Eq-Aazm 2S93
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eQ-AAzm 2S93 UNCLASSIFIED UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION AGENCY AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, D.C. 20523 INDONESIA Higher Education Development Training Project No. 497-0248 Project Paper Amendment September 1981 UNCLASSIFIED INDONESIAN TERMS BAPPENAS - National Planning and Development Agency G. O. I. - Government of Indonesia Guru Besar - Senior Professor Pembina - A "Builder Faculty" used to strengthen and upgrade other faculties Repelita - Five Year Development Plan Sarjana - 5 6 year degree (MA/MS level) Sarjana Muda - 3 4 year degree (AB/BS level) HIGHER EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT TRAINING TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PART I PROJECT SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1 A. Face Sheet i Action Memorandum ii B. Recommendations 1 C. Description of the Project 1 D. Summary Findings 3 E. Other Donor Activity 4 F. Project Issues 5 PART .i PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DETAILED DESCRIPTION 6 A. Background 6 B. Detailed Description 11 PART III PROJECT ANALYSES 17 A. Technical Analysis 17 B. Financial Analysis and Plan 22 C. Social Analysis 24 D. Economic Analysis 31 E. Indonesian Women in Education 35 PART IV IMPLEMENTATION PLANNING 36 A. An Overview 36 B. Implementation Schedule 37 C. Evaluation Plan 38 D. Monitoring 38 E. Conditions, Covenants & Negotiating Status 39 Page PART V ANNEXES 41 A. Project Technical Details 42 1. Manpower Analysis 42 2. Participant Cost Breakdown 48 3. Detailed Implementation Plan 50 B. GOI Project Plan for Upgrading Ten Selected Institutions of Higher Learning 53 C. Logical Framework Matrix 57 D. Project Performance Track Network Chart 62 E. Statutory Check List F. Indonesian Loan Application G. "Higher Education in the Social Sciences in Indonesia," by Koentjaraningrat and Bachtiar (Document available in ASIA/TR/HRD/ED Office not included because of length. BEST AVAILABLE DOCUMENT y.TL,',%~ ION CODE AC'. ;J',I~ ?.i' rl':., . .:v'::,f. , II ,',4" - "Y 4Jl'( .pl~t bJ) PP PR O'JEC -E 1' R F &E O i,nl F.iCha--o DOCUMENT 70 3E CC,,PLETE SY ORiC!: ATiNG OFICE Ad: E Delete 3 ;,.U, ,-j51J-TY j3. DOCUMENT REVISION NUMBER INDONESIA ;;;°,3. X J :(;TJ . - 5 .I-1,. 53','A''O FY OF P,'IOJfL;7COMPLETION -02h8ASIA b. Codo 2 8 4 :ASIA -4 04 7. I'ROJSCT TITLE• HOR(;yiin I FYj 7191 bro' 8. ESTIMATED FY OF AUTHORIZATION/OBLIGATION MnO. yr. [Hgher Education Development Traini- .. INITIAL 1761 b. FINALFY II1I STIe,,AT..0 TOTAL COS'. ($3O Jr equivalert, $I 7414.5) :-"/, FY.M AU.LL YEARS (C;:,;=z . 500 500 . ( ____________(___(____ __ _ C( 5000 !:3000 I1 000 ) 5000 _ _(__5000 U.. .- . _,, _ _ SC, V N ENT;. - _.,,'T,,_ _,,, _ 2000 2000 _ __--,.,__0_ A-7-3000 5000 -0-5000 2000 7000 -.---- ,o- ,..-,.., ,.,,-... --.---3.~I.. M~- q CO6T1-_.__.I, AP "CPRI/T[D__ FUNDS ($W-)) _ ___A_¥_, a. ~'r jL.P1-rnV,/ Ic. 1IrI.Ta(yI V Q I PI1 *I V Te2cr..1 ~ ...L. FYJ9.. ALL YEARS 'Alp', o ¢:;:;:1:C, d. O ranI, e. L.an _1.f.)nL .,. 3 Loan / h. Cr~nt 11. Loan joGrant k. Loan EH d 6670 L 2 ______0 5___-,-.J000 __Lr .... .- __-_ ooo . ......-.--..-.-" -' . / PP!iC I .. LILX....... ..•__-___ ____ 1 ..... J S _ l EXPEND! 1S .:..!AT- * 0,0 12. PPO.*;CT PURPOSE(S) (etuy within br,,ckets) j] Chek if difforent from PID/PRP !Assist the Government of Indonesia in the advanced training, upgrading and development of the faculties, administrations and staffs of Indonesia's state and selected private universities and institutions of higher learning. 13.-. (;HAG MAD,k02 IN ,:(12, 14, o';15 O; T1i'D FAC.SHEET? IF YES,ATTACH CHANGED PID FACESHEET. 14. V.F,, , '*NN(,-_ CL_._.RA_ _Fi_!: 15. Cate Rfceivod In AID/W, cr For -~~~~~ - -- - - -- ? -I - -- JI DA iWV]',ibution Documents, Date of Director !-,,ay.. J USAID/Indonesia UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION AGENCY i AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON. D C. 20523 PROJECT AUTHORIZATION AMENDMENT INDONES IA Higher Education Development Training Project No. 497-0248 Loan No. 497-V-C42 1. On June 30, 1976, the Assistant Administrator for Asia authorized a loan of not to exceed $5,000,000 to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to assist in.financing the United States Dollar and local currency costs of advanced training, upgrading and development of faculties, administrations and staffs of State and selected private universities and insti tutions of higher learning for Indonesia. Pursuant to Section 105 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, that authorization is hereby amended as follows: a. The amount of the loan is increased from $5,000,000 to $5,700,000, with the amount of the increase, $700,000, available for obligation during a one year period from the date of this amendment subject to the availability of funds in accordance with the A.I.D. OYB/allotment process. b. The Project Assistance Completion Date is established as October 27, 1983. 