Air Mail Pilot Killed at Hartford Airport

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Air Mail Pilot Killed at Hartford Airport THE lYEATHER forecast by O. S. Weather Bureau, NET PRESS RUN Hartford. a v e r a g e d a i l y dRCULAinON _ 1930 Ooudy slightly colder, preceded for the Month of January, Conn. State Library— CpmjR., by light rain or snow tonight; Tues­ 5,547 m attrliealrr U n rn in n day cloudy. Members of 4he Audit Bureau of C irculations ~______ TWELVE PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1930. (Classified Advertising on Page 10) VOL. XLIV., NO. 106. “Star-Spangled Banner” on Trial EXPECTVOTE AIR MAIL PILOT KILLED W . H. TAFT TENDERS ONDRYBILL RESIGNATION TODAY BYSOTDAY AT HARTFORD AIRPORT f - President's First Recom­ Plane Hits House, Upsets Chief Justice of United REED IS MUM Dismiss Navy Officer mendation to Be Taken and Falls Into Connecticut S ta te t a r l W s O f e ! ON DISMISSAL On Desertion Charge Because of 111 Health, Up by House on Thursday R iver--H ad Sustained a Fractured Skull OF IW O GUARDS for Debate. Washington. Feb. 3 - - f » that His Son States. President Hoover has confirmed a would throw light upon the mystery, i Two weeks later Northeutt was ■ sentence of dismissal from the Hartford, Feb. 3.— (AP)—Carey A5he\-ille, N. C., Feb. 3.— Washington, Feb. 3 — (AP) Navy for Lieutenant Harold W. discovered on the other side of the . continent in Vancouver, B. C., in j T. Pridham, 29, of Lexington, Mass., ( \p.)__^Former President Wil­ Wethersfield Warden Re-| President Hoover’s first recom- ^^^Northeutt,...... .. who was charged with mendation to Congress to strength- ; desertion and other offenses dam­ company with a woman, who was j Colonial Air liam Howard Taft, who resign­ f/*» Via o TT*Qir»fiH r>nrc» I no ! ^ \ an prohibition enforcement by plac- , agmg to^t^b^^-rale Transport, was killed at 7 o’clock ed today as Chief Justice of the fuses to Give Reason 0th-1 naval officer agreed to return to this morning when his Pitcairn United States Supreme Court, ing the responsibility ^on^^he^ at- (.jagg at Annapolis, I the United States and he surrender- tomey genera.1 will be taken up by . ^jg^j^pg^j-ed from the Norfolk Navy | ed to the commandant of the Puget super-mail wing biplane hit an ob­ is a “ pretty sick man,” Dr. er Than to Say It^s for the’ the House Thursday. j yard on October 22 and it was at Sound Navy Yard. servation platform on the field house Francis Hagner of Washington, The measure to effect the transfer , thoue-ht that he had met with , He refused, however, to make any at the extreme east end of the field, his personal physician, said of the Prohibition Bureau from the i abandoned autorao- | statement, or to explain in any way Good of Service. I Members of the House Judiciary Committee had to stand up and take Treasury to the Justice Department! foimd later in Richmond, Ibis actions, tore off the left wing and landed in here today. notice when Mrs. Elsie-Jorss-Reilley, Washington soprano, pictured alwve, was reported formally tc the House ; the Connecticut River about 100 feet center sang before them the other day—for the song was The Star today by its expenditures commit-) ---------------------------------------------------- - “ o f shore. The pilot leaves a widow Washington, Feb. 3.— (AP) — Hartford,„ Feb. 3.-(AP)-W hile' Spangled Banner” and it was being given a voice test to answer critics t 0 6 . and two children. Chief Justice Taft of th Lnited , j.gfuging to give specific reasons for j is pitched too high for popular use. Five million petitions re- The committee report, which urg­ Fljlng Low States has resigned. the dismissal- of two more guards | ceived by Representative L. C. Dyer of Missouri, left, commttee chairman, ed early passage of the measure, was SIX SODDEN DEATHS E C E S PHYSICIANS Arthur Chouinard, local post He submitted his resignation ^o- Connecticut State Prison | urge that t o famous song be adopted as the national anthem, andjlephe- office clerk in charge of air mail and sentative Linthicum of Llaryland, right, has introduced a bill to make it Qpp°^jQg° ^ provision that would at Wethersfield, Warden Charles Harry Rankin, driver for the Hart­ such. hold the secretary of the Treasury OVER THE WEEK END BE TRUSTED MORE ford Cab Company, who were at the Reed emphatically asserted today and the attorney general jointly re­ field waiting for the plane which that they were not Involved in the sponsible for the making of regula­ came from the Newark airport, said escape of Roland G. Lalone, Leo tion permits. that the plane was flying low across Landry and Watson Moulthrope the field and at a fast rate. They from the bakeshop on Janua.ry 4. m s ^ Wifliamson of the expenditures iFall Kills One Man— Anolh-i Congressman Offers Bill to were on the northeast end of the Following the sudden resignation OUR ENVOYS DISCUSS committee, the House rules com- i field at the time and saw the plane of Deputy Warden George Patterson mlttee decided to give the bill legis- , U on a in a to R Give Doctors Right to Pre­ hit the platform but from their and the dismissal of Guard Patrick lative preference to expedite action. | uOUnQ nflURlilg lU position did not see it hit the river. Collins recently, the warden dis­ A COUNTER PROPOSAL Three days, beginning Thursday, j It was flying northeast, they said, charged Thomas F. Hickey and were set aside for its consideration, | ______ f ---------------------------------------------------- Tree in Westbrook. scribe More Liquor. and they waited expecting the pilot Fred Whaples last week. His only wiuh the view of a vote on Saturday. | to circle back as they did not realize comment was that the prison per­ General Debate i how hard he struck. sonnel is being reorganized and un­ General debate will be limited to To Lay a New Plan Before WHALE, BOAT j Drops Into River satisfactory employes are being re­ j four hours. Then the measure will | By Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 3.