2 Morality and the Art of Living by Otfried Höffe 21 Among Couples by Thomas Lang 4 Anthropology instead of Metaphysics 22 Sobriety Prohibited by Hans Pleschinski by Ernst Tugendhat 23 Memories of Czernowitz by Zvi Yavetz 5 The Fish That Came from Primordial Times by Hans Fricke 24 Green Angel, Blue Land by Dagmar Leupold 6 Helmuth James von Moltke by Günter Brakelmann 25 Psalms by SAID 7 Hamas by Joseph Croitoru 26 Overnight by Sabine Gruber 8 The Art of Desire by Niklaus Largier 9 Creative Coincidence by Klaus Mainzer 10 To Rome on Foot by Christian Jostmann 11 The Image of the Beloved by Ingeborg Walter and Roberto Zapperi 12 The Social History of Europe by Helmut Kaelble

Contents 13 The Cold War by Bernd Stöver 14 Lessing in Hamburg by Jan Philipp Reemtsma 15 On the Art of Raising Children with Love by Eva Kessler 16 The Future of Aging ed. by Peter Gruss 17 Brain and Genome by Wolfgang Wieser 18 Why Didn’t Plato Write the “Unwritten Doctrines”? by Rafael Ferber 19 The Other View by Werner von Koppenfels 20 Late Antiquity by Alexander Demandt

Cover: Leonardo da Vinci,Ginevra Benci,Washington, National Gallery of Art,Alisa Melton Bruce Fund. © akg Translation: Philip Schmitz lsche beckreihe


27 The Art of the Renaissance by Andreas Tönnesmann 36 The Day of the White Chrysanthemums by Julia Onken 27 Greek Art by Tonio Hölscher 38 Leading a Healthy Life – It’s Actually Simple by Hanno D. Schmidt 28 Roman Art by Paul Zanker 39 The Fear-of-Aging Complex by Herrad Schenk 28 The Peloponnesian War by Bruno Bleckmann 40 Kids, Kitchen and Conferences 29 Ancient Rome by Frank Kolb by Claudia Quaiser-Pohl and Barbara Reichle 29 Constantinople by Peter Schreiner 41 Hungry Times by Annika Fechner 30 Burgundy by Hermann Kamp 42 Childhood Fears by Reinmar du Bois 30 Moorish Spain by Georg Bossong 43 The 101 Most Important Questions: Islam 31 Christian Mysticism by Volker Leppin by Ursula Spuler-Stegemann 31 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion by Wolfgang Benz 44 The 101 Most Important Questions: Goethe by Gero von Wilpert 32 History of School by Franz-Michael Konrad 45 Notes on German History by Hans-Ulrich Wehler 33 What Is Biodiversity? by Bruno Streit 46 Concise Dictionary of Politics 33 Bio-Weather by Angela Schuh ed. by Dieter Nohlen and Florian Grotz 34 Haydn’s Symphonies by Michael Walter 47 Dictionary of Europe 34 Peter Paul Rubens by Nils Büttner by Wolf D. Gruner and Wichard Woyke 35 History of Bavaria by Wilhelm Volkert 48 Federalism and Regional Awareness by Klaus von Beyme 35 History of Baden-Württemberg by Hans-Georg Wehling and Reinhold Weber 49 The End of Modesty ed. by Ludger Heidbrink and Harald Welzer 50 Jerusalem by Gil Yaron 51 History of Astrology by Kocku von Stuckrad 52 The Forgotten Iconography of Christian Art by Heinrich and Margarete Schmidt 53 The Private Lives of the Roman Emperors by Alexander Demandt 54 The Terrible Pope by Volker Reinhardt 55 Theodor Mommsen by Stefan Rebenich 56 Jürgen Habermas by Alessandro Pinzani 2 C.H.BECK

Otfried Höffe Lebenskunst und Moral oder macht Tugend glücklich? Morality and the Art of Living Or, Will Virtue Make You Happy? In this book Otfried Höffe presents his foundational work on philosophical ethics. Within the field of tension between happiness (eudemonia) and liberty (autonomy) he sounds out the feasibility of leading a successful life. For happiness and morality, which are contradictory at first sight, can complement each other. Leading a happy life can imply living in accordance with morality. Is it possible to lead a happy life and still live in accordance with morality? This question already arises in daily life. At the same time it raises the question of the worldly wisdom of ancient cultures and above all of philosophy. As long as one interprets happiness as well-being in a purely subjective sense, it will at best accord with morality by coincidence. But if one uses “happiness” to mean the quality of a successful life, i.e., that one’s own existence is successful, then that implies attitudes that undoubtedly have a moral character and can be termed virtues. In the three major sections of this book Otfried Höffe guides the reader through the questions of philosophical ethics. Using lucid and generally understandable language he lays out definitions of happiness and freedom. He points out not only the aberrations in the history of philosophy but also the difficulties owing to the questions themselves. Does the good take precedence over that which is correct, or is it the other way around? Does freedom always mean anarchy, and is it conceivable that freedom could be increased through morality? Is morality just a nicer word for stupidity? Do people have a good or a bad character? Does evil exist? Although Otfried Höffe’s philosophically enlightening thoughts offer a fundamental orientation, they are not a set of instructions. But then, a person who leads an autonomous life would also refuse to tolerate instructions of any kind. Philosophy Otfried Höffe is professor of philosophy and director of the Research Center for Political Philosophy at the University of Tübingen. Most recently C. H. Beck published his “Kleine Geschichte der Philosophie” (“Short History of Philosophy”) Turkish translation rights sold to: INKILAP KITABEVI YAYIN, Spanish translation rights sold to: Ediciones Peninsula, Chinese translation rights sold to: Edition Center of Jiangsu Boya, Korean translation rights sold to: Hangilsa Publishing Co., Polish translation rights sold to: Polish Scientific Publishers. “Lesebuch zur Ethik. Philosophische Texte von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart” (“Readings in Ethics. Philosophical Texts from Antiquity to the Present”) “Gerechtigkeit” (“Justice”), Korean translation rights sold to: EJ Books, Portuguese rights sold to: Universitätsverlag PUCRS, Russian translation rights sold to: Praxis Publishers, Japanese translation rights sold to: Juristische Fakultät der Kyoto Universität. “Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Die Grundlegung der modernen Philosophie” (“Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.The Cornerstone of Modern Philosophy”: 2004) Polish translation rights sold to: Polish Scientific Publishers, Chinese translation rights sold to: People’s Publishing House. He is editor of the “Denker” series. 380 pages, hardcover, EUR 24.90 C.H.BECK 3

