National League Hockey Head Still Takes “Outlaw99 Attitude RANGERS DROP ICE Waterbury Pinners TELEPHONE CAPTURES Slight Change in Would Rather Give Take State Honors N. H. DUSTY HONORS Can-Am Plans THRILLER IN FIRST New Haven, March 26—S. N. E. GUY AND (Special to the Democrat) Telephone wons Its fourth succes- Boston, March *6—(UP)—A A SMALL sive Industrial cham- Than Bristol, March 24.—By a margin change in play-off plana hinged on Up pionship by defeating Carroll com- the outcome of the New Haven- CLASH IN MONTREAL of three points, earned through a pany. 17 to at the TMCA last 19. Springfield game at Springfield to- 70 A SMALL MATTER pin win over the local Power- night. Carrolls had previously won morrow night, have been an- Rival men gave the Waterbury District the division B. title and had qual- nounced by Canadlan-AmericaOt Canadiens Gain One Game ified for the title chance de- Play Champs bowlers state championship honors by Hockey league officials. DAN PARKER feating Uneeda Bakers. Under the new plana, should Lead in for By here to-night in the finals of the Montreal, March 26—(UP)—The' National Hockey Play-Off New Haven defeat Springfield, Connecticut Light A Power league thereby winning third place in the would rather the as a Title — Another Game BALL PLAYER IS AUCTIONEER league give up Stanley cup entirely, rolled off at the Center alleys. Wa- Anal standing, the play-offs would Honey Creek, Wis.—(UP)—The for the of the than to be forced terbury dropped 1,644 to Bris- open In New Haven, Sunday night, trophy championship league, 1vwii*i***‘*...iiTiTnnvminmiT pins best known citlsen of this village To-night tol’s 1,574 the winners a with the Boston Bruin Cuba sec- into contesting for the cup with the , ac- giving Is an auctioneer, painter and dec- JAMES J. JOHNSTON is a small man. He has the pompous man* seasonal score of 43 against ond place winners, as their oppo- Montreal. March orator, but he'll stop work any- cording to the opinion.still maintained by League President 25.—(UP)— ner and the supreme ego bo often identified with those whom nature 40 for the runners-up from the Beil nents. Their second game would had a time to talk . He Is Ger- Prank Calder. The Canadiens of Montreal has cheated physically. He is afflicted with delusions of grandeur. City. Byrnes of Waterbury scored be played in Boston, Tuesday. New York ald (Ginger) Beaumont, for eight one-game lead over the Since childhood he was brought up with pugs. In fact he was a of 134 and also The , leaders in wnen questioned last nigni re- pug high single high years a star outfielder with the Rangers today In the first place himself until someone chased him through the ropes. Then James dis- three of 351 with of the final standing, will play the garding dispatches from Ottawa, strings 88, Pirates. Beaumont went play-off for the National Hockey covered that It was a much better racket around than 134. The which as- fourth place winner in Providence quoting William Foran, Stanley ordering pugs 129, scores, to the Pirates in 1898 after a sea- league championship, won, 4 to 3, to bat them around. the of on Monday and Wednesday nights, cup trustee, as saying there will be trying sured Waterbury pinners son with last night before 11,000 spectators. Connie Mack's Milwaukee according to the present schedule. Training Camp no cup series if the National James is a of the Five and Ten Cent Store brand. His the H. E. Cocking trophy, follows: Starting for their third succes- psychologist club of the Western Association. League refuses to the Amer- line has been successful with punch-drunk so much accept sive world's hockey championship, Immensely fighters, After playing with the Boston ican League’s challenge, Calder so that Mr Johnston has come to believe himself a superior Intellect, a Waterbary (3) Braves, the Cubs and 8t Tid-Bits the Canadiens nosed out the Rang- .108 88 111— 307 Chicago declared that his statement, made master of men. Several months ago Johnston became matchmaker at Lange Paul, Beaumont retired to his i ers in the fastest, most thrilling DeVito .119 103 121— 348 a few weeks ago, still represented the Garden. It wasn’t the first time James found himself in an im- "Centerfleld” near In game of the Montreal season. Byrnes .. 