■>v. * n f SATtTRDAT. JANTJART s i I t a FOUBTEEIf ISIattrbfBtrt lEwttittfl Hpralb Keep the Dimes Marching Towards Manchester's Goal are plentiful and what foods the time and for that reason didn’t government wants us to purchase, learn the Identity of the finder. About Town Mrs. Wilkinson by consulting the food pisgeS ' of Heard Along Main Street The owner would like to know our dally papers or listening to who had been so kind as to re­ Aveng* DsOy ClrealatioB The Weather radio reporta We here can use a turn the book, so if the finder is a For tha Blonth at Oaoembar, 18U d ilt t i ' A ^ Y k Forseaat ef 0. 8. Weather Rniitoi 2 S i oMithui to tlM skid pumpa Lectures Here reader of this column it la sug­ •lifklch ha vs bean provided for the gjeat many foods that cannot be And on Some of Manchester*» Side Streets, Too shipped abroad.” gested that he or she send in his Occnaional drlzsle dnrtog eve- " lIBdliaTy Aremen in Manchester a 'The speaker advocated the use name so that the dwner of the 7,858 5jiLlM IlLriPH X Pr TJ2.iTPllTlin irl P i F l l l l Mppljr at coats, ladders and a physical exams recently were ntags odder tonight: teeienatag Noted Home Economist of foods and produce that grow A column reader writes in to book may know who found and Matobar at tha AndK wtoto. amount at one and ana*haif near home, to reduce shipping tell us that a short time ago when astounded as they watched one of returned it. : S Z hose, was received this week. Speaks on Foods Be* costs. She said it was becoming bananas were scarce two women their number undress for the (' Via hose will be distributed to the more and more difficult for the friends of hers mamaged to get a birthday suit Inspection. The office ‘ gagster says that Manchester—--A City of Village Charm ' dWbrsnt companies in town as will fore Cosmopolitans. couple of pounds in a local market. Off came a sweater, then a shirt. when his wife left him for parts tbs boots coats and ladders. homemaker to set a good-looking table, but ItJbehoovcs her to do her Before returning to their homes ^ Off came another-sweater and an­ unknown be didn't report it to TONIGHT PRICE THREE CENTS they dropped into a drug store and ; other shirt. 2k>unds.! Off came an­ (ClaaaUM Adverttsteg aa Page 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1943 (TWELVE PAGES) ■ n aet CSrcle at Rebekabs will Introduced by her former school­ best and thus keep up the spirits poUce, but went straightway to VOL.LXIL.NO.98 mate. Mrs. H. B. Robb. Mrs. Ger­ of the men of the family who are ordered a banana split. The clerk other sweater and another ahirt! the nearest insane asylum to in­ / •MSt Monday evenlny with Mrs. experiencing the hardest days of told them he was unable to get | Three sweaters and three shirts quire if any of their male pa- CNmca Lathiop, 87 Benton street. trude Seward Wilkinson of New their career. any bananas and so couldn't fill ' were worn by the young fellow! Uents had escaped recently. He Fine Orchestra Music ' * —i«W"|r the hostess on the re* York, home economist, filled a re­ the order. But to top that—be proceeded to frsshment committee are Mrs. Mil- Mra Wilkinson injected a num­ figured that only a patient there Fire Makes Family of 15 Homeless turn engagement yeiterday after­ ber of stories and considerable hu­ One woman produced two ba­ remove his trousers—and in his would be running off with his Delightful Surroundings dkod Miller, Mrs. Maude Norton case trouser* was plural. He was $nd Miss Bvaline Pentland. The noon with the Comopolitan club at mor into her talk. She made a nanas from the bag she was car­ wife. British Push Enemy strong plea for more consideration rying and gave them to the clerk, wearing- three pairs of pants! Red Army Threatens entertainment will be in charge of the Y. M. C. A. Mrs. Wilkinson of the grocer and related a num­ who laughingly made up the sun­ It was a cold day all right and And while you arc doing your Miss Evaline Pentland. gave a somewhat similar lecture ber of the difficulties he is encoun­ daes. some of the other draft prospects essential driving If you still have That goes along with the fellow could have used a little more Rev. J. 8. Neill rector of St. to one presented last season, and tering. gasoline don't forget to drive un­ HOTEL to keep the date she traveled all Point Rationing Plan 'Who curries sugar around with clothing, but none of them thought der 35 and remember that