Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972

i© 1993 ’MarianasrVariety Panel won’t touch tax bill THE HOUSE Special Committee tive as we like to be. I do not want mind would come out in the open committee report recommending position from members of the on Tax Reform has decidedtoleave to come up with a version that is not and support any form of tax in­ an amended version of the mea­ business community who said that the proposed tax reforms un­ worked out through consensus.” creases. This is why there is a sure, Reyes said he would submit the proposed changes would dev­ touched, Representative Pete P. Reyes, who conducted public hard time achieving quorum in a chairman’s report next week. astate the CNMI economy. Reyes said yesterday. hearings on themeasureon June 10 the committee,” Reyes said. HB 8-248 proposes to increase Duty Free Shoppers proposed a Reyes, alsocommi ttee chairman, and June 23, said the task of com­ Reyes’ committee was formed rates for excise, hotel occupancy, 10 percent surtax as a temporary said it would be up to the House ing up with an acceptable version by SpeakerThomas P. Villagomez user, liquid fuel, tobacco and al­ revenue-generating measure. leadership to decide what to do of the measure was difficult be­ in May and was given 30 days to cohol and wage and salary taxes. Reyes said the absence of a about House Bill 8-248. cause this is an election year. prepare a report. Realizing the It also provides for a reduction recommendation from his com­ “I am transmitting the bill back He said it was hard to gather need to gather input from a wide in tax rebate rates. mittee would open up the possi1 to the full House unchanged,” he committee members into a quo­ cross-section of the community, The package is also projected bility of a new committee being said in an interview. “We have put rum. Reyes twice asked for 30-day ex­ to generate $40 million in addi­ created to entertain the measure in a lot of time on this, but I sin­ “It is my observation that no tensions. tional revenues each year. or the House taking a stand on the cerely feel we cannot be as produc­ reelectionist legislator in his right Instead of coming up with a The tax proposal met stiff op­ matter as is. (RHA) 1993 budget dead THE GOVERNMENT would have to operate under continuing resolution for the remainder of fiscal year 1993 after a joint legislative conference committee failed to reach compromise. In a press conference yesterday the chairmen of the House and the Senate conferees announced that there would be no budget due to irreconcilable differences on how the previous year’s deficit should be cured. “The committee has reluctantly decided that the best course of action, given that only two months remain in the current fiscal year, is to retain the FY 1992 funding levels until such time a budget for FY 1994 is enacted,” said Rep. Pete P. Reyes, House conference chairman. He added that by the signing of the conference committee report circulated yesterday among both the House and the Senate con­ ferees, House Bill 8-226, the appropriations act for fiscal year 1993, would be “clinically dead,” which means that government must operate within the $156 million limit provided for by Public Law 8-2, the fiscal year 1992 budget law. This amount is about $3 million less than the $159.16 million proposed under HB 8-226. “We wish to assure everyone that despite the fact that we have decided to maintain last year’s budget level, we at the House and the Senate would exert all efforts to make sure there would be no payless paydays nor layoffs in government agencies,” Reyes said. He said he and his Senate counterpart, Sen. Jesus R. Sablan, were open to the idea of authorizing the governor to reprogram funds to agencies in need of funds outside of continuing resolu­ tion. SENIOR citizens enjoy Little League games at Susupe ball fie Id. Another option is to appropriate on a piece-meal basis, depend­ ing on whether the Legislature would consider its earlier opposi­ tion to such an idea. Expected to be adversely affected by a continuing resolution Harbor dredging to begin soon are Northern Marianas College’s student financial aid program which has reached its spending limit and recruitment costs for the SAMSUNG Construction Co., the the evaluation of silt control mea­ Samsung has substantially com­ Public School System which are due prior to the end of fiscal year contractor for the Saipan harbor sures. The temporary channels pleted removing abandoned metal 1993 and must be funded at a level beyond continuing appropria­ improvement project (SHIP), will dredged in the fill area was done to ramps along the Charlie B ay shore­ tions. start full scale ¿-edging and fill allow Samsung barges’ access to line. A sunken barge is being cut Another area of concern was on civil service employees who operations within a few days, ac­ the shallow areas to assist in the for removal and disposal. Tudela are looking forward to annual salary increases as mandated by cording to Commonwealth Ports floating of Sagman. said these materials are being stock­ law. Authority (CPA) Executive Direc­ When the dredging operations piled for hauling and disposal. The conferees have agreed to support legislation to ensure tor Roman T. Tudela. begin, dredged materials will be The $40 million port project, funds for salary increases. Samsung submitted an environ­ depos ited from the shoreline work­ including construction, archi­ The week-long budget negotiations collapsed due to conflict­ mental protection plan (EPP) to ing out. tectural and engineering de­ ing positions on how the previous year’s $7.2 million deficit could CPA on July 1 which, in turn, sub­ The company began preparation sign, and construction man­ be retired out of some $6.3 million in estimated lapsed funds left mitted it to Coastal Resources for its dredging operations by con­ agement, is expected to be untouched by the three senatorial districts. Management office (CRM) for re­ ducting ordnance and archaeologi­ completed within 980 days. According to Reyes, the House side recommended that the full view. Although the official ap­ cal surveys. To date, a total of 14 Once completed, Saipan Har­ $6.3 million lapsed money be used entirely to cover the deficit so proval of the EPP has not yet been ordnance were found, of which 13 bor will be able to berth four, 400- that only $900,000 would be left to be addressed in the next fiscal received from CRM, Tudela said were detonated by the US Navy on foot long ships at one time. year. · · *·' the proposed EPP is considered a June 30. CPA formed a Saipan Harbor The Senate insisted that only 50 percent of the total lapsed funds working document throughout the The sewer outfall will be relo­ tenants and operators committee be levelled against the deficit this year, with the other half being duration of the project. cated from the present area. Instal­ to bring them up to date on the appropriated for projects in all three districts. Samsung conducted test dredg­ lation should begin by mid-August progress of the work and to make “We have maintained that since we have two years to fully retire ing and temporary channel dredg­ and completion is expected by the plans for port operations once the continued on page 2 ing last month. Sediment and wa­ end of September, according to dock is completed. The commit­ ter sampling was done along with Tudela. tee meets once a month.

Pa c N-ewsfOfeT PPvcki* I-M A R IC A S VARIETY NEWS AND VffiWS-FRroAY-JULY 30.1993 CNMI Erratum Republican Cabinet talk irks Larry (Continued from yesterday) some traffic signs prepared in the Mr. Billy said he has been coordi­ THE FOLLOWING paragraphs Party Precinct majorlanguages of our alien popula­ nating a visitby 60Tanapag students were inadvertently omitted from 2 days a week so that they can get tion. Mrs. Balajadia said we will be and parents to Chuuk. They went the story headlined “Cing ques­ also be required to install signs using there to leam about their background their GED. Mrs. Balajadia said that tions deal with Hawaii company” 3 - General is a very beneficial program. the metric system in 1994. Mrs. and culture. All expenses were on a Plans for consolidating several of McPhetres asked DPW to consider personal basis. The group will return which appeared on page 2 of Membership the permitting offices in one place placing a stop light at the intersec­ on July 16. Mr. Inos complimented yesterday’s Variety: are underway. A floor plan for this tion where Shell Service Station is Mr. Billy on his office’s float in the “I think I need a justification Meeting facility has been submitted to the just west of the College. She said she Liberation Day parade. The Gover­ and analysis as to what is the Director ofFinance for his approval. had an accident there and it is a very nor said there were many depart­ department’s basis in selecting an THERE will be a general mem­ The current central repair shop at dangerous place which is heavily ments involved in makingthisyear’s used. off-island firm to do maintenance bership meeting for Precinct 3, DPW will be relocated to make way celebration the best we have ever for this. Mr. Bruce asked DPW if they had. He thanked all those who had work on our island,” Cing said. on Saturday, July 31, at 7 p.m. Mrs. Balajadia said the “no turn could patch up some of the major helped. The military is leasing about at the Carolinian Utt. on red” signs are now up. Mr. Inos potholesbetween thebottom ofCapi­ The Governor asked for certain two-thirds of die whole land area An important matter will be asked Mr. Camacho why this was tol Hill and the Hotel Nikko. He said Cabinet members to stay for another of Tinian pursuant to the Cov­ he travels that road almost every day meeting regarding deficit reduction. discussed. Therefore, your felt to be necessary. Mr. Camacho enant. replied that it is necessary for safety and has observed cars swerving and The meeting was adjourned at The lease which is for 50-years, presence will be greatly appre­ dodging these holes. He said that is 12:40 p.m. reasons and, since the signs went up, is subject to another 50 year ex­ ciated. - there have been no new traffic acci­ definitely a traffic hazard. Mrs. /s/LORENZO I. DELEON dents. The Governor asked Mrs. Balajadia said she would have that GUERRERO tension. Current efforts to secure Balajadia to work with MVB to have repair work doneassoon as possible. Date: 7/12/9 3 a partial return of the unused por­ tion of the lease is being negoti­ ated by the govemment.(RHA) 1993... continued from page 1 the deficit, we might as well toss in half this year and half next year so that we address the deficit and at the same time entertain current requests for projects,” said Sen. Sablan during the news confer-r r a n c e ence. On the other hand, Reyes in­ sisted that by maximizing the amount of deficit that could be cured this year, the impact of a possible additional deficit in fiscal s a l e year 1993 on top of the previous year’s might be more manageable. V.& “We surely do not want the defi­ cit to grow wild. The sooner we 'S address this, the less painful it will be,” Reyes said. A budget conferSfkfe committee report signed by the three members from the House indicated that the deficit came as a result of a short­ fall of actual revenues versus rev­ enue projections last year. Government planners last year projected some $156 million in revenues, onlytorealizeabout$143 million. 1993 Toyota Tercels Reyes said the cautious approach was to go for the previous year’s level because it is much trimmer 1993 Toyota Hilux 4 x 2 than the current proposed budget act. “It is anticipated that if H.B. 8- 226 is enacted, there will be a fur­ 1993 Toyota Previa ther deficit of approximately $9 millionforfiscalyear 1993,’’Reyes said. He added that further aggravat­ ing the deficit by passing the cur­ rent budget bill would be “an act of fiscal and political irresponsibil­ ity.” Meanwhile, both Reyes and Sablan during yesterday’s confer­ ence said they would look forward to working jointlyon the fiscal year 1994 budget as soon as the gover­ nor transmits his package. “The committee recognizes that the cycle of delayed budgets, which imposes a tremendous burden on Microl Corporation the departments and agencies and interferes with the efficient deliv­ An Inchcape Company ery of services to the people of the Commonwealth, must cease once and for all,” the committee,said. “We must realistically assess our Pairere # 1 Cg) TOYOTA resources and real needs. We must have the courage to make hard P.O. Box 267 Saipan, MP 96950 Tel: (670) 254-5911 decisions and enact a timely bud­ get” The committee report dated July 28 was circulated among the Senate conferees yesterday. (RHA) ^ FRIDAY, IULY»30,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 Report on Article 12 bill finished THE SENATE Committee on Re­ ommendations to the full Senate.” Sen. Edward U. Maratita, chair­ interview. ment Corp. earlier said they would sources, Developmental Programs The committee held two well-at­ man of the committee, cited the need SB-124 limits attorney’s fees on leave Saipan if they lose their Article has completed its report on Senate tended public hearings on SB 8-124. to provide solutions to uncertainties Article 12 cases and requires land 12 cases in court. Bill 8-124 which provides guide­ Manglona expressed optimistic it caused article 12. claimants to pay losing developers The two companies fear that they lines for Article 12 cases, Senator would be endorsed by the six-mem­ “It is because of this need that I for buildings and other improvements may lose their hotel to the Camacho Paul A. Manglona, the bill author, ber committee. personally support the measure on in the property. The bill also places sisters, former owners of the land said Wednesday. “I have to be optimistic that this the committee level, based on the a shorter period within which Article where Nikko is located. The hotel “We have completed the task of bill will go through because I believe pros and cons we have so far heard 12 claims may be filed. is worth $60 million to $100 mil­ incorporating all comments wegath- ' in the merits of the bill” he said. “We on the issue. But of course anything .Article 12 allows only persons of lion. ered on the bill,” he said in an inter­ all know we have a problem with can happen on the Senate floor when Northern Marianas descent to own Nikko and J AL ha ve been lobby­ view. “The package is now being Article 12 and it is the Legislature’s all nine members have to cast their jand in the CNMI. ing for SB 8-124, particularly be­ circulated among our members for duty to do something about such vote on the very important legisla­ Hotel Nikko Saipan and its parent cause of the provision on restric­ final review prior to making our rec­ concerns.” tion,” Maratita said in a separate company, Japan Airlines Develop­ tion. Music Society plans rummage sale Lifoifoi RUMMAGE is the name of the have to limit yourself to small sale All sellers, including those who nominated game and your hostis the Northern items. Even large items, such as are selling large items like vehicles, to Who’s Who’ Marianas Music Society. Back by vehicles, boats, furniture or appli­ must reserve their sales space in ELENA Mettao Lifoifoi of Saipan ances, can be brought to the site advance. Space reservations can popular demand, after last year’s has been nominated for the 27th highly successful event, the Music and sold during the rummage sale. be made by contacting Norma annual edition of “Who’s Who Society’s Second Annual Rum­ Anyone and everyone with, ex­ Matthews at 234-6225 (work) or Among American High School Stu­ mage Sale will be held on Satur­ cess items will find this a perfect 322-9415 (home), or Karen King dents” published by Paul C. Krouse. day, Aug. 28, from 7 a.m. until 2 opportunity todisplay and sell them. 256-1719 (home). A fee of $20 is Elena, 16, is the daughter of pjn. in the old Legislature build­ Event coordinator Norma beingchargedper space. Since this Martin I. Lifoifoi and Donisia F. ings at Civic Center Park in Susupe. Matthews says that this year’s rum­ is a fundraising event for the Music Mettao. She is an incoming senior You can either rent a space and mage sale promises to outdo last Society, sellers will also be charged at Spanaway High School in sell your own items, or come to year’s. She adds, however, “Let’s ten percent of their gross sales for Spanaway, Washington, where she ELENA Mettao Lifoifoi purchase the “bargain of the cen­ pray for good wether because we participating in the event lives with her family. students each year. Nominations Lifoifoi said the nomination are received from over 14,500 high tury”.' Remember, one person’s had to postpone last year’s event a Food and beverage vendors are makes his daughter eligible to com­ school faculty members. The main excess items are another person’s couple of weeks, due to Typhoon welcome to set up in the area on pete for $ 100,000 worth of college objective is to recognize the treasure. As a seller, you don’t Ryan.” that day. Those vendors should scholarships. achievements of the nation’s out­ also contact Matthews regarding The annual listing of outstanding standing students who have con­ OPEN FROM space reservations, and a donation students is reserved for the top 5 tributed to their schools and com­ to the Music Society. percent of the nation’s high school munities. Sari - Sari 7-11 DIAMOND SOLITAIRES... A LOOK FOR EVERYONE

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L e t t e r s U S-Palau agreem ent on conservation

Dear Editor: bill turtle shell known as Toluk. be made into jewelry for local use More on bureaucracy Sometime in 1992, the Nature The Fish and Wildlife Service only and not for sale. Dear Editor: Conservancy successfully nego­ has returned more than 30 pieces litis agreement has resulted in This is to congratulate the Bureau of Motor Vehicles for being one of tiated an agreement between the of Toluk previously confiscated such a fine arrangement so that the easiest government agencies to deal with. The office is set up with National government of the Re­ in Guam and Hawaii to the Office the Palauans can and will con­ public service in mind and one rarely has to wait more than a few public of Palau and the US Fish of the President of Palau for re­ tinue their customary traditions minutes to be helped. The staff always seems eager to please. and Wildlife Service which re­ turn to their rightful owners. In withintheRepublicofPalau. The Unfortunately, my praise of the BMV must be tempered by the fact sulted in the implementation of the event that the owners are not hawksbill turtle shell jewelry have that the director o f Finance has yet to figure out a way to let the public the Endangered Species Act and found, the unclaimedToluk would been used by Palauans as a part of pay government fees at the location where the services are received. For other conservation matters in the be donated to the Palau Museum. their traditional way of lives. We example, to renew your vehicle registration one must first go to the Republic of Palau. The Fish and Wildlife Service is have federal laws that govern and BMV to pick up a ‘memo’ which states the amount of the fee to paid. In enforcing such agreement, making efforts to return all of the protect territories traditions and Presumably, this is because the Treasury cashiers cannot be trained to both the US and the Palau Law Toluk previously confiscated in cultures. I congratulate Mr. Chuck figure this out themselves. Then one drives to the Treasury office topay Enforcement Conservation au­ various locations to the rightful Cook of the Nature Conservancy the fee. Presumably, this is necessary because Finance does not trust the thorities have reciprocal jurisdic­ owners in Palau or abroad. whose thoughtful and knowledge­ BMV (or other government agencies) to collect their own fees. Finally, tion in an effort to implement The beauty of this agreement is able efforts have resulted in such one returns to the BMV where things proceed smoothly. conservation measures in the Re­ that the Fish and Wildlife Service fine details of this agreement. How much of the public’s time, money and effort is wasted with this public of Palau. This agreement will take all of the confiscated A note to the Administrators of little runaround? If government agencies cannot be trusted to collect provides for training of the. Re­ hawksbill turtles throughout its the CNMI Fish and Wildlife Ser­ their own fees would it not be possible to outstation Treasury cashiers public of Palau’s conservation jurisdiction in the Pacific and send vice: at the busier government agencies, like the BMV, Immigration and officers in Honolulu and also has them to the Conservation office Please familiarize yourselves Commerce and Labor? resulted in an agreement not to in Palau to fashion new Toluk. with these laws and agreements Sincerely, confiscate the famous Palauan The remnants and pieces of the for more efficient local control /s/Michael G. Newman Women’s money made of hawks- turtle shell not used in Toluk will and enforcement. /s/Jam es L. Hemley Palauan in Saipan

^ 'vS Annual pay

‘V increase low Dear Editor: w \ i It has been quite a while since the CNMI’s minimum wage was raised. It seems like a decade \ \\V now. I agree that time flies so quickly these days. It is about i l l ■ time the minimum wage law was signed. The gradual yearly in­ crease of $0.30 is drastically low and slow to match the US mini­ m um wage. I wonder if the US minimum wage of $4.25 per hour will stall or freeze so the CNMI’s mini­ mum wage of $2.15 per hour will Choose IT&E for friendly helpful customer achieve equal attainment level in service from the Marianas’ only locally owned about seven years from the cur­ long-distance company. We understand the local rent year to the year, 1999. Jive turkey and purely hogwash. Guam needs while keeping the CNMI connected to is contemplating to raise its mini­ the world through AT&T, the world’s largest mum wage to $7 per hour at any long-distance company. time. The garment factories are IT&E is the only long-distance company in the sweating heads to confuse our CNMI to offer you not one, but two automatic elected leaders. Interestingly, the industry is saying that don’t ex­ money-saving discount calling plans: terminate the geese that lays the The Right Plan - save 11% on calls that golden eggs. Some of the geese cost you the most, plus additional savings will escape and nest in other parts through VIP. o f the world. VIP - save up to 10%. The more you call, Can you imagine how many the more you save. garment factories will exist nine or ten years ago? About five or six at that time. Can you watch If low long-distance rates, discount calling plans, continued on page 10 access to 800 numbers, quality connections and excellent customer service are important to you, now is your opportunity to “Voice Your Choice” L e t t e r s . . . before someone makes this important decision continued from page 6 for yo u . There is an old saying that first this situation “People who live in These are just a few reasons why IT&E is Glasshouse should not throw the right choice. Reach out with IT&E! stones.” For more information call 234-8521. In closing, I don’t think Con­ gressman Miller will ever be a friend of the CNMI. Therefore, we must fight fire wi th fire. To do Reach Out this we should convey the facts to the California news media. Let the voters of California know that their representative is more bent on kicking a small island nation -around, rather than concentrating Marianas’ Only Locally Owned Long-Distance Telephone Company on his own state where there are horrendous problems. Sincerely, A.J. Bowie FRIDAY, JULY 30,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-9 c?-.c/A:> <;? '¿¿)J fifO y:)i.T. r< ~ ;j ijs.,; c ·> <*. x X _ j j S i j t o >ij& IVQ

Fresh & Best Selected Fruits & Vegetables, local and US imported available weekly. Try our very own, delicious and renown Chamorro styled pre­ pared meats - Sausages and Cured Meat (Tinala). Numerous Other In Store Specials Not Adver- tised. We reserve all rights to limit quantities. All , A offer items advertised are good while supplies ne^ r * ► last, we reserve an rights to change prices ¡¡i ” ^ n' ; from typographical or oriniing errors. ; ^ r— .... | ■" . j U w ►/ j . v ’ . ^ I v/Tf I I !/7l 1 i f fi ML· DrrtonoT f-a'< A ^ X ii 6 Y -|ifi5)TM— -¿R to w to * l ift ¿is.llr_* f<-V(?} to x K 2 i £ J c s - t o f 7 10-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIÈWS-FRIDAY-JULY 30.1993

Feel the Hyatt Regency Saipan. L e t t e r s . . . JR responds to Sakisat Dear Editor: drastically oblique position today? Worried sick that I may be in­ Mmmm, is this a case of amnesia flicting personal insult against or dyslexia? Isn’t this known as myself by dignifying Mr. Ramon political prostitution and is this M. Sakisat’s doctoral thesis on your new lifestyle? Oooh, aw, The island's It's time to tell everyone about why I ought to “shut up”. But failed to engage the brain before there are insinuations that war­ scribbling your notes, huh? rant clarification for the benefit of In your honest opinion, who best kept the Friday Reggae Jam at my buddy. should be blamed for the denial Basis for your confusion? Be­ by the U.S. Congress of the $120 Skipper's Beach Bar. secret is tween April and May, it was your Million in702 financial assistance group who engaged in heavy for the CNMI: The Republican ready to be Starting July 16 with dancing on handed campaigning against the Administration, the Democrats GM Administration. What silver who are not in office, John revealed! the sand from 6 pm to midnight lining have you seen to justify a continued on page 12

to irie tunes from I Don't Know. L G t t e r S . . . continued from page 8

Domestic beers, $2.50 and the trickery show today? Simply buried. Passage of the biased bill said, about twenty-two garments will of course satisfy the few and complimentary pupus. in existence making millions of punish the many garment indig­ dollars of lucrative profits: enous workers. Many of the sup^ The best kept secret on Saipan Perhaps some garment facto­ posed victims are breadwinners ries have not recruited four or five and their earning powers are too indigenous citizens while many low for they have many mouths to is ready to be discovered- of them are privileged to hire 150 feed. or more guest workers. The law Why not invite our elected lead­ Skipper's Beach Bar. interprets that the indigenous citi­ ers and witness first-hand the con­ zens or commonly known as lo­ troversial infusion surrounding cals should be given job prefer­ the industry. The industry cun­ ence over guest workers. A mini­ ning attack of the adjusted mini­ Feel the Hyatt Touch. mum of 20 percent more local mum wage bill, when the Assis­ workers are required. Yet, many tant Secretary of Interior, Leslie indigenous citizens, if not all, are Turner, departed the CNMI. ·· being denied gainful employment. I happen to be a concerned citi­ Perhaps most of the advertise­ zen, and I feel disturbed that the ments are for overseas hiring.' intent of mostof the labor bills are About a year ago, an elected for the protection and interest of leader was trying to eliminate the the guest workers. I wonder if it minimum wage and apply the is worth casting a vote nowadays. KIC.C.-U I1A \{ I V . Ill ¡2 MIDNIGHT piece rate to the garments only. With heartfelt understanding, Unfortunately, it was dead and Name withheld by request ESS

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/> ----- : :··Λ .~---- - Buv an, New ton« « ' ,*f “ $ :·1ή « j '.‘oda* "/з /? (·ΚΛ%ι> ι-κι/t .ши 1‘Korrcf HAMШАГ 1.Я.\\i>PAIO·. miittf .VA.ЧЛ/РЛ 2BA ИСКUt UP η F r I e 1995 300 Liberation Day stampnUKÜ PKI/J. гя/гк. ■ Л■ tv AX’» слгк CASH/ hovjumh tf,UK Т/r FKHF. · UlWftJ CASH Ht m PKI/J · 1/АЧ1ЛЗ CASH «η* »n jiJ, V IV»». r a f f l e t i c k e t , ^ s.«j M. ht flINfU ·· m $1.00 é finy/« i Ci/iÌ ìaLìm A 250 GALS. WATER TANK 1993 LIBERATION DAY 250 GALS WATER TANK BEDLINER 300 RAFFLE TICKETS 12-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VffiWS-FRIDAY-JULY 30.1993 Tinian offering scholarships LIMITED scholarship assistance tained by contacting: David Q. from theTinianMunicipal Schol­ Maratita, Chairman, Tinian Mu­ arship Fund is now opened to nicipal Scholarship Board, Mu­ eligible permanent residents of nicipality of Tinian and Aguigan, Tinian and Aguiguan. P.O. Box 59, Tinian, MP 96952, The amount of municipal schol­ at the Tinian Mayor’s Office, arship assistance to be granted by Telephone numbers 433-9231/ the Tinian Municipal Scholarship 9269; Fax number 433-9267. Board will be on the basis of pri­ Deadline for submission of ority and availability of funds in completed applications and other Seabridge fetes customers theTinianMunicipal Scholarship requirements to the Tinian Mu­ monthly. The barges deliver con­ Fund. nicipal Scholarship Board will be SEABRIDGE Micronesia Inc. Capt. Stanely C. Hall, opera­ tainerized cargo to these islands. Application forms may be ob­ no later than Aug. 20. hosted an appreciation party for tions director, and Terry M. its customers on board the tug­ Debold, marketing manager, both Connecting service with APL and boat “Chamorro”on July 24 at the from Guam’s Seabridge office, Sealand shipping lines are also commercial port of Saipan. assisted in this special event. “It’s available. The tugboat cruised within the one of the best parties and Now in its fourth year in Saipan, Saipan Harbor for two hours while Seabridge has ever had,” Hall said. Seabridge Micronesia has an of­ Citi guests “chit chatted” and enjoyed The tugboat “Chamorro” was fice in the Westpac building lo­ themselves with lots of food and skillfully maneuvered by Captain cated in Puerto Rico at the Saipan £ o c e iic drinks catered by the Hyatt Re­ Garry Matthews within the Saipan commercial port managed by Ja­ gency Saipan. About 70 people Harbor. son Rui. Guam’s Seabridge of­ representing local shipping Seabridge Micronesia, Inc. op­ fice is located in Cabras Marine at agents, shippers and government erates and provides barge services the Guam Port Authority build­ Came and Ulatcñ employees were in attendance for between Guam and Saipan twice ing. this event. a week and services Tinian twice ‘Thank you for celebrating this event with us. Seabridge 5Au Æ eut iDxwcettô Micronesia appreciates your busi­ c R elax at th e ness and we look forward to con­ - t ■ c tinue serving everyone in every -c way possible,” Terry Debold -e stated in his farewell message to the guests as the tugboat returned -c to the pier at the end of the evening. -c -c Friday, July 30 L e t t e r s . . . continued from page 10 The TOURISTS DelRosario, Ramon M. Sakisat or everybody else except .the A coustic Rock & Blues, GOP? Get your facts straight, sir. It is surprising that with such OUI 5$evt& $ 3 .0 0 p&i Siaüie 6 - 9 p . m . nimble mind you’ve allowed your y- 20/20vision to be impaired by the M ixed 3hinââ. ôJtwitb at $5.00 unbridled or incoherent thoughts Ellena Sutton donated by others. y Regarding my lifestyle, it is far jVæ SAem Cfixvtae and inVtance CAwige. y from one of luxury or I would Cha Cha and m ore m *. wnauu un «mbucu a r m m o i « a c o ta have been indicted or imprisoned -c years ago for power pedaling. I -c 9 p.m . - 2 a.m . have substantial debts, mortgage '►¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥♦ and all. My government career HAPPY HOUR EVERYDAY hasn’t been all red carpet. I have earned my stripes and rank 4 - 7 P.M. through training and hard work and not from political affiliations. In fact, I’ve had the privilege of M FREE CHASERS §* working for both parties. Life of luxury? No sir and not until all hell freezes over. #8*»*#** *8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*888* Evidently, I’ve competed and worked with the cream of the crop in Micronesia in ;ny area of spe­ cialty. Have you done the same at even/Io least at the provincial level? I’ve earned the credibility that I have both as a columnist and as an individual. If you haven’t learned the essence of such personal free­ COSCO HOBI 17-MYLAR SAIL doms as speech and the press, it A Dorel Company Good Condition reflects that you weren’t such a good student of government, $ 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 yeah? My lifestyle is simple and PLAYPENS ■ TRAVEL PLAYARD I’ve made my nickels and dimes CAR SEAT ■ CARRIER SWING HONDA 125« MOTOR BIKE the old fashion way: I’ve CRIB MATTRESS ■ ACCESSORIES EARNED IT! A parting sugges­ G o o d Condition tion: At a quiet comer of your CAR SEAT COVER ■ CRIB MOBIL Under 1,000 miles, Two helmets included mind, close your eyes and-attend BATH TUB ■ BATH RING, ETC. your own funeral if for no other $ 7 0 o . o o reason than to learn of yourself through others. Si Yuus Maase C-MART Amigo. For more information, Sincerely, We re open Monday-Saturday 830 am.-6.-00 pm. contact Dan High at Tel.: 322-3421 John S. DelRosario, Jr. Located on Beach Road, Chalan Kanoa. Tel: 234-7313 Or 234-7490 Drinking Buddy