88 129 134— 351 farm, here, his sentiments and that he had He had been up there before but had muffed his chance BY UNITED PRESS The second game of the best portant spot. Smith 82 122 105— 309 1911. to add to It. because he couldn’t stand a little You’d nothing three-out-of-flve series will be at power. think, therefore, that D'Veleskls .117 124 93— 334 In his Calder had de- this time he would have learned his Cardinals statement, the Porum tomorrow night, after by lesson. But, alas! He hasn't! clared the National League would 514 566 564—1644 CY STICKS BY MIKE Wfastlinq will for When he took over the Garden, Little was Pla, Maroh' 25— which both teams depart Jimmy quite Brlatol UNITED PRESS Bradentown, rather forfeit the trophy than * But (1) Cy Iceland, former Texas Chris- (BY New York to play the third game human. earti succeeding week, as he tasted the wine of 99 102 303 (UP)—With Brooklyn meeting contest for it with an "oetlaw Carruccl 102— tian University sprint star, pre- At Boston—A1 Morrelll, Boston, at Sunday success it went more and more to his head, until now he Is in Qrnndreau .131 86 97— 314 league” which was to "mus- ferred his job of radio announcer threw Dan Ed tho Cardinals here to-day, a con- trying nlgftt. Marselle 99 105 98— 302 Koloff, Bulgaria; cle in” on organized hockey. 0 to glory as a track star. That's Don Oeorge, Canada, threw Jack ference was between Fast Start Musiy .124 91 101— 316 expected The Other Side Leland Abandoned efforts to B. Char- Prom the start, the flying *01son 95 126 118— 339 tvhy Foregren, Vancouver, C.; Managers Max Carey of the Flat- March land a on the United States New (drew) Joe Chicago, 28—(UP)—Che Prenchmen took the aggressive place ley Strack, York, winner of 548 510 516—1574 and field team. 1 bushers and dabby Street of the the National League and carried the battle into rival Olympic track Malcewica, Poland. hockey must meet the world champions regarding a new playoffs territory. This continuous offen- winner of the American League The need a first sive finally eked out the one- trade. Dodgers playoffs for the em- Stanley cup, margin of victory. baseman, and It is understood blematic of the world's hockey By the'end of the second period, for Bottom- or forfeit the tro- Carey Is angling Jim championship, with the score tied at 2-all, the phy, T- J. Shaughnessy, president or Collins of the Cards In battle had developed into a fast, ley Rip of the Chicago Shamrocks, said to- exchange for an experienced pltoh- furious struggle, with both teams day. had. er. The Cards could See another The Shamrocks finished first giving everything they The Prenchmen made the first hurler, during the American regular ■core after 1( minutes In the first Yankees season and are favored to League when , front St Petersburg, Fla, March 25— win the playoffs. period, Is believed to line star, found the net on a pass Johnson’s (UP)—Babe Ruth "If the Bhamrocks win the play- from Mondou. Before the have stride, now that we period caught.his offs in the American League a condition approximating he chalked his first home ended tied the score on Intoxication, figuratively speaking. has up will issue a formal challenge to He’s not a man who can take bis tho a pass from Seibert. Seven pen- success or leave It alone, A run of the season. It required tne National League winners with taste of It alties were meted out In this sends him reeling. Cardinals’ championship brand of every expectation of playing for frame, with two going to Ching In the short time he has been in control competition and the largest crowd the Stanley cup,” satd Shaugh- at the Garden he to Johnson, traditional bad man of has secured a Hold on the Expect you of the exhibition season to drag out nessy. strangle boxing game hereabouts for the benefit of his the Babe's first circuit clout yester- Fair the Rangers. himself, brothers, his