककस रा煍र् सरकार 饍िारा शु셂 ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. Telangana B. Andhra Pradesh C. Kerala D. Karnataka Ans. A * Dharani is a Land Record Management System launched by the Government of Telangana. * Dharani Maa Bhumi is the online portal via which the Telangana Government operates its land records. * This online portal of Maa Bhumi is a single platform for accessing all records related to lands located in Telangana. Q. According to data released by the National Crime Records Bureau, which city ranked first among 19 metropolitan cities in India in recording the highest number of crimes against women? राष्ट्रीर् अपराध ररकॉडय ब्लर्ूरो 饍िारा जारी आंकड़ⴂ के अनुसार, मदहलाओं के खखलाफ सबसे अगधक अपराधⴂ को दजय करने मᴂ भारत के 19 महानगरⴂ मᴂ से कौन सा शहर पहले स्थान पर है? A. Mumbai B. Delhi C. Bengaluru D. Jaipur Ans. B * According to data released by the National Crime Records Bureau, Delhi is ranked first among 19 metropolitan cities in India in recording the highest number of crimes against women. * The data states that Delhi accounted for 28% of the total figure, followed by Mumbai at 14.3% and Bengaluru at 7.7%. * The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) is an Indian government agency responsible for collecting and analysing crime data as defined by the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Special and Local Laws (SLL). * It is headquartered in New Delhi and is part of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India. * The current Director of NCRB is Ramphal Pawar (IPS). * It was formed on March 11, 1986. Q. In which country will India build a 100-bed cancer hospital and a cricket stadium under the $800 million Line of Credit (LoC)? 800 शमशलर्न डॉलर की लाइन ऑफ िेडडट (LoC) के तहत भारत ककस देश मᴂ 100-बेड का कℂ सर अस्पताल और एक किकेट स्टेडडर्म का ननमायण करेगा? A. Myanmar B. Bhutan C. Nepal D. Maldives Ans. D * India will build a 22,000-seater cricket stadium and 100- bedded cancer hospital in Hulhumale, Maldives, under the USD 800 million Line of Credit (LoC). * In March 2019, the Exim Bank had extended a USD 800 million LoC to the Maldives for developmental projects in the island nation. * In September 2020, India had extended a USD 250 million loan to the Maldives government to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19. Q. Which Joint Working Group on coal scheduled on 5 Nov 2020 between India and Indonesia ? भारत और इंडोनेशशर्ा के बीच 5 निंबर 2020 को कोर्ले पर कौन सा संर्ुक्त कार्य दल ननधायररत ककर्ा गर्ा? A. 2nd B. 3rd C. 4th D. 5th Ans. D Solution: ● 5th Joint Working Group on coal scheduled on 5 Nov 2020 between India and Indonesia. ● It will be hosted by India. ● The 1-day meeting will be held through a Video conference from New Delhi. Q. In which country NATO planned to set up a space centre ? नाटो ने ककस देश मᴂ एक अंतररक्ष कᴂ द्र स्थावपत करने की र्ोजना बनाई है? A. Finland B. Sweden C. Denmark D. Germany Ans. D Solution: ● NATO Planned to set up a space centre in Germany. ● It is to counter a rising Russian and Chinese threat. ● The headquarters of NATO are in Brussels, Belgium. Q. What is the length of Feni Bridge that will be constructed between India and Bangladesh ? भारत और बांग्लादेश के बीच ननशमयत फेनी पुल की लंबाई क्र्ा है? A. 1.8 Km B. 2.8 Km C. 4.7 Km D. 8.9 Km Ans. A Solution: ● The length of Feni Bridge that will be constructed between India and Bangladesh is 1.8Km. ● It will be completed by Dec 2020. ● This bridge will connect Sabrum in India to Ramgarh in Bangladesh. Q. Who won the 3rd term as president of Guinea ? गगनी के राष्ट्रपनत के 셂प मᴂ तीसरा कार्यकाल ककसने जीता? A. Alpha Conde B. Lansana Conte C. Sekouba Konate D. Moussa Dadis Camara Ans. A Solution: ● Alpha Conde won the 3rd term as president of Guinea. ● He was elected president in a second round of voting. ● Guinea is the world's second largest producer of bauxite. Q. In which city QUAD Foreign ministers meet is held ? ककस शहर मᴂ चतुष्ट्कोणीर् विदेश मंबत्रर्ⴂ की बैठक आर्ोश्जत होती है? A. Tokyo B. Singapore C. New Delhi D. Los Angeles Ans. A Solution: ● QUAD Foreign ministers meet was held in Tokyo. ● The foreign ministers of Australia, India, Japan and the United States met on 06 October for a highly anticipated “Quad” ministerial meeting. ● The first ministerial meeting of the Quad was held in September 2019 in New York. Q. The Tsirkon hypersonic missile will successfully test fired by ______Tsirkon हाइपरसोननक शमसाइल का ______饍िारा सफलतापूिकय परीक्षण ककर्ा जाएगा। A. India B. Russia C. France D. America Ans. B Solution: ● The Tsirkon hypersonic missile will successfully test fired by Russia. ● It is a scramjet-powered manoeuvring anti-ship hypersonic cruise missile. ● The Missile was fired from the Admiral Gorshkov frigate in the White