The Migrant 25:4
THE MIGRANT Published by the Tennessee Ornithological Society, to Record and Encourage the Study,of Birds in Tennessee. Issued in March, June, September and December. Val. 25 DECEMBER, 1954 No. 4 Bird Mortality During Night M igration OCTOBER 1954 On the nights of Oct. 5-6, 6-7, and 7-8, 1954, a tremendous number of migrating birds were killed at a. minimum of 27 localities scattered thru-out the eastern and southeastern states. The accidents occurred around airpopt ceilometers, brightly lighted areas, and at teIevision and radio towers. Similar accidents have occurred in previous years, those at ceilometers priar to 1952 being summarized by Howell, Laskey, and Tanner ( 1954) and one involving buildings being described by Ganier and others (1935), but never to our knowledge has there been such a widespread series of accidents on three succcssive nights. The causes of the accidents were not unique, but the widespread occurrence and the large number of birds killed at some $aces were unparalleled. There is presented here a general summary of these events followed by more detailed accounts of the accidents that happened in Tennessee. The detaiIs of most accidents in other states are being published in other journals, The information presented here has been compiled with the cooperation of J. W. Aldrich, A. F. Ganier, D. W. Johnston, F. C. Lincoln, 6.S. Robbins, and others, including those who have supplied the detailed accounts that follow. The "villain," if there was such, was the weather. In general, fall migration is stimulated by a drop in temperature and winds from the north, ie., by a cold front.
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