Further publications by Otfried Höffe include:

Demokratie im Zeitalter der Globalisierung Democracy in the Age of Globalization

Ukrainian translation rights sold to: Ukrainian Philosophical Foundation, Italian translation rights sold to: Società Editrice Il Mulino, Chinese translation rights sold to: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, Portuguese translation rights sold to: Livraria Martins Fontes, Korean translation rights sold to: Bada Publishing Co. 476 pages, clothbound, EUR 19.90 and

Wirtschaftsbürger. Staatsbürger. Weltbürger Politische Ethik im Zeitalter der Globalisierung

Economic Citizen. National Citizen. World Citizen Philosophy Political Ethics in the Age of Globalization

Spanish translation rights sold to: Katz Editores, Chinese translation rights sold to: Shanghai Translation Publishing House. 309 pages, softcover, EUR 22.90 4 C.H.BECK

Ernst Tugendhat Anthropologie statt Metaphysik Anthropology instead of Metaphysics The pieces collected here take up trains of thought that Ernst Tugendhat elaborated in his last book, “Egozentrizität und Mystik” (“Egocentricity and Mysticism”: 2003). A long article on intellectual integrity attempts to shed light on this posture from various historical and systematic perspectives. Religion, which enjoyed only a marginal existence alongside mysticism in his previous book, now also comes to the fore. Tugendhat’s theory holds that religion is a fundamental human need but that it founders on the question of intellectual integrity. According to the proposition put forward in this book, whatever “metaphysics” may entail it can be reduced to anthropology because all metaphysical topics turn out to be elements of human under- standing. Following that, Ernst Tugendhat arrives at yet another explanation for the primacy of anthropology. Everything historical loses its validity for us if it can be substantiated only through the concept of tradition. Thus, if everything that belongs only to tradition is pulled aside like a curtain, what remains is the question of mankind’s being. But what is philosophical anthropology and how does it differ from empirical anthropology? Ernst Tugendhat’s book examines questions such as these and additionally devotes itself to individual anthropological topics such as free will, intellectual integrity, morality, religion and our relationship to death. Ernst Tugendhat was born in Brünn in 1930 and currently resides in Tübingen. He is professor emeritus of philosophy at the University of . C. H. Beck published his “Egozentrizität und Mystik.

Philosophy Eine anthropologische Studie” (“Egocentricity and Mysticism.An Anthropological Study”: 2004) and “Ernst Tugendhats Ethik” (“Ernst Tugendhat’s Ethics,” edited by N. Scarano and M. Suárez: 2006). 176 pages, hardcover, EUR 19.90 C.H.BECK 5

Hans Fricke Der Fisch, der aus der Urzeit kam Die Jagd nach dem Quastenflosser The Fish That Came from Primordial Times The Hunt for the Lobe-Finned Fish This book has two protagonists: a fish that is over 400 million years old, and a scientist who has devoted himself entirely to uncovering its secrets. Both of them, the primordial fish and its stalker, have achieved global renown: Hans Fricke as a scientist, filmmaker and author, and the lobe-finned fish as a “living fossil” that is an ancient and distant predecessor of mankind. Even as a young man, biologist Hans Fricke dreamed of tracking down the enigmatic lobe-finned fish and investigating its life under water. With the help of two submersibles, “Geo” and “Jago,” which he financed from his own resources, his research dream was finally fulfilled. Fricke and his crew pursued “Quasti,” as they had meanwhile lovingly nicknamed the fish, down to great depths and came ever closer to the secret of this dinosaur among sea dwellers. Fricke made the lobe-finned fish world famous through television films and magazines – it even appeared on the front page of the New York Times. But profiteers and swindlers were also on the trail of the ur-fish. This suspensefully written book recounts one of the last great science adventures of our times. Hans Fricke was born in 1941. He is an honorary professor of zoology at the University of Munich and has directed research projects at the Max Planck Institute in Seewiesen. Dr. Fricke has authored two books, numerous scientific publications, and articles for “Geo” and “National Geographic.” His more than 30 documentary and television films have earned him numerous international prizes and distinctions, among them the golden “Nautilus Award.” 320 pages, 80 color illustrations, hardcover, EUR 19.90 Natural Science Natural 6 C.H.BECK