Sea, Russian Arctic. Q. Which of the following country’s ambition to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions ? नेट-जीरो ग्रीनहाउस गैस उत्सजयन को प्राप्त करने के शलए ननम्न मᴂ से ककस देश की महत्िाकांक्षा है? A. India B. Japan C. Russia D. America Ans. B Solution: ● Japan's ambition to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. ● It will become carbon-neutral by 2050. ● It was announced by Japan Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga. Q. Who was elected as the new president of the Inter parliamentary Union ? अंतर संसदीर् संघ के नए अध्र्क्ष के 셂प मᴂ ककसे चुना गर्ा? A. Duarte Pacheco B. Abdelwahad Radi C. Gabriela Cuevas Barron D. Saber Hossain Chowdary Ans. A Solution: ● Duarte Pacheco has been elected as the new president of the Inter parliamentary Union. ● The IPU President is elected for one mandate of 3 years only by the IPU’s governing council. ● The Inter Parliamentary Union is the global organization of national parliaments. Q. ______has been re-elected as president of the International Solar Alliance ? ______को अंतरायष्ट्रीर् सौर गठबंधन के अध्र्क्ष के 셂प मᴂ कफर से चुना गर्ा है? A. India B. China C. France D. Germany Ans. A Solution: ● India has been re-elected as president of the International Solar Alliance. ● France has been re-elected as Co-President of the International Solar Alliance. ● The International Solar Alliance is an alliance of 121 countries initiated by India. Q. ‘No Mask, No Service’ policy was ordered by ______. नो मास्क, नो सवियस 'पॉशलसी का आदेश ______饍िारा ददर्ा गर्ा था। A. USA B. India C. China D. Bangladesh Ans. D Solution: ● ‘No Mask, No Service’ policy was ordered by Bangladesh. ● It was also decided that no one will be allowed to enter offices without the mask. Q. What is the rank of India in Asia Power Index 2020 ? एशशर्न पािर इंडेक्स 2020 मᴂ भारत का स्थान क्र्ा है? A. 1st B. 2nd C. 3rd D. 4th Ans. D Solution: ● The rank of India in Asia Power Index 2020 is 4th. ● This Index is released by the Sydney-based Lowy Institute. ● This index also measures resources and influence to assess the relative power of states in Asia. Q. In which year Indian-built Sittwe port in Myanmmer will be operational ? म्र्ांमार मᴂ भारतीर् ननशमयत शसतिे बंदरगाह ककस िषय संचालन मᴂ होगा? A. 2020 B. 2021 C. 2022 D. 2023 Ans. B Solution: ● The Indian-built Sittwe port in Myanmmer will be operational in 2021. ● Sittwe Port is a deepwater port constructed by India in 2016. ● It will connect India’s landlocked northeastern region with the Bay of Bengal through Mizoram. Q. The second coronavirus vaccine ‘EpiVacCorona’ was approved by ______. दसू रा कोरोनािार्रस िैक्सीन ‘EpiVacCorona’ को ______饍िारा अनुमोददत ककर्ा गर्ा था। A. USA B. China C. India D. Russia Ans. D Solution: ● The second coronavirus vaccine ‘EpiVacCorona’ was approved by Russia. ● It was developed by the Vector State Research Centre of Virology and Biotechnology. ● It also became the first country to give regulatory approval to a Covid-19 vaccine in August. Q. India’s first E Waste clinic is opened where? भारत का पहला ई-कचरा क्लीननक कहााँ खोला गर्ा है? A. Chennai B. Bhopal C. Lucknow D. Delhi Ans. B Solution: * India’s first E Waste Clinic is opened at Bhopal. * It would enable segregation, processing and disposal of waste from both household and commercial units. * The clinic is being conceived in compliance with the solid waste management rules, 216. * The E waste management amendment rules, 2018 aims to formalise the e waste recycling sector by channelizing e waste generated towards authorized recyclers. Q. Which country conducted the Sixth session of Joint Commision with India ? ककस देश ने भारत के साथ सर्ं ुक्त आर्ोग का छठा सत्र आर्ोश्जत ककर्ा? A. Russia B. Finland C. Sweden D. Norway Ans. D Solution: ● Norway conducted the Sixth session of Joint Commission with India. ● It was held to review the entire gamut of bilateral relations. ● The Norway India Joint Commission meeting was held on 13 October. Q. According to the report released on 16 November 2020, which Indian supercomputers has ranked 63rd in the list of 500 most powerful computers in the world? 16 निंबर 2020 को जारी ररपोटय के अनसु ार, दनु नर्ा के 500 सबसे शश्क्तशाली कं प्र्ूटरⴂ की सचू ी मᴂ ककस भारतीर् सपु र कं प्र्ूटरⴂ को 63िां स्थान शमला है? A. Param Brahma B. Param Siddhi C. Param Shakti D. Param Shivay Ans. B Solution: * Indian supercomputer Param Siddhi has achieved 63rd rank in the list of 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world. * Param Siddhi is the high-performance computing- artificial intelligence (HPC-AI) supercomputer established under National Supercomputing Mission (NSM) at C-DAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing). * According to the report released on 16 November 2020, Japan's Fugaku Supercomputer is the fastest supercomputer in the world. Q. Who among the following has won the Booker Prize 2020? