Embassy of 17 - 23 Jan 2021 Jakarta INDIA'S LATEST NEWS

NEWS MISSION'S ACTIVITIES HIGHLIGHT DRDO hands over Motor Bike Ambulance Rakshita to CRPF; Bhawana Kanth becomes 1st woman fighter pilot to be part of IAF’s tableau; WE Hub partners #India@75 with i-Hub of Gujarat to support women entrepreneurs; First bird fest at Mahananda sanctuary from Feb 20.

: indianembassyjakarta.gov.in : IndianEmbJkt : IndiaInIndonesia : Embassy of India Jakarta 1 DRDO hands over Motor Bike Ambulance Rakshita to CRPF Defence Research and Development Organisation handed over Motor Bike Ambulance Rakshita to the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF). Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS), Delhi-based DRDO laboratory, handed over Rakshita, a bike-based casualty transport emergency vehicle to CRPF in a ceremony held at CRPF Head Office in New Delhi. Director General of CRPF Dr A P Maheshwari flagged off the contingent of 21 bikes on the occasion. The bike ambulance will help in overcoming the problems faced by Indian security forces and emergency health care providers. The bike ambulances will provide life-saving aid for evacuation of injured patients from low intensity conflict areas. Rakshita is fitted with a customized reclining Casualty Evacuation Seat (CES), which can be fitted in and taken out as per requirement. Other major features are the head immobilizer, safety harness jacket, hand and foot straps for safety, adjustable footrest, physiological parameter measuring equipment with wireless monitoring capability and auto warning system for the driver. Source: News On Air Bhawana Kanth becomes 1st woman fighter pilot to be part of IAF’s tableau Flight lieutenant Bhawana Kanth became the first woman fighter pilot to take part in the 's (IAF's) tableau at the Republic Day parade at Delhi’s Rajpath. The IAF tableau displayed mock-ups of the light combat aircraft, light combat helicopter and the Sukhoi-30 fighter plane. Kanth joined the fighter squadron in November 2017 and flew the first solo on MiG-21 Bison in March 2018. She is currently posted at an airbase in where she flies the MiG-21 Bison fighter plane. Kanth is also one of the first women fighter pilots in the IAF. She, along with and Mohana Singh, was inducted into the IAF as the first women fighter pilots in 2016. Ten women have been commissioned as fighter pilots after an experimental scheme for their induction into the IAF’s combat stream was introduced in 2015. After clearing Stage I training, Kanth got the opportunity to opt for the fighter stream. Source: Hindustan Times WE Hub partners with i-Hub of Gujarat to support women entrepreneurs WE Hub, India’s first State-led incubator, entered into a partnership with startup and innovation centre i-Hub, Government of Gujarat, to encourage and support women-led startups in raising capital. The partnership will initiate a pre-incubation programme for 240 aspiring women entrepreneurs in the EdTech, MedTech and Fintech sectors in the States of Telangana and Gujarat. The commencement of the programme is scheduled for the first week of February 2021. This co-incubation brings in the startups the opportunity to scale up to viable enterprises and receive scale-up and rapid growth mentorship from the leaders at i Hub and WE Hub. The startups will also have Government supported exposure visits across Telangana and Gujarat. Source: Telengana Today First bird fest at Mahananda sanctuary from Feb 20 In a first, a bird festival is being organised at the Mahananda wildlife sanctuary in West Bengal to provide an opportunity to enthusiasts to explore the forest and watch different birds. The Darjeeling Wildlife Division will be organising the 1st Mahananda Bird Festival from February 20 to 23. The participants will be taken to the popular birding spots such as Rongdong and Latpanchor, besides other birding trails within the forests. Visitors will be able to witness the diverse landscapes of rivers, plains, forests and hills during the festival. Those interested will have to register online through wbsfda.org and the applications will be accepted till February 2. Experts will guide the participants throughout the festival, officials said. The participation fee is ₹5,000 and it includes entry fees, food and lodging. Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary is rich in fauna and has more than 300 species of birds. The sanctuary has been designated as an 'important bird area' due to its critical role in the conservation of birds and their habitat. The sanctuary is well known among the birding community, and bird watchers flock to it for sighting the Rufous-necked hornbill, among other birds. Source: The Hindu Business Line

