President to Ask for 200 Millions
AVERAGE DAILT OIROULATION tor tNe Mouth of Junaury. l*m WEATHER For it of U. ». Weutber Bumou. Hartford 6,048 Montber of the Aodtt Ooady, probably oeeaalonal ram BuruM ot Ctroolatioao HamIy^j0trr lEurtttttg Irralb tonight and Thursday; warmer t o -. night, eolder Thorsdsy night. MANCHESTER — A O TY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVII., NO. I l l (ClaooUled AdvertMeg on Page 10) MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1938 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTSWi| PHONE MIXUP; ULSTER VOTES Where Two Men Nearly Lost Lives leaking hose um CAR HITS Between Them Poor New Jer- ON IRISH UNION, sey Woman Had to Watch Her Home Bum to the BIG TRUCK, TWO PRESIDENT TO ASK Ground. UNEIWYMENT Totowa, Borough, N. J , Feb. ESCAPE DEATH 9— (AP) — Surveying the alhea rejection Of De Valera Proj o f her home today, Mrs. John FOR 200 MILLIONS ; Zajac told a story about three Hngli Thornton And Charles Are departments and the hoses ect Assured But Opposi* that leaked. At the first smell of smoke Stnrterant Badly Injured she telephoned to the Wayne tion To Craigavon Reghn township firehouse and was told MORE FOR RELIEF to send the alarm to the Totowa In Crash At Main And borough department. Getting Is Strong; Voting QnieL mixed up again In more frantic phoning, ahe told her story to Biridi Streets Last Night Held for Cruelty to Child To Send Letter To Gongrm i the Little Falla firemen who also Belfast, Northern Ireland, Feb. 9. referred her to the local depart- ment. — (A P )—The atx protestant-nued Hugh Thornton, 76, of 15 Spring Tomorrow Requesting Ad-ij She finally got the right num- counties of Ulster, North Ireland, street, u d (Jharlea Sturtevant, 30, ber and three companies arriv- voted today on the Issues of unit- ed.
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