30 30. 60 50 50 30 10 10 30

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00 14th year 50 no. 9 April 30, 1968 70 70 70 50 40 Dairy IncomeHighest Since '48 40 Cash income from milk and' Milk separated on the farm 40 cream sold by Kansas farmers totaled a record high of $5770 for sale as cream totaled100 Million in 1967. This was 4 per- ,30 during 1967 was the highest million pounds, down 29 ,30 since 1948, according to the per- cent above the previous record ,30 cent from last year and approxi- a year earlier. Kansas Crop and Livestock Re- mately 6 percent of the total Returns for combined mar- .20 porting Service. produced. .10 ketingsof milk and cream Cash receipts from market- Milk retailed by the farmers averaged $5.06 per hundred- .10 ings of milk and cream in 1967 .10 direct to the consumeras fluid weight in 1967. This was a rec totaled $78,437,000, up 6 percent milk and cream M 1967was es- ord high, exceeding by 22 cents .10 from 1966 and 24 percent above . 10 timated at 20 million pounds, per hundredweight the previous the 1961-65 average. down 1 million pounds from record in 1966. . 50 Receipts from sales of whole .00 1966. The farm value of all milk milk to plants and dealers reach- Milk used on the farm, includ- produced in 1967 was $6,036 mil- .00 ed a new high of $74,358,000. .00 ing that consumed by the farmlion, a 4 -percent increase over '.00 Milk and cream retailed by family, fed to calves and churn- 1966. farmers brought in $1,908,000 ed into farm butter, toaled 96 .00 and '.50 farmseparatedcream million pounds compared with I.00 $2,171,000. The average per cwt.107 million pounds a year ear- Professional Shearer returns for milk marketed as lier. KQHA Sale It's sheep shear ing time,as Paul Osterfund of. Otta- milk or cream was $4.75, a rec- The average number of cows wa County shows here. He was shearing sheep for ord high. in Kansas milk herds declined Tops At $1300 George Kepple near Tescott. Kepple had 150 headto The gross farm incomefromto 221,000 in 1967, the lowest in clip. He has been in the sheep business two dairy products in 1967, whichin- a 44 -year period. NEWTON - The 14th annual years and spring sale of the Kansas Quar- thinks that it is a better deal than raising cattle.Oster - cluded value of milk,cream and Milk production per' cow, fund has been in the sheep business for manyyears and butter consumed on the farmas however, increased sharply to ter Horse Association topped at is well known in this area as a sheep -shearer. well as the marketingstotaled7900 pounds in 1967, a new $1300, with a 2 -year old palo- Isi $81,145,000, the highest since high and 410 pounds above mino filly, Tee Jay Bar Lady, 1952. 1966. Total milk production in going for that price to Cole & The value of all milk produc-1967 was up slightly to 1746 Thomison of Wichita. The filly is, Allow Grazing ed, including also the value of million pounds, some 8 millionwas consigned by Jo and Duane On milk fed to calves, was pounds above 1966. Walker of Canton. $82,935,000 in 1967. United States Cole & Thomison also paid Kansas farmers sold an all- Milk production in the Unit-$1200 for a 2 -year sorrel stallion Western Soil Bank time high of 1530 million pounds ed States in 1967 was 119.3 bil-consigned by G. H. Phillips of TOPEKA- Gov. Robert ment while in service, it was of whole milk to plants and deal- lion pounds, down one-half per-Elkhart. Bob Wilson, sale manager, St. Docking was informedlast said. Such farmers would not ers in 1967. Whole milk sold tocent from 1966, as a decline in week that the U.S.Agriculture have to reduce their planed plants accounted for 88 percentcow numbers more than offsetGeorge, reported many out-of- Department isoffering grazingacreage when the acreage dispo-of all milk produced in 1967, a rise in output per cow. state buyers who purchased priviliges to sition date is reached the noticecompared with 85 percent in Farmers' cash receipts from some 27 head in the $400 to reserve crop land $1000 range. In all, 53 head sold. in 42 WesternKansas counties said. 1966. marketings of milk and cream where normalpasture has badly deteriorated becauseof winter drought conditions. The governorwas informed of He Successfully Scrambles And Eggs the action by John A. Schnitt- Few farm enterprises in the old hens produced more income5000 hens. ved itself as a supplement to ker, undersecretaryof agricul- lure, following G&G area are catching the at- than one stock cow." By 1962 Sauble put in a mod-ranch income. ,10 recommendation ern operation with automatic ,25 by Governor tention of the steak -and -eggs Sauble investigated. He decid- Saubleisstill basically a Docking. operation of Pat Sauble near ed that he had the labor and feeders and egg conveyors and ,25 Lack of rainand snow last fall washers that could handle 13,000cattleman. He's had a better ,10 and winter Cedar Point on the Chase -Mar-buildings necessary, could buy than 90% calf crop from his ,30 caused almost a to- ion county border. the feed if he couldn't raise it,hens. tal loss ofpasture in manyareas Up to 1966 Sauble handled his300 -cow herd, using artificial ,60 and ranchers Sauble's 3300 -acre Flint Hills and could turn the poultry ma- insemination for the lastfive ,15 said even normal ranch combines a 300 -cow beefnure to good use on the crop own production and marketing. spring rainsprobably would not Then he got an offer to get theyears. ,80 enable a herd with a 58,000 -hen laying land as fertilizer. Moreover, he comeback for thegraz- operation. The operation has in- figured there weren't going to liens and feed supplied if he In addition to the cow herd, 40 ing land. would supply the labor and fa-Sauble buys calves which he .60 Counties terested stockmen for combin-be many people getting into the designated were Che-ing a large-scale ranch with the egg business, so if he did the cilities. The price would be guar-winters and summers on the yenne, Clark,Comanche, Decat-lowly, often scorned chicken. job right, he'd make a profit. anteed by the contractor if Sau-bluestem hills before marketing ur, Edwards,Ellis,Finney, First Pat built a pole house toble would increase his facilitiesthem as feeders in the fall. ,05 Ford, Gove, Moreover, the traditional inde- ,40 Graham, Grant, hold 1200 hens. The next year ato 50,000 or more capacity. pendence of the cattleman is Gray, Greeley, The Sauble ranch still produc- ,85 Hamilton, Has- stone barn was converted to While contract farming does- kell, Hodgeman, tempered by a contract guaran- es a lot of . And a lot of ,50 Kearney, Kio- n'tnecessarily appealtoa wa, Lane, teeing price for the eggs from contain 1200 laying cages. A eggs too. Pat Sauble thinks ,85 Logan, Meade, Mor- the layer operation. corn crib was made over to han-longtime cattleman,Sauble steak and eggs go very well to- ton, Ness,Norton, Osborne, agrees that even with low egg ,40 Pawnee, But Sauble says the diversifi-dle 1200 more hens. The three gether. ,40 Phillips, Pratt, Raw- cation works. The layer opera- units were crowded to handle prices the egg business has pro- lihs ,30, Rooks,ward, Russell, Scott, Se -tion provides some guaranteed ,45 Sheridan,Sherman, Smith, income and it hasn't inhibited ,40., Stafford, Stanton,Stev- the longtime role of cattle on .50f ens,Thomas, Trego lace. and Wal- the ranch which now is in the ,75 fifth generation in the Sauble Haying ,00 and grazing priviliges on the soil family thru Pat's granddaugh- .00 bank acreage will be offered ter Lorie. ,2 for use underan emer- Sauble started the diversifica- gency conditionand those using tion on a smaller scale 13 years the landwill have a downward adjustment ago, built it steadily until this their in payments for spring when he doubled the otherfarm benefits, size of it by constructing facili- Schnittkersaid. The ties for 30,000 more laying hens. farmersundersecretary also said The move to egg production who are military reser- started during a long drouth, vists ornational guardsmen, as 1952-56 when for the first time well asthose draftedor volun- the Sauble ranch didn't raise teeringfor service, their can increase any feed. With grass short and farmaverage diversions feed nonexistent, Sauble culled Cowman Pat Sauble with 111) to themaximum percentage his cow herd and cut back re- some of his 58,00 laying hens. If theyare called to active duty. This peatedly. plantingwould allow increased In 1955 Sauble heard the as an income supple - county agent say that just "12 the direction of the Agriculturemore than enough tooffset the Rural Electricity No Longer A Department,hasextended loss of users. That's because 2 Grass &Grain loans totaling more than $5.5 more and more farms arein- coy billion to upwards of 1000 rural creasing the use of electrical April 30, 1968 Favorite Son In Congress farmer cooperatives, public po-equipment. So have many other One of the creations of the Not that the Johnson admini-wer districts and other local un- rural users, including small in- Roosevelt New Deal - the stration - nor Republicans who its since its creation in 1936. dustries and businesses. a high bid of $192,640 submitted Rural Electrification Admini- As a consequence many of the long have been supporters - Sponsors say loans were made by one W. H. Ferguson of4Vind. stration - no longer enoys itshave turned against the ruralin areas where private powerREA borrowers have needed -sor, Mo. and obtained - supplemental proud favorite son role. electric power development ag-concerns failed to extend elec- Afterward, while papersfor loans to expand their facilities. the sale were being drawn ency. Politicians still praise the tricity to rural areas. Long-term up, GRASS & GRAIN REA for its work in extending loans were made at a favorableOthers need additional funds. the buyer asked where he .could The Mid -Kansas news weekly.electricity to 20 million rural interest rate of two percent a But the amounts provided by get a drink of water. Told Published each Tuesday at 1207residents, but they no longer year_ the federal government for suchdownstairs, he and an unnamed Moro, (Box 1009) Manhattan,feel compelled to do as much But the initial loans to theseloans in recent years have been friend left the room, but Kansas, 66502 by less than needs. failed AG PRESS for it as they once did. borrowers are turning out, in to stop at the water fountain. As a consequence, the REA'smost cases, to be 'inadequate. Last year, a vain attempt was Instead they drove to Dean Coughenour made in Congress to set up a the E. R. Woodward long-time future role in the na-Although the number of farms Johnson airport, wherea plane Second class postage paid attion's expanding electrical pow-and other rural users of powerbank which would have tappedwas waiting, An attempt Manhattan, Kansas. private money markets for sup- was er structure is quite uncertain.has been declining, the demand made at the airport tostop Subscription: $3 year The REA, an agency under plemental loans. However, ef- 11,198 for electricity has been growing them but the pilot gunnedthe CIRcUL.ATION _ forts in behalf of such a bank - plane and took off into thewind have not revived for the currentand dust, leaving the auction. session. eers, a real estate agency and Inadequate funds are not the brokers with seven quartersof If you can't say. only thing that darkens the fu-unsold land. ture for the REA. A possibility Attempts to locate the bidder exists that the rural power co-laer revealed the name Fergu. operatives will not be permitted "We're finishing hogs out from $10.50 son was a fictitious one. Attor- ttp to share in the benefits expectedneys for the holders of the land to $11.00 per hundred weight, total cost to come from the developmentand sale are pondering what of cheaper power from nuclearsteps, if any, to take in the incl. based on present grain costs." energy by private investors. dent. or... A Good Bid But No Bidders For Land "I'm saving $1.50 to $2.00 per head on JOHNSON, Kans. - Auction- eers here are seeking a Missouri To finished hogs and bringing 45 -pound hogs man and his companion who en- tered a high bid of $192,640 for to market weight in only 95-100 days!" seven quarters of Stanton Coun-

ty land and then skippepd town. The incident occurred in the Stanton County Courthouse and D, ...try Lasso Hog Supplement! involved land, both irrigated and The remarkable figures above were taken buy directly from the mill, you enjoy a di yland, belonging to James R. from the records of one user of Lasso, healthy savings on every pound. Use this Feaster of Dodge City. Bidding was relatively slow M the full feed ration. A starter, grower power -packed 40% supplement in mix- for the land when the gavel of and finisher, Lasso provides a complete ing your own feed or let us build the Kirk Brothers of Bucklin fell at balance ofvitamins,minerals, growth complete feed for you. Either way, Lasso factor and Sunflower Brand Soybean Hog Supplement (medicated or non - Meal, nature's richest source of protein. medicated) can get you to market 15 to MATTRESS &

The only place you can buy Lasso Hog 20 days earlier than other hog supple- BOX SPRINGS PI SupOWnent is .at Kansas Soya Products ments. For larger,earlierprofits,get Specials Every Day Company in Emporia. But, because you Lasso Hog Supplement now! New Low Prices DeKalb Brand XL Hybrids CI Buy Direct like thick planting Also Complete Rebuilding High population is the key Lasso Hog Supplement, (wadable only at Service to higher corn yields and greater profits. Farmers Kansas Soya Products Co., Inc. Manhattan report that shorter, tough- Phone Dickens 2-7270 er DeKalb Brand XL 111 Hybrids take these stresses Emporia, Kansas Mattress Co. and make top yields. 414 S. 4th PR 8-5302 "DEKALB" is a Registered Brand Name. XL HybridsisaVariety designation. PI Big Name Specialist for tall, tough for Big co Purir noted Wields prow crops-the International HINES FARM CENTER Hog WAMEGO 456.7557 mend RALPH SUTHER tinuo BLAINE 224-3458 Missc 275 windrower First to serve the farmer HARRY PRUETT this g Ht MANHATTAN 776-7452 Purin CHESTER WEINSTROER ONAGA 889-4305 antiN Here's how the International 275 solves even, clog -free flow to the conditioner. ROBERT REID diseas the three big problems in windrowing The conditioner itself is mounted right ROSSVILLE 5843530 Inhib twelve -foot tall sorghum-sudan hybrids. in the big throat on the platform. DAVID DEMARAY crease BURR OAK 587-3521 1. Cutting. -Up front on the 14 -ft. plat- Next 3. Conditioning. Steel bar and rubber GEORGE DUGAN on 3 -fee( form you've got the fastest -cutting knife roll conditions by crimping each stem. LEONARDVILLE .. .2211 on any windrower-1500 long, 31/4 -inch Spring tension on' the rolls adjusts to' DALE MOORE Ask f strokes a minute. So even heavy stands your crop and the conditioning job you CLYDE 446-3615 our st of inch -thick stalks can't stop you. Vibra- want. WALTER STUENKEL tion is down to a bare minimum-be- LINN 348-2207 cause the 275 features the exclusive, You'll find a long list of worth -more JOHN POLANSKY 16F27 features on this International 275-from BELLEVILLE .. Cuba balanced -head knife drive, not a sway- Mid-Coi the fast -click disconnect on the final TRACY PARKER bar. 785-2432 drive for high-speed towing, to the big WATERVILLE ...... FlintHi 2. Feeding. Exclusive spiral -pattern 24 -in. drive wheel tires. See your dealer, IVAN ISAACSON 785-208 F flights on the big 22 -inch -diameter and check the income -tailored IHCC International 375 windrower-with production- RANDOLPH anner, boosting Hydrostaticdrive-availablewith single auger feed tall crops ina more credit plan. DICK BLANKE Mor.Ka single -auger or dual -auger platform. BREMEN 337-2398 WALLACE BACKMAN Readini' BELLEVILLE HOME 799-2161 GLENN JOHNSON Americi Chapman's On US hwy. 81 857-3918 HERINGTON WAKEFIELD CENTRALIA Pioneer Service & Sales ABILENE OTTO G. HALL Qorden Abilene Truck & Tractor Auld Chevrolet 243-2058 MINNEAPOLIS CONCORDIA Chapman Imp'. Co. HANOVER MARYSVILLE WILLARD KRAMER Hanover Imp'. Co. Bruna Brothers JUNCTION CITY .. 238-2606 CmI. COUNCIL GROVE DON A. MARTIN LEONARDVILLE FALUN .485-2501 Macha-Revere Kendall Garage CLAY CENTER ..... I gri Dauer Imp,. Co. HAROLD E. RIEK GREEN ...... 9642313 tern to hear the case by the COW POKES By Ace Reid JudgeWon't Kansas Supreme Court after Judge John Brookens of West- April 30, 1968 ThrowOut Pott. moreland disqualified himself. CourthouseCase WESTMORELAND -A mo- 1171;31310(K3ED racks HAUL- MOR, INC. tion by theBoard of Pottawato- nue County Commissionersfor for any make or model pickup summary judgementin the bat- Sturdy Convenient Practical. tle overa new countycourt- house was deniedhere Saturday by District JudgeA. B. Fletch- er Jr. Mounted free on your truck at He set 2 pmMay 8 as time factory or ship- for the trial ofthe suit brought ped to you. b3 three countyresidents who Available in seek to enjoin thecommission- stock rack or ers from issuing bondsto erect fold -down the new courthouse. combination. The suit was broughtby Eli Pinet, Onaga, andLyle Honig and Alfred Willie, bothof Wa- mego. Fits all trucks. No bolt projectionsto injure stock. Top grade Judge Fletcher, sittingas select kiln -dried lumber.Choice red or white.Fits precisely judge pro tern in Pottawatomie so pick-up endgate closes behindit. Sturdy oak stakes. Lift -up gate' slides easily in steelchannels.Standard height County District Court,heard 63".Special height on order. oral arguments in the "Maw, you think you're hot... yououghta be case April 1 and had reviewed filedwritten When Ordering Speeify'Make, Model, Size under this old tin roof like me!" briefs. of Bed If the summary judgement had been approved in Satur- HAUL- NOR, INC,valley falls,kansas phone 945-3211 day's action, the county would have been free to build thecon- troversial courthouse. The suit filed by the three Compare Gehl's short -Chop men contends the special build- in any crop! ing levy was created unconsti- tutionally by action -of thecom- Putthe Gehl Chop -All into action! Turn early cut missioners in June 1960. forage into profits... fast. Without sacrificing capacity. The county has collected $295,- Hook-up the "quick -switch" hay pick-up attachment. Set the Select -A -Cut transmission for that fine -chopped, 1/4 -in. 000 in the special levy and last cut. Head the Chop -All down your heaviest windrows. month contracted Ransom and Watch Gehl's multi -tined pick-up power and spring- Co. of Wichita to sell another mounted positive feeding auger gobble up the crop. Stop! $295,000 in bonds to finance Now check the cut. See proof of the Chop -All's fine chop- construction of the planned ping. Note how the Chop -All's chrome -edged knives* and GET BIG courthouse. tungsten -carbide cutter bar deliver fine chopped forage. The bonds are to be paid off Forage that will pack tighter and feed out better. with money collected Learn why thousands of satisfied Chop -All owners agree DAILY GAINS inthe that seeing is believing... with the Chop -All. Stop in soon. special building levy in future Get details on the full Gehl chopper line, the only line that years. offers a chopper to match any tractor power. While you're Judge Fletcher said the only at it, ask about the Chop -King (self-propelled or pull -type) MARKET HOGS question involved in the court . .. biggest chopper going. test is whether the commission *Ask about Gehl's portable, 10,000 RPM Knife Sharpener AT 5 MOS. OR LESS complied with state statutes that grinds to a razor edge. You get minute per knife when it created the courthouse sharpening. Gas or electric models. building levy. Judge Fletcher, of Junction PRODUCE LOW- City, was appointed judge pro Paper Back 25c - 35c COST PORK 50c - 75c

.ey Books nd Largest Stock In Town L ...feed ses University Book Store PURINA HOG CHOW 623 N. Manhattan Manhattan me lig CONTAINING TERRAMYCIN* 1968 GMC 1/2 TON PICKUP Purina Hog Chowand grain is a famous combination Fullstandard equipment Ids noted for producing pork fast and at low cost. We are proud of results good hogmenget when they feed Purina As Low As Hog Chow and grain,exactly as Purina Research recom- 4557 mends. This famous Chow is the result ofyears of con- $1960 Make us Prove it with a Demonstration! tinuous work -at Purina's Research Farm, Gray Summit, We needusedpickups badly, 1-3458 Missouri. Purinascientists keel) right on trying to make goodtrade-insallowed. MARYSVILLE VALLEY FAT.LS this great hog feedformula even better-but it's hard to do! BRUNA IMPL. CO. VALLEY IMPL., INC. )-7452 Nemaha Valley WAMEGO CLAY CENTER Purina Hog Chowcontains Terramycin. This broad range TOBUREN IMPL. CO. 3-4305 antibiotic givesprotection against many intestinal tract WAMEGO TRUCK disease organismswhich are inhibited by Terramycin. Motors & TRACTOR HERINGTON 1-353° Inhibition ofdisease organisms aids fast growth and in- TRI-COUNTY SALES GMC Truck LINCOLN, KANS. SENECA creases feed efficiency. Sales and Service RHUDY & SONS, INC. 7-3527 SENECA IMPL. CO. Next timeyou finish a bunch of hogs, trythe Purina Way DE 6-3481 SALINA Hiway 36 Seneca, Kansas ABILENE 1 on 3 -feed PurinaHog Chow and your own grain. LINDQUIST IMPL. CO. WISSING MOTOR CO. Ask for PurinaHog Chow (containingTerramycin) at immommismit 6-3615 our store. *Reg. Trademark-Chas.Pfizer & Co., Inc. 8-2201 sat Now Is The Time To Contract 16F21 Mid -ContinentElevator CE 8-4177 Junction City ,5-2432 FlintHills Feed& Grain PR 8-5322Manhattan Aerial Spraying 5-2108 FarmersUnion Feed Mill 437-2434St. Marys Mor-Kan TO CONTROL BRUSH, WEEDS, ALL THISTLES i7.2398 Elevator 349-2214White City Latest Equipment )9.2161 -Reading Grain& Lumber...... AN 9-3842Reading for spraying For Brush Control, Government AmericusGrain Co. 884-3465Americus Seeding-Dusting 11.3918 Pays up to[1/5)the cost GordenMark Elevator ME 2-3381ClayCenter Defoliating 0_2058 BONDED Nk. WesternGrain Mill 767-5933Council Grove OPERATOR OWNER 38_2608 Paul Kitchen 1.111 WAMEGO, KANS. II PURINA 1409 West 6th doing businessas Jayhawk Aerial Spray Service s5.2501 )":"N".110." Phone 456-730 WORK GUARANTEED sallow CHOWS III IllII CI 64-2313 A similar pattern was follow- Test Plot With Grass & Grain No I FARMERS OUTLOOK ed by the May and July futures, 4 55 Varieties but the futures were unusually KIRON, Iowa - "I've L.H.Simerl high in comparison with prices April 30, 1968 learn. Wei( ed that the initial costof of cash corn. This relationship bag of seed corn means meant either that the futures Last year, these usestook about noth. ing," declares farmer Dennis Of would decline, or that cash pri- 372 million bushels. had put Gustafson, who grew 55 dit TheI ces would rise. The futures To March 1, farmers b: Corn PriceSlump of corn un- ferent varieties of corn in his beset turned downward at mid -March 387 million bushels and a si Corn prices have been a bigbecause of large discounts due and continued lower in April. der price supportloans - private test plot last year. disappointment to many pro- to excessive moisture in the At this time of the year, the three -fourths morethan by that Yields of individualvarieties wool an( ranged from low of 104,6 strong ducers this year. With half ofcorn crop that was harvested most important market news issame date last year.The total bw the 1967-68 marketingyear last fall. the USDA estimate of stocks ofamount of corn - new and old shels to a high of 228.3 bush. opinion gone, quoted prices per bushel Prices of cash corn reached corn (and other grains) on -- underprice support loans and els of No. 2 corn per 'acre,/ meats si Univers' have averaged about 27 cents their harvest -time low in No- farms April 1. This figure wasowned by the CCC was around conducted the test for myown (one -fifth) lower than one yearvember. They moved up 5 to 10released on April 10, but is not742 million bushels - one-third benefit," he says. "I represent before. Actual returns to farm-cents in December, then movedavailable as this report is beingmore than a yearearlier. no seed company. If the nom ers have been down much more,sideways during the winter, prepared. The carryover of corn next parries, or other farmers,can The next important news will fallis expected to be one -fifth glean something from there- be the report of stocks off to one-third larger than the 823 sults, that's fine. But a hybrid farms as of the first of April. million bushels on hand last Oc- that does well on my land and This figure will be released ontober 1. with my fertilitylevel may April 24. When this report be- L. H. Simerl not do well at all for a neigh. comes available, we will beable Univ. of Illinoi'i bor who lives a mile away," to get a much better picture than heretofore of the actual supply situation. We will also be able to make good estimates of the rate at which corn has been "'LOANSRANCH fed to livestock and poultry. via By far the biggest use and A Financial Service market for our corn is for feed to livestock and poultry here in For The Farmer the United Ctates. During the And By The Farmer past five years, he average an- nual use of corn for feed was SALIN about 3150 million bushels - R. STANLEY PARSONS, Mg.% Bob Bu 78 percent of the total amount SEE ME AT Two models: 604 HUMBOLDT PR 6-6931 KWI K- LOA D, of corn that was used and ex- Res. Phone JE 9-8725 Power Box ported. Exports are the second most MANHATTAN important outlet for our corn. Open Mon. through Fri. Brand new shipment of Kasten forage boxes -- the most During the past five years, the 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed 12.1) for your money considering design and ruggedness. average annual use of corn for Branch Offices:CLAY CENTER & JUNCTION CITY riN Sweep speed on KWIK-LOAD model saves 3 minutes feed was about 3150 million bu- [Federal at each unloading, permits an extra load per day. Both shels - 78 percent of the total LAND BANK Assn. of models use deep, 16 -inch -auger cross conveyor with amount of corn that was used MANHATTAN 6 -inch flights for speedy unloading from the left side. and exported. Serving Clay, SW Exports are the second most Geary, Pottawatomie & Riley counties. important outlet for our corn. During the past five years, ex- ports have averaged about 510 million bushels per year - 13 Be Sure YOU GET BOTH percent of the total disappear- NOW IN Buy Now for Best Price ance. Exports reached an all- 00 STOCK AT time peak of 670 million bush- els two years ago, but shrank A.A. KLUGHARTT MACHINERY CO. hack to 466 million bushels last KANSAS CITY, MO. -distributors year. During the first half of ABILENE Wright Implement Company this marketing year, exports More COURTLAND C & W Farm Supply were around 330 million bush- HIAWATHA N E.K. Motor & Implement els -- 29 percent more than dur- LARKINBURG Wheeler Hardware ing the same 6 months a year MARYSVILLE Brauchi Brothers before. In recent weeks, howev- Safety SENECA Heiman Implement er, exports were only 15 to 20 SYLVAN GROVE Geyer Implement percent more than a year ear- ATCHISON Allen Motor & Implement HIGHLAND Tom Miller Implement lier. AND LEONARDVI L LE Kendall Garage & Implement The other uses for corn do LINN - PALMER Bisping Implement not change much from one year PAXICO Eddies Service to another. They include corn SALINA Martin-Lockard Implement used for wet process milling 1NAM EGO Meinhardt Farm Equipment I starch. syrup, etc, Icornmeal Highest and cereals. alcohol, and seed. Earnings

A Case man Get the most of both safety and earningsat Capitol Federal-the only financial institution tills and plants in Kansas offering 350 Million Dollar Safety - simultaneously and highest earnings on lowest minimums- profit with safety that cannot be matched ... with one compact unit.No long, awkward "freight train" hookup here. PLUS the "bonus safety" of insurance. Be sure This new Case TC pull -type unit planter is only 14 feet long... prepares the seedbed and plants 4, 6 or 8 rows. you get the best when youinvest-Save at 20, 30, 40 -inch rows ... you name it. Applies liquid, granular or anhydrous fertilizer. Pop-up or starter. Capitol Federal in person or by mail (postageis Herbicide. Insecticide. All at the same time. Or use itwithoutthe ground tools as a straight planting unit. Here's the planter that lets you change your mind ... profitably! paid both ways). The tractor? It's the 6 -plow Case 930 with plenty of power for multiple operations at optimum working speeds. LOWEST MINIMUMS Feed Big bore ... long stroke ...high -torque design.An easy -running, big -displacement diesel engine -401 cubic inches, SAVINGS 6 mo.- S5,000Min. Finish 1800 rpm rated speed. A deep reserve of pull -power to lick your heaviest jobs. On lighter operations, the 930 delivers 36 mo.-S1,000 MM. proved economy-plus the big -tractor hydraulic output needed for modern remote control systems. In Gooe OnPasslAolc Savings Get the facts from your Case dealer on this big -producer tractor and versatile new planter. There's a Crop -Way Easy In-Easy Out benefits With Deposits or Withdrawals in Purchase or Lease Plan to fit your operating budget. J. (.Case Company, Racine, Wisconsin. any amount-any time Gooch ; balance I8,5%

111.6% $1.50 CHESTER, NEBR. SALINA Capitol Grabau Impl. Co. Vahsholtz Impl. Co. CLAY CENTER LINN Federal Porter Eqpt,. Co. Kuhlman Motor Co. 1121 Crawford ME2-5202 savings CENTRALIA. MARYSVILLE iminzumn=1 1201 TOPEKA BLVD. ILAWRENCE McBratney Impl. Brauchi Brothers 2100 FAIRLAWN RD. KANSAS CITY Phone 857-3815 ifyingpt MARION CHAPMAN C*()Ch Longhofer Supply Jones &, Knopp WA 2-3241 Peed Mil "The Most Trusted Name In Savings" For more thana year, Tuma 55 pounds andover to learn more than $24 billion, press - could run to $24.2 billion, unless No Basis For and representativesof Montanawhat makes and Texas state colleges an over -100 -poundsources said last week. the 10 percent surtax bill is have lamb subjectto dockage. The prediction made by the passed and made retroactive to been studying whymarket Weight Dock Generally, bothpackers andpresident in January for fiscalApril 1, lambs ofmore than 100 pounds retailers have were subject to dockage expressed genu-1968 (ending this June) 'was for The possibility of such a huge Of Sheep for ine interest in theresearch anda deficit of $19.8 billion. deficit - which officials fear weight and what wouldmake major packing But that contemplated $1.9 could cause new international The nation's sheep industry,for betterprocessor, retailer companies have beset by decreasing numbers and consumer been helpful, Tumasaid. billion in additional tax revenuesconcern about the dollar - is acceptance of The researchers learned between April 1 and June 30 also indicated in the cumulative and a shift away from usage of lamb as a redmeat product. that - wool and lamb meat may have a in some cases the100 pounds a prospect that grows increas- spending and receipts figures Some of the thingsTuma and and over lambs strong future potential, in thehis crew have learned were in betteringly dim. for the first 8 months of the fis- opinion of Dr. Harold Tuma, are en- "finish" than thoseweighing And in the meantime, the cal year. lightening about thesheep bus- meats specialist at Kansas State less than thaton the hoof. government has officially boost- As published in economic iness. They have studied3700 University. What makes a lambgood, ed the Vietnam spending pro- cators, the 8 -month deficit had carcasses weighing from 45to both from the retailand proces-jection by $2 5 billion for thisreached a total of $25 billion at sing standpoint is thethicknessfiscal year. Thus, the deficit the end of February. ØN Dutchman®"CONFINEMENT" of fat - because fat iswaste on lamb. Lamb buyers for packinghou- HOG PRODUCTION ses assume that any weight over 100 pounds is fat and the dockage begins. However, Tuma MORE HOGS IN LESS SPACE in his examination ofcarcasses learned that in January this EASIER FEED HANDLING year 64 per cent of the lambs weighing more than 100 pounds were "finished properly"- REDUCED LABOR EXPENSE meaning that they had less than 0.3 inch of fat on their backs. FASTER GAINS The "over finish" character- istics of too much fat are found 1116 berate Nearly Farm Wage(f) fIllitbout Soul NW boo) as often in the lighter lamb car- kg Farm Piothicties Resins LESS DISEASE casses as the heavy ones, the re- D%%%%%%MT of AoptIcULTune searchers found. FISHING -HUNTING LICENSE Wages SALINA Ph 827-3453 BEATRICE, Nebr. Ph. 228-2148 Average farm wage rates, excluding room and board, dur- Bob Burlingame, 925 E. Claflin Klaus Dueck, 1711 Hoyt REVENUE OVER $2 MILLION ing 1966 varied from West Coast's $L51 to Delta area's 87 cents. CORNHUSKER BRANCH Revenue for fishing and hunt- Ph. 228-2224 Beatrice, Nebraska ing licenses in Kansas pushed above the $2 million mark for Becomea Beautician the first time in 1967. There were 311,446 resident, non-resi- at aNationally Accredited School dent, and combination hunting- fishing licenses sold. The Fish TIME to 87Game Commission is entirely self-supporting in Kansas, get- ting all of its funds from licen- SWITCH ses. to New Ft. Riley General For GOOCH Troop Deployment FT. RILEY - Maj. Gen. Rod- erick Wetherill, 50, command- ing general of the 24th Infantry Division, currently deploying from Germany to Ft. Riley, will become commanding general of Ft. Riley this week. Gooch Research develops Weatherill will assume com- NEW CLASSES START the higher powered mand of the post from Brig. Gen Linton S. Boatright, 48, grain balancer! commanding general since last FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH October. HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS. . . Now is the time to consid- Boatwright, a veteran of the er a career as a beautician.Crum's Beauty School graduates Vietnam war, will become as- are happily and profitablyat work in many states, and we sistan division commander. invite you to explore thisfield before you embark on any Two brigades of the 24th Di- career. Your training is ina pleasant, air-conditioned school. Your diploma is the key toalmost any fine beauty establish - NOW contains higher vision are in the process of ment anywhere. levels of Aureomycin transferring to Ft. Riley. A third brigade will remain in Write or phone Germany. for Brochure. Gooch Research again Ft. Riley officials said about takes the lead to make it 3000 of the 10,000 men schedul- easier for you to be a good ed to deploy had arrived here. The move will be completed by hog raiser. Gooch's Best July 1. Super 40 is now the higher beauty school 512mittave k powered grain balancer that LUCKI.1 oaw, OMNBI provides the perfect balance of Federal Deficit CKARLIS tiM. OSECTOR

exacting, up-to-date nutrition to... At $25 Billion Telephone 776-4794 In Manhattan bring out the fast growing and meat - This year's federal budget def- making potentials bred in today's hogs. icit is now expectedto run III keep turned on all the way to market the faster growth momentum set up by modern Aureo SP -250 starting and growing feeds. ACRA-PthieMETHOD OF Feed savingsreturn over $1.50 extra per head; Finishingtime shortened over 5 days: CONTROLLED SEED PLACEMENT In GoochResearch Farm trials, hogs measured these "plus benefits"from near doubling the Aureomycin levels in Gooch Super40 to make it the higherpowered grain balancer. III 8.5% fastergains shortens finish time more than5 days. II 11.6%feed savings per Cwt. gain returns an extra $1.50per head. ACRA-Plant NOW IS THE TIME * EQUAL DEPTH TO SWITCH TO GOOCH! * EVEN EAR AND HEAD SIZE * FASTER PLANT EMERGENCE FREE * FEWER SEED CASUALTIES * EARLIER HARVEST During May you can earn * EVEN SPACING Alarm * BETTER STANDS * HIGHER YIELDS AND PROFIT the Petite Electric Sunbeam * LESS DRYING OUT * QUICKER LEAF SHADING FR Clock shown above with yourqual- ifyingpurchase of the new higher powered grain balancer- FOR NAME OF YOUR DEALER, WRITE OR CALL GoochSuper 40. See your Gooch Dealer or contact the Gooch Telephone 913 - ME 2-5100 Feed Mill inSalina for your supply of the NewGooch Super 40. WALT LIPS SALES CO. CLAY CENTER, KANS. Grass & Grain April30, 1968 A Major Effort To Preserve Wildlife Species A government scientist thinks there is a good chance to save 78 species of wildlife threatened with extinction. Fifty-two species more are on gi the critical list, John S. Gott- schalk, director of the Interior department's Bureau of Sports Fisheries and Wildlife, told a House appropriations subcom- mittee at a recent closed meet- ing. Once a species is gone from the face of the earth, it is gone for good," Gottschalk said. "So we have lost not only things like the Carolina parakeet, but the heath hen, the passenger This is the feed that puts the curl in tails and gets your pigeon, the great auk, and quite small pigs to hog weight fasterthan any other feed. It :s a few others. high in nutrient, has unmatchedpalatability. And this special "But we are in danger of los- price for a limited time puts morepork money into your ing many more. Our current End of Line for Dwight School pocket. list of rare or endangered ani- Here is the Dwight High School building, which has been SPECIAL PRICE mals in the continental United closed on direction of the state fire marshal with an engineering KEY PIG STARTER States is on the order of 130 firm hired by the Dwight school board concurring with that rec- ommendation. Students from Dwight, in the northwest corner P that are critical. Of this num- of Morris County, are now going to improvised classroomsat ber, 78 are threatened with ex- the grade school i; tinction," BULK 905per ton Such a fate, however, may be ON OUR DOCK NO LIMIT averted because of work under way at the Patuxent Wildlife Sacked $109 per ton Research center in Prince Geor- AGRICULTURALLIM? ges County, Maryland, Gott- CASH ORDERS DISCOUNTED 2% schalk said. In his testimony, which the SEE.YOUR KEY DEALER subcommittee madepublic, Now Available OR CALL THE MILL COLLECT ME 2-2141 Gottschalk said the work is aim- ed at learning what can reason- ably and constructively be done Bayer Construction Co. to preserve the affected animals. KEY MILLING CO. "We think," he said, "we have LPR6-8839 - 509 Yuma - MANHATTAN, KANS. a good chance of preventing Clay Center, Kansas their disappearance from the face of the earth. And we think FFICE this is an important and worth- while task that millions of , J. GRIFF Americans are vitally interested AT THE SIGN , E. ARNO] ,B. GLE1 in.,, UNION STATE YD CA. Gottschalk said that when the OS. R. LI Patuxent center is fully staffed OF THE YN H and equipped in about 10 years, HIL HOW W. STOL about 7000 to 10000 birds and OGER D. mammals of 75 to 100 species els,1NIE N and _subspecies will be held in ROBERT captivity to produce stock for CLAY CIENTIF.E9KANSAS V. MORT RACE A. I release to bolster or re-establish it ANNA FA wildlife populations. UNION OY FAU He asked the subcommittee to STATE LLE approve an appropriation of Statement of Condition at Close of Business April 18, 1968 A. 8750,000 to acquire, in the year BAN E A. beginning July 1, an additional ETPI WE 180 acres for the center's endan- gered species research program. RESOURCES TIME DIREC Another 290 acres would be Loans and Discounts $ 5,899,495.87 2 J.E. ARNO] acquired the succeeding fiscal ] i 66: Overdrafts 1,144.05 Vice-Chairn year, he said, adding that the : ": i .11 total of 470 acres would meet Bank Building $ 70,000.00 CHARLES ; the center's remaining land re- T:i.e'71E R Arr jairS':"i.] Partner, Ar 1quirements. Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment 45,761.43 115,761.43 of feedBAN K CC, BREW Federal Reserve Bank Stock 27,000.00 President, I To GROW WITH U. S. Government Securities LLOYD CA] ANTIQUES 1,869,732.30 Senior Vice.

