Legal Information Services from the European Audiovisual Observatory Protection of Minors Order: and Audiovisual Content • online at • by email:
[email protected] • by fax: +33 (0) 3 90 21 60 19 20126 On-Demand IRIS Newsletter The IRIS Newsletter is a topical and reliable monthly information service covering all legal developments in Europe relating to the audiovisual sector. IRIS covers all areas of law relevant LEAD ARTICLE Legal Observations to the audiovisual sector. The main emphasis of the IRIS articles is on legal developments in of the European Audiovisual the fi fty or so countries that make up greater Europe. IRIS reports on media legislation in the The Protection of Minors in the Case Observatory broadest sense, as well as major developments in case law, important administrative decisions, of New (Non-Linear) Media and policy decisions which will potentially affect legislation in this fi eld. European Legal Rules and their National Transposition and Application Online, free of charge! A free subscription and the complete IRIS newsletter are available from the IRIS website: Background and challenges EU legal rules on youth protection IRIS plus Legal, technological or economic developments in the audiovisual sector generate immediate The treatment of on-demand audiovisual services in national law priority information needs for professionals. IRIS plus identifi es these issues and provides the and the relevant youth protection systems A legal hot topic examined relevant legal background. It features a combination of a lead article, related reporting and from different angles a Zoom section, comprising overview tables, market data or practical information.