Beat the Heat with These Cooling Summer

The height of summer is here, and while a few months ago we couldn’t wait for the weather to warm up, we’re now desperately looking for ways to keep cool and lower our body temperature! Luckily for you, here at NetCost Market, we’ve put together a list of essential cooling foods that are both healthy and refreshing!


Okay, so we’re starting off with a weird one, but yes! Onions have surprisingly good cooling powers. In addition to their cooling effects, onion juice is actually very effective at treating heat stroke and cooling sunburned skin when it’s applied externally. Just make sure you don’t apply it before going out for dinner with friends, or you may end up eating alone…


Yogurt is an essential part of the diet in some of the hottest countries in the world – whether it’s a salted ayran in Turkey or a sweet lassi in India. The reason yogurt is so cooling is that it coats your mouth, throat, and stomach, drawing out the heat from the areas it touches. This is what gives it that refreshing taste! Radish

Although radish has a peppery flavor, it’s great for keeping you cool – especially if it’s been stored in the fridge right before being eaten! This is because radish contains a large percentage of water, which keeps it cool right until it hits your stomach. Although radish is mostly made of water, it doesn’t mean that it’s void of goodness – the remaining parts contain high amounts of vitamin C and fiber which are essential in the summer months!


Well, this one is pretty obvious! Mint is naturally cooling whether it’s applied to the skin or eaten. What’s more, it’s great for fighting allergies and settling an upset stomach which is always a good thing because many people suffer from seasonal allergies and heat-related stomach issues. Melons

Melons of all types have high water contents, so they keep cool right down to the stomach, cooling your body from the inside. What’s more, they are very versatile, meaning they can be added to salads, smoothies, desserts, or just eaten as a snack at the hottest part of the day!


Grilled corn is everywhere in the summer, and you may be thinking, “wait a second, how can something that’s grilled cool you down?”. Well, the answer is simple! Corn contains two unique phytochemical compounds called lutein and zeaxanthin that actively reduce the effect the Sun’s rays have on your skin which reduces the chance of sunburn. It’s also full of fiber which helps your body retain water with lower levels of salt – something that can otherwise lead to dehydration! So, there you have it – these are some of the most cooling foods out there. Some of them are pretty obvious, but others may leave you thinking twice about which foods keep you cool in the hottest months of the year! But before you go and make yourself an onion and corn smoothie, it’s always important to remember that one of the most effective ways to keep cool is to drink lots and lots of water – especially when you eat. If you’d like to find somewhere that offers you all of these great cooling foods, head down to NetCost Market where you’ll find the best quality fruits, vegetables, and other products that are perfect for battling the heat this summer!

8 Healthiest Foods to Keep You Looking and Feeling Great This Summer!

Summer is here and boy aren’t we glad! It’s time to meet with friends for a grill, have a few cold drinks in the summer sun, and enjoy a refreshing, cooling ice cream! While these are some of the best things about summer, they can sometimes catch you off guard by adding a few extra pounds to your waistline! So, with this in mind, we at NetCost Market thought we’d put together a list of 8 super healthy foods that are great to keep your summer waistline in check so you can still enjoy those summer treats!


The best, juiciest, locally-grown tomatoes come into season in July here in the Eastern US, so it’s the best time to stock up on these vitamin C and antioxidant-rich fruits. Try having them in a simple salad with mozzarella, fresh basil leaves, some olive oil, a splash of balsamic vinegar, and a pinch of salt and pepper!


Peaches are another American favorite, and it’s easy to understand why! They’re many people’s favorite fruit which is good because they’re packed full of dietary fiber, vitamins A, and antioxidants, meaning they’ll keep you fuller for longer and protect your cells from the cancerous effects of the sun!


Well, it wouldn’t be summer without the classic watermelon! You can tell from the name that this fruit is great for keeping you hydrated, but you may not realize that watermelons also contain lycopene which is really effective at protecting skin cells from sun damage. The high water content of watermelons keeps you fuller for longer, helping stop cravings!


This may seem like a strange one, but high protein snacks like natural yogurt are very effective at keeping you from snacking on high-sugar foods. What’s more, cold dairy products have been shown as great coolers, helping you to stay cool and slim!