sons, his sons-in-law Enough The Canadiens took the lead and a host of other relatives. day when the Yanks beat the Cards pointed out that the Having gained control of bis own iShnugnessy in the first two minutes of racket, the Woolworth board of trustees of the Stanley again Jimmy, Psychologist, is now going to a the second when Jollat went subdue the lot in has decreed that the final period press. Expect cup through alone for a magnificent The Savannah, Oa, March 25—(UP) Stanley cup aeries shall be between papers, on the whole, have been remarkably decent to him. solo goal. evened the This has led —The Boston Red Sox moved to the winners of the American and Mr Johhston to believe that he has the writing lads awed, a from Boucher Macon, Oa, to-day for their second National League playoffs and that count, taking pas by his power, too, and in the palm of his hand. in the middle of the game with Hartford, A double there is no Justification for label- period. When he boosted the of a Two in a How price 15 boxing show to $8 recently, header was scheduled yesterday, ling the National League series as some of the writers, not having learned that Mr had be- Going into tne tmra frame, witn Johnston revoked but only one game was played the "” any the freedom of the took to the score still tied, the French- press, exception this high-handed piece of cause of the Hartford teams lack morn than the American League business. Among those who took men launched a furious attack exception most violently was this of condition. Boston won * to 2. aeries. writer. Mr Johnston became the defense, and exceedingly peeved at me This is not "The American has noti- against Ranger as league news, boxing promoters have been at' me 25— Johnny Gagnon gave the Cana- getting peeved since the 100% March the the intention New St Fla, trustees of Our Petersburg. fied day I first penned a line about the noble with a solo shot art of fisticuffs. (UP)—The Boston Braves and Cin- of its champion to challenge,” said dians the lead which bounced off Goalie Roach's Mr Johnston, however, carried the matter farther cinnati Reds were scheduled to Shaughnessy, "and under the rules than getting Into the net. Soon, Leplne took a peeved. He decided to make an example of me for the tangle here to-day. Fred I^each, this challenge must be accepted or benefit of the from and blazed a boys and, while putting me in my place, warn them that newest Brave acquisition, was ex- the cup forfeited." pass Gagnon they had bet- Roach for anohter score. etr behave, too, or they would incur the wrath of pected to arrive to-day. shot past the smallest of the Two minutes before the final Johnstons. stored for the , Calif, March 28— (UP) whlatle. Bill Cook So what did this great psychologist (from the nickel and dime Rangers. store) do? He cut me oft Ralph "Rod" Kress, InAelder for HOPEVILLE BEATS the pass list. That would bring me around were the St Louis Browns, has accept- Only three penalties given on my knees, begging for forgiveness, I presume he thought. In the last 40 minutes of play. I have ed President Ball’s Anal offer of been cut off more pass lists in my day than Mr Johnston Stock of will Summary: has relatives at the $g,#oo for the 19S2 season, and feeding pugilistic trough. So when I didn't get my CHASEPARK FIVE Canadians .1 1 2—4 I went for St Louis tomorrow to pass, Just right on about my business. leave 1—3 Kress had asked $10,000 Rangers .1 1 When I didn't sign up. — protest because Johnston had a Scorers — Canadians Morenz, taken step but later offered to take $9,000. that ho had every right in the world to Seniors One Point Jollat, Gagnon, Leplne. take If he saw fit, Drop the Great Intellect of to Rangers—Bun Cook, Bill Cook Liverpool began wonder If he had erred, so he sounded out some of the other WOOSfER BOWLERS Verdict to Rivals, 39- (2). writing boys on the SAW TOO MUCH OF 38—Juniors and Midg- “Parker had no right to criticize my prices until after the show, whined the discoverer of Phil Scott. Some of the Clothes HINDLE WEDNESDAY ets newspaper