Günter Brakelmann Helmuth James von Moltke 1907 – 1945 Eine Biographie Helmuth James von Moltke 1907 – 1945. A Biography Günter Brakelmann has written a vivid description of Helmuth James von Moltke’s unusual journey through life. As the founder and mastermind of the Kreisau Circle, von Moltke was one of the most fascinating figures of the German resistance against Hitler. This book draws on numerous new sources to present a lively picture of von Moltke’s charismatic personality, and it explains his thoughts and actions – which elude ideological categorization of any kind – within the context of his times. Following a long interval, the publication of this comprehensive biography now makes a standard work on Helmuth James von Moltke available once again. Born and raised on the Kriesau estate in Silesia, Helmuth James von Moltke enjoyed a liberal, primarily British upbringing through his mother. Even at an early age the dedicated, prospective lawyer self-confidently established ties with politicians and intellectuals, openly expressed criticism of Hitler’s rise and finally renounced a career as a judge so that he would not have to join the Nazi party. He was brilliantly successful as an attorney in Berlin and London and equally so as the squire of Kreisau who saved the indebted demesne. The estate was shielded, as it were, by the aura of the Prussian General Field Marshall von Moltke so that after the war began it became a meeting place for a group of Nazi opponents. Simultaneously von Moltke utilized his assignment a specialist in international law at the Wehrmacht high command for subversive activities, which led to his arrest early in 1944. On January 23, 1945, Helmuth James von Moltke was executed in Berlin’s Plötzensee prison. Günter Brakelmann presents a forceful description of the life of this equally pensive and

Biography courageously determined resistor. He succeeds masterfully in shedding light on the – increasingly religious – motives of von Moltke’s thoughts and deeds. In addition, the author’s grand biography is an impressive portrait of the Kreisau Circle. Günter Brakelmann was born in 1931 and is professor of Christian social ethics and contemporary history at the University of Bochum. His many publications on the German resistance have earned him a reputation as a leading authority on the Kreisau Circle. 430 pages, 50 illustrations, hardcover, EUR 24.90 C.H.BECK 7

Joseph Croitoru Hamas Der islamische Kampf um Palästina Hamas The Islamic Struggle for Palestine Radical Islam is fighting for Palestine on various fronts: through Hezbollah from without, and from within the country through Hamas, which took office surprisingly in 2006. Joseph Croitoru has written a highly graphic history of Hamas and its jihad against Israel, which is pursued not only through numerous suicide attacks but also a far-reaching charity network. Not least, the author raises the disquieting question of what it means for the West when Islamists reconcile themselves with democracy. Originally developing as an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine, Hamas held its ground as a religious alternative to the secular PLO. Along with its terrorism, Hamas feigns pragmatism in the opposition and as the governing party, but its ultimate goal remains to reconquer the entire territory of historical Palestine and to found an Islamic Palestinian state. As part of this effort its social and educational network serves not only charitable purposes but also the ideological preparation of the jihad against Israel. Israel, in turn, views Hamas exclusively as a terrorist organization and retaliates with all severity – but with limited success. Drawing on numerous

sources which had been previously unknown in the West, Joseph Croitoru impressively reveals Politics Hamas’s goals and mode of operation. His masterfully written book is a must for anyone who wants to understand how the Islamists, now enjoying democratic legitimacy, are fundamentally changing the political coordinates in the Near East. Journalist Joseph Croitoru was born in Haifa in 1960 and holds a doctoral degree in history. He has been living in since 1988 and is a regular contributor to the “Feuilleton” of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. His most recent publication was the much noted study “Der Märtyrer als Waffe. Die historischen Wurzeln des Selbstmordattentats” (“The Martyr As a Weapon.The Historical Roots of the Suicide Attack”: 2003, 2006 in paperback). 256 pages, hardcover, EUR 19.90 8 C.H.BECK

Niklaus Largier Die Kunst des Begehrens Über Dekadenz, Sinnlichkeit und Askese The Art of Desire On Decadence, Sensuality and Asceticism Seduction, desire and sensual intensity are never directly available, but are instead contrived, produced through artful cunning. Niklaus Largier develops this theory over the course of 14 chapters which he illustrates with examples from cultural history, literature, art and cinema. He draws an arc that reaches from the evocation of seductive images in the legends of medieval saints to the films of Luis Buñuel and the literature of Charles Baudelaire, Joris-Karl Huysmans and Georges Bataille, from the spiritual exercises of Ignatius von Loyola to the pornographic fantasies of the Marquis de Sade, and from the artistic pleasure of early modern still lifes to the cult of sensual experience in postmodern cuisine. The theme of this book is the cult of exquisite, decadent pleasure, eccentric enjoyment of choice delicacies, intense abandon to the stimulation of artificial paradises, and the preference for sensual delights. The legendary pleasure derived from a bottle of Chateau d’Yquem with Roquefort. The mood of exquisite melancholy evoked by the “Stabat Mater.” A lascivious touch. And above all the long history of the pleasure of asceticism, which in the judgment of the enlightened Modern Age was characterized as “overwrought.” The decadent literati of the late 19th century who took an imaginary, morbidly decaying Rome as their model and read the legends of medieval saints with enthusiasm, were also in agreement that the most delicate pleasures can only be found where they are accompanied by a rebellion against nature, as in asceticism. Only in the apotheosis of desire do the ascetic and the sybarite find the ability to conquer the measured pleasures of the bourgeois emotional disposition and the melancholy ennui of modern life through a synthetic paradise. Niklaus Largier is professor of German literature at the University of California, Berkeley. C. H. Beck Philosophy published his “Lob der Peitsche. Eine Kulturge- schichte der Erregung” (“In Praise of the Whip. A Cultural History of Excitation”: 2001). 192 pages, 20 illustrations, hardcover, EUR 19.90 C.H.BECK 9