It’s a well-known superfood, and it certainly deserves this status! Avocado is full of healthy fats which are really important for keeping your heart healthy. What’s more, they’re actually very filling, meaning that by eating them you’ll keep away from the weight adding foods like burgers and ice cream! Grilled fish

Fish, especially oily fish like mackerel, salmon, or anchovies, are extremely healthy due to the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids they contain and the low amount of saturated fat. Fish that’s grilled is even healthier than fish that’s fried! So, next time you go to a family grill, why not bring along some marinated salmon fillets to impress everyone?


Nothing says summer like the smell of grilled corn! It’s so easy and healthy, it’s a wonder people don’t eat it more often. Corn is full of fiber but also contains lutein and zeaxanthin which are both great for helping the skin healthy in the sunshine!

Iced Tea

Iced tea is oh so refreshing, and it also contains all the added benefits of tea! Tea is rich in antioxidants called flavonoids that keep cancer at bay. It’s also good to add a little lemon juice to help preserve the flavonoids when the tea is cooling in the refrigerator. There’s a lot of temptation out there at this time of year – and you certainly shouldn’t avoid indulging in some treats like ice cream, summery drinks, and grilled foods – but if you’re watching your waistline, why not try balancing out your summer eating with these healthy summer foods? AtNetCost Market, we stock a huge range of healthy summer foods, so you’ll be able to put together some great, low-calorie summer meals!

Quick and Easy Summer Recipes!

During the Summer months, we often find ourselves naturally eating meals that are much lighter than those we eat in winter. This is often because eating heavy when the weather’s warm makes us feel overly bloated, and because many of these lighter ingredients –greens, fresh fruits and vegetables, for example – have high water contents and are therefore much more refreshing. If only we craved these fresh ingredients all year round! Here at NetCost Market, we’ve got three easy, quick, and light summer recipes to keep you feeling refreshed during the summer heat!

Cucumber salad with ginger

This quick and easy summer salad is packed full of protein yet is light and refreshing. Cucumber, mint, and cilantro all give it that summer feel, and the ginger means it has a little summer zing!



1 cup cooked brown rice (white rice is also fine), 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1lb. ground pork, 2 cloves garlic – chopped, 1 small red chili – chopped, 2 ½ tbsp. grated fresh ginger, 2 tbsp. soy sauce, 4 tbsp. fresh lime juice, 1 tsp. brown sugar, 1 English cucumber – thinly sliced, 2 scallions – thinly sliced, 1 cup fresh cilantro, ½ cup fresh mint.

To make:

Put a skillet on medium heat. Add the vegetable oil and the pork. Cook until the is browned. Toss with garlic, red chili, and 2 tbsp. of the grated ginger. Remove from the heat and then toss with 2 tbsp. lime juice and 1 tbsp. soy sauce. In a separate bowl, whisk together 2 tbsp. lime juice, 1 tbsp. soy sauce, ½ tbsp. grated ginger, and the brown sugar. Toss together with the cucumber and scallions, and then fold in the cilantro and mint. Serve salad with the pork over the rice.

Summer Spaghetti with pesto

Italy is known for its long summers, and it’s also known for having some of the best food in the world. This recipe combines the two, making a brilliantly light summer version of a classic Italian pasta dish!



1 lb. spaghetti – uncooked, 2 ears of corn – shucked, 1 medium yellow squash – cut into ½-inch thick slices, 1 medium zucchini – cut into ½-inch thick slices, 1 small bell pepper – deseeded and cut into sixths, 4 green onions – sliced, 2 tbsp. olive oil, 1 lemon, ½ cup pesto, 1 pt. cherry tomatoes – halved, ¼ cup fresh parsley – chopped.

To make:

Get a grill going on medium heat. Meanwhile, cook the spaghetti according to the label and then drain and let cool. In a large mixing bowl, toss the corn, squash, zucchini, bell pepper, and onions with the oil and ½ tsp. of salt and pepper until totally coated. Grill the corn until it starts to char. Then grill the squash, zucchini, and bell pepper until grill marks appear. Grill the onions until they are slightly charred. In a large bowl, grate ½ tbsp. zest from the lemon and then squeeze in 2 tbsp. juice. Whisk this together with the pesto and ½ tbsp salt and pepper. Cut off the kernels of the corn and then roughly chop the squash, zucchini, pepper, and onion. Add them to the bowl of pesto and then add the pesto and tomatoes. Mix together before adding the spaghetti and tossing all until fully mixed!