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसने बुकर पुरस्कार 2020 जीता है? A. Avni Doshi B. Brandon Taylor C. Diane Cook D. Douglas Stuart Ans. D Solution: * Douglas Stuart was awarded the 2020 Booker Prize for his debut novel, Shuggie Bain. * This year's nominees were Tsitsi Dangarembga, Avni Doshi, Maaza Mengiste, Brandon Taylor, Diane Cook and Douglas Stuart. * Douglas Stuart is a Scottish-American writer and fashion designer. * The Booker Prize for Fiction is a literary prize. * It is awarded each year for the best original novel written in the English language and published in the United Kingdom. Q. Which country chaired the 15th G20 Summit on November 21, 2020? ककस देश ने 21 निंबर, 2020 को 15िᴂ जी20 शशखर सम्मेलन की अध्र्क्षता की? A. USA B. Russia C. Saudi Arabia D. India Ans. C Solution: * The 15th G20 Summit was organised under the chairmanship of Saudi Arabia from 21 November to 22 November 2020. * "Realising the Opportunities of the 21st Century for All” was the theme of this summit. * This summit was organised in a virtual format. * Prime Minister Narendra Modi represented India in this summit. * Membership of the G20 consists of 19 individual countries plus the European Union. * It was founded in 1999. Q. SITMEX-20 is a trilateral maritime exercise between which of the following countries? शसटमैक्स-20 ननम्नशलखखत देशⴂ मᴂ से ककसके बीच का एक बत्रपक्षीर् समद्रु ी अभ्र्ास है? A. India, Australia and Japan B. India, Singapore and Thailand C. India, Japan and USA D. India, Switzerland and UK Ans. B Solution: * SITMEX-20 is a trilateral maritime exercise between India, Singapore and Thailand. * SITMEX-20 was organised in Andaman Sea from 21 November to 22 November 2020. * First edition of SITMEX was hosted by Indian Navy. It was conducted off Port Blair in September, 2019. Q. Who has been awarded the 'Vatayan Lifetime Achievement Award' on November 21, 2020? 21 निंबर, 2020 को ‘िातार्न लाइफटाइम अचीिमᴂट’ से ककसे सम्माननत ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar B. Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ C. Ravi Shankar Prasad D. Nirmala Sitharaman Ans. B Solution: * Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ has been awarded the 'Vatayan Lifetime Achievement Award' on November 21, 2020. * He has been awarded for his contribution in the field of literature. * He received the award at Vatayan-UK felicitation ceremony organised through video conferencing by the British Institution Group in England on November 21, 2020. Q. Which country host the 27th edition of Bilateral Maritime Exercise SIMBEX-20? ककस देश ने 饍विपक्षीर् समद्रु ी अभ्र्ास शसमबैक्स-20 के 27 िᴂ संस्करण की मेजबानी की? A. Singapore B. Thailand C. India D. Japan Ans. C Solution: * Indian Navy hosted the 27th edition of India - Singapore Bilateral Maritime Exercise SIMBEX-20 from 23 November to 25 November, 2020 in Andaman Sea. * The Singapore India Maritime Bilateral Exercise (SIMBEX) series of exercises between Indian Navy and Republic of Singapore Navy being conducted annually since 1994. Q. Which country will host the G20 Summit in 2023? 2023 मᴂ जी20 शशखर सम्मेलन की मेजबानी कौन सा देश करेगा? A. USA B. India C. France D. UK Ans. B Solution: * India will host the G20 Summit in 2023. * The G20 Summit will be held by Indonesia in 2022, India in 2023 and Brazil in 2024. * The 15th G20 Summit was organised under the chairmanship of Saudi Arabia from 21 November to 22 November 2020. Q. In November 2020, who was elected as the new independent chairman of the International Cricket Council (ICC)? निंबर 2020 मᴂ अंतरायष्ट्रीर् किकेट पररषद (ICC) के नए स्ितंत्र अध्र्क्ष के 셂प मᴂ ककसे चुना गर्ा है? A. Saurav Ganguly B. Greg Barclay C. Imran Khwaja D. Shashank Manohar Ans. B Solution: * In November 2020, New Zealand's Greg Barclay was elected as the new independent chairman of the International Cricket Council (ICC). * He has replaced India’s Shashank Manohar. * Greg Barclay is the second independent chairman of the ICC, after Shashank Manohar of India. * He has been a director of New Zealand Cricket (NZC) since 2012 and is currently NZC’s representative on the board of the International Cricket Council. Q. Which Institute's researchers have developed an efficient decentralised wastewater treatment and recycling system for rural areas? ककस संस्थान के शोधकतायओं ने ग्रामीण क्षेत्रⴂ के शलए एक कु शल विकᴂ द्रीकृ त अपशशष्ट्ट जल उपचार और रीसाइश्क्लंग (पुनराितनय ) प्रणाली विकशसत की है? A. IIT Guwahati B. IIT Delhi C. IIT Bombay D. Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru Ans. D Solution: * In November 2020, Researchers at the Centre for Sustainable Technologies, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), have developed an efficient decentralised wastewater treatment and recycling system for rural areas. * Researchers have developed this system at Berambadi primary school located in the village of Berambadi in Karnataka. Q. According to a new report released by corruption watchdog Transparency International in November 2020, which country has the highest bribery rate in Asia? निंबर 2020 मᴂ भ्रष्ट्टाचार प्रहरी रांसपेरᴂसी इंटरनेशनल 饍िारा जारी एक नई ररपोटय के अनुसार, एशशर्ा मᴂ ककस देश मᴂ ररव‍ितखोरी की दर सबसे अगधक है? A. Cambodia B. India C. Indonesia D. Maldives Ans. B Solution: * According to a new report released by corruption watchdog Transparency International in November 2020, India (39%) has the highest bribery rate in Asia. * After India, Cambodia has the second highest bribery rate at 37 %, followed by Indonesia (30 %). * As per the report, Maldives and Japan maintain the lowest overall bribery rate (2 %), followed by South Korea (10 %) and Nepal (12 %). * Transparency International (TI) is a German non- governmental organization. * It was founded in 1993. * It is headquartered in Berlin, Germany. Q. Which of the following has launched the SDG Investor Map for India in November 2020? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककसने निंबर 2020 मᴂ भारत के शलए एसडीजी (SDG) ननिेशक मानगचत्र जारी ककर्ा है? A. World Trade Organization (WTO) B. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) C. International Monetary Fund (IMF) D. World Bank Ans. B Solution: * In November 2020, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Invest India have launched the SDG Investor Map for India. * It has been launched with an aim to help India promote Sustainable Development. * The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the United Nations' global development network. * It was formed on November 22, 1965. * It is headquartered in New York, USA. Q. Which of the following countries has become the first Arabian Gulf country to produce electricity from coal? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से कौन सा देश कोर्ले से बबजली उत्पादन करने िाला पहला अरब खाड़ी देश बन गर्ा है? A. Saudi Arabia B. Kuwait C. Oman D. United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ans. D Solution: * The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is set to become the first Arab Gulf country to generate electricity from coal. * In this region, Oman launched a tender for a coal project at Duqm in 2018, but it was later shelved. * Most of the electricity stations in Dubai run on gas. * Dubai is starting up the $3.4 billion Hassyan coal plant, with capacity being increased from an initial 600 megawatts (MW) to 2,400 by 2023. Q. International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was observed on______. अंतरायष्ट्रीर् मदहला दहंसा उन्मलू न ददिस ______को मनार्ा जाता है। A. 26th January B. 25th November C. 25th October D. 27th September Ans. B Solution: * International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was observed on 25th November. * The 2020 theme for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is “Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!”. * The Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women was issued by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in 1993. Q.The great football player Diego Maradona died on November 25, 2020, for which of the following countries did he play? महान फु टबॉल खखलाड़ी डडएगो माराडोना का 25 निंबर, 2020 को ननधन हो गर्ा, उन्हⴂने ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस देश के शलए खेला था? A. Germany B. Argentina C. France D. Brazil Ans. B Solution: * Argentina soccer legend Diego Maradona passed away on 25th November, 2020. * He died at the age of 60. He died because of heart failure. * In 1986, under his captaincy, Argentina won the World Cup trophy. * He was one of the highest-paid players in the world. Q. Indian Constitution Day is observed on______. भारतीर् संविधान ददिस ______को मनार्ा जाता है । A. 26th January B. 15th August C. 26th November D. 14th April Ans. C Solution: * Indian Constitution Day is celebrated on 26th November every year to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India. * On 26th November 1949, the Constituent Assembly of India adopted the Constitution of India, which came into effect from 26th January 1950. * On 19th November 2015, during the year-long celebration of the 125th birth anniversary of Dr. B R Ambedkar, the Government of India declared November 26th as the Constitution Day. * Earlier, this day was celebrated as Law Day. Q. Which International Organization has announced to set up a Global Centre for Traditional Medicine in India? ककस अंतरायष्ट्रीर् संगठन ने भारत मᴂ पारंपररक