Solons Pass WSC Funds;
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)"C:J'i1CJIll /'J ,:; ~ "ld30 SNOllISln~J~ .:> WASHING STATE Vol. LVII State College of Washington, Pullman, Washington, Tuesday, March 20, 1951 Number 76 Rosie, 'Spur of the Moment' Prom finalists Solons Pass WSC Funds; Are Determined CUB Apptopriatien Slashed By Ticket Sale By Earl Otis Junior Prom Queen finalists In general, the State College of Washington fared quite well at as a result of ticket sales last the' past session' of the Washington legislature according to Robert week are: Pat Sheely, Kappa Al- A. Sandberg, executive assistant to President Wilson Compton. pha Theta; Merle Hatley, Delta Sandberg has been in Olympia Gamma; Gertrude Morse, Com- during the course of the legis- munity; Elaine Halle, Alpha Phi lative meetings in order to bet- and Jeanne Hein, Duncan Dunn. Applicalions Ready ter explain the needs of WSC One of these girls will be to the senators and the repre- crowned at the dance by Louis For Crimson Cirde sentatives. Armstrong, Thursday, March 22. Salaries Get Boost All stars Application blanks for Crim- Professors, instructors and Louis and his aggregation, the son Circle are now available at staff members of the college will All Stars will provide the eve- the Student Activities center lo- be getting some raise in salary ning's entertainment with their cated on the third floor of Hol- from the $15,647,233 granted the world - famous music, announc- land library. These blanks must college for its operation during es Bernie Ackerman, in charge be completed and returned to the biennium 1951-53. of band arrangements. the Activities center by March "These raises" said Sandberg, Final voting will take place at 30. the dance, those with couple tic- "are calculated to be made on kets, at $3.25, will be eligIble The purpose of Crimson Cir- I a blanket basis to off - set the to vote. For those who wish to cle is to bring together the top higher cost of living, with some Here is Rosie Eschbach as she is being crowned "Spur of the view the dance and listen to one percent of the male student further raises being given cer- Moment" by Ed Parker, Intercollegiate Knights president. The Armstrong's renowned music, body into one organization of suf- tain professors on the basis of IK's sponsored the dance which was held March 17 at Davis- spectator tickets are on sale for ficient strength and calibre to their merit." Wilmer recreation hall. She was attended by six princesses. $1.00 per person. There is a lim- take the lead in giving service The amount of money received to WSC. The honor of being ited number, says Barney Mead, from the legislature exceed- tapped for Crimson Circle is not ed the $13,800,000 recommended I ticket chairman. Spurs I-Ionored bestowed as a reward but ra- by the governor but was 'some- Bertha Handeland . ~ . ther as recognition for one who what less than the $16,242,212 is and will continue to give out- asked by the board of regents. Wins Scholarship By LocallK's Dramatic Team standing service to Washington Cub Money Cut State College. Perhaps the largest "blow" to Bertha Handeland. recently Intercollegiate Knights pre- Cancels Tour In order to become a. mem- the students came with Sand- awarded the $100 AWS scholar- sented their dance, "Spur of the McGaw and Knox, Dramatic ber of Crimson Circle one must berg's statement that some ship for an outstanding junior Moment," March 17 at Davis- team scheduled to provide a con- have excelled in scholar'ship, $400,000 being asked for comple- woman, is also recipient of the Wilmer recreation hall. vocation at Washington State leadership, service to his living tion of the Student Union build- Catherine Bryden Scholarship The highlight of the evening college March <l9, are cancell- group and to the college. The ing, now in construction, had given by Pi Lambda Theta, edu- came at 10:30 p.m. when Rosie ing their entire west coast tour, minimum qualifications are that been cut from the original bill. cation honorary. Eschbach was introduced as according to work just reaching a man must have completed 75 Sandberg said that several of Announcement on behalf of "Spur of the Moment." She and Miss Susan Daniels, social ad- her six princesses came down hours of course work and have the legislators had come to him the organization came through viser to the associated students. an accumulative grade point av- the aisle with their escorts. Ed personally expressing their sym- Mrs. Larry Norris. Amount was No reason was given in the com- erage no lower than 2.5. It is the Parker, IK president, crowned pathy that the money could not not disclosed. munication reaching the