14-MÀaiftffAgÿÀlàii^ifé^ -. — — — RP law enforcement in disarray By Robert KReW duced a friend of the victims as the eating the issue is a zealous, ccmpeti- when Allan Gomez, 19, and Marie both victims. alleged mastermind of the crime. tive media which seize on statements Eileen Sarmenta, 20,weiefound slain Alqueza denied the allegation and MANILA (AP) - For weeks, the The bizarre case points to disarray frompolireandpoliticians,soreetimes in Calauan. Miss Sarmenta had been has not been charged. Nevertheless, media trumpeted reports linking a in Philippine law enforcement at a at die expense of the rights of the raped. Vice President Joseph Estrada, chair­ mayor to the murder of two college timewhenpu№cclainorfbr swift and accused. Calauan has an unsavory reputa­ man of a government anti-crime task students. Suddenly, investigators pro­ certain justice is rising. Compli- The latest case began last month tion for illegal gambling and as a force and an ambitious politician, dumping ground bodies of murder presented Alqueza to reporters as the victims killed in Manila, 45 miles (75 “alleged mastermind” of the Calauan kilometers) to the northwest. killings. Suspension fell immediately on The youth’s picture appeared Calauan’s longtime mayor, Antonio Thursday on thefionls of most Philip- Sanchez, a controversial figure with a pinenewspapersunderheadlinessudi reputation for an opulent lifestyle be­ as “General’s Son In Calauan Case.” yond the means of provincial mayors. Miss Sarmenta’s mother, Marfa Newspapers quoted provincial po­ QaraSarmenta,claimedAlquezahad lice chief Marcelo Navarro as saying been framed to protect the real killer. shortsfoundnear the victims belonged Such confusion is not uncommon to Sanchez. The mayor denied any inhigWypublicizedaimes,where the involvement and saidhiswealthcame public’s demand for justice outpaces firm his wife rather than illegal gam­ the system’s ability to develop cases bling and crime. which can stand up in court Neverthless, Manila newspapers Three separate organizations— the and television regaled audiences with Philippine National Police, the Na­ reports of Sanchez’s three-stay man­ tional Bureau of Investigation and sion, expensive cars and his body­ Estrada’s commission —often be-' guards. comeinvolvedpursuingautonomous All that was irrelevant to the rape- investigations. slaying. But the reports promoted the Investigate complainprivatelythat imageofacomjptpoUtical“ warlord,” public pressure to solve cases leads to aphenomencn all toocommai among premature leaks. If the leak proves, provincial Philippine politicians. wrong,thalunderminescredibility and As public clamor increased, Presi­ weakens chances for convictions. dent Fidel Ramos ordered the provin­ In 1991, three members of the cial governor tosuspendSarchezfrom Vizconde family were massacred in office. AlthoughSanchezhasnotbeen their suburban Paranaque home. Dif­ charged, police arrested two of his ferent police agencies ultimately pro­ bodyguards as the killers. duced two sets of suspects, each of Last Monday, Ramos promised whom “confessed” to the killing. No during a nationally televised speech one has so far been convicted that “we must not allow any criminal Leticia Magsanoc, editor of the brotherhoods, such as in Calauan, to Philippine Daily Inquirer, acknowl­ exist” edged that scree preliminary findings “Here was a person who was thor­ in theCalauancase“were repotted too oughly villified in the public mind,” quickly.” said political science Prof. Alex Butwith mere than 25 newspapers Magno. “Government seemed pow­ and six television stations in the capi­ erless to do anything abouthimexcept tal, editors themselves are under wait for evidence to come in and wait competitive pressure not to miss a for due process.” major break in a case. Last Monday, however, police ar­ “I think the real tension now is rested a 53-year-old suspect Edgardo between the pace of media develop­ Lavadia, who claimed he had hired ment and the pace of due process,” the triggermen, not on behalf of Magno said “They den’tmatchat all. Sanchez but fee Teofilo Alqueza, 20, It is lawenforcementproblem tripping a police general’s son and friend of all over itself.”


Perm it A pplications Status Report Through July 31, 1993

Permit Number Applicant FYoposed Use Lx>cat¡on D ate of C om plete Status Application

93-05-26-01 Jen M arz Auto Repair As Terlaje June 07 Approved July 16 Torres 93-06-09-01 Jones&Guerrero Retail and Garapan June 07 PRC Approved - Restaurant Bldg. July 22 Torres m oves 93-05-28-01 Choi Sung 11 Commercial Fina Sisu June 07 Under Review Mixed Use Bldg. up PIC ladder PACIFIC Islands Club, Saipan re­ 93-06-22-01 Young Kuk Jang Mixed Use with Chalan Kanoa July 19 Under Review cently promoted John torres from as­ W arehouse sistant front officemanagertoreserva- tions manager. 93-06-23-01 Triple J Corp. ROW Paving Chalan LauLau June 23 Under Review Torres began his career at PIC in January 1990 as a front office clerk. 93-06-25-02 Grace Christian Classroom Bldg. Navy Hill July 05 Under Review Driven by hard w ok and motivation, Academy Tones received promotions each year in the rooms division department. 93-06-28-01 Joeten Ent., Inc. Warehouse Chalan Kiya July 21 Under Review Torres has proved to be a valuable member of the management team. 93-07-08-01 Carson Saipan Commercial San Vicente July 19 Under Review During the past three years, displayed Corp. Lodging his interest to educate himself by at­ tending several hospitality courses. 93-07-16-02 Calvo’s Apartments and Susupe July 21 Under Review As a respected manager, Torres is Development Greenhouse well-liked by his staff and constantly Inc. works to improve guest ard agent relations. FRIDAY,'JUE-V 30,ì 1933'rMARIANA5ryARBETYJNgWS'AND1 VIEWS'-1 5 ,\ - Pow er off tom orrow BOE head cites need THERE will be a power outage CUC Executive Director on Samrday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ramon’S. Guerrero said the pur­ on Feeder No. 3, commonwealth pose of this outage is to work on Utilities Corp. (CUC) announced Feeder No. 1 underbuild line ex­ for additional funds yesterday. tension to Gualo Rai. Areas affected are Lower Base, “We apologize for the inconve­ THE BOARD of Elections will repeal of the new zoning law, that ;eed an additional $65,000 to ac­ Gualo Rai, Chalan Laulau, San nience,” Guerrero said in a four-year limit for alien workers commodate at least two legislative Jose Susupe and portions of Cha­ statement. “The continuous ef­ and die defeat of the tax reform initiatives officially included for a measure alsoneed tobe considered. lan Kanoa. Water and sewer fort inupgradingourutilitysystem vote in the November elections. Another initiative, which seeks services in these areas will also be is for the best interest of the According to BOE Executive to establish a casino gambling in­ affected. public.” Director Juan M. Diaz, although dustry in Rota, may e included in his agency is not adversely af­ the ballot. Cham ber m eets M onday fected by the non-passage of the “As you know, we cannot say no budget this current fiscal year, more to any of these initiatives as long as THE SAIPAN Chamber of Com­ the meeting. money isneededtocoverexpected they go through the process. Re­ merce will hold its general member- SCC President Roy N. Morioka additional expenses to include the gardless of our budget, we will shipmeetingon Aug. 2,11:30ajn. at urged chamber members to attend initiatives in the ballot. have to accommodate them all,” the Oceana, Hyat Regency Hotel. the meeting by calling the chamber “Aside from two legislative ini­ Diaz said. Customs ChiefEdwaidC. DeLeon office for attendance by 11 a.m. on tiatives already included, we are According to Diaz, the board is July 30. preparing for three popular initia­ currently updating its voters’ lists Guerrero will be the guest speaker in Juan M. Diaz tives that are in the works,” Diaz and checking on the residency and PIC names said. “Each initiative would mean cation board elections. eligibility requirements. He said more printing costs to include in­ Diaz said the board needed the board would continue to regis­ top employee formational materials needed to around $260,000 this year to en­ ter voters until October 6. explain such initiatives.” sure the elections would go on As of the latest count, the total XIN MEIN LEI, a waitress in the According to Diaz, the election smoothly. registered voters in the CNMI is at food and beverage department of the board is not that much affected by Already up for vote is Legisla­ 10,538. Pacific Islands Club, was recently a continuing resolution because tive Initiative 7-1, ‘To amend Ar­ Diaz estimated that about 15,000 named the employee of the month for his previous fiscal year’s budget ticle II, Section 7 of the NMI ballots must be printed, but this June.’ was bigger than the current fiscal Constitution to establish a time would done after submission of Xin Min or “Andy”, as her friends year’s appropriation. period for the Legislature to con­ nominating petitions for candidates. call her, has been an exemplary em­ The current year appropriation sidera bill or item, section or part of The deadline for nominating peti­ ployee of FIC since August 1992. may not be available after the Leg­ a bill vetoed by the governor.” tions is Sept. 21. Andy, who is a native of Xian in the islature failed to come up with a Also officially included is Leg­ The number of pages for each Republic of China, speaks excellent budget for fiscal year 1993, so the islative Initiative 7-3, ‘T o amend ballot depends on how many ini ti a- English and Japanese. She utilizes previous budget will serve as basis Article XI, section 1 of the NMI tives will be up for a vote. her language skills to assist the many for this year’s funding level. Constitution by eliminating refer­ According to Diaz, the additional Asian guests who frequent PIC’s Under the fiscal year 1992 bud­ ence to US laws as basis for the money would enable the board to Buoy Bar & Grill. Xin Mein Lei get, the board was appropriated Commonwealth’s claims to own­ hire more temporary employees to Andy has proven to be a respon­ workwithapositive.friendlyatlitude $ 195,000, most of which was spent ership of submerged lands off its help during the elections, as well as sible and hard working member of and a fantastic smile”, comments for the November 1991 mid-term coast.” to supplement legal fees for the the staff. “Andy always shows up to beverage manager Carol Everhart. congressional, municipal andedu- Otherpopular initiatives like the board’s counsel. (RHA)

Avi' ^


C lasses are available at Northern Marianas College Adult Education Program. PLACEMENT TEST : Building G, 8:30 a:m. - 1T:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, REGISTRATION : 1:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m., Mondays thru Thursdays (Except Fridays), August 23-26,1993. BEGINNING OF INSTRUCTION : September 7,1993. • 16-MARIANAS VARIETYNEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JULY 60.1993

The Special fundraising Committee for Lt. B.T. MANGLONA announces the Postponement of its Raffle Drawing scheduled for August 1 st to September 1 9 th. Library hosts reading program THE SUMMER reading pro­ ers”, said one volunteer. clude visits from “Friends of the A n o n a m e d gram at the Joeten-Kiyu Public Throughout the reading pro­ Animals” and representatives Library celebrated its fifth week gram, children were delighted from the Department of Public top employee on July 24 with a colorful hat with the expertise, coaching and Safety. Children will introduce contest. Children aged 5 to 13 support demonstrated by Bill their favorite animal friends in o f P IC in J u ly had an opportunity to show off Bingham and students from the next week’s pet show. Speakers their creativity with a bright dis­ fine arts program at the Northern from· the fire, police, and emer­ LAST week the Pacific Islands play of custom-made hats. Marianas College. The reading gency medical units will demon­ Club, Saipan named Cynthia Ano Women from the Carolinian program has been successfully strate modem methods of fire the July employee of the month. Affairs Association made mwar- staffed by many volunteers who control, rescue, and law enforce­ As the recipient of the award, mwars for the winners. have devoted their weekends to ment. Cynthia received $100 and a de­ Contest judges awarded prizes encourage youth reading. Grand prizes for the summer luxe overnight stay at the resort. for the most colorful hats, the The reading program also fea­ reading program will be pre­ Cynthia is the night auditor and payroll clerk in the accounting most creative hats and the most tured special educational pro­ sented at a closing ceremony on department. “She has been work­ cultural hats, among others. grams and guest speakers and August 14. Local business are ing days and nights to cover night Most importantly, judges performers. Michael Quinn re­ donating prizes especially for the audit and payroll for the past six Ano stressed, “everyone becomes a cently performed an excellent children. So far, the summer weeks,” assistant controller Gary winner through reading.” Read­ puppet show which proved both reading program has generated Grossenbacher said: Although Cynthia is nearingher ing promotes ideas, develops in­ entertaining and instructive for overwhelming support from both Her dedication and commit­ eightgaeag6yik-ia7-piiegnancy, she tellect, and broadens our hori­ the kids. Featured presentations parents and children. Reading ment has proven to be beneficial welcomed the responsibility of zons. have also been conducted by the expands our world and sparks to the Accounting Department and two positions and has performed “Reading allows us to see the Division of Fish and Wildlife and creativity. The Joeten-Kiyu li­ to PIC as well. well throughout world through the eyes of oth- the Coastal Resources Manage­ brary invites the public to come ment Office. These presentations see its collection of new books. were designed to increase aware­ Recent arrivals include new titles ness and appreciation for the in art, geography, non-fiction, and CNMI’s natural environment. biographies. Topics included “CNMI Endan­ Children are welcome to attend gered Species” and “Our Living from 10-12, Thursday through Coral Reefs”. Saturdays. Please call the library Upcoming attractions will in- for further information.

C om e and W atch the SNAKE LADY E n jo y 9 { i 9 io 's P iz z a anytime! Perform Her Sexy and FANTASTIC Call for D ELIVERY to your office, work, ACROBATIC DANCE. As an added home, beach - w herever! attraction, there are NEW DANCERS Fried chicken, Spaghetti, w ho have just arrived to entertain and lots more delivered y o u . So, COM E ONE, COM E ALL! NINO'S DELIVERS!!! Daily From 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. SCARLET SUAREZ: “BOLD MOVIE STARLET" • Appearing on stage nightly * *■·······■···············■··* JULY SPECIAL STILL GOING ON!!! B e e rs ...... o n ly $ 2 .5 0 Mixed Drinks...... Starts at $5.00 WO EWTRAWCE CHARGE AWD WO SHOW CHARGE. I

FRIDAY; JU LY 30,1993 »-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS АЬГО VIEW S-'i? Japanese doctor wins Magsaysay award MANILA (AP) - A Japanese man service to Japan’s Asian neigh­ “Iwamura became a ‘barefoot community leaders from Nepal The other receivers of the award who became a “barefoot” doctor bors.” doctor’, striking out on foot and and Southeast Asia to Japan for are Vo Tong Xuan ofVietnam, for after surviving the bombing of Iwamura was a survivor of the on horseback into the mountain technical training. govemmentservice.BanooCoyaji Hiroshima has won the Ramon Aug. 6,1945 atomic bombing of fastness where Nepalis dwelled Iwamura completes this year’s of India, for public service, Magsaysay award for interna­ Hiroshima. His experience led without benefit of medical ser­ selection of winners of the Abdurrahman Wahid of Indone­ tional understanding, the awards him to become a doctor and “to vices and where tuberculosis was Magsaysay. Asia’s most presti­ sia, for community leadership, and board said Thursday. live a life for others,” the board pandemic... ,”the board said. gious award, it is named after a Bienvenido Lumbera of the Philip­ The board said Noboru said. After Nepal, Iwamura’s work popular Philippine president who pines, for journalism, li terature and Iwamura, professor of Social After finishing his medical de­ tookhim to Asia,'Africa and Latin died in a plane crash in 1957. creative communication arts. Work at Nihon-Fukushi Univer­ m ЯК gree at Tottori University and America. w m sity in Miki City, Japan, was rec­ teaching there, he volunteered to In 1980, he founded the Peace, Шл ognized for “heeding the call of a work in Nepal in 1960 and stayed Health and Human Development true physician in a lifetime of there for 18 years. Foundation to bring grassroots P h o n d a М Ю -Ш К CLEARANCE % NEW CARS: '92 HONDA CIVIC DX: А Д А/С, Р Д SRS,RDO/CAS...... $ 1 4 , 3 9 9 . 0 0 ш '92 HONDA CIVIC DX: М Д А/С, P/S, SRS,RDO/CASS...... $ 13 , 7 9 9 . 0 0 '91 HONDA PRELUDE SI: М Д А/С, P/S, PSR,RDO/CASS...... $ 1 6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 SPEaAL PRICE: '93 HONDA CIVIC DEL SOL А Д A/С, P/S, SRS ,RD0/CASS...... $ 17,500.00

USED CARS: '87 NISSAN MAXIMA: А Д P/S, SR...... $ 3 , 0 0 0 .0 0 '89 HONDA PRELUDE 4 WS: А Д A/C, SR, RD0/CASS...... $ 9 , 5 0 0 .0 0 '91 HONDA CIVIC DX: А Д P/S, A/C, RD0/CASS...... $ 9 , 0 0 0 .0 0 '92 HONDA CIVIC EX: М Д A/С, P/S, SRS,RD0/CASS...... $ 11,000.00 CUT-DOWN PRICE GOOD UNTIL AUGUST 3 1,19 9 3 ONLY


ia Motors, Inc. Automotive Sales · Parts · Service | CORAL Ocean Point general manager Hideo Sugiyama (left) with July employee of the mont Marissa I. Tel 234-8333/34 Villas, together with her manager, David Ito. She received a certificate of appreciation and $100 cash Located north of Joeten Motors, Beach Rd. in Oleai ilSrMARIANAS-Y^œJty^w^VcNIÿVi^^FRCOAY^HjLY'SÔ.^B Mondale rejects mutual bashing By Gene Kramer “Our mftst pressing need at this Trade friction has been weaken­ US-Japan relations “to allow un­ mid-September to succeed out­ time is to correct the imbalance in ing public support for the US- controlled emotion to interfere going Ambassador Michael WASHINGTON (AP) - Former our economic relationship,” Japan alliance in both countries, with communication.” Armacost. Vice President Walter Mondale Mondale told senators at his con­ and “threatens our ability to co­ If the United States and Japan “I can thank President Clinton said Wednesday he will give top firmation hearing. operate on the broader agenda.” continue working together, “prac­ for this fine nomination,” said priority as the next ambassador to The current US trade deficit He said he intends to solve tically every problem in the world Senate Republican leader Bob Tokyo to eliminating “constant with Japan is nearly $50 billion, market-opening and other trade will get better or, at least, easier to Dole in declaring “my enthusias­ trade friction” that is threatening “We have an obligation to the problems “with civility and with­ handle,” the ambassador-desig­ tic support.” Dole, one of vital US-Japanese global coop­ world to take care of our eco­ out mutual bashing of each other” nate said. Clinton’s most constant critics, eration. nomic problems,” Mondale said. i t00 much is at stake in But if relations deteriorate, he made a special appearance before added, “every one of these prob­ the committee with other top lead­ lems will get worse” and harder to ers of Congress to suppoxt solve. Mondale, who represented Min­ “It is in our interests to encour­ nesota in the Senate from 1964- age and assist Japan in its global 77. leadership role,” Mondale said, “The president could not have voicing support for Japan’s bid made a better choice,” said Re­ for a permanent UN Security publican Jesse Helms, another Council seat. Clinton critic. “I want our Japa­ The Senate Foreign Relations nese friends to understand,” he subcommittee hearing brought an added, that Mondale will be rep­ unusual outpouring of bipartisan resenting US interests in Tokyo support and praise for President “with total backing of both politi­ BBQ 200 COMMERCIAL MODEL BBQ 100 DELUXE MODEL Clinton’s nominationof Mondale, cal parties. Japan is getting our This grill was designed with the serious caterer inmind. Here's a way The "originaT, or most popular mode). Designed for versatility and vice president under Jimmy best.” you can teed hundreds delicious barbecue, smoked meats, poultry, affordability, the BBQ100 has already transformed thousands of Carter. Mondale, in private law prac­ game, and fish, all at low cost and without a big mess to clean up. With people just like you into real "Outdoor Gourmet" chefs. It grills, it a maximum capacity o( over 80 sq. feet, this unit is the answer for smokes, and it bakes. It meant near-unanimous con­ tice since losing the presidency to caterer's, restaurants, clubs, businesses, and large organizations. firmation is virtually assured when Ronald Reagan in the 1984 elec­ Cooking Capacities (3 grills): votes are taken as early as this tion, said he agreed to return to 225 Chicken quarters week. Mondale told reporters he public.service because the U.S.- 200 Hamburgers Japan relationship is a crucial one. 24 Whole turkeys hopes to arrive in Tokyo about 48 Rack of pork loin 4 Whole hog 24 Whole prime rib 400 Baked potatoes N orthw est’s top union WOOD PELLET BARBECUES That grills, smokes, roasts, bakes, and even approves bailout plan jerky by Traeger Industries, Inc. is now avail­ able in the CNMI by Jack Tudela (J & A By Pam Schmid Federico Pena called the two sides Store) located in Garapan, Saipan. Thefirst together in Washington earlier this and only complete outdoor cook appliance ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - North­ month. Northwest’s lenders that does all 5 in 1 equipment. Turning food is BBQ 115 DOUBLE SMOKER west Airlines’ largest union an­ have demanded the concessions not necessary and it is almost impossible to nounced Wednesday it has over­ before agreeing to restructure the burn your food. No more flaring m s ,f no . JltfiM need to smoke a lot of food at one time, this Double Smoker is ' the answer! This is absolutely the finest smoker manufactured today, whelmingly approved an dlrs 886 airline’s massive debt. messy charcoal, just all natural f lavortuiwood with nine full size porcelain coated grills that give you over 3100 sq. million deal designed to keep the With the vote, three of pellets. Call Jack Tudela at Tel# 233-4703 inches of smoking surface. Fully automatic, one hopper full of pellets carrier out of bankruptcy court. Northwest’s six unions have now or 322- 7769 for more Information. Also 96 will smoke for about 40 hours. That's 40 hours of natural, even, unattended, smoking! Ideal for smoking fanatics, fishermen, sports­ The deal, in which workers give ratified the three-year conces­ qt. Ice coolers for sale at $100 each. men, taverns, deli's, and small restaurants. ___ 7/14,15 up pay in exchange for a stake in sions package. the company, was ratified by 81 The package would give em­ percent of the Machinists’ union ployees up to 37.5 percent own­ members voting across the coun­ ership in the company and three INVITATION TO BID try , said Tom Pedersen, president seats on Northwest’s board in DPW93-ITB-00268 the Machinists’ District 143. exchange for deep cuts in pay The union, which represents and benefits. The Department of Public Works is soliciting sealed bids for the Construction of Proposed Tinian 23,000 workers, rejected an ear­ Northwest has said agreement Fire Sub-station, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Bids in duplicate will be lier concessions package last by its six unions is crucial to accepted in the Office of the Procurement & Supply at Lower Base, Saipan until 2:00 p.m., local month by a 2-1 margin. achieving an immediate debt re­ time, Friday, August 13,1993, at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened and read “The results of the IAM vote structuring that will enable the aloud. Any bids received after the above time will not be accepted under any circumstances. are heartening and bode well for Eagan-based carrier to stay out A bond of 15% of the total bid price must accompany the bid. This security may be a Certified the future of Northwest Airlines, of bankruptcy court. Check, Cashier's Check, Bid Bond orotherform acceptable to the Government made payable to its people and customers around The Teamsters Union, which the Treasurer, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands with a notation on the face of the the world,” Northwest president represents9,000flight attendants, check: "Credit Account No. 1480 G31480”. and chief executive officer John is conducting a mail vote this Dasburg said. week, and results are expected to The bidder is required to submit with his proposals, a copy of his business permit as a compliance The three-year contract was a be released Friday, the union said. with the Contractor's Registration and Licensing Laws of the Commonwealth of the Northern tough choice but it guarantees that Members of two smaller unions Mariana Islands. union members will be able to representing flight dispatch­ keep their jobs, Pedersen said. ers and aircraft technical sup­ Specifications and plans of the project are available on or after July 30, 1993, at Technical He also credited the Clinton Services Division, Department of Public Works in Saipan. A non-refundable payment of $150.00 port specialists have reached administration, saying that with­ is required for each set. Pre-bid conference for this project will be held at 2:00 p.m., local time, tentative agreements and are Friday, August 6,1993, at the Office of Resident Director, Tinian Public Works. out its help Northwest would be expected to announce results ' i in bankruptcy. of ratification votes by Satur­ Attention is called to the Labor Standards Provisions for Wage Rate Determination of the CNMI Transportation Secretary day. Classification and Salary Structure Plans, and payment of not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications must be paid on this project.