lads informed Johnston they NATIONAL GUARDS doubted his Win_ power to set up rules and conditions for the news- Spring papers to follow in Hartford, March 25—At the Ma- Min* Mildred Dunne's Chase commenting on boxing news. ple alleys Wednesday Frisk and Park Seniors dropped a 39 to 38 Then the old alredale began to climb up into Jimmy's neck. He Gilchrist defeated Thompson and victory to Alex Massarella's Hope- sent a special messenger around with my tickets. that time We it to too •.. itaKa In a special double match. vitlo A. C. quintet last night In By my Hibernian was up higher than the three give you, Krtsk Is leading for the weekly the feature game of a triple bill at Johnaton brothers standing on each other's shoulders. I sent the the semi- OPENS TO-MORROW Johnston’s tickets back to high single with a mark of 179. Chase Park gym. In him with a touching message. Then give you fabrics and tail- Following are a few of the high final the Chase Park Juniors hum- Jimmy picked up the phone and called me up. Nice cheerful bled the 28 to voice and all that sort of scores turned In: Gilchrist—1*6, Brooklyn Trojans, Hartford, March 25—Some 800 stuff, if you didn’t detect the phony that a short time 182. 14 while the Chase Pnrk ring In it. oring 154, 1»0. Thompson—140, 150, Midgets National guardsmen will partici- My pal again. 187, 131. Frisk—170, swamped the Y Hangers, 24 to 8 Did he awe me? Aw y,ar.a—180, In the second annual National nertz! My message tt Mr Johnston was a cost hit for a triple in the Initial tilt. pate if ago $40 and up- 169, 148. Gilchrist short, »nappy, hackneyed expression, giving him orders where to strike while Frlek hit guard basketball tournament which his life and doublt Creaven Outscures Tracy spend in.the hereafter. If the Madison Square Garden Cor- strikes; MeKson to- ward! Here are some of for two double Jack Creaven, of the will start at the state armory Barrett 180; A1 13$: Marta mu 142; Leavenworth high team the past night at 7 o'clock and will consist Marino 189; Babe Allen 1$6. 124; we these seasons, registered nine of 10 hours with some 20 the things expect you Gibson 126; Sexton 18$ and 1$7| playing points against Jim Trucy, Wllby the mili- McKeever 181; Ahern 129. odd teams competing for center, despite the latter's contin- to expect . • . things ued boasts of holding his Hill riv- tary championship of Connecticut. of T-awrence, Mass, bowl- Hindis als scoreless. At half time Hope- Last year the tournament was held in our with the Wooster All-Star* you’ll find selec- ing vllle held a 20 to 12 lead. Dum- In New Haven and was won by against Bob Stone's Waterbury total marj': of Water- Stars, turned In a three-string Co O, 102nd Infantry, tion of suits and in- top- of 420 for an average of 120, Ilopcvllle B F P bury. The prospects look bright for of 182, 13Bi and 188. Manarella, If .6 2 14 cluding singles the championship to be shifted to coats: the all-event title of E. O'Donnell, If .1 0 2 Hlndle won Hartford tills year. The Service season with ft Wllmot, rf .2 0 4 Massachusetts last has one of the strong claims he Murphy, rf .0 1 l company pinfftll of 1.116. Hlndle teams In the state, as have Collect- southpaw In Portollnl, c .3 2 8 la renrty to meet any ing Co. and Co K. 169th Infantry, the at the J, O'Donnell, c .1 0 2 the country. In singles Co B and C of the 102d Infantry, held at E O'Donnell, .1 o 2 poratlon takes the attitude that 1981 national tournament lg of New Haven. Some of the dis- press tickets are given to newspapers he ranked tsnth J. Tracy, lg.1 1 3 on condition that retrain from Hand-tailoring Washington. D. C., tant teams, such as Bridgeport, they criticising what goes on in the with of II, Tracy, rg .1 1 3 Garden, hen I'm glad to be freed from this with a mark of 890 single* Milford, New London and Branford restraint. From now on 1 the finer that He Is now lo- can really write what I think about the type, 90, 180 and 1«5. not known to this of the Garden—and, of course. Totals .It 7 39 are part cated In this city and Is ft member of Whispering Jimmy