campus calibre of work one did in acti- Rosie with a crown of red car- be given at this time. Although This leaves as the next asso- vities and not the number of ac- Bertha is a junior in Physical nations and daisies and bestow- all of the legislature had been ciated students convocation, tivities that Crimson Circle Education, training to teach in ed the traditional kiss. She and Richard Llewellyn, author of favorably impressed with the tbat field. She was formerly a deems important. All men with job the student lobbyists from her court led the next dance. "How Green is My Valley." He ( the above qualifications are en- member of the Evergreen staff Princesses were: Bob bit will speak in Bryan Hall at 11 WSC had done, Sandberg report- and has held offices in Associa- Wright, Elizabeth Matysik, Pat a. m. Tuesday, April 10. couraged to apply. (Continued on page 8) ted Students, AWS, Women's Re- Powell, Betty Meyer, Joan Bar- creation Association and in other ron and. Joan Chisholm. fields. Bernie Ackerman and his Col- Coeds Compete for Pi Kap Dream Girl Title legians provided music for the Candidates from 20 women's candle light dinner and a tea cille Seger, Kappa Delta; Barb- ----------------- living groups are competing for will be held in .their honor. The ara Ne Ison, Kpaap AaeapthlhT; dancers. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. the title of Pi Kappa Alph~ Dream girl cup and the finalists ara Nelson, Kappa Alpha Theta; FCC .Creates H. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stew- Dream girl. The Dream girl will pictures will be shown in Al Peggy McDonald, Kappa Kappa. ·art and Mr. and MrS. Frank be announced at the Pi Kap Jones window. From the finalist Gamma; Mary Lou Bruno, Pi dance to be held April 21 at the Dream girl will be chosen. Beta Phi; Carol Jean Anderson, Noffke. Radio Classes According to Ed Parker this Whelan grange. Candidates are Erlene Bardin, Sigma Kappa; Alayne Bottinelle, dance was the first of its kind The winner will be eligible for Alpha Chi Omega; Martan.xrohn- Community; Florence Smith, On February 1 the Federal given by IK's, but it is hoped the national Dream girl contest, son. Alpha Delta Pi; Angeline Davis; Effie Galbraith, McCros- communications commission an- that it will continue to be an sponsored by Shield and Dia- Snook, Alpha Gamma Delta; key; Betty Stotler, off campus; nounced a new set of regulations mond, the fraternity magazine. Donna Christensen, Alpha Phi; Virginia Olsen, Phyllis Moser, annual affair. providing for six new classes of Contestants have been to three Shirley Reugh, Chi Omega; Jan Mary Gropper, Charlene Quig- amateur radio operator licenses Selby, Delta Delta Delta; Jack- ley, West house; and Ardith El- in place of the three classes that functions at the chapter house. ie Weller, Delta Gamma; Joan- erick, Wilmer. have existed. Prosser Wins State Following two more functions ne Frank, Delta Zeta; Patty Dream girl last year was The new set of rules create H. s. Debate Title the finalists will be picked. A Wolfe, Kappa Alpha Theta; Lu- Phyllis Tanner. (1) a novice class, based on the ability to send five code words In the most bitterly contested per minute, and an elementary state High School debate tour- knowledge of radio , (2) a tech- nament in 19 years at WSC, nician class, including the novice Prosser high school returned to qualifications plus some opera- the debating wars after a dec- tional experience, (3) a con- ade's absence to take the tradi- ditional class which is the same tional debate title from Seattle as the previous class C, (4) a Prep in a 2 - 1 debate-off. general class, the same as the Spokane's North Central won previous class B, (5) an ad- the cross - question state champ- vanced class, which replaces tne ionship, while Gonzaga and West class A, and (6) an amateur ex- Valley (both of Spokane) en- tra class, available to those hav- gaged in an extra debate to de- ing a code speed of 20 words termine the second' place cup, per minute and having an ad- with West Valley winning unan- vanced . knowledge of radio imouslv. theory. Saturday's ending to the two- To help persons interested in day talk fest of the 26 top high amateur radio to obtain a FCC school debate teams of Wash- .license , the WSC Radio club is ington was the most dramatic in conducting code and theory its history. Ties necessitated ex- classes every evening from tra debates in both fields to set- Back row: 1. to r.: Donna Guthrie, McCros- r: Carol Anderson, Sigma Kappa; Joanne 6:30 p. m. until 7 p. m. and le possession of loving cups. key; Patty Wolfe, Kappa Alpha Theta; An- Frank, Delta Zeta; Mary Lou Bruno, Pi Beta every Sunday at 2 p.