State and Municipal Securities 1,982,576.86 PO, FARR Brake Furniture President, Cash and Sight Exchange 1,240,180.35 5,092,489.51 I DOUBLE "T" W.B. GLEI1 Blue Rapids Kati. TOTAL $11,135,890.86 President CHARLES I OFFICERS LIABILITIES Partner, Ar SADDLE CLUBS... TI, GRIFF Capital Stock $200,000.00 Chairman0: TROPHIES, especially designed for CHESTER W. OBERG Surplus 700,000.00 N.D. RAR% President President, show events. Order now. Satisfact KENNETH G. STROM i tion guaranteed. Undivided Profits 294,320.75 1,194,320.75 Vice President & Cashier PHIL ROW] R. D. HINKLE Reserves 171,050.34 ice-Presidt Ass't Vice President MILITARY SERVICE CO. WARD M. N CLARA ROSE Due Federal Reserve Bank 50,000.00 President, Assistant Cashier Deposits V 1010 West Spruce 9,720,519.77 O.W. MRS. IRENE MARSHALL ERRS] JUNCTION CITY, KANSAS President, Assistant Cashier TOTAL 11 Ph. 913/238-7504 $11,135,890.86 LARRY DAVIDSON LW, noL2 Assistant Cashier Vice -Preside GARY W. BECK Assistant Cashier & Presidentl' "BERT Farm Service Director C 1968 GMC PICKUP Abstracting DutEcrons $1995 DR. LLOYD E. ALQUIST Wide bed, 3-spd. transmis- Chairman The above Statement is correct sion, fresh air heater WM. G. AMSTEIN, JR. GLENN V. DITTMAR and defroster. CHESTER W. OBERG KENNETH G. STROM, Vice President & Cashier FRANK D. OBERG A 1, ale Sharp Trucks FOSTER R. SMITH Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation TOPEKA, KANSAS)' KENNETH G. STROM W IW. Hwy. 24 CE 4-S6(n The Bank that pioneered in helping the farmercomputerize farming operations AN 'ALARMING'EXODUS OF CATHOLICPRIESTS A Catholic organizationhas MULTI -RING reported that 711 RomanCatho- lic' clergymen leftthe priest- NYLON FRONTS hood in 1966 and1967, a num- ber considered "alarming"by "ffmetetweeste4a the National Associationof Pas- REDUCED toral Renewal. Thereare 60,000 Catholic priests inthe country. 5.00x15 4 -Ply $7.95 Of the number wholeft the priesthood in the twoyears, 108 5.50x16 4 -Ply $7.95 Mid -Continent or more had been ordained for 6.00x16 4 -Ply $8.95 15 years or more.At least 40% of the departing priestshave 6.00x16 6 -Ply $13.95 since married, thereport said, Elevator indicating that thesurvey was 6.50x16 6 -Ply $15.95 incomplete and the totalnumber 7.50x15 6 -Ply $20.95 13TH & PRICE STS. was probably higher. 7.50x16 6 -Ply $20.95 Prices plus Federal Excise Tax & BOB WILSON TO TRY 7.50x18 4 -Ply (Along the UP Tracks) FOR COUNTY JUDGESHIP $17.95 Resalable Tire. Bob Wilson, G&G areaauc- 7.50x18 6 -Ply $22.95 Add $3 if tire tioneer from St. George, says he is not re -saleable JUNCTION CITY, KANS. will run for the Republicanno- Phone CE 8-4177 mination for probate judge in Pottawatomie County. Wilson POWER GRIP was a long time warehouser NOW OFFERS and truckerfor MoorMan NYLON REAR THE COMPLETE LINE OF feeds and more recently has been in the real estate and auc- tion business. Low Priced 18.434 6 ply $105 PURINA FEEDS Combine CYL Bars For Better Combine JOE KELLY, Mgr. Efficiency Try the SLILGHTLY AUSHERMAN BLEMISHED Reversible Bar Your Area Dealer 12.4x28 4 ply $43 Airport Service Station 13.6-28 4 ply $47 Clay Center, Kans. CHOWS ME 2-2785 14.9-28 4 ply $55 Airport Corner W. 24 hwy. XiMPURINA)11:411:4 12.4-38 4 ply $57 13.6-38 6 ply $72 PROGRESSING WITH MANHATTAN SINCE 1889 We Have Them 14.9-38 6 ply $80 UNION NATIONAL BANK 15.5-38 6 ply $80 MANHATTAN, KANSAS 18.4-30 6 ply $95 Condensed Statement of Condition April 18, 1968 18.4-34 6 ply $95 OFFICERS Plus Fed. Ex. Tax T. J. GRIFFITH, Chairman of the Board & re -saleable tire. J. E. ARNOLD, Vice Chairman & Trust Officer W. B. GLENN, President LLOYD CARLSON, Senior Vice -President THOS. R. LEE, Vice -President & Cashier OVER 150 USED EVELYN HANNAGAN, Vice -President PHIL HOWE, Vice -President TRACTOR TIRES L. W. STOLZER, Vice -President RESOURCES ROGER D. BATSON, Assistant Vice -President Still Plenty of Service in These BONNIE NESPOR, Assistant Vice -President J. ROBERT WILSON, Trust Officer Loans and Discounts $14,596,081.76 SIZE QNTY. QNTY. W. V. MORTON, Assistant Cashier 9.25-24 2 18.4-30 GRACE A. DAVIES, Assistant Cashier U. S. Government Bonds 3,535,242.75 7 11.2-28 3 16.9-34 21 DONNA FAUROT, Assistant Cashier Municipal Bonds 5,828,955.33 TROY FAUROT, Assistant Cashier 12.4-28 5 18.4-34 16 HAZELLE NETSON, Assistant Cashier Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 75,000.00 13.6-28 6 4 HELEN A. O'NEILL, Assistant Cashier 11.2-38 MINNIE A. TAYLOR, Assistant Cashier Cash and Sight Exchange 2,153,693.52 14.9-28 7 12.4-38 5 BETTY WEICHMANN, Assistant Cashier 16.9-28 11 13.6-38 Bank Premises 65,000.00 17 14.9-26 8 14.9-38 7 DIRECTORS Furniture and Fixtures 98,907.00 18.4-26 5 15.5-38 48 16.9-30 3 18.4-38 4 J.E. ARNOLD Leasehold Improvements 12,923.42 Vice -Chairman of the Board Other Real Estate Owned 246,669.40 CHARLES S. ARTHUR Partner, Arthur & Green Attorneys $26,612,473.18 FARM WAGON AND C.C. BREWER President, Brewer Motor Co., Inc. FLOTATION TIRES LLOYD CARLSON SIZE PLYPRICE Senior Vice -President W.F. FARRELL LIABILITIES 600-164 9.95 President, Farrell's Inc. 670-154 9.95 W.B. GLENN Capital Stock $ 350,000.00 President 760-156 14.00 Surplus 2,150,000.00 CHARLES D. GREEN 950-156 18.00 Partner, Arthur & Green Attorneys 493,337.52 Undivided Profits 900-146 14.00 T.J. GRIFFITH Chairman of the Board Total Capital Accounts -$2,993,337.52 950-146 18.00 180,490.59 N.D. HARWOOD Reserves 11 L 158 26.00 President, Manhattan Milling Co., Inc 23,438,645.07 PHIL HOWE Deposits 11 L15 8 26.00 Vice -President $26,612,473.18 11 L 16 8 Ply26.00. All pfices plus fed. ex. WARD M. KELLER tax. No trade tire needed. President, Ward M. Keller Dept. Store O.W. KERSHAW ON THE FARM SERVICE President, KershawSand & ReadY VALT We have an electric generator and all L.W. STOLZER The above statement is correct. Vice -President equipment to help you on the farm. THOS. R. LEE, Vice President & Cashier J. ROBERTWILSON President,Charlson & Wilson Abstractingand Insurance TIRE STORE on K-15 North of Square ME 2.2167 Clay Center, Kans. REX KOPPES Wif:041.iretaltal-ga/nA AP4PLA T TA Nig AN i AO REX'SSERVICE LARRY COUP. Manager MEMBER OF FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 6th & Ruda/lime, Phone CO 39813 SALINA TO CONTINUE FARM MACHINERYSHOW Grass &Grain Feeders Assn. SALINA - The Salina Cham- 8 13 State Bridges Have ber of Commerce hasagreed to April 30, Decries NFO produce another farmshow 1968 00010 Posted Load Limits here next spring and maybroa- Hog Killing denittoincludeother is. mater- Visit Our Retail Displayof TOPEKA - State Highway Departmentofficials A major farming organizationfarm equipment besides said 13 bridges now are posted for loadsof less than 10 has point-blank condemned theials handling equipment.Nam- Lighting Fixtures tons. Although the bridges are consideredsafe for loads policy of destroying meat ani-ed to a committee to work on endei within the posted limits, heavier loads wouldbe hazard- mals in an effort to boost price.next year's show were KenSte- dacott Electric ous. The National Livestock Feed-phenson, Robert Whitworth, 309 MORO - MANHATT4 Frio The bridges and their locations: ers Association from its head- and Loren Harris. Toyed tI County south of Hel- Bridge on K3 in Crawford quarters at Omaha has issued a white VII per on Walnut Creek, postedat seven tons. statement not directly mention- ten haPI Bridge on K5 in LeavenworthCounty southeast ing the National Farmers Organ- CHECK THE RECORD ofover a creek, posted at seventons. ization but pointing out that it 1 cup Bridge on K5 in LeavenworthCounty south of 1 cup does not go along with the idea 1 cup of Lansing over a creek on K5, postedat seven tons. of killing and burying hogs. southeast AND YOU'LL PLANT. 1 cuP Bridge on K5 in Leavenworth County "The members of this associa- 1/4 tea of Lansing on Seven -Mile Creek, posted at seventons. tion,"the statementsaid, Cook Bridgeon 1(39 in Neosho Countynortheast of ".share the concern of our na- of 2. Stark over a creek, posted at five tons. tion's news media, of its con- Bridge on K87 in Marshall County at Vliets over cool. sumers and of most livestock AStrong Stalked the Vermillion River, posted at five tons. feeders and producers over cer- Our Lang Bridge on K106 in Ottawa County at Minneap- tain events which have been oc- %Veda olis over the Solomon River, posted at eight tons. e recipe curringon farms and have Mid -Season Milo Bridge on K147 in Neosho County west of Walnut created an unfavorable image of allY over Rock Creek, posted at seven tons. agricultureinthemindsof LOI Bridge on K148 in Republic County at the many people." o1 (SE west county line over Marsh Creek, posted at five tons. . The statement went on to say Bridge on K148 in Republic County west of Nor- that there is no doubt livestock 2 teasPo( way over the Republican River, posted at five tons. pricesandreturns are some- After four years on the official KansasGrain Sorghum Bridge on K192 in Leavenworth County at Eas- Performance Tests (Bulletin 515 KSU) what less than desired by farm- the following outstanding record: RS 671 hasmade ton over a creek (overflow bridge), posted at seven ers and that many producers en- tons. gagedinfeeding animals for Included on the list are three bridges in the process market are having a difficult Greeley County (Irrigated)RS 671 RaRnks First of being replaced: , yield on the 2,3 and 4 year averages in Bridge on K67 in Norton County at the Norton time meeting costs of operation State Hospital over Prairie Dog Creek, posted at five and making a living. Therefore, Ford County (Dryland) RS 671 is first among available the members of the feeders as- hybrids on both the 3 and 4 year average AGGIE tons. sociation want to improve their Bridge on K68 in Miami County west of Louis- 5 Moro current economic situation. Finney County (Fallow) RS 671 is first in yield for the burg, posted at five tons. "But there exists a vast differ- 3 year average 1964-65-66. (1967 test was hailed and In1965,thelist of posted bridges contained the not harvested) names of 17 spans.Highwayofficialssaidthelist enceinaccepted methods of dwindles each year as new projects are completed. achieving these aims," the state- Ellis County - RS 671 was 15% above the average ment said. "It goes without say- Stafford County -RS 671 was 10% above the average The ing that these aims (for higher Reno County - RS 671 was 11% above the 1966.67 av- prices) can be defeated faster erage with only 1/3 as much lodging. Condensed Statement as of the close of business Apr. 18, 1968 than anyone wishes to admit if Dipli Also Available - NC+ T-700 (full -season milo) and first the good will of customers is al- on both the 5 and 6 year averages of Finney County it Of ienated. Ready public accept- Irrigated Tests. ance of beef, pork and lamb is an absolute necessity to the at- Nu -Su -2 - Fast growing, top quality sorghum sudan- but a Serving tainment of these goals. grass hybrid for pasture, green chop hay or hay . "From adeclared policy on lage, etc. mak( The Manhattan numerous occasions, the Nation- NB 305F - Top ouality, all sweet, ensilage feed, ideal Area alLivestockFeeders associa- for winter grazing or fodder. Occa tion,and we believe the live- For More Than stock feeders who provide the For a complete line of dependable corn and sorghums- ,c,Cp vast majority of red meat for see your NC+ dealer today. 80 Years consumers, are anxious to sup- B ply their millions of customers with a steady flow of improved aut.0 food products that they not only need,butwill be anxious to A Bulova buy." is almost a The feedersassociation ex- national bank cap and plained that it was its policy, in o cap every the face of overly adequate mar- event for e ketsupplieswhich CLAY CENTER, KANSAS and woma RESOURCES depress magnificer prices, to exercise voluntary re- the Bulovt straints in production, to feed to Collection Loans and Discounts $13,019,082.87 lighter weights and to market Established 1885 examinatic orderlyin an effort to create graduated U. S. Bonds 3,311,566,00 conditions which would bring CLAY CENTER, KANSAS magna cur MunicipaL County and higher prices. Such methods are State Bonds 3,376,659.54 effective even if not sensational, CONDENSED STATEMENT the statement insisted. At the close of business April 18, 1968 View of a Minority Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 45,000.00 P.. "It is our hope," the statement Bank Premises Owned 615,384,29 continued,"that the vast con- RESOURCES suming public, of which we are Loans and Discounts $ 5,570,852.78 Furniture and Fixtures 131,382.83 members ourselves, will realize Other Real Estate Owned 89,000.00 that those incidents which have Fixed Assets 103,640.00 received rather wide publicity in Federal Reserve Bank Stock 18,000.00 Other Assets 10,414.18 no way reflect the attitude of the I entirelivestockindustry-or U.S. Government Securities $1,222,105.50 Cash and Duefrom Banks ....2,332,166.25 even a sizable portion of it." Kansas Municiapal Bonds The National Livestock Feed- and Warrants 1,081,879.97 Total Resources $22,930,655.96 ers Association is an organiza- CCC Certificates of Interest 884,480.21 tion of people engaged in the 4,510,829.14 business of feeding cattle, hogs Cash and Due From Banks 1,322,363.46 LIABILITIES and lambs for slaughter meat. TOTAL $10,203,321.92 Its membership is largely in the Capital Stock $ 500,000.00 grain -producing area of the mid- LIABILITIES Capital Notes 500,000.00 dle part of the United States. Capital Stock $ 100,000.00 About 98 percent of the mem- Surplus 1,000,000.00 bers feed cattle and 69 percent Surplus 500,000.00 Undivided Profits 378,919.14 978,919.14 Undivided Profits 646,451.06 hogs, which means most are producing both beef and pork. Reserves 118,617.05 Reserve for contingencies 808,411.45 Deposits 9 105785.73 Deposits 19,975,793.45 Vlb[TYVITIE4'0°Q TOTAL $10,203,321.92 Total Liabilities $22,930,655.96 The above statement is correct When R.R. SMITH,Cashier The above statement is correct A ANTIQUES ALVIN A. HOSTETLER, Pres. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS NEW BANK D. E. McIntosh, Jr., President W. F. McIntosh, Exec. Vice -President 701 Poyntz Ave. Wayne W. Ryan, Vice -President er WALK-IN TELLER FACILITY R. R. Smith, Cashier 330 Poyntz Ave. Arlene Hileman, Asst. Cashier optil James H. Schulze, Asst. Cashier THIJits Wade A. Bauer, Farm Representative EvEs THINK FIRST H. E. Valentine Ada Leach Bisenius The First National Bank Elsie Cowell Held George W. Fullington of Manhattan; Kansas "BUY IT: BUY IT: WOULDN'T IT tO Member F.D.I.C. BE GREAT TO HAVE HIM AROUND TO HELP GET IN THE CROPS,00 Member F.D.I.C. and Federal Reserve Bank 'When , THE MILKING, FEED THE STOCK...." ain OUR DAILY BREAD Check Home - by G&G Area Cooks For Places To CreateStorage Space Grass & Grain 9 Small homes rs.Edwin Walker, place a premiumand other materials neededdo April 30, 1968 Of Wakefield on storage places.To solve the cooking outdoors. res problem of takingcare of the Sender Of Winning Recipe sporting equipmentowned by family members,take a look mineral rro around. deficiency= prize winner, Mrs. Edwin Walker, R 2,Wakefield: "Have Is there any placeyou could enjoyed the recipes so much. I like this recipebecause the store thingsover, under or in? profitdeficiency white syrup keeps the syrup from crystallizing whichI find Over the car, under often happens if it is not used." the eaves, in Ifyour animalslack the steps offergood storage for minerals, you'll lack profits. Remedy SYRUP thatwith CO-OPMineralConcentrates. Available in block 1 cup granulated sugar skis, skates andfishing equip- or loose form. 1 cup brown sugar ment. 1 cup white syrup NAME Most garages haveample MINERAL LEVELS USES 1 cup boiling water space above the door 1/4 teaspoon maple flavoring (or enough for desiredtaste) to per- 3% Phosphorus mit building a ledge,loft or en- CO-OP Mineral 20%Calcium For animals on high -grain rations such Cook until drop forms on spoon or has reachedtempera- as: ture of 210 degrees. Remove from heat. Add flavoring tire floor with a trapdoor,Sleds Concentrate #130% Salt and Plus Trace Minerals-Feedlot cattleon high -grain rations. cool. and tobogganscan be stored **** there until the next slidingsea- For animals on medium high -grainra- Our Langdon, Mo., cook, Wan- sweetener son. Pegs on garage walls will 6% Phosphorus tions such as: da Wedel, sent the following CO-OP Mineral 20% Calcum -Feedlotcattle % cup oleo, melted hold many tools and toysuntil Concentrate #2 receiving moderate cake recipe which dieterses- 2 eggs, beaten they are needed. 271/2 Salt amounts of hay and/or silage. pecially will appreciate: 11/4cups cake flour Plus Trace Minerals-Dairycattleonhigh -grain,limited LOW CALORIE 1/4 teaspoon salt Long, slender tools and equip- roughage feeding. ORANGE CAKE 2 tablespoons baking ment willsnuggle under the (Serves Eight)2 powder For animals on medium high roughage i/3 cup orange juice eaves or overhang on your such as: teaspoons liquid no -calorie Mix well. Pour into 9 -inchlay-house or garage. Canning rub- 9% Phosphorus er pan. Bake at 375 degrees 30 CO-OP Mineral 20% Calcium -Cattleon pasture,silageorhay nun bers nailed in place make good Concentrate #325% Salt rations receiving only a small amount lade minutes or until done. Remove from pan. Just before serving,loops to hold fishing poles and Plus Trace Minerals of grain. made -Dairycattlereceivingratherlarge spoon this sauce over servinghockey sticks. amounts of roughage. while portions: Everyone with small living st in you SAUCE quarters needs good outdoor For animals on high roughage rations, wait 1/2 teaspoon sweetener 12% Phosphorus or where a narrow calcium -phosphorus furniture. With careful selec- i s neededsuch as: Liable 1A cup orange juice CO-OP Mineral 20% Calcium AGGIE HARDWARE Bring to boil and simmer twotion, such furniture can provide Concentrate#4191/2% Salt -Cattle on a highroughageration or three minutes. orpasture.-Swine 1205 Moro MANHATTAN * ** * summer storage for games and Plus TraceMinerals r the sportinggoods. Waterproof on growing or fattening rations, I and stools with hinged lids can be or breeding stock. Contains Regular made to hold anything you For the control of stomach worms, hook CO-OP Mineral Phenothiazine 1 might want in your outdoor liv- worms, and nodular worms. Keep be- Concentrate #56% Phosphorus rage The 20% Calcium fore animals (cattleor sheep) atall ing area. The picnic table can (Phenothiazine) 17 ay. be built with a large, flat stor- 25% Salt times. Do not feed tolactating dairy Diploma makes age area under a hinged top. Plus Trace Mineralscows. first This furniture can be made with Contains "Bar Fly" Prevents the breeding of horn fliesin runty CD -OP Mineral it Official... legs that come off with the re- Phenothiazine manureofcattle.Feedfreechoice, Concentrate#66% Phosphorus startingbefore thehornflyseason. moval of a bolt. This makes ("Bar Fly" udan buta Bulova 20% Calcium Also helpscontrolstomach worms, storage against a wall much Phenothiazine) 25% Salt hay - hook worms andnodular worms. Do makes the easier. Some furniture is stack- Plus Trace Minerals not feedtolactatingdairy cows. able, one piece fitting into an- 6%Phosphorus ideal Foruse when feeding mineral and salt other. Some furniture folds flat CO -BP Mineral No Salt separately is desired. Feed along with Occasion! for easy storage above a car Concentrate #7271/2% Calcium salt for the same feeding situations as ns - or along a wall. Plus Trace MineralsCO-OP Mineral Concentrate #2. Alongside the outdoor fire- 12% Phosphorus For use when feedng mineral and salt place, outdoor cabinets can be CO-OP Mineral No Salt separately isdesired. Feed along with built to house outdoor cooking Concentrate #8271/2% Calcium saltfor the samefeedng situation as utensils and dishes. This area Plus Trace MineralsCO-OP Mineral Concentrate #4. can be built large enough to Concentrate #9 's identical to #2 except that EDDI (organic iodine)is added. A Bulova for graduation hold equipment that is used dur- Concentrate # 10 is identical to #7 except EDDIis added. EDDI helps pre- is almost as traditional asa ' ventfoot rotandsoft tissue lumpy jaw when fed correctly. nk cap and gown. You can ing the short canning and pre- cap every graduation serving season. Be certain to See Your CO-OP FEED MAN for the full story. event for every young man BANKER "GG" make a place to store charcoal ISM and woman with these -17jewels. COOP; mineral concentrates magnificent watches from Gilt markers on the Bulova Excellence silvertone or gilt dial. Yellow. Mite May Be Collection. Up to 800 Brown mariner examinations have whalestrap. Cause Of Allergy graduated them $59.95 An insectcalledthe house - ericii magna cum laude! dust mite seems to be the cause Herkimer Co-op Bus. Assn. of house -dust allergy, Dutch Herkimer HI 3-3824 scientists report. Oketo RI 4-2341 If their finding is borne out, Holtorad." it offers a simpler way of de- LFarmers Union Co-op Bus.4117411113 creasing allergic sensitivity. An Assn./..__ Holton 364-3161 Farmers Union Co-op extract of the mite could be Denison 50-Mayetta 28 Business Assn. 152.78 used in "shots" instead of house - 140.00 Manhattand°5 dust preparations , says a lead- Carlton 100.00 ing medical publication. Co-op Assn. Fanners Cooperative Assn. Carlton Manhattan -Alta Vista Telephone 31 -Westmoreland-Onaga The Latest A001.111 Greenleaf JunctionCity\ `Daily Farmers Co-opCop Elevator Assn. Co-op Assn. Greenleaf -Linn Council Grove 29.14 Bread' -Washington -Junction City CE 8-4158 21.92 Prize. ma maCenterFarmers Union Co-o - ay Farmers Union Co-op LADY PETITE "6" Alma Ph. 765-3612p Clay Center -Bala 23jewels.Two dia- Eskridge Ph. 449-2291 -Miltonvale-Leonardville monds. Yellowor white. Fashion ICE BUCKET right, day or night. THERMOS BRAND. High )104 $59.95 efficiency insulation. Extra - I GODDESS OF large capacity, Perfect for ,17.05 ATN TIME "00"- Only a DATE KING "NP" - 4,/i 17 jewels. 14K patio dining, picnics or par- ;8533 17 jewels. Automatic. yellow or white ties. Has handle for easy car- Waterproof*. Calendar I Florentined case. world of time ;2192 window. Sweep second 7 Facetedcrystal. rying, tight -fitting lid and hand. Swedged Roman Florentined numerals on gilt dial. adjustable comes in lovely decorator can bring you Luminous dial bracelet. and hands.$69.95 I $69.95 colors. When you know the flavor of bier what makes a watch tick,you'll give a Bulova The Winner each week is drawn by lot from the rect Kentucky's pes printed. Win one by' sending us your. Finest favorite recipe - this can be maindish,leftover,salad, Side dish, dessert or what Bourbon have you. 1. Check your recipe care- OPEN fully to be sure all ingredi- THURS. ents are accurate and ac- OLD EVES counted for. 2. Be sure your name and OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE address are on the entry. CHARTER DOWNTOWN S. Only onerecipeat a 8 yearsold MANHATTAN, KANS. time, please. , - 4. Send it to Woman's Page tick-took-tick-tock Editor, Grass & Grain, Box the BoOrbon that didn t watch the clock. *Whencase, crownand crystal are intact. 1009, Manhattap,.. siftmwr BOURBON WHISKY. 86 PROOF (:)/;11.f3CHARTERP1ST. CO., LOUISVILLE, KY.. companiment. For a perfect Combine Melon, Grass at Grain ending, serve chilled apricots, Greens InSalad 10 Prepare ThisEasy Supper oatmeal cookies and tall glasses servings of a Apr To make six April 30, 1968 of cold milk. green saladwith both melon and ITALIAN blue cheese forspecial flavor, For A SpringEvening BEEF SANDWICHES. of torn lettuce 6 frozen minute beef toss 1 quart cheese. Then toss lightly greens andabout 3 cups of mel- with 1/a cup sliced onion bite -sized cubes. melon cubes and lettuce.To on cut into serve, lift the salad onto 1 small clove garlic, minced Combine 1 cup sour creamand chiller seasoning, plates. 1/8 teaspoon Italian 14 cup crumbledAmerican blue crushed 2 tablespoons butter or mar- garine 1 can (10% ounces)beef gra- FARM CHEMICALS vy 6 slices Italian bread Sour cream or green pepper 150 lbs. Diazinon 14G 25c per lb We 8 qts. Simax with Ciodrin(spray for dairy beef, hogs, sheep) rings $4.00 per qt. and In skillet, brown beef 6 pts. Simax withCiodrin $2.50 per qt cook onion with gralicand sea- $1.00 per pint onion is 47 8 -oz. cans Arasan 75 soning in butter until 22 8 -oz. cans Arasan $1.00 per can tender. Add gravy. Heat;stir A -D seed protectant $1.00 per bread. 36 7 -oz. cans Delsan can Sale now and then. Serve on 16 cans (100 capsulesea.) Russells Golden Kaps, Hen size Garnish with sour cream or (poultry wormer) 50c per can green pepper rings.Makes six 3 5 -lb. boxes Dowpon grasskiller $4.00 per box Phone LA open -face sandwiches. 10 2 -lb. cans Arasan 50 -Red $2.00 per can FARMERS ELEVATOR COMPANY For Prettier Eyes Phone 913 - EX 2-3118 P.O. Box 204 When tired or red, eyessimp- MINNEAPOLIS, KANSAS of a ly are not pretty. The use refreshing eye drop to relieve inflamed orbs and make the FIELD SPRAYER whites look clear may behelp- The days are getting longer es are made with cannedbeef ful. At Distributor's and to enjoy these extra day- gravy in combination with min- Circles under the eyesmust Prices light hours with your family, ute steaks and onions. Served go.Use a make-up stickto you'll want to plan a quick and on thick slices of Italian breaderase shadows underthe eyes easy supper. and topped with sour cream, if you haven't gottensufficient As we Now is the time to use won- sandwiches take on a new twistrest or if you're the typewho our fa] derful convenience foods - can- for spring. IA as horn wih darknessaround arm beat Choose a favorite canned soup y No. ned gravies for example. Try your eyes. Begin withless than es east them for all kinds of spring to team up with this hearty you need. miles sei meals from tasty hot sandwich-sandwich. Sliced tomatoes and Blend on eye -lines with a stea- es to hearty skillet dishes. c.z...urribers with your favorite dy hand. A flick of whitesha- These Sandwich- dressing go along as a crispy ac -dow just under the outer arcof Farm and CHECK THESE FEATURES.. the eyebrow attracts lights 63 IHC gives your eyes a come -hither ADJUSTABLE FRAME tor, like highlight, even in darkest plac- 18x34 re LEASING 8 -ROW WITH RUBBER HOSE BOOMS es. to adjust row spacing 959 IHC Farm and IndustrialMachinery complete 230 GAL. EPDXY LINED TANK If you can't buy it you can lease any piece of Allis-Chalmers 8 ROLLER NI -RESIST PUMP or and r machinery you may need, and at low rates. See BobMartin ped, goo for Industrial leasing, Jim Gates for Farm Equipmentleasing. 5 Mass Talking To NOW CHECK THE PRICE - pelled o HENRY SALES ANDSERVICE Babies Aids Their 66 IHC Topeka, Kans.-FL 4-7641 16x8,ru East Highway 24 and Meriden Road, Development (List $535) Our Price $345 fertilizer Mothers help the development markers, rubber 1 of their newborn babies by talk- Why do we have such a low price onthese sprayers? IHC: distributors of. these sprayers, CONDENSED STATEMENT ing a lot to them and by fre- In the first place we are mounts quently looking at them face to and we sell direct to farmers..This is our way of doing IHC I OF CONDITION business - to save you money. hydraulic face, says a Harvard psycholo- draulic gist. Buy At Distributor's PricesFrom IHC The effects can be observed sealed b STATE BANK BRUNA IMPL. CO. MARYSVILLE IHC as nearly as four months, he 4-14 has reported. The more attenti- HANOVER IMPL. CO. HANOVER IHC tive mothers may be providing tie MANHATTAN, KANSAS their infants with early train- 2 IHC

spreader ing in problem -solving and rich- IHC Close of Business April 18, 1968 er experiences at a time when IHC they are undergoing rapid men- blade tal growth, the psychologist sug- 961 IHC RESOURCES Attention farmers ! fast hitc Loans and Discounts $ 5,918,274.61 gests. IHC ft.,fast Bank Premises 90,457.00 2 IHC Furniture & Fixtures 46,017.88 rier FOR CROP PROFITS Lillis U.S. Bonds & Notes 1,533,223.63 CARGILL 990 hitch rol Municipal Bonds 2,709,551.69 Use 6 row fast Cash & Sight Exchange 921,292.90 CARGILL 343 ger TOTAL$11,218,817.71 Kewa tor,32-f' "YIELDS 132 BUSHEL" hopper f LIABILITIES ,Powert Kansas. motor Capital Stock $ 200,000.00 Golden Said George Twombly of Highland, 2 field Surplus 300,000.00 Complete land produced hydropui Undivided Profits 294,161.23 U RAN. "Cargill corn planted on bottom 962 74on Reserves 105,689.92 the best corn on the farm," reportsTwombly. With fac Liquid Nitrogen Sider ho Accounts Payable 15,000.00 three Car- 51 Chevi Total Deposits $10,303,966.56 Take the easyGolden Twombly Planted two rows each of 13% -ft. of grain be TOTAL$11,218,817.71 URAN way to give your gill numbers 343, 366 and 930. and two rows 26,000 them to. crops the nitrogen they three competitive numbers, and harvested C 4-whe bushels per rake need for big, profitable geth'er. His yield of Cargill corn was 140 n1Plete DIRECTORS OFFICERS & TELLERS onlull yields. We'll apply Golden acre on bottom land and 125 bushels per acre for No. W.H. Bell W.H. Bell, President The WPor. Byron Brooks Byron Brooks URAN liquid nitrogen at land, for an average of 132 bushels per acre. Chute, Donn J. Everett Chairman of the Board competitive corn planted in both locationsyielded Catalfyx Ralph Rothlisberger John Means, low cost on many acres salt feed, M. James Ryan Executive Vice President per day. an average of about 125 bushels per acre. metal er, R.T. Sheldon R.T. Sheldon, Vice President ailWon Cargill fea er C.M. Skaggs H. Alan Bell, Cashier Twombly had high praise for other ttle A.W.Torluemke Twfla Ericson, Assistant Cashier growth,good Arthur D. Weber David Murphy, Assistant Cashier tures too. He liked its standability, fast bilbbla Id -County great le rlinson. Ward Wright Michael Toy, Assistant Cashier seed quality and high germ. He said it was Heaters John Means Marilyn Andes, Secretary the combine operation, held its ears and driedfaster P horse, Golda Abshire, Teller with CraftStrit! Betty Borg, Bookkeeper than the other brand. He was especially pleased gallon Phyllis Dawson, Teller Cargill's low 18 per cent moisture content. Donna Flohr, Teller This i Ila Fritz, Bookkeeper "Celle/ Dorothy Moser, Teller I Order Cargill Hi -Sugar 50 from your Cargill dealertoday Marie Renz, Bookkeeper Loren Helen Roe, Teller Janice Skoch, Teller "Contact Your Local Cargill Salesman" lots: Service and Wri+e or call collect: James Boeding, Seneca 913386' 8.5 INSURANCE CORPORATION 608 So. 5th PR 6-4726 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT MANHATTAN Grass & Grain to launder this 11 Wash OutWound "slipcover" dust-the presidency next fall. Urban development, already t t er in hot soap ordetergent suds Freeman left the Agriculture To Prevent"Tattoo and rinse. have done so. April30, 1968 If your child department fortheneutral Freeman and Humphrey have .1 should fall in the/1010.10.~p ground of the National Press OseIor been friends a long time, cinders or dirt,wash the wound 'Club to make his announcement. both imediately withsoap and water.To SeasonFish He is the third cabinet membercoming from Minnesota. Free- This will helpto prevent the Bay leaf, wholeallspice and man was governor eight years vith to endorse Humphrey- Will-and Humphrey served Livestock skin from becoming"tattooed" peppercorns are excellentsea- ard Wirtz, secretary of labor, as mayor 'o for life. sonings to add tofish that is of Minneapolis before hiselec- tiled being simmered and Robert Weaver, secretary oftion as U.S. Senator from Min- This sometimeshappens when in water. the Department of Housing and Sale small particlesor dark dirt be- nesota. come permanently sealedinto layers of the skinand remain asStore Separately Every disfiguring marks.Washing al- Store medicinesand house- WANTED so guards against infection. hold productsseparately and be sure to keep theproducts Wednesday Excellent Duster in their originalcontainers. USED FORDTRACTORS pl An old chenillebedspread can qt. Salf, Starts 1:30 p.m. be converted intoan excellent "THE DEMANDFOR USED FORD qt. Aid To Children duster for ceilings,walls and TRACTORS IS int Lincoln moldings. A few stitches of brightcolor- TERRIFIC" !an ed thread in the frontof a small WE NEED 9N's-8N's600 & 800 MODELS Cut out two rectangles,stitchchild's undergarments 'an Sales Company up three sides andrun a draw- will help string around the the youngster toput them on "Stop In And See .an opening so correctly. Us For A GoodDeal" cox Phone LA 44685Lincoln, Ks. that it will fit snuglyover a broom. After eachuse, be sure Five Years To Pay can Freeman Says Ford Diesels -LP &Gas Bank Rate Financing 3 bottom to 6 bottom He's For Hubert sizes Wednesday Orville L. Freeman, Secre- McPHERSON TRACTOR tary of Agriculture, has endors- "Ford Tractor COMPANY Phone CH 1-2900 Dealer" ed Vice-president Humphrey, McPHERSON, KANSAS AUCTION saying he will do all he can to MAY 8 help him win the Democratic nomination and the election for SALE Starts 10:30 a.m. Lunch Served KANSAS PUREBRED SHEEP BREEDERS ASSN. CLAY CENTER As we are leaving the farm, we will sell at publicsale all of our farm machinery and miscellaneous equipment at the 22nd ANNUAL farm located 6 miles southeast of Junction City, Kans. ,on High- way No. 57, then '/ mile north on Clarks Creek Road; or 5 SALES CO. miles east of Junction City on 1-70 to Clarks Creek Exit, then 2 miles south. Watch for sale signs. Ram Sale 20 creosoted light poles up to Hog Sale Every MondayStarts 1:00 p.m. 35 -ft. length Farm MachinerySeveral lotsof corrugated State Fairgrounds sheet iron Show 8 a.m. - Sale 12 p.m. Cattle Sale Every Tuesday 1963 IHC No. 560 diesel trac-Several lots of used 2 -inch lum- rNoon12:3 tor, like new, fully equipped, ber 18x34 rear tires, 1600 hours250 ft. of 3 -inch oil field pipe A DEPENDABLE MARKET 1959 IHC No. 460 gas tractor,Front wheel and tire for No. Hutchinson, Ks. completely overhauled mot- 450 or No. 460 International FOR ALL CLASSES OF CATTLE or and rear end, fully equip- tractor ped, good rubber MISCELLANEOUS 1955 Massey -Harris self-pro- FARM EQUIPMENT Monday, May 6 A LEADING MARKET PLACE pelled combine No. 60 Vise No. 108 largerailroad FOR HOGS 1966 IHC No. 10 grain drill, vise with 8" jaws with hea- Selling 150 Head 16x8, rubber press wheels, vy stand fertilizer, grass seeder, land H. P. ROBBINS, Clay Center, ME 2.3210 markers, hydraulic lift, large2 headed grinder and stand Hampshire -Suffolk -Dorset rubber tires with electric motor Southdown Shropshire R, A. BRUEGGEMANN, Clay Center, ME 2.2761 yers? 1966 IHC No. 200 9 -ft. Thor 2 headed grinder with Corriedale Lyers, mower, stand and lighting equip- HORACE WARE, Longford, ph. 338-2439 , mounts on any tractor ioing ment For Catalog write: 1963 IHC No. 2001 loader withLarge variable speed electric GEORGE AHLSCHWEDE Barn Phone ME 2-2861 hydraulic loader and hy- press drill and stand Weber Hall, KSU CLAY CENTER, KANS. draulic dump bucket Large air compressar and -1963 IHC wheel disc, 12-ft., tank, 300 lb. maximum ca- Manhattan, Kansas 66502 .LE sealed bearings pacity with paint regulator 4963 IHC semi-mounted plow, attachments 'ER 4.14 Acetylene gas bottles, gauges, 4963 IHC BalerNo. 46 wire and hoses tie 2 14 -ft. x 18 -ft. tarpaulins l962 IHC No. 21manure New 24 inch Wright chain SALINA SPRING spreader, rubber tired saw 4962 IHC rotarymower, 66"20 inch Clinton chain saw Mod- 1.962 IHC 8 -ft.rear mounted el No. D-25, good blade 2 heavy duty 100 -ft. extension Rgistered Quarter Horse 961 IHC springtooth12 -ft., cords fast hitch 2 chain boomers 961 IHCpeg -tooth harrow 16 ft., fast hitch - A lot of miscellaneous hand Consiginnent Sale 962 IHC No. 302 tools, garden tools, etc. rier tractor car- HAY 966 LillistonLehman fast 400 bales alfalfa, wire tied hitch rolling 200 bales straw, wire tied 6 row cultivator, 4 or200 bales prairie hay, wire tied 963 fast hitch All in sheds. post hold dig- FURNITURE ger Tru-Cold chest type deep- SATURDAY, MAY 4 7p.m. 963 KewaneeModel 500 eleva- freeze, like new tor, 32 -ft.,complete with M & W Tru-Cold dehumidifier hopper forgrain and hay, Several sets of Youngstown Ag Hall Fairgrounds Power take offor electric metal cabinets, good SALINA, KANS. ,ansas. motor 962 field Blonde Duncan Phyfe dining sprayer, fast hitch, room table, 4 chairs and buf- (Evening Preceding the Salina 81-40 Quarter Horse Show) complete withcattle boom, fet ,duced hydropump 962 74ton Blonde kneehole desk SELLING 55 TOP CATALOGED HORSES with factoryJohn Deere trailerOne lot of older furniture in- sider hoistbed and grain cluding tables, chairs, beds, 951 Chevroletwith wide tread etc. P Car' 11/2 ton truck, HORSES & EQUIPMENT Consigned by the leading 131/2 -ft Giantstock rack and5 yr.old well -broke sorrel m/s of grain bed, hoist,new tires, to. 26,000 actualmiles Quarter Horse Quarter Horse Breeders in Kansas em C 4 -wheeled 4 yr. old Dun gelding, broke rake side delivery 4yr. els Per old Palomino gelding, mplete tractor broke 14 Geldings-36 Mares & Fillies -5Studs comfort set onhill for No.460 or No. 560 3 yr. old Dun gelding, green W. portable broke Proven Studs Many Well Broke Horses e. The Chute, cattle loading3 yr. old Red sorrel gelding, - - Broodmares rubber tired gelded Catalfyx green broke salt feederscattle mineral andAll out of Quarter Horse bred 3 in 1 Deals Colts metalcreep feeders mares and Registered Quar- ampion ter Horse stallions - Show Horses and Prospects er, 75,000portable space heat-Two sorrel yearling stud colts, - ill lea; ttle oilerB.T.U. sired by Registered Appa- it bubblewith stand loosa stallions good with hose One Man's size dress parade POPULAR BLOODLINES reatin heatersJohnson propane gas tank hand -tooledsilver trimmed For catalog contact - Bernard Ireton, Sale Mgr., RR1, Salina,Ks. 67401 faster horsepower stock saddle, bridle, pad and Ronald Crowther, Gypsum, Kansas Craftsman allweather martin gale or the Auctioneers d with electric motor One western saddle, blankets, gallon gastank bridles and equipment. This is excellenta very large sale of late model farm machinery Roger A. Johnson Bob Perry Jr. Dean Moore condition, so come early. Salina Kansas Salina, Kansas Eskridge, Kansas r Loren & Charlene George Tyler, Ringman Uots: C. Buxman, Owners oward W. "Bill" Crites, Clerk: Langvardt, EarlBrown. Everett Sheets. PLAN TO ATTEND THE SALE MAY 4TH AND THE Q.H. SHOW MAY 5TH' 39649." CE 8-5720Junction City for Sale Dates. labuTh'