Johnston. state but It will give plenty builds fit into a suit . . of the Wooster All Stars. Chase Park Sr* H F P trouble In the tournament. Teams _(Copyright, ma. King Features Syndicate) ltoache, .0 0 0 over 40 miles will be can-am rg traveling Conrad 94 106 98— 29S and keeps it there! democrat all-star Adams, rg .1 1 3 quartered at the armory during the LEAGUE TEAM Overton, lg .u o o playing and the Hartford compa- BOWLING 618 469 511—1498 (Ireene, lg .1 0 2 nies will entertain the out-of-town High Single—Wilhelm, 125. of March annually The month Loveaky, c .3 3 9 teams. High Three—Wllhelni, 336. ailments, namely, AMRU. BRASH OFFICE LEAGUE. creates two Unicom, rf .1 o 2 riaylng today will start at 7 p. m. High Game—Invoice, 618. Fabrics and headache*. Box spring fever rf a 13 a hour until 2 High Team—Invoice, 1498. sent up Mnruca, .4 with game every Ion (2) scores of baseball games Creaven, If ..3 3 9 a. m. Saturday. Playing will re- ... from the are Mnllette 89 89 89- 267 LIONS’ CI.l’H LEAGUE. highest qual- from the South responsible at 1 m. to of se- sume again Saturday p. Walker 98 122 108- 329 for the fever. The practice Totals .13 12 38 6 and from 7 m. to 1 Rudder 75 78 81- 282 American mills all-star Canadian- p. m. p. Luting ity lecting an The semi-finals and finals Mackey 91 91 78- 260 A. Lunny 80 80 League team can Bcore at hulf time—Chase Park Sunday. 80— 240 American Hockey will be Sunday afternoon Atwood .120 91 92- 303 Larson 80 80 80— 240 cloths will find in for the head- Seniors 12, Hopevllle Juniors 20. played 91 92- 303 you bo held culpable and night. Prizes are being award- Atwood .120 Carpenter .71 84 75— 230 severe this than —Bob West, Time—Two 8 Handicap 481 478 456—1415 Baronian aches, more year ed various merchants for the 80 80 80-L 240 custom-tailor’s bolts. of the many out- and two 10-mlniito periods. One by ever becouae winners. An all-state team will be witn 3-mlnute period. 471 478 450—1415 311 364 313— standing players performing It Is 950 picked by the officials. expect- Mechanical Samson teams. .. (1> league ed that crowds will witness Samson 80 an all-atar team thl* large Aikens 95 100 80- 275 80 In selecting lleymond 80 the asso- these games. Donavon .104 90 123- 317 80 winter Ignores glamor Eastwood 96 79 Luxury Linings and bam se- Sillmnn 89 95 98- 282 ciated with scoring 85 88 97- 270 Decker 80 80 which Reynolds lections on earnest endeavor, Merrill 98 91 96- 283 silk, for the man is more quickly appreciated by Lone N. E. Horse 336 319 318— 973 follower* of the league. And, it 471 404 494—1429 t'aahln who likes true luxury be well to explain at this Printline (3) Casliin 80 80 might Show Indoors Set Bronson 59 96 time, thoee selected for the DEM- Ryder 76 77 83- 230 man 99 81- 252 Parker 80 80 celanese for the who OCRAT team earned place* on the Wilton 72 made Bruce .107 101 101- 309 Beadle 86 104 team on a basis of showings for likes and Early H. Butcher .... 83 107 93— 283 luxury long homo of the May in the 20 games L. Butcher. 99 83 120- 302 305 360 314— 969 played at the BY UNITED PRESS Tlie New horse Handicap 8 8- 24 Bailey wear Suits-Topcoats only England Dr Herr Arena. At New York—Billy Petrolic,' show to be staged Indoors this 80 80 80— 240 Team L. Rose ,. 80 80 80— First 1SI*. Fargo, N. D., seored a tech- will be held at the New 445 475 486—1406 240 spring Barrows 80 80 80— 240 Robert* (N. H.)—00*1 nical knockout over Bat Battalino, Arena on 6 and 7, GnrnKe (01 defense Haven May 5, F. Bailey 80 80 80— 240 Nichols (Phil*)—Left 186, Hartford, (12); Ralph Lenny, under the auspices of the New Ha- Wakelee 84 87 82- 253 Haven placed horses, 79 81— 242 $27-50 player Star Breaks Toe Jacobs 82 Bernard this seem like It is the only indoor New England three. To some may Providence. R. I. (UP)—Fred- Hunter 84 77 101— 262 Massore but If there Is a horse show this season. 