गचककत्सा के शलए एक िैश्विक कᴂ द्र स्थावपत करने की घोषणा की है? A. WHO B. UNICEF C. IMF D. World Bank Ans. A Solution: • On November 13, 2020, the World Health Organisation announced that it will set up a Global Centre for Traditional Medicine in India. • It was announced by the WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. • This new centre will support WHO’s efforts to implement the WHO traditional medicine strategy 2014- 2023. Q. India co-chaired the 17th ASEAN-India Summit with which of the following countries on November 12, 2020? भारत ने 12 निंबर, 2020 को ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस देश के साथ 17 िᴂ आशसर्ान-भारत शशखर सम्मेलन की सह-अध्र्क्षता की? A. Indonesia B. Myanmar C. Vietnam D. Singapore Ans. C Solution: • Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with Vietnamese counterpart HE Nguyen Xuan Phuc co-chaired the 17th ASEAN-India Summit on November 12, 2020. • The leaders of all ten ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) member participated in the virtual summit. • The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a regional intergovernmental organization comprising ten countries in Southeast Asia. • It is headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia. Q. The theme of the 5th National Ayurveda Day is______. 5 िᴂ राष्ट्रीर् आर्ुिेद ददिस का विषर् ______है। A. Ayurveda for Public Health B. Ayurveda for COVID-19 C. Ayurveda for Pain Management D. Ayurveda for Longevity Ans. | Solution: • National Ayurveda Day 2020 was observed on November 13, 2020. • The National Ayurveda Day is being celebrated every year from 2016 on the day of Dhanwantri Jayanti or Dhanteras. • The theme of the 5th National Ayurveda Day is "Ayurveda for COVID-19 pandemic". • The main objective of the day is to focus on the strengths of Ayurveda and its unique treatment principles. Q. Recently, which of the following countries has been removed from the State Sponsors Of Terrorism List? हाल ही मᴂ, ननम्न मᴂ से ककस देश को आतंकिाद के रा煍र् प्रार्ोजकⴂ की सचू ी से हटा ददर्ा गर्ा है? A. Iran B. North Korea C. Syria D. Sudan Ans. D Solution: • Sudan has been removed from the State Sponsors of Terrorism List. • It was announced by the U.S. President Donald Trump. • Sudan was included in this list on August 12, 1993. • Currently, 3 countries Iran, North Korea and Syria are included in this list. Q. Which state government has launched the "Parivarthanam Scheme" for the betterment of the Fishing Community? ककस रा煍र् सरकार ने मत्स्र् पालन करने िाले समदु ार् की उन्ननत के शलए "पररियतनम र्ोजना" शु셂 की है? A. Odisha B. Kerala C. Tamil Nadu D. West Bengal Ans. B Solution: • In November 2020, the Kerala state government launched the "Parivarthanam Scheme" for the betterment of the Fishing Community. • This scheme will guarantee a certain value to the fishermen as fair compensation. • The scheme will promote the processing and marketing of clean fish and its fresh products. Q. Which country has released a special pictorial anthology on Mahatma Gandhi to mark the 151st birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi? ककस देश ने महात्मा गांधी की 151 िीं जर्ंती को गचश्ननत करने के शलए महात्मा गांधी पर एक विशेष सगचत्र एंथोलॉजी (मानिशास्त्र) जारी ककर्ा है? A. UK B. Nepal C. South Africa D. USA Ans. B Solution: • Nepal has released a special pictorial anthology on Mahatma Gandhi to mark the 151st birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. • It was released by the Nepal President, Bidya Devi Bhandari. • This anthology on Gandhi is titled as “Maile Bujheko Gandhi” or “the Gandhi as I understood”. Q. Which of the following films is the only Indian entry at the Tokyo Film Festival? ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से कौन सी कफ쥍म टोक्र्ो कफ쥍म फेश्स्टिल मᴂ प्रविश्ष्ट्ट प्राप्त करने िाली एकमात्र भारतीर् कफ쥍म है? A. Yellow B. Karkhanisanchi Waari C. Fandry D. Ek Hazarachi Note Ans. B Solution: • Karkhanisanchi Waari is the only Indian and Marathi film which has got entry to arrange world premiere at 33rd Tokyo International Film Festival. • The movie is directed by Mangesh Joshi. • The Tokyo International Film Festival is a film festival established in 1985. Q. Who has won the 2020 JCB Award for Literature? सादहत्र् के शलए 2020 जेसीबी पुरस्कार ककसने प्राप्त ककर्ा? A. S. Hareesh B. Deepa Anappara C. Samit Basu D. Annie Zaidi Ans. A Solution: • Malayalam writer S. Hareesh has won the 2020 JCB Prize for Literature. • He has won this award for his novel, Moustache which has been translated into English by Jayasree Kalathil. • JCB Prize for Literature is an Indian literary award established in 2018. • It is awarded annually with ₹25 lakh prize to a distinguished work of fiction by an Indian writer working in English or translated