All bid documents received shall be the sole property of the Government of the Northern Mariana Japanese computer Islands with the exception of bid bonds, certified checks or cashier's check which will be returned to the bidders in accordance with the specification section, "Instruction to Bidders" Page I-2, companies in trouble Paragraph No. 05, Bid Guarantee. By David Thurber and have launched restructuring The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any imperfection in the programs. bid proposals in the interest of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. TOKYO (AP) - IBM Corp., “Demand for mainfrariies in which just reported a record quar­ Japan is very weak,” Lee Kerk ISl ELIZABETH H. SALAS-BAl-mJADIA terly loss, isn’t the only maker of Phua, an electronics analyst in Director of Public Works large computers that’s suffering. Tokyo for Baring Securities, said All three Japanese producers of W ednesday. Dated this 28th of July, 1993 large general-purpose computers In Japan, as in the United States, face daunting economic troubles continued on page 24 ·- ' ^f^RIET^g: MEWS-*XNP Vìe w § ,1 9


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SUNFLOWER TANG CONTADINA KIKKOMAN f , n SARDINES IN g ¡1 □ BREAKFAST I f G ß CRISCO WHOLE PEELED J PURECANE C i ^ SOYSAUCE, M l TOMATO nm i 4 L DRINK MIX TWIN? &, M i 'fF ' VEGETABLE f l ft© TOMATOES, n f OIL I f f SUGAR, Mi | | | SAUCEW/ f P J LHF , 0 , 3 U ti U L ™ E 14.5 oz. wm 64 OZ. ® 9 B B EA 4.4 LBS. I n i E i l CHILI, 5.5 OZ. 1.15 Ku. 1 . 1

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FLAVOR HOUSE PEANUTS OIL f U.S. CELLO LOCAL U.S. EGGS ROASTED L· PJ CARROTS EGGPLANT * MEDIUM SHOP & S A V E REGENCY, EA. sßAG È W y^LB. n ïftfDOL 9.5 OZ. ‘ '32tMARIANAS. VARIETY.NËWS W l Business/Finance-aS^i Negotiators promise Exchange rates NEW YORK (AP) - Foreign Exchange, New York prices. Rates for trades of $1 million minimum. trade deal in October FOREIGN CURRENCY DOLLAR IN IN DOLLARS FOREIGN CURENCY By Clare Nullis eleventh hour is now,” he said. The 116-nation Uruguay Round WED TUE WED TUE However, he set no starting date is already two years overdue be­ fArgent Peso 1.0100 1.0100 .9901 .9901 cause of a row between the United GENEVA (AP) - World trade for talks on the trickiest political Australia Doll .6760 .6774 1.4793 1.4762 negotiators on Wednesday issues - such as cuts in farm sup­ States and European Community, Austria Schill .0827 .0823 12.093 12.147 pledged to make concrete progress ports, rules against the unfair chiefly over farm subsidies. cBelgium Franc .0281 .0280 35.63 35.69 toward a huge trade liberalizing dumping of cut-priced products It has to be wound up by Dec. Brazil Cruzelr .00002 .00002 65640.01 64844.03 deal by mid-October in the hope on foreign markets and restric­ 15, when President Clinton’s spe­ Britain Pound 1.4945 1.4880 .6691 .6720 30day fwd 1.4908 1.4841 of wrapping up the overall pack­ tions against patent theft. cial negotiating authority expires. .6708 .6738 60day fwd 1.4876 1.4808 .6722 .6753 age by December. Sutherland’s timetable agreed The US Congress has already 90day fwd 1.4848 1.4776 .6735 .6768 However, the head of the Gen­ upon by negotiators provided for renewed the so-called fast-track Canada Dollar .7791 .7788 1.2835 1.2840 eral Agreement on Tariffs and “substantial and concrete procedure once and can’t do it 30day fwd .7785 .7782 1.2845 1.2850 Trade said he was “apprehensive” progress” by mid-October in the again. 60dayfwd .7780 .7777 1.2853 1.2858 at the amount of work remaining market access talks. He sched­ The package is meant to cut 90day fwd .7775 .7771 1.2862 1.2868 and warned there were still “very uled further meetings of the Trade overall import duties by at least yChlle Peso .002549 .002552 392.32 391.90 China Yuan .1740 .1740 5.7468 5.7468 serious risks” that the six-year- Negotiations Committee for the one third, roll back protection in Colombia Peso .001473 .001474 679.01 678.44 end of August and September. old Uruguay Round talks might traditionally sheltered areas like cCzechosI Koru .0342 .0342 29;28 29.28 yet end in failure. Hugo Paemen, chief delegate agriculture and textiles, and draw Denmark Krone .1496 .1495 6.6865 6.6885 Peter Sutherland told journal­ for the European Community, said up new rules to liberalize trade in ECU 1.12470 1.12690 .8891 .8874 ists that some progress had been the toughest political bargaining services like banking and insur­ z Ecudr Sucre .000529 .000529 1889.00 1889.00 made during two weeks of talks would not start before November, ance. Such a deal would pump an dEgypt Pound .2994 .2994 3.3405 3.3405 on cutting import tariffs and open­ leaving negotiators with very little estimated $200 billion into the Finland Mark .1722 .1719 5.8085 5.8165 France Franc .1710 .1697 5.8465 5.8930 ing markets to foreign service time to thrash out the most sensi­ global economy every year but Germany Mark .5819 .5793 1.7185 1.7263 companies. But he said negotia­ tive parts of the deal. would hit protected sectors. 30day fwd .5799 .5773 1.7245 .1.7323 tions must be speeded up. Japan’snegotiator MinuroEndo The United States, European 60day fwd .5781 .5755 1.7297 1.7375 “Leaving problems for the elev- said the talks in the fall would be Community, Japan and Canada 90day fwd .5766 .5740 1.7343 1.7422 enth hour is a recipe for failure,” “our last chance.” earlier this month broke a dead­ Greece Drachma .004230 .004216 236.40 237.20 Sutherland said in an earlierstate- John Schmidt, the top US rep­ lock in the talks with an agree­ Hong Kong Doll .1290 .1290 7.7540 7.7540 Hungary Forint ment to GATT’s top-level Trade resentative, said Washington was ment at the Tokyo economic .0106 .0106 94.13 93.91 ylndia Rupee .0321 .0321 31.200 31.200 committed to wrapping up the summit to cut certain import .Negotiations Committee. “If we Indnsia Rupiah .000478 .000478 2090.04 2090.04 are to succeed in December the crucial talks by mid-December. tariffs. Ireland Punt 1.4051 1.3990 .7117 .7148 Israel Shekel .3566 .3566 2.8040 2.8040 Italy Lira .000628 .000621 1592.25 1609.75 Dollar dips; Japan Yen .009446 .009413 105.86 106.24 White House won’t 30day fwd .009446 .009412 105.87 106.25 60day fwd .009446 .009413 105.86 106.24 gold prices 90day fwd .009445 .009410 105.88 106.27 delay trade accord tv ou jo: · Jordan Dinar 1.4682 1.4682 .68110 .68110 Lebanon Pound .000578 .000578 1729.00 1729.00 By Michelle MHtelstadt post gains Malaysia Ringg .3905 .3898 2.5610 2.5654 zMexico Peso .066667 .066667 15.00 15.00 WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House apparently won’t heed By Mary Beth Sheridan N. Zealand Dol .5512 .5528 1.8142 1.8090 a request by congressional Democrats to delay the North American NethrlndsGuild .5171 .5169 1.9340 1.9347 Free Trade Agreement. Norway Krone .1360 .1361 7.3515 7.3465 NEW YORK (AP) - The dollar Pakistan Rupee- .0337 .0337 29.70 29.70 In a letter Tuesday to President Clinton, 110 lawmakers asked him dropped slightly against most yPeru New Sol .5102 .5076 1.960 1.970 to delay sending the agreement to Congress until they have had a major currencies Wednesday as zPhilpins Peso .0359 .0358 27.86 27.90 chance to deal with health care reform. investors awaited news on Poland Zloty .000058 .000058 17376 17362 But, said White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers: “N AFTA whether Germany’s central bank Portugal Escud .005764 .005732 173.50 174.45 and health care are proceeding on separate tracks. There’s been no aRussia Ruble .001006 .001006 994.00 994.00 would cut interest rates and ease change in our timetable on NAFTA. The president still feels we can Saudi Arab Riy .2667 .2667 3.7495 3.7495 tensions in Europe’s exchange rate Singapore Doll conclude it by the end of this year;” .6203 .6186 1.6120 1.6165 system. So. Africa Ran .2983 .2985 3.3520 3.3498 The administration wants to implement the continental trade Gold prices advanced. On the So. Korea Won .001240 .001239 806.60 807.00 agreement in January, which would require congressional passage New York Commodity Exchange, Spain Peseta .007184 .007145 139.20 139.95 this fall. The treaty would phase out tariffs and other barriers to the gold for current delivery closed at Sweden Krona .1240 .1237 8.0650 8.0820 free movement of goods, services and investment over a 15-year Switzerlnd Fra .6614 $393.40 a troy ounce, up $2.20 .6580 1.5120 1.5198 period. 30day fwd .6604 .6570 1.5143 1.5220 from Tuesday’s close. Republic The Democrats said consideration of the trade pact would be 60day fwd .6597 .6564 1.5159 1.5235 National Bank quoted gold at 90day fwd .6589 .6556 1.5176 “difficult and divisive” and couldharm the health care reform effort. 1.5253 $393.00, up $2.00, at 4 p.m. EDT Taiwan NT ¿ .0371 .0371 26.96 26.95 “It will detract from our efforts to build a broad coalition of support (2000 GMT). Thailand Baht· ? .03953 .03953 25.30 25.30 j for health care reform,” the 103 House members and seven senators Investors sold many European Turkey Lira .000089 .000089 11204.00 11209.00 wrote. currencies and bought the Japa­ U.A.E. Dirham .2723 .2723 3.6727 3.6727 Only two Texans - Democrats Henry B. Gonzalez of San Antonio fUruguay Peso .247525 .247525 4.04 4.04 nese yen to escape potential chaos and Craig Washington of Houston - were among the signers. A/enzuel Boliv .0109 .0109 92.0000 91.9500 in the European Exchange Rate House Majority Whip David Bonior, who drafted the letter, said ECU: European Currency Unit, a basket of European currencies. The Mechanism, a grid in which Eu­ Federal Resen/e Board's index of the value of the dollar against 10 other at a Capitol news conference that the free trade debate cannot be ropean currencies trade against currencies weighted on the basis of trade was 94.43 Wednesday, off 0.53 allowed to impede health care reform. one another in established ranges. points or 0.56 percent from Tuesday’s 94.96. A year ago the index was “If we fail to act on health care reform, over the next two years one The grid could be fatally weak­ 82.98 out of every four Americans - 63 million people - will lose their ened if Germany’s central bank c-commercial rate, d-free market rate, f-financial rate, y-official health caTe coverage for some period," the Michigan Democrat said. fails to cut its key discount rate at Myers said the administration is awaiting completion of the its meeting on Thursday. congressional budget talks before deciding when to send the health With the markets focused on care and free trade legislation to Congress. Europe, “ the dollar is on the back Hillary Rodham Clinton, who heads the administration’s health burner right now,” said Lee NEW YORK (AP) - Spot nonferrous metal prices Wednesday. care reform effort, has said she would like the health package sent Kassler, senior currency trader at Aluminum - 54.2 cents per lb London Metal Exch. Wed. to Congress in September. National Westminster USA. Copper - 0.9725 dollars per pound. Also Tuesday, the House Government Operations Committee Traders have been dumping Lead - 32 cents a pound. held a hearing to examine how the trade agreement would affect US many European currencies, bet­ Zinc - 44.78-48.28 per pound, delivered. government procurement. ting that those countries will not Tin - - 3.3915 dollars per pound. Noting that federal procurement laws encourage government be able to maintain the same stiff Gold - 393.15 dollars per troy oz. agencies to purchase US goods and services, committee chairman interest rates that Germany has. If Silver - 5.150 dollars per troy oz. John Conyers said NAFTA could open up the S65 billion federal a country lowers interest rates, its Mercury -191.00 dollars per 76 lb flask. civilian procurement market to Mexican and Canadian producers. Platinum - 395.00-402.00 dollars troy oz., N. Y. (contract). continued on page 24 I


A sian m arkets m ixed HONG KONG (AP) - Asian waiting for an interest rate cut Ford reports $775M stock markets closed generally expectetUater this week. The All- mixed Wednesday, while the US Ordinaries index closed up 3.5 dollar fell against the Japanese points at 1,818.4. income in 2nd quarter yen in Tokyo. Wellington: Shares soared in The dollar closed down 0.69 busy trading, closing at their high­ By Alan L. Adler $1.43 a share, in the April-June consensus for Ford was for aprofit yen at 106.05 yen as players est level so far this year. The period, up from $387 million, or of about $623 million, or $1.27 a waited to see if Germany’s NZSE-40 Capital Index rose 25.64 DETROIT (AP) - Ford Motor 70 cents a share, last year. share. Bundesbank would lower inter­ points, or 1.5 percent, to 1,767.97. Co. said Wednesday its second- Chrysler reported earnings of Ford cited higher profits in its est rates. Seoul: Shares dropped in slow quarter earnings had doubled, $685 million, or $1.86 per share, US automotive division and a On the stock market, the 225- trading as the market continued a while Chrysler Corp.’s after-tax in the second quarter, including record profit by the Financial Ser­ issue Nikkei Stock Average closed prolonged correction. The Korea profits were nearly four times as one-time gains of $71 million from vices Group. Chrysler has been a at 19,829.58, down 61.81 points, Composite Stock Price Index fell great as in the same period last the sale of Mitsubishi Motors Wall Street favorite and set sev­ or 0.31 percent. TheTokyo Stock 1.45 points to 749.03. year. Corp. stock and $39 million from eral sales records for its truck line Price Index was down 3.17 points, Singapore: Nervous selling of Both Chrysler and Ford per­ sale of its Acustar Plastics opera­ in the second quarter. or 0.20 percent, at 1,622.28. major blue chips depressed shares formed better than Wall Street tions. It earned $178 million, or Ford Vice President and Trea­ Dealers said trading remained on the Stock Exchange of had anticipated. The two compa­ 54 cents a share, in the same quar­ surer David McCammon said the lethargic as markets waited for a Singapore. The 30-stock Straits nies have enjoyed record sales of ter a year ago. quarter was its best in four years new government to take shape. Times Industrials Index lost 11.32 light trucks andminivans recently, Wall Street analysts had esti­ despite a loss of $75 million in Seven opposition groups were points to 1,794.21. reflecting what analysts say is a mated Chrysler would earn about recession-weakened Ford of Eu­ moving closer to forming a coali­ Kuala Lumpur: Shares rose on pent-up demand for new vehicles. $513 million, or $ 1.47 a share for rope. British luxury carmaker Jag- tion government, possibly under a late advance led by blue chips, Ford earned $775 million, or the April-June period, while the contlnued on page 24 a conservative leader. In elections pushing the composite index to a July 18, the conservative Liberal record high. The Kuala Lumpur Democrats lost their majority in Stock Exchange Composite In­ the more powerful lower house of dex rose 8.40 points, or 1.1 per­ New York stocks end lower Parliament for the first time since cent, to 763.97 points. The previ­ NEW YORK (AP) - The stock 1955. ous record high of 761.60 was set Albany Corp. The market gained little sup­ In Hong Kong, the key index last week. market ended lower Wednesday, Digital Equipment reported port from stocks abroad. climbed above 6,900 points for Bangkok: Prices rose 1.7 per­ weighed down by some mixed worse-than-expected fourth-quar- In Tokyo, the 225-issue Nikkei' the first time since July 16. cent on strong buying in several earnings reports. terresults and said it was cautious Stock Average closed down 0.3 The Hang Seng Index of blue blue chip stocks. The Stock Ex­ Stocks stayed in negative terri­ about the outlook for its firstquar- percent. In London, the Financial chips jumped 37.24 points, or 0.5 change of Thailand index rose tory despite lower interest rates ter. Times-Stock Exchange 100-share percent, to 6,903.21. 15.22 points to 908.36. and some relatively good news on Borden also reported weaker- index rose 0.2 percent. Stocks fell Traders said there was no major Manila: Shares ended mixed as the economy. than-forecast second-quarter re­ 0.6 percent in Frankfurt and 0.4 news to affect trading, and prices profit-taking eroded early gains. The Commerce Department sults and halved its dividend. percent in Paris. rose because of busy futures ac­ The Manila composite index of said orders to factories for “big Both Ford and Chrysler reported According to preliminary cal­ tivities. 30 selected issues added 2.59 ticket” durable goods jumped 3.8 improved profits, although Ford culations, the Dow Jones indus­ “The market is extremely points to 1,740.97. Taiwan: percent in June. That was much cited concern about weakness in trial average fell 12.01 points to directionless,” said Philip Leung, Shares continued sliding as most above the 1 percent increase Europe. The stock of both com­ 3,553.45. a senior sales manager at OCBC investors waited on the sidelines. economists had expected and was panies fell despite the news. Declining issues narrowly out­ Securities (HK) Ltd. The market’s weighted index fell the best rise in six months. Other major companies report­ numbered advances on the New Elsewhere in Asia: 50.81 points, closing at 4,019.63, But the strength was concen­ ing quarterly results Wednesday York Stock Exchange, with 917 Sydney: Shares rose mildly but adding to Tuesday’s 13.43-point trated almost entirely in transpor­ included DuPont and Eastman up, 986 down and 671 unchanged. dealers said many investors were decline. tation, and stock investors were Kodak. Big Board volume totaled not as encouraged as they might Some analysts said the decline 269.79 m illion shares as of 4 p.m. have been, analysts said. in stock prices was not a response (2000 GMT), against 252.52 mil­ N ew Y o rk closing prices The principal reason for the to profit reports, but rather it was lion in the previous session. lower market, however, was a a normal pullback after Monday’s The NYSE’s composite index flurry of mixed corporate earn­ broad-based advance. The Dow fell 0.48 to 247.86. NEW YORK (AP) - New York Stock Exchange closing prices ings reports, said Hugh Johnson, eased 2.24 points Tuesday after a W ednesday: The Nasdaq composite index chief investment officer at First record high on Monday. rose 4.29 points to 705.29. AMR 64 3-4 ChmBnk 407-8 Hmstke 19 5-8 PionrEI 24 7-8 ASALtd 477-8 Chevm 89 Honda 25 Polaroid 37 Abtlab 251-4 С hiquta 12 5-8 Honywls 351-4 P rimca s 53 3-4 A clava 81-4 С hryslr 425-8 Houslnt 74 7-8 P roctGm 49 1-8 A elnU 57 3-4 С iticorp 327-8 ITTCp 87 3-8 QuakrO 63 3-4 Alcan 19 7-8 С oastal 273-8 ITWs 361-4 Quantm 20 A lldsgnl 687-8 С oca Cl 435-8 I mcera 29 RalsPu 38 3-4 Raythn 59 5-8 Alcoa 73 5-8 ColgPal 50 5-8 INC0 20 5-8 ReyMti 51 A max 243-8 V jCoIGs 21 5-8 IBM 44 Rockwl 32 3-4 AmHes 501-2 CmwE 30 IntFlav 1133-4 RoylD 941-4 A Brand 33 Comsat s 30 7-8 I ntPap 64 1-4 Salomn 40 AElPw 381-8 ConEd 357-8 JohnJn 371-2 SaraLees 221-4 AmExp 331-8 ConsNG 515-8 К mart 20 5-8 SchrPI 64 1-2 AGenCps 301-2 Comingln 32 5-8 Kellogg 48 3-8 S chimb 64 3-8 A Home 64 3-8 CurtWr 371-2 KerrMc 53 3-8 S cottP 31 3-4 AmSlrs 44 Deere 64 Korea 151-4 Searss 50 ATandT 637-8 DeltaAir 501-8 Kroger 18 1-4 SmtBceq 301-4 A moco 54 1-8 DialCp 36 3-4 Lilly 48 S onyCp 411-2 A nheus 47 5-8 D igilal 37 1-4 Litton 65 3-8 SouthCo 41 1-4 A rmco 6 5-8 D owCh 60 3-4 Lockhd 66 3-4 S pellEnt 7 3-8 A sarco 187-8 D ressr 24 5-8 Matsu 123 S unCo 27 1-8 AshOil 29 DuPont 471-4 McDerl 32 3-8 S upval 36 A tIRich 1151-8 E Kodak 523-8 McDonld 511-8 TRW 64 Avon 561-2 Eatons 451-2 McDnD 83 5-8 Tandy 28 7-8 Teldyn 24 1-2 BakrHu 271-8 Entergy 36 7-8 McKes 43 3-8 T ennco 49 1-8 BankAm 447-8 E xxon 66 1-2 Mesrx 181-2 T exaco 63 3-8 BankTr 781-8 F MC 48 5-8 Merck 303-4 T exlnst 72 3-4 BauschL 461-4 FedNM 82 7-8 MerLyn 861-2 TexUtil 47 7-8 BengtB 11-8 FstChic 451-8 МММ 1083-8 T extron 51 5-8 В ethStl 14 3-4 F Intste 64 5-8 Mobil 731-2 TimeWs 37 7-8 В lackO 21 5-8 Flemng 321-8 Monsan 56 7-8 T ravier 30 3-8 В oelng 381-2 Fluor 43 5-8 MorgSt 695-8 T rinova 30 5-8 BoiseC 21 1-4 FordM 52 M organ 71 3-4 U AL Cp 13938 В orden 16 GTE 357-8 Motorias 89 U SXMar 173-4 В rMySq 561-8 GnDyn 89 3-4 N Lind 51-4 USXUSS 3 1 3 8 Until August 31st В mwk 131-8 GenEI 97 3-4 Navistrs 261-4 UCarb 183-4 Garapan Shop BurlNth 56 GnMill 591-8 NflkSo 623-4 UnPac 62 7-8 Hafadai 233-8126/8127 CBI 271-8 GnMotr 47 OcciPet 21 Unisys 101-4 Hotel CBS 248 GaPac 603-4 Olin 431-4 UnTech 54 5 8 CIGNA 581-8 G ¡líete 505-8 PacGE 341-2 U nocal 29 J Sc CPC 40 3-4 Gdrích 46 PacTel 49 WamL 671-4 WellsF 1141-2 Bank of CSX 741-4 Goodyrs 41 ParCom 52 Salo WstgEI 161-4 Guam CampSps 35 3-8 G race 411-4 Penneys 441-8 Crystal Shop Weyerh 3 8 3 8 CdnPcg 153-4 GtAtPc 29 3-4 PepsiC 37 Whitmn 141-8 322-8126/8127 С apCits 508 GtWFn 17 3-8 Pfizer 631-2 W hittakr 14 1-2 Calerp 77 7-8 Halbtn 3.93-4 PhelpD 473-4 Wolwth 251-4 Г Sola C^tol La Fiesta Mall Ceridian 14 3-4 H einz 35 1 -4 PhilMr 471-8 Xerox 72 3-8 111-215 С hase 31 5-8 HewlPk 74 PhilPet 301-2 ZenithE 7 7-8 24-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JULY 30,1993