Classic lentil and chickpea salad with halloumi

If you haven’t had halloumi, well you’re certainly missing out! This and sheep’s-milk cheese is designed for grilling, and it makes a great topper to salads or meat alternative in burgers! This salad is a classic in the Mediterranean and Middle-East. Recipe


Salad: 2 tbsp. olive oil, 1 red onion – halved and sliced, 10 cherry tomatoes, 2 tsp. harissa paste, 10 ounces of cooked beluga lentils, juice of half a lemon, 10-ounce block of halloumi – cut into ¼-inch thick slices, 1 can chickpeas – drained and rinsed, a small bunch of mint – roughly chopped, a small bunch of parsley – roughly chopped.

Dressing: 1 tbsp. tahini, 3 tbsp. Greek yogurt, 3 tsp. harissa paste, 1 tsp. runny honey, juice ½ lemon, a ½ clove of garlic – crushed.

To make:

Get a pan going on medium heat and cook the onion until soft. Next, stir in the tomatoes and cook until they start to break down. Stir in the harissa paste, lentils, and lemon juice. Cook for 10 minutes, season with salt and pepper and allow to cool. Whisk together ingredients for the dressing with some water – enough to make a nice dressing consistency. Fry the halloumi slices until golden brown on both sides. Set to one side. Toss the chickpeas and half of the fresh herbs with the lentil mixture. On a large platter, add the lentil mixture, and then top with some dressing. Then, add the halloumi and with the remaining fresh herbs!

Summer is all about eating fresh! So, we at NetCost Market hope that these simple, fresh recipes will give you the inspiration you need to get cooking while the weather is hot!

The Ultimate BBQ Recipes

Barbecuing is an art, there’s no doubt about it! Here in the US, we’re known for being the best barbecuers in the world. However, this comes with some unwelcome downsides as your guests will probably be comparing your food with all the barbeque masters out there – a tough job and one you don’t want to disappoint with! So, here atNetCost Market, we thought we’d do you a favor and give you some ultimate barbeque recipes that you can use at your next cookout to impress your guests and become a true master!

The ultimate BBQ chicken

Chicken is a versatile meat, and there’s nothing quite like good quality BBQ chicken. This recipe is great because it uses the traditional method of brining the chicken and pairs it with a brilliant ultimate BBQ sauce that’s to die for!


Ingredients for the Brine:

2 quarts water, 2 tbsp. salt, ¼ cup brown sugar, 2 cloves garlic – crushed, 4 sprigs fresh thyme, 6 chicken legs with thighs attached and skin on.

Ingredients for the ultimate barbecue sauce:

1 slice , 1 bunch thyme, some olive oil, ½ onion – chopped, 2 cloves garlic – chopped, 2 cups ketchup, ¼ cup brown sugar, ¼ cup molasses, 2 tbsp. red wine vinegar, 1 tbsp. dry mustard, 1 tsp. ground cumin, 1 teaspoon smoked paprika, black pepper. To Make:

In a bowl, mix together the water, salt, sugar, garlic, and thyme and then once everything has dissolved, transfer this to a resealable plastic bag. Add the chicken and close the bag, refrigerating for 2 hours. While that’s soaking, you can get the sauce going. Start by wrapping the bacon around the bunch of thyme and use some kitchen twine to secure this in place. Heat 2 tbsp. oil in a large pan and then get it going over a medium heat. Add the thyme and bacon and allow it to cook for 4 minutes so that the fat from the bacon has melted. Add onion, and garlic and cook for a further 5 minutes. The add the remaining ingredients and stir until a sauce forms. Cook for 20 minutes and then remove 2 cups of the sauce for serving as a – the remaining sauce will be used to baste the chicken legs. Get the charcoal grill going with one side hot and the other less hot by piling more coals on one side than the other. Ensure you oil the grill before adding the chicken to stop it from sticking. Take the chicken out of the brine and pat it dry with paper towels. Baste the chicken with a thin coating of the BBQ sauce and place it skin side down on the hot part of the grill, and the turn over after 10 minutes. Once both sides are done for 10 minutes, move the chicken to the cooler side of the grill for another 10 to 15 minutes on each side, ensuring you baste the top side every 5 minutes with the BBQ sauce. Ensure the juices run clear and the meat is cooked all the way through before serving. Serve with a side of ultimate BBQ sauce! Classic hickory baby back ribs

Ribs are an American favorite and a great excuse to get your hands dirty! This recipe is a classic southern recipe that uses our ultimate BBQ sauce and hickory wood chips to create a sweet and smoky flavored rack that’s perfect for a party or get together!