pedes­ Mary's ^isdbpnl church, will be him when dining, in restaurants. the tempcraUire called for three the guest speaker at the meeting the way from New Jersey yester­ As for the pornt rationing sy.s- trians should be seen and not Away From Tripoli; day, where she had given a talk. We have yet to hear of anyone sweaters, three shirts and ■ three hurt. German-Held Rostov; at the Everyman's Community tem w'hlch Is just around the cor­ taking butter to a dining room, pairs of trousers. Bible class tomorrow morning at ‘‘We women on the home front ner. she said each period of time A. Non have a tremendous Job to do. We but no doubt that has occurred One of the group was more curl- SHERIDAN 8:15 at the Second Congregational will be designated by the govern­ somewhere. o\is than the rest and he asked the church. The following Sunday are one of the most important ment and details will be printed by fellow of the multitudinous items Rev. T. A. Gustafson of Emanuel groups of civilians In the U. S.. in the newspapers. She advised the Joint Gathering lAtheran church will address the fact I could almost say we are the A family of four came to town of clothing just what was the idea. Yankees Raid Town women to budget their time for it from a northern state and being “Oh. It's, this way," the lad ex­ Nazis Shorten Front most important group. We know will take much more time to shop unable to get a rent obtained plained. "I've got a room at a Of Service Club how to keep house thriftUy. Our and to keep house. A suggestion boarding facilities on a farm near boarding house in town, and There will be a meeting of the grandmothers were famous for made by the speaker was the use the town line. Both the father and there's something about, the land­ Bridgehead of Voron Allied Troops Already TDVA club at the Army A Navy '2 Smashes Through Nazi their imagination. ingemUty and of several sheets of paper, .say 8 •mother worked at a nearby war lady and some of the other birds Manchester's four service clubs. Allied Chief ET 6 * * ^^WVarns Subs '2 May Threaten Rom­ chib Monday evening at eight resourcefulness, and we need those by 11 for the five grtnipa of industry plant and they had two who live there that I just don’t Klwanis. Rotary, Exchange and Resistance to Capture egh Evacuated; Nazis Enemy Soldiers in At­ o’ckiok. All members are asked to qualities as never before to do the foods. Place canned frult.s and young children who stayed on the trust, so I decided it was easier to the Soroptimists will meet jointly BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS Report ‘In Order tu tack on Maknassy; Ac­ mel’s Escape Route attend this session. job facing us In the coming years." vegetables on one .page, fre.sh farm and went to a local school. wear my clothing than juat carry next Tuesday evening. Jan. 28 at Railroad Qty of Pes- For Europe Will Become ‘‘Our job is to conserve our re­ fniits and other vegetablea on an­ Suddenly the parents gave up it around in a suitcase wherever I the “Y” to hear the Rev. James Shorten Front’; Praise tion Follows Taunt Along Gulf of Gabes; The regular meeting of Mian- sources of food and Inform our­ other sheet; canned fruits, jams, the boarding place saying it was went." Gordon Gilkey, pa.stor of the South We Have Over-thq^ounter Stamp chanokopskoye; Ad­ tonomoh Tribe No. 68. Improved selves and the members of our jellies, preserves on a third page: too far distant from their place of Congregational church of Spring- Given to Units in Stal< In Note Dropped on Bigger Peril Entire Axis Strategy Order of Red Men, will be held dairy products, eggs, butter, milk, Service at All Times vance Reported Few Seen Soon community what the principles of en.ployment. They got a room for According to a recent ruling of field, Mass. This joint meeting is For Junction of Arm­ Wednesday evening. Jan. 27, in- good nutrition are.” She suggested cheese on a fourth page and the themselves in town but left the sponsored by the Rotary Club. It ingrad Area; Railway United States Line; atoad at Monday. Jan. 26 in the other staples and groceries on a the OPA it is not considered Hours After Seizure that the Cosmopolitans start a children on the fai-m. Although “pleasure driving” to drive your is expected there will be a large Allies Halt Menac­ Chief of Canadian Na­ ies May Be Imperilled; Zipaer Club on Bralnard place.
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