Japanese... Japan’s thirdmainframe maker, The company has announced Hitachi Ltd., saw computer sales anextensivecost-cuttingprogram, continued from page 18 PUBLIC NOTICE sink but avoided red ink because including pay cuts of up to 30 percent for executives. In a tell­ This is to advise the general public thpt the Honorable businesses are linking their desk­ of profits from power-generating equipment and other products. ing move, it also recently decided Lorenzo deLeon Guerrero, Governor of the Common­ top computers into flexible net­ Twoother Japanese companies, to stop licensing IBM operating wealth of the Northern M ariana Islands, is seeking to works instead of buying large, Mitsubishi Electric and Toshiba software for mainframe comput­ redesignate the Protection and Advocacy Agency for centralized computers called mainframes. Corp., have already pulled out of ers, which has become a de facto people with developmental disabilities. This Japan’s poor economy has fur­ the mainframe market. world standard. redesignation will include the Protection and Advo­ ther cut into mainframe sales, On Tuesday, IBM announced “It’s a sign that they know the cacy for Individuals with m ental Illness Program, and while the strong yen has hurt ex­ that it lost a record $8 billion in mainframe business is shrinking,” the Client Assistance Program established by the Ee- ports by making Japanese-made the second quarter, and that85,000 Phua said. habilitation Act of 1973, as amended. goods more expensive overseas. employees - more than 25 percent After a 16.1 billion yen ($150 There will be a public hearing on this m atter on Saipan Last year, Fujitsu Ltd., Japan’s of its work force - would leave by million) consolidated pretax loss at the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library, July 26, 1993 at biggest computer maker, suffered the end of the year. last year, Fujitsu expects revenues 7:00 p.m. Public hearings be held on Rota at the Round its first operating loss ever, while In its restructuring, Fujitsu plans to fall a further 5 percent this year House, August 2,1993 at 7:00 p.m., and Tinian at the NEC Corp. saw its first loss since to slash its 56,000-member work but hopes to break even. PSS Cafetorium, August 12,1993 at 7:00 p.m. 1974. force by about 10 percent by 1995 Both Fujitsu and NEC have cut The public is also inviced to subm it w ritten comments It was the first decline in com­ through attrition, transfers to sub­ back US operations and are trans­ to the Governor no later than 4:00 p.m. August 23, puter sales ever for both compa­ sidiaries and reducedhiring, com­ ferring workers away from ad­ 1 9 9 3 . nies. pany officials say. ministrative jobs. For persons needing sign language interpreters or other such support for the hearing, please contact the ropean employment to be at in company history after the sec­ Developmental Disabilities Planning Office at least F ord... 82,000 at year end. ond and first quarters of 1984, one day prior to the hearing date. continued from page 23 Overall international earnings when Chrysler had no tax provi­ This notice is available on tape for persons who are uar, which Ford purchased for in the second quarter were $28 sion because of its huge losses blind and with visual im pairm ents. Copies of the tape $2.5 billion in 1989, had a $60 mill ion because of profits in Latin earlier in the 1980s. Its tax rate in' may be obtained at the Developmental Disabilities million operating loss counted America, Canada and the Asia- the second quarter this year was Planning Office, Q uarters No. 1312, Capitol Hill, or by separately. McCammon said the Pacific. 39 percent. calling 323-3014 or 323-3015. company has substantially com­ Excluding a special account­ Accounting for future retiree pleted cutting 13,000 of 98,000 ing charge, Chrysler’s first-half health benefits resulted in a net European jobs and didn’t rule out earnings of $1.8 billion would loss for Chrysler of $3.47 billion, further cuts, depending on how have been the highest ever for or $10.38 per common share, for NUTISIAN PUBLIKU the European economy performs. nation’s third biggest automaker. the first half compared with net M anma abibisa i pupbliku henerat na i Gobietnon Com­ Regardless, Ford expects its Eu­ The quarter was the third best earnings of $165 million or 46 monwealth of the Northern M ariana Islands, as Honorable cents a share in the first half of Lorenzo I. deLeon Guerrero ha espipha para u tulaika i 1992. Ahension Proteksion ya Supottacsion para agu siha na NORTHERN MARIANAS COLLEGE The accounting change resulted taotao ni mangaige gi program n gi development disabili­ INTRO. TO in a one-time charge of $4.68 bil­ lion, while last year’s First half ties. Este na tinulaika programan Mental illness yan OCCUPATIONAL Programan Client Assistance ni inestablisa. reflected a $218 million gain from Para u guaha Public Hearing put este na asunto guatu gi SAFETY & HEALTH a change in accounting principles Joeten-Kiyu Public Library, gi Susupe, gi Julio 26,1993 (Repeated due to popular demand) for taxes. gi oran alas siette gi pupuenge guine giya Saipan. Para The nation’s biggest au tomaker, ma kondukta i Public Hearing giya Luta, guato gi Round There is no financial settlement that can replace a lost life or General Motors Сир., is expected House gi Agusto 02,1993 gi oran alas 7:00 gi pupuenge. make upfor a lifetime in a handicapped environment. This alone to report its second quarterresults on Tbursday. I Public Hearings giya Tinian para guato giya PSS is a powerful deterrent to ynsafe practices and a motivator for Chrysler second-quarter rev­ Cafeterium, gi Agusto 12, 1993 gi oran alas 7:00 gi a good work place safety, fiowever, people do get hurt on the enue was $11.03 billion, up 18 p u p u e n g e . job, and safety is everyone's business; so start a new attitude percent over $9.31 billion last Manma sosohyo i pupbliku para ufan nahalun tow ards life. Begin now, by enrolling in this Introductory level year. This was the third consecu-, rekomendacion guato gi Gobietno antes di u alas 4:00 safety workshop. Remember the life you save may be your despues di talo’ane, gi Agusto 23,1993 five record quarter. own. Our instructor, Ken White-a graduate of the University of Para ayu siha i m a’nisisita sign language interpreter pat Texas - Austin, has spent the last six months studying and hafa na supottasion para sina manhungok, pot fabot researching OSHA's regulations. He has recently given several a’agang i Developmental Disabilities Planning Office un D o lla r .. . safety & health workshop for NMC and received high marks on dia antes de i public hearing. Este na nutisia guaha gi continued from page 22 his performance. Each person in attendance will receive a tape para i mambachet yan chatmata. Sina ma’chule certificate of completion issued by NMC's Adult & Continuing investments earn less and its cur­ kopian este na tape gi Developmental Disabilities Plan­ Education Unit. Also, com panies w hose employees attend will rency declines in value. ning Office. Q uarters No. 1312, giya Capitol Hill, osino While trading in the dollar was receive a letter certifying that these employees have attended a’agang este siha na num irun tilifon i 323-3014 yan 323- generally light Wednesday, it did this Important Occupational, Safety and Health workshop. 3015. drop to 104.85 Japanese yen - just Include this letter in your permanent training files to demon­ short of its post-Woi Id War II low strate that you are taking employee Occupational, Safety and - before rebounding sharply to Health training seriously. 105.80 in late-aftemoon trading ARONGORONGOL TOWLAP in New York. It was down from Important Topics Include: 106.10 yen a day earlier. Rekke arongaar towlap bwe Sowmar ye Lorenzo I deLeon All About OSHA Currency brokers said the dol­ Guerrero, Gubenool commonwealth oftheNorthem Mariana • The Need for Legislation. lar lost value because the yen had Islands ekke ghutt bwe ebwe liwili Agency il Protection me • OSHA's purpose become increasingly sought-af­ Advocacy ngaliir aramas kka relo llol developmental dis­ • The Act's coverage/standards abilities. Lliiwel yeel nge repwal toolong aramas kka relo • Recordkeeping and reporting ter by investors seeking to shed llol Progromaal Mental illness me Progromaal Clsient Assis­ • Keeping employees informed European currencies. tance iye eyoor sangi Rehabilitation Act of 1993, igha re • Workplace inspections & much,much more. “The yen is still considered liwili. somewhat outside this action in Ebwe yoor arongorong gnalirr towlap reel milleel mellol Intro, to Safety Hazards: Training Requirements Europe,” said Jack Griffin, vice CNM1 reel Joten-Kiyu Public Library, wool Ullio 26, 1993 • General Safety hazards common in industry. •OSHA Standards which require training. president of foreign exchange at otol ye 7:00 leepal. Arongorongol towlap me wool Luuta • Gives the participJnfa general first· 1 • Voluntary training-it can make a difference. Fuji Bank Ltd. in New York. In ebwe loo llol Round House, wool Agusto 2, 1993 otol ye 7:00 exposure- lo a wide variety of safety topics. • A model is presented to help employers develop a training program to suit their addition, traders said, the yen was leepal, me arongorongol towlap me wool Tchuluyol nge ebwe needs. perceived as strengthening due to loo PSS llol leliyel imwal mongo (Cafeterium), wool Agusto Recordingkeeping Requirements Employee Rights & Responsi­ Japan’s trade surplus with the 12, 1993 atol ye 7:00 leepal. • Who must keep records and for how long must they be kept. United States and US government Re bwal kke tingor ngaliir towlap bwe rebwe atotoolong bilities • Recordkeeping forms • Your right to know support for a strong yen, which meta tipeer me mangemangiir reel arongorong yeel nge •Where should records be located, • Your responsibilities rebwe atoow ngali Gubennno mmwat ebwe otol ye 4:00 do they need to be maintained? • OSHA standards /inspections. makes Japanese exports more leepal, Agusto 23, 1993. •What cases must be reported. •Much more! expensive in this country. Ngaliir aramas kka re nisisitaay shcool akkateel sign lan­ In New York, the pound in­ Workshop Schedule/ Information: · Thursday, August 5,1993,9am -4p.m. guage me bwal akkaaw alillis nge rebwe ffaingi creased to $1.4965 from $1.4885 • NMC Bldg "V Room 215 · Fee: $30.00 per person · Receive Continuing on Tuesday. Developmental Disabilities Planning Office. Arongorong Educational Units (CEU's) that can be applied towards college credits at NMC yeel nge e bwal yoor llol tape bwe yaar schokka re pasch me • Refreshment served . Pick up your registration form at the NMC Adult & Other dollar rates as of 4 p.m. rese ghi ghuleeylo mmwaliir. Kkopiyaal tape kkal nge Continuing Educational Office · Call 234-3690 Ext. 23-26 for additional EDT (2000 GMT) in New York emmwel bwe lo tingor sangi Developmental Disabilities information. If workshop Is cancelled you will be notified and a full refund will compared to late Tuesday: 1.7170 Planning Office. Quarters No. 1312, Capitol Hill, ngare be issued. Refunds requested priorto 8-4-93 will havea $5.00 administration German marks, down from ffaingi numurool tilifoon kka 323-3014 me 232-3015. fee deducted .No refunds after 8-4-93 1.7275; 1.5120. FRIDAY, JULY 3G, 1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NÈWS AND VTEWS-25 70 nations report on arms trade By Charles J. Hanley 75, Greece 492” and so on _ it imports in seven categories: battle the monetary value. “There is no verification mecha- attests to America’s importantrole tanks, armored combat vehicles, The United Nations cannot vouch nism for the register, save thefact that UNITED NATIONS (AP) ■ Inan in the arms trade. For example, large-caliber artillery, warplanes, at­ for the report’s accuracy. China’s the identical arms transfer has to be unprecedented step, at least 70 more than 1,200 US-made tanks tack helicopters, warships, and mis­ filing, for example, mentions no reported by both the importer and nations, including China and were listed in the exports report siles and missile launchers. missile sales to Pakistan - a deal the exporter states,” said Edward J. Russia, have accounted to the for 1992. They list thenumber of suchitems, US government contends was car­ Laurance, a non-proliferation spe­ United Nations for the weapons The heavily armed Middle East andthecountrytheywereexportedto ried out in 1992. Pakistan has not yet cialist at California's Monterey In­ they bought and sold last year in is the major disappointment for or imported from. They do not repeat filed. stitute for International Studies. the global arms bazaar. The register organizers. N either Israel governments reporting to the new nor its Arab adversaries have yet UN Conventional Arms Register filed. But UN sources, speaking represent less than half the world on condition of anonymity, said PUBLIC NOTICE body’s 184 members, but they Egypt is expected to report soon, include the biggest weapons ex­ and Israel and others will follow. porters and many big importers. A new, informal deadline of The following persons with pending LABOR or AGENCY CASES are hereby Arms-control advocates call the Aug. 1 has been set, after which notified to report to the Department of Commerce and Labor, Investigation voluntary system, established in Secretary-General Boutros Section, located at Capitol Hill, Ground Floor, Administration Building, within the aftermath of the Gulf War, a Boutros-Ghali will issue a report fiteen (15) days from the date of the publication of this notice. significant start toward greater on the register, and its detailed openness in the weapons trade, information will be publicly NAME CASE NUMBER even if the export-import filings available. Specialists hope 1. Eriinda S. Flores AC #184-93 do not always tell all. this official global accounting of “W ith the six biggest suppliers the weapons business, never be­ 2. Agnes Cabiles AC # 206-93. reporting - the US, Russia, China, fore compiled, will become a 3. Lin Kui Fang AC # 098-93 the United Kingdom, France, touchstone for monitoring the 4. Felix Dela Rosa AC # 092-93 Germany - you’ve basically cap­ trade. 5. Ana Rosario Carlos AC# 185-93 tured the trade,” said Washington Most governments, unlike the 6. Mario G. Mata AC #172-93 analyst Natalie Goldring. United States, have not previously She estimated the six countries reported such information even to 7. Linda B. Berdan AC #179-93 supply at least 85 percent of world their own citizens. Britain had to ask 8. Juliet Salatan AC# 186-93 arms exports. defense companies to suspend con­ 9. Benjamin C. Ramos AC #112-93 China had been a question mark, tract secrecy clauses to file its report. 10. Gregorio C. Tapang AC# 149-93 but it filed soon after April 30, the The register was established by a 11. Pascual B. Lappay AC# 149-93 original deadline for the first unanimous UN General Assembly 12. Felipe R. Aguilar AC #155-93 year’s report. The Russians had resolution in 1991 to make the trade to pass a special law to overcome “transparent,” enabling the outside 13. Rey D. Tugade AC #131-93 Moscow’s age-old secrecy on world to sound an alarm about 14. Romei R. Palada AC #138-93 'military matters, and did not file buildups like Iraq’sarms-ixiyingspree 15. Faustino G. Aliwate AC # 207-93 until mid-July. of the 1980s, which emboldened 16. Ernesto Wakat AC # 209-92 The US report arrived before Saddam Hussein to order theKuwait the deadline. In spare columns of invasion in 1990. Failure to appear at the department on or before the date and time specified numbers _ “Battle Tanks: Egypt Governments report exports and above shall be ground for dismissal of the above cases. In the event any or all of these cases are dismissed, the Office of Immigration may institute deportation proceedings. Executions in C hina Dated this 27th day of July, 1993. rise as crim e spreads

BEIJING (AP) - China is Many of the offenses are non­ /s/ DANIEL E. AQUINO sharply increasing its use of the violent ones, including theft. The Chief of Labor death penally as a rising crime report said death sentences seem rate accompanies economic to be imposed almost automati­ prosperity, the international hu­ cally when the amount of Lheft man rights group Amnesty In­ exceeds 30,000 yuan ($5,220). Marianas Public Land Corporation ternational said in a report. More than 920 of last year’s The repent, seen in Beijing on 1,890 death sentences were for PUBLIC NOTICE Thursday, also said medical drug-related offenses, the report said. Pursuant to the provisions of 2 S igon gi probension siha gi 2 CMC Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 CMC sources reported that organs and The practice of using executed CMC 4141 et sec, the PUBLIC 4141 et sec i PUBLIC PURPOSE 4141 et sec, PUBLIC PURPOSE tissues from executed prisoners prisoners’ organs without their LAND EXCHANGE ACT OF LAND EXCHANGE AUTHO­ are often removed for transplant PURPOSE LAND EXCHANGE consent was confirmed in an 1987, sino i tulaikan tano para RIZATION ACT OF 1987, nge operations without the consent AUTHORIZATION ACT OF article in the official newspaper propositonpupblikunaakton 1987, Marianas Public Land Corpora­ of the prisoners or their fami­ Legal Daily (Fazhi Ribao) in 1987, notice is hereby given of nutisia manana i ginen este put i tion e arongaar towlap, igha e lies. 1989, which urged establish­ Marianas Public Land in tension-nai Marianas Public Land mangiiy cbwe lliiwelo faluw iye The London-based group ment of legal guidelines and Corporation’s intention to enter Corporation humalom gi kontratan e toolong faluw kka faal. counted at least 1,890 death sen­ consent procedures. into an exchange agreement in­ atulaikan tano ni ha afefekta i Aramasyc c tipali nge cmmwcl tences handed down in 1992 but Instead, Amnesty Interna­ pedason tanosiha ni manmadeskribi cbwe tingor cbwe yoor hearing volving the parcels of land de­ gi sampapa. Man interesante siha said some sources estimated the tional said, efforts are made to reel inaamwo lliiwelil faluw fa. scribed below. Concerned per­ na petsona sina manmamaisen total was more than 5,000. conceal the procedure from Aramas ye e tipali nge emmwel sons may request a hearing on any inckungok put maseha manu/hafa Even the lower Figure was the relatives. It quoted an unidenti­ ye re tipali reel kkapsal faluw, proposed exchanged by contact­ na priniponi put tulaikan tano. highest counted since 1983, fied Chinese doctor as saying nge rebwe aghuleey ngali MPLC when an estimated 10,000 that transplants depend heavily ing MPLC by or on August 11, A'agang i MPLC antes pat osino gi August 11,1993. Yanggen guaha wool me ngare mmwal August people were executed in a major on executions because of the 1993. If so requested, hearings on 11, 1993. Ngare eyoor tingor anti-crime campaign. lack of public education pro­ inekungok marikuesta, i inckungok the transactions, Hsted below will siempre para i sigiente siha na bwe yoor hearing, nge rebwe China does not release death grams about organ donation. be scheduled on August 13,1993 ayoora reel tali faluw kka faal, The human rights group also transaksion u fan makondukta gi sentence figures, and Amnesty nge rebwe tooto wool August 13, criticized China’s criminal pro­ at 9:00 a.m. in the Conference August 13,1993, gi oran alas 9:00 International said its count of 1993, otol ye 9:00 a.m. mellol cedures, which deny the accused Room of MPLC. gi eggan gi halom i kuatton 1,890 was based on reports in MPLC Conference Room. access to a lawyer until several PUBLIC PURPOSE - Wetland konfirensian i MPLC. the official media, public notices PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU -1'Ma AMMWELEER TOWLAP - days before the trial and which posted outside courthouses and Acquisition Chulé I' Wetland Wetland Acquisition accounts by witnesses of execu­ allow verdicts to be reached be­ fore trial. Many defendants have tions. PRIVATE LAND - Saipan Lot/ TANO PRAIBET - Sitio Numiru FALUWAL ARAMAS - Saipan no lawyer. Most death sentences are car­ 565 NEW-5 giya Saipan, yah ha “In the overwhelming major­ Tract No. 565 NEW-5 containing Lot/T rac t No. 565 NEW-5 Llapal ried out immediately after a ver­ konsisiste 6,975 metro kuadrao na ity of cases known to Amnesty an area of 16,975 square meters. 6,975 square meters iwe e dict is reached. area. International, court verdicts are amatafa. The Amnesty International almost verbatim reproductions PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ TANO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Numiru report said China has expanded of indictments presented by FALAWEER TOWLAP - Saipan Tract No. 029 1 04 containing an 029 I 04 giya Saipan, yan ha the number of crimes punishable prosecutors and take virtually Lot/TractNo. 029104 Llapal nge konsisiste 14,648 metro kuadrao by execution to about· 65, up no account of the defense,” the area of 14,648 square meters. 14,648 square meters. from about 40 in the late 1980s. na area. report said. 7/23, 30, S/6, 13(5492) 2frMARIANASWARffiTY

WASHINGTON (AP) - The their hands, yet they will have ing death defined under the bill UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The General Assembly on Wednesday Senate voted Wednesday to es­ their own lives spared,” D’ Amato were hijacking or sabotaging of unanimously welcomed Andorra, a tiny European nation located be­ tablish a federal death penalty said. “This legislation will ensure an aircraft or other vessel; a vio­ tween France and Spain in the Pyrenees mountains, as its 184th for murders caused by bomb­ that those engaging in terrorist lent attack on an internationally member. ings or other terrorist activities. activities will face the ultimate protected person; assassination; Andorra will be be one of the smallest UN members, along with San Sen. Alfonse D’Amato, R- sanction.” and the use of a biological, Marino, Liechtenstein and Monocco. N.Y., sponsor of the legislation, Six people were killed in the chemical or nuclear device to Andorra has a population of about 56,000 and an area of 180 square cited the terrorist bombing of attack. cause harm or damage. miles (467 square kilometers). Slightly more than a quarter of the the World Trade Center in New The bill, submitted as an amend­ D’Amato said it was a tragedy population is Andorran. The rest are French, Portugese and Spanish. York last February in stressing ment to the 1994 appropriations that under the laws of certain the need for the law. bill for the Commerce, Justice states, including New York, “Those guilty of the World and State departments, passed by those convicted of terrorist Trade Center bombing have the voice vote. crimes will not receive the death blood of innocent victims on Among terrorist activities caus­ penalty. Fully - Furnished Vietnam . · . cont|nued from ^e2Q 24 Hour Water Supply and gas law, which passed the na­ acts with Vietnamese organiza­ Later Wednesday, the Americans Next to Tokyo Tower tional assembly earlier this month. tions. Washington’s policy is that it attended abriefing at the Hanoi office She said she was pleased that the will lift its embargo only if it is con­ of tte Pentagon’s Joint Task Force- 638 Sq. Ft. country now has a model contract, vinced that Hanoi is giving full coop­ Full Accounting unit, which is re- adding that it resembles laws al­ eration in the search for the 2^253 sponsibleforleamingthefateofmiss- Next to Tokyo Tower

ready in effect in Malaysia and Indo­ Americans still officially listed as ing American servicemen Auto- Saipan Write nesia. missing from the Vietnam War. Thebusinessmenwere toflyThurs- PBease call at 234-6846 Motion Tours On Under the terms of the embargo, President Clinical must decide by day toHoChi Minh City, where they To Garapan Beach Йог d To Koblerville—> Joetan Tokyo American companies may sign but Sept. 14 whether to renew the em­ were to meet with Premier Vo Van 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Mon - Sun SuperMarket Tower are not allowed to execute contr bargo for another year. Kiel Chalan Piao


A T A S L I T 0

WE WELL BE CLOSED 3 B edroom , 2 B aths, W all to w all carp et, Fully furnished. FOK 1 Л YTTYTOKY OY SUNDAY, AUGUST 1 ST. For m ore information, p lease co n tact 234-3208 The retail store w ill be open on Saturday, Ju ly 3 1st, but

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until M onday, August 01. F o r R e n t (Fully Furnished) Thank You for your cooperation. A ir-Conditioner · W ater H eater · K itchen Utensils · Living Room Furniture · Television WATCH FOR OCR NEW STORE OPENING Set · Telephone · Bed Sheets and Blankets ■ m ·...... ·► ON BEACH ROAD IN AUGUST. Contact: Frank Babauta Tel.: 322-5820 P.O. BOX 331 B A S IC V SAIPAN, MP 96950 Tel.: (670) 234-6609 F O R S A l LX: 234-7666 CONSTRUCTION 234-8779 REMAINDER OF LEASEHOLD £ 235-6613 Two lots totalling 1524 square meters; located In Garapan area, suitable for s SUPPLY ^ 235-6614 Fax: (670) 234-8720 commercial development, main road frontage. Asking price $175,00 per square meter.Call 234-8677 during business hours for more information, s ^M A R IA N A S VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JULY 30.1993 ‘Bastard’ remark raises Major’s popularity rating Memoir of Clinton’s mother NEW YORK (AP) - Virginia Kelley, President Clinton’s mother, has LONDON (AP) - Behind the dif­ ter for it. when he thought the microphones signed a contract for the rights to her life story, which will be written by fident, mild-mannered exterior of A telephone poll of 500 voters were off after a series of network an Arkansas journalist. Prime Minister John Major lurks by London’s Daily Star newspa­ television interviews, and were Simon and Schuster said Wednesday it would publish the memoir in a man who swears, laughs at him­ per found 69 percent approval of leaked to newspapers. the fall of 1994. The publishing house’s president, Carolyn Reidy, said self and calls three troublesome Major’s off-the-cuff private re­ On Wednesday, after a tele­ Mrs. Kelley “has had a full and challenging life. It’s a tremendously Cabinet colleagues “bastards.” marks. phone watchdog body ordered a inspiring American story.” And Britons m ay like him bet­ They were recorded Friday tabloid newspaper, The Daily It’s expected to cover Mrs. Kelley’s struggles as asingle mother after Mirror, to shut down a phone-in her first husband, President Clinton’s father, died in an automobile line for readers to listen to the accident; the abuse she endured from her second husband; her enjoy­ CARMEN’S HAIR SALON swearing Major themselves, aTV ment of horse track betting; and her bout with breast cancer. Beach Road, Chalan Kanoa station broadcast the tape. “Mrs. Kelley is very candid and this book will reflect her personal­ Tel. No. 234-6945 GMTV bleeped out the word ity,” said her agent and lawyer, Robert Barnett. “bastards.” But otherwise it was James Morgan, who will write the memoir, is a freelance writer and unexpurgated - and showed a side former magazine-editor who has written for such publications as of 50-year-old Major which some Atlantic Monthly, Esquire and GQ. Hair Perming $ 20.00 commentators thought might Monetary terms were not disclosed. Hair Coloring $ 15.00 boost his popularity, now at a Shiatsu Massage $ 25.00 (45 minutes) record low for a British leader. Michael-mania hits Taiwan Major, whocalled and survived TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) - Michael-mania is taking hold in Taiwan. But a vote of confidence on Friday to Above prices are good for service on M ondays and what if he should cancel? Thursdays only, throughout the month of August. Hair force his Conservative Party dis­ The promoter of two planned Michael Jackson concerts is taking out- penning and coloring may sidents in Parliament to ratify a a $5.2 million insurance policy in case the pop superstar doesn’t show. be slightly higher for long European union treaty, talked of Jackson recently canceled two concerts scheduled for next month in three anti-treaty members in his 8$) hair. No appointment is Hong Kong. 22-strong Cabinet. ■Ml neccessary. The promoter, Yu Kuang Music Magazine, said it expects a near Asked by an interviewer why sellout for the concerts Sept. 4 and 5. Tickets go on sale next week. -V he didn’t fire the trio - who were not identified - Major said, Foxes disrupt golf game “Would you like three more of the W bastards out there?” FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) - Golfer Roger Evans had just hit a near- At another point, Major laughed perfect drive when a hazard more tenacious than the worst-placed sand ' V 1 self-deprecatingly about media trap got in his way for the second time. references to him as a wimp. A fox trotted across the fairway, picked up the ball in its mouth and “W hatldon’tunderstand is why scurried back into the tall grass Saturday. We Carry MátrixHair C^are Products such a complete wimp like me Two foxes have stolen about200 balls since the North Star Golf Club keeps winning everything,” he OpenMorìàa^j^nàay 10:(^ám ~8:00pm opened last month. 'Saturdhw^jCtonm-^rOO pm joked. “Normally if you lose a golf ball you’re penalized two strokes,” Evans said. “Well, what do you do when a fox takes your ball?” Vietnam bans The ruling, from club owner Jack Stallings: A fresh ball may be aOQQQCQQiaOOQOOOCOCÍOCOPOCOOOOCOQQOOO placed where the old one disappeared. 1 foreigners Evans, like other golfers, is amused but puzzled. “Foxes do eat eggs,” he said, “but he’s got to know by now these are with AIDS not edible." BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - NEW LOCATION Foreigners and expatriate Viet­ Florence needs more parks namese with contagious diseases will not be allowed to enter Viet­ ROME (AP) - The mayor of Florence says his city of art treasures Dais I 8 È Ì 1 ^W ashland Goli ^1IÍIí$é nam, the official Vietnam News needs less traffic and industry and more parks. And he wants to spend □I Agency reported Wednesday. dlrs 3.2 billion to do something about that. The report said the order by the Two months after a bomb damaged the Uffizi art gallery in Florence, Jo eten l IO AsLitoRoad^ minister of public health was Traffic Lights , , Mayor Giorgio Morales presented a plan Tuesday designed to keep Chalan! Jewelry Sale meant to prevent the spread of more residents from fleeing the congested city and to protect its outdoor Piao •14K *18K *22K *24K such diseases, in particular AIDS statues, monuments and architectural riches. - acquired immune deficiency The plan cal Is for new roads to divert traffic away from the city center, We also accept made to order & repair syndrome - and venereal diseases. the transfer of the little industry left in the city center to the sub Tel no. 234-0566 · 235-2713 Only a few dozen people in urbs and the restoration of historic buildings. Vietnam have tested positive as Pollution, mainly from car exhaust, is a major source of damage to carriers of the AIDS virus, but Florence’s outdoor treasures. both Vietnamese and foreign Morales said one of the main goals is to improve the quality of life for health experts have warned that residents. Since 1984, Florence’s population has dropped from more the disease could spread rapidly, than 450,000 to 400,000, and city officials expect it to fall to 350,000 partly because of a general lack of by 2000. fu lly a p a r t m e n t , »2-3 bedroom, furnished knowledge in Vietnam about its The plan calls for increasing the number and size of parks and b e h i n d Horiguchi B ld g . • control. rebuilding rundown areas in the outskirts. The bus system to the suburbs • 3 - 4 bedroom house The new regulation stipulates would be expanded and a new park would be built along the Amo River, that both foreigners and Vietnam­ with bike paths and hiking trails. near Mt. Carmel Church ese living abroad must submit to a Morales estimated the plan would cost about $3.2 billion over 10 For more information, contact Anna medical check before receiving years. an entry visa. While the report at Tel: 234-3873 said that all people with'conta­ gious diseases would be barred, it Psychiatrist rapes patient did not say whether tourists com­ TORONTO (AP) - A psychiatrist was barred from ever practicing in EATING RIGHT ing for brief visits would have to Ontario again Wednesday after a disciplinary hearing found him guilty have medical checks. of repeatedly raping his patient 20 years ago while she lay helplessly Some 350,000 tourists visited drugged. CAN HELP Vietnam in the first six months of Dr. Frank Johnson, 66, was found guilty of charges of sexual impro­ this year, double the figure for priety and medical incompetence for his systematic sexual abuse of Jean January-June 1992. Halliwell, of London, Ontario. REDUCE Vietnam is eager to reap profits The tribunal heard Johnson kept Halliwell in a “zombie-like” state for from tourism as well as joint ven­ years by prescribing huge amounts of drugs and having her hospitalized THE RISK OF tures with foreign companies. for months at a time. AMERICAN More airlines are flying into the “He was a physician who harmed her repeatedly,” said Donna V CANCER country and a number of new ho­ Campbell, a lawyer for the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. CANCER * SOCIETY* tels are being built in Hanoi, Ho Johnson refused to appear before the two-day tribunal. His lawyer, Chi Minh City, Danang and other It can also help you reduce your weight Elizabeth Stewart, said she was “not at liberty” to say where he lives tourist centers. now. t