2 cups of our ultimate BBQ sauce (see our ultimate BBQ chicken recipe), classic meat rub, 5 racks of baby back ribs.

To Make:

Start by removing the membrane from the racks of ribs – this allows the BBQ sauce and meat rub to penetrate into the meat much more effectively. Use a good quality meat rub and liberally apply it to the ribs, getting into all the crevices and corners. Get your smoker going and use hickory woodchips to ensure you get the classic flavor that you’re after. Alternatively, you can use a charcoal grill with a lid to get that classic smoker effect. Add the meat into the smoker and close it, leaving it until it’s done – usually about 3 to 4 hours. You will know that the meat is done as it will start to pull away from the bone at the edges. Once this is happening, baste the ribs with some of the ultimate BBQ sauce and allow the sauce to set. Serve with a side of ultimate BBQ sauce!

Jerk Eggplant

For those that don’t eat meat or just aren’t in the mood to have such a heavy meal, this is a great vegetarian option. It’s quick, easy, and lower in calories than other barbecue choices so it makes a great addition to any cookout! Ingredients:

1 large eggplant – cut into inch sized squares, 2 tbsp. coconut oil, 4 tbsp. Jamaican jerk seasoning, 2 tsp. coconut sugar, 2 tbsp. soy sauce, 1 tbsp. lime juice, 2 tbsp. mirin.

To make:

Combine together the jerk seasoning, coconut sugar, soy sauce, lime juice, and mirin in a bowl, and coat the eggplant pieces. Leave to marinate for 3 to 4 hours. Place the eggplant pieces on and over them drizzle the melted coconut oil. Get the grill going and grill each for 4-5 minutes on each side until a little charred and the marinade has set. Serve with a side of our classic ultimate BBQ sauce (minus the bacon for a vegetarian option) from our BBQ chicken recipe!

With summer on its way, it’s a good idea to start thinking about how you’re going to spend your time. There’s nothing better than a good old’ cookout, so have some friends and family over and show them how you can wow them with your barbecuing skills! At NetCost market, we stock all the necessary ingredients to make a brilliant all-American cookout meal, so head down to stock up for this barbecue season!

Easy Summer Recipes

After a few seasons of indulging in our preferred comfort foods, it can be difficult to shake the hankering for some of our favorites when summer finally comes around. Here at NetCost Market, we thought we’d bring you a selection of recipes that make quick and easy meals that are ideal for summer!

Greek Salmon

This brilliant summer meal is full of healthy oils, vitamins, and fresh vegetables. The Greeks are known for having one of the healthiest diets in the world with lower heart disease and diabetes rates as a result!



For the topping – ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil, juice of 2 lemons, 1 clove garlic, 1 tsp. dried oregano, ½ tsp. red pepper, fresh black pepper, 1 cup cubed feta, 1 cup chopped fresh tomatoes or halved cherry tomatoes, ¼ cup pitted black olives, ¼ cup chopped cucumbers, 2 tbsp. chopped dill. For the salmon – 1 lemon, thinly sliced, 1 small red onion – thinly sliced, 4 salmon fillets, salt, black pepper.

To make:

Preheat oven to 375F. In a large bowl, whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, oregano, and red pepper. Season with pepper and then add the cubed feta – toss the mixture. Cover and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Scatter the sliced lemon and red onions on the bottom of a large baking dish. Add the salmon fillets, skin side down. Season with salt and pepper and bake until the meat is opaque and flaky – about 20 minutes. Plate the salmon up and then serve by topping with the marinated feta mixture and fresh dill!

Charred , Leek, and Asparagus Skewers

This great dish can be an appetizer when having guests for dinner or brought to a grill out! It’s light, summery, and rather healthy! Recipe


1lb. peeled and deveined shrimp, 1lb. asparagus, – trimmed and cut into 2-inch length pieces, 2 medium leeks – white and green parts only and cut into ¾ inch think pieces, 2 tbsp. olive oil, 2 lemons – halved, ½ cup mayonnaise, 1 ½ tbsp. harissa paste, salt, and pepper.