Klaus Mainzer Der kreative Zufall Wie das Neue in die Welt kommt Creative Coincidence How Newness Enters the World The world we live in is not predetermined but coincidental. But how can order emerge from chance and chaos? What do science and philosophy have to say on the subject? In this book Klaus Mainzer integrates multidisciplinary insights from the fields of mathematics, physics and information technology with evolutionary theory, brain research, economics, and the social and cultural sciences. He shows how we can learn to live with coincidence – in nature and society. What role do coincidence and risk, crisis and new chances play in nature and society? The notion of a deterministic world with a clearly predestinate past, present and future is a fiction. Coincidence turns out to be the central theme of the modern natural and social sciences. Many single coincidental events together can have noncoincidental characteristics. In this manner new orders arise within a sea of random fluctuations. The universe itself serves as an example: generations of stars and galactic structures form within the cosmic stream of entropy. But life, too, arose on the margins of coincidence. Evolution shows how chance mutations of DNA information and environmental conditions determine the characteristics of organisms. Klaus Mainzer describes the role of chance in every conceivable context: in mathematics and probability theory, in roulette and on the stock exchange, in thermodynamics, quantum physics, computers and information theory, brain research, economics and society. This book shows that our exposure to coincidence is fundamental. We do not live in a world where everything gets better by itself. Nothing will get better unless we are attentive and sensitive to changes. Klaus Mainzer is professor of philosophy and the philosophy of science at the University of Augsburg, director of the Institut für Philosophie (Institute for Philosophy), and director of the Institut für Interdis- ziplinäre Informatik (Interdisciplinary Institute for Informatics). He is chairman of the Deutsche Ge- sellschaft für Komplexe Systeme und Nichtlineare Dynamik (German Society for Complex Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics). C. H. Beck published his “Zeit.Von der Urzeit zur Computerzeit” (“Time. From Prehistoric Times to the Computer Age”: 2005) and “Materie.Von der Urmaterie zum Leben” (“Matter. From Primordial Matter to Life): 1996). Science Natural 290 pages, 38 illustrations, hardcover, EUR 24.90 10 C.H.BECK

Christian Jostmann Nach Rom zu Fuß Geschichte einer Pilgerreise To Rome on Foot The Story of a Pilgrimage A journey to Rome once meant the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. Whether it was the Emperor who hoped to be crowned in Rome, or the bishop who wanted to receive his crook there, the Pilgrim who longed to pray before the relics of the apostles, the artist seeking to perfect his skills by studying the ancients, or the erudite who sought to find their own identity in Roman history – the Eternal City drew them all. The force of its attraction was so strong that people from the northern side of the Alps would assume the costs and hardships of weeks and even months of travel in order to reach the goal of their desires. Today, trains, automobiles and airplanes have reduced the trip to Rome to a matter of a few hours. It has become the result of a momentary decision and no longer the focus of planning one’s life. “Whereas a journey here was once a pilgrimage and surely an event in a person’s life, nowadays it is dispatched in the shortest of times,” wrote Ferdinand Gregorovius, a 19th century and Rome admirer. For a long time Christian Jostmann dreamed of journeying to Rome on foot, and when the opportunity suddenly presented itself he made a few practical arrangements and set out from Munich carrying the vital necessities on his back, with two months of time and the Alps before him. In this book he recounts his experiences on this journey over timeworn but long forgotten paths to an ancient destination. He tells of companions and predecessors, of great battles and extinct languages, a German military doctor at the Po River and a hobby archaeologist in the Apennines, of chanting monks and unrecognized prophets, hospitality and solitude, in short, his moving encounters with Italy’s past and present as only a wanderer experiences them. His is the story of a journey that crosses not only through space but also through time. Christian Jostmann was born in 1971. He holds a PhD in medieval studies and writes for “Süddeut- sche Zeitung.” 224 pages, 19 illustrations and 6 maps, hardcover, EUR 18.90 Cultural HistoryCultural C.H.BECK 11

