T'l Fired Copeland ,-^V ^H&Mx R3%J> W OP"R^
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/ t'l Fired Copeland ,-^v ^h&mx r3%J> W OP"r^ j m*%/&^ & <% '-t •a ^>. at "%> «- % ^ ^r\ <>\» ^ 4 7 A / //V *7. "> <^ ^•^ /•" <=? K rvs*. [•A* r^ >' ">> 1»Ai ,iWKl A/I../'7 ,<i AP- \ r O"1A* ' £«*o ,'• «> H^ -c£-A ' ^ '"' /Ts ¥ • -< «ti* n ^ JS» / ^ o o X u (/) X I O z % y/re <=9LJepci ttmen t°i OUXtlCLlL£trVI ') IO 8 FRANK DOONE Page Three i. H. P. SWAIN Pincipal HAZEL J. FARINGER Vice-Principal Page Four I'.li/ahcth B. AherixlliN Dorothy B. Adams S Maurice AHgyei Agnes J. Atkinson Ari / lome Economit s English Social Science Fred D. Augshurger Lrank L. Barnum Pauline I . Bryant Reo D. Bnrgoon Social Science Spanish, History journalism Social Science Frances A. Chandler Lenore Corbin Frank P. Da.l.x Frances De Wees Spanish English IS lei hanical Urawing Latin Mabel B. Eversole Winifred M. ( Jreene Marion M. I lagely IS I.i I >«*•! Haynes / nalisli English Phys. Education, Wood English Page Five •<»- KM **i hritha E. Jacobs Florence J. Kelley Ann Kennedy Arthur S. Kiefer Social Science Librarian PJiysical Education Science M. M. Kvocka Ethel M. La Velle W. H. Lehman Helen Long Industrial Arts fWoodJ / rein Ii. ( ,ei man Insli ainental A/n.siV Commercial P. \ McCart) William C. McCoy Richard A. McEIhiney Thomas F. Maloney Chemistry, Physics yiatlnaaatn s Commercial Matheiattta » Earl D. Mayer Charlotte Morningstar Grace Morr Royal J. Morsey English Vlathema lit * / Imae Econoinn S Conuaei, ial Page Six 'Wgs' I U ML *George A. Motter Ruth M. Palmer Gladys C. Perrin John V. Pixler Social Science Physical Education Biological Science \ lathematics L.—7 Ella M. Reynolds Robert L. Richards Evelyn L. Ros: Edwin L. Ronsli Ma memories Social Science Vocal Music / nglish, Physit al Ed. Its' I Nelson Ro/.elle Etta K. Sayre I heo. P. Scliw.it/ii Errett M. Selb} Social Science, Speech Home Economics Social Science Sot ial Scient e Marian Sherman Robert H. Snavely E. Carl Spangler Imogen T. Squires / )ramatit v. English Social Science Asst. to the Principal Commercial Law Page Seven William Mark Tayloi Gladys Tracewel Asa E. Ulrey Ernest R. Wallace Spanish ( \>iaiaet, ail Physics Botany Carolyn M. Wells Alpha J. Will Marguerite Williams Carroll Woodruff Commercial ( hemisti \ French, Social Science Physical Education Rutli Romaine Anne Leist Social Sciein e Geography Lucile Rowland Virginia Quillen Latin Home Jlconomics Jeanette Dennis Verne Wootton Lois Moore Clerk English Clerk Vivian Schellenger Music on leave Page Eight CAFETERIA TOP ROW: Mrs. Hazel Campbell. Mrs. Eva Johnson, Mrs Florence Tharp, Mrs. Neva Musgrove. Mrs. Elsie Bazler. Mrs. Beatrice Browning. Mrs. Edna Smith. Mrs. Etta Sayr. Mrs. Helen Murphy. Mrs. Bertha Snell. Mrs. Laura Anderson. BOTTOM ROW: Mrs. Anne Crouse. Mrs. Lulu Hockenberry, Mrs. Mabel Bell. NOT IN PICTURE: Mrs. Emily Rankin. Mrs Elizabeth Bellis. Mrs. Lisie McBane. Mrs. Anna Fleischer. Mrs. Isabelle Reid. Mrs. Ethel Schmidt MAINTENANCE TOP ROW: Robert Bechtold. Ray Hicks, William Harrold, chief engineer: Andrew