To make:

Get the grill heated to medium-high. Thread the shrimp, asparagus, and leek rounds onto the skewers. Brush lightly with oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill the skewers until the vegetables are tender and the shrimp is opaque throughout – around 3 to 4 minutes per side. Place the lemons on the grill alongside the skewers with the flesh side facing down, and grill until charred – about 4 minutes. In a bowl, squeeze the juice of 1 half lemon, and then add mayonnaise and harissa paste to the bowl, mixing it to make a dipping sauce. Serve the skewers with the dipping sauce and a half of charred lemon for extra squeezing!

Hawaiian Grilled Cheese

This Hawaiian-inspired answer to grilled cheese is really one of the best comfort foods you can make. It brings together the flavors of our Pacific island state and throws them into a classic grilled cheese!



4 tbsp. butter, 8 slices white Hawaiian sweet bread, 8 slices of sharp cheddar, 4 slices provolone, 8 pineapple rings, 1 cup teriyaki sauce.

To make:

Spread butter on one side of each slice of bread. In a large skillet over medium heat, place 4 of the bread slices butter-side down. To each, add 2 slices of cheddar, 1 slice provolone, 2 pineapple rings, and ¼ cup teriyaki sauce, and then top with the second slice of bread, butter side up. Cook until golden brown and the cheese is beginning to melt, and then flip and cook on the other side. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Just because winter is over, it doesn’t mean you can’t make indulgent and tasty dishes. Try following some of these quick and easy summer recipes to see if you can add to your list of all-time favorite meals! And remember that atNetCost Market we offer tons of unique international products that can inspire a whole new repertoire for the coming months.

All You Need to Know About Shashlik

Shashlik is a hugely popular picnic food across Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Russia. Alternatively known as shish , it simply consists of marinated meat grilled over hot coals and has been part of Central Asian food culture for thousands of years, with variations of this dish being popular with the Romans! Although it’s hugely popular in Russia nowadays, this food has only been a large part of Russian food culture since the late 19th century when it quickly became a local favorite in St. Petersburg and other large cities throughout the country. The simplicity of this dish has made it a modern favorite around the world, and if you haven’t tried it before, we think it’s about time you did!

What is Shashlik?

Shashlik is traditionally made using lamb or , but nowadays variations include pork, chicken, and . It’s made by marinating cubes of meat in a yogurt or vinegar-based sauce that penetrates the meat due to its acidity, infusing the flavor and tenderizing the meat. The cubes are threaded on a skewer and then grilled over hot wood or coals until cooked through and slightly charred on the outside. Depending on the region, vegetables such as onion, bell pepper, tomato, or mushrooms are added to the skewer to create a variety of flavors. It’s also usually served with either or rice, again, depending on the region. The great thing about shashlik is that it’s a sociable food, with large families and groups of friends gathering in local parks and outdoor areas for a shashlik grill in many Central Asian countries – much like a cookout or grill here in the US! How to make traditional Russian shashlik at home

Making shashlik at home is not difficult, but it does take some organization and preparation, so it’s important to get everything sorted well ahead of time to allow for marinating and planning!


1lb boneless lamb (or beef) – cut into 2-inch cubes (they will shrink when cooking), 1 onion – sliced, ¼ cup red wine vinegar, ¼ cup red wine (dry), 3 cloves garlic – chopped, ½ teaspoon of ground cilantro, ¼ teaspoon chili powder, ½ bunch flat-leaf parsley – chopped, ½ teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon pepper, ¼ cup vegetable oil. How to make:

In a large mixing bowl, mix together all of the ingredients. Then cover and allow to stand in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours (up to 48 hours) Pick out the meat chunks from the marinade, keeping the marinade for basting. Thread the meat evenly on four metal skewers – adding in vegetables if you’d like to make the go further and to add some variation. Get a charcoal grill going, ensuring that the coals turn white. Place the skewers across the grill, using a meat brush to add extra marinade for the first 5 minutes of cooking. If you don’t have a grill (or it’s storming or snowing outside), you can place the skewers in the oven at 425F for around 20 minutes – turning once after 10 minutes. Ensure the meat is cooked right through (about 15 minutes) and serve immediately.

Shashlik is proof that the simple dishes are truly the best, and there are few that are better than this one! If you’re looking for something a little different this summer, why not bring some homemade shashlik to your family grill or picnic? It’s simple, easy, and incredibly tasty. What’s more, NetCost Market has a great selection of high-quality ingredients for making the best shashlik, so head down to your nearest NetCost Market to get everything you need to make this brilliantly tasty dish!