Ingeborg Walter and Roberto Zapperi Das Bildnis der Geliebten The Image of the Beloved This book tells how a ritual of adoring a beloved woman in the ideal ultimately turned into a form of declaring love which permitted sensual fulfillment. The love for Laura that Petrarch extolled in his 14th century “Canzoniere” turned into the paradigm for a parlor game of love in the 15th century; it became a ritual for how the beloved was to be venerated and adored. In addition to poetical homage these rules provided for the production of a portrait of the beloved such as Petrarch had supposedly commissioned of his Laura. The imaginary Laura was now replaced by young ladies who were real and were painted in equally real portraits. The game was invented by Lorenzo de’Medici and was quickly imitated in Italy’s better society, with not only the great lords and princes as dedicated players but Cardinals as well. Yet matters didn’t always stop with idealized love, with adoration from afar. The ritual gave rise to genuine feelings leading to relationships and sensual fulfillment. The gallant game of an elite society in which ideal love was commingled with sensual passion came to an end in the Counter-Reformation which reestablished the insuperable dichotomy of (forbidden) sexuality and its (permissible) practice in marriage. We are indebted to this ritual for some of the greatest masterworks of the Italian Renaissance – such as Leonardo da Vinci’s portraits of Ginevra Benci or Cecilia Gallerani – and some its most beautiful love stories. Ingeborg Walter has published extensively on the cultural, artistic and social history of the Italian Renaissance. She lives and works in Rome. C. H. Beck published her “Der Prächtige. Lorenzo de’Me- dici und seine Zeit” (“The Magnificent Lorenzo de’Medici and His Times”: 2003). Roberto Zapperi is a private scholar who lives in Rome. He was a fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (Institute for Advanced Study in Berlin) and held the Warburg Professorship at the University of Hamburg. Most recently C. H. Beck published his “Der Wilde Mann von Teneriffa.Die wundersame Geschichte des Pedro Gonzalez und seiner Kinder” (“The Savage of Tenerife.The

Amazing Story of Pedro Gonzalez and His historyCultural Children”: 2004). 170 pages, 18 illustrations (10 in color), hardcover, EUR 22.90 12 C.H.BECK

Hartmut Kaelble Sozialgeschichte Europas 1945 bis zur Gegenwart The Social History of Europe From 1945 to the Present This comprehensive social history of Europe since 1945 examines many of today’s social problems. The author describes widely discussed areas such as employment, social security systems, education and the family. He outlines the fundamental changes in European societies since 1945, tracking not only the significant differences within Europe but also Europe’s commonalities and special social characteristics up to the present. In this social history of Europe Hartmut Kaelble devotes himself to the many volatile topics that are currently the subject of public discussion. He examines the changes in family structure, the workplace, educational systems, consumer behavior, migration streams and social security systems in the individual countries, but he also raises questions pertaining to common European values and social inequality. Beginning with the postwar era he describes the period of economic expansion during which mass consumerism established itself, while modern cities and the welfare state also took shape. Ample space is set aside for the era of the 1970s and 1980s which marked fundamental economic and social change: the oil shock, rising unemployment, the pluralization of social models and the new social movements indicated grave changes within European societies. In conclusion Hartmut Kaelble discusses the changes since 1989 which brought a new transformation of values in their wake. Hartmut Kaelble is professor of social history at the University of Berlin. He has published extensively on economic and social history. 512 pages, 15 illustrations, hardcover, EUR 38.00 Social History C.H.BECK 13

Bernd Stöver Der Kalte Krieg Geschichte eines radikalen Zeitalters 1947 – 1991 The Cold War History of a Radical Age. 1947 – 1991 The nuclear arms race and the space race, the war of the intelligence services and the proxy wars in the Third World, the fear of communists here and the hunt for bourgeois elements there: the Cold War was waged globally and at all levels, military, political, economic and cultural. Bernd Stöver’s accomplished “histoire totale” is the first comprehensive portrayal of the protracted conflict that ended with the dissolution of the Soviet Union but nevertheless, as he concludes, produced no winner. The Cold War belongs to the past but its significance for the world is only now beginning to emerge. For half a century the fear of nuclear war defined politics. Far more than 100 wars outside of Europe caused millions of people to lose their lives. Politicians, artists, intellectuals, religious leaders, the entire population of East and West were mesmerized by the ideological confrontation. Bernd Stöver has written the first description of the Cold War’s total and global dimensions. As the archives gradually open and we learn increasingly more about the activities of the intelligence services, a new perspective on the political-military developments becomes possible. The book traces the scientific and technological race that led to spectacular peaks in space exploration. It delves into the question of the competing economic systems, the war for raw materials and the propaganda History struggle for the minds of human beings. In the process the author always trains his eye on the “Third World” which was crushed between the capitalist and communist blocks. In the final chapter he shows that we continue to bear the consequences today and are only gradually awakening from the nightmare of a total war of the worlds. Bernd Stöver was born in 1961. He is an extraordinary professor at the University of Potsdam and a fellow at the Centre for Research on Contemporary History in Potsdam. He has published extensively, primarily on German and American history. 512 pages, 40 illustrations, 6 maps, hardcover, EUR 29.90 14 C.H.BECK

Jan Philipp Reemtsma Lessing in Hamburg “He came accompanied by one of the most exciting women who ever walked onto a stage, and who also created a sensation to match. Not so much in Hamburg yet, but later in Berlin and everywhere else: her name was Minna von Barnhelm. By the time he left he had met the love of his life. In the intervening three years there had been acquaintanceships, dashed hopes at the theater, a bankruptcy, unperformed drafts of several plays, a print war, and two books that we cannot leave unread if we want to answer the question: What is Enlightenment?” Jan Philipp Reemtsma, a literary scholar and citizen of Hamburg, has written a brilliant essay portraying Gotthold Ephraim Lessing’s years in Hamburg. This book introduces us to one of the greatest writers not only of the 18th century but of German literature over all. Without placing Lessing on a marble pedestal or invoking the pathos of genius, the author presents him at the zenith of his career: as a poet, publisher, theater director, literary theorist and polemicist. Jan Philipp Reemtsma, PhD, is professor of modern German Literature at the University of Hamburg and director of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research. He has written extensively on history and literature. Most recently, C. H. Beck published his “Das unaufhebbare Nichtbescheidwis- sen der Mehrheit. Sechs Reden über Literatur und Kunst” (“The Irrevocable Ignorance of the Majority. Six Essays on Literature and Art”: 2005). 112 pages, 4 illustrations, softcover, EUR 12.00 History of Literature C.H.BECK 15