PEI GLEANER Come in and seethe new Gleaners at Marysville MachineryCo. See the new E, F and the big newG Gleaners.Marysville Machinery Co.is a full service AllisChal- mers dealer.We have Allis Chalmersparts and the best servicedept. in this area. Need newequipment? Come in and see ourfull line of AllisChalmers plows, discs, harrows,cultivators. We have the 190 and the190XT along with all Allis Chalmers tractors.When you want de- pendability see theMarysville Machinery Co.


If yot * Hesston Windrowers * Crust Busters * New Idea that tf * Allis Chalmers * Gleaner Revers * Good Used Machinery with fc move. tweed A sofa IN excel le MARYSVILLE

ALLIS-CHALMERS Marysville Machinery Co. East on 36 Milton H. Roepke HI 3-4746

7-, cp1 '_may'

Our SI

GAll For the best in farm equipment come to Waterville Motor Co.inWaterville, Kans. We have the complete line of Allis Chalmers machinery.If you are looking Alum far a new tractor,try the dependable 190XT by Allis Chalmers. Looking for a You say, 1 new combine? The Waterville Motor Co. new DeLu has new Gleaner E, F & G in stock. A full regular m line of parts and service dept. stands be- tools!Ne ever. No hind our machinery. For the best machin- scrubbing ery see the best dealer . . . Waterville sturdy, hE Motor Co. Waterville, Ks. touch,wo

* Allis Chalmers* Gleaner * Gehl" Brady* Crust.Busters* Dodge Cars * Dodge Trucks * Does not

4'vnitace r whiface

blkwhifst blackstet block hei 11 holstein IN 1 holstein

WATERVILLE 1 S wilifaces whifa 12 black

15 "Ilifaces whiface ; wiliface s Waterville Motor Co. ; black st s kwiilLiface C. M. "Butch" 'Roepke ST 5-2731 ALUS-CHALMERS t s. The FurnitureFashion Centerof Midwest FURNITURECITY 518 LINCOLN AVENUE CLAY CENTER, KANSAS Your BETTER LIVING ME 2-5215 *'FURNITURE STORE ADVERTISING 25233 SUPPLEMENTTO: Grass and Grain

GYourChoice ofthese 26Beautiful Sofas

only $199 $37.50 SAVE $60.90 u PPEL

$37.50 STAIN

If you prefer Contemporary,you'll agree that this handsome 90" sofa is a terrificvalue. Reversible Latex Foam Rubber seat cushions with foam back. Sturdy casters make iteasy to move.Fabric is long -wearing quality textured tweed in moss green, coppertoneor blue-green. A sofa that will always be in style.Here's an excellent value for 10 days only. Only $199



invited to our 6-Youre Open6HouseHouse" so that Is Early American your cup of tea?You won't be able to resist see- special "Open ing this charming sofa as the center of We're havingthis very and friendscan browse attraction in your room. Colonial you andyour family of finefurnishings, features include high, foam filled pillow backs,reversible, long lasting through ourentire collection your livingcomfort. ideas for yourhome and foam cushions, durable textured tweed upholstery.Notice the handsome and get new our gratitude time, we wantto express we carved wood trim. Now's the time to begin, replaceor add to -with this At the same friends inthis area, so and all of our House" values. Early American sofa value of a lifetime. to you, agree. someexceptional "Open think you'll are offering brochure, we for yourself. Only $199 As you lookthrough this in and see And we hopeyou'll come 10 DAYS ONLY seeing you. We'll lookforward to Thank you foryourinterest. Be our "OPEN HOUSE" Guests, won't you?

Our Special OPEN HOUSEValue for You!

GAll GNew Super-Gliard You are always welcometo browse and 7pc. shop to your heartscontent at FURNITURE TEFLON CITY.Visit our accessory andgift depart- Aluminum "Waterless"Cookware Set ment, also our complete draperyand carpet NO SCRATCHING EVER! departments. Our experiencedstaff of You say, this isNEW? You bet itis. And this decoratorsare ready to assistyou at no ad- new DeLuxe TEFLON iseven better. You use your. ditional charge. regular metal spatulasand spoons -no more special tools!New SUPER -HARD FINISH is tougher than Convenient terms and ever. No sticking of foods,no more scraping, free deliveryare al- scrubbing or scouring!All knobs and handles are ways available at FURNITURECITY. sturdy, heat -resistantbakelite--stay cool to the -411 touch, won't turnor loosen.. Open each Thursdayevening foryour Regular $21.50 value shopping convenience. 25233 (Pia/We/J/4-This sale only- $688 BY REGAL all 7 pieces - only with any purchase of $49 or more Does not applyto previous purchases Limit one to a customer c-s wnuace neiters0.1.4 (9) L4,,yU y 7/..111,41. 6 whiface heifers884 @24.751 holstein steer 425 @ 23.2C From 8 a.m. to 1p.m. 2blkwhif steers 680.@ HEIFER CALVES 2 black 24.30 steers 650 @ ***. 2 black 24.103 whiface heifers 311 @ 26.70 heifer 755@ 24.005 whiface heifers 321 ( 26.50 For information call the barn 11 holstein steers719p23.508 black heifers 399 p 26.20 in Manhattan, PR 6-4815. Oryou 1 holsteinsteer may call Joe Raine at Maple Hill 735@ 22.0016 whiface heifers537 @ 26.20 663-2226 or Eskridge Yard 449- 6 black heifers 424 @ 26.10 2347; or Alma Yard 765-3841. STEERCALVES 348 @ 26.00 1 whiface 3 black heifers FOR ESTIMATES' steer 235 @ 16 whiface heifers487 @ 25.65 DUGAN I 1 whiface 34.50 W. E. .AltaVista,229-6430 bull 285 25.50 12 black p33.002 whiface heifers 462 @ JOE RAINE MapleHill, 663-2226 steers 386 @32.6014 whiface heifers540 @ 25.30 DON WELLS Manhattan, JE 9-3744The Manhattan Commission 1 whifacesteer 400 p 498 @ 25.20 S whiface 31.404 black heifers MERVIN SEXTON Abilene, CO 3-3449 steers507 @ 25.20 1 whiface 31.2511 whiface heifers516 @ C. J.. WENTZ,bus. mgr.Manhattan, JE 9-5561 steer 380 @ 31.203 blkwhif heifers 525 @ 25.10 Co., Inc. FI blacksteer 1 whi 335 @ 31.002 whiface heifers 455 p 25.10 face steer 380 @ 30.752 whiface heifers 447 @ 25.10BARN PHONE Manhattan, PR 6-4815 MANHATTAN, KANSAS 12 blkwhif steers 477 @ 30.254 whiface heifers 441 p 25.10 1 whifacesteer 25.10 Consignment Reports East On US 24 400 p30.204 whiface heifers 554 @ WIBW radio 6:30 A. M. Thursdays WIBW-TV 12:15 Noon Wednesdays Auctioneers: Joe Raine and Dale Feil time for you todo something you Our "Open House"is the ideal of to do manytimes - stretch out on one probably have longed Don't be shy.It's really our wonderfulRESTONIC Mattresses.comfortable they are-and the only way you cantell how truly the right supportmakes. Restonic construction what a difference"rest test" andyou'll be convinced is superior. Take a in town." "Restonic is thebest nite spot

fabulous 1 O -DAY OUSE SALE


Free Percale Sheets Lu Stevens' finest! Top and fitted bottom sheet with pur- peril chase of this queen -size set.This 10 - day sale only! RESTOMC RESTOIlleMilady Orthotonic Spring Tonic DeLuxe Yes, it's beautiful, but there's much more This is the only mattress considered to this Milady Orthotonic than meetsthe eye. good enough to wear the cover once It's carefully engineered to provide more gentle reserved for the 79.50 Orthotonic. surface support,while at. the same time So you can see what a buy it is at only Hi gives your spine the firm, healthful, level support 49.50! You also get famed Restonic ("Triple cc it needs. Notice the three -section quilt Queen size, mattress construction . . . springs of premier - Full size mattress si Cushion") construction, which helps control or box spring tempered steel to hold your spine in line or box spring weight distribution. Milady Orthotonic is also Ri for proper rest ... buoyant cushioning bE guaranteed 20 years,if you purchase to cradle you in cloud -soft comfort. 10 DAYS ONLY matching box spring. hi King and Queen sizes also available. cc Full or twirl size, only $79.50 each th



Chromcraft GT for Family Dining!

Table, e. 4 chairs 1.4950 only b( Compact drop-leaf table extends ca to 36" x 72", comfortably seats 2 to 8.Full piano hinges.Pull-out fo leg construction.Expertly crafted in Textured Walnut. Classic chairs featuring waist -high silhouette. When We' you have this set you'll enjoy having we "Open House" for your friends. $39.50 SAVINGS! old Sofa the drel STAIN REPELLER can Sleeper One Early American Choose valt Keep your "Hidden -Bed" a secret. charmer mar You're familiar with Cole Porter's from these 3 Lamps pia! "Night and Day"? Well, here's a sofa - cinr sleeper that dramatizes those words 10 DAY "OPEN HOUSE" gra( beautifully.Daytime, it's a handsome SALE PRICE Dra sofa featuring long -wearing nylon witi' upholstery fabric.Extra protection and with ZePel stain repeller.Night-time, Contemporary $14" Gen it opens to a full size bed. styling F. Presto!Opens to regular bed All height with full-size inner- A very practical buy. All 3 way lighting spring mattress. (incl mirrs Only Traditional Decorator selected beauty Nite SAVE $26.00 10 DAYS ONLY rnit-rt Compare at$24.95!

cwnnace 6 whiface h

2 blackstee 2 black hei'. 11 holstein

IN lhoisteins


1 ''''.nifaee si

1,'"hiface b , blacks

I l'hifaceste l'hiface st t black tee

2 bi, st 1, ''whif st C. M. "Butch" 'Roepke ST 5-2731 ALLIS-CHALMERS 41iface st Tioq

per alux

`restore Luxurious, Lovely andso Livable... Foam Rubber a living room that hasa (and what a beautiful value!) GDecorator's'Muck Here's traditional elegance as close to "cloud soft" fabric, ZePel protected for comfort as you've ever imagined! stain resistance, comfort- Permit yourself to designed NIMBUS Foam New Direction sink into those extra -thick 6"reversible latex Foam reversible cushions. Foam Rubber cushions. padded, permanentlysewn contoured backs. Attrac- PERMALUX Sofa Relax into thepillow -soft foam tive, fits anywhere. backs.That's NEW DIRECTION Permalux!A real (SAVE $63.00) his -and -hers sofa- beautiful,big and delightfully Commode 20"x 26", height21". One deep drawer. $349 comfortable. Choose from stunningNylon fabrics in Fruitwood finish.Imported marble top. Traditional Chair $9450 the most popular colors. Octagonal lamp table, 26"x 26",height 21".One Commode door, large compartment. Fruitwoodfinish.Imported $64" Classic traditional chairfeatures long -wearing Nylon marble top. Octagonal Lamp Table $7950 Remember- new Super -Hard 7pc. TEFLON Aluminum Cookware Set - The lovely TraditionalSofaisavailable as a special offer 10 days only- see front cover. super -size sleeper, only $449. Glmagine! This entire bedroom can be yours for only $279

We're not joking! Ofcourse, we didn't put the flowers, pictures or carpet in the price- but the lovely dresser, mirror, chest &bed can all be yours for that one amazing "Open House" value.You'll be enjoying nips mar -resistant wood grain plastic tops . . . lovely

cinnamon oak finish . . . graceful solid oak pulls. Drawers are centerguided, with heavy solidoak sides and mahoganybottoms. Genuine plateglass mirror. All 4 pieces only$279.00 (includes tripledresser, framed mirror, chest andbed.) Nite stand only $49.00

wnuace neiters olz (9) Zzi. alCG.1.3 6 whiface yu heifers 884 @ 24.751 holstein steer 425 @23.2C From 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2 blkwhifsteers 680'@ 2 black 24.30 HEIFER CALVES steers 650 @ 24.103 whiface heifers 311 @26.70 *** 2 blackheifer 11 holstein 755 @ 24.005 whiface heifers 321 @26.50 For information call the barn steers 719@ 399@ in Manhattan, PR 6-4815. Or 1 holstein 23.508 black heifers 26.20 you steer735 @ 22.0016 whiface heifers537 @26.20 may call Joe Raine at Maple Hill 663-2226 or Eskridge Yard 449- 6 black heifers 424 @26.10 2347; or Alma Yard 765-3841. STEER CALVES 3 black heifers 348 @26.00FOR ESTIMATES' 1 whifacesteer 25.65 1. whiface 235 @ 34.5016 whiface heifers487 @ W. E. DUGAN -Alta Vista, 229-6430 bull 285 @ 33.002 whiface heifers [email protected] JOE RAINE Maple Hill, 663-2226 12 blacksteers 386 @ 32.60 25.30 1 whiface 14 whiface heifers540 @ DON WELLS Manhattan, JE 9-3744The Manhattan steer 498p25.20 Commission S whiface 400p31.404 black heifers MERVIN SEXTON Abilene, CO 3-3449 steers507 @ 31.25 11whiface heifers516 @25.20 C. J. WENTZ, bus. mgr.Manhattan, JE 9-5561 1 whifacesteer 1 black 380 @ 31.203 blkwhif heifers 525 @25.10 Co., Inc. steer 335 @ 31.002 whiface heifers 455 @25.10 1 whifacesteer 25.10 2 blkwhif 380p30.752 whiface heifers 447 @ BARN PHONE Manhattan, PR 6-4815 CERTIFIED MANHATTAN, KANSAS steers 477p30.254 whiface heifers 441 @25.10 46.7" 1 whifacesteer 25.10 Consignment Reports East On US 24 400p30.204 whiface heifers 554 @ WIBW radio 6:30 A. M. Thursdays WII3W- TV 12:15 Noon Wednesdays Auctioneers: Joe Raire and Dale Fell April

-SET AT ei oG.DgN den Paw th, ported hi from pelo str( $17,00°'5 Farley de $10,0( wate era, cl°



ler regl rollerPI oiler regl Her pre 10 - DAY llerni-i ler regl OPEN OUSE SALE 8 roller ni- .Continental ...... Ace centrifi High presst Jet agitator lb& So Dignified and Socharming Gauges Pressure re Brighten up your Bedroom with our "Snow Delevan VIRGINIA FAIR bedroom White" grouping. Lovely antique white enamel ...... (top of page) A gracious bedroom finish and beautiful decorated pullwill win V type line your heart. Carefree plastic tops too! See our 9 -drawer Triple Dresser catalog for wide choice. 1,row boom you'll always be proud with plate glass mirror $144.50 4" spray hi spray 1 Chest on chest (5 drawers) $94.50 to call your very own spray 11 Spindle Bed $64.50 Complete You'll be charmed by this lovely Early $38.50 "SNOW WHITE" bedroom sprayers at American setting that needs only Nite stand (inset photo) 1pointpost you to make it more beautiful. Head Hun Genuine Maple in a soft Salem finish. SPECIAL OPEN HOUSE 10 -DAY OFFER! 6 -drawer Double Dresser $114.50 Mar -resistant plastic tops. Dust -proof Triple Dresser and Mirror, Chest, Spindle Bed,full 4 -drawer Chest $56.50 cases and many other fine features. size DeLuxe Spring Tonic Mattress and Box Springs f Unusually good quality at big savings (see page 2). Spindle Bed $44.50 FAY during our "Open House." Nite stand $26.50 SAVE $77.80...The entire roomful foronly$399. Next I TI


e sold ov at our s ith real li ore buyer Upright or, with o rkets in on all class strong. Th .partial listi made: Lean back

FATCA 37 '...biface 15 ',...hiface ltihiface 4. s whiface Full recline s $30.90 SAVINGS! 3 bllovhifs: 8 blackstel FOR WATCHING "GUNSMOKE" 1 whiface HERE'S WHERE THE ACTION IS!! PAMPER YOUR FLAIR FORFASHION s or any of your favorite TV programs, this is THE chair. I whiface This Swivel Rocker is comfort -styled with permanently Highback "Mr." Chair, perfect for "his"solid comfort. s Rocker -recliner has big, comfortable, pillow -soft back. 3 \ vhiface Featured in easy care Vinyl plastic. Shrugs spots and moulded foam back, reversible foam cushion seat. Matching "Mrs." Chair is beautifulcompanion. Otto. s extra seat forthe I whiface scuffs. Attractive nylon upholstery. This Rocker fits in well man serves both, also as handy s 9 whiface anywhere. children.Reversible foam seat 3 nct s 35 whiface $99 $25.00 SAVINGS! SAVE cushions,4"thick foamback,set, .p \vhiface Only Also available in Nylon, slightly higher. only66 floral print. only s $13.90 whiface s' hiface hifaceh and don't forget our fabulous 7 -pc. TEFLON offer (see front page) whiface lack stee hifaceh hiface llrwhifst blackstee lack hell holstein olste IN n s

ST1 WATERVILLE 'face st dace b black ste hiface st hiface sr hifacest lack stee hiface Waterville Motor Co. st hiface11411if sti US 77 & K9 0. M. "Butch" 'Roepke ST 5-2731 st 411

April 30,1968

CONTENTS LOSS CAR SET AT$17,000 OGDEN - LeroyFarley, an Ogden pawnshop operator, has reported thevalue of items stol- en fromhis parked car on a Topeka streetlast week exceed- ed $17,000. Farley saidmissing items in- clude $10,000worth of diamond rings, watchesvalued at $750, a clothing, a radio and camera, other jewelry. hewirla

I MI NI I PAI: I I ;,'

SPRAY PUMPS & PARTS C roller regular 19.95 6 roller premium 29.95 7 roller regular 36.95 46.95 7 roller premium A beef production program that rated numberone in 7 roller ni-resist 56.95 the state this year was a major factor in Conway's selection. 8 roller regular 34 95 Star Farmer Of Kansas He started with two cows his freshman year and has built S roller ni-resist 56.95 The 1968 Star Farmer of Kansas is Kenneth Conway, up a program of 39 head of . This past year these Continental Brass gear pump shown in the feedlot with some of his 39 head of beef cattle. cattle produced 11,300 mounds of beef and made young Con- 69.50 Conway won the state's top FFA award and received it at way a net profit of $3519. He also has a sow and litter pro- the state convention at Manhattan this week. gram with 86 head of hogs and last year had 15 acres of Ace centrifugal 82.50 lie is a senior at Plainville High School and the son of wheat and 55 acres of milo. He planted 60 acres of wheat last High pressure hand gun .. 9.25 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Conway of Natoma. fall and has 19 cows calving this spring. Jet agitator 1.95 Gauges 1.75 & 2.49 Pressure regulator kit..14.95 Delevan Select -A -Spray valve 17.60 May Be Another Cut In Wheat Acres V type line strainer 11.95 7 -row boom drop kit 26 95 els, which would be a record V spray hose 22c per ft. A reduction of about 15 per a much smaller crop next year. wheat forecast for 1968, to he is- Si" spray hose .... 26c per ft.cent in wheat production next Secretary of Agriculture Or- sued May 10. high. The advisory committee 34" spray hose 41c per ft. year is under consideration by ville L. Freeman, who appoint- The advisory committee pro- said a 1969 crop of around 1.3 Complete Continental trailer government farm officials. ed the 36 -member committee ofposed a 10 per cent reduction billion should be sought. sprayers at big savings. The Agriculture Department's growers and representatives of in the 1969 wheat -planting allot- The committee urged the -point post hole diggers 149.95National Advisory Committee the grain industry, took the rec-ment from this year's 59.3 mil-price support now averaging 1 Head Hunter holding gate left on Grains recommended such a ommendation under considera- lion acres. It also recommended81.25 a bushel be left unchang- 49.95 cutback after a two-day confer- tion. an additional reduction for foured. But growers would get sup- ence with department officials. He will make no decision un- million to five million acres in plemental payments, running HOLT Rapidly increasing wheat sup- til after the department holds plantings by offering growers around $1.35 a bushel, on their FARM SUPPLY plies coupled with some antici- 10 regional meetings with farm-land retirement payments. share -- around 40 per cent of pated shrinkage in exports wereers next week and gets results This year's crop is expected to the crop consumed domestically Next To Sale Barn said by the committee to require of his department's next official total about 1.535 billion bush- as food. NHATTAN PR 6-7943 --0 Manhattan Commission Co., Inc. gale&wit Wtivitkicat 21/4MILES EAST OF MANHATTAN ON US 24 2 whiface steers490 @ 30.20 We sold over 900 head of cat- 9 blkwhif heifers 515 p 25.00 COWS1 17.80 1 black steer 465 @ 30.10 20.201 whiface cow tle at our sale last Thursday, 2 blkwhif heifers 445 @ 24.90 whiface cow 815 1 whifacecow 17.60 with real live action. We had 1 black steer 405 @ 30.00 2 black heifers 390 @ 24.90 1 whiface cow 19.70 1 red cow 10103501610P3 17, 50 more buyers than we had cattle 8 whiface steers588 @ 29.90 2 whiface heifers 530 @ 24.90 1 whifacecow 1085 19.40 397 @ 29.80 1 whiface cow 795 p17.10 for, with one of the hottest 2 whiface steers 2 black heifers 552 @ 24. 90 1 whiface cow 770CcU 19.30 1 black steer 510 @ 29.75 1 whifacecow 915 p17.10 markets in a long while.Prices 2 blkwhif heifers 445 @ 24.80 1 black cow 1000 19.301 black cow 930 p16.90 on all classes were steady to 2 whiface steers322 p 29.75 2 whiface heifers 497 @ 24.70 2 whiface cows 872 19.30 30 whiface steers 540 @ 29.60 1 whiface cow 1025 (a.') 16.80 strong.The following is a 2 whiface heifers 492 p 24.60 1 whiface cow 960 19.201 black cow 1255 p16.50 partial listing of the sales 4 whiface steers511 @ 29.60 2 whiface heifers 555 @ 24.25 1 black cow 715 19.20 427 @ 29.30 1 black cow 1315 @16.10 made: 2 whiface steers 5 black heifers 533 p 22.50 1 whiface cow 1100 18.901 whiface cow1075 p15.10 3 whiface steers460 p 29.30 5 black heifers 511 @ 22 . 50 1 whiface cow 880 18.90 578 @ 29.30 3 black cows&clfs 239.00 FAT CATTLE & FEEDERS 4 whiface steers 1 whiface cow 985 18.806 black cows&clfs 235.00 1 37 whiface steers 647 p 29.501 black steer 405 p 29.25 1 holstein cow 1175 18.80 506 p 2 9. 20 10 whiface cows&clfs 218.00 15 whiface steers 628 @ 29.254 whiface steers BULLS 1 charolais cow 1290 18.60 1 whiface steer 600 @ 29.008 black steers 394 p 29.20 1 charolais bull845 @ 23.60 1 holstein cow 1035 18.60 468 p 29.10 1 1 whiface steer 630 @ 28.709 black steers 1 whiface bull 710 p 23.60 holstein cow 1185 @18.60 531 p 29.10 1 18.60 3 blkwhif steer? 603 @ 28.509 whiface steers 1 blkwhif bull 905 p 23.20 black cow 1065 @ 471 @ 29.00 1 8 black steers 622 @ 28.204 blkwhif steers 1 whiface bull1415 @ 23.00 whiface cow1040 p18.50 BUYING 487 p 29.00 1 1 whiface steer 600 @ 27.902 black steers 1 whiface bull 1225 @ 22.85 holstein cow 1185 @18.50 FAT HOGS 1 whiface steer 8 black steers 511 @ 29.00 1whiface cow1005 p18.40 11fort. 615 @ 27.50 1 whiface bull1345 @ 22.80 We buy fat hogs daily at the 392 (cis., 29.00 1 18.40 Otto - 3 whiface steers713 p 27.104 whiface steers 1 whiface bull1790 @ 21.90 whiface cow 1030 @ Manhattan Commission Co., Inc., the 1 whiface steer 2 whiface steers387 @ 28.75 @ 330.00 1whiface cow 865 p18.30 sale barn. We buy direct with no 830 @ 26.40 1 whiface bull commission to the seller. 9 whiface steers855 p 26.402 whiface steers470 p 28.60 2 whiface bulls @ 275.00 1roan cow 1150 p18.30 35 whiface steers 864p 26.402 whiface steers497 @ 28.50 At Manhattan 2 whiface steers697 @ 26.201 whiface steer 51S @ 28.50 ,-,efs----- Mondays thru Saturdays 3 whiface steers828 @ 26.1011 whiface steers 589 p 28.20 ss:44.0ii BUYING HOURS 1 whiface steer 930 p 26.101 blkwhif steer 545 @ 28.20 / 8 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 11 whiface steers 557 p 28.10 9 whiface heifers 600p 25.35 Iv/ s`Y. 1 blkwhif steer At Alma & Eskridge 20 whiface heifers616@ 25.35 505 p 27.90 -fi;V-r-j--s4rej! 2 black steers 657 @ 25.108 whiface bulls 534 p 27.10 Every Wednesday 2 whiface heifers612 p 24.902 holstein steers352 @ 26.10 From 8 a.m. to1 p.m. 6 whiface heifers884 @ 24. 751 holstein steer425 @ 23.2C 2 blkwhifsteers680* @ 24.30 HEIFER CALVES *** 2 blacksteers 650 @ 24.103 whiface heifers 311 @26.70 For information call the barn 2 black heifer 755 @ 24.005 whiface heifers 321 p26.50 in Manhattan, PR 6-4815. Or you 399 @ 26.20 may call Joe Raine at Maple Hill 11 holstein steers 719@ 23.508 black heifers 663-2226 or Eskridge Yard 449- 1 holsteinsteer735 p 22 . 0016 whiface heifers537 p26.20 2347; or Alma Yard 765-3841. 6 black heifers 424 @ 26.10 STEER CALVES 3 black heifers 348 @ 26.00FOR ESTIMATES', 1 whifacesteer 235 @34.5016 whiface heifers487 p25.65 W. E. DUGAN -Alta Vista, 229-6430 1 whifacebull 285 @33.002 whiface heifers 462 @25.50 JOE RAINE Maple Hill, 663-2226The Manhattan Commission 12 blacksteers 386 @32.6014 whiface heifers540 @25.30 DON WELLS Manhattan, JE 9-3744 1 whifacesteer 400 @31.404 black heifers 498 p 25.20 MERVIN SEXTON Abilene, CO 3-3449 JE 9-5561 5whiface steers507 @31.2511 whiface heifers516 p 25.20 C. J.. WENTZ, bus. mgr.Manhattan, Co., Inc. 1 whifacesteer 380 @31.203 blkwhif heifers 525 @ 25.10 1 blacksteer 2 whiface heifers 455 @ 25.10 MANHATTAN, KANSAS 335 @31.00 Manhattan, PR 6-4815 whiface steer 380 @30.752 whiface heifers 447 @ 25.10 BARN PHONE East On US 24 2 blkwhifsteers477 @30.254 whiface heifers 441 p 25.10 Consignment Reports 1 whifacesteer 400 @30.204 whiface heifers 554 p 25.10 WIBW radio 6:30 A.M. Thursdays WIBW-TV 12:15 Noon Wednesdays Auctioneers:Joe Raine and Dale Fell _ .

sas Farmer, the Missouri such economicallyimportant, Ru heritable, traits as ist, the Ohio Farmer, and highly gan Farmer, the Pennsylvthe Ali overall meatiness,fat thickness, Norse and rate and ef-Farmer, and twohorticulto loin eye area, magazines. indsas a grcholt

ficiency of gain. .1 Lamb and woolproduction is The chain boughtBorne s horse Farm Publications, e time. a profitablebusiness for Kan- publishers and the state is of the Kansas Farmer, tidaughtet sas sheepmen, mer, but the only effectlast su one of theleaders in registra- w name change. some You tion of Hampshiresheep. for th The Wall Street rse Program emphasisfor the Journal ers may ported Harcourt, Brace tter me Conference includesevaluation was t gotiating purchase of them of lambs and their carcasses, both hors Nebraska Farmer and s, discussion of modern Hamp- its so sidiary, the Colorado ests shire breed standards,selection Farm addirio and Hamp- and Rancher, but final be inter of breeding stock, app horse shire ram certificationand per-is not believed to have er granted by stockholders fee ever formance programs. on rest stin Conference personnel include sides. more all officers and directors ofAHSA, Clyde Zimmerman,moo Homer editor of the Kansas Farmer, rinarian and University Extension spe- ersity. cialists and researchers.Partici-said so far his office hash pants will hear panel discus- nothing from New Harvest sions of breeders and specialists headquarters in Cleveland. Work On 135W and will participate inevalua- Completion of Interstate 35W from Salina to McPherson is still scheduled to be finished by the end of the year, and workmen here pour a deck on a bridg3north tion of live animals and car- S of McPherson. Twelve of the 22 bridges that are to be built on the 19 -mile section casses. of I35W in northern McPherson county have been completed. Work connectingK61 Registration of the conference to the Interstate route has been started. is by mail and must bemade by shire breeders want a re-evalu-June 10. Write to GeorgeAhl- ation to include standards forschwede, Weber Hall, Kansas conformation, soundness of feetState University, Manhattan, National Hamp Meeting. and legs, fleece characteristics, Kansas 66502, and ask for regis- and breed character. "We ex-tration forms and information M El pect several hundred breederson lodging. and others at the Conference, At K -State In June withgoodparticipation from ers to evaluate Hampshire breedKansas and surrounding states," Kansas State University will Menzies said. host a National Hampshire type and standards of perform- The Hampshire breed playsNo Details Sheep Type Conference June ance. an important role in Kansas 18 and 19, Dr. Carl Menzies, The Conference, sponsored by sheep production. Nearly all On Sale Of 140 con sheep project leader at KSU, an- the American Hampshire Sheep commercial ewes are westerns, wa buyer nounced. The Conference is call- Association will provide impe-purchased in southwest United klahoma ed for sheep breeders and oth- tus for possible changes. Hamp-States. Hampshire rams are Nebraska Farmer eeder stee widely used to produce the kind Employees of the New Har- of dema vest Publishing Co., Topeka, had of lamb desired at markets. on a good a no information last week on the Hampshireismutton -type Grain Dealers steady. But breed, of medium wool grade,reported purchase of the Ne- with rams weighing 250 poundsbraska Farmer, a monthly farm magazine, by their chain. President Kind or more. Bull Calf The ram provides the best The New Harvest firm is an Named president of the arm of Harcourt,Brace & sas Grain and Seed Dealers Heifer Cal way to improve market lamb sociation was Ailiff Neel, Butcher C quality. By using high qualityWorld, New York textbook ator of Windom Grain Ca, rams, sheepmen can breed forpublishers, and owns the Kan- Pherson county. 0 Whiface Shorthorn Butcher C 00 I Whiface Black Stee V Hot tip for 3 Whiface I - 2 Mixed Hi 7 Shorthorn Horse traders. 2 Whiface from1095 Mustang is the No. 1 sports car in trade-in value- Whiface S1 3 Whiface 1 "A"-Precision jeweled, and we need used Mustangs badly... waterproof.* Sweep second Butcher Bi hand. $10.95 Butcher Bi SNYDERS JEWELRY PRINCESS-Precisionjeweled, Black Stee classic styling, cord bracelet. Phone: ME 2-5155 $12.95 Black Ste CLAY CENTER, KS. Whe crystal. case an0 crOwn remain intact. Mixed Sty 2 Whiface