NOTICE Japanese Pepsi’s promotional To Mr. YASUMICHI KAKUSE! All your belonging left since June 1992 your last residence in embrace Koblerville, Saipan, must claim within August 31,1993. campaign backfires Beyond this date, holder has no dinosaur responsibility in any part or whole for your goods. By Oliver Teves reinvestigalion. “What makes people so boom MANILA (AP) - A bizarre furious and determined to twist in a Pepsi promotional fight on is that hopes had FOR RENT (IN ROTA) By Seth Sutel campaign to make millionaires been raised but were imme­ out of poor Filipinos has turned diately crushed,” said BUSINESS/OFFICE/ TOKYO (AP) - The Japanese into a battle between tens of Ferdinand Eslabon, presi- thousands of consumers and dentof the group, which calls APARTMENT have embraced the dinosaur the American soft drink giant. itself theUnited 349. Hesaid $300 PER MONTH 1 boom with all the fervor their Pepsi launched its “Number an alliance of all contest fad-loving nation can muster. CALL (671)734-1646 ; Fever” promotions last year, “winners” will campaignfor OR WRITE TO. P.O. BOX 10652 s But this time, unlike Godzilla, promising instant cash of up to a boycott of Pepsi. Pepsi TAMUNING, GUAM 96931 some of the beasts are downright 1 millionpesos - about$37,000 has moved to dismiss all cute and huggable. - far those who held bottle caps with a crowd on a street. Also in Davao, criminal cases in the wake of a January Looking something like a leath­ three-digit winning numbers. one Pepsi supervisor and two em­ ruling by the Philippines Department PUBLIC NOTICE ery teddy bear, a baby tyranno­ The controversy erupted after the ployees reportedly were killed in a of Justice that there was no basis for criminal charges against the company In the Superior Court of saurus called “Rex” hit the big company announced May 25,1992, separate grenade attack. the winning number for that day - The Senate Committee on Trade for its handling of the promotion. the Commonwealth of the screens in Japan two weeks be­ 349. Thousands of people rushed and Commerce accused Pepsi of Nationwide, about 50,000 349 cap- Northern Mariana Islands fore “Jurassic Park” set an open­ giddily to Pepsi plants around the “gross negligence” and said it dis­ holders have been organized. ing weekend record here on July country to collect But the company tributed “misleading and deceptive” “A few local opportunists, quick- ADOPTION CASE 17-18. refused to give them their prizes, advertisements “by changing the buck artists, have lured thousands of N O . 9 3 -8 1 Banks, hotels, and even the sub­ saying the caps did not have the right rules of the game.” It noted that unwitting Filipinos with very empty way system have piggybacked security number. Pepsi was involved in a similar fi­ promises of a huge settlement in the In the Matter of the Petition promotions onto the nationwide Winners complained, saying the asco in Chile just a month before the future for the payment of an up-front for Adoption of AURORA dinosaur boom. The Tokyo promotional materials did not say a 349 incident. fee,” said Ross. PADILLA BALCITA, subway’s summer “stamp rally” “winning” security code was needed Pepsi blames the flap on “a com­ Franklin Valenzuela, 29, said his m in o r , features dinosaur ink stamps that as well, only that a security number puter software glitch” - the inadvert­ ambition to resume his computer stud­ By: STANLEY KEENE and ent printing and circulation of hun­ ies was revived when he got a 1 mil­ kids collect in special books as determined the authenticity of the AMELIA BALCITA KEENE, cap. dreds of thousands of additional 349 lion-peso 349 cap. He has quit his job Petitioners. they travel from station to sta­ In what it called a “goodwill ges­ caps, albeit ones without “winning” as a messenger and sent his wife and tion. ture,” Pepsi agreed to pay $18 each security codes. three daughters to the province so he NOTICE OF HEARING The prehistoric creatures also to anyone holding oneof the 800,000 “It’s a horribly unfortunate situa­ could devote his time to pursue his are the stars of at least 20 exhibi­ 349 caps. It compensated about a tion. But there was no attempt on claim. Notice is hereby given that on tions opening across Japan over half million people fora total of $10 Pepsi’s part to deceive anybody .... ‘W e hope other multinationals will August 5, 1993, Thursday, at the next few weeks, and stare million. and we acted very quickly and very notfollow Pepsi orwe will beforced to 1:30 p.m. in the courthouse of menacingly from, countless Since then, irate winners have ri­ aggressively to correct the mistake,” drive them all out of our country,” the Superior Court in Susupe, magazine covers. oted at some of the plants while said Kenneth Ross, a spokesman for Valenzuela said. Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Unlike the man-munching be­ others attacked bottling plants and Pepsi-Cola International, the inter­ Vic Del Fierro, president of the delivery trucks with grenades and national beverage division ofPepsico Coalition 349 group of cap-hold- petitioners will petition the hemoths in “Jurassic Park,” the Court to adopt the above-named gently cooing “Rex” is a kinder, firebombs. At least 37 trucks have Inc. He spoke Wednesday in an in­ ers, is a professional congressional been burned in such attacks and a terview from the corporation ’ s head­ lobbyist whose family has three 1 minor. gentler dinosaur - one that would bottling plant in Davao City in the quarters in Purchase, N.Y. million-peso caps. He said he plans rather relate to people than eat Dated this 28th day of July, south has stopped operation because Unswayed, one of eight groups of to rally support from consumer 1993. them. of grenade damage. winners is pressing a criminal fiaud groups in Europe and the United “He seems so nice,” 7-year- A teacher and a 5-year-old girl and swindling suit against Pfepsi. Ar­ States, where he was headed this /s/Reynaldo O. Yana old Ai Sasaki said of Rex on her died when a grenade lobbed at a raignment and trial have been post­ week in hopes of also talking with Attorney for Petitioners way in to see the film with her truck bounced off and exploded near poned pending a Pepsi petition for Pepsico officials. parents. “I’m glad he’s not scary.” “Rex is a cute dinosaur,” says Masako Yanaka, a publicist for C ar collides Shochiku Co., which produced and distributed the film. “The w i t h p l a n e G e ta w a y idea is the exact opposite of ‘Ju­ rassic Park.’ ” LEAGUE CITY, Texas (AP) - T ravel The film bears striking resem­ Viola Rizzo and Mary Langley blance to an earlier Spielberg box- King’s Plaza P.O. Box 3146 Saipan, MP 96950 just wanted to return a pair of A g e n c y Tel.: (670) 235-8001 · Fax: (670) 235-8006 office winner, “E.T.” Carlo shoes, and astronaut Daniel T. Rambaldi, the special-effects Barry just wanted to take off in guru who designed “E.T.,” also his plane. Budget Fares to the U.S. Mainland, Summer Spedai created the grinning T-Rex tod­ Instead, they collided after the dler. 92-year-old women’s car took a Package Tours to the Far East, Australia, Bali and Micronesia. The plot may ring a bell with wrong turn Tuesday and wound Shopping tours to Seoul, Korea and Hong Kong. Americans: A QS Vdrl finds and up at Houston Gulf Airport. raises an ugly but lovable crea­ Ms. Rizzo and her passenger, ture and is horrified when Ms. Langley, 90, were trying to ’’Call ór litsit ro for rf grownups want to take it away get to NASA Road 1 when they for scientific experiments. All is apparently got confused and FREE DELIVERY SERVICE resolved when the creature goes turned into the airport. • GROUP PRE-CHECK-IN · back whence it came. “She really thought it was an • TRAVEL INSURANCE · Shochiku says it expects a total actual road. They were going to • VISA ASSISTANCE · take of at least $20 million - a hit NASA Road 1 to return some by Japanese standards. shoes,” said Police Sgt. Pat • IATAN APPROVED · The movie also has produced a Bittner. mountain of spinoff Rex good­ Barry’s single-engine plane was Ask for ANNIE MENDIOLA NAH0L0WAA. ies, including styrofoam eggs taxiing to the runway for takeoff, stuffed with candy treats and a Bittner said. She is ready to assist you with her vast experience of plush likeness of the cuddly car­ When Barry saw the car, he 10 years in the Travel Business. nivore. tried to get out of the way, but the ' Most Japanese moviegoers, left wing struck the car’s win­ Conveniently located at King's Plaza in Dan Dan, nonetheless, are bypassing Rex’s dow. 3 minutes to Saipan International Airport. cutesy appeal for an encounter Ms. Rizzo was admitted to a with the less amiable dinosaurs hospital with a broken nose, cuts of “Jurassic Park.” For its open­ and bruises. OFFICE HOURS: ing, hundreds of people lined up Ms. Langley and Barry, 39, who Mon-Frl: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. at downtown Tokyo theaters to completed his astronaut training S at: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. catch the first show at 6:20 a.m. last month, escaped injury. 30-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JULY 30.1993 D rug firm s to develop Merck agrees to buy non-prescription item s

By Farrell Kramer ficer, said at a news conference. Medco Containment Wamer-Lambert’s agreement READINGTON TOWNSHIP, ecutive officer, said in a news re­ stitutes are available, Nover said. NEW YORK (AP) - Warner- with Wellcome includes eventual N J. (AP) - Merck and Co. said lease. Merck, based in Readington Lambert Co. announced agree­ joint marketing of its anti-viral Wednesday it has agreed to buy Merck and other pharmaceutical Township, N J., last weekreported ments Wednesday with two other drag Zovirax, used to treat herpes Medco Containment Services Inc. companies have seen profits a 73 percent decline in second- large drug companies to develop infections. Zovirax has yet to re­ for $6 billion, a move that would squeezed recently by greater scru­ quarter earnings, including a $775 and market non-prescription ceive over-the-counter approval. combine the world’s largest drug tiny of drag costs by insurers and million restructuring charge that drugs, a growing segment of the Wellcome’s immediate contri­ maker with a major mail-order drag health-care providers. The heath- covers job reductions and other pharmaceutical business. butions to the venture will in­ company. care reform proposal being consid­ streamlining. Warner-Lambert said it would clude several over-the-counter The acquisition, to be paid in ered by the Clinton adminstration Earnings came to $172.6 mil­ form a joint venture company with drugs: Actifed and Sudafed, both cash and stock, will create may take that scrutiny even further. lion, or 15 cents a share, compared Great Britain’s Wellcome PLC antihistamines; and Neosporhva “America’s first fully coordinated “W hat Merck is buying is a dis- with $643.7 million, or 56 cents a called Wamer-Wellcome Con­ skin medication. pharmaceutical firm,’’ the compa­ tributionchanneliomanagedcare,” share, in the year-earlier period. sumer Health Products. The com­ W amer-Lambert products to be nies said. said Kenneth Nover, a drag analyst Merck’s quarterly sales gained 8 panies said 1992 sales of products marketed through the venture in-· The transaction is expected to be at A.G. Edwards and Sons Inc. in percent to $2.57 billion from $2.37 to be included in the venture to­ elude Listerine mouth washes; completed in the fourth quarter, St. Louis. billion. taled $1.6 billion. Benadryl, an antihistimine; Merck and Medco said. Managed care refers to health Vagelos said the merger will al­ In a separate agreement, Sinutab, a headache remedy; and “This is an aggressive but care­ plans, like Health Maintenance low Merck to become a more cost- Warner-Lambert and Glaxo Hold­ Efferdent, a denture cleaner. fully considered strategic move to Organizations in which patients are efficient provider of patient care. ings PLC, also a British concern, The agreements effectively keep Merck close to patients and restricted to using certain doctors He said the merger was the resultof agreed to seek approval together make all three companies major customers in a rapidly changing and clinics, designed to hold down a year-long strategic review. to sell Glaxo’s ulcer-treatment players in the non-prescription and highly competitive health-care the cost of medical care. They are “Joining forces will expand our drug, Zantac, and other products drag market, whose biggest com­ market,’’ Dr. P. Roy Vagelos, growing in popularity,and Merck’s capabilities in assessing clinical over the counter. petitors include American Home Merck’s chairman and chief ex- purchase of Medco represents an needs, managing utilization and Zantac has yet to be approved Products Corp., Procter and effort to enter that arena, Nover researching medical outcomes, all for sale in non-prescription form. Gamble Co., Johnson and John­ s s s s s s s s s s said. of which will enhance our ability to “We appreciated that the mar­ son and Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., Medco, a fast-growing force in deliver high quality drug therapies kets of the ’90s and beyond de­ said Hemant K. Shah, presidenL $ NEED MONEY? $ mail-order drag delivery, has be­ and cost-effective health-care cov­ manded greater reliance on exter­ of HKS and Co.. a health-care sV $ come known for working with erage,” Martin J. Wygod, Medco’s nal growth opportunities,” Melvin investment research firm in War­ NOW OPEN $ $ managed-care plans to get the chairman, said in a statement. R. Goodes, Wamer-Lambert’s ren, N.J. $ F A S T C A S H $ cheapest price on drugs when sub­ Medco is based in Montvale. chairman and chief executive of- “To become a major factor in the over-the-counter drug mar­ $ PAWNSHOP $ ket, the most important factor is 4th FLR. Horiguchi Bldg. 4 о Tel. No. 234-5117 V size,” said Shah. $ We buy your old $ A presence in the fast growing gold & silver over-the-counter market has b e -.. $ $ We Design & Print come an important way for drug * ; $ companies to bolster earnings in an industry struggling to main­ • B rochures · C alendar · B ooks · M enu^ tain profits, he said. PUBLIC NOTICE C overs · Posters · C orporate Logo · Pressure on prescription drug In the Superior Court of the prices by both the government Commonwealth of the L etterheads · B usiness C ards and m ore.. and competition from generic sûb- Northern M ariana Islands stitutes has been significant. But the over-the-counter mar­ ADOPTION CASE NO. ket largely escapes price scrutiny, 93-80A because customers pay from their In the M atter of the Petition я к Younis Art Studio, Inc. own pockets, Shah said. Non-pre­ for Adoption of: scription drug customers also ex­ JACQUELINE DIAZ P.O. Box 231 Saipan MP 96950 Located In Garapan hibit tremendous brand loyalty, SABLAN Tel. 234-6341 · 7578 · 9797 · Fax 234-9271 he added. minor child, Zovirax and Zantac, if they gain By: BERNARD Publisher of: approV al for sale over the counter, MANGLONA SABLAN and MARIA DLG. SANCHEZ, offer great potential. Zantac, the Petitioners. ¿Marianas cVariety' world’s leading prescription drag product, generated 1992 revenue Micronesia's Leading Newspaper SINCE 1972 NOTICE OF HEARING of more than $3.2 billion. Zovirax, the world’s eighth leading seller, Notice is hereby given that on has annual revenue of more than August 5, 1993, Thursday, at $1 billion. 1:30 p.m. in the courthouse of The two drugs, however, are at the Superior Court in Susupe, Saipan, Commonwealth of the various stages in the approval pro­ Northern M ariana Islands, the cess. Shah said it could be several petitioners will petition the years before they are available Court to adopt the above- without a prescription. named minor. Warner-Wellcome will be D atedthis27 day of July, 1993. based in Morris Plains, N.J.,

/a/Bem ardM .Sabían /a/M ariaS.Sabían Wamer-Lambert’s headquarters, Petitioner Petitioner and will be managed by Warner- ______cnnofonm *AC 01220 Lambert, Goodes said. Each ■engr eí' company will continue to manu­ facture its own products for the Happy Birthday¡71 joint venture. Goodes noted that to establishing the joint-venture company will not involve signifi­ t-Ж а/м б % jí¿aca¿oá> cant capital expenditures. ÍSláp.fJ

From: Beth.Romy.Raffy and Kristine FRIDAY, JULY 30,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-31 ‘Big ticket’ factory Trade show aboard aircraft carrier?

orders increase 3.8% By David Briscoe environmental concern and proper By David Skidmore ders had fallen 2.4 percent in May June, following a 1.8 percent de­ development, Frank said. and 0.1 percent in April. cline in May. WASHINGTON (AP) - What Japanese businesses, he said, WASHINGTON (AP). - Orders The June increase, which Durable goods - long-lasting America needs' to demonstrate its have more investments in Indo­ to factories for “big ticket” du­ brought orders to a seasonally ad­ expensive items such as steel new priorities in Asia is a trade nesia, Thailand and China, but rable goods jumped 3.8 percent in justed $131.6 billion, was much beams, cars, computers and ap­ show on an aircraft carrier, says a American investors still lead in June, pulled up primarily by a big bigger than predicted by econo­ pliances - are considered a crucial former US official of the Asian the Philippines, Malaysia, increase at aircraft manufactur­ mists. However, about two-thirds barometer of the economy’s Development Bank. Singapore, Taiwan, India and ers, the government said today. of the rise was accounted for by strength. The proposal, made only half in Pakistan, he said. It was the best rise in six months the volatile aircraft sector. Analysts have been concerned jest, is meant to underscore the Investors from Hong Kong, and followed a period of weak­ Overall, transportation jumped about manufacturing activity this notion that trade, investments and Taiwan and other overseas Chi­ ness that saw orders drop four out 15.1 percent, also the best in six year and today’s increase, because business interests are becoming nese have extensive interests jn of the previous five months, the months. Excluding transportation, it was so heavily concentrated in more important for the United the region, as well, but their influ- · Commerce Department said. Or­ orders rose just 0.3 percent in one industry, isn’t likely to com­ States in Asia than politics or se­ enee is more difficult to measure pletely assuage their worries. curity. because their ownership of busi­ Last December, orders to fac­ Victor Frank, former US di­ nesses often is hidden, Frank said. tories soared 9.1 percent after rector of the Manila-based multi­ He said Japan leads in automo­ BEAUTY SALON consumers went on a holiday national bank, said in a Heritage biles, consumer electronics, de­ spending spree. But economic Foundation speech. Wednesday partment stores and trading com­ growth and consumer demand this that business is the most critical panies, but the United States leads, year has been soft, causing a aspect of continued US leader­ in aviation, oil and gas,·engineer­ buildup in inventories at facto­ ship in Asia. ing, consumerproducts, computer ries. Despite the military pullout software and investment bank­ Consequently, hiring has con­ from the Philippines and other ing. tinued to be extremely sluggish in cutbacks, the United States re­ The greatest competi tion among manufacturing. mains the leader “or at least the US, Japanese and other interests NEXT TO LIVE L.A. IN GARAPAN In a negative sign for employ­ co-leader” of Asia, Frank said. is occurring in telecommunica­ OPEN DAILY ment, the backlog of unfilled or­ Continued US business interest tions, electrical power generation 2 3 4 - 3 0 3 0 ders fell 0.8 percent to $435.5 in Asia helps to foster human and some aspects of the computer billion. rights, openness in governments, industry, Frank said. DAILY SPECIALS THRU AUGUST 3 1 , 1 9 9 3

MONDAY Manicure Pedicure Set Regular Price $ 3 4 .0 0 A n ( M D I 1 /2 Price Special $ 1 7 .0 0 I TUESDAY s Full Leg Wax MEDITERRANEAN s Regular Price $ 4 0 .0 0 1 /2 Price Special $ 2 0 .0 0 AFFAIR WEDNESDAY European Style Deep Pore Cleansing Regular Price $ 3 5 .0 0 SATURDAYS 1 /2 Price Special $ 1 8 .0 0 c/fiicjiiiL· tfixoutjii Jbsftzm L ·vi THURSDAY a £ tfiE. Backscratchers Glass Nails Full Set C o s t a Regular Price $ 6 5 .0 0 Ì $ 1 0 Off Special $ 5 5 .0 0 TERRACE

S FRIDAY Explore great fc Oroton Italian Design Sunglasses and Mediterranean Cuisine, § Silk Scarves 25% off where History is as old as the "Olymp" SATURDAY and Romance as dramatic as "Romeo and Juliet" European Style Facial with Free Manicure Experience it the Aqua Resort way... Regular Price $ 4 7 .0 0 Special Price $ 3 5 .0 0 < ® > NO SUBSTITUTIONS ! AQUA RESORT CLUB PLEASE CALL 234-3030 Saipan A greaL place to be.

LOCAL HIRE ONLY A dults: $20.00 WANTED DECKHANDS / WAITERS Children: $10.00

To work on Sunset Cruise Boat c f f d C / o u d a n d a i Must b e 21 years older, High starting salary. For appointment for intervie w Call Tel.: 322-9221 for Reservation, please call 322-1234 Ext 730/731 and ask for Pol or Mayeth. 32-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JULY 30.1993 A p p le p lan s to introduce In Humble Gratitude ta lk in g co m p u ters

We the children» grandchildren, CUPERTINO, Calif. (AP) - Apple Computer Inc. plans to in­ brothers and sisters of the late troduce a new line of mid-priced Macintosh personal computers Thursday that talk, recognize ' ••'•N S' voice commands and read text “Tobias Diaz Muna” back to the user. The Macintosh Centris 660AV would like to extend our profound and sincerest thanks and appreciation to and Quadra 840AV PC line will all our relatives and friends foryour unending support, prayers, masses and be av ailable next month. Depend­ ing on features, models will sell ______personal help during our time of bereavement. Your constant support has for between $2,139 and $6,249, N been our source of strength during these difficult times. Your caring and loving presence Apple said. has been our comfort and consolation, and your friendship has made us feel that we are The new models will allow u§- not alone in our time of grief and sorrow. No words could adequately express the deep ers to connect to voice mail via a new telecommunications adapter, , gratitude we feel In our hearts to all those who shared the loss of our beloved one. Your to be sold separately for $ 129. heartfelt sympathy will always be remembered. They also will allow use as a hands-free speaker phone and Special thanks to: answering machine, and commu­ nication via video-conferencing. CHC Staff, Ada Funeral Home (Guam), CUC Staff, Mayor’s Office, DPS, Bishop Camacho and Clergy, Governor and Lt. Apple’s PlainTalk speech rec­ Governor and specially to our Techa Mrs. Angie C. Sablan and San Vicente choir and to the following individuals: ognition software allows the ma­ Former Gov. and Mrs. Pete P. Tenorio Mr. & Mrs. John T. Lizama Mr. & Mrs. Rafael M. Reyes Agnes T. Cabrera chine to understand spoken com­ Mr. & Mrs. Jose C. Tenorio (Joeten) Mr. & Mrs. George Dueñas, Mr. 8t Mrs. Eddie S. Tenorio (Doi) Juan 8> Mina P. Garcia mands such as “Open File” or J.C. Tenorio Ent. Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Larry Lizama Mr. & Mrs. Juan Dig. Cabrera Dayna and Family “Move Text,” and to read back Mr. & Mrs. Ike Demapan Maria M. Diaz Mrs. Maria S. Camacho Prudy V. Nebrida Mr. & Mrs. Elias Okamura Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Aguon (Guam) Mr. 8. Mrs. Jesus D. Sablan Merced M. Salas (Guam) text in a synthesized voice. Mayor & Mrs. Tony Babauta (Agat, Mr. & Mrs. Sue Schwarz Mrs. Winnie Borja Ana H. Salas The system is not designed for Guam) Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Borja Mr. Joe Babauta Margaret A. Romero dictation, Apple said. Senator & Mrs. Jesus Sablan (Pepero) Mrs. Jean D. Sablan Mr. & Mrs. George Manalill Joe W. Torres At present, the computers can Mr. & Mrs. Joaquin M. Manglona Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Camacho Mr. & Mrs. Wolf Mojica Margaret P. Tudela only recognize voice commands Mr. & Mrs. Dionicio SN Reyes (Tinian) Tony S. Ada Roberto Miss Darlene Aguon BNT Enterprises Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Adriano Miss Maria S. Tenorio Miss. Victoria Benavente Bernie R. Cabrera in English. Mr. & Mrs. Antonio S. Guerrero Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Muña Mr. 8. Mrs. Antonio T. Torres Tannie Salas Apple also plans to introduce a (Teting) Mrs. Sabina Pangelinan Mr. & Mrs. John Aldan (Meling) Viky B. Cabrera new color display terminal with Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ada Mr. & Mrs. Agustine Cel is Mr. & Mrs. Takeshi Royal Missy Aldan built-in stereo speakers and mi­ Kaizoku corp. Mr. & Mrs. Regino Celis Miss Mary Pangelinan Bob Magofna crophone to operate with the new Mr. & Mrs. Froilan Tenorio Mr. & Mrs. Larry Cabrera Mr. & Mrs. Ben Babauta Ditas Capalad Mr. & Mrs. Henry K. Pangelinan Mr. & Mrs. Felipe T. Fejeran (Lydia) Barbara P. Villagomez Zerlina Pangelinan AV series. Democratic Party Central Com. Mr. & Mrs. Felipe T. Fejeran (Carmen) Mr. 8i Mrs. John B. Cepeda (Pat) Mylene Farinas “No other personal computer Miss Mariko Rasiang Mr. & Mrs. Ramon T. Fejeran Del 8< Abel Babauta Arsenia Vaughn ,. on the market today can provide Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Q. Guerrero Mr. & Mrs. Julian A. Concepcion Mrs. Marina Crlsostomo George Poquiz all of these capabilities in one Mrs. Felisidad H. Sablan (Kilili) (Vicky) Mr. 8. Mrs. GregorioT. Sablan Carla Rkubenecia integrated system,” said Ian Diery, Rep. & Mrs. Diego Benavente Mr. & Mrs. Ben Fejeran Mr. & Mrs. Herbert San Nicolas Debra Johnson Rep. & Mrs. Mameto Maratlla Mr. & Mrs. Bernaul Hofschneider Mrs. Julian Bacto Lola and Family executive vice president of Rep. & Mrs. Herman T. Palacios Mrs. Predila Quan Juana D. Diaz Mr. & Mrs. Norman Tenorio Apple’s PC division, in a pre­ Rep. Herman T. Guerrero (Pan) Mr. & Mrs. George Palacios Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pangelinan (Luise) Mrs. Angie Romero pared statement. Rep. AnaTeregeyo Miss Maggie Cabrera Carmen M. Sablan Mrs. Emma's Jonella Atalig - Hawaii Continental Micronesia (Jude Mr. & Mrs. Jose Seman (Beck) Mrs. Bago Manglona (Rota) Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kanna - Hawaii Concepcion Staff) Mr. & Mrs. Jose Villagomez (Becky) Mr. 8i Mrs. Taka Dela Cruz Mr. & Mrs. Masaichi Chinen - Hawaii Lupe Flores IT & E Staff Mr. Jose Naputi & Family Mr. & Mrs. Gregorio Cabrera (Esco) Mrs. Hisako Ramos - Hawaii Kodak posts President Hita Tour & Staff Miss Rosa C. Cepeda Mr. 8. Mrs. Minoru Okawa Mrs. Merill Kanna-Hawaii President Wakal Nekko Nokai Mr. & Mrs. Ike Cabrera Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dela Cruz (Vivian) Mrs. Elis Muila- Rota R & C Tour & Staff Mgt. Mr. & Mrs. Elena Arriola Mr. 8i Mrs. Mariano Pangelinan (Vivian) Mr. & Mrs. David Indalecio 2.7% growth John & Becky Tenorio Mr. 8. Mrs. Len Fritz Mr. 8. Mrs. JesusT. Lizama Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Seman FHP Guam Sales Mr. 8. Mrs. Mike Troys Mr. 8. Mrs. Jesus Muha (Dede) Mrs. Natividad Tudela Precint 2 Club Mr. Nick Guerrero Mr. 8. Mrs. Mitch Pangilinan Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Antonio in earnings Land Grand NMC Staff Mr& Mr. Antonio Santos Keiko Toshio Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Camacho President & Faculty NMC Mr. & Mrs. John Sablan (Bobbie) Mrs. Remedio S. Dela Cruz Mrs. Ana Lorson ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) - Speaker & Mrs. Thomas Villagomez Mr. & Mrs. Freddie Guarjarto (Mel) Mrs. Arako Cogure Mr. 8. Mrs. Alfonso Reyes (Ninan) Eastman Kodak Co. said Wednes­ Ben (Kappun) Sablan Mr. & Mrs. Herman M. Guerrero (Asias) Mr. & Mrs. Johannes Taimanao Mr. & Mrs. Felix Mendiola day its earnings rose 2.7 percent DFS Airport Staff Mgt. Mr. & Mrs. Manny S. Villagomez (Kiyu) Mrs. Estefania F. Camacho Mrs. Maria Aquino in the second quarter because of DFS Administration Staff Mgt. Mrs. Magdalena Hofschnieder (Tinian) Mr. & Mrs. Jose San Niriolan (Tinian) Nan Fina Leon Gumataotao Family (Guam) Procurement Supply Staff Mr. & Mrs. Luis R. Cabrera (Tinian) Mr. & Mrs. Nick P. Mufla (Esther) Nan Lole Te Ada Family (Guam) cost controls and an unexpect­ Pacific Development Mr. & Mrs. David Palacios Mr. & Mrs. Larry Irriarte and to all we have failed to mention edly small sales decline. Rosa Maliti’s Family Mr. & Mrs. Nicolas Q. Muña Mrs. Maria Nededog UN DANKULO NA SI The photographic products H sin De Gui Corp. Mr. & Mrs. Luis T. Camacho (Bacha) Mr. & Mrs. Leonardo Tudela company earned S371 million, or Omengkar Family Mr. Juan Blanco Lucy Sablan YUUS MAASE. $ 1.13 a share, in the second quar­ Donald's Chilang Flores Mr. & Mrs. Ben Concepcion (Kit) Mercedes Guerrero Mr. & Mrs. Joaquin Cepeda (Paulina) Mr. 8. Mrs. Antonio Guerrero (Apa) Felisa & Jose Pangelinan . ter, up from$361 million, or$l. 11 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Salas (Mona) Mr. Bang Sablan Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Celis (Tona) THE FAMILY a share, in 1992. Mrs. Dolores Lizama Mr. & Mrs. Antonio C. Muña Mr. 8. Mrs. Felisa Basa Second-quarter sales fell 0.5 Brigit Pinaula Mr. & Mrs. Gregorio Borja Mr. 8. Mrs. Francisco Diaz (Reiko) percentto$4.27 billion from $4.29 Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Babauta Mr. Herman Sablan Mr. & Mrs. Ando Matsumoto billion in 1992. Mr. & Mrs. JoseTomokane Mr. Fermín Qultugua Mr. & Mrs. Jesus R. Matagolai Mr. 8. Mrs. Herman Manglona (Tinian) Mr. 8i Mrs. Mike Naha lowaa Mrs. Merced F. Torres Sales were down slightly for Sandy & Bert Tudela Mr. 8i Mrs. Joaquin Salas Mr. & Mrs. Gregoria M. Tudela the quarter in Kodak’s film and Mr. & Mrs. Ron D. Sablan Mr. 8i Mrs. Leonard Kauftet Mr. & Mrs. Ivis Santos (Beck) information products divisions. Mr. Ben M. Sablan (Pachu) Mr. & Mrs. Frank Flores (Harie) Ms. Margarita T. Fejeran Sales rose in the company ’ s health Mr. & Mrs. Jose Santos (Marielisa) Mr. 8i Mrs. George Manglona (Tinian) Miss Brenda Villagomez Senator & Mrs. Juan Demapan Mr. & Mrs. John Ichihara Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Castro and pharmaceuticals division and Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Anderson (Guam) Mr. 8. Mrs. Roman Malsumoto Mr. & Mrs. Santiago De la Cruz in its chemical business, which Mr. Joseph T. Camacho (Guam) Mr. & Mrs. Augustine Pangelinan (Te) Mr. & Mrs. Juan B. Tudela Kodak plans to spin off. Mr. Jesus Pangelinan (Talu) Mr. Ben B. Eclavea Ms. Auya Johnson But a surge in sales of film and Senator & Mrs. David Cing Mrs. Soledad C. Cabrera Mr. & Mrs. Lillian Sakisat Leon T. Masga’s Family Mr. & Mrs. Martin Taisakan Mr. & Mrs. Nicolas Cabrera other products late in the quarter Mrs. Estela Reyes Mr. & Mrs. Felix Nogis Ms. Vicky Pangelinan helped boost earnings above com­ Mr. & Mrs. Antonio T. Camacho Mr. & Mrs. Felipe David Mr. & Mrs. Juan T. Camacho (Abaru) pany expectations, said Kodak (Abarus) Mrs. Victorina Pangelinan Miss Isabel T. Camacho (Abaru) President Kay Whitmore. Miss Darlene Cabrera Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Govendo Miss Ana H. Salas “Very strong demand in June Mr. & Mrs. Manny Cruz (Anda) Mr. & Mrs. Donicio Torres Emma Sablan Villagomez Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Pangelinan Mr. & Mrs. Juan Torres (Mako) Norman T. Tenorio and good continuing control of costs during a period of economic weakness in many parts of the world led Kodak to belter than expected results,” Whitmore said. FRIDAY, JULY 30,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VffiWSr-33 Ramos defends family planning