Eva Kessler Von der Kunst, liebevoll zu erziehen Sinnvoll Grenzen setzen und gute Laune bewahren On the Art of Raising Children with Love Setting Meaningful Limits and Staying in a Good Mood Eva Kessler has become known through her lectures and seminars. At the request of her audience she has written down what she considers to be the essentials of contemporary child-rearing. Only when we understand what children experience and the way they feel are we also in a position to ensure the right kind of confident and benevolent upbringing. Contact is as important for children as breathing, eating and sleeping. If it is absent they feel lost and become afraid. This condition can take on extremely threatening forms particularly in young children. Many children and adolescents who suffer from a lack of physical, verbal or visual contact attract attention to themselves by overstepping limits. People who know and recognize these relationships are also able to understand children’s uncons- cious behavioral strategies. Many provocative, annoying, conspicuous and conflicted behaviors then appear in a new light. It now becomes possible not only to understand them but also to exert a positive influence – by taking a loving approach to childrearing that allows children ample room to experience the world but likewise provides support and a sense of safety. It is an approach where one additionally does not hesitate to act decisively and set meaningful, reasoned boundaries, thereby helping children to orient themselves in the world. Eva Kessler was born in 1953 and has been in private practice as a family and child counselor in Flintbek near Kiel since 1993. She additionally

works in a supervisory capacity for institutions in Education the fields of education, social pediatrics, child and adolescent psychiatry, and remedial education. She conducts continuing education seminars and lectures on pedagogical topics. 272 pages, softcover, EUR 16.00 16 C.H.BECK

Peter Gruss, editor Die Zukunft des Alterns Die Antwort der Wissenschaft Ein Report der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft The Future of Aging Science Responds A Report by the Max Planck Society This book presents readable, generally understandable information on the current status of aging research and the relevant biological processes. The authors are internationally recognized scientists, primarily affiliated with the Max Planck Society. Their insights help readers to gain a fundamental understanding of the “aging” phenomenon. In affluent nations people are living to ever greater ages. Along with the rise in average lifespan, sales of anti-aging products are booming. Indeed, everyone wants to live a long life, but also stay young while they do so. Yet it is astonishing how little we know about the background and causes of the aging process. This book addresses the following issues: - What is aging? - Is the human lifespan limited at all? - What influences cellular aging? - What is the effect of diet, stress or infections on the aging process? - Which pathologies accompany aging, and which prophylactic or therapeutic measures can be taken? - What can an aging brain still accomplish? What kinds of work can it perform perhaps even better than a younger brain? - How can we craft a new inter-generational contract? - Does life have a specific purpose during old age? Peter Gruss, the editor, was born in 1945. He is a biologist and has been president of the Max Planck Society since 2002. Peter Gruss has received numerous prizes and awards for his scientific research including the “Niedersächsischer Staatspreis” (State Prize of Lower Saxony), the “Leibniz Prize,” the “Louis Jeantet Prize for Medicine,” and the “Zukunftspreis des Deutschen Bundespräsidenten” (German President’s Future Prize). Contributing authors include: Professor Paul B. Baltes, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin and Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia. Dr. Annette Baudisch, Director of the Laboratory of Survival and Longevity at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock. Professor Ulrich Hartl, Director am Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Martinsried. Professor Florian Holsboer, Director of the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich. Natural Science Natural Professor Michael Stolleis, Director of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt am Main. Professor Wolfgang Streeck, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Social Research in Cologne. Professor James W.Vaupel, Founding Director of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock. 288 pages, 20 illustrations, softcover, EUR 16.90 C.H.BECK 17

Wolfgang Wieser Gehirn und Genom Ein neues Drehbuch für die Evolution Brain and Genome A New Scenario for Evolution Evolution and its theories are in need of a new scenario. Coincidence, structural strains and the activities of “selfish genes” don’t account for everything. The appearance of the human brain on the evolutionary stage represented a caesura. Ever since then the play and its production have acquired decisive new dimensions. Although human evolution rested on a genetic basis, genetics alone do not sufficiently explain it. Heredity and the brain each contributed and still contribute in their own thoroughly competitive fashion to the dynamics of the evolutionary process. Even in their chronological dimensions they dif- fer momentously. The contribution of the genome to evolution is measured in thousands to millions of years or in hundreds to thousands of generations, the contribution of the brain, however, in minutes, days, years or in a single generation. The human brain is capable of fashioning something entirely different from its interactions with the environment than genes are able to produce. The majority of what it produces are autonomous accomplishments for which the genome has no instructions on hand. Internationally renowned evolutionary biologist Wolfgang Wieser outlines a new, revolutionary concept of evolution where the brain plays a second leading role alongside the “selfish gene,” and where hereditary transmission of acquired characteristics is also an important factor. Wolfgang Wieser is professor emeritus of zoology at the University of Innsbruck. His book “Die Erfindung der Individualität” (“The Invention of Individuality”) earned him the 2005 Anna Krüger Prize of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (Berlin Institute for Advanced Study). 320 pages, hardcover, EUR 24.90 Natural Science Natural 18 C.H.BECK