Cash and due from banks $343,444.70 ifKW U.S. Government bonds & securities 482,480.00 State and Municipal bonds 224,902.55 Securities of federal agencies 254,673.41 Loans & Discounts, less Reserve 716,600.92 Bank Premises & equipment 36,300.05 f $2,058,401.63 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL EA Deposits $1,882,189.48 Capital: 'Capital Stock 50,000.00 . . . new limited -edition Mustang at Ford Surplus 75,000.00 Dealers now! Takeyour choice of two Undivided Profits 51,212.15' equipment packagesnever before offered. $2,058,401.63 Get aSix with "C" stripe, wheel lip moldings andcovers, pop -open gas cap. Or add a V-8 plus wide -ovals, steel Theabove statementis correct. wheels, GT fog lamps. Come intoday! W. M. Ford, Cashier. See the light. The switchis on to Ford. DIRECTORS OFFICERS C. T. Beninga William E. Sikes, President Alma Beninga C. T. l3eninga, Vice -PresidentHobert Berggren W. M. Ford, V.P. & Cashier Dolores M. Ford Fern Johnson, Asst. Cashier W. M. Ford SKAGGS MOTORS,INC.i Lillie Lash, Asst. Cashier Richird D. Rogers William E. Sikes NSecond & Houston Manhattan, Kansas iR recognize the value of a well - available products. April 30, 1968 orseFever' Malady of Buyer trained working horse.Most Veterinary medical research sYlv ranchers will agree that In agrowing number of show horses havea ready mar- with ahas resulted in quality products ansas homes"spring fever" ket throughout Kansasand theproperly trained cow horse,they designed to insure the health of program will largely eliminate fever" arrive at the United States. can work cattle more the disease problem foryour ne d "horseMany dads get per - quietlyyour horse. A planned health am? time. At the present time, thecoun- than any otherway. horse, Dr. Caley promises. fishers leas from their sons try'shorsepopularity suasive P isin- Barrel horses,race horses, ast s to buy a new creasing rapidly. Ascompanion 'sc daughters animals, they and other highly trained was .horse. serve an import- horses Continuous Flow Some youngsterswill want aant function forevery owner, can earn considerable money in orse forthe first time, while The horse, through itsability toone race or one season. And in DRIAL.L. Portable Farm Driers anal want to step up to adapttodifferent environ- others maymount which will en- some areas of the state, the Was a better ments is the logical choicefor "Backed by 20 years of drier experience" able themto compete at horse family entertainmentand relax-horse is still used to pullbug- Doth bows, horseraces, and other ation, Dr. Caley believes. gies and for general farmwork. Sixes range from 200 bph to its sub Kansas is a leader in contests. adults may youth During the period from 1920 1200 bph In addition, many and adult activitiesassociated to 1959, the equine population 10 point removal app o be interestedin a new and tter horse for usein the corn-with companion animals.Al- was declining, so the research Pre -season discount been titive events. This combined though most horsesare used on horse diseases, nutrition, and on 6u.'nterest stimulates the demandfor recreation, and better horses, says many Kansas parasite control was practically RUSSEL C. WIBLE CO. or more horses earn their feed by work-stopped, Dr. Caley notes. But Ph 597-2266, Perry, Kansas ran Dr. HomerK. Carley, Extension veterinarian at Kansas State ing. Cattle ranches, feedlots, since 1960, the horse population WILLIAMSTOWN, KANSAS 'arrner iversity. Good riding and and other beef production unitsand interest has been increas- as h ing. Now several major re- arvest search facilities are working on ad, nutritional and disease investi- gations. One of the more mod- BUY A em equine research facilities is SYLVAN SALES located in Kansas. The result of increased re- search has been new products COMPANY INC. that are available for use to insure the health of your horse. 19681/2 AND Diseases now are controlled that VIEYER STOCKER previously caused considerable CHEVY PICKUP - FEEDER trouble. Improved parasite con- from trol products are effective and Sylvan Grove, Kansas available for use. Vaccines are now available for use on some of the respiratory diseases that SALE EVERY FRIDAY have been a serious problem for the equine industry for VAN -IT 40 consignors sold 1296 cattle to 93 buyers. Nebraska and many years. owa buyers bought 490 replacements. Kansas, Nebraska and Many equine diseases are klahoma packer buyers bought the butcher cattle and hogs. spread by contact, and horse shows, races and other equine eeder steers and heifers sold fully steady with last week with a functions provide an opportune of of demand. Stocker steers and heifers and calves sold higher time for the transmission of dis- on a good active market. Stock cows sold higher, butcher cows ease. To prevent spread of dis- steady. Butcher bulls steady to strong. ease, strict sanitation for feed- ers and waterers should be fol- Kind Wt. Amount County lowed, Dr. Caley explains. "Do )f the 1 Bull Calf BH $49.00 Lincoln not water your horse from a Dealers11 Heifer Calf BH $ 48.00 Ellsworth public tank, but carry your own 1 Butcher Cow 1519301 $ Russell bucket and avoid using contam- tin Co, inated equipment." 10 Whiface Heifers .. $25.4018.7 Mitchell5 A horse that is not infested -4 7 Shorthorn Steers ....695 $ 26.10 Mitchell 1 Butcher Cow 1025 $ 19.50 Lincoln by internal or external parasites and free from disease will per- 17 Whiface Steers 776 $ 26.10 Lincoln form better in any competitive 8 Black Steers 420 $ 30.90 Ellsworth event. Modern veterinary medi- FOR 13 Whiface Steers 668 $ 27.35 Mitchell cine has resulted in better pro- ONLY 52 Mixed Heifers 673 $ 24.95 Lincoln ducts which greatly insures the 8 Shorthorn Heifers ...466 $ 26.10 Lincoln health of your horse. $19685° 12 Whiface Steers 522 $ 29.50 Mitchell Vaccines are now available 8 Whiface Steers 598 $ 28.40 Barton that will satisfactorily control 13 Whiface Heifers ...497 $ 26.60 Lincoln many diseases affecting the res- During the big Golden Anniversary of Chevrolet 1 Butcher Bull 1815 $ 23.50 Mitchell piratory system as well as oth- trucks. Prices on all 1968 trucks are reduced! 3 Butcher Bulls 1615 $ 23.30 Rice ers. Distemper, equine influen- 9 Black Steers 449 $ 31.00 Russell za, and rhinopneumonitis can 23 Black Steers 606 $ 27.35 Lincoln now be successfully controlled 71 Mixed Steers 951 $ 25.35 Lincoln by the proper use of available vaccines. Tetanus, encephalitis, 12 Whiface Steers 678 $ 27.40 Ellsworth and other diseases can be prac- 7 Whiface Cows & Clvs...BH $242.00 Lincoln tically eliminated by the use of 87 Mixed Steers 810 $ 26.70 Lincoln

Micky Meyer - Phone 526-3295 Mike Meyer - 526-3535. Smoky Hill REA Sale Barn - Phone 526-3225 Meets Saturday RADIO PROGRAMS: ELLSWORTH - Members of KRSL Russell,- 990 on dial Monday throughThurscjay the Smoky Hill Electric Cooper- Noon at 12:40 -Friday Morning 7:15 ative will meet here May 4. KMMJ Grand Island Nebr., 750 on Dial 7:30 Directors will be elected and 3825 S. TOPEKA Friday Morning. progress reports will be made. The counties involved are Rus- TOPEKA, KANSAS sell,Lincoln and Ellsworth.


78th Anniversary Sale WE DEFY ANY STORE TO BEAT THESEVALUES COMPARE & YOU'LL BUY NowinProgress-Tremendous Selections 35 Hereford hei- SPRING CLEAN-UP FOR SALEAngus - bull, calving 1967S FordPB Galaxie 500, fers bredHolstein to milk cows, p, air con now. 2 T. Casey, Phone Units listed below must be uSI just fresh. C. Ks. x9 1962 IHC 4 -wheel drive so 948-2696, Havensville, 8(.0 ut 8°° ItAMONADAssZAIAg7nTlaliA full top /1.1 16( (with 3-yr. old gelding. 1965 Ford 4 dr. SW, air RATES: $1 a week for 15words or less. Add 50 a word for additional words. DISCOUNTS: FOR SALE - cond, 0% if ad runs 2 weeks. Deduct 25% if ad runs 4 weeks.REFUNDS: you Grandson ofWimpy II and his overdrive hoist " cash orders only) deduct 1 barrel race mare. 2 Ford1 Ag Press office for any unused amount paid if an ad iscancelled. CLAS- mother is my 1962 Volkswagen...... may collect a refund at the prospect for bar- 10 Ll ads) $1.82 a column inch. CASH: ads not accompanied bycash have a Broke. A real Large selection of usedcars SIFTED DISPLAY: (boxed rel racing orpole bending. Mar- pickups in stock ...... 25 -cent billing charge added. ian Lea Turner,R1, Belleville, Two horse horse trailer, /1./ 1,j Mail To: Ag Press - P.O.Box 1009 - 1207Moro - Manhattan, Kansas66502 - JE 9-7558 Kans. Phone913 JA 7-2828.x9 built well

