Air Mail Pilot Killed at Hartford Airport
THE lYEATHER forecast by O. S. Weather Bureau, NET PRESS RUN Hartford. a v e r a g e d a i l y dRCULAinON _ 1930 Ooudy slightly colder, preceded for the Month of January, Conn. State Library— CpmjR., by light rain or snow tonight; Tues 5,547 m attrliealrr U n rn in n day cloudy. Members of 4he Audit Bureau of C irculations ~______ TWELVE PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1930. (Classified Advertising on Page 10) VOL. XLIV., NO. 106. “Star-Spangled Banner” on Trial EXPECTVOTE AIR MAIL PILOT KILLED W . H. TAFT TENDERS ONDRYBILL RESIGNATION TODAY BYSOTDAY AT HARTFORD AIRPORT f - President's First Recom Plane Hits House, Upsets Chief Justice of United REED IS MUM Dismiss Navy Officer mendation to Be Taken and Falls Into Connecticut S ta te t a r l W s O f e ! ON DISMISSAL On Desertion Charge Because of 111 Health, Up by House on Thursday R iver--H ad Sustained a Fractured Skull OF IW O GUARDS for Debate. Washington. Feb. 3 - - f » that His Son States. President Hoover has confirmed a would throw light upon the mystery, i Two weeks later Northeutt was ■ sentence of dismissal from the Hartford, Feb. 3.— (AP)—Carey A5he\-ille, N. C., Feb. 3.— Washington, Feb. 3 — (AP) Navy for Lieutenant Harold W. discovered on the other side of the . continent in Vancouver, B. C., in j T. Pridham, 29, of Lexington, Mass., ( \p.)__^Former President Wil Wethersfield Warden Re-| President Hoover’s first recom- ^^^Northeutt,.....
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