— (AP) — moved under a general plan to ^ „ .. MEET HEAD-ON be considered under procedure per- i The force of the blow knocked 1 Six violent deaths including two Amendment of the prohibition law i « .u u u- u strengthen the guarding system at mitting the offering of amendments | . ., the platform off the house, which Conference on How a Na-1 ---- to permit physicians to prescribe j jg one-story structure. The mo- the prison. and the discussion of the proposed possible slayings and two auto Good of the Service Neither Damaged in San Fran­ changes. fatalities occurred over the week- wines and liquors in such quantities i mentum of the plane carried it “All I can say about the dismissal ^ val Compromise May Be Seven members of the expendi- ! separated sections of i as they may deem proper, was pro- through the air -with the pilot un­ cisco Harbor When They able to control it. It dropped upside of Hickey and Whaples is that their tures committee signed the minority Connecticut. An accidental fall from | posed in a biU today by Representa Meat—Fish Charged the •report. It is over the provision of down in the river in about four feet discharge is for the betterment of a second story porch was respon- j tive Celler, Democrat, New York, the service” the warden said. Arranged. Vessel. gi-ving joint responsibility on is­ of water. The warden admitted the mystery suance of alcohol permits that a sible for a fifth death while the | “Doctors being of an honored pro- Although the pilot was found of the prison break has not been San Francisco, Feb. 3.— (AP) heated contest is expected as a sixth victim was killed by a shore fggsion should be trusted not to strapped in the seat of the plane William Howard Taft London, Feb. 3.— (AP.i - Indicr- —A large whEile slipped into number of members feel that the line train in Old Saybrook. | abuse their privileges,” the New with his head in the water when solved. He said certain information •^rvid Johnson, 25, of New Britain I Yorker said 4n a statement. “They day to President Hoover through has come to him which he described | ^j^g American delegation | San Francisco bay for a frolic Treasury secretary should have rescuers in a row boat reached him no^na'^to "d ^ ^ th prohibition en -! was fatally injured in a fall from a ; prescribe narcotics and opi- his son, Robert A. Taft. His resig­ as “little things picked up here and I ^ counter-proposal to the in the relatively warm water it was evident from his condition and was cruising past Alcatraz forcement I second story rear porch. His death i g,.gg. j-jjgy have power, with the that death was caused by a fraotur- nation has not yet been accepted. there,” but nothing concrete enough | i ' to be thoroughly satisfactory. French so-called transactional ton- island yesterday when a ferry­ The minority group, headed- - by attributed to a broken neck, was , ^nife and scalpel, to cut into the ed skull. Medical examiner Thomas This was formally announced to­ pronounced as accidental by the | human anatomy. Yet prohibition day at the White House after young “ We have not yet satisfied our 1 nage plan may ultimately be laid boat appeared dead ahead. Representative Gasque, of South J. Luby said death was due to in­ The whale flicked a fluke Carolina, ranking Democrat on the deputy coroner.
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    PRESENTED BY: 2019-20 IOWA WILD SCHOOLSCHOOL DAYDAY WORKBOOKWORKBOOK BECOME A PART OF CRASH’S CREW BY JOINING THE KID’S CLUB! CONTACT EVE SLOAN AT 515-564-8740 TABLE OF CONTENTS Hockey 101 2 Iowa Corn: Family Farming 11 Amerigroup - Find the Food 4 Geography Goal 12 Word Search / Slapshot Scrambler 5 Bitten, Dewar & You 13 Mad Libs / Hockey Adjectives 6 AHL History 14 Jumbled Jerseys 7 Spot the Differences 15 Wild Den Math 8 Energy Smart Kids 16 Hockey Science 9 Create a Jersey 17 Iowa Corn: Environment 10 MidAmerican Crossword Puzzle 18 This workbook is designed to provide students with a resource guide about the Iowa Wild hockey program, as well as the sport of hockey. It is our sincere hope the students draw on the resources within the workbook and the provided source materials to expand upon their reflections and responses. The activities provide cross-disciplinary opportunities for students to write about what they read, solve problems and analyze print, as well as online resources. The workbook highlights a student’s ability to interpret, analyze, compare/contrast, describe, explain, and investigate resource materials. SPONSORED BY:HOCKEYHOCKEY 101101 Barn: Hockey arena Beauty: A real character in the dressing room or on the ice Biscuit: Hockey puck Celly: Hockey celebration Chiclets: Teeth Chirp: Term for trash talking Clapper: Slap shot Dangle: Stick-handling term for a slick move Drop Pass: Puck carrier leaves the puck behind for a trailing teammate to pick up Five-Hole: The spot between a goaltender’s legs An “ugly” goal that
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