Rafael Ferber Warum hat Platon die „ungeschriebene Lehre” nicht geschrieben? Why Didn’t Plato Write the “Unwritten Doctrines”? The debate over Plato’s “unwritten doctrines” which he communicated only to a small circle of trusted disciples has caused a stir among philosophers in recent decades. Rafael Ferber assumes a differentiated position in this controversy. He is convinced that the “unwritten doctrines” actually did exist but that Plato, for reasons inherent in the process of gaining knowledge, was unable to communicate these doctrines even to his closest disciples. In this book Ferber outlines the discussion and summarizes the standpoints of greatest interest. Ever since we have known that Plato did not put his most important teachings into writing, but instead communicated them only orally to the inner circle of his disciples. While the extant dialogues merely pass down Plato’s “exoteric” doctrines, his most important “esoteric” insights were not meant for the general public. In the meantime, the contents and significance of Plato’s “ unwritten doctrines” have become the subject of debate in philosophical circles. Fifteen years ago, at the height of the controversy over the “unwritten doctrines,” Rafael Ferber entered the fray with a small book. He proposed that Plato was also unable to communicate the “unwritten doctrines” because the highest principles (i.e., the subject of the “unwritten doctrines”) cannot be known through logical operations due to an epistemological paradox. Ferber’s differentiated position met with great respect and acceptance, although in individual cases it was also rejected. Ferber’s new book again presents the text of 1991, but significantly expands it through new perspectives and an outline of the discussion it triggered. In this book the reader learns what is meant by Plato’s “unwritten doctrines” and what the controversy is actually all about. Philosophy Rafael Ferber is professor of philosophy at the University of Lucerne and a titular professor at the University of Zurich. C. H. Beck published his “Philosophische Grundbegriffe Band 1 und 2 “(“Basic Concepts of Philosophy,Vols. 1 and 2”: 2003) Polish translation rights sold to: Wydawnictwo WAM, Korean translation rights sold to: Dongmoonsun Publishing Co. (vol. 1) and Jongmunwhasa Publishing Co. (vol. 2), Spanish translation rights sold to: Herder Editorial S.L. 128 pages, 1 illustration, softcover, EUR 16.90 C.H.BECK 19

Werner von Koppenfels Der Andere Blick Das Vermächtnis des Menippos in der europäischen Literatur The Other View The Legacy of Menippos in European Literature “The Other View” – that means an imaginative and fancifully crazy perspective on what is supposedly normal, a literary shock therapy to humiliate Homo sapiens. Werner von Koppenfels traces the European destinies of a vital and adaptable literary genre from its ancient origins to the skepticism of the Enlightenment and the horror visions of the Modern Age. This reader-friendly and attractively illustrated book is an invitation to rediscover both classic and unfamiliar texts. At the beginning stands the legendary Greek anti-philosopher Menippos from the school of the cynics, whose subversive fantasy bestowed his name on an often misunderstood genre that has remained effective from the skepticism of antiquity to the experience of catastrophe in the Modern Age. “Menippean satire’s” outside view exposes the madness of normality, the questionability of all dogma and the insanity of heroism. An equally humorous and drastically orchestrated paradoxy characterizes all of the often interrelated texts that participate in this European dialogue – from Lucian to Erasmus, Morus, Rabelais, Swift and Jean Paul all the way to Kafka and science fiction. Werner von Koppenfels recounts this literary history of the slanted view in a generally accessible and riveting style. He opens up new perspectives on an illustrious tradition of freethinking which is anything but uncontemporary. From the contents: The View from the Top; On the Humor of Ultimate Things; Animal Standpoints; Utopian Counter-Worlds; Metropolis as Necropolis; Varieties of Menippean Dialogue. Werner von Koppenfels is a retired professor of English and comparative literature at the University of Munich. He held guest professorships in England and the United States and received the “J. H.Voß- Preis” for literary translation. He is a member of the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung (German Academy of Language and Poetry), has authored numerous scholarly publications and translations, and is coeditor of C. H. Beck’s “Engli- sche und amerikanische Dichtung” (“English and American Poetry”: 2000) and “Französische Dich- tung”(“French Poetry”: 2001). 320 pages, 12 illustrations, hardcover, EUR 38.00 History of Literature 20 C.H.BECK

Alexander Demandt Die Spätantike Römische Geschichte von Diocletian bis Justinian. 284 – 565 n. Chr. Late Antiquity Roman History from Diocletian to Justinian, 284 – 565 CE Alexander Demandt has completely revised his scholarly examination of Late Antiquity and now presents an expanded edition based on the most recent status of research. In the second edition of his broad examination of Late Antiquity Alexander Demandt attaches particular importance to a detailed overview of the sources and their scholarly editions, translations and commentaries. In addition, his rendering of the history of events and politics in Late Antiquity differs in many respects from the account presented in the first edition. He begins with the crisis of the Roman Empire under the soldier emperors (235 – 284) and recounts developments up to the end of Justinian’s rule (565). He describes the internal conditions of the Empire – government, society, economy, education, cities, religion – and sheds light on the interpretations of Late Antiquity over time. The comprehensive appendix features, among other things, lists of rulers, genealogical tables, overviews of late Roman society and the administration of the empire during Late Antiquity, and a detailed chronological chart. For this completely revised edition the current status of research litera- ture since 1989 was reviewed and, when necessary, analyzed and incorporated; this applies in particular to archaeological research findings. Until his retirement, Alexander Demandt was a professor at the University of Berlin. He enjoys an international reputation as a leading authority on Late Antiquity. C. H. Beck published his “Geschichte der Spätantike” (“History of Late Antiquity”: 1998), “Theodor Mommsen. Römische Kaisergeschichte” (“Theodor Mommsen. History of the Roman Emperors”: with co-editor Barbara Demandt, 2005), “Kleine Weltgeschichte” (“Concise History of the World”: 2004), Italian translation rights sold to: Donzelli Editore, Korean translation rights sold to BookRoad Publishing Co. “Sternstun- den der Geschichte” (“Great Moments in History”) Korean translation rights sold to: Bookhouse Publishing Co. and “Die Kelten” (“The Celts”). His “Das Privatleben der römischen Kai-