fiction by an Indian writer. Q. According to the 2018 report on “vital statistics of India based on the Civil Registration System”, which state has recorded the best sex ratio in the country? “नागररक पंजीकरण प्रणाली पर आधाररत भारत के महत्िपूणय आंकड़ⴂ पर 2018 की ररपोटय” के अनुसार, ककस रा煍र् ने देश मᴂ सबसे अ楍छा शलंग अनुपात दजय ककर्ा है? A. Manipur B. Kerala C. Arunachal Pradesh D. Telangana Ans. C Solution: • According to the 2018 report on “vital statistics of India based on the Civil Registration System”, Arunachal Pradesh has recorded the best sex ratio in the country. • Manipur recorded the worst sex ratio. • As per the report, Arunachal Pradesh recorded 1,084 females born per thousand males, followed by Nagaland (965) Mizoram (964), Kerala (963) and Karnataka (957). Q. Which country chaired the 15th East Asia Summit (EAS)? 15 िᴂ पूिी एशशर्ा शशखर सम्मेलन (ईएएस) की अध्र्क्षता ककस देश ने की? A. India B. Vietnam C. Singapore D. Myanmar E. None of the above/More than one of the above Ans. B Solution: • The 15th East Asia Summit was chaired by Vietnamese Prime Minister, Nguyen Xuan Phuc on November 14, 2020. • External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar represented India at this summit. • The first summit was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 14 December 2005. Q. Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the ‘Statue of Peace’ in which of the states of India on November 16, 2020? प्रधान मंत्री नरᴂद्र मोदी ने 16 निंबर, 2020 को भारत के ककस रा煍र् मᴂ ’स्टै楍र्ू ऑ괼 पीस’ का अनािरण ककर्ा? A. Bihar B. Himachal Pradesh C. Gujarat D. Rajasthan Ans. D Solution: • Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the ‘Statue of Peace’ in Pali district of Rajasthan on November 16, 2020. • The 'Statue of Peace' has been unveiled to mark 151st Birth Anniversary celebrations of Jainacharya Shree Vijay Vallabh Surishwer Ji Maharaj. • It is a 151-inch-tall statue. Q. National Press Day is annually observed on______. राष्ट्रीर् प्रेस ददिस प्रनतिषय ______पर मनार्ा जाता है। A. November 15 B. November 14 C. November 16 D. November 18 Ans. C Solution: • National Press Day is annually observed on November 16. • It is celebrated every year to commemorate the institution of the Press Council of India. • The Press Council of India was instituted on November 16, 1966. • The Press Council of India is a self-regulatory body which has representations from various media houses as well as parliament. Q. The 12th BRICS Summit was hosted by______. 12 िᴂ बब्रक्स शशखर सम्मेलन की मेजबानी ______饍िारा की गई थी। A. China B. Russia C. India D. Brazil Ans. B Solution: • The 12th BRICS Summit was hosted by the Russia on November 17th, 2020. • "Global Stability, Shared Security and Innovative Growth" was the theme of this summit. • Prime Minister Narendra Modi represented India at this summit. • India will host the 13th BRICS Summit in 2021. • BRICS is a group of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Q. Which Bollywood actor has been appointed as the state icon of Punjab by Election Commission? ककस बॉलीिडु अशभनेता को चनु ाि आर्ोग 饍िारा पंजाब के रा煍र् आइकन के 셂प मᴂ ननर्ुक्त ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. Jimmy Shergill B. Amir Khan C. Akshay Kumar D. Sonu Sood Ans. D Solution: • Bollywood actor Sonu Sood has been appointed as the state icon of Punjab by Election Commission. • This award is given to him for the humanitarian work done by him during the lockdown. Q. Which IIT institute has formulated efficient “pincer” catalytic systems that transform biomass wastes into valuable chemicals? ककस आईआईटी संस्थान ने बार्ोमास कचरे को म쥍ू र्िान रसार्नⴂ मᴂ बदलने िाले कु शल "वपनसर" उत्प्रेरक प्रणाली तैर्ार की है? A. IIT Bombay B. IIT Delhi C. IIT Guwahati D. IIT Roorkee Ans. C Solution: • Researchers at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Guwahati, have formulated efficient “pincer” catalytic systems that transform industrial or biomass wastes into valuable chemicals. • According to the team, tiny amounts of these “pincer catalysts” repeatedly convert large amounts of industrial waste such as glycerol into lactic acid and hydrogen. Q. Which state government has announced 100% tax exemption for e-vehicles? ककस रा煍र् सरकार ने ई-िाहनⴂ के शलए 100% कर छू ट की घोषणा की है? A. Karnataka B. Andhra Pradesh C. Tamil Nadu D. Kerala Ans. C Solution: • In November 2020, the Tamil Nadu state government announced 100% tax exemption for e-vehicles. • As per the order dated November 2, 2020, by the state government, all BOVs, both non-transport and transport have been exempted from the payment of Motor Vehicles Tax from November 3, 2020, to December 31, 2022. • Earlier, the state government had also issued orders for the 50% concessional rate of lifetime tax in