: indianembassyjakarta.gov.in : IndianEmbJkt : IndiaInIndonesia : Embassy of India Jakarta 2 Mission's Activities #India@75

Fighting corruption and black money

: indianembassyjakarta.gov.in : IndianEmbJkt : IndiaInIndonesia : Embassy of India Jakarta 3 FLAVOR'S OF INDIA KARRI MURGH TIKKA

Recipe Servings: 2 H o w t o K a r r i M u r g h T i k k a : Prep Time: 10 mins M a k e t h e m a r i n a d e b y m i x i n g a l l t h e i n g r e d i e n t s . B o i l Cook Time: 40 mins t h e m a n g o e s a n d m a k e p u r e e o f i t ; Total Cook Time: 50 mins Difficulty Level: Medium N o w a d d c h i c k e n a n d k e e p i t o v e r n i g h t ; A r r a n g e m a r i n a t e d c h i c k e n i n s k e w e r a n d c o o k i t i n Ingredients of Karri t a n d o o r ; Murgh Tikka: 180 Gram Chicken leg S e r v e K a r r i M u r g h T i k k a h o t . (boneless) 100 Gram Raw mango A b o u t K a r r i M u r g h T i k k a : 10 Gram Ginger 10 Gram Garlic A d e l e c t a b l e p l a t t e r o f h o t a n d s p i c y c h i c k e n t i k k a w i t h t h e 8 Gram Green chilli e v e r l a s t i n g t a s t e o f s u m m e r f a v o u r i t e m a n g o e s i s t h e d i s h 5 Gram Salt y o u d o n ' t w a n n a m i s s t h i s s e a s o n ! 5 Gram Turmeric powder 2 Gram Garam masala S o u r c e : f o o d . n d t v 5 Gram Jeera powder 10 Gram Lemon 20 Gram Besan 1 Nos Egg 15 Gram Mint 20 Gram Coriander 100 Gram Curd

: indianembassyjakarta.gov.in : IndianEmbJkt 4 : IndiaInIndonesia : Embassy of India Jakarta \ KERALA - PILGRIM CENTRES (2)

Aruvithira Church: Believed to be one of the seven churches established by St. Thomas, St.George's Forane Church at Aruvithura, popularly known as Aruvithura Church is one of the churches in Kerala which collects the largest amount of monetary offerings during the festival days. The annual feast of St. George is celebrated from 22nd to 24th of April.

Getting there: Nearest railway station: Kottayam, about 38 km Nearest airport: Cochin International Airport, about 83 km

Source: https://www.keralatourism.org/

: indianembassyjakarta.gov.in : IndianEmbJkt 5 : IndiaInIndonesia : Embassy of India Jakarta Alathiyur Hanuman Temple, Malappuram: Legend has it that Hanuman, the chief deity installed at the Alathiyur Hanuman Temple, was placed by Sage Vashista (one among the authors of the Rig Veda) over 3000 years ago. This ancient temple is dedicated to Lord Sree Rama and Bharatha, from the epic Ramayana. It is an ode to Hanuman’s devotion to Lord Rama and devotees flock in great numbers to pay homage to this sacred bond. Naivedyam (holy food) and Aval (flattened rice) constitute special offerings at the temple.

Getting there: Nearest railway station: Tirur Railway Station, about 6 km away Nearest airport: Calicut International Airport, about 39 km

Source: https://www.keralatourism.org/

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DISCLAIMER: The Embassy of India, Jakarta, has acquired information from the various sources indicated in the newsletter. Though due diligence has been performed, the Embassy is not responsible for correctness and accuracy of reports.