MANILA (AP) - President Fidel Power,"To be aired Sunday. Tran­ capita income from $750at present which is growing by only 1 percent Catholic bishops and their sup­ Ramos says his government’s scripts of the interview were to $1,000 and reducing the number yearly. Inhisstateofthenation porters have sharply rebuked family planning program is an im­ distributed Thursday to repeaters. of poor from 50 percent to 30 per­ address Monday, Ramos pledged Ramos and Ravier because of the portant element in efforts to sharply “It is our responsibility in gov­ cent of the 65 million Filipinos by to reduce the growth rate to less family planning program, which reduce poverty in the Philippines ernment to be able to provide for the end of his term in 1998. than 2 percent bv the end of the includes promoting artificial con­ over the next five years. the needs of our citizenry and un­ Health Secretary Juan Flavier has decade. traceptives opposed by the church. Ramos, a Protestant, also said he less there is some form of warned that the country’s popula­ He said earlier that Catholic About 85 percent of Filipinos are did not want a confrontation with population stabilization or popula­ tion growth rate of 2.48 percent, health workers should resign if they Catholics, but analysts believe the the nation’s dominant Roman tion management... then we are one of the highest in Asia, is out­ do not support the government’s influence of the church on family Catholic church, which has criti­ bound not to be able to fulfill that pacing agricultural production, campaign. planning is not significant. cized his population program and mission of bringing the livelihood has vowed to sabotage it. standards of our people to a certain Ramos made the remarks in an level,” he said. interview late Wednesday for the He said his economic develop­ REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL television program “Profiles of ment plans envision raising per CUC R F P 93 - 0023 Jew ish conspiracy ad The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation is soliciting proposals for draw s sharp protests materials to be used by the Water Division in expanding and maintain­ ing the water Division infrastructure on the islands of Saipan, Tinian, By Laura King The newspaper, however, said it and Rota. TOKYO (AP) - A vitriolic adver­ was not its responsibility to censor tisement in a leading Japanese advertisers’ views, and said it newspaper for a book that claims planned no apology. The materials quotes shall be for fifteen (15) complete assembly Dual Japan is threatened by a “Jewish ‘T o protect press freedom, all Feed Automatic Switchover Chlorinators, 10 PPD capacity and five (5) conspiracy” has drawn sharp pro­ ads are treated equally,” spokes­ complete assembly Dual Feed Automatic Switchover Chlorinators, 25 tests from American Jewish lead­ man Shigeaki Umeda said in a PPD capacity. Quotes shall include all materials needed to install the ers. statement. The ad in Tuesday’s editions of It isn’t the first time the Nihon Chlorinators, tubing, wall mounting brackets, and standards ejector the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the Keizai Shimbun has come under connections for 1-inch inlet and outlet hose. All shipping, handling, country’s leading financial daily, criticism for providing a forum for insurance and any other charges to insure the quote is CIF to Common­ is for a three-volume work called anti-Semitic views. Several years wealth Utilities Warehouse shall also be included. “Hit Japan, Their Last Enemy,” ago, it published an economics which details “the Jewish program primer in comic form that spoke of Five sets of Proposals must be submitted to the Procurement and tomletheworld.” “Youshould “Jewish capital” and depicted what know the shocking truth of the last it called a “Jewish capitalist” Supply Manager, Lower Base, P.O. box 1220, Saipan, MP 96950, no few years,” it said. “Half the human Anti-Semitic literature has long later than August 13,1993 at 3:00 p.m. The CUC reserves the right to race will be killed and Japan will be flourished in Japan. Bizarre books reject any or all proposals for any reason and to waive any defect in said enslaved.” blaming everything from the proposal if, in its sole opinion, to do so is in the best interest of the CUC. The one-third page ad contains a Chernobyl nuclear accident to the number of virulent references to rapid appreciation of the Japanese All proposals shall become the property of CUC. Jews and Judaism, including a de­ yen on the “Jewish conspiracy” /S/ RAMON S. GUERRERO piction of the “symbol of Satan.” have been best sellers. Executive Director The subtitle of one of the volumes Ludicrous though such books are, is “Lucifer’s Last Program.” they cause concern because some In a letter to the newspaper, copies of their authors are considered re­ of which were sent to news orga­ spectable. One prolific author of nizations on Thursday, the Los such books is Masami Uno, a col­ Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal lege lecturer. Another anti-Semitic M ARIANAS PUBLIC LAND CORP. Center expressed outrage at the tract was written by a member of PUBLIC NOTICE “blatant and outlandish lies” in the the Japanese parliament. advertisement. As a racially homogeneous Pursuant to the provisions of Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 CMC Reel ayleewal mebwangil 2 CMC Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the country, Japan has often displayed 2 CMC 4141 et sec, the 4141 et sec i PUBLIC PURPOSE 4141 e t sec, P U B L IC P U R P O S E PUBLIC PURPOSE LAND LAND EXCHANGE ACT OF 1987, LAND EXCHANGE AUTHORI­ center’s associate dean, said he was fear and mistrust of racial minori­ ZATION ACT OF 1987, nge EXCHANGE AUTHORIZA­ sino i tulaikan taño para propositon shocked that a respected newspa­ ties. In recent years, Japanese politi­ M arianas Public Land Corpora­ TION ACT OF 1987, notice is pupbliku na akton 1987, nutisia per “would lend its name for a few cians have regularly made remarks tion e arongaar towlap, igha e hereby given of M arianas m anana i ginen este put i intension- mangiiy ebwe lliiwelo faluw iye e yen to spread this hateful propa­ that have offended American blacks, Public Land Corporation’s na i Marianas Public Land toolongfaluwkkafaal. Aramasye ganda.” He asked for a published and in recent months right-wing intention to enter into an Corporation humalom gi kontratan atulaikan taño ni ha afefekta i e tipali nge emmwel ebwe tingor apology, and urged the newspaper groups have put up posters with exchange agreem ent involving pedason taño siha ni manmadeskribi ebwe yoor hearing reel inaamwo not to publish similar ads in the the parcels of land described swastikas saying there are too many gi sampapa. Man interesante siha lliiwelil faluw fa. Aramas ye e below. Concerned persons future. foreigners inJapaa na petsona sina manmamaisen tipali nge emmwel ye re tipali may request a hearing on any inekungok put maseha manu/hafa reel kkapsal faluw, nge rebwe proposed exchanged by na priniponi put tulaikan taño. aghuleey ngali MPLC wool me T h ai o fficial opposes contacting MPLC by or on A’agang i MPLC antes pat osino gi ngare mmwal August 18, 1993.· August 18, 1993. If so August 18, 1993. Yanggen guaha Ngare eyoor tingor bwe yoor M adonna perform ance requested, hearings on the inekungok m arikuesta, i inekungok hearing, nge rebwe ayoora reel transactions listed below will siempre para i sigiente siha na tali faluw kka faal, nge rebwe be scheduled on August 20, transaksion u fan makondukta gi too to wool August 20, 1993, otol BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - had second thoughts. 1993 at 9:00 a.m. in the August 20,1993, gi oran alas 9:00 gi ye 9:00 a.m. mellol MPLC Con­ Fearing that she might stripon stage “If she really wants to perform Conference Room of MPLC. eggan gi halom i kuatton ference Room. and thereby undermine Thai cul­ here it should be in an enclosed k o n fire n s ia n i M PLC . AMMWELEER TOWLAP - ture, the education minister opposes venue not the National Stadium,” PUBLIC PURPOSE - Road­ ways Acquisition PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU - F Ma Roadways Acquisition letting American superstar Ma­ he said. Chulé F Chalan Para T Pupbliku FALUWAL ARAMAS - Saipan donna perform at Bangkok’s Na­ Asked why another American PRIVATE LAND - Saipan Lot/ Lot/Tract Numurol H-315-3R/W tional Stadium, local newspapers pop singer, Michael Jackson, has Tract No. H-315-3R/W TAÑO PRAIBET - Sitio Numiru H- giya, Saipan yan ha konsisiste reported Thursday. been allowed to stage a show there, containing an area of 395 315-3R/W giya 395 metro kuadrao na area. “If she strips off her clothes in Samphan replied: “A man singing square meters. Saipan, yah ha konsisiste 395 metro kuadrao na area. front of the audience, could we and a woman undressing are totally Saipan Lot/Tract Numurol H- -Saipan Lot/Trace No. H-315- tolerate that?” Samphan different.” Sitio Numiru H-315-4R/W giya 315-4R/W giya, Saipan yan ha 4R /W Jackson is scheduled to appear at konsisiste 1,050 metro kuadrao Thongsamak was quoted as saying containing an area of 1,050 Saipan, yah ha konsisiste 1,050 n a a re a . ' Wednesday. “That wouldbeagainst the 40,000-seat stadium Aug. 25 as square meters. metro kuadrao na area. Thai people’s ethics and culture part of his “Dangerous World Tour.” FA L A W E E R TO W LA P - S a ip an and .totally unacceptable.” Madonna has been known to bare PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ TAÑO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Numiru Lot/Tract Numurol 029 L 69 outol Earlier in the week, the minister just about everything during some Tract No. 029 L 69 containing 029 L 69 giya Saipan, yan ha bwuley yeel nge 3, 115 square gave a green light to plans for a public appearances and has been an area of 3,115 square konsisiste 3,115 metro kuadrao na m ete rs. Madonna performance later this photographed in the nude in various m e te rs . a re a . year at the stadium, but apparently publications. 07/30/08/6,13,20 «AC 05541 34-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND yiEWS-FRTOAY-JULY 30,1993

Marianas Public Land Corporation INVITATION FOR BID PUBLIC NOTICE IFB93-0038 Pursuant to the provisions of 2 Sigon gi jtabension siha gi 2 CMC Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 CMC CMC 4141 et sec, the PUB­ 4141 et sec i PUBLIC PURPOSE 4141 et sec, PUBLIC PURPOSE The Chief, Procurement and Supply is soliciting competi­ LAND EXCHANGE AUTHO­ LIC PURPOSE LAND EX­ LAND EXCHANGE ACT OF tive sealed bids from qualified individuals or firms for the CHANGE AUTHORIZA­ 1987, sino i tulaikan taño para RIZATION ACT OF 1987, nge procurement of JANITORIAL SERVICES. TION ACT OF 1987, notice is propositon pupbliku naakton 1987, Marianas Public Land Corpora­ hereby given of Marianas nutisia manana i ginen este put i tion e arongaar towlap, igha e Public Land Corporation's in­ intension-nai Marianas Public Land mangiiy ebwe lliiwelo faluw iye Scope of work and a bid application for the above may be tention to enter into an ex­ Corporation humalom gi kon tratan e toolong faluw kka faal. Aramasye e tipali nge emmwel picked up at the office of Procurem ent and Supply, Lower change agreement involving atulaikan taño ni ha afefektá i pedason taño siha ni manmadeskribi ebwe tingor ebwe yoor hearing Base, Saipan during working hours (7:30 a.m. to 11:30 the parcels of land described gi sampapa. Man interesante siha reel inaamwo lliiwelil faluw fa. below. Concerned persons a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.). na petsona sina manmamaisen Aramas ye e tipali nge emmwel may request a hearing on any inekungok put maseha manu/hafa ye re tipali reel kkapsal faluw, proposed exchanged by con­ na priniponi put tulaikan taño. nge rebwe aghuleey ngali MPLC All bids must be in a sealed envelope m arked LFB93-0038 tacting MPLC by or on July A'agang i MPLC antes patosino gi wool me ngare mmwal July 28, subm itted in duplicate to the office of the Chief, Procure­ 28,1993. If so requested, July 28, 1993. Yanggen guaha 1993. Ngare eyoor tingor bwe ment and Supply, Lower Base, Saipan, before 2:00 p.m. hearings on the transactions inekungokmarikuesta,i inekungok yoor hearing, nge rebwe ayoora listed below will be scheduled siempre para i sigiente siha na reel tali faluw kka faal, ngerebwe August 2,1993, at which time and place, all bids will be on July 30,1993 at 9:00 a.m. transaksion u fan makondukta gi tooto wool July 30,1993, otol ye publicly open and read aloud. Any bids received late will in the Conference Room of 9:00 a.m. mellol MPLC Confer­ July 30,1993, gi oran alas 9:00 gi not be considered. The CNM I government reserves the MPLC. eggan gi halom i kuatton ence Room. konfirensian i MPLC. right to reject any or all bids in the best interest of the PUBLIC PURPOSE AMMWELEER TOWLAP government. - Roadways Acquisition PROPOSITONPUPBLIKU -1’ Ma - Roadway Acquisition Chulé I' Chalan Para I’ Pupbliku /s/David M. Apaiang PRIV A TE LAND FALAWAL ARAMAS - Saipan - Saipan Lot/Tract TAÑO PRAIBET - Sitio Numiru Lot/Tract Numurol 319-5-R/W No. 319-5-R/W containing an 319-5-R/W giya giya, Saipan yan ha konsisiste area of 344 square meters. Saipan, yah hakonsisiste 344 metro 344 metro kuadrao na area. kuadrao na area. FALAWEER TOWLAP- Saipan PUBLIC LAND Lot/Tract Numurol 108 D 01 - Saipan Lot/Tract No. 108 D TAÑO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Numiru INVITATION FOR BID 108 D 01 giya Saipan, yan ha outol bwuley yeel nge 986 square 01 containing an area of 986 konsisiste, 986 metro kuadru. meters. square meters. I F B 9 3 - 0 0 3 3

7/9.16. 23. 30 (5325) The Chief, Procurement and Supply is soliciting competi­ tive sealed bids from qualified individuals or firms for the procurement of a NOTEBOOK COMPUTER/NOTE­ Marianas Public Land Corporation BOOK PRINTER.