2. The authorization cited above remains in full force and effect as modified herein. Clearances: Date Initial Herbert E. Morris, GC/Asia 9ifl G.R. Van Raalto, Asia/PD 7------ " - Chhrles Johnson, Asia/DP -- Louis Kuhn, Asa/ISPA f i igna k~n .- odtine Assistant Administrator B ea for Asia Of Dhte GC/Asia: SRTisa :hp 9/3/81 I PROJECT SUMMARY AND RECOMENDATIONS A. Face Sheet - Higher Education Development Training B3, Recommendations Loan $5,000,000 (Terms: 40 years, 10 years grace period -- 2 percent during grace period -- 3 percent thereafter) $5,000,000 C. Description of Project In late 1975 a series of meetings was held by the Director General of Higher Education, the Director of Academic Affairs, the Director of Research, Chairman of Academic Con sortia and Rektors of various institutions of higher learning. One of the aims of the meetings was to identify the kinds and numbers of doctoral candidates for training during the Second Five Yuar Plan. A consensus was reached that a minimum of five dcctorate degree holders was required to form the nucleus of a critical mass of academics for any field of specializa tion. With any lesser number there would be little opportunity for professional interaction within an area of study, nor would there be sufficient reinforcement from within to bring it to full fruition. The Academic Consortia identified some 80 fields of study that should be the targeted at during the next five years. Upgrading staff and faculties to properly conduct course work in these 80 field 3 was to be concentrated in a few "centers of academic excellence," where more professional personnel and improved curricula would provide the internal leverage to raise the standards and overall quality of specific the institution and at the same time create a positive multiplier effect throughout the nation's academic community. The five doctorates in each of the 80 fields of study intended are to give the system of higher education the initial "critical mass" for future growth and improvement. doctoral The training would be augmented and bolstered through the training of upwards to 600 faculty and staff members at Lhe master degree level. It is the purpose of the Highr Education Development Training Loan (HEDTL) to support the larger plan by training in U.S. for 65 doctoral the candidates and 65 MA/MS candidates, plus third country training for 15 doctoral and 10 MA/MS candidates. It will assist in-country training activities by providing foreign exchange to meet the out-of-country costs for services of consultants U.S. institutions from for up to 87.5 man-months. These consultants will directly with indonesian work faculty and staff uiembers in conducting some 85 -1 seminars and by providing on-the-job training for an estimated 880 university teachers and administrators. The HEDTL is complementary to the Agricultural Education Development Loan. It is designed to provide advanced training to faculties in institutions of higher education that are not strictly agricultural, and priorities will be placed on basic sciences, technology and selected social sciences. In the selection of disciplines, of candidates, and of fields of study, in the orientation of candidates, and in their fields of specialization, emphasis will be placed to the fullest extent possible on the development of skills which will contribute directly to the solutions of development problems in manners which involve and benefit the rural and urban poor of Indonesia. The two loans, in tandem, will assist the Department of Education and Culture, Directorate General of Higher Education, reach its goal of attaining 400 faculty members with doctoral degrees by 1980. The goal will be reached through the conferring of degrees by U.S. universities and a combination of overseas training and in-country course work leading to the Indonesian "dokter." The Agricultural Education Development loan will fund 80 doctorates, and HEDTL will fund 80 doctorates and 75 masters degrees. Some of the masters candidates perhaps will be sufficiently strong to continue work leading to the doctorate also. In nddition to the 80 doctoral candidates to be funded under this loan (and the 80 to receive training under the Agricultural Education Training Loan), another 170 will be given training under GOI auspices. Other donors (bilateral, multilateral and private) will train the remaining 70. All of these numbers are, of course, exclusive of training being provided under other projects. The Manpower Development Training LWn proposed to AID/W for FY 1977 authorization is designed to add significantly to the general manpower pool of skilled Tndonesians needed by the Government and private sector to carry out activities having high development priority. It will.. impact on virtually every major mandate area of AID intercst--food and nutrition, population and health, educa tion and human resources development.