respect of battery-operated four-wheelers and two-wheelers of non- transport vehicles. Q. Union Minister of State (IC) for Tourism & Culture Prahlad Singh Patel inaugurated the ‘Tourist Facilitation Centre’ in which of the following states on November 4, 2020? कᴂ द्रीर् पर्यटन और सस्ं कृ नत रा煍र् मंत्री (आईसी) प्रहलाद शसंह पटेल ने 4 निंबर, 2020 को ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस रा煍र् मᴂ ‘पर्यटक सवु िधा कᴂ द्र' का उ饍घाटन ककर्ा? A. Tamil Nadu B. Kerala C. West Bengal D. Andhra Pradesh Ans. B Solution: • Union Minister of State (IC) for Tourism & Culture Shri Prahlad Singh Patel inaugurated the “Tourist Facilitation Centre” at Guruvayur, Kerala on November 4, 2020. • This center has been constructed under the project “Development of Guruvayur, Kerala” under PRASHAD Scheme of the Ministry of Tourism. • PRASHAD (Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Spiritual, Heritage Augmentation Drive) scheme was launched by the Ministry of Tourism in the year 2014-15 for integrated development of identified pilgrimage and heritage destinations. Q. In November 2020, a joint naval exercise called 'CARAT-2020' was held between which two countries? निंबर 2020 मᴂ, ‘कैरट-2020’ (CARAT-2020) नामक एक सर्ं क्तु नौसैननक अभ्र्ास ककन दो देशⴂ के बीच आर्ोश्जत ककर्ा गर्ा था? A. India- Bangladesh B. India- USA C. Bangladesh- China D. Bangladesh- USA Ans. D Solution: • In November 2020, a joint naval exercise called 'CARAT- 2020' (Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training) was held between Bangladesh and US Navies. • The exercise was started from November 4, 2020. • The sea phase of the exercise took place in the Bay of Bengal with ships from both countries. • CARAT 2020 underscores the shared vision of the US and Bangladesh for a free, open, inclusive, peaceful and secure Indo-Pacific region. Q. Which state has bagged the first place under the ‘Best State’ category under the National Water Awards (NWAs) 2019? ककस रा煍र् ने राष्ट्रीर् जल पुरस्कार (NWAs) 2019 के तहत 'सियश्रेष्ट्ठ रा煍र्' श्रेणी मᴂ प्रथम स्थान प्राप्त ककर्ा है? A. Punjab B. Kerala C. Tamil Nadu D. Arunachal Pradesh Ans. C Solution: • Tamil Nadu has bagged the first place under the ‘Best State’ category under the National Water Awards (NWAs) 2019. • Maharashtra and Rajasthan bagged the second and third position respectively in the best state (Normal) category. • Mizoram topped the best state (Special) catagory. • The National Water Awards 2019 are presented in 16 categories. • The National Water Awards were presented by the Union Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation. Q. India’s first ‘Tyre Park’ will be set-up in which of the following states? भारत का पहला 'टार्र पाकय ' ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस रा煍र् मᴂ बनार्ा ककर्ा जाएगा? A. Gujarat B. West Bengal C. Bihar D. Andhra Pradesh Ans. B Solution: • India’s first ‘Tyre Park’ will be set-up in West Bengal. • It will be managed by the West Bengal Transport Corporation. Q. On November 5, 2020, the Indian Army Chief General MM Naravane was conferred honorary rank of General of______. 5 निंबर, 2020 को, भारतीर् सेना प्रमखु जनरल एमएम नरिणे को ______के जनरल के मानद रℂक से सम्माननत ककर्ा गर्ा था। A. Bhutan Army B. Maldives Army C. Myanmar Army D. Nepal Army Ans. D Solution: • On November 5, 2020, the Indian Army chief General M M Naravane was conferred the honorary rank of General of the Nepali Army by Nepal's President Bidya Devi Bhandari. • General K M Cariappa was the first Indian Army chief to be decorated with the title in 1950. • In January 2019, Nepali Army chief General Purna Chandra Thapa was also made the honorary General of the Indian Army by President Ram Nath Kovind at a ceremony in New Delhi. Q. Who has been elected unopposed as the President of Hockey India? ककसे हॉकी इंडडर्ा के अध्र्क्ष के 셂प मᴂ ननवियरोध चुना गर्ा? A. Himanta Biswa Sarma B. Anil Jain C. Gyanendro Ningombam D. Mohd Mushtaque Ahmad Ans. C Solution: • Manipur's Gyanendro Ningombam was elected unopposed as the President of Hockey India on November 6, 2020. • He has been elected for a term of two years. • He has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Manipur Hockey between 2009-2014 and has been associated with Manipur Hockey for over a decade. • He has replaced Mohd Mushtaque Ahmed. Q. The foundation of the "Indo-Israeli Center of Excellence for Vegetables Protected Cultivation" has been laid down in which of the following states of India? “सश्ब्लजर्ां संरक्षक्षत खेती के शलए भारत-इजरार्ल सᴂटर ऑफ एक्सीलᴂस" (इंडो-इजरार्ल सᴂटर ऑफ एक्सीलᴂस फॉर िेश्जटेब쥍स प्रोटेक्टेड क쥍टीिेशन" की नींि भारत के ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस रा煍र् मᴂ रखी गई है? A. Haryana B. Madhya Pradesh C. Punjab D. Assam Ans. D Solution: • On November 2, 2020, Chief Minister of Assam Sarbananda Sonowal laid the foundation stone of Indo- Israeli Centre of Excellence for Vegetables Protected Cultivation at Khetri, Guwahati. • This center will be built under the Agricultural Project of India and Israel at a cost of Rs. 10.33 crores. • This center will introduce modern Israeli technologies in agriculture and water management to the local farmers under Indo-Israel Agricultural Project (IIAP). Q. Who has been elected as the new President of Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) for the period 2020-2023? 