PUBLIC NOTICE Specifications and a bid application for the above may be Pursuant to the provisions of 2 Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 CMC Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 CMC picked up at the office of Procurement and Supply, Lower 4141 et sec i PUBLIC PURPOSE 4141 et sec, PUBLIC PURPOSE CMC4141 et Sec, the PUBLIC Base, Saipan during working hours (7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. LAND EXCHANGE ACT OF LAND EXCHANGE AUTHO­ PURPOSE LAND EX­ 1987, sino i tulaikan tano para RIZATION ACT OF 1987, nge and 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.). CHANGE AUTHORIZA­ propositon pupbliku naakton 1987, Marianas Public Land Corpora­ TION ACT OF 1987, notice is nutisia manana i ginen este put i tion e arongaar towlap, igha e All bids must be in a sealed envelope marked IFB93-0033 hereby given of Marianas Pub­ intension-na i Marianas Public Land mangiiy ebwe lliiwelo faluw iye e toolong faluwkka faal. Aramasye submitted in duplicate to the office of the Chief, Procure­ lic Land Coiporation's inten­ Corporation humalom gi kon tratan e tipali nge emmwel ebwe tingor ment and Supply, Lower Base, Saipan, before 3:00 p.m. tion to enter into an exchange atulaikan tano ni ha afefekta i ebwe yoor hearing reel inaamwo August 2, 1993, at which time and place, all bids will be agreement involving the par­ pedason tano siha ni manmadeskribi lliiwetil faluw fa. Aramas ye e publicly open and read aloud. Any bids received late will cels of land described below. gi sampapa. Man interesante siha tipali nge emmwel ye re tipali reel na petsona sina manmamaisen not be considered. The CNMI government reserves the Concerned persons may re­ kkapsal faluw, nge rebwe inekungok put maseha manu/hafa right to reject any or all bids in the best interest of the quest a hearing on any pro­ aghuleey ngali MPLC wool me na priniponi put tulaikan tano. ngare mmwal July 28, 1993. government. posed exchanged by contact­ A'agang i MPLC antes pat osino gi Ngare eyoor tingor bwe yoor ing MPLC by or on July July 28, 1993. Yanggen guaha hearing, nge rebwe ayoora reel /s/David M. Apatang 28,1993. If so requested, hear­ inekungok marikuesta, i inekungok tali faluw kka faal, nge rebwe ings on the transactions listed siempre para i sigiente siha na tooto wool July 30,1993, otol ye below will be scheduled on July transaksion u fan makondukta gi 9:00 a.m. mellol MPLC Confer­ July 30, 1993, gi oran alas 9:00 gi ence Room. 30, 1993 at 9:00 a.m. in the eggan gi halom i kuatton INVITATION FOR BID Conference Room of MPLC. konfirensian i MPLC. AM M W ELEER TOW LAP - The Mariana Islands Housing Authority (MIHA) is soliciting Roadway Acquisition competetive sealed bids to secure an office space on the island PUBLIC PURPOSE - Road­ PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU - 1' Ma of Rota. Interested bidders roust provide the following FALAWAL ARAMAS - Saipan ways Acquisition Chulé I' Chalan Para I' Pupbliku preferenced specifications: Lot/Tract Numurol 490-R/W PRIVATE LAND - Saipan Loi/ TANO PRAIBET - Sitio Numiru 1. Ground Floor; giya, Saipan yan ha konsisiste 907 490-R/W giya 2. Ample parking for MIHA's staff and clients; Tract No. 490-R/Wcontaining metro kuadrao na area. an area of 907 square meters. 3. Minimum floor area of 750 square feet; and, Saipan,yah hakonsisiste 907 metro FALAWEER TOWLAP - Saipan 4. Budjet for not more than $600.00, including utilities and kuadrao na area. PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ Lot/Tract Numurol 068 E 15 telephone. Tract No. 068 E 15 containing TANO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Numiru outol bwuley yeel nge 11,000 All bids must be sealeed and submitted, in duplicate, to the an area of 11,000 square meters. 068 E 15 giya Saipan, yan ha square meters. MIHA Office in Rota, no latter than 10:00 a.m ., August 20, konsisiste, 11,000 metro kuadru. 1993, at which time and piace all bids recieved will be publicly ______7/9. 16.23.30 (5326) opened. Any bid(s) recieved late will not be considered. Bids should be directed to: I0B VACANCIES Mr. John M. Sablan FOR R EN T Executive Director I0CAL HIRE ONLY c/o Mr. Jose Manglona ONE BEDROOM Onwel Manufacturing (Saipan) Ltd. is looking for people who are interested in Field office Representative working for the Garment Factory. Marianas Islands housing Authority APARTMENT 1. Trimming Position $2.25- $2.50 P.O. Box 527 2. Packers $2.25- $2.50 R o ta , M P 96950 (FURNISHED) 3. Warehouse $2.25- $2.50 MIHA reserves the right to reject any or all bids in the best CALL ONWEL MFG. (Saipan) LTD interest of the government. P.O. Box 712 Texas Rd„ behind Nauru Bldg., Susupe, Saipan MP 96950 /s/JOHN M. SABLAN TEL. 234-7607 Tel.: 234-9522/23/24/25. Executive Director 2 GENERAL ACCOUNTANT 1 AUTO PAINTER - High school grad., 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - / MANAGER ENGINEER 1 F & B COST CONTROLLER - High 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per College grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary hour. $3.00 per hour. 1 GENERAL MANAGER - College grad., 1 CIVIL ENGINEER - College grad., 2 $3.40 - $4.00 per hour. Contact: SAPPHIRE ENTERPRISES Contact: SAINT TROPEZ DEV. COR­ 2yrs. experience. Saiary$1,500-$3,500 yrs. experience. Salary $1,500 -$1,800 3 RECREATION FACILITY ATTEN­ INC., P.O. Box 2754, Saipan, MP96950, PORATION, Caller Box 2127 Courtney per month. per month. DANT Tel. No. 234-9869 (7/30)F/012138. Plaza, Chalan Kanoa, Saipan, MP 1 ACCOUNTANT-College grad., 2 yrs. Contact: SHIMIZU CORPORATION, 1 TAILOR - High school grad., 2 yrs. 96950, Tel. No. 235-5009 (8/13)F/0196. experience. Salary $900 - $1,200 per P.O. Box 529, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. experience. Salary $2.50 - $3.00 per 1 SALES REPRESENTATIVE - High month. No. 234-5438/9 (7/30)F/012133. hour. school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary 5 TRAVEL COUNSELOR - High school Contact: TURNER PACIFIC CORPO­ 1 FOOD & BEVERAGE MANAGER- $2.50 per hour. equiv., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $800 - RATION, P.O. Box 1277, Saipan, MP College grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary Contact: YAONG CORPORATION, 1,800 per month. 96950, Tel. No. 322-2006/2007 (7/30)F7 MECHANIC $1,500 - $3,100 per month. P.O. Box 1579, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. Contact: PACIFIC MICRONESIA 012130. 1 AUTO MECHANIC - High school grad., 1 CHEF DE CUISINE - College grad., 2 No. 235-8726/8727 (7/30)F/012135. TOURS, INC., P.O. Box 1023, Saipan, yrs. experience. Salary $1,500 -$2,000 1 GENERALMANAGER-Collegegrad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.75 per MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-3488 (8/13)F/ per month. 2 WAITRESS, BAR - High school grad., 012270. 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2,500 per hour. 1 COMPUTER OPERATOR - High 1 ASST. EXECUTIVE HOUSEKEEPER 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per month. - College grad., 2 yrs. experience. Sal­ hour. 1 PARALEGAL/LEGAL ASSISTANT - 3 (TOUR) TRAVEL COUNSELOR - High school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary ary $1,200 - $1,650 per month. Contact: JIMMY G. AGLIPAY dba JR College grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.50 per hour. 1 ASSISTANT RESTAURANT MAN­ RESTAURANT & KARAOKE, P.O. Box $1,600 per month. $2.50 per hour. Contact: BASIC CONSTRUCTION AGER - High school grad., 2 yrs. 28 CK, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234- Contact: BRIAN W. MCMAHON dba 1 ACCOUNTANT-College grad., 2 yrs. SUPPLY CORP., P.O. Box331 .Saipan, experience. Salary $5.80 per hour. 11-18 (8/6)F/012207. LAW OFFICE OF BRIAN W. experience. Salary $5.19 per hour. MP 96950, Tel. No. 235-6613 (7/ 1 MANAGER (RESTAURANT) - High MCMAHON, P.O. Box 1267, Saipan, Contact: MAS MAULEG CORPORA­ 30)05362. school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary 1 SUPERVISOR - High school grad., 2 MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-9315 (8/13)F/ TION, P.O. Box 228 CHRB, Saipan, MP $5.80 - $7.00 per hour. yrs. experience. Salary $500 - $800 per 012288. 1 AUTO MECHANIC - High school grad., 96950, Tel. No. 234-6976(7/30)F/05354. 3 SECTION CHEF - High school grad., month. 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per 2 yrs. experience. Salary $5.0.0 -$6.00 Contact: LEE'S BROTHERS LTD., P.O. 6 MEAT PACKING LABORER - High 1 PRODUCTION MANAGER - College hour. per hour. Box 1968, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. school equiv., 2yrs. experience. Salary grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $1,000 Contact: MARGARITA ALDAN dba 1 AUDITOR - High school grad., 2 yrs. 235-5098/234-7768 (8/6)F/012201. per month. ALDAN ENTERPRISES, P.O. Box 532, $2.50 per hour. 1 PRINTER - High school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $3.40 - $4.04 per Contact: ISLAND FIESTA FOODS Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-6134 1 1NSURANCE UNDERWRITER - High experience. Salary $2.50 - $3.50 per hour. COMPANY INC., P.O. Box 2247, (8/6)F/05486. school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary hour. 2 BARTENDER - High school grad., 2 Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-3824 $2.15 per hour. Contact: ASG CORPORATION dba yrs. experience. Salary $3.00 - $3.30 (8/13)F/05545. Contact: EQUITABLE INS. CO. INC., ELITE ENTERPRISES, Caller Box PPP CONSTRUCTION per hour. P.O. Box 686, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. 273 box 10000, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. 9 COOK - High school grad., 2 yrs. ,1 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN - WORKER No. 235-5452 (8/6)F/012199. No. 233-2677 (730)F/012137. experience. Salary $2.70 - $3.45 per College grad., 2yrs. experience. Salary hour. $4.00 per hour. 1 MANAGER - College grad., 2 yrs. 1 CARPENTER 3 CASHIER - High school grad., 2 yrs. 1 GOLF COURSE STARTER - High Contact: TROPICAL PLAZA LTD., P.O. experience. Salary $800 - $1,200 per 1 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICIAN - High experience. Salary $2.50 - $3.50 per school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary Box 5769 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950, month. school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary hour. $2.45 - $6.00 per hour. Tel. No. 322-0999 (8/13)F/012290. 1 TOUR GUIDE - College grad., 2 yrs. $2.15 per hour. 2 GARDENER - High school grad., 2 Contact: SUWASO CORPORATION experience. Salary $3.00 per hour. 2 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - yrs. experience. Salary $2.50 - $3.50 dba CORAL OCEAN POINT RESORT 1 POWER P U N T OPERATOR - High Contact: SAIPAN HONEYMOON high school grad.; 2 yrs. experience. per hour. CLUB, P.O. Box 1160, Saipan, MP school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary CORPORATION, Caller Box AAA-728, Salary $2.15 - $2.45 per hour. . 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-High 96950, Tel. No. 234-7000 (8/6)F/05491. $6.00 per hour. Saipan, MP 96950, Tel No. 233-3361 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 yrs. school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary Contact: MID-PAC MICRONESIA INC., (8/6) F/012204. experience. Salary $5.20 per hour. $2.50 - $3.40 per hour. CLASSIFIED ADS NEW P PP 298 Box 10000, Saipan, MP 96950, Contact: WESTERN EQUIPMENT IN­ 1 (SALES) RESERVATION CLERK - Tel. No. 234-0475 (8/13)F/012294. 1 MANAGER - College grad., 2 yrs. CORPORATED, P.O. Box 1402 CK, High school grad., 2 yrs. experience. experience. Salary $1,000 per month. Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 322-9561 Salary $2.50 - $3.25 per hour. 1 SALES MANAGER - College grad., 2 1 CARPENTER Contact: LEE'S INCORPORATION, (8/6) F/05459. 1 COMMERCIAL CLEANER - High yrs. experience. Salary $1,500 per 2 COOK HELPER - High school grad., 2 P.O. Box 1691, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary month. yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. 1 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - No. 234-7768/3848 (8/6)F/012200. $2.50 - $2.97 per hour. Contact: SAMBHWANI'S CORPORA­ 1 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN - Col­ High school equiv., 2 yrs. experience. 4 KITCHEN HELPER-High school grad., TION dba FAMILY CLOTHING, P.O. lege qrad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary Salary $2.40 per hour. 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.45- $3.00 Box 1832, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. $5.77 per hour. Contact: HYEW DUCK JANG dba ACCOUNTANT per hour. 234-8558 (8/13)F/012296. Contact: D' ELEGANCE ENT., INC., UNITED CONST. CORP., P.O. Box 8 WAITER/WAITRESS - High school P.O. Box 1106, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. 1 ACCOUNTANT -College grad., 2 yrs. 2571, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234- 1 ASSISTANT MANAGER, RETAIL grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.35- No. 234-09227 (8/13)F/012276. experience. Salary $5.19 per hour. 9011/9012 (8/6)F/012196. STORE 4 WAITRESS (RESTAURANT) - High $3.35 per hour. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary 1 BAKER - High school grad., 2 yrs. College grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. MISCELLANEOUS experience. Salary $2.15- $3.00 per $5.77 per hour. ROOM FOR RENT 2 FRONT DESK CLERK - High school hour. 1 SALES SUPERVISOR - High school Good Ocean View, large studio Contact: HOTEL NIKKOSAIPAN, INC. grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.50 1 1NTERPRETER-Collegegrad.,2yrs. grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $4.04 type tor quite single person in dba HOTEL NIKKO SAIPAN, P.O. Box per hour. experience. Salary $2.45 - $5.80 per per hour. 5152 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. koblerville, $250.00/mo. Contact: MICRONESIA SYSTEMS, hour. 1 COMMERCIAL CLEANER - High No. 322-3311 (8/6)F/05485. Call Tel.: 234-2246 INC.dbaPLUMERIA RESORTHOTEL, Contact: JCC CORPORATION, P.O. school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary P.O. Box 228 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950, Box 5212 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950, $2.15 per hour. Tel. No. 322-6201/6208 (7/30)F/05353. Tel. No. 234-3078 (8/12)TH/012254. 1 MOTEL SUPERVISOR - High school Contact: PACIFIC PRIME, INC. dba 7- grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $4.05 MARKET & 7 GAS STATION, Caller 1 ACCOUNTANT-College grad., 2 yrs. 1 ELECTRICIAN - High school grad., 2 per hour. Box AAA 762, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. FOR SALE experience. Salary $5.19 per hour. yrs. experience. Salary $2.50 per hour. Contact: PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT No. 322-1609 (8/13)F/012291. Contact: FU YUN INTL. INDUSTRY & Contact: 20TH CENTURY ARTS, INC., CONTRACTORS LTD. dba ISLANDER TRADE CORP. P.O. Box 42, Saipan, 1 ASSISTANT MANAGER - College Caller Box PPP281,Saipan, MP 96950, INN/COMMONWEALTH REALTY, P.O. MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-8555/8380 (7/ grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $800- 1 9 9 0 BMW Tel. No. 234-5832 (8/12)TH/012267. Box 1249, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 30)F/012134. 234-6071 (7/30)F/012139. $1,500 per month. Contact: 3'S INC. dba HULA GIRL 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - 1 ACCOUNTANT -Collegegrad., 2 yrs. DISTRIBUTOR FOR LAPPERT'S College grad., 2yrs. experience. Salary 3 2 5 ! experience. Salary $900 - $1,700 per 10 SECURITY GUARD - High school PRODUCTS, P.O. Box 1292, Saipan, $4.65 per hour. grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 month. MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-3488/3533 (8/ ONLY 19,000 MILES 2 CARPENTER - High school grad., 2 Contact: PACIFIC MICRONESIA per hour. 13)F/012251. TOURS, INC., P.O. Box 1023, Saipan, yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. Contact: GEORGE C. DUEÑAS dba LIKE NEW CONDITION MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-3488 (8/6)F/ Contact: EMILIO P. QUIATCHON SR. DUEÑAS SECURITY SERVICES, P.O. 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 yrs. MANY EXTRA-$18,500 dba EQ CONSTRUCTION, P.O. Box Box 585, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. experience. Salary $900 per month. 012159. 234-8230 · 322-5654 1073, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234- 322-6665 (8/0)F/O1221O. Contact: SILK ROAD CORPORATION 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 yrs. 8827 (7/30)F/01225 dba SAIPAN COUNTRY CLUB GOLF experience. Salary $900 per month. COURSE, Caller Box PPP 130, Saipan, 6 CHAMBER MAID (CLEANER, 2 QUALITY CONTROL CHECKER - A Contact: ANTONIO S. CAMACHO, dba MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-7300/8718 (8/ HOUSEKEEPING) High school grad., 2 yrs. experience. WESTPAC FREIGHT, P.O. Box 2048, 13)F/012278. Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 322-5537/ 10 GENERAL MAINTENANCE Salary $2.15 per hour. Contact: SAIPAN INSPECTION SER­ 8798 (8/6)F/012211. 1 BEAUTICIAN - High school equiv., 2 2 ACCOUNTANT-College grad., 2 yrs. VICES, INC., Caller Box AA 225, Saipan, yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. experience. Salary $1,500 per month. I guaranteed I MP 96950, Tel. No. 235-5269 (7/30)F/ GARMENT FACTORY Contact: EVE G. ALDAN dba JJ EN­ Contact: ELM'S INC. dba TOWN & 05360. c WORKER TERPRISES, P.O. Box 1044, Saipan, COUNTRY MUSIC & AMUSEMENT, ' F b n r i i r MP 96950, Tel. No. 288-9119 (7/ P.O. Box 660, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. M 11 rh 111 K 10 CUTTER 30)012136. 2 HOUSEWORKER - High schoolequiv., No. 234-7385/7070 (8/13)F/012281. ar 2 OVERHAULER 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.50 per m 3 PACKER (HAND PACKER) 1 CLEANER, HOUSEKEEPING - High hour. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER - Col­ 4T Marianas Variety1«. 1 0 IRONER (PRESSER) - High school school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary Contact: JESUS C. CABRERA dba lege grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.15- $2.15 per hour. JCC MANPOWER SERVICES, P.O. $3.00 - $5.77 per hour. $5.00 per hour. Contact: NICANOR A. BOCAGO dba Box 2374, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. Contact: WIN FUNG ENTERPRISES, 60 SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR - BOCAGO ENTERPRISES, P.O. Box 322-2130 (8/6)F/012205. INC., P.O. B ox463, Saipan, MP 96950, High school grad., 2 yrs. experience. 744,Saipan, MP96950(7/30)F/012132. Tel. No. 234-3238 (8/13)F/012280. Salary $2.15 - $3.80 per hour. 1COMPUTERPROGRAMER- College 1 GAS.STATION ATTENDANT - High 1 COOK - High school grad., 2 yrs. grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $1,000 1 AUTO AIRCON MECHANIC - High school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary experience. Salary $2.15 - $3.00 pyg per month. school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary hour.' $430 per month. Contact: SAIPAN LAULAU DEVELOP­ $3.50 per hour. Conserve Contact: CNMt SERVICE STATION, Contact: MICHIGAN INCORPORATED, MENT INC., Caller Box PPP 1020, Contact: STS ENTERPRISES, P.O. INC., P.O. Box680, Saipan, MP 96950, P.O. Box 2682, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel.' Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. 234-9335/ Box 3203, Saipan, MP 96950, Tel. No. No. 234-9555/6 (7/30)F/012140. Tel. No. 234-7310/8338 (7/30)F/012131. 9373 (8/6)F/012209. 235-3760 to 12 (8/13)F/012295. Power 36-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JULY 30.1993 EKK & MEEK® by Howie Schneider

ACROSS 40 Beam Answer to Previous Puzzle ’ 1 Observes 41 Anger 42 King of 5 Cook in fat 8 " — Fear” Visigoths 12 Aleutian 45 Jeremy Irons island film 13 Regret 49 She’s 14 — code remembered 15 Soon; 50 Antique presently 52 Solely 16 Collection of 53 Sign facts 54 Lubricate 17 Bird's home 55 Dissolute 18 Harvest" person 20 Cooks in 56 Dispatched GARFIELD® by Jim Davis oven 57 Born 22 Metric 58 Sweet measure potatoes 23 Short sleep DOWN 7-30 © 1993 United Feature Syndicate 24 Frolicked 27 Emits vapor 1 District in 4 The Sabbath 31 Kurosawa Germany 5 Regulated film 2 Sicilian 10 Nuisance 32 Butter square volcano 6 Hurry 7 Longs for 11 Dines 33 Most unusual 3 Kind of 19 Native metal 8 Finger 37 Cure-all collar 21 Grain sandwich 9 War god 24 In favor of 25 Young boy 26 In addition 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 28 Simian 29 insane * 12 14 30 Pigpen 34 Given· to wandering 15 17 35 Capuchin monkey PEANUTS® by Charles M. Schulz 18 36 "The Greek

37 Conundrum 6UES5 WHAT, MARCIE.. MAYBE YOU CAN HELP M E . ' SNOW' WHITE, PRETTY PROFOUND 38 Period ot I'VE BEEN POIN6 WHY P1DVANNA WHITE SIR.. AND IT STORY, HUH, MARCIE ? time A LITTLE SUMMER TAKE THE CARAMELEP APPLE U /A 5 A 39 Recollection 42 BoQk of Old REAPING.. FROM THE WITCH? PLAIN APPLE.. I t Testament 43 Crippled 44 So be it! 46 Ox of Celebes 47 Moody; 4 2 4 3 4 4 gloomy 48 Sight organs 4 9 51 Falsehood



By Stella Wilder LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — You may planning to take advantage of a new be able to double your money and in­ and unexpected romantic opportunity. Born today, you are both dreamer crease future potential all in one fell and doer, but you maintain a healthy swoop before this day is out ARIES (March 21-April 19) - This is a good day to put all your cards on balance which allows you to enjoy VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — A very flights of fancy in conjunction with personal question-and-answer session the table — but you mustn’t be the very practical — and profitable — is likely to open a few doors you hadn’t only one to do so. successes. You are an original thinker, even known were there. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - but you are not the kind to ignore com­ LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) - You You’ll be able to let go of stifling ex­ pletely the plans o r m ethods of others; may have to face an unexpected accu­ pectations today. Your natural influ­ on the contrary, you will use what has sation today, but you can defend your­ ence will serve you well. worked in the past — but you will in­ self with ease provided you remain vest it with something unique and get consistent. GEMINI (May 21-Jone 20) — You better results than anyone else has SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - will benefit today from a quick before! Long-range plans are favored today, glimpse of your own future — but cer­ You aren't the kind to get carried as the pace is likely to be slow and de­ tain key elements may yet be unclear. away with yourself, no matter how liberate in most if not all things. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — You successful you may be. Indeed, you are SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) have g re a te r resources a t your dispos­ always able to look at yourself in a re­ — You’ll have an opportunity to ex­ al today than expected. Spiritual, em o­ alistic light; you are, at times, more press certain unpopular opinions to­ tional strength is on the rise. critical of yourself than you need be! day. Choose your words with care. No one, certainly, can accuse you of CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - being bigheaded or egotistical. Timing is essential today, but you’ll For your personal horoscope, Aloo bom on this date are: Emily have to break through a personal wall loveacope, lucky numbers and Bronte, author; Peter Bogdano­ before you can pick up the pace. future forecast, call Aetro*Tcne vich, film director; Arnold Schwar­ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) - (954 each minute; Touch-Tone zenegger, bodybuilder and actor. You may be hard pressed to come up phones only). Dial 1-900-740-1010 ‘ÜV1S 'L-SSOBOV your birthday star be your daily guide. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) - ' SATURDAY, JULY 31 Risks are unavoidable today if you’re Copyright 1993. U tu ted Feature Syndicate, loc.

S chw arzenegger (1947 ), actor, is 46; TODAY’S MOON: Between first quar­ Ken Olin (1954-), actor, is 39; Delta ter (July 25) and full moon (Aug. 2). DATE BOOK Burke (1956-), actress, is 37; Chris TODAY’S BARB Use colei* and July 30, 1993 Mullin (1963-), basketball player, is 30. BY PHIL PASTORET TODAY’S SPORTS: On this day in 1908, A m erican G eorge S ch u ster won There’s nothing like a perfect o sa les w ill summer evening to make you wonder day of 1993 and the | the first round-the-world car race but why the rest of the season has been 40th day o f summer. was disqualified when it was discov­ so lousy. b last off! ered that he took a train for part of v / > r ^ L· TODAY’S HISTORY; On this day in the distance. 01993, NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN. 1975, form er T eam sters Union leader TODAY’S QUOTE: “You gotta lose James Hoffa disappeared outside a ’em sometime. When you do, lose ’em Add one color to your newspaper ad and sales *~tri restaurant near Detroit, never to be right." — Casey Stengel Under the Hump will really take off. In fact, when you use one color ‘ 7 seen again. sales will Increase an average of 43%. Call us TODAY’S WEATHER: On this day in The backbone of the single-humped today to place your ad and get sales flying TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS; Emily 1877, hailstones as large as fists camel does not curve upward, as some 7 * B ronte (1818-1848), novelist; Thorstein rained down on a Crow Indian en­ have believed, but is as straight as the Veblen (1857-8929), U.S. economist· campment in the Yellowstone Valley, spines of other large vertebrates. The Henry Ford (1863-1947), auto manu­ ¿ M a r i a n a s a r i e t j c perforating tepees and killing a large hump is chiefly composed of fat, the facturer; Casey Stengel (1890-1975), number of ponies. energy stores of which the camel Tel. 234/6341/7578/9797 . FAX 234-9271 baseball manager; Paul Anka (1941-), SOURCE: THE WEATHER CHANNEL®I993 draws on when it traverses long dis­ singer-composer, is 52; Arnold Weather Guide Calendar, Accord Publishing, Ltd. tances without food and water. FRIDAY, JULY 30,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-37 More young women die from AIDS UNITED NATIONS (AP) ■ worldwide are between 15 and than 25 percent of women who director of UNDP’s HIV and De­ cervical area in younger, sexually Sexually active young women 25. become pregnant and about 17 velopment Program. The study active women could increase tire have far higher rates o f HTV in­ In most of the Third World, it percent who engage in intercourse cited physiological and cultural risk of infection. fection than older women, ac­ says, there are at least as many - if before age 17 will become HIV- causes of the high infection rates. In developing countries, young cording to a UN study released not more - infected women as positive. Physiologically,youngerwomen women who are sexually active do Wednesday. men. “Despite theincreasingevidence have a thinner mucus membrane not have adequate access to health The study said about 70percent In Thailand, the HIV rate is of the susceptibilty of young liningthevaginathanolderwomen. care, which could increase the of the 3,000 women who’contract greater among women between women to HTV infection, little in­ The mucus membrane protects chances of HIV infection, the study HIV daily and the 500 women 15 and 25 than among all other ternational attention has yet been against viral penetration. said. who die each day from AIDS female groups. In Rwanda, more given to them,’’saidElizabethReid, In addition, it said, erosion of the