95 98 93— 286 rank favoritism, erick J. star of La McCue to Dooley, the Since horse shows originally 98 93— 286 Size goalie in the league harder Cook 95 504 Complete Range Salle Academy track team, ran for Hartford and Brook- Cook 98 92 120— 320 513—1017 beat, a better defenseman than planned Into a brick wall and broke his toe 10 10— 30 a more earnest, ag- lyn have been cancelled, the New Handicap 10 Wolverine Dutkowski. or ... we lit the man who as he won the 50-yard dash at a Haven show stands alone as the Creighton Claims Largest Feet gressive and effective winger than recent outdoor meet, but without indoors this 452 445 486—1383 Omaha. (UP)—The Patterson playing In the Canadlah- only presentation largest pair takes a 35 ... or his complaining he entered and won Sales (2) of feet in basketball is Amerlcan loop, we would like to spring. Treat 74 the distinc- the 800-yard run a few minutes The judges who have been Invit- tion claimed by William Suits Dvv .. Buffard 85 Schmidt, brother later. six foot husky who slips our belief that the two all- ed to make the awards at the Wilcox 78 101 eight center of the Creigh- It Is All-Winter above could go Fishing show are as follows: Monroe 96 106 ton university team. Schmidt wears star teams named into a 46 ... all sizes be- Alpena, Mich. (UP)—Fishing in H. a , into the Hunters and jumpers: Fred Espey .104 specially made No. 14. He was Thunder Bay has continued nearly .14 the one week’s practice to fa- Bontecou. Millbrook, N. Y., Bruce Handicap leading scorer in the Missouri after all due to mild tween the two ... for and ■knock off Plenty winter, unusually Jenkins, Noroton, Henry V. Colt, Valley conference Just closed, miliarise, weather. winters 451 500 483—1434 ring- The first During ordinary Genesee. N. Y., Harry Worcester- ing up 81 points against 80 for his men of the big leaguers. the Accounting (1) of all builds. of bay is covered with ice several Mass. teammate. Cornle Collin. He .$34*00 team Is scoring power Smith. Worcester, Wilhelm .107 104 125— 336 is a possessed feet thick. galore while the defensive ability Polo and military: Major H. C. Beach 83 88 89— 260 sophomore. Through his efforts of Dutkowski and Nichols with Fellows, Military bureau, Washing- Herrmann 84 99 85— 268 Creighton made a clean sweep of Roberts in the nets would leave ton, D. C. Brewer 79 101 83— 263 its eight conference games to cop Fenn 107 112— 312 nothing to be desired. The sec- mail their selections to this de- Harness classes: Guy A. Ward. 93 the championship with ease. Is almost as street. Portchester, N. Y. ond team impressive partment. King 446 499 494—1439 first team and in most cases Three saddles: Luther as the Here and There gaited Cost (1) the first Tennis Popular in Germany the player placed on Joe Simpson, better known as Blake, Falrjleld; William E. Baker, Jones 90 92—r 26« team was only done so after much "Bullet Joe," apparently likes New South Main street. Providence, Trewren 96 100 85— 281 Berlin. (UP)—Tennis is gaining thought and consideration. Haven as well as New Haven hoc- R. I. Wooding .102 84 122— SOS in popularity in Germany. The Selection of all-star team3, key fans like him. Joe. we Five gaited saddles: William E. Vail 95 99 100— 294 membership In the Germun Tennis whether they be hockey, baseball, have been told, has decided to re- Baker, South Main street. Prov- Marvin 92 102 100— 294 association Increased by 21,000 or tiddledysAnks, quite main In the Elm the R. Luther Blake. Fair- over last year. A total of 75,000 football City during idence, I.; 475 472 499—1446 causes mere less stove re- and 128.000 bolls were naturally or summer season. Which Held. Invoice 42) racquets league discussion with very few minds us that "Bullet Joe" Is the Draft: Dr F. D. Mondell, Derby. Crooker 91 78 105— 274 sold last year, approximately the agreeing with the picker. Readers first manager to start and finish Stock horses: J. Clinton Shep- Woodward .104 99 92— 295 same as 1080. The association will of the Democrat are invited to a season with the New Haven hard, Westport; Fred Tejan, Rye Kelsey .107 100 103— 310 hold the first Davis Cup elimina- select their own all-star team and team. Turf and Polo Club, Portchester. Allen .122 36 113— 331 tion play here the last of April.