Purebred BIG DISCOUNT ON DUROC BOARS - 954 111 FOR SALE -6 yr. old Heir Ev-large 6 mo.old one herd boar. 2 Used El Dorado campers 95110 LAND IMPROVEMENT ident herd bull, guaranteed Vaccinated. Joseph G.Beny- 1 UsedEldorado 14'camping Notices sound. Eleven 18 month old shek, Cuba, Kans.,Phone 38x9 trailer 7 Chew. heifers, seven 12 month old hoist LAND IMPROVEMENT heifers, registered and Bangs FORD SALES & SERVICE ft. tru vaccinated. Several service age rack "Soil Conservation Doesn't bulls. Merle Beach, Phone 535- Bulls For Sale StenbergMotors 018' Pc AUCTIONEERING 2238, Emmett, Kans. x10 Ph. Cost-It Pays" Group of 2 year oldbulls,1/2 Ks, 66938 brother to our DodgeCity ck rack Ponds, terraces, waterways, FOR SALE-good 5-yr.-old regis- USED and leveling, drainage ditch- tered Polled Hereford bull, Champion this spring. "AUCTIONEER," Domin o,Harmon, Cadet, Group of 18 month old sons 1964 GMC speed, Schun es, clearing, landscape grad- with lots 1960tornchceavbtom Elmer N. Gibson ing. breeding. Also JD B grain of Royal Husker K31 drill, 16-8, low rubber, press of size. heifers Sales Large or Small wheels, fertilizer, well painted, 15 yearling commercial 1960 Chev. 1/2 ton 6 cyl.,4 s Marietta, Kans. Oketa Route Roggendorff good, ready to go. Albert Fors- Weaning and post weaning 1960 Ford 1/2 ton, 3 speed Phone RI 4-2787 Conservation Construction berg, 3 miles east. Y4 south,ofgain information available onall 1955 Chev. 1/2 ton, 3 speed Arthur Roggendorff Lost Springs, Kans. SB10 bulls. 1965 Ford 1/2 ton V8, 3 speed Phone JE 9-3984 FOR SALE - 3 year old milk- ivAslirr 1630 OSAGE-MANHATTAN ing Shorthorn cow & calf. M.C. Amstein Barleen Motor Co, Culbertson, 456-9367, Wamego. Phone ST.5-2511 DWIGHT x9 Hereford Ranch Need LONG CLIFTON, KANSAS 2 blocks No., 77-9 jet. Livestock WATERVILLE, KANS, GET Auctioneer WANTED - GOOD quality op- 913 455-3628 en breeding gilts. Will pay pre- 4 south Clifton, 8W and 9Nof INS' All types of mium. Corky Albright, Hoyt, Buy Kans. Phone 913 986-6493. SB10 Clay Center Harvest Specials .We have a sales Dairymen- 1/2 & % FOR SALE - Saddle mule, 2 25 - USED TRUCKS -2D Ph. 30F 23 The Best For Less HAYNES TWO horse trailer. broke. Chev. Tandem axle. Excellent condi- yrs. old, gentle, green 65 CHEVY 60 SERIES HOPE, KANSAS We have for your selection Dan Kleiner, RR 3, Manhattan,2 speed, 261" engine, 4-s ty tion.$650. 924-2247, Circleville, Kans., Phpne PR 6-8286. x9 Dodge at all times the largest supply Kans. x9 new rubber, excellent paint, of FOR SALE - Feeder pigs, Roy- perfect, 84" CA for 13 Chev.I Lawrence E. Welter FRESH SPRINGER REG. HEREFORD bull for sale.al D. Llewelyn, Phone 211 on 3, bedcab spd. HOLSTEIN - GUERNSEY 6 yrs. old, gentle, good breeder. Leonardville. SB9 64 CHEVY 60 SERIES Ford Fi Kloche Bros., ph. Waterville hoist AUCTIONEER JERSEY 261" 6-cyl., 2 -speed, 4 -speed, REAL ESTATE BROKER ST 5-2279, Randolph, Kans. x10FOR SALE - 35 York feeder cellent tires, new paint, 84' Chev. 1/2 SWISS and MILKING pigs. Tom Andrews, RR 3, Sa- CA for 131/2' bed, hoist a Your Sale Solicited REGISTERED ANGUS bulls, 12 lina, Kans. TA 3-8533. x9 able Chev. Large or Small SHORTHORN COWS & to 15 mo., large, well developed, yl., 4-spee HEIFERS ready for moderate use this 61 FORD F600 EAST HIGHWAY US 24 REGISTERED BULLS 16-24 292 V-8, 5 -speed, 2 -speed, g Interna spring.C.G. Wagner, 929S. ' sides MANHATTAN PR 8.3455 Financing available-up to24 months old. Large type, good rubber, new 14 -ton hoist, mos. Santa Fe, TA 7.6263, Salina, heads, splendid bloodlines. Also Ford thi Real Estate Kans. x10 3 year old son of Colorado 151/2' grain box SPECIALS 61 CHEVY 60 SERIES cyl. And General Sales CHAROLAIS BULLS for sale, Blanchard. Located 3 mi. north, 261" 6-cyl., 5 -speed, 2 -speed, G IH ii t 100 head of open Holstein hei- 21/2east junction highways 15 fers registered, purebred, excellent wood hoist, new 13%' cyl. blood lines. Grand sire Imported & 18. Telephone Upland. Jones box 50 head Holstein heifer calves Hereford Farms, Abilene, SB12 Dodge 11 Chi Mo. Grand sire Alejo Nick 61 FORD F600 Ed Reimer CALVES! CALVES! Also son of Remington includedFOR SALE - Registered Ap- 292 V-8, 5 -speed, 2 -speed, An AUCTIONEER We will have 400 to 500 calves Ages 10 months to 31 months.palooso mare, 3 years old. Well thony hoist and new 13 beef cross. 2 weeks to 450 lbs. old. L. A. Clark, 6th & Hillcrest,broke and gentle. R. W. Nead- grain box We Specialize in Selling At our barn every week for theWamego, Kansas Zip 66547, Ph SB11 erhiser, 3 miles west Cuba. For 60 CHEVY 60 SERIES DAIRY CATTLE next several months. 456-9544. sale:Mueller 300 gallon milk 261" 6-cyl., 5 -speed, 2 -speed, "A complete Sale Service" 3 YR. OLD Hereford bull. Pa- tank, good condition, nearly new rubber, Perfection hoist, unit. Surge milker, 3 years old, dy for grain box Phone or write for sale W. G. WIEBE pers could be available. Ernestwith three units. R. W. Nead- Phone CI 4-7625 Yaege, Phone PR 6-8186. SB10 59 DODGE D700 Winch In: dates. erhiser, 3 miles west Cuba. x10 348 V-8, 5 -speed, 2 -speed, 18 Telephone 367-2373 Summerfield, Kansas FOR SALE - lb. Tulsa 19 winch & body GOESSEL, KANSAS ed Hereford bull. Willard Olson, FOR SALE - 80 ewes, 7 yr. poles, headache rack, ro "Marion County" Manhattan, Kans., phone JE 9- old. Stanley Novak, Belleville, tailboard, ready to work! WANTED TO BUY 3774. x9 Kans. SB10 FEEDER HOGS 60-61 CHEVY 60 Series Du 40 to 100 lbs. Top prices paid. FOR SALE - Yorkshire boars,NATIONALLY ACCREDITED 261 6-cyl.,5 -speed, 2 -speed, rubber, 4 yard bodies, sa FordI' BOBT. G. "BOB" WILSON J. D. SIMPSON serviceable age, Arlo Vathauer, SPF Yorkshire boars and open Auctioneering Sales Mgr. Blue Rapids, Kans., Phone CA gilts from tested bloodlines. tanks d tran 130 Grant Ave., Junction City 6-7488. x12 Harvey Herrs, Linn, Kans. Ph. 60-61 FORD F600 Dumps tt. stock Phone CE 8-3754 or CE 8.3939 348-2252. SB12 292 V-8, 5 -speed, 2 -speed, e''1st. 26,00 All Types of Sales FOR SALE - 5 yr. old mule, lent rubber, 4 yard bodies, Ford F-( FOR SALE -A few good 2 - 600 lbs., broke to ride & drive. dle tanks 'd, 2.sw Phone 494-2552 Phone Riley HU 5-2595, Lloyd 59 DODGE D700 Dumps nil With year old Registered Hereford Feed & Seed 1st, 35,00( bulls for sale at ranch. B -K Morgan, Bala, Kans. x10 348 V-8, 5 -speed, 18,000lb., Box 118St. George, Kans. speed, 5 yard bodies, sa Ford F Hereford Ranch, Longford WANTED to lease for season, assis cab, Kans. x9 tanks purebred Charolais bull. Jim LaPASTURE FOR RENT - For 58 FORD F750 chassis & 800 mile FOR SALE - Nationally ac- Barge, Phone 464-3721, Aurora, 100 cows with spring calves or 302 V-8, 5 -speed, 2 -speed, 84" Ford F-61 DAIRY SUPPLIES credited SPF Hampshire and Kansas. SB10 160 yearlings. Good grass and 57 FORD F750 chassis & cab,V-i Hampshire York cross, open water. Keith Williams, Rt. 2, 5 -speed, 2 -speed, Chev. 2-t 2 YR. OLD Registered Here- 302 V-8, speed, 2-sT gilts $10 above market price ford bulls. August Carlson, Smo- Marysville, Kans., HI 3-3914. CA per head. Galen Wietharn, Ax - Ian, phone Salemsborg 1017. SB9 57 IHC 180 chassis & cab Ford F-61 Wamego tell, Kans. 736.2777. x9 is cab, V4 SB10 DAIRY PELLETS, range pelletsAir brakes, 308 engine, 5-s Ford 1} Dairy Supply 2 -speed FOR SALE - Duroc boars, FOR SALE -28 head good andallkindsoffertilizers. i'sPeed,10,1 Located At production tested bloodlines. Hereford cows with large fall Manhattan MillingCo.,107 Ford 1-4 Bit -O -Gold Cheese Bldg. Nationally accreditedSPF. calves. Ted Lumb, Wakefield, Pierre, Manhattan. TF Chg AMES Peed Fred Germann, Dwight, Kans., CHEVROLET CO. Chev. Dave Doperalski Kansas HO 1-5547. x9 Internati Phone Junction City CE 84382. ATRAZINE 80, Cargill and Ad- Phone 316 MI 7-3251 Authorized DeLaval Dealer x9 PERFORMANCE AND produc- vance Gold -Tag seed for sale. 4 wheel driis MOLINE, KANSAS Ford % Rubber parts for all makes FOR SALE - Reg. Shorthorn tion tested nationally accredited Kenneth Piper, Hope, Kansas, Service for all makes bull and heifers. Heifers suit-SPF purebred Hampshire and phone Tampa 552-34. x9 Used milk machines, all makes Yorkshire boars and open gilts. Trucks & PickupsTaylor able for 4-H projects. Glenn E.Can furnish backfat probes, CERTIFIED WAYNE soybeans, We would appreciate being Lacy, Miltonvale, Kans. x9 $3.75 per bushel, Jim Johns, Rt. 1967 Ford F-352 V8 pickup, of service to you. Sonoray loineye measurements wide Phone SANTA GERTRUDIS bulls and carcass cutouts. Floyd Mey- 1, Manhattan, PR 6-5566. SB10 speed, long wheelbase, - er, Palmer, Kans., Phone 308. box, new tires, LWB WASHING. Phone 456-7200 increase weaning weights. Ex- FOR SALE - Clark 63 soy- % to x11 1966 GMC 4-whl. drive WAMEGO, KANSAS cellent young certified bulls for beans. Been run, Detroit eleva- custom cab, 4-sp.,radio, 1 sale. Dr. P. L. Beidorwell, Belle- GOOD POLLED Hereford bulls,tor. Phone AC 913 WE 4-2495, out hubs, new tires ville, Kans., Ph. 913 JA 7-2174; Enterprise, Kans. SB16 LWB, new April 913 JA 7-2247; 913 CH 3-1512. serviceable age, from the old- 1966 GMC V400, V6, est polled Hereford herd in the tires, 2 -speed, extranice x12 OF 17THA DeLaval Clay world. 0. J. Shields, Lost CLARK 63 soybeans, state test- 19two66 Chevrolet 2 -ton327 82540, SALES NATIONALLY ACCREDITED Springs, Kansas Phone 13F12. ed, germ. 94%, grown from -spd., new tires, B: All Makes SPF Hampshire boars & open x11 certified seed. Bagged. Wesley extra nice gilts,excellentquality.H. Heilman, Green, Kans. x12 1965 GMC 1/2ton, longwide Flc Service & Repair FOR SALE - Two yr. old regis- engine Wayne Shirley, Horton, Kans., box, 4 -speed, V6 OF BETTE, Phone 913 474-3349. x11 tered Hereford bull. Larry Fel- FOR SALE- Kansas Certified 1963 GMC 1% tontruck, 1,5, Dairy Equipment bush, Route 3, Abilene, Kansas. Wayne soybean seed, cleaned & ft. bed, 8.25x20 tires,a gm STOCK COW dispersal: 70 An-Phone Acme 304. x11 sacked early to avoid splits. low priced truck F01 $3.75.Call JA 7-2813, Maurice 825 ti gus & mixed cows, 60% calves ANGUS BULLS - 3 year old, 1962 GMC V8, 2 -speed, Joe McClure by side, balance calve within Grieber, Belleville, Kans. x12 in and registered bull, one very good 2 sharp 2-sPd, Ph. 229-5284 Alta Vista three weeks. Henry Chestnut, 1949 Chev.. 2 -tontruck, traded Oak Hill, Kans. Phone388-2507. year old grade bull; one year- hoist & bed di x10 ling bull calf. These grade bulls are from the top side of our calf Automotive nPot.ig Apri MEMORIALS FOR SALE- Purebred Suffolkcrop (250). Bob Jones, Wash- Beloit Motor rams, good selection. Harold D. ington, Kans. Phone EA 5-2893. OpEN Johnson, Box 327, Belleville, Ks., x9 Co., Inc. 66935. Phone 913 JA 7-5030. x10 GMC K RAT] Cody Memorials FOR SALE or trade. Reg. Char- BELOIT,KANSAS FOR SALE- Milk cows, 28 olais bull, might lease. Rox 302, TRUCKS Phone PE8.3511 ggs (F Homer Handle, Owner Kabsu sired herd, bred back toOgden, Kans. Phone PR 6-8170. 34 Ton - 60 Ton Stones designed and cut by Kabsu bulls since 1955. 1 fresh- SB9 NEW 1968 PlymouthFurY ere Cu experienced craftsmen in our en May; 4 July; 6 Aug. Regis, Sales & Service 4 -door sedan. Mrcond., 1W) Their own plant. L. Heiman, Onaga, Kans., phone FOR LEASE - 2 registered TRI-COUNTY MOTORS strg., powr. brakes.Call Roust° 889-4883. x10 Hereford bulls for summer sea- Myers, ST 5.2257,'Water! Office & Display son, Allison breeding. Will sell 307 N. 3rd MANHATTAN FOR SALE- Reg. Polled Here- 1 registered Hereford bull 4 4th & Grant ford bull, 2 yr. old, good quali- sale - 58 A, PoR vrs. old $195. Santa Gertrudis FOR SALE- 1953 Chev. 2 ton, STEP VAN for e'rof est ME 2-2323 ty, popular bloodlines. Robert condition.RS.;; Chev bull, 2 vrs. old $425 Earl Klein- insert motor, hoist, grain box, 1Y4 'ton. Good hoist, 2-t CLAY CENTER Riffel, Rt. 1, Assaria, Kans., Ph. gorge, Cottonwood Falls, Kans. reasonable. Call 22F'8, Cuba, Ks. (V1°' stool' Salemsborg 64. Hoch, Wilson,Kansas miles SB9 SB10 W. R. Wineinger, Haddam. SB9 A 658-5147. 81,3.,bale Bair Up air cond, t be USED TRUCKS FINE CENTRAL FOR SALE - Nice modern ve $2200 2 -Ton Trucks home with out -buildings on all- Scout 8004x4, new KANSAS FARMS weather road. Small tract of .1963 j.11 1600with new bed and 320 acres with 90 acres pas- ifde- it coed. $2595 GOOD ONES adjoining land available hoist ture, balance under cultivation, sired. Jack Smith, Wells, Kans., 1962 FordF100 pickup ... $845 1966 Chev. 2T 2 speed 6 cyl 292well improved, ideally located phone 488-3807. x9 L150 11/2ton truck engine,radio,heater,14,000 on blacktop road. $80,000 with -cars 1950 1H $275 LARGE STOCK OF TRUCKS miles. This truck is like new.terms available )r, well L160, 1% ton truck 1964 Chev. 2 -ton, LWB, 2-spd. has 151/2' Giant grain & stock 80 acres with 5 bedroom farm Farm Equipment 1952 III $225 $2195 box,foldown,and Anthony home, 15 minutes from down- hoist.This truck will savetown Junction City. 63.5 acres ON R100 pickup .... $225 1965 Chev. %T, 6-cyl., LWB, 4- 1954 IH you plenty . on buying & cropland. $20,500 total sale price Vers L-130, 1 ton $175 speed $1395 1951 IH using. 650 acres of good grass, well USED COMBINES eanVing 11/2 ton with bed &57 American 38 ft. platform fenced and plenty of water. $100 1947 Chev. $575 $2250 1959 Chev. 2T 2 speed V8 with 2 1967 C -II Gleaners, 18 ft. hoist an acre available on contract 2 1967 C -II Gleaners, 16 ft. $45 1956 Jeep 4 -wheel drive.. $545 like new 151/2' Giant foldown, :RV1cE 131/2ft. truckbed, old.... new 825 nylon rear tires. You 2 1966 C -II Gleaners, 18 ft. & grain sides for 65 Chev. tandem tractor $5750 The Hoyle Agency Dtors Stock rack won't go wrong on this. 1961 A Gleaner, 14 ft. IH 8'pickup $95 1963 Chev. 80 tractor $2995 Central National Bank Building 2 1959 MH No. 82, 14' S. 66938 Stock rack forFord pickup $7553 GMC 2 ton LWB $400 We have a couple of new E. L. HOYLE CE 8.5295 1950 MH No. 27, good 62 Int'l.21/2ton tandem 13 ft. Chevrolet 2 -ton trucks ready forJUNCTION CITY, KANS. dump immediate delivery. Combines all all field ready Schumacher's Inc. $2750 FOR SALE - Restaurant in !cl, ens. 62 International 21/2 ton tandem Skinner Chev. Co. White City, Kans., having good Fuller Chevrolet Co. 13' dump $2750 business, up to date eqpt. in ex- 71., 4 spi Highway 36 1961 IH tractor, 5 sp., 2-sp. $1295 625 Lincoln cellent condition. Must sell due l., 4 spd 55 Chev. LWB 2 ton, hoist & ME 2-2101 toill health. Myrle Newbury, Ph. PE 8-2281 eed EA 5-2316 grain box $1250 CLAY CENTER, KANS. White City, Kans., 66872. x9 I BELOIT, KANS. 3 speed c,, 58 GMC LWB 2 -speed .... $895 FOR SALE - 2 -bedroom house, WASHINGTON, KANS. 64 Ford tandem tractor $3995 all modern, barn, garage and 1r Co, 61 Chev. tandem tractor $3750 Big Buys wash house. 18 lots. Parking 59 Trailmobile 35 -ft. grain $1250 space for 6 trailer houses, 18 COMBINES ill Need A Pickup? highway. Dave Sullivan, Warne - 9 1et. 1957 Chev. 1/2 ton sharp .. $495 For Spring! go, Kans., Rl. 456-9662, Warne - 2 1959 MF 82 14', one has cab CANS, GET A NEW ONE 55 Chev. 2 ton LWB--Junker go, Kans. x9 2 1964 MF 300 13' with cab IN WAKEFIELD 1966 Chev. Impala 4 Dr. H.T. 2 1964 MF 410 14' with cabs 55 Chev. 1/2 ton plain $345 Automatic trans., Power steer- 1 1966 MF 410 dsl., 18', with We have a good selection of 1958 IH 3i ton, 4wd $R95 ing, air cond., new tires.Beige FARMS FOR SALE chopper & table trailer CialS & % Ton Pickups 196.3 IH Scout 4wd $1045 with black top.Green. 2 1951 MH No. 27 14', good KS -25 Improved 360, modern home,2 new 8' Melroe pickups for 92 Chev. T pickup, warran- 1966 Chev. El Camino, (3 cyl. good road, 150 cultivated, with CRIES 967 $1695 1965 Ford Fairlane 502 2 Dr.40 creek bottom, balance pas- No. 500 14'; No. 600 14'; PT 12 & 4 -speed H.T. Automatic trans, w/operat- 1 1967 MF 300 with cab, like e,%tyDodge 1/2T V-8, clean ture, 40 A wheat, 70 A feed !nt paint, 1966 ing console, bucket seat. Radio, grain, 31 alfalfa at $52,000, only new i. Chev. 1534 12 T, 8-cyl., 4- Melton Motor Co,Inc. for lA 1966 Heater. $5,000 down, $5,000 March1, TRACTORS spd. 16th and M Sts.JA 7-2201 then $1,000 per year plus 5% in- 2 MH 44 std., hydraulic on one ERIES 1962 Ford F600, 2'1', w/ 16' bed BELLEVILLE 1964 Ford Fairlane 500 2 Dr. terest. 1 1949 IHC M, wide front axle 1 -speed, et & hoist H.T. Automatic Trans. Power steering,radio,heater. Unimproved 12S acres, 123 1 1966 Ford 3000 gas, 400 hrs. oaint, 84"1959 Chev. %Ton Pickup acres cultivated, 24.3 wheat, 43 1 1962 MF Super 90 gas hoist avab 1/2T,wide box,6 1958 Chev. For Graduates 1963Rambler stationwagon. feed grain, 20 conserving, 25 1 1963 MF Super 90 diesel cyl., 4 -speed A BETTER CAR Classic 6cyl. Standard trans.,free, only $130 per acre with HESSTON SWATHERS (New) i00 1957 International % T pickup, air cond. lots of miles left in liberal contract. No. 500 14'; No. 600 14'; PT12 & peed, goo' grain sides & stock rack They'll Like PT 10 in hoist, this car. Highly improved 500 acres on 1951 Ford three-quarter, 4 speed, Sports Models _0-- 1961 Rambler Ambassador wag- oil road, all buildings, nearly Pfister -Rhoades ERIES 6 cyl. 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 coupe, on. VR,atitomatic trans., nowernew, modern 3 -bedroom home, -speed, Ga1959 IH % ton pickup, 4 speed, V-8 engine,:3 -speed column steering, power brakes, air cond. 250 cultivated, balance good Impl. Co. 13W 6 cyl. shift, radio and heater. See grass at $80,000 with excellent 0 long terms contract. JAMESTOWN, KANS. 949 Dodge 11/2T with bed This one -owner 2 -door hard- Phone 109-2445 600 top Only $1495 Unimproved 80 near Aurora, After Hours Phone OW 6-4305 peed, An AULD 1965 Mustang V-8, floor shift, Many More To Choose From all cultivated but 6 acres, good new 139 bucket seats $1695 Manhattan Motors irrigation, well on adjoining 80, COMBINES CHEVROLET $12,000 on contract. ;ERIES 1964 Chevrolet Impala Super 311-317 Houston PR 8-3537 1966 A2 Gleaner, 14 -ft. !-speed, go Sport, 327 V-8 engine with Farms are selling, you should1965 A2 Gleaner, 16 ft. V.9 HO 1-5414 Used Car Lot 214 Houston hoist, 4 -speed floor shift and bucket be buying - Call collect for ap- 1952 A Gleaner, 14 -ft. WAKEFIELD seats, only $1595 BUICK FOR pointment. 19(30 1)14 AC tractor 50 YEARS 2-67 C Gleaner 16 ft. 'inch Tm 1964 Impala Sport Coupe MANHATTAN, KANSAS I have several other good list- 1964 Gleaner A2, 14 ft. ;peed, la V-8, power steering .... $1595 ings including several pastures. 1962 C Gleaner, 18 ft. & body' 1963 Chevy II convertible, 6 - 1962 C Gleaner 16 ft. with chop- 'ack, To cylinder with Powerglide, ra- per ) work! dio and heater, Super Sport Real Estate Kvasnicka Realty Ties Du 5 equipment only $995 HADDAM, KANSAS 2 -speed, Ostlund Implement sa966Ford N-600,361V-8,5- 1962 Chev. sport coupe, just Phone FR 6-2874 speed trans.,17,000,2 -speed, overhauled $1095 Gerald A. Kvasnicka, Realtor CH 3-4088 16-1ft. stock & grain bed with 0 Dumps USED TRUCKS Fulmer Real Estate Alice J. Kvasnicka, Secretary speed, ex hotst. 26,000 miles. dal CONCORDIA CATHERINE J FULMER At11£-CAAL.M£128 I bodies,4965Ford F-600 330 V-8, HD, 4- We're badly in need of more us- speed, 2 -speed, 18' Obeco fold ed trucks, and we'll make REALTOR FARMS FOR SALE MACHINERY dovvn with Krause 2 ton you the best deal ever. ) Dumps hoist, 35,000 miles. Office 456-7696 480 acre Jackson County farm, 1966 IHC F656 gas \VFA, 3 pt., 8,000lb., bal.farm TA,L. PTO, 16.9x34 rear, 1000 964Ford F-600 174" W.B., 1962 Chevrolet 1/2T pickup, 8' 100 acrepasture, )dies, sa chassis cab, V-8, 4-spd., 2-spd., Fleetside, 6 cyl., 4 speed trans. Res. 456-9281 land. 152 acres wheat allot., hrs., 3 sets wgts. & calcium $1095 110 acres planted, some im- $4500 assis 300 miles. WAMEGO &j96,31.3';Ford F-600 144" W.B., chas- provements. Buyer gets pas-Kent 24' springtooth $.300 peed, r 1958 Chevrolet 3,1tton pickup, ture rent landlord's share of SlScab,V-8, 4-spd. 2-spd. V-8 with 4 -speed .. only $695 Dempster tool bar with 3 pt, 9 - assis & rG963Chev. 2 -ton, 175" W.B., V-8, A.S.C.payments,wheat & spring chisel spanks, with 19 water- 3 -speed, 4-sipeed, 2 -speed 1958 Ford 3/4ton pickup, V-8 35 1 Acres milo,farmterraced, point & sweeps $250 9631Ford F-600, 156" W.B. chas- with 4 speed Only $395 Total of 351 acres located ways, large fields. Reasonably sis & cab Let us show you this Above items are in excellent siscab, V-8, 4 -speed, 2 -speed 1955 Chevrolet 3/4 ton truck, 8ft. north and east of New Ran- priced. condition and ready to go to the zine,5sr967Ford 3i ton pickup, G cyl. bed with grain sides and dolph. 191 acres in one tract farm. field. Items subject to sale with- % 4-speed, 10,030 miles farmand which is meadow and pas- Pasture 674A Riley County, 20out trade. 965 stock racks. An excellent ture, pond & well. Borders 'Tut- Ford3.'tton 6 cyl. pickup, truck Only $395 acre farm, bal. pasture.Well peed tle Creek on east. immediateposses- 965 iThey. ?Z ton pickup, 6 cyl. 1954 Chev. half ton pickup$195 watered, CHAPMAN'S IHC T CO - 1(30 acres in other with about sion. 964International Scout with 1954. Ford 1/2 ton pickup, canbe 40 acresin plow and rest in BELLEVILLE, KANSAS 1 7.3251 4 w,heel drive used for odd jobs, trashhaul- meadow and pasture. Good pond Farm, 240A farm, 100 acres pas- Phone JA 7-2273 LNSAS 959]Ford 1/2ton, 6 cyl., 4 -speed ing, fishing and for work. and also spring on place. No ture, bal. farm land. Terraced, only $195 improvements. Price $100 per in top condition, good fence. acre. Can be bought on contract. TRACTORS Pickups 'aylor Motor Co. Small home in Olshurg, $2000. 1962 2010 JD gas, completely OBERMEYER Farm, 800 acres, 250 farm bal. recond. $2595 g pickuP,1 Phone EA 5-2202 Small home in Westmoreland, pasture and meadow. Modern1964 JD 1010 gas tractor $1995 lbase,wid3 $2000. Several homes in Warne - INJkSHINGTON, KANSAS home, hay shed, corrals, barns. 1958 JD 620 gas $2250 iVB go from $5000 to $13,000. This is a choice livestock farm. 1958 MF 50 with loader ..$1395 [rive ,4 Can be bought on contract. 1959 JD 730 gas $2695 radio, P. B. Lindsay 1957 JD 620 gas $2250 April Showers REALTOR 80 acre farm mostly grass with1949 JD A, overhauled .. $595 ;,L WB, se Marvin Obermeyer, Owner modern 3 bedroom home. COMBINES :ra nicem OF 17TH ANNIVERSARY Ph. BL 8-2255 Open to 9 p.m. Bob Wilson Plenty water, on good gravel ton 1956 JD 45 combine, recondition- SALES BROUGHT US HERINGTON, KANSAS AUCTIONEER road. ed $1895 -es, 84' St. George 1959 JD 45 combine with cab $2495 long 'n& Flowers USED CARS 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Lawrence Welter engine equiped, low MANHATTAN BALERS OF BETTERUSED CARS 1966 Olds, V-8 fully PR 8-3424 Auctioneer, PR 8-3455 truck, L; mileage JD 14T baler, recond. $695 ires, a8°' For May 1965 Ford Custom500, PS, "We do business at private Harold Carlson $1595PB treaty or at auction" Your list- ings will be appreciated. Broker, PR 8-3083 Young & 'eed, 825 olne in and inspectthese used 1964 Ford Gal. 500,air, power ars traded during $1395 MANHATTAN, KANS. Son ruck, 24 our record- S & B FARMS -RANCHES -ESTATES Impl. Co. reaking April 1961 Chev. 6 cyl.1/2 ton, extra anniversary cel- Sold At Auction 160 ACRES FOR SALE - Es- main mean & Council Grove bration. clean tate farm 4% miles east of Rox- 1961 Ford V8 1/2 ton,extra clean Or Private Treaty bury, Kans., on blacktop road. Kans. lotor Ph. 767-5018 OPEN EVENINGS 1964 Ford Customcab half ton, Gene Watson Real Estate All electric 7-yr. old ranch style, Auctioneer -Realtor 3 -bedroom home with large util- nc. BANK RATE FINANCING long box 1967 Chey, Biscayne4 door, V8 14 Hillcrest Hutchinson, Ks. ity & garage. Built in kitchen,TWO CATERPILLARS for kNSAS city water. Excellent landscap- sale: 3T D-7 with No. 25 CCU, kaggs automatic Call Doug Wildin, 316/662-7543 ing, excellent feed lots with 350 7S dozer. Buildup undercarriage. 8-3511 (Ford) Motors Special Price On New "Where CustomersSend feet fence line bunks. 73 acres 3T D-7 with hyd., new nails and N & E Series Trucks WANT TO BUY - 10' or 12' pasture, 83 acres cultivation. lifetime rollers. Merle Sampson, ath Their Friends" sink, 2 burn- Contact Dale Bair,Canton, Longford, Kans., 913 3 cond., j/°. d & Houston Pickup campers, rotary mower. R. W. Tootle, Phone 8-3525 er range, icebox, sleeps four Kans. MA 8-4893. SB10 phone S88- s MANHATTAN,KANS. $675 Williamstown, Kansas. Phone wate 913 597-2315. x10 WANTED TO RENT - Farm- UCE FOR HEAVY DUTY 30 -inch 121/2 hp. SALE - Admin. stead within ten mile radii's of29Virginia Wonder mower. A rid- Kling Motor Co. tator of estatehas for sale FOR SALE - New 3 point Manhattan. House should be ining mower ideal for large acre- le -"'"gua "0 Chev., 2-ton,2-sp., 18 -ft. Ford-Mercury-Ford Trucks hitch for M&M G-705 or G-706 good condition. Lawrence Pat- [Riot (531 hoist, stockracks. 45.000 ac- US 81 at 23rd St. tractor.Incrate$150. Leo terson, 212 Westwood Road, age, hard use, sharp maneuver- ing's "miles; A-1cond $4250 Con - Berndt, Glasco, Kans. Phone Manhattan. Phone PR 8-3681. ing. Alex Sabin, Blue Rapids, BELLEVILLE, KANS. x11 Kans. 66411. x9 Dale Bair,Canton, Kans., Phone 527-2271 568-2528. x9 8.4893. SB10 USED TRACTORS USEDTRACTORS sell 1967 Farmall 656 gas HERINGTON IH 3414 &backhoe, demo., 200 hrs. $6250 1966 Farmall 656 gas Used Machinery Looking For or lease, $6250 1963 M -M "G" 705t) tractor A GOOD USED TRACTOR .IH 806D $5450 1953 Ferguson 30 w/ loader & AT LINN, KANS. IH 706D load- rear blade Ford 4000D,like new w/ 961 Fc TRACTORS Look At These $3450 59 Ford 971 D tractor, recently 5sPd er tires, new en- overhauled 49 J.I. Case VAC JD 1965 4020 dsl., p -shift,ps, IH F560D, new 850 Fc, 50 J.I. Case DC4 wide frt. $3650 1959 Farmall 460 gas oven TRACTORS $1350 1958 JD 820 diesel D 51 Allis Chalmers WD JD 1964 4020 dsl., p -shift, ps, 900 AgineC D-14 51 Ferguson T030 wfe, air cond. cab 1964 JD 2010 gas tractor, IH F300, newrubber, new ov-1953 Farmall Super M. Os. 55 IHC F300; 57 IHC 350 JD 1964 4020 dsl, p -shift, ps,wfe hrs. erhaul $1250 1952 Farmall Super C. 6N Fol 57 Ford 841 1963 JD 3010 dsl. $675 51 IH WD6 tractor good real good overhauled Farmall M $545 57 J.I. Case 401 JD 1961 3010 gas, overhauled, 1962 JD 2010 gas, Farmall H, extragood 51 IH W6 gas tractor ;48AJo 58 John Deere 420 painted 1962 JD 2010 dsl.,overhauled Farmall SuperC, fast hitch 50 MH 30 tractor pt., g 60 J.I. Case 611B 1960 IHC 460 gas,overhauled $475 5,3 60 JD 1962 2010 gas, overhauled, overhauled $445 1947 IH "M" 61 MM VI LP gas painted, wide front 1959 IHC 560 gas, Massey Harris44 47 IH MD tractor 65 J.I. Case 741 gas JD 1961 2010 gas, overhaul, pain- 1958 JD 620 LP,overhauled John Deere A $545 44A A A 66 MF 180 diesel 1958 IHC 350 Utility $4C25 47 Allis tractor with cultivator ted, wide front overhauled For $775 IH M tractor with live hydraul MOUNTED PLOWS 1956 JD 60 LP, w/ cultivator 48 JD 1961 2010 gas, wfe, real good, WDd $395 is MF 2-16; MF 3-14; Ford3-14 adj. wheel 1956 IHC 300 and Farmall C ed Massey Harris F2 3-14 JD 1959 730 dsl., with dual con- 1952 IHC W6, new sleeves 9N Ford withloader $575 36 Allis U tractor, recently over- Allis Chalmers 3-14 trol tires IH MTA withPR $1750 hauled 62 1100 J.I. Case 3-14 JD 1959 730 dsl, overhauled, 1951 JD A IH 460 diesel, newtires $2950 MACHINERY ed, gc Massey Harris 4-14 painted 1949 JD G USED TILLAGEEQUIP. IH 260 2 -row F.H. planter Allis Chalmers 3-14 JD 1959 610 gas, good 1948 IHC M IH 309A 3 -pt.,3.14 plow, demo. Allis field cutter w/ windrow 61 F100 J.I. Case SR44 4-14 JD 1957 620 gas, good 1946 IHC H $375 pickup att. jogy gc Oliver 3-16 JD 1954 60 gas, painted MACHINERY Ford 3-14 3 -pointplow .. $375IH 55T PTO baler 1967 Case 4 -row planterw/fert. plow..$75 1967 IH No. 550 2 -row field cut. PULL TYPE PLOWS JD 1949 A w/ rotary AC 2-14 mounted Ford 25 IHC 2-14; J.I. Case 2-16 JD 1948 G 1964 Case 4 -row lister IH 261 cultivator $225 ter IHC 3-14; IHC Model 60,3-14 JD 1946 A btms. & fert. Oliver 3-14 hyd.lift plow $245 Letz portable mill, PTO John De rot. bot. ft. John Deere 4-14; Co-op4-14 JD 1946 B & loader JD 4 -row lister withinsect. att. AC 2-14 plow $95 Allis 6 combine with motor in HARROWS & DISKS JD 1954 MT, good, new tires fert. att., herb. att., IH No. 8 2-14plow $145 IH 127 combine, 14' 1,f -F lift, IHC 2 row fast hitchlister with Shawnee J.I. Case 7' mtd. disk AC 1962 D15, wide front, sharp Oliver 2-14 plow $95 good shape ..... IHC chisel M -H 1962 65 dsl. w/ front over- fertilizer Cockshutt 3.14 plow $65 IH 125SP combine J.I. Case 6' oneway haul JD BW 14' wheel disk John Deere 3-16plow $125 IH 16x8 fertilizer drill with 214 3 -pt. Ford 10' disk MH 1950 44 gas MF 12' wheel disk MF 2 -row 3 -pointcultivator $125 214 Feri MH 1949 44 gas, wide front JD 121/2' KBA wheeldisk for WD & press wheels Model 12 John Deere 21' disk harrow cult., like AC 2 -row cultivator IH 16x8 fertilizer drill with Ford rot J.I. Case 21' springtooth Ford 1951 & Davis loader JD 4 row front mt. WC $65 press wheels John Deere 10'4" wheeltype Oliver 1950 88, good new Ford 2-14 plow $75 ..... IHC 1957 450, overhauled, com- Several used 2 row weeders $495 IH 16x8 fertilizer drill with Rotary r Case S108 10'4" whl. type Case 11' wheel disc press wheels Ford &: J.I. Case wheel type plete with new head COMBINES John Deere KBA wheeldisk, 11 - ...... IHC 13' wheel type IHC 1950 M; THC 1949 M 1966 JD 95 with 19' header ft. $295 Allis 2R cultivator type 1964 JD 45, 12' with cab disc, 11 - IH 4 -row pull type weeder We hal John Deere 13'4" wheel COMBINES John Deere RW wheel er twine 1966 John Deere 14'wheel type 1961 MF 72, 12' ft. $495 John Deere KBA 10'9" wheel IHC 12' springtooth JD 1965 95, 14', really sharp 1959 JD 95, 16' Krause wheel disk, 11 -ft $495 disk John Deere 16' springtooth JD 1961 95, 14' 1960 IHC 151, powersteering, IH No. 37 wheel disk,10'9" $4C5 Case 10'9" wheel disk Bu IHC 16' springtooth JD 1963 55 14', real good straw chopper IH fast hitch tandem101/2 -ft. IH 4 -section springtooth J.I. Case 16' springtooth JD 1963 55, 12', real good, w/cab 1956 IHC 141, powersteering $250 JD 3 -sect. springtooth JD 1965 45, 12' with cab Used straw chopper forJD $95 32' Crust Buster JD 1962 55 12', with cab IH F35 lister cultivator .... JD 66AH 5-14 plow, pull 2 -row rotary hoe JD 1958 55 12', good MACHINERY IH No. 468 4 -rowcultivator, John Deere 2x14 plow J.I. Case 4 -row rotaryhoe 1967 Hesston PTO windrower, good $925 MM 2x14 plow PLANTERS & CULTIVATORS JD 1958 45 10', good demo IH No. 470 4 -row Ester-cult., likeIH No. 70 4x16 pull plow JD 1957 55, 12' o'hld. Oliver No. 11 2 -row MH 1965 410, 14' 1964 JD 215A windrower, new $675 IH No. 8 3x16 plow IHC 2erow 1960 JD 14T baler Krause 3 -pt. oneway $125 TH No. 8 3x14 plow Massey Ferguson 4 -row (new) MH 1957 82, 14' 1956 New Holland 66baler III No. FA 40 4 -row listercult. IH No. 8L 4x14 plow MH 80 SP 14' Several used mowers includes fertilizer herbicide LOTS & LOTS & LOTS MORE 3 -pt. hitch See vs for Lillison rolling and insecticide attachment MACHINERY ON OUR LOTS SEE US FOR - AC 2-16 snap hitch plow ..$95 J.I. Case 2 -row monitor New Hesston swathers; Gehl HM 250 cultivator $125 cultivators. Dempster 2 -row cultivator feed machinery; Crust Buster JD 4 row front mount cultivator Hours: 8:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m. Ford 2 -row cultivator Farmers Union Harrows; G -B loaders; Danuser $575 Emeraencv Parts Ph. HO 1 IHC 2 -row cultivator diggers;Lilliston rolling culti-IH No. 400 12' springtooth$175 or HO 1-5811. GI J.I. Case 2 -row cultivator Hdw. & Implement vators; Grain-O-Vators IH C-254 cultivator $75 Ford 2 -row cultivator IH FA 40 4 row lister -cultivator USE HAY TOOLS Everett Hoobler $275 AULD Tri-County Sales 1967 494A IHC 7' mower; MH 7' mower Mgr. USED COMBINES CHEVROLET 1965 694A. J.I. Case E7 - 7' mower George Munkres $2950 1965 494A, 421)NES OSSRSEM IH 151 14' John Deere 7' mower Ph. 437-2913 Phone Collect IH No. 101, extra good $2750 HO 1-5414 1964 494A MF Model 25 rake BL 8-2249 or BL 8-2991 Massey Harris No. 80 .... $850 WAKEFIELD 959 494 1966 MF Model 25 rake ST. MARYS, KANS. HERINGTON, KANSAS Massey Harris No. Super 27 Used liqui 51 Allis Chalmers baler $795 for JD I 1965 J.I. Case 200 baler $375 Case SP No. 12 TRACTORS 1965 Massey Ferguson No. 10 Priced To Sell TRACTORS IH SP 125 for repairs $150 US baler IHC H tractor, new sleeves & 1963 4010 dsl., w/ 1400 hrs. $4750 USED HAY MACHINES 1967 JD 320 dsl. tractor withJD 2 -row IHC forage harvester pistons, transmission and dif- 1964 4020 dsl. w/ 1700 hrs. $5300 IH No. 27 PTO baler, like new F145 4.14 semi-mtd. plow JD 2 -row J.I. Case Model 212 forage har- ferential completely overhaul- 1964 3020 dsl. w/ 1500 hrs. $4250 $1^50 1950 JD A, reconditioned arborn vester ed, new paint & battery. Ex- 2 -row 1962 3010 gas w/ 2600 hrs. $3095 IH No. 46 PTO baler .... $945 MF 35 tractor with loader COMBINES cellent in all ways. .... $4501961 3010 dsl., reconditioned IH No. 45 PTO baler .... $275 C 2-rolk 59 Allis Chalmers Model 90, 9'IHC F450D tractor, transmis- $3250 $145 IHC 560 Gas JD ABG u sion, differential & TA com- Case PTO baler rotary 56 John Deere 55, 12' 1961 4010 dsl. w/ new tires John Deere No. 5 mower $195 1952 JDA Good 1 58 Massey Harris 60, 12' pletely overhauled $1750 $4175 $175 Also never 54 Massey Harris 80, 14' IHC No. 449 planter with fiber 1963 3010 gas w/ 15.5 tires $3200 IH No. 27 mower MF 30 tractor 59 Massey Harris 82, 14' with glassfert.boxes. Always (New wide front ends on any IH No. 25 mower $75 1960 JD 430 tricycle shedded, and in good condi- IH No. 5 low wheel rake . $045 Todd T cab of the above tractors for $150). MISCELLANEOUS 59 Massey Harris 92, 14' tion $750 1962 D-17 AC dsl., clean $2595 IH 4 -bar steel wheel rake $95 Junctic 59 J.I. Case 800, 14' IHC 4 -row lister with fert. & 1962 560 IH dsl., clean $2695 New Holland hay crusher, goodIHC No. 37 10'9" wheeldisc, insecticide, good cond. .. $550 $450 sealed brgs., good blades Store 61 J.I. Case 1000, 14' 1959 JD 630, ready $2175 St. Joe bale loader, like new 63 MF Super 92, 14' No. 210 Farmhand forage feed-1959 No. 961 Ford dsl., 2 front $275 JD 20' 3 pt. foldup springtoo SEN 64 MM Model 3490, 14' er with side extensions, like ends $1095 Case 12' 3 pt. springtooth 66 J.I. Case 600, 13' new $775 USED PLANTING EQUIP. IHC No. 125 combine with all ROW CROP TOOLS IH No. 430 rotary mould boardJD 4 section pull typerotary MISCELLANEOUS 4 -row Dempster Plantall w/ dry hoe Twin-Draulic loader for Allis belt drives, above average fert. $595 lister w/ fertilizer $925 Chalmers WD condition $450 4 -row Dempster Plantall w/ in- John Deere 4 -row rotary 3 -pt.JD 406 planter with fert. John Deere manure spreader IHC No. 151 combine with cab secticide & herbicide $595 lister w/ fertilizer $875 1966 4 -row Dempster3 -pt. 961 JD 4i J.I. Case 115 manure spreader and 15' platform, completely IH No. 46 lister w/ fertilizer, rotary mold board,fert 1959 JD 6: reconditioned and new paint 494 JD planter w/ dry fert. $795 rotary mold board, rubber ...... Easy Flow 12' fertilizer spread- $2750 4 or 6 -row JD quick tach culti- insect. er vator $595 Dress wheels $175 4 -row MF cult. for85, 90, or 1950 Dodge truck with 131/2 ft. IH 221 2 -row front mt. planter, ( IHC rotary cutter bed, grain bed, stock racks &40 R JD 4 -row cultivator $550 $125 MF tractor Massey Ferguson cutter 4 -row IH 3 -point weeder $250 new loa 965Th 95 BMB cutter hoist $875 IH No. 46 lister fast hitch, rub-Heavy duty twindraulic 1965 1948 GMC truck with 151/2' bed, 4 -row JD Powertrol weeder $175 ber press wheels $150 with double actingcylinder John Deere 6' blade No. 6 JD planter w/ fert. . $250 19.6/11D 4.! Viking elevator; Letz grinder grain bed, stock racks $750 TH No 187 lister $75 for 85 or 90 MF tractor 1955 Chevrolet truck, 131/2' bed, COMBINES 4 -row Noble chemical applica-JD 851 two wheelrake, At grain bed, stock racks $1250 NO TRADE PRICE tor $95 ditioned 1966 n../ N Kuhlman Motor Co. 1960 IHC B-120 4x4 pickup, new 1961 Hi -Lo 45, cab $2995 harvestei 1966 A -II Baldwin, cab $5495 JD liquid fertilizer attachment.2 JD No. 9 mowers,comple M -F, Case - Dodge paint and reconditioned $1250 4 row $125 1965 SD N LINN, KANSAS 1950 IHC L120 pickup $250 1963 JD 55, cab $4295 reconditioned 2 1-yr. old 24' Crustbusters, each1958 No. 101 IH, Hume reel TT8ED MISC. EOTTIPMENT 3 JD No. 5 mowers,comp] 197 ..... $1995, TH No. 90 manure loader 8175 $500 Farm T-Tand manure loader 8095 reconditioned Gas & Diesel 1 yr. old 24' Kent harrow $550 1959 JD 55, cabpower steering.Tavhawk manure loader .. $195JD 290 planter w/fert. 4 -section IHC ST harrow with $2700 direct cui $150 1958 JD 45, cab, 12' $2250 Ford manure loader, like new steel drawbar 84'15 Impl. 1967 Dern Shop Service 4 -section IHC ST harrow with 1965 JD 95, cab, 16' $6995 Frankfort like newP. 3 point lift hitch $175 1953 No. 127 IH, 14', cab .. $395 AC forage harvester w./ .. $295 hay attachment $575 ID No. 406 MOST up-to-date service 3 FA -40 lister cultivators, your 1953 SP 168 MM, 14' IH hay nickun attachment for choice $175 1956 JD 55, 14', reconditioned 6 . i 46 shop in our area with 3 pt. conversion $150 $1495 IH 20-C, like new $295 FA -15 lister cultivator .... $95 1956 Jr) 45, 10', very clean $1495 iski..iii Complete diesel testing equip- BKAN5:244 .2.2., ment to take care of the major-IHC No. 101 combine with 12 - 1957 JD 45 in'. Hume reel $1495 Sf'11,,mneher's Inc. FRNKFORT,Y ft. platform, excellent condi- MISCELLANEOUS I9964 bmin.z14 ity of tractors. $2500 195.7 tion No. 214T JD baler, clean . $750 Boring bars, line boring mach- Highway 36 ft. ine,welding,electrical,acety- See us for your Farmhand. Gehl, No. 70 AC 3x16 plow .... $195 NewGleaMnAerCTIFINE15 KentHarrow, Richardson 32' Crust Buster w/ smoother 17 ft. lene. Sween nlow, and Kingfisher New Gleaner F Bellevi Valve equipment, rod align- $595 'W;V;;;7% EA 5-2316 diesel ment tools. Chisel Plow needs. 28' Parker wheel harrow, demo 1956 Case 400 Competent factory trained $675 WASHINGTON, KANS. 195SJDNo. 55combine, personnel - in hydraulics, die- Cloud County F931 JD 16' wheel spring tooth with sel, electrical and general mech- TRACTOR $335 RUBBER PRESS WHEELS anical work. TRUCK No. 9A combination planter &These replace the old style steel Minneapolis disk hitch $100 wheels on your mounted or pull CALL US -COME IN - Phone 913 tyne listers and planters. We've Lumber CO. wANTRn WE'LL SATISFY been 13,,ilding these rubber press repai, - 243-1840 Washington Impl. Dealer oolsonero tOTC,Xelt.o, wheels for several years and Your AC BOWMAN eAKcithre they have proven very satisfac- TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT CONCORDIA, KANS. EA 5-2301 tory. EX 22946 SATa We have a limited number of it'eLk bed JOHN DEERE - GMC 6;N racksv CE 8-4103 240 E. 8th FOR SALE - D4 Cat, wide WASHINGTON all -steel fertilizer units, canacity 1963 JD30° JUNCTION CITY, KANS. gauge, nearly new, hyd. dozer, approx. 240 lbs.Will adapt toFOR SALE - 2 -bar,P iorE electric, Paul Hill, Belvue, Ks. 2 -row mounted orpulltype tary lister, 4 -row, sacManta x9 FOR SALE - JD 730 rubber 464.3541, Aurora,Kansas. CUB CADET No. 100 with mow- tiredlister withfertilizerat- 1951Oliver FOR SALE - Al\rrP:r)c er. Allis 6' blade, snap coupler. FOR SALE -- Used IHC 123tachment. With or without hy- FORGY WELDING RavRola tv-t1 Wallace Loewen, Peabody, Ks. combine parts. Allan Smith, draulic lift, $55. Howard Goer- Phone 857-1241 del 33 combine. Kan& x9 Abilene, CO 3-1358. x9 ing, Peabody, Kans. x9 CENTRALIA, KANS. 1-5869, Wakefield, 771.326i USED MACHINERY JUNCTION CITY 2400 ft. A&M 4" end tow irriga- or TRACTORS tion pipe MOREFORYOURDOLLAR ader 1 1961 14' Cockshutt windrower TRACTORS 1962 Ford tractor, live 961 Ford Tricycle, new pt., 1 1962 14' Case windrower PTO, power steering, live ecently 16gas95 1 1959 570 Cockshutt diesel trac- hyd., good rubber, real clean 850 Ford all purpose, new pt., tor with cab $1950 overhauled $1495 USED TRACTOR BARGAINS Heavy duty Davis loader, hyd, 51 D Ford SOS Tricycle,$A-1, FARM MACHINES 1962 Fordson diesel, LPTO bucket and blade $750 wts. 1995 Peterson Bros., Inc. 1961 Fordson diesel, LPTO 1962 Ford Major tractor, PTO, 9N Ford w/ stepup, new pt., JD Model 494 planter, 4-row, LINDSBORG, KANSAS IWO Ford 881 Select.° gas good rubber, power steering good $475 fertilizer, insect.,press . $895 1960 Fordson diesel & live hydraulic, aux valve 48 A John DeereRoll-a-matic, 3- JD Model 406 planter, 4-row, 1959 Ford 841 gas $2250 pt., good $585 fertilizer, press $625 TRACTORS 1959 Ford 841 diesel 971 Ford diesel tractor, LPTO, 53 60 John Deere, rear rubber IH No, 463 4 -rowrear mount AC Model C, new rubber .$295 1958 Ford 841 gas live hydraulic, power steer- new $995 cultivator $695 Massey 44 diesel $595 195/ Fordson diesel ing, 10 speed $2000 IH No. 263 2 -row rear mount J DModel A, 1950 $545 961 Ford tractor with 120, hy- ltivator 44 A John Deere, new pt , good 1954 Ferguson TO 30 $300 cultivator $275 3 AC D-17, new, each.... $4500 1953 Ferguson TO 30 draulics, 3 -point hitch, tydraul 48 M Farmall, new pt., overhaul - IH rotary hoe 3 -section, fast AC D-15, new $3750 1955 Ford 850 gas weights, power steering $1650 $895 hitch $175 AC 170 gas, new 1955 Ford 850 LP fuel 9N Ford tractor, 3 -pt. hitch, ly over- PICKUPS JD 9 -ft. wheel disk $225 AC 180 diesel, demo 1952 Massey 55 std. gas good rubber, clean, used $350 62 F100 Ford pickup, overhaul- IH 16x8 low wheel fert.drill, 2 David Browns 990, diesel, 1949 Massey 55 std. diesel UT Mineapolis Moline tractor, ed, good rubber, wide bed, 6- grass seeder $345 demo factory propane, clean, good IH 4 -section spring tooth har- AC 190, XT, demo, 251 hours 1950 Case DC row crop rubber, PTO, turning brake :er cyl., 3-spd. row 1949 Case LA with LP fuel $450 windrow 61 F100 Ford pickup, mechan- $50 BALERS 1951 Ford 8N, Davis loader 77 Oliver tractor, LPTO, clean, ically good, 4-spd., 6-cyl. IH No. 45T hay baler, PTO, IHC 46T $495 1948 Massey 30 row crop good rubber, add. power pis- chute & hitch $150 2 IHC 45T, each $195 1935 John Deere D tons. Recent overhaul .. $550 field cut MACHINERY IH No. 46T hay baler, PTO IHC 55T - $100 USED BALERS U Minneapolis Moline tractor, Ford 250 PTO baler $505 chute & hitch $825 MH VF4 $195 LPTO, disc brakes, good rub- John Deere KBA wheel disc. 11 - IH No. 100 fast -hitch mower 269W, New Holland.... $1495 1963 NH 271 PTO, twine, hydro ber, row crop, or wide aide rotor in ft. $300 $375 275W, New Holland, demo $1695 1958 Case 130 motor twine $750 M -F lift, 3 -pt. disc $250 111 No. 27V mower $145 New 268, 269 and 275 and wire 1955 NH S66 motor twine UB Minneapolis Moline tractor, Shawnee front loader w/ pump New Idea 4 -bar side delrake balers at a DISCOUNT. 1965 Ford 612 forage harvester LPTO, live hydraulics, row $995 $75 1959 IHC 36 forage harvseter 314 3 -pt. Dearborn plow .. $75 IH No. 5 low wheel rake LISTERS & PLANTERS 1959 Crop guard grain dryer crop, weights, good n-bber with .. $195 JD 3 -pt.2 -row rotary mold $1250 2.14 Ferguson plow $75 IH No. 15 side del. rake.. $375 USED IMPLEMENTS Fordson Major LPTO, live hyd., Model 127 JD rotary cutter $250 IH 2 -sections peg tooth harrow board lister with JD 2 -row pull type lister 3 Ford 3 bottom 14" mtd. plows 3 -pt. hitch, raised PTO $1150 Ford rotary mdlb. lister,2, with evener T-45 2 Ford 3 bottom 16" mtd. plows 10' Ford wheel disc, sealed each $85 IT -I T-I&M 250 cultivator $50 AC 500, 4 -row w/ fertilizer, new bearings, flex model .. $400 with Rotary mowers, new IH H&M 238 cultivator AC 600, 2 -row w/ fertilizer, new Allis 3 bottom 14 mounted plow $45 AC 600, 3 -row w/ fertilizer, new Ford 41/2' mtd. oneway 11'2" Kewanee sealed bearings Ford & BMB, good selection Roderick Lean 12' wheel disc wheel disc $450 $275 & uo TRACTORS AC 600, 6 -row w/ fertilizer, in- 14' Kewanee wheel disc with We have a good stock of bal- 1958 IH F-450 gas, wide front, re- secticide and herbicide 2 -row rear mt. cultivator der conditioned, like new AC 2 -row rotary moldboard, 2 -row front mt. cultivator outrigger spools $600 wheel er twine and wire. 1950 IH Farmall H, with side snap coupler with fertilizerDempster 2 row mtd. Ester New Roto weeder four row cul- mount mower, ready to mow $200 Ford 12' m'td. springtooth tivator, rear mounted . $875 Burns -Salisbury 1958 IH Farmall F450 diesel, Dempster 2 -row 3 -pt. rotary Case 7' rear mt. mower 2 -row Ford front mounted cul- mold board lister. Ford 907 6' flail mower tivator $250 /power steering, fast -hitch, Ford 908 5' rotary mower 9' IHC mounted disc, quik hitch TRALVORS East US24 TA, INPTO, new tires, en- DISC HARROWS $200 11 gineneedssomerepair Ford 703 industrial loader AC 131/2 -foot wing type, new Davis 101 find. loader New Idea four bar wheel rake PR 8-5731 at $1050 Krause 12 -foot 410 series, newArps 6' front dozer blade $125 £QUFPME 1956 IH 1-300 Utility, with load- Kewanee 12 -foot, new 100 ser-Garwood 5 yd. hyd. scraper 60" BMB rotary cutter, 3 -pt. MANHATTAN er, with rear blade, priced to ies Sherman 8' backhoe hitch, PTO, used $175 go Kewanee 10 -ft., 11 -inch new, 900 Heath 6' rear blade John Deere Rigid wheel disc, 1959 IH Farmall 230, wide front, series Ford 6' rear blade 11'4", 9" spacing, used . $450 fast hitch, low miles Kewanee 171/2-ft. new 900 ser- Pair of 16.9x30 rear tires 8%' pull type John Deere one rolling 1946 IH Farmall H, fully equip- ies Ford - New Holland - Dempster way on rubber, real clean, ped $395 IHC drag type used $200 COMBINES IHC 8 -ft. drag type McPherson Made over John Deere used list- )0 p.m. 1958 Oliver Model 40, 14 -ft., JD drag type er, 3 -point, used $75 10 1.5621 Massey 6 -ft. offset on rubber IHC pull lister with fert. $75 GUARANTEED clean, local machine Massey 5 -ft. offset, drag type Tractor Company Used 11'2" Krause disc, rigid, IHC Model 91 combine, 10 -ft., JD KBA wheel disc "Ford Tractor - sealed bearings $500 USED PLANTERS looks like new New Holland Dealer" Ford Dearborn 3 -pt. mounted LD Allis Model 60,5 -ft., PTO $75 RAKES Ph. CH 1-2900, McPherson, Ks. used oneway, good .... $60 1967 494A JD, planted 150 acres Viking elevator, 32 -ft., drag -hop- New Holland 56 steel teeth, us- Used PTO post hole digger $100 LOLET 1965 694AN, JD per, upper spout, motor $275 ed $400 1965 494A, JD NH 56B, steel teeth, used $450 WICHITA Used New Idea heavy duty -5414 loader with manure bucket 1964 494A JD IHC 4 -bar low wheel rake $100 and 80" material lxcket, hy- FIELD 1959 494 JD Mohn Implement Co. 5 NH 56 steel teeth, new, each draulic bucket ocntrol, fits Used liquid pre -emerge attmt. Telephone CE 8-5101 $475 several make tractors .. $450 for JD planters 3 NH 56, B rubber, new, each +ZSZ2 SPVITEK*Cit 10 horse, pow- Junction City, Kansas $550 New Bush USED LISTERS 3 NH 56, steel teeth, new er tractor, PTO, automative or with JD 2 -row 3 -pt. rotary bottoms 4 NH 256, rubber teeth, new1 61 JD 4010 R.C. dsl., H.D., clutch gear drive wah 42" plow JD 2 -row 3 -pt. reg. bottoms PTO, dual 18.4 rubber mower $850 HAY EQUIPMENT 2 NH 258, steel teeth, new 1 62 Massey Super 92 14' com- See Us For Ford Tractor & red Dearborn 2 -row 3 -pt. 1958 IH No. 45 twine bale, PTO NH 260 B rubber, new der AC 2 -row mtd. NH 259 B rubber, new bine Machinery Sales & Service IHC 2 -row mtd. drive, bale chute & hitch $3954 dual rake hitches 1 60 JD 730 dsl., H.D., PTO, 3 - The Mow ditioner will save you JD ABG underslung w/ fert. & 1950 IH No. 16 7' mounted pt., new tires money and time in haying.See rotary bottoms mower, hyd. lift, good .. $95 MOWERS 1 63 Case 930 CK LP, new tires it now. Also several others 1954 IH No. 27 VA semi -mount- AC, used for D-14 or 15, mount- 1 58 JD 720 dsl. RC, 3 -pt., good ed 7' mower, hyd. lift $150 ed $150 condition 1950 Case 4 -wheel SD rake $50 1 56 JD 70 gas, wide frt. Todd Tractor Co., Inc.John Deere 4 -wheel low rubber IHC semi -mounted, used .. $100 D & D Farm Eqpt. )US 3 NH 455 trail type 7'or9' 1 66 AC D-21 dsl., H.D., dual Junction Hwys. 36 & 63 s.d. rake $125 bars, new 18.4x38 tires eel disc, New Idea 4 -wheel low rubber2 New Idea 256 3 -pt.7'or 9'1 59 JD 730 LP, low hours Phone ades Store Phone DE 6-2138 s.d. rake $75 bars, new 1 63 JD 5010 dsl. dual H.D., ringtooth SENECA, KANSAS new 24.5x32 tires 913 ME 2-5212 COMBINES 2 AC mounted 7' or 9' bars, new1 58 JD 620 LP RC, 3 -pt. gtooth 1952 IH No. 127 12 -ft., big tires, 3 61 JD 55 Hi -Lo, 14' combine e rotary TRACTORS good $795 CRUSHERS & CRIMPERS 1 66 IHC 303 14' combine CLAY CENTER, KANS. 1952 JD No. 55, 14 -ft., eng over- $195 1963 JD 3010 dsl. $3750 $1050 JD crimper 'ert. 1962 JD 4010 dsl. hauled NH, used $195 Large selection of .other good $4475 1958 Hi No. 141, 14 -ft., recondi- 2 NH 402 crimpers, new used tractors, combines & im- 7 3 -pt. "I 1961 JD 4010 dsl. $4150 $1695 SMALL TOWN fert. b1959 JD 630 tioned 2 NH 404 crushers, new plements. I, gas WFE, 3 pt. $2375 TRACTORS TERMS AVAILABLE BIG DEALS 90, or15 1950--Fa.=all H, new paint, Good Selection Of , Eddie's Service COMBINES good rubb0Pt'4 $595 Late Model Used Combines 1966 Farmall 806 dsl. F.H. 1965 JD 95 161-Cth cab $6850 1951 Allis WD,' new rings, new 1961 IH 560 dsl., F.H., fully ulic loader 1965 M371-410, 16' / $795 eq pt. cylinder $6250 paint Phone 636-8395 199, TD 45 with cab $3750 1956 Farmall 400, new paint, Western Impl. Co. 1965 Farmall 706 gas tractor, for near new rubber $1650 2256 S. West St. WH 34261 fast hitch, fully eqpt. MACHINERY PAXICO, KANS. 1952 Ford 8N, fully eqpt. ake, real 1959 Allis D -17D, new paint/ ULMS. CHACM.K WICHITA, KANS. 1966 IH No. 55 2row forage good cond., 3 -point $1995 Loader for Ford 8N, or 800 ser- harvester $1775 1959 IH 460D, new paint, good or contact associate ies coMpletei 1965 JD No. 12 2row forage cond., fully equipped $2095 MEINHARDT FARM EQPT. COMBINES IN HILLSBORO Farmall 460 gas, fast hitch, fully $1575 1964 Farmall 706G, fully equip- Ph. 456-2310 WAMEGO eqpt. cornpletel. 1967 Gleaner C -II,18 -ft.,low IH "H" 1957 Gehl withrow crop unit ped $5195 acreage $6 1964 Farmall 706D, fully equip- Cub Cadet 102, demo., W/ 42" 1955 Papec No. $4995 1966 Gleaner C -II, 18 -ft., chopper mower. Pert. 62 row crop&50 ped, new paint COME TO WAMEGO, 1964 Gleaner C -II, 16 -ft., low ac- Springfield 8 HP riding mower, direct cut $875 reage 1967 Dempster 6row planter, TRUCKS AND SEE THESE 1964 Gleaner A -II, 16 -ft., nice 38". like new $1450 1947 Chev. 1% ton, 4 -speed,6 Dempster 4 -row rotary mold- JD No. 406 planter cyl.., very good, 13' body $550 Tractors. 1961 Gleaner A, 14 -ft., cab board lister;rubber press, mar- with fert. 6- 1958 Gleaner A, 14 -ft., farmer - $5?5 1955 Dodge 1/2 ton, 4 -speed, kers, insect. '2-4 > $295 1967 Series IV A -C D-17, a new owned John Deere 2 -row cultivator JD No. 494 planterwith fert. cyl., $4500 1955 Gleaner A, 14 -ft., shedded 1962 Int'l 3/4 ton, 4 -wheel drive, one, priced at IH 261 Cultivator, 2 -row. $650 hoist & 1947 Farmall H $430 1962 Super 92, MF, 14 -ft.,big KANS. 1965 .TT) 224wire baler S1675 V-8,4 -speed,radio, 1965 IHC 303 combine with cab, many other extras $1595 1949 Farmall M, new tires. $795 tires, have new G & F com- 14 ft. 1962 Jr) 214 wirebaler $1975 $595 bines in stock 1960 Oliver 1963 Chev. 1/2 ton H.D.,6-cvl., 2- 1947 M Farmalls, each Larson 2 -wheel wide spread fer- 60 baler g4r)r) $1250 $550 1957 IH 45T $250 4 -speed, radio, good 8N Ford tractor TRACTORS tilizer spreader. t. 1965 Chev. 11/2ton, Big 6, 2 - 1963 Ford 4000 w/loader & 1964 AC D -19D, low hrs., clean IHC 4-14 F.H. 412 semi-mt. plow speed, good cond. $1850 weights; only 475 hrs. . $3150 1962 AC D -17D, sharp M -F 3-14 3 pt. plow 't. Belleville Impl. Co. 411 IHC 4-14 mtd plow. USED BALERS 1955 AC WD45, overhauled, MM 4-14 null plow, hyd. lift. nbine,14 Kuhn Impl., Inc. Super 68 N -H twine $595 new tires IHC 56 PTn wire baler JA 7.2261 Gypsum, Kans. Super 69 N -H twine $995 IHC 45T PTO baler. Highway 4 Super 69 N -H wire $995 Jost Implement Co. Ford 950 PTO baler. Phone OW 6-4411 1963 N -H 268 twine $1195 N -H 66 baler w/engine Oils BELLEVILLE $895 947-3182 FOR THE rideof yourlife, John Deere 214W IHC No. 100 balanced head fast Co. WANTED- Caterpillar D-7 for HILLSBORO, hitch mower. repairs. Also 7S dozer. Ivan ride a Big Horn saddle from MISCELLANEOUS B -G No. 760 hvd. controlled 4 - Woolsoncroft, Key Milling. Clay Center, Kans. 101/2' JD whl disk $350 KANS. wheel scraper w/hyd. unit. pealei Centralia, Ks.x9 SB TF A -C 8' lift disk $125 2.2946 FOR SALE- 8x10 Haulmore A -C 13' disk, like new $595 truck bed withgrain bed and FOR SALE - 2 -row Interna- FOR SALE - Dempster hinged Kendall Garage stoek racks.Fits 1 ton truck.tional lister with fertilizerat- tool bar. Delmar Kern, Wash- $100. GeorgeRader. 1921Jud- tachment. 3-noint hitch. Glenn Meinhardt Farm Eq. ington, Kans. EA 5-2758. x9 IMPLEMENT P E. Lacy, Miltonvale, Kans. x9 2 -bar, son, Manhattan, PR 8-3240 lanes. SB10 456-2310 WANTED - 8 or 10 -ft.pick- WANTED - No. 55 John up attch. for JD 95 preferred. Phone 122 Oliver WANTEn- 4 -ROW cultivator Deere combine, 1954 thru 1959. WAMEGO, KANS. Call JA 7-2813, Belleville, Kans. 1.V.M10419), for wn 45Ahic. firer Bond, Stephen Rupert, Minneapolis, MOTILIV1 Leonardville, Ks. v/1°16 x9 414.4.4 CHALAte$15 x12 :ans. ph. 771-3261, Delia, Kans. x11 Kansas. 1960 Farrnall340 FOR SALE - 1949 FOR SALE -loader; FH 2,16 shutt self-propelledllft, ceu DISC - HOE - PLANTER TRACTORS FH with 33-A hrs. Airplane tires. combine' int in DAUER 1967 Deere 3020D, only300 hrs. plow andcultivator, 1500 In runniii6 nrid Allis tandem disc, 15' wings, 1967 Deere 2510 gas, only300 Fajen, R. 4, der, $150. RaymondBrandt, 2.row fold over $500 $1375 all. Clarence 5603. 1, Hillsboro, Kans. Dstet IMPLEMENT CO. hrs. Kans., Talmage tartploN Allis rotary hoe, 4 sections, pull 1959 IHC 460 gas, overhauled Abilene, x1.0 Ford type $275 1965 D1200 International 4-whl.1959 Deere 630, one owner WANTED - WD 45Allis Two irrigationmers tractor that needs jp erar° IHC 4 -row planter, 494A, set for drive truck, lo wmileage, ex-1958 Deere 620, overhauled FOR SALE - engirt Oliv$850.c" cellent condition steer- Berkley5"x6" mod- Wanted to buy, ingood 30" rows. Loaded, with fur- 1956 Deere 60 with power pumps, one tion, 4 -wheel drive ' od with 30' aluminum Jeep ietOg°Y d row openers, fertilizer dry, 1964 McCormick F-806 gas trac- ing el 5 WR E Longhofer, 112 S. 2nd E waterway markers, Zero tor 1953 Deere 60, excellent tires line. One modelB6 ZRM Berkley St, SP alk 8"discharge ion, Kans. Buhler, press wheels, big boxes and 1966 McCormick F706D, 735 1955 Ford Major, excellent en- 10"suction and mechanical lift. gine with belts and pow- mit SA $450 hours on trailer, FOR SALE or trade- 1951 1957 IHC 350 Utility er takeoff shaft, used one Model JD combine lister VICTOR KRUSE 1949 McCormick Farmall H 1956 IHC 400 gas, wide front winch single drum, with s rot season. One chopper $950; 1956 Model dress, F 6-244 Contin- Barnes, Kansas tractor 1956 Deere 70 gas, new tires 2 -ton, new. Two JD combine $150; ecelleur. , 1965 International Scout pick-up45 Deere G, 48 IHC M, 50Mo- ental engines,radiator, genera- 3-16" jp line U, 44 Deere A, 44 Deere panel, condi- wheel -plow with hydraulic gorganvil 1956 IH 1-300 utility with ma- tor, instrument $75; Cockshutt 560diesel NO. 50 McCORMICK A 16 -inch iron pipe. irk nure loader, under 1200 hours tion good, also s. tor with live PTO and FIELD HARVESTER BALERS Chas. J. Mueller,Hanover, K12 is $1125; 1967 YamahahydquFoR SALT IH No. 70 4-14 plow 1956 Deere 14T with motor x 1C6k Ford With 6 ft. cutter bar attachment Late bale thrower for JD24T motorcycle $325. I could fts & hydraulic control. Snowco feed wagon 1956 M -H 3-16" mounted plow, COnditiOn, No. 31 IH manure loader New Holland 66 twine, older oneUSED COMBINES - bine either 95 or C,15 E USED ONLY ONE SEASON 1964 Deere 214WS, good 80,14'; 1959 M -H 92 14'1961 and 1 )0y ove Make Offer 1967' M -H Mustang with 289 engine 8 ft. Knapheide truck bed com-1956 IHC 55W Super 92 M -H 14'; r,HI Write or call: plete with stock racks COMBINES 410; 1965 JD 45, 12'.Will trade three or four speed. Emery INTERNATIONAL 1964 Massey, 510, has 16'head, finence. Jim LaBarge, Eklund, R. R.2, Box 77, s. HARVESTER McCormick No. 311, 3-16 plow and Kans. tonvale, Kans. CREDIT CORPORATION McCormick No. 60 3-16 plow can furnish 18' phone 464-3721, Aurora, 1963 Massey Super 92, 16' cut SB10 FOR SALE - 1 good 3201 McCormick Rd. FI 2-2091 36 -ft. Mayrath grain auger 1960 Deere 45 with cab used KANSAS CITY, KANS. 66115 8 ure 88' pump jack, likenew 1961 IH I 5601) tractor 1956 Deere 55 with 14' .head FOR SALE - Continental $60; 9 metal farrowing crates 1940 Farmall M with factory 1958 Deere 55 with 14' head row trailer mountedfield spray- 1965 40 SEE THESE AT MT. HOPE 210 corn head for 55 & 45 er with 150 gallontank, hi - good condition. Single wheel dul LP gas 1957 Massey 70, 12' olatfrom fitInt.tractor $60. Regis 1961 JD 4010 LP Standard, du- pressure pump andcontrols. Heiman, Onaga, Kans., pheee 1954 III al hyd., good rubber $2650 1960 MF 851) tractor MISCELLANEOUS $225. Rex Foltz, Phone 913456- 1967 IH 403 combine 16 -ft., low503 New Idea loader 9942. Wamego, Kansas. x9 889-4883. 1954 M -H 60 comb,, 12'.. $850 acreage. 9' MM wheel disk, excellent ---- John 1954 JD 60 gas tractor, 3 -pt., JOHN DEERE 2 -row 450se 1952 Jo 1941 M tractor 16-8 low wheel B Deere drill FOR SALE - 1952 Oliver com- standard moldboard lister. pwr. strg. $1250 Some old 16.8 drills Farmhg 1957 McCormick 46T twine baler bine, Model 33, 14 -ft.,with or ane Heikes, Riley, Kans., p 1952 A -C WD, good condition Hawk Bilt 145 flail spreader withoutcab.Victor Stigge, 1122-14 Leonardville. $650 1962 McCormick 46T twine baler75 hu. Deere L spreader Barnes, Kans. x9 1958 M -F 65 Hi -Arch LP, good McCormick 16x8 MF drill, low 9' Deere wheel chisel IHC CUB tractor with mow' 1962 Jo condition $1795 rubber Itr rubber press DL -2 weeder, late type Deere 1959 JOHN DEERE 55 and 1961 lister, plow and cultivator, 1955 Jo Kewanee 12' whl. disk.... $325 Coupler rotary 2 row lister JDBaldwin A combine with cab. cellent rubber, starter & light SW mower like new, 7'bar, These are ,in good shape. JakePriced at $550 Marc Lam. 1958 Jo Falun crimper drive Stuhlsatz LE 5-2949, Garden eaux Waterville, Kans., pho Howard's, Inc. 20 .P) front mtd. mower Plain. Kans. x10 ST 5-2382. Phone 1011 New 7' Deere 9W 3 pt. mower, CASE - MF bargain JI) mtd. 3 pt. 4 -sec. Overstc Falun is located 20 miles rea Ph. 316 peg tooth, like new, 20' cut southwest of Salina JD 4 -section mtd. tine tooth JOHN DEERE GMC Inseetic NO 7-2381 harrow GOOD USED PARTS 3x14 & 4x14 JD wheel plow MT. HOPE, KANS. Tractors,Combines & Farm4x16, 4x14 mtd. JD plow Phone Or See Us Machinery. We buy wrecked orMassey 3x14 mtd. plow 1950 M -H 27 COMBINE burned late model tractors &Old Gehl front unload feed wa- Demonstrator 2510 gas tractor, fully equipped, save lots of 16', bomber tires. Engine good; farm machinery. gon John D machine used little. Grain-O-Vator 50 feed wagon money Late M PRICE $350 North 81 Tractor Salvage JD new 2 -row auger fert box Route 1 PR 2-5491 $70 ;Shopworn New 38 John Deere mower, 7 ft. bar, save Older n DELMAR L. WESSLER SEDGWICK, KANS. 67135 Several mtd. & wheel spring - Demonstrator John Deere 480 Conditioner & mower. - Save Case wi Lorraine, Kans. MU 3-5353 tooth now and come in. Machinery 225 Letz burr mill, like new SALINA Several good used field cutters New John Deere side mount industrial mower, ,11) 4-ro 1964 JD 4020 dsl. RC, 3 pt. 6' Shawnee 3 -point blade No. 30,will interchange with No. 10 side IHC 4-r 1961 JD 4010 dsl. std. 3D 810A 3x113 mtd. plow mount. Save $300 1960 JI) 730 dsl. std., 3 pt. IHC & JD older weeder John D 1958 J1) 720 dsl. std., 3 pt. Fox 2 -row industrial cutter att 1958 31) 720 LP gas RC Case field cutter TRACTORS John D 1953 JD 60 gas, RC, wide front Some good 2 -row frt. mtd. cul- Krause PRICES ARE REDUCED 12' ft. No. 850 JD tiller with keel tivator 12' Krause tiller with keel 36' Deere hay elevator John Deere G, Powertrol, good machine $595 6 hp B Spring Clearance 15' Flex King V -plow Century wheel sprayer, 2 -barrel Hercule 15' Ad Flex II -IC Model HM 46 wi fert. John Deere 3020 diesel, 1964, new sleeves, 9 hp W 15 ft. Sunflower V -plow Old loader for IHC model M hearings, new front tires, exceptionally good SALE 12' IHC No. 37 disc IHC 250 cultivator rear tires, paint good, wide front axle Oliver 88dsl.,completelyre- 14' Krause disc Allis 7' & Moline 7' mower conditioned, in top shape, price 8' Ford mower, like new Couple old rakes reduced to Farman 350, 1958 Model,fasthitch, $850 Special prices-new equipment TA$1295 JD 80 std. dsl., power steering, New ,T1-) No. 33 spreader SHOUSE good hyd., price reduced to . $2000 694 AN 6 -row planter with fert. IHC 400 RC dsl., TA, live PTO, 630 6 -row listed crop cultivator IMPL. CO. fast hitch, price reduced to John Deere '70, 1955 Model, P Steering $1495 $1100 MILLER DISCS MF65 gas, 3 -pt., PTO, price re- CRI.TSTBITSTER HARROWS Abilene, Kans. duced to $1900 Store CO 3-3051 JD 830 std. D., new rear tires, John Deere "A" $150 good cond. SAVE -SAVE -SAVE Blanding Impl. Co. Ed Shouse CO 3-1066 JD 60 RC gas, live PTO, rock- Ron Shouse CO 3-4515 shaft $1220 PE 8-3066 Case 2 -row planter, 3 -pt, reduc- Case tractor, with 2 -row cultivator $295 ed to $275 BELOIT, KS. JD 406 4 -row planter, fert. att., Vahsholtz reduced $500 M1SCELLANEOI IHC 14' disk No. 37, AF bear- FOR SALE: Impl. Co. ings, reduced 145 S. 5th $550 2 - Goodyear 15x32 usedtractor JD RW 12' disk, price reduced TA 5-4521 IHC Model 37 10' wheel disk, good $295 to $250 rears, These and other sizes. MH 3 -pt.disk, 12'6", price re- SALINA duced to $300 Thompson OK Tire 1966 Case 930 diesel, fully equip- IHC 12 -ft. disk, price reduced to ped, 1400 hrs. IHC cultivator for small HU'. tractor w/fast hitch $/5 In or $195 Store 1966 Case 741, adj. front, 630 at Publi( AC 9 -ft. disk, AF bearings, price Beloit, Kansas hrs., new warranty on High, reduced to $160 Phone PE 8-3861 1965 Case 8:31C, fully equipped, John Deere 20 Series quick tach cultivator, A & B $95 Nebrask: 1300 hrs. tractor Salina Impl. Co. 1962 Case 430, forklift 21' mast, NEW GLEANERS rebuilt Farr' Box 1029 Ph. TA 3-2206 New C -II combine John Deere 3 -point hitch planter with tool bar, ro- New 1967 Combine E 1956 Ford 850, good one $395 1963 Gel SALINA, KANSAS 67401 F combines 1955 Ferguson 35, good tary moldboards, fertilizer att., very good ter Wi G combines Several Farmalls & W6s attach GUARANTEED MM model Z with cult. Dempster 3 -point hitch planter, hard ground extra USED 1959 Oliver 880 Wheatland dies- open-$250 1967 Baldwin A, 14' ers,fertilizeratt.,insecticide att. 1963 Ge Used Combines el, 1700 hrs . with 5 1963 303 IHC combine,14' with 1956 Oliver 88 Super diesel MF 410 14' with cab, likenew cab how. condition 1964 Case 600-13 combine $150 1962 xe, D-17 tractor, with PS 1962 Case 600-13 combine with IH(' Side Delivery Rake, rubber wheel MF 300 13', like new condition 3 -pt. New Hollandmower MF 92 12' with cab Used 3 & 4 bottom cab. harro\ MF 92 14' snap coupler These are good. 1953 If/ plows Montgomery 1Vard Garden Tractor with 32"mow - MF 82 12' with cab 414 IHC pull type plow 14 used oneways, 6' to 16' er, $295 pelled MF 80 12' 12' IHC wheel disc 18' Case disk, nearly new ready to go John D, 1967 410 MF unused withnew 12' AC wheel disc 16' Miller disk drill, quick tach table 228 2 row IHCcorn head 14' Schaffer disk, new disks on Cub ('adet Lawn Mowerand front mounted blade, merit MACHINERY front gang. Plus ten more $495 III F-35 Used No. 10 MF hay baler, like cheaper disks all...... No, new condition Cuba Impl. Co. 12 springtooths, most with car- 11.1 No. riers, all sizes IIl hay Used No. 26 side rake, MF New Blair Feed Wagons 10' JD wheel disk Phone 4F 7 50 used plows, 10 are 3 -pt. - Grain-O-Vators mo: New 46 MF 6 -row nlanter, fully 7 manure loaders See Us For Your Farmhand Needs 'Wheeler equipped. Will sell at close-out 5 posthole diggers, $55 up price %WS CH6.....CRI. Cuba, Kans. We have 70 used tractors Kneib See us for any Massey -Ferguson all sizes and makes. We just Call Us Collect CE 8-4103 New Id( new equipment. -We know WANTED- PICKUP attach-received a load of those hard to Bladefc how to deal with you. ment for NH 717 forageharves- get Miller discs; we have all New Id( ter. Give price & condition. sizes. er Doug Matson, Longford,Kans., Kuckleman Impl. 913 388-2178. x9 9 -FT. SPG. TOOTH, 3 -pt.; 2-row SENECA, KANSAS Demp. 3 -pt.lister & tool bar; FOR SALE Call 913 CE 8.2569,Jet,City, Phone Day or Nite DE 6-2143 - HD5 with loader Kans. BOWMAN'S in exceptionally goodcondition. x9 Also good three point, FOR SALE - 1955 IHC Farm- two row FOR SALE JUNCTION CITY all 300, fast hitch, good rubber, rotary moldboard listerwith - 1952 MMG pro- new paint: IHC 750 cultivator. fertilizer. Melvin Leckron,Abi- pane. Hydraulic Case 4.16 plow, Your Virgil Visser, Wakefield. x10 lene, Kans. x10 $1000. Frank Brunell, Aurora, Kans. 913 464-3233. x12 Junction City- ManhattanArea John Deere Dealer ft. Coo 4ROVV JDpull type and 4 -row nbine Go -Digs. TRADE 6 H.P. WheelHorseFOR SALE 3.point International tracf- - Allis Roto baler, April 30, 1968 fling 'or. -row Dempster ro- s.vith 42" mower in goodgood, fair belts, $375. New Hol- Mobile Homes indt, Rt, 2 -row and 4 surface planters. condition for older modelFord taryEsters.4 tractor with rotarymower andland No. 178 baler with auto- sas an increasingly important x10 Ford plows,cultivators,discs. blade in good conditionand paymatic tension control, $350. 881FOR SALE - Excellent condi- beef producing state. lis Chal JD manure.spreader. 1951 14' difference. CE 8-4581, JunctionFord tractor with Select -0- tion 1951 Elcar house trailer, Oliver combine,$450. 1952 Bald- City, Kans. Speed. Vince Buessing, call736- "As of January 1,Kansas engine.condi- x10 8'x28'. Call 456-9145, Wamego, wim $850.Cab for Baldwin. Var- 2282, Axtell, Kans. x10 after 6 p.m. x9 ranked seventh in cattleon feed iety good tractors and combines. M. HARRIS 21 Chrysler with a total of 610,000. P. E. D, shop and Save. Nickel Bros., Indus- The St., mar: trial 218 engine withradiator, Miscellaneous number of commercialfeedlots Buhler, Kans. x9 clutch, good condition $100.Al- DAIRY SUPPLIES S1311 so fertilizer for IHC 46 lister growing each year." FOR SALE -John Deere 4 - FOR SALE- 16 church pews -1953 $35. Lloyd Olson, Morganville, 10 feet long in fair condition.FOR SALE - Forty one -gallon Freeland said that as of Janu- h straw row lister.Fertilizer rubber Kans. Phone 6-3737. x9 milk jugs; several hundred capsary 1 all cattle on Kansas farms [odel press,rotary moldboards. Ex- Edwin A. Peterson. Clifton, 25 CarlPfizenmaier, Kans., Phone Cuba 40F24. x9 for same. Roy Dillard, 670 So. and ranches totaledmore than ;" JD cellent. Jr.' MODEL 930 LP Casetractor & Tenth St., Salina, Kans. x9 tulle Morganville, Kans. WA 6-46450. 5 bottom 16" steerable 1.56 million head witha value of lift plow, HEDGE CORNER, drive,line ,sel trao x1 tractor has wide front end,PS, FOR SALE cheap -A 1965 756 million dollars, draft-o-matic, front end weights, posts. Available while presentMaster Built 7 -can milk cooler, hydraul- FOR SALE - Case 3 -pt. mower dualrear, stock lasts. Many sizes, short "Agriculture is the largest in- 100 ee fits Ford and Ferguson. Good 18.4x34tires,Thissupply. Willard Bitts, phone in real good shape. Carl Law-dustry in our state, and beef Id use outfit is just likenew. It was 566-3403, Pomona, Kans. x10 less, Galva, Kans., Phone 316 condition. also rear mounted bought in 1967 with only354 654-3711. SB9production is the largest seg- 15'wit. scoop. V.E. 4 Wisconsin motor, hours. During business hours ment of Kansas agriculture," Ind 1965 newly overha,led. Willard De - call Hamilton, Missouri, AC LOANS ALL TYPES tine and Lair, HI 34049, Marysville, 816 Freeland said. mery R. 58/-2111. After hours. Call816- $10,000 to $100,000,000 Kans. x10 583-2103, Freeland said promotional ac- 77, Mil. SB9 Anywhere in USA and Canada tivities are planned next month X9 FISHER Real Estate -Mortgage HAVE ROLLER, will sharpen. Corp. Mortgage Brokers, Joy,Disc oneways and rolling cut-to draw attention to the Kansas used fig USED TRACTORS Ill.61260. ters. At your farm. Don Coul-beef industry for what has been e new son, Manchester, phone Long- designated "beef month in Kan- crates in 1965 4020 JD dsl., 1300 actual hours, delivered 1966, loaded, WELL DRILLING,gravel ford 388-2215. x9sas." wheel to dual hyd. packed wells. Our 38th year. tegisL. Call collect Blue Rapids CA Phone 1954 IHC Super M, as good a used tractor as you willfind (3-7276. Strader Drilling Co. x16 Stud Service $1175 x9 Hail Insurance John Deere G, new rubber $475 FOR SALE -- 1967 Century 10x StandingPoco Cowpoke 50 series 1952 John Deere G, 2 piece pedestal $595 48 lived in 6 mo. reason for sell- P-60,959 Bay ;ter. Du. Farmhand hay stacker on G. both ing was drafted. Contact --- Sire: Poco Bueno by King P-234 s-, phone $875 Walter Kruckenberg, R R 1, Dam: Gin Daisy by Skipper For Hall x10 Box 134, Lincoln, Kans.. 67455, USED COMBINES Telephone LA 4-3511. x9 Conformation - Disposition - Per- mower, 1962 JohnDeere 55, ready to go $3500 formance itor. 1955 JohnDeere 55, good $1395 USED OILFIELD pipe. Deliver- Fee: $100 plus mare care Insurance Off 'z lights. ed your farm. Charles Sisson. live foal guarantee ,amor 1958 JohnDeere 45, repainted, reconditioned, 10 ft..... $995 Herington, Kans., ph. BL 8-2889 phone after 8 p.m. x10 GERALD MARTEN Growing Crops SB9 NEW MACHINERY TEX-FLOW Irrigation gated Route 3 Topeka. Ks. Overstock of new 4 & 6 row John Deere planters; we will and tractor -move; centrifugal CE 5-3783 really deal for cash on these. pumps; 8" used with 20" Tex - Insecticide attachments for JD planters & lister's Flow gates. Finest quality at QUARTER -BRED Palomino WriteorPhone cheapest prices anywhere. War-stallion. Gentle well mannered. $25.00 row for planters ren St.Pierre, Ames, Kansas,$25. 9-8181 after 6, James Cra- $32.00 row for listers (10 miles cast Concordia K-91, vens. Manhattan. x10 phone 913 446-3631. SB10 Walter Ahlstedt BALERS 2016 College View Road ots of FOR SALE - Good used docble LIST AREA John Deere 214W wire baler, reconditioned and painted $750 rigged saddle, 15" seat, $65. Phone 913 - JE 9-4746 Late Model JD 14T, excellent $750 George Rader, 1921 Judson, HEREFORD BULL SALES MANHATTAN, KANS. Older model JD 14T, good $400 Manhattan, PR 8-3240. SB10 Jones Hereford Farms of Abi- Case wire tie with motor lene has sold two hulls to Mrs. - Save $250 FOR SALE 1000 gal. propane tank.Elmer Hackney,Rt.2, Urban Wilson of Salina. MISCELLANEOUS Manhattan, Phone 8-3024. x9 JD 4 -row 406 planter with fertilize]. Cite Kansas 350 IHC 4 -row top planter on tool bar $375 FOR SALE- Big Horn saddles John Deere lister on tool bar, gauge wheels, marker,fert. & riding equipment. Call Toni attachment Williams. JE 9-8186. Manhattan. $495 x11 Growth As John Deere No. 9 3 -pt. mower, 7 ft. $250 Krause 10' disk, A.F. bearings Help Wanted Beef State 6 hp Briggs -Stratton engine, rebuilt $40 595 Kansas is growing rapidly in Hercules engine, good, for 55 combine $250 OPERATOR WANTED for stature as a beef producing 9 hp Wisconsin, needs overhaul $25 modern 100 sow farrow tofin- ish hog operation. Good salary, state, the secretary of the Kan- 1962 Studebaker 4 dr, V8 595 CONCORDIA TRACTOR INC. benefit, profit share & buy in sas Board of Agriculture says. standard $395