Osborn. Robert Mumma. BOTTOM ROW: William Schmelzer. Ray Roberson. Bernard Knoblauch, assistant engineer; Marion E. Hoffman. NOT IN PICTURE: Oscar Halley. Miriam Thompson, A. W. Clarkson. V»» i-*,s CMAQLOTTG C0&& v.. WHAT NEXT? Now that we have finished this great task What shall we do next ' Sit by and wait for joys to come; for happiness and ease to reach us? Sooner would we be stalked by fears and tenor- an J untruths That always lurk along the road of progress. Should we rest now? We've striven for years and shown our best in all we've done. We've passed our greatest test. We re through now. Lay down your burdens. We have finished! Finished? We've only just begun! We have but touched the surface of our world. The ripples won't be waves without a bigger stone. Are the achievements of a laggard good enough for us? Shall we depend upon the future or the past? What has tomorrow stored away? There are yet high goals to conquer; new fields to explore; High tributes for those who seek. All that these need for realization is a dream. Oh! What would we do without our dreams, our plans, our hopes? Tomorrow depends upon today! Lead on! We can't stop here! Behind us but a year—before us all the thrills of life Sally Sttnilt'v TO THE TASKS BEYOND It memries could but linger true, Reserve a place within our view; But they must pass as yesterday, With but a shadow's fleeting stay. 'Tis but the passing of a day, A moment's pause along the way Of plotting life's vast charted course Of love and laughter, strife, remorse. To greater goals our paths must wind, New hopes, new fears, our footsteps find. Our stumbling feet have found a guide; Now hopefulness directs our stride. Companions, handshakes, heartbreaks, too— These are the things that cloud our view Yet, though we treasure all that's past, To tasks bey#nd, our eyes are cast. Valerie Brown Page Ten pr<?5- ghirlay 0ni(h -irecfi. "hrucq, 'boxftdd Xpt-cxr-fns Page Eleven wJt t I i.i i les |\i, hard Ba< ku> ( 'loi ia Ann Bei i\ 2465 Neil A'. 25 Nottingham Road Frorr—Indianola From—Cresl To-—Ohio University To—Ohio State University Student Council 2, 3; President - Student Polaris Staff 3 ; Polaris and Memory Book Court 3; Chief Justice 3; Rotary Luncheon 3; Home Room Representative 3 ; Press Club- Honor Study 1, 2, 3; Chairman 1, 3, Sec Hoi I Si :. 1, 2, 3; Y-Teen 1; Marigale retary 2 ; Les Enthousiastes Francais 1, 2; Art Club 1; Basketball Intramurals 1; Vol- Boys' Intramurals, Baseball 2, 3, Basketball ley Ball Intramurals 1; Comitia Latina 1; 1, 2, 3; Varsity "N" Association 1, 2 .ill Intramurals 1; Plays "Kind Lady" Football Squad 1, 2, 3, Captain 3; All H I 'sher, "Fortune Teller" Usher, "What A 2, 3, All State 3; Senior Choir 2, 3; Junior Life" Usher; Entertainment For Senior Sup' ir 3; Boys' Glee Club 2, 3; Or per 3. ne Tellers*' 3: Christmas l'l... "Kind Lady," "Berkeley Square,'" S "Kind Lady," "Berkeley Squ Door." Alvena Louise Brown 1 I Ech (.irele I To—Wheaton College Marvin Eugene Baker Honor Study 1, 3; Secretary 3; Polaris Staff 127 East Pacemont Road 3, Associate Editor; Press Club 3, S From—Crestview 3; Honor Society 3; Office Staff 3; Spanish To—Ohio State University ; G.A.A. 1. 