2020-2023 की अिगध के शलए अंतर संसदीर् संघ (IPU) के नए अध्र्क्ष के 셂प मᴂ ककसे चुना गर्ा है? A. Laurence Fehlmann Rielle B. Duarte Pacheco C. Beatriz Argimon D. Gabriela Cuevas Barron Ans. B Solution: • Duarte Pacheco of Portugal has been elected as the new President of Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) for the period 2020-2023. • Laurence Fehlmann Rielle from Switzerland and Beatriz Argimon from Uruguay has been unanimously elected to the IPU Executive Committee. • The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) was established in 1889. • It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. Q. India's First Solar-Powered Miniature Train has been launched in which of the following states? भारत की पहली सौर-संचाशलत लघु रेलगाड़ी ननम्नशलखखत मᴂ से ककस रा煍र् मᴂ शु셂 की गई? A. Gujarat B. Maharashtra C. Karnataka D. Kerala Ans. D Solution: • India's First Solar-Powered Miniature Train has been launched in Kerala. • The miniature rail has all the features of a fully- equipped rail system, including a tunnel, station and a ticket office. • The train has three bogies that can accommodate around 45 people at a time. • The total cost of this project is about ₹10 crore. Q. The theme for India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2020 is______. इंडडर्ा मोबाइल कांग्रेस (IMC) 2020 के शलए विषर् ______है। A. New Digital Horizons Connect, Create, Innovate B. Diversity and Globalization C. Inclusive Innovation – Smart I Secure I Sustainable D. Science and Technology: Rural Development Ans. C Solution: • The India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2020 to be held virtually in December 2020 on account of the pandemic. • It is the 4th edition of the India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2020. • It will be organised by the Ministry of State for Communications, Education and Electronics & Information Technology. • The theme for India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2020 is “Inclusive Innovation – Smart I Secure I Sustainable”. • The first edition of India Mobile Congress was held in 2017. Q. World Science Day is observed on______. विवि विज्ञान ददिस ______पर मनार्ा जाता है। A. November 9 B. November 8 C. November 10 D. November 6 Ans. C Solution: • World Science Day for Peace and Development or World Science Day is observed on 10 November. • The theme for 2020 World Science Day for Peace and Development is "Science for and with Society." • The day is observed to raise awareness of the role of science in the development of sustainable societies. • World Science Day for Peace and Development day was established by UNESCO in 2001. Q. World Diabetes Day is observed on______each year. विवि मधुमेह ददिस प्रत्र्ेक िषय ______पर मनार्ा जाता है। A. 14 November B. 15 November C. 16 November D. 17 November Ans. A Solution: • World Diabetes Day is observed on November 14 each year. • The theme for World Diabetes Day 2020 is "The Nurse and Diabetes". • World Diabetes Day was launched in 1991 by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization (WHO). • In India, 14 November is celebrated as Children's Day. Q. Which state government has launched the ‘Secha Samadhan’ app for farmers? ककस रा煍र् सरकार ने ककसानⴂ के शलए ‘सेचा समाधान’ (Secha Samadhan ) ऐप लॉन्च ककर्ा है? A. Assam B. Kerala C. Odisha D. Tamil Nadu Ans. C Solution: • In November 2020, Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has launched ‘Secha Samadhan’ app, which would link the farmers directly with the Water Resources department. • This mobile app will help resolve the issues faced by farmers immediately and provide services in a transparent manner. Q. Who has been conferred with TATA Literature Live Lifetime Achievement Award for 2020? 2020 के शलए टाटा शलटरेचर लाइि लाइफटाइम अचीिमᴂट अिाडय से ककसे सम्माननत ककर्ा गर्ा है? A. Chetan Bhagat B. Amrita Pritam C. Vikram Seth D. Ruskin Bond Ans. D Solution: • Author Ruskin Bond has been conferred with TATA Literature Live! Lifetime Achievement Award for 2020. • He was awarded the Sahitya Academy Award in 1992 for "Our Trees Still Grow in Dehra", his novel in English. • He was awarded the Padma Shri in 1999 and the Padma Bhushan in 2014.