opportunity. P.O. Box 447, Abi- lene, Kans. x9 Roy Freeland said Kansas has 1965 Ford Falcon Futura, 4 been blessed with favorable cli- door, auto $1295 295 CH 3.3381CONCORDIA, KS. HELP WANTF,D- Woman to mate, topography and soil con- live with aged parents in rural 1960 Jeep 4 wheel drive, with home north of Matfield Green. ditions for cattle and feed grain right hand steering .. $995 Good pay.pay. Write or call Wayne production. 495 Rog,ler. Green, Phone "The more than 100 million 1965 Ford Custom 500, 4 dr., 316 753-24.45. 5139 bushels of grain sorghums pro- 6 cyl., auto., air $1395 LOOKING FOR qualified farm- duced in the state annually pro- 150 Wednesday er (preferably married) with vide lower -cost gains than can knowledge of cattle. hogs and cropland, to operate a 1000 acre be obtained by operators in Blandlng Motors combination stock ranch and many oher states," Freeland Minneapolis, Ks. EX 2.2188 295 farm. Must furnish refer(snces, said. "These factors make Kan - AUCTION experience, age, etc. Modern MAY 8 home furnished, top wages and permanent employment to right SALE Starts 1 p.m. party.Write P. 0. Box 364, Man- hattan, Kans. x9 295 Lunch Served LAND AUCTION NEBRASKA SALE In order to settle the Edward W. Schmitz Estate, I will sell 575 at Public Auction, at the nlace 5 miles north of Fairbury, Nebr., LAND Saturday, May 4-Starts 2p.m. on Highway 15, then 3 miles west, or 21/2 miles east of Powell, Nebraska. 95 AT THE FARM John Deere 9' springtooth 1 mile south, 31/2 miles east of 2 III 4 -bar side rakes AUCTION Farm MachineryInnes pickup 395 1963 Gehl chop -all forage cut-16' grain auger & motor MILTONVALE, KANSAS ter with row crop & pickup8' tandem disc HARVEY COUNTY attachments, Hi -lo axle & 12' grain auger & motor extra chrome knives Old press drill, good Tues., May 7 250 1963 Gehl hi -throw blower, Planter: old steel elevator Starts 2:00 p.m. T. L. WELSH FARM with 50' pipe & 10' loading 2 racks & gears hopper 4-whl, trailer, with flat bed Located first corner north 1962 Kewanee 13' 5" tandem Steel gear & box and 13/4 miles east of Halstead, 150 wheel disc, 20" blades, withSeveral pieces of old mchry. Kans.; or 2 miles west, 1 mile Quarter Section harrow attachment south of 50 Highway and Twin 1953 IH No. 14112' self-pro- Trucks Bridges west of Newton. NE r/4 Section 25, Township 8 South, of Range 1, west of the 295 pelled combine 1963 Chevrolet 2 -ton truck, 2 - Tract 1 - East 1/2 of NE 3/4 6th P.M. in Cloud County, Kansas John Deere Model LL 16-7 speed axle, underbed hoist. and all that part of the West % drill,with seeder attach- Oheco fold -down box. :12,350 of NE% lying north of the A.T. ment miles, very good condition & S.F. Railroad Co. right of 160 Acres, More Or Less 495 IH F-35 go -dig RAYMONT1 RIPPE way in Sec. 31-23 S.-R.1W. IH No. 27V 7'mower will also sell 8 room house, cattle shed, silo, 92 acres under cultivation - Balance IH No. 8 2-16 plow,on rubber1958 Chevrolet 2 -ton truck, chicken houses & sheds, plenty IH hay loader with it nderbed hoist, fold - of good water. good pasture with pond water IH mounted cultivator down box, new tires, in very 140 acres sandy loam, 35 ac- 2 -wheel trail -type weedspray- good condition res wheat, 34 acres pasture, rest 34.1 acre wheat allotment er HOT 7SEHOLTI G001)S for spring crops. Kneib non -up bale loader HAY & STRAW Tract 2 - all that part of N 12 acre barley allotment New Idea horn loader Annroximatelv 2000 hales al- 3/4 of NW 3/4 32-23 S-R1W which 48 acre conserving base Blade for loader falfa hay. in barn lies north of the A.T. & S.F. New Idea 12' fertili"er spread-Some haled straw Railroad & west of Newton Wat- er MISCELLANEOIN er Works. Harvey County, Kan- Immediate Possession on idle ground. sas. 42 acres, 21 acres wheat, 20 acres for spring crops. Present owner retains 1968 wheat crop. Edward W. Schmitz Estate Terms: 20r4 day of sale, bal- 20% down at time of sale. Balance on approval of title. Shirley .I. Rippe, Administratrix, Fairbury, Nebraska 729-5887 ance upon approval of title,1/3 of wheat goes to purchaser. First National Bank, Fairbury, Clerk Lee Remy, Burdick, Auctioneer and Realtor Schultis & Son & Wolken. Auctioneers Livestock, Real Estate & General Farm Sales Eli Koehn Estate For additional information, contact - 729-2435 Walter Hand, Auctioneer. George W. Thompson, Phone Talmage 3231 Irvin Sehultis, 1109 K St., Fairbury. Nebr. Phone.. Phone 777-1717 Wayne Schultis, Diller, Nebr., Diller Phone793-3005 Mulvane, Kansas & 22 Grass & Grain April 30, 1968 67 AverageBeef Price; $22.20 percent of the liveweight an averageof $22.30 per cwt., of beef Kansas beef producers receiv- from a year ear- cattle sold excluding calves, ed an average price of $22.20 down 60 cents hef, above the 5 -year fers 23 percent, cows 19percent, per cwt. for all beef cattle sold lier but $1.70 and bulls 2 percent. average. Monthlyheifer prices in 1967, according to the Kan- This compares with 53 ranged from $24.10 percwt. in percent sas Crop and Livestock Report- for steers, 22 percent for August to a lowof $21.20 per heit ing Service. ers, 22 percent for cows cwt. in November. and 3 Prices in 1967 were 30 cents $16.50 percent for bulls during per cwt. below 1966 but other- Cow prices averaged the per cwt. during1967, ranging previous year. wise were the highest since $17.80 in July 1959. from a high of Monthly prices for all beef cat- to a low of $14.40in November. FEEDER 30 cents be - tle excluding calves ranged The 1967 price was from a high of $23.70 per cwt. highest since 1959. PIG in August to a low of $21.60 per Stockmen received an average low 1966 butotherwise the SALEKans cwt. in December. for Steers averaged $23.80 per price of $25.10 per cwt. Kansas State Fairgrounds cwt. in 1967, 90 cents below calves sold during 1967,unchan- but Hutchinson MAY 2 1966 but $1.70 above the 1961-65 ged from the previous year average. Prices for steersreach- $2.80 above the 1961-65 average. ranged from 3500 Head Expected ed a peak of $25.80 per cwt. in By months, prices 40 lb. weights featured August and then declined to a a high of $26.00in July to a low ALL PIGS WILL ARRIVE. low for the year of $22.60 per of $24.80 in January,April and DIRECT FROM FARMS cwt. in November. October. They must have been Heifers during 1967 sold for In 1967, steers comprised56 cinated at least 21 days fore sale. Previous on the t. CATTLE AND CALVES - 1967 PRICES RECEIVED BY KANSAS FARMERS FOR BEEF farm professional inspect° PRICES BY CLASSES AND MONTHS All required. CLASS Beef Cattle Calves Number One Buyer Month Steers Heifers Cows $22.00 $24.80 SALE SPONSORED BY awu3ry $23.80 $22.10 $16.00 Always the first to buy a new model in the St. Marys area 21.80 25.20 February 23.20 22.20 17.00 21.70 24.90 Mid Kans. Swine Improve. is Bill Gehring, says Everett Hoobler, manager of the Farmers March 23.00 22.00 16.60 21.90 24.80 ment Assn.; Gene Sturgeon, April 23.50 21.70 16.60 Union Implement there. That's Gehring in the drivers seat of a 22.30 24.90 Rodeo May 24.20 22.20 17.30 Nickerson; Cecil Siebert, new John Deere 105 combine with Hoobler looking on. 17.60 23.10 24.90 June 25.20 23.20 23.30 26.00 Pretty Prairie. Miss Wil July 25.30 23.40 17.80 23.70 25.80 e, a fn August 25.80 24.10 17.00 22.70 25.00 September 25.00 23.20 16.00 nos Sta 22.00 24.80 ,_ October 24.10 22.20 16.00 20.80 25.00 madQuo November 22.60 21.20 14.40 21.60 21.50 NightSale 'Starts December 23.60 21.50 15.00 collegiate Annual Average 22.20 25.10 1967 23.80 22.30 16.50 AUCTION WEDN.,MAY 1 which will produce carcasses We will sell by auction tio with an unacceptable quality of following described items lout AT ONAGA 8 P.M. ed at 315 North East 8th St, Propose Revising lean. in Abilene, Kans. on In Geo SPECIAL CONSIGNMENTSFOR WEDN., MAY 1 The proposed changes were 25 Hereford Steers,550lbs. scheduled to be published in the Sat., May 4 Georgia 1 20 Hereford Heitzs,500 lbs. Hog Grading Fedellal Register on April 25. Starts 12:30 Noon ments of fe 15 Mixed cattle The U.S. Department of Agri-For a 30 -day period from that ing swine i 5 bull calves, 400lbs. culture has proposed a revisiondate, interested persons may FURNITURE flare-up of in the official grades for slaugh-submit comments in duplicate Frigidaire refrigerator, boughtsoutheaster We are lookingfora good run of thin stock cattlefor new January '68 according t our first night sale. ter barrows and gilts. to the Hearing Clerk, U.S. De- 30" Harwick automatic elec, The revision would make thepartment of Agriculture, Wash- range, nearly new Georgia