2, 3 ; G.A.A. Letter Polaris Home Room Representative 3; l'r. ss "N" 2, 3; Basketball Intramurals 1, 2, 3 ; Club 3; Honor Study 3 ; Spanish Club 1 ; Class Teams 1, 2, 3; Volleyball Intramurals Drafting Honor Service 3. 1, 2, 3; Class Teams 1, 2, 3; Speedball irals 1, 2, 3; Class Teams 1, 2. 3; Softball Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Clas^ 1, 2, 3; Senior Choir 3; Senior Girls Glee Club 2 ; Junior Choir 2; Junior Girls Glee Club 2 ; Usher at National P.T.A. Conven tion 2; Usher at Spring Concert 1; Housing Shortage 2. Joyce Judith Brown M.ir\ l.nii. v I ).nl.ci 516 East Torrence Road 131 East Weber Road From—Crestvi. w From—Crestview To—Ohio State University To—Ohio State University Polaris Staff, Associate Editor 3; Polaris Honor Study 3; Y-Teen 1, 3; Les En- Home Representative 3 ; Memory Book Rep thousiastes Francais 2, 3. resentative 3 ; Honor Study 2, 3; Marigale Art Cluh 3: Spanish Club 1. 2, 3; Deco rating Committee for Senior Class Supper 3. M Bruce Lyle Barnes 279 Northridge Road I larr\ loll 11 hi in L, Ir From—Crestview 201 East Tompkins Street To—Ohio State University From—Indianola Student Council 2; Honor Society 3; Honor To- \\ i - Study 1, 2, 3, Vice-Chairman 1; Chairman Varsity "N" Association 3; Basketball Squad 3; Hi-Y 1, 2; Vergilian Club 2, 3; Comitia Baseball 2, 3. Latina 1; Class Officer, Sergeant-At-Arms 3. Donna Jean Barstow John Richard Burley 2582 Dayton Avenue 1952 North High Street From—Indianola From—Middletown High School To—Work To—Ohio State University 104 Staff 3. Boy's Intramurals 2, 3: Track Squad 3; Senior Choir 3 ; Junior Choir 3; Boys' Glee Club 3. Robert Kennet Beeba 57 East Duncan Street Aleta Jean Burns From—Crestview i E Tompkins Street To—Ohio State University From—Indianola To—Ohio State University Press Club 3; Honor Study 1, 2, 3; Memory Book Distribution 3 ; Botany Club 2, 3 ; Foods Assistant 3. Page Twelve Lilah Jean Cato I helma Dean Fox 15 Chittenden Avenue 349 Chittenden Avenue From—Indianola From—Washington Junior High To—Ohio State University To—College Polaris H. R. Representative 3; Press Club Honor Study 1, 2, 3; Basketball Intramurals >; Y-Teen 1, 2; Basketball Intramurals 1; 1. Volleyball Intramurals 2; Speedball In Volleyball Intramurals 1, 2; Speedball In tramurals 1 ; Softball Intramurals 2. tramurals 1, 2; Softball Intramurals 1; Secre tarial Staff 3. Vivian Lee Cooper 1650 Essex Road Nancy Jean Gease From—Crestview 243 Cinton Street To—Ohio State University From—West Junior Memory Book Staff 3; Press Club 3; Honor To—Ohio State Study i, 2, 3; Assistant Secretary 2 ; Chair Press Club 3; Honor Study 2, 3; Y-Teens 3; man 3 ; Y-Teen 1, 2; Library Staff i, 2, 3; Betty Lamp Club 2, 3; Volley Ball Intra President 3; Speedball Intramurals 1; Senior murals 2; Soft Ball Intramurals 1, 2; Mem Choir 3; Senior Girls Glee Club 2, 3; ory Book Distribution 3; Ticket Committee Junior Choir 1, 2; Junior Girls' Glee Club "Stage Door," 3 ; Style Show 1, 2.