Marianas Public Land Corporation Indian soldiers kill PUBLIC NOTICE

militant group chief Pursuant to the provisions of 2 Sigon gi prehensión siha gi 2 CMC Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 CMC 4141 et sec i PUBLIC PURPOSE 4141 et sec, PUBLIC PURPOSE By Qaiser Mlrza control room and identified the CMC 4141 et sec, the PUBLIC LAND EXCHANGE ACT OF LAND EXCHANGE AUTHOv body, which had three bullet holes PURPOSE LAND EXCHANGE 1987, sino i tulaikan taño para RIZATION ACT OF 1987, nge SRINAGAR,India (AP) -Indian in the chest and stomach. AUTHORIZATION ACT OF propositonpupblikunaakton 1987, Marianas Public Land Coqrora- Carrying the body through cen­ 1987, notice is hereby given of soldiers shot and killed the com­ nutisia manana i ginen este put i tion e arongaar towlap, igha e tral Srinagar on a stretcher, the Marianas Public Land mander of a militant group in intension-nai Marianas Public Land family was joined by several mangiiy ebwe lliiwelo faluw iye Jammu-Kashmir state after tak­ Corporation’s intention to enter Corporation humalom gi kontratan thousand supporters, shouting e toolong faluw kka faal. ing him into custody, witnesses into an exchange agreement in­ atulaikan taño ni ha afefekta i slogans such as “We want inde­ Aramasye e tipali nge emmwel andhisfamily saidThursday.The volving the parcels of land de­ pedason taño siha ni manmadeskribi ebwe tingor ebwe yoor hearing pendence ! ” and “Indian forces go military said he was killed in a scribed below. Concerned per­ gi sampapa. Man interesante siha home!” reel inaamwo lliiwelil faluw fa. shootout. He was then buried in Martyrs sons may request a hearing on na petsona sina manmamaisen Aram as ye e tipali nge emmwel Sajad Ahmad Mir, 22, was Cemetery in Iddgah neighbor­ any proposed exchanged by con­ inekungok put maseha manu/hafa ye re tipali reel kkapsal faluw, leader of the Tehrikul Mujahidin, hood. tacting MPLC by or on August 4, na priniponi put tulaikan taño. nge rebwe aghuleey ngali MPLC one of the five top guerrilla groups A spokesman for India’s para­ 1993. If so requested, hearings A'agang i MPLC antes pat osino gi wool me ngare mmwal August4, fighting for independence in August 4, 1993. Yanggen guaha 1993.. Ngare eyoor tingor bwe military Border Security Forcesaid on the transactions listed below inekungokmarikuesta, i inekungok yoor hearing, nge rebwe ayoora Jammu-Kashmir. He was arrested soldiers found Mir during a raid on will be scheduled on August 6, siempre para i sigiente siha na reel tali faluw kka faal, nge rebwe Wednesday by soldiers in a militant hideout in Srinagar, and 1993 at 9:00 a.m. in the Confer­ Srinagar, the witnesses said. transaksion u fan makondukta gi tooto wool August 6,1993, otol he was killed in a shootout. Like ence Room of MPLC. The witnesses and his father, most Indian military officials, he August 6,1993, gi oran alas 9:00 gi ye 9:00 a.m. mellol MPLC Con­ Ghulam Mohammad Mir, said the spoke on condition of anonymity. eggan gi halom i kuatton ference Room. PUBLIC PURPOSE - Roadways konfirensian i MPLC. troops must have killed Mir in Human rights organizations have Acquisition " custody several hours later be­ accused soldiers of killing and tor­ AM M W ELEER TOW LAP - cause his body was turned over to turing militant suspects. The fed­ PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU -1' Ma Roadway Acquisition Chulé I’ Chalan Para I’ Pupbliku police Wednesday night. eral government denies it happens PRIVATE LAND - Saipan Lot/ FALUWAL ARAMAS - Saipan This morning, members of very often, but recently told the Tract No. E.A. 881-1-R/W M ir’s family arrived at the police military to prevent such abuses. containing an area of 260 square TAÑO PRAIBET - Sitio Numiru Lot/Tract Numurol E.A. 881-1- meters. E.A. 881-1-R/W giya Saipan, yah R/W giya, Saipan yan ha ha konsisiste 260 metro kuadrao na konsisiste 260 metro kuadrao an area. area. Indonesians return PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ Tract No. 019 D 43 containing an TAÑO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Numiru FALAWEERTOWLAP - Saipan area ofl,125 square meters 019 D 43 giya Saipan, ya ha Lot/TractNumurol 019 D43 outol guns to Cambodia konsisiste 1,125 metro kuadru. bwuley yeel nge 1,125 square JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - handed ov a 1,037 weapons, includ­ meters. Indonesia’s contingent in the United ing M-16 and Ak automatic rifles, B- 7/1G, 23.30, 8/6 (5365) Nations Transitional Authority in 40 Sub-Machine Rifles and 6,038 Cambodiahas returned weapons and rounds of ammunition to the head of Marianas Public Land Corporation ammunition to Cambodian armed Cambodian armed forces Maj. G ea forces, a military spokesman said Sarmeun in Khompong Thom, in PUBLIC NOTICE Thursday. Cambodia. Pursuant to the provisions of 2 Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 CMC Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 LLCol.RamlanSumitradilagasaid DuringtheceremcnySarmeunsaid CMC 4141 et sec, the PUBLIC 4141 et sec i PUBLIC PURPOSE CMC 4141 et sec, PUBLIC the weapons and ammunition were Cambodian troopshavebecome tired PURPOSE LAND EXCHANGE LAND EXCHANGE ACT OF PURPOSELANDEXCHANGE collected firm Cambodian soldiers of war, adding that the weapons will AUTHORIZATION ACT OF 1987, sino i tulaikan taño para AUTHORIZATION ACT OF during the transitional period. be used for peace. He also thanked 1987, notice is hereby given of propositonpupblikunaakton 1987, 1987, nge Marianas Public Land Maj. Arief Rachman, who led the Indonesia for keeping and caring for Marianas Public Land nutisia manana i ginen este put i Corporation e arongaar towlap, Indonesian contingent in Cambodia, their weapons well. Corporation’s intention to enter intension-nai Marianas Public Land igha e mangiiy ebwe lliiwelo into an exchange agreement in­ Corporation humalom gi kontratan faluw iye e toolong faluw kka volving the parcels of land de­ atulaikan taño ni ha afefekta i faal. Aramasye e tipali nge pedason tañó siha ni manmadeskribi emmwel ebwe tingor ebwe yoor scribed below. Concerned per­ gi sampapa. Man interesante siha hearing reel inaamwo lliiwelil Sony to invest $30M sons may request a hearing on any na petsona sina manmamaisen faluw fa. Aramas ye e tipali nge proposed exchanged by contact­ inekungok put maseha manu/hafa emmwel ye re tipali reel kkapsal in Malaysian proj ect ing MPLC by or on August 4, na priniponi put tulaikan taño. faluw, nge rebwe aghuleey ngali 1993. If so requested, hearings on KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia added, 30 percent of the work is A’agang i MPLC antes pat osino gi MPLC wool me ngare mmwal the transactions listed below will August 4, 1993. Yanggen guaha August 4, 1993. Ngare eyoor (AP) - Sony TV Industries Bhd., done by the plant’s research and be scheduled on August 6,1993 at inekungok marikuesta, i inekungok tingor bwe yoor hearing, nge Sony Corp.’s first color televi­ development center, which began 9:00 a.m. in the Conference Room siempre para i sigiente siha na rebwe ayoora reel tali faluw kka sion plant outside Japan, is in­ operations in April last year, and of MPLC. transaksion u fan makondukta gi faal, nge rebwe tooto wool Au­ vesting another 30 million ringgit 70 percent in Japan. PUBLIC PURPOSE - Roadways August 6,1993, gi oran alas 9:00 gi gust 6, 1993, otol ye 9:00 a.m. ($11.7 million) in Malaysia this The center employs 25 engi­ Acquisition eggan gi halom i kuatton mellol MPLC Conference Room. year, managing director Toshio neers and enables Sony to work konfirensian i MPLC. AMMWELEER TOWLAP - Shiga said Wednesday. together with local suppliers, he PRIVATE LAND - Part of Saipan PROPOSITONPUPBLIKU -1’ Ma Roadway Acquisition Chulé I' Chalan Para I' Pupbliku Much of the investment is for added. Lot/Tract No. 1930-R1 containing an area of 3,349 square meters. FALUW AL ARAMAS - Part of designing and introducing new The plant, which makes color TAÑO PRAIBET - Parte gi Sitio Saipan Lot/TractNumurol 1930- model color televisions, Shiga televisions of up to 29 inches, PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ Numiru 1930-R1 giya Saipan, yah R 1 giya, Saipan yan hakonsisiste said. He said the company planned hopes to produce 1.6 million sets Tract No. 053 A 15 containing an ha konsisiste 3,349 metro kuadrao 3,349 metro kuadrao an area. to design at least 30 new models this year, up from 1.2 million last area of 14,738 square meters. na area. this year, compared with 20 year. It plans to have an annual TAÑO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Numiru models in 1992. outputcapacity of 2.8 million sets - Saipan Lot/Tract No. 056 C 07 FALAWEER TOWLAp - 053 A 15 giya Saipan, ya ha containing an area of 68,780 Saipan Lot/Tract Numurol 053 In designing new products, he by 1996, Shiga said. konsisiste 14,738 metro kuadru. A15 outol bwuley yeel nge square meters. 14,738 square meters. - Sitio Numiru056 C 07 giya Saipan, ya ha konsisiste 68,780 metro - Saipan Lot/TractNumurol 056 Conserve Water kuadru. C 07 outol bwuley yeel nge 68,780 square meters. 7/16,23.30.8/6(535611 38-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND ViEWSiERiPAYJULY 30Л993 Kelly leads Yankees over Tigers By The Associated Press Australian Mark Hutton. In Toronto, Cal Ripken’s field­ grounder to Ripken, who bobbled Ivan Rodriguez went4-for-4 and Tigers starter John Doherty (9- ing error in the bottom of the 10th the ball to allow Molitor to beat the tied the Rangers’ record with eight PAT KELLY had a homer and a 6) gave up eight runs and nine hits inning allowed Paul Molitor to throw to the plate. straight hits over two games. The single for a career-high four RBIs in 2 1-3 innings. score from third, givingToronto its Tony Castillo (2-0) got creditfor major league record is 12. Wednesday,leading theNewYork White Sox 9, Indians 4 second consecutive win in its final the victory. Roger Pavlik (6-5) won for the Yankees over the Detroit Tigers In Chicago, Robin Ventura hit a at-baL Rangers 10, Royals 3 first time in three starts. 12-7 in Detroit. first-inninggrandslamandBoJack- Toronto, which has won six of its Rafael Palmeiro’s second home Red Sox 8, Brewers 4 Travis Fiyman, meanwhile, had son added a three- homer, as last seven, retained its half-game run of the game capped a five-run In Milwaukee, Scott Cooper and the first five-hit game of his career Chicago beat Cleveland to com­ lead over New York in the AL fifth inning and powered Texas John Flaherty each drove in two and became thefirst Tiger tohitfor plete a three-game sweep. East. Fourth-place Baltimore has past the Royals in Kansas City, runs in a sixth-inning rally that the cycle since Hoot Evers against Jackson’s three-run homer lostthreestraightandis31/2 games Mo. helped Boston snap a two-game GevelandonSept. 9,1950. capped a five-run second and out of first Palmeiro, whosehomer thenight losing streak. Don Mattingly and Paul O ’Neill chased Albie Lopez (2-1). Molitor worked out a one-out before was Texas’ lone hit ina 1-0 The Red Sox remained in third alsohomeredfortheY ankees.who Rookie Jason Bere (5-3) gave up walk off Mark Williamson (5-2) victory over Kevin Appier, hit his place, 1 { games behind division- had 18 hits, the most against De­ two runs and six hits in seven in­ and moved to third on a single and 22nd home run in the fourth off leading Toronto. troit this season. Bob W ickman (9- nings with six and two an error. An intentional walk to HipolitoPichardo (5-7). In thefifth, Cooper grounded abases-loaded 3) allowed two runs and three hits walks for the victory. John Olerud loaded the bases and Palmeiro lined a two-run homer single in the six th ofTGraeme Lloyd in 2 1-3 innings after relieving Blue Jays 5, Orioles 4 Tony Fernandez then hit a sharp into the Kansas City bullpea to put the Red Sox ahead 4-3. Flaherty, batting .091, followed Marianas Public Land Corporation with a two-run double to complete the four-run inning. Milwaukee PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT starter Angel Miranda (0-2) took The Marianas Public Land Corporation (MPLC) I MARIANAS PUBLIC LAND CORPORATION (MPLC) GINEN SCHOOL MARIANAS PUBLIC LAND CORPORATION the loss and Boston reliever Greg hereby informs all homesteaders who are still on ESTE HAENFOFOTMA TODU A YU SIHAIMANGGAI HOME­ (MPLC) REKKE ARONGAAR ALONGEER ARAMAS Harris (6-3) got the win. Mets 5, permit status, that die Homestead Office will STEAD N1 ESTA PAGO MANGGAGA1GE HA’ G1 PERMIT KKAEYOORYAARHOMESTEADMEBWULEYKKA. KKA AKKAAWIYE RE SCHIWEL L0 LLOL PERMIT commence inspections of their village lots effec­ STATUS' NA ESTAO, NA IUF1SINAN HOMESTEAD PARA U Marlins 4 Anthony Young’s ma- STATUS, В WE SCHOOL HOMESTEAD OFFICE jor-league record 27-game losing tive September 15, 1993 for compliance of the TUTUHONKUMONDUKTA INSPERSION SIHAGIIYON-NIHA REBWELE BWEL YAAR INSPECTION-UL HOME­ permit provisions particularly Section l,2and4. VILLAGE LOTS IFEKTIBU SEPTEBRE 15, 1993 PARA U STEAD WOOL SEPTEMBRE 15, 1993 IGHA RE streak came to an abrupt end ASIGURA NA MA KUMPLE SIHA GI PATIKULATMENTE TABWEYAILEEWAL MILLE SECTIONS 1, 2 AND 4 Wednesday night when the New Section 1 reads as follows: SEKSIONA 1 ,2 YAN 4. REEL ISISIWOWUL PERMIT. CoihmencementoflmprovementandQccupaney York Mets rallied for two runs in The homesteaders shall enter upon and com­ SEKSIONA 1 MATAITAIKOMU I SIGIENTE: SECTION 1 NGEE KKAISUL OWTOL: the ninth inning to beat the Florida BWELETAAL IGHA REBWE AGHATCHU ME ASOOY, mence to use and improve the homestead lot TUTUHON MA ADELANTA YA OKUPA. Marlins 5-4 at home. which shall include beginning construction of a I GAI1YU HOMESTEAD DEBI DI U FANHALOM YU U MA ALONGEER HOMESTEADERS NGE REBWE Young’s previous win was April dwelling unit within three (3) months after re­ TUTUHON UMUSA YAN UMADELANTAIS1TION TAÑO’ N1 TOOLONG ME AGATCHU HOMESTEAD WE RELO ceipt of this permit and shall occupy said dwell­ PARA U ENGKLUSAITINITUHON MANHATSAN GUMA’GI LLOL NGE RE RWAL AKKAYWTIW IMW LLOL 19,1992,aspanof74appearances. ing unit as homesteaders principal place of resi­ HALON TRES (3) MESES DESPUS DI MA RISIBI ESTE NA MESAMMWAL WE RELO LLOL NGE RE BWAL It looked like he would make if-28 dence with two (2) years after issuance of this PTEMISU YAN DEBE DI U MSAGAYII MA HATSA NA GUMA AKKAYWTIW HMW LLOL MESAMMWAL ELUUW losses in a row after the Marlins permit, such occupancy to continue for the bal­ KOMU I PRINPAT NA LUGAT RESIDENTE GI HALOM DOS (3) MARAM MWURIL ЮНА RE NGALLEER PERMIT ance o f the three-year homestead term. (2) SAKKAN NA TIEMPO DESPUES DI MA NA' INU ESTE NA NGE REBWE LO IYE LLOL RUWOOW (2) RAAGH scored a ran in the top of the ninth. PETMISU YA DEBI DI U MA KONTINITA MASAGAYI'ASTA MILLEYAALGHUULA ELUUW RAAGHHOMESTEAD But Ryan Thompson singled in TERM. Section 2 reads as follows: I BALANSA I TRES (3) ANOS NA TETMINU. the tyingrunfor the Mets andEddie ■Standards for Improvements. SECTION 2 NGE E KKAISUL OWTOL: Murray doubled in the game-win- The homesteaders shall construct on the home­ SEKSIONA 2 U MATAITAI KOMU TAIMA NU ISIGIENTE: MILIKKA REBWE FIEERU REEL AGHATCHU stead a dwelling unit which shall have kitchen AREKLAMENTONINADELANTA: ner off Bryan Harvey (1-3). and toilet facilities approved by the Marianas I HOMESTEADERS DEBI U FATHA GUMA NI GUAHA ALONGEER HOMESTEADERS NGE REBWE Young (1-13) was mobbed by Public Land Corporation and such homestead FASILIDAD KUSINA YAN KOMMON NI INAPREBAN AKKAYWTIW IIMW LLOL HOMESTEAD IYE EBWE teammates and coaches and the shall be kept clean and sanitary satisfactory to MARIANAS PUBLIC LAND CORPORATION YA AYU NA YOOR MWOLUMW ME KKMOWUN YE SCHOOL the Marianas Public Land Corporation (MPLC) HOMESTEADU GASGAS YAN NA' SATISFECHO GI B ANDAN MARIANAS PUBLIC LAND CORPORATION (MPLC) crowd went wild when his night­ which shall be based qn public health sanitation HINEMLO PARA MARIANAS PUBLIC LAND CORPORATION RE APREBAAY ME REBWE LIMITI FISCHIIY REEL mare finally ended. TABWEEY NGALI AKKULEYEER SCHOOL requirements andregulalions. All dwelling units, (MPLC) NI MATATIYE I REGULASION YAN MARIANAS PUBLIC LAND CORPORATION (MPLC). Dodgers 2, Giants 1 kitchen and toilet facilities, shall be constructed AREKLAMENTON SANIDA. TODU GUMA’ NI PARA U ALONGAL MWOLUMW ME KK0MWUN KKA RE In San Francisco, Tom Candiotti on the homestead lot in accordance with the MASAGA YE, KUSINA YAN KOMMON NA FAASELIDAD SIHA, AYUL NGE EBWE L0 LLOL HOMESTEAD LOT NGE setback and other building requirements. U FAN MATSA GI HALOM HOMESTEAD LOT S1GUN 1 SET­ EBWE TABWEEY ALONGAL BUILDING REQUIRE­ pitched five-hit ball for 8 1-3 in­ BACK YAN OTRO SIHA NA AREKLAMENTON GUMA'. MENTS. nings and Los Angeles continued Section 4 reads as follows: its mastery over San Francisco. Boundaries. SEKSIONA 4 U MATAITAI KOMU TAIMANUI SIGIENTE: SECTION 4 NGRE E KKAISUL OWTOL: YAALII. HOMESTEAD. By taking two of the series’ three Tne homesteaders shall at all times maintain the MOHON SIHA games, Los Angeles improved its boundaries of the homestead clear of weeds, I HOMESTEADERS DEBI TODU I TIEMPO U MANAGASGAS ALLONGEERHOMESTEADERSNGEREBWEMALEXI trash and underbrush. Markers of monuments I MOHON SIHA GI HOMESTEAD POTNO U FAN TINAMPE NI MON-UL HOMESTEAD В WE ETE BWALABWA LO season record against thefirst-place placed at the comers of the homestead by the MOHON SIHA GI HOMESTEAD POTNO U FAN TINAMPE NI REEL FTTIL ME WALAWAL KKA E GHDCKIT. MON Giants to 6-3. government shall not be removed or destroyed. CHA' GUAN, BASULA YAN UNDERBRUSH. I MOHON SIHA KKA GOBENNO E IS AITIW NGASCHELHOMESTEAD N1PINEGAN TAOTAO GOBIETNO GI URI YAN I HOMESTEAD WE NGE ESEMMWEL В WE MEREL ME FEREL Candiotti (6-5) walked four and TI SINA MANASUHA OSINO DISTROSA. struck out four. Jim Gott retired the ______7/16,23. 30, a/6 (5356) final two outs for his 18th save. Bud Black (8-2) was the losing pitcher. Phillies 14, Cardinals 6 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS In Philadelphia, Darren Daulton PUBLIC NOTICE RFP93-0012 drove in six runs, including a grand N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that the Director of slam, and Dave Hollins’ two-run The CNMI Public School System is soliciting sealed Banking, Department of Commerce and Labor, has triple in the seventh inning put proposals for the provision of travel services including is­ Philadelphia ahead as the Phillies accepted the re-organization plan for C ity Trust Bank suance of airline tickets at the lowest possible price, free or rallied past SL Louis. by a group of local investors, all of whom are U.S. reduced price tickets to PSS based on the volume of air The victory moved the Phillies travel, free upgrading of PSS employees, delivery of tickets citizens. six games ahead of theCardinals in to the PSS Offices on Saipan, Tinian and Rota, a baggage the NL EasL pick-up service, booking of hotels and rent-a-cars at discount In order to allow for a smooth takeover and transi­ prices (including free upgrades) and other travel related The Phillies trailed 4-0 in the first inning after Todd Zeile hit a grand tion, the Director of Banking has permitted the tempo­ services for the period October 1,1993 through September slam off starter Terry Mulholland rary suspension of operation or closure of the bank for 30, 1994. All proposals must be sealed in an envelope, clearly marked RFP 93-0012 and submitted to the PSS (10-8). But Philadelphia tied it in the the conduct of a financial audit by the Public Auditor. Procurement and Supply Office, c/o Ms. Louise C. third, scoring four runs on five hits. Concepcion, Lower Base, Saipan. The deadline for sub­ Reliever Lee Guetterman (2-2) The bank w ill re-open for business at the J. E. mission of proposals is 3:00 p.m., August 20,1993. pitched one inning and gave up three Tenorio Building in Gualo Rai upon completion of the The CNMI Public School System reserves the right to Amend, runs on three hits for the loss. Cubs 8, Padres 6 audit. The bank w ill be owned by local investors, Reject or Award any or proposals in the best interest of the Public School System. In Chicago, Kevin Roberson’s managed and operated by a new management team, three-run homer highlighted a five- officers and directors headed by businessman Juan S. Inquiries to this proposals may be directed to Mr. William P. run sixth inning as Chicago defeated Matson, the PSS Federal Programs Coordinator, during San Diego. Tenorio, Jimmy R. Cruz and Benjamin A. Sablan. regular working hours at telephone number 322-6409. Reliever Shawn Boskie (3-1) pitched 2 1/3 hitless innings for the Isl JOAQUIN S. TORRES /Si WILLIAM S. TORRES victory. Randy Myers pitched the Commissioner of Education Date: 6/28/93 ninth for his 31st save. Is/ Louise C. Concepcion Padres starter Doug Brocail (2-7) ______7/2,9,16.23, 30 (5251/2) Chief, Procurement & Supply allowed eight hits and eight runs in 5 1-3 innings. FRIDAY, JULY 30,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS‘-39 Tennis group sets Sampras, Courier win THE NORTHERN Mariana Is­ Oct, 2 -3 and Oct. 10-12. lands Tennis Association will be 2. Ahierican Memorial Park having its monthly meeting on tennis facility. Canadian Open matches Aug. 2 at 11:30 a.m. at Poon’s 3. The junior tennis program. Restaurant in Garapan. 4. The Peter Burwash interna­ MONTREAL (AP) - American A partial agenda for this meet­ tional tennis show. Pete Sampras, the top-ranked ing will include the following: AH interested members are en­ men’s player in the world, beat 1. The 10th Annual Bud Light couraged to attend. For addi­ Kenneth Carlsen of Denmark 6- Classic Tennis tournament which tional information please call 322- 1, 6-4 Wednesday night in the will be held over two weekends, 9554. second round of the Canadian Open tennis tournament. 1993 MEN’S M AJOR BASEBALL LEAGUE Jim Courier, seeded second in 9th Annual . Team standing as of Friday, July 16,1993 the tournament and ranked No. 2 International Fisl|ing in the world, beat fellow Ameri­ Tournament Coming Team Win Loss Pet. GB can Jeff Tomago 6-3, 6-4, and Sabland Termites 12 0 1.000 - No. 3 Boris Becker of Germany The Saipan Sports Fishermen’s UMDAAces 7 5 .583 5 ousted Canadian Chris Pridham Association is pleased to announce the Toyota Wheels 6 5 .545 51/2 3-6, 6-3, 6-3. schedule for the 9th Annual Saipan 3 8 .273 81/2 L.T. Seabees Four Sampras dominated Carlsen International Fishing Tournament. The event will be Bud Light Blue Sharks 1 11 .083 11 with his awesome service and held on the weekend of August 7th and 8th. A boat powerful ground strokes, although Batting Leaders: the Dane showed strong baseline parade, kickoff party, and registration will be held Player Team AB Hit Batting play in the second set. beginning at 5100 P.M. on Friday, August 6. The tour­ Frank Pangelinan Termites 52 24 .462 “I’m just trying to go out there nament begins at 6:00 A.M. on Saturday and conti­ Darwin Ngrimidol Blue Sharks 44 18 .409 and hit as well as I can,” Sampras nues through Sunday at 7:00 P.M. Ben Mesa Termites 54 22 .407 said. “I’m really not at my peak The Awards ceremony will be held on Monday, yet because I’m getting ready for Jerry Ayuyu UMDAAces 53 21 .396 August 9th at 6:30 P.M. the US Open at the end of the Jess Wabol UMDA Aces 38 15 .395 All fisherman are urged to participate in this pres­ Inosuke Yamada UMDA Aces 36 14 .389 summer.” Courier, looking fit after three tigious event. Junior Martin Blue Shark 49 19 .388 weeks away from tennis, jumped For more information contact Perry Tenorio at the Tony Rogolifoi Seabees Four 45 17 .378 to a 4-0 lead in the second set only Bill Quitano Termites 45 17 .378 Marianas Visitors Bureau, Tel. 234-8325/26/27 or to have Tarango put up a stiff Ron Benavente Toyota Wheels 43 16 .372 John San Nicolas at 322-9008 challenge and close within 5-4. Courier then served out the Runs: (24) Frank Pangelinan (23) Ben Mesa (19) Joe Camacho, match. Bob Lizama, and Ron Benavente (18) Ren Celis Doubles: (5) Darwin Ngirmidol (4) Tony Camacho, Joe Camacho, Jerry Ayuyu Triples: (3) Tony Rogolifoi, Paul Camacho, Greg Camacho Homerun: (1) Paul Camacho, Al Camacho FUND-RAISING RBI’s: (22) Reno Celis (18) Tony Camacho (16) Greg Camacho

Pitching Leaders: JyA?y GOLF Player ,Team G Inn Er Hit W/L Era <'/v> . Tony Benavente Termites 12 42 10 42 6-0 1-73 Giovanni Mira Aces 4 27 11 30 2-0 3.67 TOURNAMENT Mike Guerrero Seabees 5 14 7 18 1-1 4.50 Elmer Sablan Aces 8 38 18 45 2-3 4.62 Eddie Santos Termites 9 41 22 49 5-0 4.82 Tony Guerrero Wheels 7 17 12 21 1-0 6.35 Kaleb Dulei Seabees 11 47 34 87 1-5 6.51 Nick Castro Seabees 5 24 15 29 1-2 5.62 September 25,1993 Strikeouts: (67) Tony Benavente (45) Kaleb Dulei (30) Elmer Coral Ocean Point Sablan Open To All Golfers continued from page 40 Net Proceeds To -Junior Golf Program Malcolm Kajer def. Jeff Race 7- 2,6-1 ; Race/Albares def. Ono/Ito 5,6-3; Race/Albares def. Ma’asi/ 6-3, 6-4; Race/Albares def. Tu’ima 2-6, 6-3, 7-5; Race/ Mainouy/Mouriswala 3-6,6-3,6- Albares def. Howard/Kumoe 6- 4. Flights: Championship, A, B, C, Seniors Saipan Cockpit is happy to announce that & Ladies every Sunday Start: there will be Two Cock Derby 6:30 am All Cockers are invited Prizes: to test their breed. • Round Trip Tickets There will be two Cock Derby eveiy Sunday and also this Aug. 1 there will be Colanbolä. We have six confirm fight Colanbola. Six more open. Also there will • Cash be $300.00 Bonus from Saipan Cockpit plus free B-B-Q. • Gift July 1993 result for.two derby as follows. Deadline: September 22,1993 Certificates, July 4th-3 entry winners all goes Tres Amigos. Application Form are July 11-2 winners entry for S.P. entry L&L available at Coral Ocean Point July 18th-1st Tres Amigos 2nd entry Cobra. First 100 Players Only July 25- 1Solo Winner Saipan Cockpit Record shows that Tres Amigos are ahead for the Month of July 1993. (Gringo) ^-M A RIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-JULY 30,1993

SPORTS m m South Korea posts victory over CNMI SOUTH Korea edged CNMI, 4- Korea failed to make any run in second time he delivered a two- 3, during their tight game yester­ the first two innings and CNMI run home run. In the third inning day, the fifth day of the Far East led at 3-0. Kikuchi Keita made a three-run Little League Baseball tourna­ The grad slam was like a miracle home ran while Muto Tomoyuki ment. in the ballfield in San Jose which and Nishio Kenichi scored a solo It was costly walk by the pitcher gave the Koreans their second home ran each. In the fourth Jon Joyner as Seo Hyo-Suk im­ victory after being defeated by inning Japan increased the score pressed the crowd with a grand Taiwan. to 24 runs, leaving Philippines slam, leading the game in the third In the sixth and final inning Seo behind with one ran in the second inning. . Hyon-Suk limited hits for the bat­ inning. In the last inning Japan CNMI, tried to get back in con­ ters of the CNMI team, and struck made six more runs, stretching tention in the fourth inning but out Robin Kapileo and Ray the Philippines’ losses to four. failed. Guerrero. Japan totaled 33 runs, 23 hits, 5 Joyner established a record of In yesterday’s second game, errors and one left on base. The 10 strike outs in one game. Japan slaughtered the Philippines Philippines made one ran by Jef­ Len Wayne Maratita made a with 14 runs in the first inning. frey Michael Illenberger, no hits, solo home run in the first inning, Shunjo Nasaka, first to bat, no errors and none left on base. scoring their first run for the game. made three-run home run. In his (CT) CNMÏS Joshua Muna in action.

1993 L ittle L eague B aseball Team Standings F ar E ast Tournam ent Score July 25 (As of Ju ly 29) - Team/Inning Hit LDB Total Philippines 1 0 0 1 0 2 6 8 2 Team Win Loss Taiwan 8 6 3 2 0 1 1 3 19

Indonesia 3 0 0 0 0 2 6 6 3 4 0 CNMI 0 1 4 9 4 20 0 7 17 Taipei CNMI 3 1 Hong Kong 1 0 0 0 0 5 3 9 1 Japan 3 0 2 8 0 13 2 5 13 China 2 0 July 26 Japan 3 1 Hongkong 8 3 1 0 0 18 2 8 13 Philippines 3 1 2 0 0 3 1 7 7 Hong Kong 2 2 CNMI 0 0 2 9 10 1 6 11 Korea 2 1 Guam 0 0 0 0 2 6 2 0 Guam 0 3 Taiwan 3 0 3 0 0 8 11 7 0 4 Japan 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Philippines Indonesia 0 4 China 7 1 12 19 3 3 20 Indonesia 3 0 0 2 5 8 3 July 27 Hong Kong 0 3 0 0 3 8 5 2 7 Race, Albares win Korea 10 0 0 2 0 8 4 7 12 Guam 0 0 0 1 6 3 0 Taiwan 7 6 3 6 2 4 16 Fiji Open doubles Japan 4 1 4 8 17 2 3 17 Indonesia 0 0 0 0 2 1 4 0 JEFF Race teamed with former Suva this week where team mem­ Guam tennis standout Paul bers Cho, Sung Won Yoon, Arisa China 6 21 1 5 20 11 2 Albares to win the Fiji Open Sakai and Kaoru Suwa begin play Philippines 0 1 0 0 5 2 1 doubles title. against youth from eight South July 28 Race and the Northern Marianas Pacific nations including Tonga, Korea 0 0 0 2 0 0 junior tennis team are in Fiji on Vanuatu, American Samoa, Fiji, Taiwan 1 8 18 0 6 18 the first leg of the ITF South Pa­ Cook Islands, Papua New Guinea CNMI 0 0 2 4 1 3 15 2 6 10 cific Junior Circuit. The team and Western Samoa. Philippines 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 3 4 1 arrive in Fiji a few days prior to Complete NMIResults: Chang- the beginning of the circuit to Hyun Cho def. Jason Holton 6-3, Indonesia 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 Hong Kong 3 4 0 0 2 10 7 9 compete in the Fiji open. 64; H. Mouriswala def. Cho 6-0, Race andAlbares won the title 6-0; J. Howard def. Sung Won Japan 2 0 8 10 18 1 9 21 by downing Cyrille Mainguy of Yoon 6-1,64; Malcolm Kajer/C. Guam 0 3 3 1 7 8 9 8 Vanuatu and world ranked junior Len def. Yoon/Chon 6-1,6-2; M. July 29 Hitesh Movriswala of Fiji 3-6,6- Brown/A. Tullock def. Arisa CNMI 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 3 ,6 4 . Sakai/Kaoru Suwa 6-1, 6-1; J. Korea 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 Race also won four singles Furness def. Kaoru Suwa 6-0,6- Japan 14 5 8 6 23 1 33 matches en route to the semi-final 0; M. Brown def. Arisa Sakai 6-0, Philippines 0 1 0 0 0 5 1 before being defeated 7-5,6-3 by 6-1; Jeff Race def. Satya Raju 7- Malcolm Kajer of the Cook is­ 6,6-1; Jeff Race def. TetsuyaOno Hong Kong 0 0 0 1 3 1 18 Taiwan 3. 15 0 8 0 5 0 lands. NMI junior Chang-Hyun 64,4-6,64; Jeff Race def. Nao Cho managed a 6-3,64 upset of Sakatani 6-0,6-0; Jeff Race def. China Australian Jason Holton. Krueger Ma’asi 64, 5-7, 6-3; Guam The team moved from Nadi to continued on pagie 39 o Marianas GVariety^s Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 SSVÍ3IS8J P.O. Box 231 Saipan·. MP 96950 · Tel. (670) 234-6341 · 7578 « 9797 Fax: (670) 234-9271