grades for slaughter swine cor-ington, D.C. Chrome dinette set w/ 6 chairsLion on Ap respond directly to the recently Butterfly -leaf, like new had experi Onaga Mahogany Duncan-Phyfe drop hog choler; CommunitySale revised grades for pork carcas- leaftable, also w/ extra Marvin Cottrell,Phone889-4461 or 889-4665, ONAGA,KS. ses. A major change would be to leaves 'March and revise the U.S. No. 1 grade and Honor Area Guest chair, 5 ladderback chairs,onethalf in eliminate the minimum backfat like new During Solid mahogany buffet, like newGeorgia al requirements for that grade, in Zenith 18" portable TV, approx Feed Dealers and three recognition of the industry's WICHITA - Six members of 2 years old GOOD 'DEAR progress in producing leaner, 3 -piece bedroom suite w/ trip meatier swine. the Kansas Grain and Feed Dea- dresser, bed & night stand lers were honored by their col- Box spring & mattress, all good USDA's Consumer and Mar- ,. leagues at the group's 71st an- Woodt;nuedropleaf sewing table,an 606' keting Service officials explain- nual meeting here Thursday. `0 TRACTION ed that the revised No. 1 grade Late model compact sweeper 1 ., Recognition for contributions attach's would include not only superior Like new lawn sweeper , meat -type hogs that now rate of time, money and effort tow- SURE GRIP ard promoting good business Divan & matching chair, g that grade, but also similar ani- Zenith table radio, good; plat 18.4x34 mals without sufficient backfatpractices and .integrity within form rocker; end table: 12x 6 ply$145 the industry were presented to: reversible rug & pad; 9x12 thickness to rate No. 1 under versible rug and pad; 10x8 18.4x38 6 ply $150 current standards. Charles Coffey, Brewster; R. C. Davidson Sr., Hutchinson; versible rug & pad; good 9x 16.9x38 6 ply$140 In other respects, require- Wilton rug & pad; throw rugs Plus Federal Excise Tax ments for the proposed No. 2, 3Lester McDonald, Satanta; L. Card table; 3 tubs; garden And Re -Saleable Tire and 4 grades would be very sim- Sauder, Lamont; J. Harm Voss, tools & other tools; elec, Ken Downs, and Sam Wallingford, noreskillet,good; othercook FIRST QUALITY ilar to those for the present No. digutensils; 1, 2 and 3 grades. Wichita. Lg. Thermodore fan, variable I will The grade U.S. utility would The group elected Ailiff Neel speed, like new tiques at NO BLEMISHES- NO SECONDS - NO NA's be used for barrows and giltsof Windom as president to suc- Portable elec. fan, good ceed Earl Bryan of Hugoton. Several nice pieces of antique GOODYEAR 3-T PERMACORD SURE -GRIP dishes, sorne berldinq FU All Firsts - No Blemishes ANTIQUES 1960 Rem Oaekuravnetdiqguleass,chinagoadcloset w/ nice Mon.-Tues. Kelvinato 11.2-28 4 ply 13.6-38 $38.00 4 ply $68.00 Anftoioqtsuetoloolveseat & matching good 12.4-28 4 ply $49.0013.6-38 6 ply $79.00 Chrome 13.6-28 4 ply $54.00 14.9-38 6 ply $90.00 chairs; 14.9-28 AUCTION Wedn. Antique deskw/ drawer &, 4 ply $6L00 15-5-38 6 ply $93.00 5 -ft. wood 11.2-38 4 ply $55.00 16.9.30 6 ply $99.00 28x322 goodantique Picture G. E. wa 12.4-38 4 ply $65.00 18.4-34 8 -piece 6 ply $105.00 fr w ALL PRICES PLUS RESALEABLE MAY 13-14-15 Antique mantle clock suite TIRE & FED. EX. TAX SALE Antique wicker flowerstand Zenith 21 Metal bed, completed, small Studiodi' Starts 10:00 a.m. Oak vanity, good; 2single platforr ;center, good ON THE btae ndlse; c loamr gpe. soma ka drroeus sn edr FARM TIRE SERVICE 2 rock( CallUs ,theives; -We Have goLoadr;gneakpinderesbslearnkelatrgcehepsot,rch All theequipment to give you At Manhattan, Kans., 3 -Day Sale Of lainPa; Cc fast, efficient service good; small dropleafto dio,good, swing, and matt oak table, brarY tal rffir!K1113:1#31 smal IL dresser w/ good mirror; pin,upla metal h o, Antique square oaktable, spring & 17/7 TIRE STOREE small with sprii An 11 virryt-f.51 dresser w/ good mirror: lamp: cedarchest; draw on K-15 North of Square ME 2-2167 tabl severalpedestal stands;5 -ft. ire ANTIQUE AUCTION several Clay Center, Kans. Complete liquidation of bench;2 high chairs; Sheahro( personal antique and collectable itemsgathered trunks; 1ves; , REX KOPPES over 40 years. Showing will be SundayMay 12th, 2 to 5 p.m. at K -H ill Antique ice box,good; an' mirrors; auction house located on Highway18 and 177, MANHATTAN, KANSAS. tique kitchen cupboard:stag er; Tem ( throw heater: flower stand; several tubs;b,1 rugs: Dexter washer,wringer The usual and unusual inall forms of antiquesconsisting of clothes 'I; Colored and Patternglass, China, Porcelain, & tub, good; Dttp Pottery, Lamps, Mina- And other misc. items. 1?ga;2 tures, Musical items, Silver, by ,ers; Pewter, Copper, IronBrass, Wood, Formerly Owned )(I SSERVICE Tole, Clocks, and Furniture. A lot( Edith A. Young& ROCK ,LARRY COUP, Manager the Noah ZookFamilY Mr KENNETH MESSNER,Owner & WM. i Aucts; A IterlE, 6th& Buckeye Phone CO 3-9813 Aucts: Carl Schnell Fc ,,,,...5141011 Schnell. For complete listing National CI Abilene, Kan ;e call or write DON ROCHE I and Auctioneer,Blue Real Estate Broker Cashier: Abilene Phone Rapids, Kansas, Phone 913226/7282. Bank. Clerk: Mrs. LouisKing. 444101ftli & Grain Grass 23 May 3 HearingOn '69 Wheat Acreage An informal hearing to seek The chairman explainedthatpolicy of consultingwith farm-provide basic informationon t of beef the views of farmers and others yes, hei. the Hutchinson meetingis oneers and others on vitalprogramcurrent wheat supplies anduse. preliminary to establishing the Percent of a series announced by Secre-decisions. The Secretaryhas in- Representatives from general 1969 national wheat acreage tary of Agriculture OrvilleL.dicated that a frankappraisalfarm organizations, wheatgrow- allotment has been announced of farmers and others er associations, wheat commis- Percent Freeman for the first weekin on the for heit by Lawrence E. Brennan, chair-May toprovide farmers andproduction level neededfor 1969sions, associations of elected man, Agricultural Stabilizationother interested people and its effect on farm prices ASC committeemen, indepen- 's and 3 an op- is and Conservation state commit-portunityto expected to provide important dent and cooperative elevators, Ig the expresstheir tee. The hearing will be heldviews and recommendationsonguidance in determiningthe millers, and the grain trade, as in Hutchinson on May 3 at theprospective wheat supplies, pro-1969 wheat acreage allotment.well as individual farmers, are Baker Hotel. Starting time isduction, and needs. The Kansas ASC State Chair-expected to attend. 10 a.m. The hearings continue USDA'sman will be in charge of the Hutchinson hearing. Attending will be the ASC State Commit- VENDING ROUTES AVAILABLE tee Chairman and State Wheat Are You Looking For Program Specialist,as well as ASCS Area Director CarlA. ADDITIONAL - tTodsun Larson and a program special- AY2 Hutch Co-op VotesFor ist from Washington. They will INCOME? Do you have 7 to 12 hoursa week )eCtecl spare time?Can you invest$597 to itured Olsburg Methodist Church $2985 in a business that can grow into kitRIE Major Grain Merger a permanent lifetime income? Company ARVMS finance plan available after 90 days A,ntique And operation. NO SELLING. Company een vac. HUTCHINSON - Stockhold- establishes accounts.If interestedin days be. The Missouri organization al- routes here, or any other location in on_the- ers of Farmers Co-operative General Item U.S., send name and address for per- rIsPection Commission Co. voted 104 to 4so must give at least a two- sonalinterview.Please include tele- in favor of a proposal to mergethirds majority, as have all the phone number. others. Consignment Sale ID BY with major grain co-operatives HERSHEY DISTRIBUTING rprove Final action in creating the in three states at a special Sat., May 4 - 1:30 p.m. COMPANY sturgeon, meeting in Wichita last week. new Farmers Marketing Co., ebert, Rodeo Queen willstill hinge on resolving Lunch served at the church. 6162 E. Mockingbird Lane Miss Willa Thompson, Tal- Final results on this propos-some other matters and may Sale behind church, Olsburg, Dallas, Texas 75218 mage, a freshman at Fort Haysal will not be known until next Kans. Kansas State College, has beenmonth, however. not comeuntilJune. named queen for the 1968 Inter- It has been pointed out one collegiate Rodeo May 10-11. Earlier stockholders of Equi- ty Union Grain Co., Lincoln, stumbling block could arise 16th ANNUAL FFA-4-H CLUB Nebr., approved the propositionwere some dissenters to be sub- Wether Lamb Sale SAT., MAY 4, 1 p.m. stantial stockholders who want At The Ranch 3 Miles West, 33/4 South of by a vote of 186 to 2 while Westto sell. HAVEN, KANSAS tion the Cholera Flareup Central Grain Co.of Omaha, ns locat Nebr., approved by a 189 to 11 At any rate, temporary head- SELLING 100 HEAD 8th St, quarters for the merged Farm- Absolutely no lambs sold before sale, but we In Georgia margin. invite you to inspect them. Vote By Mail ers Marketing Co. will bein 4 Georgia has halted all ship- Voting by mail now are theHutchinson and this city also is W. H. andHaHvaernolda, ments of feeder pigs and breed- in contention for the permanent VALLEYVIEW RANCH ing swine in order to contain a 570 members of Farmers Coop- erative Marketing Association location. E flare-up of hog cholera in the of Missouri. Final figures on bought southeastern part of that state, this vote will be available May according to USDA. ET111:13-2 ! elec. Georgia officials took this ac- 1. tion on April 12 after the state For the Kansas and Nebraska 6 chairs cooperatives that have complet- FURNITURE had experienced a total of 42ed voting the figures show 357 fe drop - hog cholera outbreaks during favoring the plan and 17 in op- extra March and the first week and one-half in April. position. k chairs, A partial count of the Mis- We are leaving Wakefield During the previous year, souri CMA vote showed 300 fa-and will sell at public auction like new Georgia averaged between two voring merger and 13 opposingthe following antiques and col- ,approx. and three outbreaks per month. lector's items at the house locat- it. ed 1 block east of water tower vv/ triple on Grove St. in Wakefield,Ks. AUCTION htstand all good We have been instructed to sell at public auction theentire table, an SAT., MAY 14 stock of the Colorado Furniture Co. & Antique Shoplocated at Starts 10:30 a.m. 230 Colorado St., Manhattan, Kansas. Dealers, collectorsand steeper & persons who need furniture & antiques,don't miss this one. Antiques & 1000's of items will be sold. This will be a clean sweepsale. Ev- r erything will be sold, plus a large lot of Furniture &antiques air,good AUCTION Wednesday Collectors Items brought in out of storage. Write this one down as amust on Jod; Plot' Roll top desk, excellent condi- your list. Tell your friends. le;12x12 tion 9x12 re Chest of drawers with Wells 10x8 re SALE Fargo tag SATURDAY, MAY 4 ood 9x12 MAY 1 Walnut pier mirror; large ow rugs; padded cornice board; old beds; 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. garden old tables; crocks; copper boil- lec. Ken Starts 1:00 p.m. er; school desks; trunks;day- 230 Colorado Street MANHATTAN ter coolo bed; rockers. Drug store table with milk These are just a few of I will sell at public auction my household goods and an- glass top; large oak table (cut ariable tiques at my home located 1038 Lincoln St. in Clay Center, Ks. down); pictures & frames; ben- the 1000's of items offered. ware;dishes;pots; pans; ches; 2 old chaise lounges; china 1 oak 34 bed antique roasters;iron bean kettle;2 closet; 2 Seth Thomas clocks; FURNITURE 2 secretary desks FURNITURE push type lawn mowers; 1 several glass display counters Rose couch & chair, like new2 Victrolas, one like new 1960 Kenmore 30 -in. gas range,power lawn mower;electric and shelves. 2 TV sets 1 Brass buggy lamp nice coffee pot; waffle iron; iron; Bottles and jars; cast iron 1 youth bed Set of 6 ladder back chairs, set Iv/ 12; toys; English coal boxes; kero Kelvinator 8 -ft, refrigerator, amber dishes, service for lamps; coffee grinders; magic 2 electric sewing machines good condition good pictures;pillows;2bed- lantern; pitcher and bowl sets: 3 sets end tables Round back hand carved Aus- itching Chrome kitchen table and 4spreads; 3 yellow shag rugs; brass jelly kettle; east iron jail 3 coffee tables trian chair chairs; 2 stools Westinghouse upright sweep- 8 trunks Hundreds of antique dishes of wer sweeper; keys; sad irons; iron kettle; a 5 -ft. wood cabinet base er; electric tank type lot toothpick holders. 2 large fans all kinds and misc. items. G. E. washing machine, goodsmall hand carpet sweeper; 3 buffets TOOLS icture 8 -piece walnut dining room fancy work; Ann Baldwin Shaving mugs; skuttle mugs; 6 chests of drawers small pin boxes; cookie boards; oil 1 steel bench saw suite dress form and many paintings; very old stitching 6 desks 1 8 -ton hyd. jack Zenith 21 -in. console TV, gooditems of things andstuff. pony (small); hair receivers; 20 lamps 1 small arc welder stand Studio divan with matching 1 large cabinet radio-phono nail ANTIQUES bristal glass; pewter; cloisinne; combination 2 hand sprayers single platform rocker, light gray, cracker jar; carnival glass: cut 1 large rural mailbox good Oak kitchen cabinet,refinish- 2 metal filing cabinets I center glass; art glass; pressed glass; 7 couches, 2 with matching 1 large volt tester, almost new er; 2 rockers; end table; book ed silver deposit condiment set. 1 tool chest shelves;birdcage;floor 3 walnut cupboards Chestnut roasters;butter chairs Many hand tools chest, lamps; Coronado console ra- 100's more misc. items porch Wardrobes dropleaf mold; wooden bowls; 2 barrel 2% hp electric motors pleat ta. dio, good; 9x12 wool rug, padHand made walnut chairs: show cases; Coronado Vacuum cl-nriprs HOUSEHOLD &MISC. and matching throw rugs;li- table; electric dryer;electricironer; ANTIQUES 2 sets silverware in chests brary table;2steel cots;2 Cider mill; wine mill; stone table, stand windows; screens; doors; storm 1 42" round table, with 2 leaves 3 setsmisc. silverware ;small pin up lamps; jars and jugs; square windows: shutters; several cans 1 Jenny Lind bed 1 GE el. knife Metal bed frame; metal bed,table; odds and ends of paint: other Flat irons 200 salt & pepper shakers spring & mattress; metal bed 2 love seats; 2 rayo lamps; misc. antique items not listed. Some silver trays and misc.100's of pots, pans, skillets, table,j with springs; 2 dressers; chestblue glass lamp; mirk,stand; 2 -seat surrey, with top, com- bowls & misc. r;sm of drawers; odd chairs; cardfruit jars; Coronatyriewriter silver items chest; min- pletely restored, very nice. Baby fork & spoon, sterling 10 el. irons 5.ft. table; ironing board; and case; curling irons; 2 -seat surrey body; 1 horse 10 el. coffee pots Bathroom scales:glass ing set: handkerchief box: drawn sled. silver '?veral Crumb trayset;clock; 9x12 reversible rug & pad 4 electric mixers shelves; 2 med. cabinets; wall towel rack` with Many sets of silver spoons, 100's of misc. items too num- mirrors; small bathroom heat-clock shelf; NOTE: This is a nice offering forks, gravy ladles, all col- erous to mention d; an' er; Temco 40,000 B.T.U. gascomb tray; sad iron with han- of antiques. Have been col- TERMS: CASH step heater: porch swing; wash dle: wash boards; blueglass lected by the Ressoners in the lectors items CHECK throw to 1 baby CUD, sterling silver OR APPROvEn wrinor tubs;boiler; wicker round buffet set; last 5 years. All will sell PROPERTY TO BE clothes hamper; 2 wood nail Square table with turn legs; highest bidder sale day. Your 1 gold hatpin SEEN PAY OF SALE kegs; 2 wooden barrels; lad-dishes; bowls; inspection invited. 1 sterling silver hatpin And many other antique 8 other hatpins, some rare NOT RESPONSIBLE ders; 1 oak settee, like new, this one FOR ACCP)ENTS by A lot of hand tools; silver-items. Mr. & Mrs. R. W. you must see NOTHING SOLD Reasoner, Owner 1 camel back trunk PRIOR TOSALE lollyg Mrs. Marie Barkyoum,Owner Clerk: Farmers & Merchants Auctioneers Note: This is a very large lot of furnitureand an- Clerk: Mrs. Fred Bank of Wakefield, Kans. Auc- tiques. Mark it on your calendar as a must to bethere. & 011 Aucts: Foster Kretz & Elmo Steffen, Bohnenblust, tioneers, Foster Kretz & Elmo Clay Center,Kans., Longford, Kans. Steffen, Clay Center. Kans., Ph. Auctioneer: Lawrence Welter, Manhattan ttionai Phone WA 6-4422, Morganville. WA 64422, Morganville. Grass & Act Three Kansas 24 Grain April 30,1968 Electric Coops agreed to the study of possible 203 merger advantages inimproved Siudy Merger service and lowercosts. The Farm NORTON - Three electricalstudy is expected to take cooperatives and the Rural Elec-months. three tinuecl a trification Association will make ear. Tir a feasibility study on mergerof consolidation of two or more of them. Looking For An The coops involved are the Norton -Decatur Cooperative El- ANGUS ectric Co., Inc., which has prin- cipal officesin Norton; the BULL? Northwest Kansas Electric Co- operative Association, Inc., with Choose from 8 ready to principal offices in Bird City, serve. Nice price range. and the Great Plains Electric DOUG and JOE ABERLE Cooperative, Inc., Colby. SABETHA, KANSAS Members of the three hoards Ph. AV 4-3111 or 4.3324 of trustees met recently and

Tire LiquidationSale PASSENGERCAR TIRES SIZE PLY PRICE F.E.T. 1 600x16 4 PlyGoodyearAll Weather $10.571.93 4 600x16 4 Ply GoodyearMud & Snow Complete Sell -Out ...$15.571.93 1 670x15 4 Ply Suburbanite $10.29 2.21 A recent sale in Saline county included nearly all the possessions 1 710x15 4 PlyGoodyear AllWeather nylon of the W. H. Pinkenburgs, who quit farming and are considering moving $10.14 2.36 to Canada or Brazil. Here are Mrs. Pinkenburg Jr., Nancy and Carol. TRACTORTIRES The sale was of additional interest because it included the antique 1 750x16 6 Ply Triple rib frt.tire, Goodyear horse-drawn machiuery of W. H. Pinkenburg Sr. $23.321.68 1 10x28 4 PlyGoodyear SureGrip $34.063.44 2 12x36 4 PlyGoodyear SureGrip $51.825.68 TRUCKTIRES 2 650x16 6 PlyGdyr. Hi MilerMud & Snow$27.022.98 1 650x18 6 PlyFirestone $21.693.31 2 750x16 8 PlyFstne. Sup.All. Trac. nylon$42.264.24 GRAN1 3 750x18 8 PlyGoodyearHi Miler, rayon$30.41 4.59 4 825x2010 PlyGoodrichExtra Miler....$53.806.20 located 4 1 825x2010 PlyGoodyearHi Miler, nylon . $53.80 6.20 2 900x2010 PlyGoodyearHi Miler SuperCross rib, nylon McDowell $51.54 8.46 SCHUMACHER'SINC a-, - PhoneEA 5-2316

'7.°,4;;6:- Washington,Kans.

At the s there w Northw i Townsh p.m., Di

Th Due to call by the arm forces. I will sell at Public Auction my farms and personal prop Mrs. H erty described below at the farm located 1 mile northon Highway99 and li , miles east of Elm on Highway 9, 2 miles north and 12 mile east of Frankfort,Kansas, on_ Ready To Sell Thi W. II. Pinkenburg Jr. (center) holdsitems being sold as auctioneers work.This acres. was a complete dispersal sale recently in Salinecounty. FRIDAY, MAY3,1968 farm. COMMENCINS AT 12:30 O'CLOCKSHARP The beet crop is almost completed allotme to exist Double Sugar with the acreage nearlydouble ...... PLANT - ANIMAL REAL ESTATE that of last year in his district LEGALDESCRIPTIONS: 160 acres consisiting of the W': of Southeast '4, Section 26, HEALTH Pui Lamar Henry of Goodland,man- Township 3, Range 9. Si 2 of Southwest '4, Section 26, Township 3, Range 9. Beet Contracts Po! ager of the Kansas -Colorado di- Would you like to raise healthy Unit Base Pay on 160 acres $1742.00 in 1967. Wheat alloment 36acres, Corn 24 acres, GOODLAND - Signing of vision of the Great Western crops and livestock without chemicals Feed Grain 11 acres. Two sets of modern Improvements, on School Bus and the Mail crops E contracts for the 1968 sugar Su- and consistent medication? Chemi- Route. Gravel road by the farms. stract gar Co., says. cals and medication are not food. TERMS: 25'; down day of auction. Balance due on delivery of Title. Bu Farmers have signedup for They can be poison to plant and body balance cells. TACK SALE 43,000 acres, evenly divided Property may be inspected at any time by seeing Alvin Gerstner or Milo Summers. expecte be- Soil life, plant cell life and body May 5, tween Kansas and Colorado. Real Estate to be sold at 2:30 p. m. the ter cell life need the finest quality trace followi. May 19 (rain date) The area will be served bya minerals and mineral combinations 20 -million dollarsugar factory in natures form to be healthy and ef- FARM MACHINERY CAR AND TRUCK Tack Sale at 2 p.m. that is scheduled for completion ficient. John Deere 3010 Tractor 1960 Ford ii ton Pick up, F.100 Sale of horses immediately fol-in time to handle this Healthy plants are a product of John Deere R -W -A 1962 11 ft. disk 1963 Ford 1 ton Truck, F-350 lowing. year's balanced soil and they provide op- John Deere 9 ft. tractor mower 1966 Ford 4 door sedan, V-8 RATES: $2.50, up to $50, 5%crop. In previous years the beets timum nutrition; it is just this simple. John Deere 1964 4 row Planter over $50, $2 no sale. have been shipped to thecom- Trace minerals even in very minute John Deere 3-16 Plow SILVER SPUR SADDLE CLUBpany's plant at Brighton. Colo. quantities are vital for a healthy plant John Deere 1965 4 row Cultivator MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS and body. Living plant and body cells CHAPMAN Cattlemen are anticipating B line 8 row Sprayer 1,200 bushel steel Grain Bin the are made up of mineral elements from Wetmore power take off Grinder on rub. CHAPMAN ARENA the soil. Balanced 2 rear wheel weights for J. D. tractor AT CHAPMAN availability of cattle feedfrom - they produce 4 -row Heston Head A. C. Baler 4 front weights for J. D. Tractor the factory. After the health and vigor; unbalanced- the cell John Deere Rake on steel (Concession Stand) sugar islife functions imperfectly. 24 ft. aluminum ladder J. D. heavy duty 4 wheel trailer, 7x14 on ladder **00C, extracted, the beet pulp is mix- Dr. C. W. Cavanaugh, "There is Aluminum rubber Tractor raldodo Gas barrel and pump ed with molasses and processed only one major disease- and that is 4 wheel trailer with box, on rubber EARL' into feed pellets. 8 barrel stock tank 4th: malnutrition. The alarming fact is 14 ft. Grain Auger with motor 9 cement hog feeders that foods, fruits, vegetables, and 35 1 2 metal hog troughs grains now raised on millions ofacres of land that no longer contain TOOLS 5 metal farrowing crates Concordia enough 2 Calf Feeders Electric fencer, new of certain minerals, are starvingus - 20th Century electric welder 5 hog self feeders no matter how much we eat." 2 hog waterers 601 AUCTION Garden Tractor 2 Drop Cords 300 gal. water tank Dr. Hans Mueller of Switzerland, Sales Co., Inc. Propane Torch Benchc Vise 300 gal. gas tank and stand "The farmer has no need of toxic 21 Consignments Homelite chain saw, new 100 hedge posts and a few steel posts 1/2 mile north of Detroit, chemicals to fight the parasites,a Electric grinder and motor t***0 For May 1 Kans, stop sign. healthy plant does not attract them." Steel gate and wood panels Battery charger 3 pipe wrenches Old iron and lumber 25 head choice Whiteface Dr. Charles Northen, "A healthy Wheel puller We had heifers, 600 lbs., open froth plant grown on soil properly balanced, 3 ton hydraulic jack New and used barb and woven wire Sat., May 18 Post auger 12 ft. log chain With reg. herd can and will resist most insects. That 2 livestock loaders on rubber bt Steel post driver Tractor umbrella classes, 1 6-yr. old Holstein milk cow, Starts 12:30 Noon very characteristic makes it a better Hand boom for sprayer, new fresh 2 mos. food product." Shovels, malls, axes and rakes Set jumper cables 3 gal. white pint arid in 40 acres w/ modern4 bed- - steers 10 Whiteface steers, 450 lbs. room home, large 3 -stall Inquire about M I CRO-M I N TERMS: gar-which helps to establish Cash. No Articles Removed Until Settled For. ST( 15 Whiteface steers, 550-600 age & other buildings.Small a well balan- i hoist lbs. orchard. ced healthy soil natures' Not Responsible In Case of Accidents way; and 2 whifi. Tom Walker, Owner If interested, contact FERRO - natures' finest bloodbuil- LUNCH WILLBE SERVED - Phone 243-1674 Col. Carlder. Schnell, auct. & realestate brok- For 1nf Barn, 243-1074 er, 500 NE 4th, Abilene,Kans., phone CO 3-1883. LEONARD GAGE GAIL Sale Every Wed. RT. 2, HOISINGTON, KANS. For full informationand list- ALVIN H.GERSTNER Starting at 1 :00p.m. ings see Grass & Grainissue R.F. Hollenberg, Ph. CA 6-7219, Auctioneer Bert Barrett,ClerI May 7. Milo Summers, Salesman. Kennedy Real Estate,Phone BY2.4813 Grass & Grain n Active Farmers Make 25 reported at $189,500,000,000on November 1compared with $178,700,000,000 sible on that date in 1966. oved 2-3 of Land Purchases he Farm real estate values con- Reporting this development, crease was 8,3 per cent. the Agriculture tree tinned a long-term increase last The total value of farm department realsaid the value of 36 -Ft. year.The year before the in- estate, including buildings,was the average farm on November1 was $65,700 0 or $173 an acre comparedwith Hedge :9 $59,800 and $164 rK: an acre a year L. 13 N(1 Growing for r. E earlier. .!5 1- 4, nearly 250 years, a 111 Regionally, 1967 increases yew hedge at Cir- g encester, England, K 464-9 1.d5 ranged from 3 percent inthe 555 1.:;7 02 is 36 feet high and K 519-6.° 505 475 Rocky Mountain states 1.64 550 to 8 per-"still growing." Ex- ,66 1.46 105j 0707673-3.0( 455 30-0 cent in the Grea Lakesand pert pruning keeps 1.58 1210 40n K 1.7P the hedge in 1350 45,7 Corn Belt states. Bystates, 1. 510 6 shape. 1290 to At: 42'5 value changes ranged from 4 .6_1 le 475 a e. 1160 510 S 1.65 350 decrease of 1 percent in Florida 1130 300 1.73 to an 11 percent increase in tLE bt.,0 Mis- 4S0 161 1210 S 440 4:tX) souri. 4 1..60 400 324 1.42 591) 31X; The department said its field 1160 350 4f 0 reporters anticipated a smaller 5&) increase in value this year,per- ?.50 4i5 haps a maximum of 5 percent. Farm income is down froma year earlier. The department saidactive farmers continued to be the E.T. *;Ch dominant buyer group, purchas- 93 ing nearly two-thirds ofall 93 farms transferred during the earlier part of 1967. Farmers 36 , generally brought land for 160 Acres Farm Land At he seeonq ,z:2,1er 13 the coerag.:. ranA of bor. 1,-.91' three farm enlargement. Retirement as (7) cppars after the aperaae saere this :f o tndEcateo 0n1!, 11,24e been wei.elle. T',0 :",1 was the most common cause 68 nder the cell,! ),.cco'ca "scn1:" to IfoteY th* thliotaaalr ":1-t/rYc. ef aqe-etc." to listed given for selling. 44 on the indtcateddate. th ihtu(zl's undo. "Sire. For the nation as a whole, .. io-Aoya ilasker K31; 070:7-t:ch iletr AUCTION 68 i.or:t 95; farm real estate was 66 per iietr Appnit 5: II- .L.PE ..satdent 16. Meso bulls t,:cre ratsoa cre,?;. j -'d on ?1,:zHve cent higher on November 1, Wewill sell the following described real estate at ;,:ehers, wintere.1 on si/age ano' 3 Zbs. ,rjlop tF11 they were put on hay; sorghaa ..,t1ape; 1967, than for the 1957-59 No- public auction at the farm located 1/2 a?, 4 lbs.of. gft.7r ao. mile north of 98 tio ratiar they ware weigh,td ond rrtces arrf4e1 at considertno Of dry lot gnfn v1,1 "'Cr c11 vember 1 average. Jamestown, Kansas (on the Kackley road)on - 31 ,:A-.4'7,7! for c2c. 24 GRANT POOLE MANHATTAN, KANS. Friday, May 3rd 59 Phone PR 6-8315 Mankato Packing 2:00 P.M. Sharp 20 Located 4 miles south ofl -70-K-177 intersection, 2 miles west on .20 McDowell Creek. Road. lylon Goes Public Legal Description : The Southwest 1/4 of Section 3.46 MANKATO - The Mankato 14, Township 5, Range 5 and a tract containing approxi- Packing Company has received mately 3 acres in the Northwest corner of the South- Land Auction approval from the Kansas Se- east 14 of said Section 14 West of the 6th P. M. in Cloud curities commission to make a County, Kansas. Lillie K. Ihde Estate public stock offering. Milton Petersen, jr., president The farm lies nearly level and consists of the fol- of the Mankato packing firm, lowing acreages: 74.8 acres growing wheat, balance TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1968 said 400,000 shares of common open ground for spring crops and normal conserving stock will be offered at $5 a acres: This complies with ASC program. Approximate 10:00 a.m. share. ASC acreage allotments: 71 acres wheat ; 12 acres corn ; The plant, already built and 58 acres milo ; 5 acres normal conserving. At the south front door of the Court House, Abilene, Kansas. ready for operation, will draw there will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder. itssupply ofcattle from an area within a 150 -mile radius of Terms : 25'/ down on day of sale and the balance due Northwest Quarter (NW% )of Section Twenty -Three (23), in 30 days upon delivery of a clear and merchantible Township Sixteen (16) South, Range Two (2) East of the 6th Mankato. p.m., Dickinson County, Kansas. More than $1,700,000 is al- title. 1967 taxes and all prior years are paid by the sel- ready invested in the plant ler. Rent share of all 1968 crops and ASC payment goes The above farm was the home place of the late Mr. & to the purchaser. al prop Mrs. Herman Ihde, located two miles east and two miles south Petersen said, "The Rural Iles east of Elmo, Kansas, on good gravel roads. Electrification Administration loaned $325,000 for the plant Possession : On wheat ground and divertedground This farm is a good Turkey Creek farm with 145 tillable acres. The west branch of Turkey Creek runs through this project,and we've had other after harvest. Possession on milo ground March 1, 1969. farm. loans of $600,000 from the Small Business Administration. There are 46.4 acres of growing wheat; 65 acres feed grain Auctioneer's Note: This, farm lays good and is a allotment and 3 conserving acres. Property to be sold subject "The original founders invest- good producer. There are 146 acres of farmland, 141 to existing oral tenancy with Harvey Ihde. ed $627,000 and the land, valued allotment acres, and 5 acres normal conserving. These at $150,000 was donated by the are very good allotment acres and they are an asset to !ction 26, Purchaser to receive landlord's one-third share of crops. Mankato Commercial Develop- the farm. For information or inspection, contact Auc- Possession of ground goes to buyer as soon as the 1968 ment Corp.," he said. tioneer. 3 acres, crops are harvested. Executor's deed and merchantable ab- The Kansas Development Cre- the Mail stract of title shall be furnished to the buyer. dit corporation has loaned the Buyer shall nay twenty-five per cent (257) down and plant $36,000. EVA A. AINSWORTH, ESTATE, Owners balance upon delivery of deed and abstract. Buyer will be Petersen said the money rep- rimers. expected to execute written contract of purchase showing Baldwin, Paulsen, Gibson, & Buechel, the terms of sale. For further information ask any of the resents investments in land, Attorneys For The Estate following: building construction, equip- ment and initial inventory. Sale Conducted By: HERBERT HIDE, Executor "We anticipate net proceeds Larry Lagasee, Auctiotneer and Real Estate Salesman to RAY D. WILSON, Auctioneer from the stock offering to JOHN H. LEHMAN, Attorney of Leh- Specializing In Livestock, Farm Sales, and Real Estate Auction. Abilene, Ks. bring the total capital employ- Concordia, Kansas, Phone CH 3-1714 man, Romine & Guilfoyle, ed to $3,400,000," Petersen said.

IS tractor for Cloud County Livestock Commission Co. ******************************* Concordia, Kansas 1 holstein cow 1350 @ 18.90 9 whiface cows & clvs @ 224.00 pr. and pumP EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR MAY 2 whiface cows 1030 @ 18.80 4th: Sale Every Saturday 35 head of good, big Hereford cows 3 whiface steers 365 @ 31.75 BABY CALVES and their calves - all young 3 whiface heifers ... 514 @25.60 $36.00 to $62.00 3 whiface steers 445 @ 28.40 5 mixed heifers cows, guaranteed pairs - a top 6 whiface steers 563 @ 29.50 514 @26.10 BULLS neer, so set of Commercial Cows. 4 hereford steers 540 @ 28.20 3 hereford heifers .. 494 @25.00 1 whiface bull 1635 @ 22.00 feeders 60 head of mixed steers and heifers, 2 whiface heifers 731 @24.00 CERTIFIED 2 hereford steers 400 @ 31.20 1 black bull 1535 @ 20.90 .1310L5'. M3RX11 500lb.average 5 whiface heifers 411k, 7 whifaee steers 760 @ 25.95 500 @25.00 1 hereford bull 1230 @ 21.40 21 mixed Hereford and Angus 8 whiface heifers 424 @25.80 pot, heifers - 450 lb. average 3 black steers 705 @ 25.10 1 hereford bull 1585 @ 22.30 ******************************* 2 whiface steers 720 @ 26.25 6 whiface heifers 713 @24.65 8 whiface heifers 740 @23.45 HOGS 3 whiface steers 616 @ 27.10 4 butcher hogs 268 @ 18.00 wire We had a good, fast moving sale Saturday 5 whiface black steers.410 @29.60 COWS with buyers bidding actively on all 5 butcher hogs 200 @ 18.00 classes. All cattle were fully steady, 3 whiface steers 450 @30.009 black cows & calves ... .@ 226.00 pr. 2 sows 335 @ 15.25 392 @ 3 hereford cows & clvs - Put I and in some instances higher. Feeder 6 whiface steers 32.00 ...@ 244.00 pr. 7 butcher hogs 226 @ 18.45 tulle steers and heifers sold well. 2 whiface steers 616 @27.202 black cows 1060 @ 17.70 12 butcher hogs .. 241 @ 18.45 STOCKER & FEEDER STEERS 5 shorthorn steers ... 621 @25.108 whiface cows & clvs @ 227.00 pr. 207 @ 18.20 1 holstein steer 10 butcher hogs 570 @ 22.00 STOCKER & FEEDER HEIFERS 9 black cows & calves .... @ 225.00 pr. 20 feeders @ 19.00 ea. 2 whiface steers 430 @ 30.80 1 whiface cow 4 whiface heifers .... 510 @ 25.40 1060 @ 19.60 9 feeders @ 17.50 ea. For Information or Estimates: LEO RAUCH, Clay Center 632.3092 J.M."MATT" DAVIS, Delphos 623-4543 ROYAL LARSON, Morganville 926-3744' GAIL GARTON, Concordia 243-1181 Auctioneers: Harold Siegle and Clyde Ketter ER Radio.KNCK '1370' 6:45 Nov. 20 - Annual production Tillie Peterson.Auct. Loren 111111111111111111111111111H111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111= May 13, 14 & 15 - The A. D. sale of registered Hereford Johnson. 11 Shore collection of antiques, estate in Marys- cattle, Elmer L. Johnson June 8 - Real & h GALG Calendar Kenneth Messner, owner; in Finch es- sons, Smolan, Kans. Manhattan. Auct. Don Roche. ,ville, Kans., Eathel Fi-11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111a tate. Auct DonRoche. Nov. 23 - Kocher Herefords Apr .30 - Foreclosure saleor May 14 - Farmland sale & Sham- production sale, Kans., Valley View Ranch, southeast of Abilene, Kans., Nov. 1 - Hamrnarlund Onaga, household articles and car in auct. Harold Tonn. rock annaul Angussale in St.Oot. 31 - Angus production St® Clay Center, Kans., the First (near Elmo),Herbert Ihde, sale, Wymore, Nebr., exec. of estate of Lillie K. Marys, Kans. Double Total National Bank of Waverly. May 4 - Furniture and an- Nov. 11 - 23rdannual Here- "C" Angus Farm, Clement Auct. Foster Kretz, tiques in Manhattan, Kans., Ihde. Auct Ray D. Wilson; at- Jones. c, and sorf torney John H. Lehman. ford production salesouth- Apr, 30 - Farm sale west of Colorado Furniture Co. Auct. W. H.Jan. 21, 1969 - Anual age 1305i May 18 - House, business bldg. west of Haven, Kans., Reben. Assaria, Kans., E. A. Nelson. Lawrence Welter. and Harold Tonn, Auct.Har- storf Hereford production ril1, 19 Auct Roger A. Johnson. and household goods in Con- sale,Sylvan Grove, year age May 4 - Furniture sale in cordia, Eva A. Ainsworth es- old Tonn. Kans,, Apr. 30 - Farm sale south of Junotion City, estate of Cliff- Elmer Rebenstorf. grains tate. Aucts Rollie Lagasse andNov. 19 - Annual production to theI McPherson, Kans., Mr. & ord Lee Champ. Aucts. C. W. Tune 1 - Household Larry Lagasse. sale of registered Herefords, goods in service. Mrs. Myron Stucky. Aucts Crites and Earl Brown. Marysville, Kans. Elmer Pe- Frankfort, Kans., Frank Ted Krehbiel and Tom Shrag. May 18 - Farmland & house- Orr, Total terson & Son. Auct. Don Roche. Apr. 30 - Liquidation of Hof-May 4 - Household sale in hold goods north of Detroit, lion busl ler Farm Equipment in Wich- Salina, Everett Jukes. Aucts Kans., Auct & real est. brok- those or ' 1 Hog Market. In Kansas le ita, Kans., new owners Lor- Bob Perry & Frank Harz. er Carl Schnell. The No. were en Molz and David Frick. May 4 - Consignmentsale inMay 18 - Household goods in 1962 Aucts Merle Van Winkla end Little River, Kans., Congre- Salina, Kans., Paul Rollins. WASHINGTON SALES CO. Corn Larry Geifer. gational Church. Auct. Ted Aucts Frank Harz and Bob hand, w Apr. 30 - Farm sale southeast Krehbiel. Perry. TRY US SOON stocks fc of Enterprise, Kans., Mr. &May 4 - Real estate &house- May 18 - Curtis estate sale, to and oft Mrs. Arvid Lind. Aucts Carl hold goods in Concordia, Mrs, he held at the Courthouse in HOGS every TUESDAY largest Schnell and Wm. Schnell, August LaClaf. Aucts Rollie Clay Center, Kans. Auct. Fos- CATTLE every WEDNESDAY All Sales sorghl Apr. 30 - Farm salenorth LaGasse and Larry LaGasse. ter Kretz. Date change from Start 1:00 p.m, nil1 WE of Waterville. Mrs. AndrewMay 4 - Congregational May 13. YOU GET ACTION Johnson. Don Roche and Ral- Church consignment salein May 18 -- Farm sale northeast AT THE WASHINGTON AUCTION eigh Breeding, aucts. Little River, Kans. Auct. M. of Inman, Kans., Mrs. Brauer. ED BURT Apr. 30 - Farmland sale north L. Peterson. Auct Ted Krehbiel. of Halstead, Kans., Mr. & Mrs.May 4 May 21 -- Real estate in Marys- Gi - Registered Quarter Barn Phone EA 5-2266 Residence EA 5-2393 Carl F. Haury. Auct & real Horse consignment sale in Sa- ville -Home City area, Mrs. C. estate broker Ed Reimer. lina, Kans., Bernard Ireton, R. Harry estate. Auct. Don Washington, Kans. Apr. 30 - Farmland and ma- sale mgr. Aucts Roger A. Roche. chinery and livestock north- Johnson and Bob Perry. May 25 - Antiques & house- west of Ellsworth, Kans., May 6 - Ram sale at Hutchin- hold goods southeast of Can- Fred Voeltz. Auct. G&H Auc- son. Kansas Purebred Sheep ton,Kans., Kuhlmeier es- tion, Ray Gerbitz. Breeders Assn. George Ahl- tate. Auct Ted Krehbiel, May 1 - Farmland northwest schwede, sale mgr. May 25 -- Antiques & house - 314 of Langdon, Kans., Bill Gill -May 7 - Farm sale south of hold goods in Hanover, Kans., more. Auct Ted Krehbiel. Blue Rapids, Clarence Behm Mrs. Carrie Greiveldinger es- May 1 - Cattle and machinery estate. Auct Don Roche tate. Auct. Don Roche. sale northwest ofBelleville, May 8 - Farm machinery sale May 28 - Household goods and Kans., Mr. & Mrs. Gene Hey- southeast of Junction City, some farm machinery east of ka. Auct Gene Waring. Loren and Charlene Buxman. Barnes, Kans., John Jarrett. I May 2 - Mid -Kansas Swine Im- Aucts C. W. Crites, Howard Auct Don Roche. HOGS START AT 11 :GO A.M. provement Assn. sale in Hut- Langvard tand Earl Brown. June 1 - Household goods in chinson, Kans. Cecil R.Sei- May 8 - Farm sale northwest Frankfort, Kans., Frank Orr. CATTLE AT 1:00 P.M. bert, Pretty Prairie, sec. of Fairbury, Nebr., Edward Auct Don Roche. May 2 - Building & miscellan- W. Schmitz estate, Shirley J. June 7 - Household goods east It looked like we had more consignors at the sale last eous in Clay Center, St. Paul's Rippe, administratrix. Aucts of Axtell, Kans., Tillie Peter- Saturday then we've had in a good many months. The cattle Lutheran church. Auct Fos- Schultis & Son & Wolken. son. Auct. Loren Johnson. receipts were not the highest, but butcher hogs were in great- ter Kretz. May 9 - Farm sale near Sal- June 7 - Household goods er numbers. May 3 - Farmland sale north ina, Frank Weis. Aucts Bob southwest of Axtell, Kans., Light and were most in demand. We had of Jamestown, Kans., Eva A. Perry and Frank Harz. a good run in weight classes of 450-550 lbs.; and 700-850 lbs. Ainsworth estate. Baldwin, May 10 - Farm sale southwest They brought strong prices all the way.In fact, both the cat- Paulson, Gibson & Buechel, of Galva, Kans., Mrs. Arnold Pearson Adds tle and hog market were strong and active, with the bulk of attorneys for estate; Auct. & Ackerson. Auct Ted Kreh- butcher hogs selling at $18.80 to $19.10 real estate salesman, Larry biel. We can sell a lot more fat hogs, so if you have any ready Lagasse. May 11 - Household goods in Name To 'Young for market, we sure can use them. May 3 - Farmland and mach- Linn, Kans., Henry Bruegge- * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * ** * ** * * ** * * * ** * inery northeast of Frankfort, man. Auct Foster Kretz. Farmer' Bill VERY SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT FOR MAY 4 Buy Kans., Alvin H. Gerstner. May 11 - Household goods in Senator James B.Pearson 100 head of strictly choice black yearlings, from one owner. of-: Auct R. F. Hollenberg; Ken- Blue Rapids, Kans., Noah (R -Kan) has anouncedthat he This is a reputation herd, cattle are green and will weight in cou nedy Real Estate, Milo Sum- Carlson. Auct Don Roche. has joined a bipartisangroup at 500 to 700 lbs.They will be sorted to suit the buyers. sal( mers, salesman. May 11 - Jerry Stenherg's of 15 Senatorsin co -sponsoring * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ****** May 3 - Farmland north of Clyde Hotel in Clyde, Kans., a bill to provide long term,low STEER CALVES 4 whiface hfrs-- 955 @24.20 504 Jamestown, Kans., Eva. A. furnishings. Aucts Rollie La- interest loans foryoung farm- 6 whiface strs -- 253 @35.00 6 blkwhif hfrs -- 900 @24.25 and Ainsworth est. Aucts Rollie gasse and Larry Lagasse. ers. sha Lagasse and Larry Lagasse. 1 whiface str--- 320 p32.75 May 11 - House and furniture The Young FarmersInvest- 1 whiface str--- 380 @i32.00 BULLS May 4 - Farm sale southeast in Salina, Kans., Monty My- ment Act of 1967, originally 1 whiface bull 1940 p 22.60 of Blue Rapids, Kans., R. F. in- 3 whiface str- - - 426 p31.10 ers estate. Aucts Frank Harz troduced by Senator Nelsonof 7 whiface strs -- 371 p30 . 80 1 whiface bull 1580 @ 22.90 Millgate estate. Auct Don and Bob Perry. Wisconsin, would providean al- 17 whiface 371 p30.80 1 whiface bull 1620 p 22.85 1bloK Roche. May 11 - Farm sale southeast ternative method of loans lb May 4 - Antiques in Wakefield, for blkwhif stns -- 412 p31.20 COWS lb of Hesston. Kans.. Henry Daes- acquiring and improvingowner - 27 whiface strs - 425 @2 9.2 0 The cow market was very good Kans., W. D. Reasoner. Auct. chner. Auct Ted Krehbiel. operated farms. The loans 7 whiface strs -- 394 p lb Foster Kretz. would 30.10 last week. Good cows sold May 11 - Farm sale south of he made through theFarmers 5 whiface BC -- 585 p28.10 from $17.50 to $19.50. Young May 4 - Household goods and Hesston, Kans., Henry Dar- Home Administration to antiques in Abilene, former young heiferetts went from $19.50 to lc ochner. Auct. Ted Krehbiel. farmers at an interestrate of 4 HEIFER CALVES owners Edith A. Young and $22.20. Others sold from $15 1 h May 13 & 14 -- Extensive farm- percent. The borrower wouldre- 5 whiface hfrs-- 300 @ 28.20 the Noah Zook family. Aucts to $17. 1 h land holdings in McPherson, pay 50 percent of the loanwith 16 black hfrs-- 486 @ 26.50 Carl Schnell & Wm. Schnell. Kingman and Reno counties, interest over a period 1 black hfr ---- 265 @:27.75 1h May 4 - FFA-4-H weather lamb of time HOGS 11 Kans.. the John E. Goering es- up to 40 years. The remaining 1 whiface hfr-- 310 p 27.00 25 mix butchers 225 @19.10 sale southwest of Haven. 3 whiface hfrs-- 422 t 1I, tate. Auct Ted Krehbiel. amount would be due atthe end 25.80 72 mix butchers 226 @ 19.05 2c of the 40 -year period 19.05 or could 22 black hfrs----517 p 2 4. 70 251 mix butchers 233 p 2c be refinanced. 14 mix hfrs 19.00 ---- 595 @ 24.50 mix butchers 222 p 20 The Kansas Senator said 6 whiface hfrs-- 295 @ 26.30 19.00 Ronald Rice Motors,Inc "the 35 mix butchers 216 @ 2c future of the country'sfamily mix butchers 231 p 18.95 2c CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC farm system rests withyoung HOLSTEIN STEERS mix butchers 208 @18.95 lc 9 holstein strs-- 451 p 25.70 18.90 North Kansas' Largest Volume Dealer farmers of today. Butincreas- 25white butch. 210 @ 1 ingly young menare finding it 22 holstein strs- 585 @ 23.80 mix butchers 253 @18.90 NW 2nd Phone CO 3-4000 ABILENE, KANS. 1 holstein str 1c virtuallyimpossibletoobtain -- 865 @ 22.70 lc 14 holstein strs sufficient credit andcapital to - 590 p 23.75 SOWS 20 start a farming operationthat 10 white sows -- 372 @ 16.85 STOCKER & FEEDER HEIFERS 16.70 Large Selection is large enough tosurvive in 1 spotted sow -- 320 @ 8r -Good Trades today's economy. 11 black strs--- 616 p 26 . 90 16.50 1 spotted sow -- 350 @ Spring is here and summer is justaround the corner, but Pearson noted that the 11 mix strs---- 731 p 26.85 5 white sows --- 400 @16.00 aver- 2 whiface strs 7r the deals are already red hot at Rice's. Hardtops,convertibles, age investment per farm in Kan- -- 888 p 26.00 1 red sow 510 @16.50 sedans, and station wagons... air conditioned and ready for 25 whiface strs 1057 @ 25.55 15.50 summer. sas has increased by 212per 11 white sows 525 @ 35 1967 FORD XL Convertible cent between 1960 and 1965. 4 blkwhif strs-- 925 p 25.85 $3295 He 35 whiface strs Loaded with everything in the book, bigengine and all, said, "in many areas - 754 @ 26.60 PIGS like new, 8,000 miles. it takes 50 blkwhif strs sold a $100,000 investment simplyto - 782 p 26.30 Good pigs, 55 lbs. and up 1967 CAPRICE 2-dr. Hardtop 17 wf & blkwhif 811 p Little Full power and air conditioner. $3095 get started. Because ofthese 26.10 from $17.00 to $19.50. 1966 CADILLAC deVille, 4-dr. Hardtop 7 blkwhif strs-- 864 p 2 5.80 pigs went from $14.00 to$17. $4895 extremely high capital require- 1 blkwhif strs Fully loaded with air conditioner, 24,000 miles,local car. ments,itis necessary that -- 970 @ 26.10 The smaller ones wentfrom 2\ 1965 OLDSMOBILE Delta 88, 4 dr. Hardtop 23 mix hfrs---- 890 @ 24.20 Power and air conditioning. $2295 young farmers have anoppor- $11.00 to $14.00. 9) tunity to obtain equitable, 1965 PLYMOUTH Fury 4-dr. station wagon $2295 low LICENSED AND BONDED Radio, heater, automatic transmission,power steering. interest loansin order tofi- 1965 MUSTANG 2 dr. Hardtop $1895 nance new farming operations BARN PH. JUNCTION CITY CE 8-1471 eall Radio, heater, 4 speed. or to expand a nexistingopera- If you have livestock to appraise, call: 1965 CHEVRPLET Impala station wagon, 9-nassenger . $2295 V-8, 4-dr., full power and air conditioning, chrome rack. tion so that he can produce VERN LANGVARDT, Manager, 502 UPLAND Hard to find a better wagon. enough to earn a reasonable HOWARD LANGVARDT, Auctioneer, 520 UPLAND net income." HERB NEUMEYER, White City, Phone 3494363 ction lord some 6 percent less than thaton cent of average and the small- Son & hand on the same datea year est for the date since 1954. Wheat, Corn, Sorghum earlier but 4 percent larger Soybeans held in all positions ords than the 5 -year average. totaled 8,532,000 bushels, 8per Grass & Grain 27 1{a. Rye stored in all positionsto- cent less than a year ago but taled 499,000 bushels, tion Stocks All On Increase 18per- 9 percent above the 1962-66 aver- cent less than in storage ayearage. Off -farm storages held )ouble Total stocks of wheat, cornfor the date since 1957. April 30, 1968 ent c. earlier and the smallest total 5,933,000 bushels,6 percent and sorghum grain in all stor- Oat stocks were the smallestsupplies since 1957. more than a year earlier and 8 age positions in Kansas on Ap- for April 1 in a quarter century percent above average. ril 1, 1968, were larger than aof records and barley stocks Total stocks of the four major Lion year ago but supplies of otherwere the smallest for the date cans., feed grains grown in Kansas- grains were lower,according since 1954. sorghum grain, corn, oats and to the Kansas Crop Reporting Wheat stored in all positions )ds in barley - in all positionson Ap- Service. in Kansas on April 1 this year ril1,1968,totaled 140,474,000 k Orr. Total wheat stocks at 124 mil- totaled 124,161,000 bushels, 1 bushels, 7 percent more than on lion bushels were slightly above percent more than a year ear-hand a year earlier but 18 per Handy Stein those on hand a year ago butlier but 68 percent smaller thancent below average. werelessthanone-thirdthe the 1962-65 average. Sorghum grain stocks of 85,- 1962-66 average stocks. Off -far mholdings of wheat 024,000 bushels, were 9 percent Used Cars & Trucks Corn stocks, on the other totaled 99,783,000 bushels, 3 per-more than a year earlier but 27 hand, were the largest total cent more thanthatinthepercent smaller than average. Minneapolis, Kansas stocks for the date since 1962 same storage positions a yearSorghum grain stored inoff - and off -farm stocks were theearlier and only 27 percent offarm positions totaled 55,142,000 largest of record. average. bushels,1percent more than 1966 Buick Wildcat 4-dr., HT $2795 es Sorghum grain stocks on Ap- Farm stocks of wheat on Ap-a year ago but 38 percent less Power steering, air conditioning, tilt wheel, one owner ril1 were the second smallestril totaled 24,378,000 bushels, than average. Stocks of corn in all positions 1966 Chevy II Station Wagon $1795 totaled 51,304,000 bushels, 8 per V-8, stick shift, a real puff with only 28,000 miles. cent above last year and 14 per 1965 Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupe $1995 cent above average. Off -farm 327 V8, power steering, brakes, air cond., 6 -way seat. stocks of corn totaled 30,401,000 sold new by us & real clean - White with red interior. bushels, the largest off -farm Low Overhead - Complete Service Makes stocks of record, 4 percent 1963 Chev. Impala Sport Coupe $1495 GILLETTE TIRE HEADQUARTERS above last year and 32 percent 283 V8, Powerglide, radio & heater. One owner & sold Tractor Duals - Flotations, new and used above average. new by us - Only 39,000 miles -A real cream puff. Stocks of oats in all storage 1962 Chevy II Sport Coupe $895 positions on April 1 totaled 2,- 6 cyl. stick shift, one owner & sold new by us. 662,000 bushels, the smallest in 314 Buckeye, Abilene Cross from Sears records dating back to 1943, 6 Abilene: CO 3.2601 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air $950 percent below last year and 35 6 cyl. stick, only 60,000 miles - sold new by us. This Gillette Night CO 34067 (Don) Gillette percent below average. car is extra clean. Owners: Clyde and Don TIRES Barley stocks of 1,484,000 bushels were 31 percent below 1961 Chev. Impala Sport Coupe $995 a year earlier but only 25 per 348 engine, automatic -extra clean 61 model

Handy -Stein Chevrolet- St Reynolds tle at - Olds -Buick, Inc. had Sale Barn Minneapolis, Kansas 67467 101 S. Concord EX 2.2118 lbs. "Trade with Stein where it's Handy" cat - ABILENE, KANS. )f Ara Selling Ft:very ready FRIDAY AFTERNOON Hogs 11:30 a.m. * 1 whiface str -- 375 @32.75 Cattle 1 p.m. Buyers and sellers locally, out- 1 whiface str -- 495 @30.75 of-state, and all surrounding 3 whiface strs -- 565 @31.00 in counties made last Friday's 11 whiface strs -6 96 @27.10 We had the largest run of cattle we have had since the first of the year. Stock- sale a very good auction all the 15 blkwhif strs - 691 (d24.40 er and feeder cattle were about 504 higher; calves were 50¢ to $1.00 higher; way through.Prices looked 34 med. quality Cows and bulls were steady. The extreme top on butcher hogs was $18.55 504 to $1.00 higher on stocker 24.20 blk & bwf str 640 (d 27.30 with the bulk going for $18.00 to $18.30. Weaning and feeder pigs remain 24.25 and feeder cattle.Bulls were 3 black strs ---- 453 @31.50 sharply higher.Cows were 504 about the same and in strong demand. The following is a listing of some of 4 black strs 515 @31.00 our consignments: lower. 6 black strs ---- 433 @31.00 22.60 2 blkwhif strs -- 552 @29.10 5 whiface strs 462 @ 28.55 BULLS 1 whiface str 580 @28.20 FAT CATTLE & FEEDERS 22.90 1 bull 1410 @26.25 12 whiface strs 540 @ 29.00 2 whiface hfrs 240 @ 28.50 22.85 1 whiface str -- 580 @29.15 5 holstein strs 327 p 27.30 1 bull 1595 @ 24.00 1 whiface str -- 705 @28.50 10 whiface strs 588 p 26.75 1 bull 1390 @ 24.25 11 whiface strs 681 @ 26.50 6 holstein strs 487 p 25.10 13 med quality 605 (o)25.90 Y good 1 bull 1420 @ 22.05 blk strs 533 @27.90 4 black strs Dld 16 whiface hfrs 623 p 25.15 HEIFER CALVES 9 fleshy blk str - 861 @25.75 650 @ 24.90 1 whiface hfr [email protected] young COWS 5 fleshy sht str - 786 @25.45 4 whiface BC 1.50 to 1 cow 970 @1 9.00 2 blkwhif strs 1080 p 24.80 2 shorthorn hfrs 265 @28. 75 4 fleshy blk str - 923 @25.10 240 @28.50 m $15 1 holstein cow 1375 @18.50 3 mix strs 963 p 24.50 2 Shorthorn hfrs 3 fleshy blk str - 903 p25.05 628 p 24.35 4 whiface hfrs 322 p27.60 1 holstein cow 1250 @18.15 3 fleshy wf strs - 986 @25.35 7 whiface hfrs 1 holstein cow 1210 @18.10 6 black strs 662 p 24.10 1 black hfr 250 @27. 25 3 holstein strs 575 p25.00 300 @27.20 1 holstein cow 1065 @17.90 9 black strs 800 @ 24.00 4 whiface hfrs 17.60 6 holstein hfrs 610 p 22.00 8 whiface hfrs 404 p26.30 19.10 1 holstein cow 1460 @ STOCKER & FEEDER HEIFERS 26.00 19.05 2 cows 1290 @17.50 1 black hfr 230 @ 3 whiface hfrs-- 480 p 27.00 482 @25.30 19.05 2 cows 1235 @17.40 COWS 7 whiface hfrs 9 fat blk hfrs 415 p 26.20 18.60 4 red hfrs 377 @24.10 19.00 20 cows 1180 @17.50 26 med. quality 1 holstein cow ---- 1480 p 19.00 2 cows 1085 @17.60 1 whiface cow ---- 1140 @18.30 whiface hfrs - 539 p 25.80 930 p17.70 HOGS & PIGS 18.95 2 cows 1075 @17.50 10 med. quality 1 red cow 1 cow 1200 @17.50 1 brown S cow 1170 @17.60 22 mix fats 229 @ 18.55 18.95 blkwhif hfrs-- 559 p 25.30 22 red fats 240 @ 18.55 18.90 1 cow 1280 @17.10 61 fleshy blk hfr 645 p 25.15 BULLS 2 hamp fats 270 p 17.40 18.90 1 cow 1210 p17.55 51 fleshy wf hfr 674 p 25.20 1 cow 1025 @17.20 1 whiface bull ---- 1580 @ 22.90 1 hamp sow 380 ( 16.00 12 whiface hfr - 640 p 24. 80 1 holstein bull ---- 1480 @ 22.80 2 hamp sows 465 p 14.60 20 wf hfrs with 11 whiface hfrs- 680 @ 25.10 2 white gilts p 80.00 16.85 calves by side--- @236.00 10 whiface horn BULL & STEER CALVES 1 red boar 465 p 14.00 16.70 8 wf cows with hfrs 525 @ 25.50 1 black BC 180 p 36.00 3 red feeders 133 p 16.75 16.50 calves by side ---p 244.00 10 whiface hfrs- 546 @ 25.40 1 whiface str 270 p 35.50 128 white feeders @ 20.00 16.00 7 wf cows with 5 whiface hfrs499 p 26.20 p 241.00 1 whiface BC 245 @ 34.00 18 white pigs p 15.75 16.50 calves by side --- 7 whiface hfrs525 p 26.00 49 mix pigs @ 13.25 15.50 3 shorthorns with 3 whiface BC 313 @33.00 13 black hfrs 490 @ 26.20 310 @33.00 13 hamp pigs p 12.50 calves by side ---@ 273.00 11 Shorthorn strs p 11.25 3 wf cows with 1 whiface str 230 @32.25 15 mix pigs ALREADY LISTED FOR FRIDAY 308 @31.75 calves by side ---@ 243.00 MAY 3 2 whiface strs up sold 4 red str 300 @30.30 Little 60 angus whiface heifers, 441 p30.15 RALEIGH BREEDING, MANAGER STOCKER & FEEDER STEERS 500 - 600 lbs. 12 Angus str to $17. 2 whiface strs -- 347 p 35.00 1 whiface str 435 @30.00 barn. HI 3-3671; home HI 3-3547 from whiface steers and heifers, 442 @28.75 9 whiface strs -- 478 p 34.00 650 - 700 lbs. 2 shorthorn strs Auctioneer: Larry Lagasse, For information, requests for appraisals at no Ph. Concordia, Kans. CH 3-1714 obligation, or inquiries regarding coming sales, Bring your cattle call me at any time, day or night in at any time day [471 or night; we'll han- LIVESTOCK & COMMISSION CO. dle them for you at CO 3-3394 MARYSVILLE, KANSAS DUDE REYNOLDS Abilene,Kans. your request. 41St.Al By. l&atitg0G4 logoAuctionVaGiocflcv3 3 whiface hfrs 556 @ 2s.50 4 whiface hfrs 565 @ 25.35 639 p 26.40 2 charolais hfrs 808 cat- 10 mix hfrs 453 @ 25, We had a very good market on 1 whiface hfr 590 @ 24.60 4 shorthorn hfrs 453 @ 25.30 classes of stock- STEER CALVES tle receipts this week. All 4 whiface strs 181 p37.75 2 whiface hfrs 582 @ 24.60 ers and feeders were50j' to 74 higher. All 1 whiface str 270 p33.75 14 whiface hfrs 642 p 24.60 COWS grades of killing cows andbulls were steady. 33.10 741 @ 24.20 1 whiface cow 935 17 whiface strs 340 @ 6 mix hfrs 795 p 24.10 21,11 1 whiface str 420 @32.00 2 mix hfrs 1 black cow 810 (a 20, STOCKER & FEEDER STEERS 580 @ 23.50 6 mix strs 420 p31.80 1 holstein hfr 2 whiface cows 945 @ 19, 18 whiface strs 571 p 29.30 650 @ 23.00 1 whiface cow 1120 @ 574 p 29.20 10 whiface sirs 488 p31.50 2 black hfrs 740 p 22.95 19,7 5 whiface strs 1 whiface sir 350 @31.20 6 whiface hfrs 1 whiface cow 1140 @ 19,70 21 whiface sirs 605 @ 28.55 745 @ 22.75 3 whiface sirs 433 @31.00 1 whiface hfr 1 whiface cow 1050 © 19,50 6 whiface strs 578 p 28.30 710 p 22.50 4 whiface sirs 395 @30.70 1 whiface hfr 1 black cow 1185 © 19,50 8 whiface strs 616 @ 28.10 690 @ 22.10 4 whiface sirs 397 @30.20 1 whiface hfr 2 blkwhif cows 1240 p 19,30 2 black strs 585 @ 28.00 30.10 830 @ 22.00 1 blkwhif cow 1240 @ 590 p 27.80 whiface sirs 477 @ 1 whiface hfr 19,30 11 black strs 509 p29.85 1 shorthorn hfr 760 @ 21.80 2 whifaceCOWS 1205 @ 632 p 27.70 lkwhif sirs 19,25 2 whiface sirs tack sirs 558 @29.60 1 black hfr 760 p 21.80 1 whifaceCOW 1135 @ 13 blkwhif strs 621 @ 27.70 770 @ 21.70 19.20 'ick sirs 335 @29.60 1 black hfr 1 whifaceCOW 1005 @ 19,10 11 charolais strs 658 @ 27.60 431 p29.50 635 p 21.00 1 red cow 705 p27.30 charolais sirs 1 whiface hfr 1005 © 19.10 6 shorthorn strs 9 whiface sirs 452 @29.40 1 black hfr 910 @ 20.60 1 whiface cow 935 p 696 @27.00 18,90 9 whiface sirs 2 blkwhif sirs 422 @29.40 1 black hfr 860 @ 20.00 1 whiface cow 1070 @ 682 @26.80 1830 2 whiface strs 7 blkwhif sirs 501 @29.20 1 red cow 940 p 750 @26.70 HEIFER CALVES 18,70 13 whiface sirs 7 charolais sirs 545 @28.90 1 roan cow 1370 © 6 mix strs 782 @26.40 1 whiface hfr 295 @28.70 18,50 7 charolais sirs 558 @28.80 2 ger cows 1250 © 18, 5 whiface strs 751 p26.30 5 whiface hfrs 296 @27.85 2 whiface sirs 500 (c 28.80 27.50 1 holstein cow 1300 © 18, 13 mix strs 770 @26.30 28.40 8 whiface hfrs 360 @ 26.30 black & blkwhif sirs - 489 @ 336 @27.35 2 whiface cows 990 p 18, 10 whiface strs 755 @ 500 @28.80 6 black hfrs 26.20 2 whiface sirs 415 @27.10 2 black cows 1095 p 18, 2 whiface strs 707 p 405 @24.10 4 black hfrs 702 @26.10 2 holstein bulls 412 g26.55 1 whiface cow 1165 @ 18.2 5 mix strs 3 whiface hfrs 1 black cow 860 p 25 mix strs 708 p25.95 2 charolais hfrs 350 @26.40 18.1 STOCKER & FEEDER HEIFERS 1 holstein cow 1140 @ 17. 3 black strs 665 @25.85 8 mix hfrs 502 p26.30 12 mix hfrs 611 @26.25 1 whiface cow 870 © 17, 3 black sirs 693 @25.85 525 @26.30 5 shorthorn hfrs 580 p26.25 19 whiface hfrs 2 whiface cows 775 p syFc 2 black strs 560 @25.50 11 blkwhiface hfrs 553 @26.20 17,30 1 whiface hfr - 580 @25.10 1 whiface cow 895 p 16.00 3 black sirs 901 @25.3S 7 whiface hfrs 545 @26.15 Frank 11 whiface hfrs 606zl24.95 4 whif cows & clfs 206, 3 mix strs 981 @25.20 7 whiface hfrs 559 @26.00 hall CI 1 charolais hfrs 650 p24.70 4 whif cows & clfs @ 195,li 4 mix strs 798 @25.15 3 whiface hfrs 413 @25.80 and f( 3 mix sirs 806 @25.10 For Information or Estimates 3 black strs 631 @25.10 7 mix strs 706 p25.10 Rezac Barn LIVESTOCK COMMISSIO 2 shorthorn strs 957 @25.00 St. Marys 437-2999 ril 7 black sirs 700 p24.95 724 p24.70 De) acne Rezac 31 mix sirs St.Marys COMPANY 9 whiface strs 652 @24.70 ces rece 3 mix strs 676 @24.55 Elmer Imthurn for pi 2 black sirs 890 @24.05 Maple Hill MI 3.2440 mid April 32 blkwhif strs 731 @24.00 Paul Kramer ySt. Marys w last n 23.60' 5 mix sirs 636 p St. Marys 437.2993 , accordi 12 mix strs 774 @23.50 p and Li 1 holstein str 940 @21.60 Kans ice. Auctioneers: Lawrence Welter, Gene Toby & Dennis Rezac e allfarn was 228 14 base 234 per ''7Z7k0Ot Central Kansas Most ES RECEIVED AMERS- ... Modern Livestock Auction West Side OfSalilla , hu be be TWO SALES EVERY WEEK be be MONDAY THURSDAY Grain, cw are, bu Cattle Only a Hay, ton -- Hogs & Cattle Hay, ton -- Hogs sell at 11:00 a.m. followed by Selling starts at 11:00 a.m. Cattle Seed, cwt - our regular cattle sale as they are will sell in the order they are consign Clover Seed, c (cloven Seed, c unloaded. ed on the books. cwt ------25.10 el Cattle, cw Dale Bloomquist, Assaria18 mix hfrs 613@ , cwt ----- Harold Carlson, Burdick 6 wf strs 585 p29.10 Is 6 Heifers, Carl Lorraine 10 wf hfrs519 @26.15 Harold Carlson, Burdick 5 blk strs 612 p28.00 cwt ------Receipts of the week totaled 2,810 cattle and 868 p,cwt------Lester Williams, Geneseo37 wf sirs 571 @29.75 Willard Lambert, Manch.43 mix hfrs 671 @24.80 k. cot ------hogs.Fat hog top was $18.75 with all classes of , lb ------Lester Williams, Geneseo2 wf sirs 740 p26.65 Willard Lambert, Manch.6 wf strs [email protected] cattle selling steady to strong on a very active mar- 747 @26.35 Cows,each-- Bill Meagher, Solomon 46 mix hfrs511 @25.90 Willard Lambert, Manch.30 wf sirs Kolesale),c ket. 22.00 Bill Meagher, Solomon 15 wf hfrs460 @26.60 Loren Rock, Enterprise 5 mix hfrs863 @ t,lb, ----- 32.10 hem, live, lbs Gordon Meagher, Solomon 23 wf hfrs580 @24.90 Leonard Stein, Gypsum 4 b&bwf strs 501 @ dozen ------CATTLE Melvin Zuker, Minneapolis 32 wf sirs800 @ 26.80 Leonard Stein, Gypsum 14 b&bwf hf 466 @26.60 live, lb-- Werner Monnich, Delevan1 blk cow '1075 @17.90 Melvin Zuker, Minneapolis 13 mix sirs 809 @ 25.85 Everett Shogren, Assaria 1 wf hfr 535 p25.30 Jim Mayes, Lincoln 1 bwf cow 1160 p17.80 25.40 PAID BY Clarence Nelson, Marqu. 2 blk hfrs490 @ WERS FOR FEE Eugene Ahlquist, Tescott 1 br sw cw 1060 p Vernon Kruse, Little River 18 wf cows&clfs @ 223.00 18.20 Paul Nelson, McPherson 7 blk hfrs 522 @25.50 ed Meal (4 Leonard Sterne, Tescott hol cow 1410 p18.50 Jim Mortimer, Gypsum 7 wf sirs 506 @30.30 Bert Zooke, Abilene 1 blk bull 1280 @23.40 Art Judd, Beverly 5 wf sirs 351 @32.50 HOGS a Meal (44%: Lewis Roleff, Lorraine 40 wf strs609 @29.20 18,40 ------Harry Wagner, Bennington1 wf bull1445 p 22.10 Richard Hemmy, Salina 7 whi hogs 234 @ cwt------Leo Anschutz, Wil 1 wf bull1730 @ 22.80 Lewis Roleff, Lorraine 27 wf sirs 642 @28.10 W. B. Grassy, Tescott 5 hamp hgs 205 @18.30 '4itY Feed, a* Lawrence Gabrailson, Linds. 1 bwf str 815 p 18.55 26.00 Bernard Ganns, New Camb. 9 hamp hgs 233 @ Ration, Roland Wutchnow, Manch1 wf cow 105 p 18.25 4e Dennis Shields, Linds Jasper Sexton, Abilene 42 wf hfrs762 @25.00 Willard Lundquist, Lindsb.9 whi hogs 242 @18.30 ------1 wf cow & clf p 242.00 Feed, Lewis Soukup, Ellsworth 9 blk&bwf490 @ 30.60 Jasper Sexton, Abilene 7 wf hfrs 804 @25.00 Lyle Kline, Lincoln 1 hamp sow 340 @16.20 ** ton Milton Bast, Ellsworth 22 hol strs808 23.20 18.75, George Lynne, Oak Hill 1 rn cow1085 p 18.00 Dahl Stein, Farm, Marquette8whi hogs 215 @ RATIOS Vernon Lindstrom, Marq Harve Kobberman, Lindon 5 blk sirs 451 @29.00 Elmer Hosmeister, Claflin11 mix hogs213 @18.75 Corn 1 wf cow & clf @ 226.00 at-Feed---- L. Gambleson, Wichit'a 9 wf sirs 702 p27.40 1 red sow 650 @ 14.90 Feed------Virgil Peterson, Assaria 1 br sw cw 1425 p 17.60 Lou Jensen, Sylvan Grove 15,10 - Tom Dugan, Tampa 1 wf cow1065 p 17.10 John Nelson, Delphos 15 wf sirs 537 @29.30 Ab Mortimer, Gypsum 1 red sow 500 @ ed ...... John Nelson, Delphos 17 char sirs 720 @ 26.35 12.70 Albert Wesley, Ada 1 giir cow 1300 p 18.40 Clyde Sample, Minn. 1 whi boar 535 @ lirnina,y. Wm. Schwartzman, Tampa 10 mix sirs 460 @ 31.30 14.75 bind bulk L.A. Nelson, Marquette 1 hol cow 1305 p 18.90 Bob Wenthe, Sylvan Grove 45 mix pigs @ a Wm. Schwartzman, Tampa 3 b&bwf hfrs425 @ 26.75 18.25 Baud on Jake Friesen, Conway beds 7 mix str1838 @ 25.90 Alvin Sauber, Claflin 6 whi pigs and val 8 Floyd Miller, Durham 13 mix hfr 648 p25.40 Ralph Anderson 30 wf sirs735 @ 26.60 Guy Austin, Culver 25 mix pigs @16.75 ration, 19.5 Qe Terrance Carlson, Linds 3 wf strs 425 p30.75 Ralph Anderson 26 b&bwf hf 694 @ 25.20 Vernon Nelson, Falun 22 hamp pigs @ LCUMBERS Richard Oeimer, Canton 8 mix hfr608 p25.00 ERS (19113 William Griffith, Canton FOR INFORMATION OR ESTIMATES Products 11 blk hfr561 @25.00 Craps L.B. Oblander, Little Riv20 wf strs537 p30.20 LAURENCE CLEMENCE Grains.., Milton Reimer, Canton 6 wf hfrs 548 p25.90 Abilene Phone CO 3.3091Farmers & Ranchers Feed Howard Hudson, Little Riv9 wf strs 841 p26.25 MERRILL CHRISTIANSEN k414."Ak & Produ, Marion Anderson, Smolon tli 5 hol sirs 533 @25.60 Durham Phone 732.3371 CO. Dairy !lc s... A. R. Tows, Windom 6 blk&bwf580 @28.00 BOB MUIR LIVESTOCK COMMISSION trY7duEggsts Harry Erich, Marquette 9 wf hfrs 466 p 26.75 Salina Phone TA 3-2963 SIX_. Layton Gary, Miltonvale 4 blk sirs 40 TY RATIOtk 420 p 30.50 Market Reports West on old US ?ANTI. Bob Bruce & Sons, Minn. 47 wf hfrs582 @ 26.35 -- ..... Bob Bruce & Sons, Minn. 20 b&bwf hf S92 p 25.90 Radio Station KSAL, Salina vir Barn Phone 6:45 a.m. Every CERTIFIED id, is Leroy Miller, Abilene 4 wf cows&clfs @ 240.00 913 TA 5-0211 SALINA, aReceive;e Dennis White, Canton 4 bwf strs 398 p 31.50 Monday, Wednesday & Friday i tie Richard Johnson, Geneseo42 wf hfrs712 p 25.45 KFRM 4$4ted ktid 'ada rergl Richard Johnson, Geneseo50 b&bwf hf 665 (a25.60 6:55 a.m. Mon. through Fri. ales of co, Bonded Licensed .174 ebne''tcalei " Ecobaaak