Ancient History ser” (“The Private Lives of Roman Emperors”) is scheduled for publication in the spring of 2007. Polish translation rights sold to: Wydawnictwo “Uraeus”. 688 pages, 4 illustrations (3 in color), clothbound, EUR 98.00 C.H.BECK 21

Thomas Lang Unter Paaren Roman Among Couples A Novel Two days and one night in May spent in a lavishly renovated house at the edge of the forest. Per and his girlfriend Rafa are middle-aged and successful – although Per is looking for a new job and Rafa doesn’t live with him. They are expecting a visit from Pascal, Per’s best friend from earlier days, and Inita, his significantly younger Spanish companion. At one time a situation arose in which Rafa had been faced with deciding between Pascal and Per. She had chosen Per but he never learned what really transpired between Rafa and Pascal. Now everything comes to the surface again, the tensions of the past are compounded by tensions of the present, such as the offers Pascal makes to Rafa, and Per’s desire for the cool but very enticing Inita. Two days in the house will turn everything upside down. A boy who is roaming about in the vicinity will cause a stir, and Inita will disappear … Thomas Lang’s new, subtly narrated novel is cleverly arranged on two time levels. The author creates a kind of laboratory situation: he endows his characters with the language of people who are informed and yet delivers them to even greater ignorance. A suspenseful, precise and atmospherically dense narrative, “Among Couples” tells of relationships and affairs, of love in the present tense, the power of the material world and the powerlessness of alienated emotions. The novel is rich with allusions that evoke an entire tradition from (Goethe’s) “Elective Affinities” to Mike Nichols’s film “Closer.” Thomas Lang was born in Nümbrecht, North

Rhine Westfalia, in 1967. He studied literature at the Literature University of Frankfurt am Main and has been writing and living in Munich since 1997. His 2002 novel “Than” received the Bayerischer Staatsförde- rungspreis (Bavarian State Prize for the Advancement of Literature) and the Marburg Literature Prize. In 2005 Thomas Lang received the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize for an excerpt from his novel “Am Seil” (“On the Rope”: C. H. Beck 2006). “Am Seil” was nominated for the 2006 Leipzig Book Fair Prize. 200 pages, hardcover, EUR 17.90 22 C.H.BECK

Hans Pleschinski Verbot der Nüchternheit Kleines Brevier für ein besseres Leben Sobriety Prohibited A Brief Compendium on Leading a Better Life With an epilogue by Sibylle Lewitscharoff Germany’s wintry, foggy environment which once sent Goethe fleeing to Italy – it still swirls through our minds and souls, our cultural landscape, always requiring new effort from us to imbue this country and its general state of mind with a greater joy of life. And there is a brighter, baroque, more urbane past that existed before the most recent, tormenting period of German history. In everything that Hans Pleschinski has written to date one senses a desire to reconnect with this past and arrive at a modern, contemporary tone that extends and conveys the candor, magnanimity, elegance and perhaps even the playful lust for life that is our legacy, whether we choose to believe it or not. The stories and essays in this book, whether they tend toward fiction or autobiography – which is especially touching – manifest the very attitude that also marks a generational change. Not least this means enchanting and captivating the world, eliciting its beauty and transforming it with beauty even when the world presents itself as dry and provincial. An apocalyptic negation of the world is alien to Hans Pleschinski. Instead, this knowledgeable and educated author who is full of self-irony and wit recommends the once aristocratic virtues of comeliness, generosity and cosmopolitanism – and a little less sobriety. Hans Pleschinski was born in 1956. He is a scholar of literature and the theater, has published

Literature numerous novels and lives in Munich as an independent writer. More recent examples of his work include “Bildnis eines Unsichtbaren” (“Picture of an Invisible Person”: 2002) and a novella entitled “Zerstreuung” (“Distraction”: 2000). In addition to many other awards he twice received the Tukan- Preis of the City of Munich. C. H. Beck published his “Ostsucht. Eine Jugend im deutsch-deutschen Grenzland” (“Yearning for the East. Growing up along the German-German Border”: 1993) and a novel entitled “Leichtes Licht” (“Effortless Light”): 2005). Hans Pleschinski’s latest award was the Hannelore-Greve-Literaturpreis (2006). Born in Stuttgart in 1954 Sibylle Lewitscharoff now lives in Berlin. In addition to radio features, audio theater, literary essays and stories, she has published five books to date. Her most recent novel is entitled “Consummatus” (2006). She is a recipient of the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize and the Kranichsteiner Literaturpreis. 256 pages, hardcover, EUR 19.90 C.H.BECK 23

Zvi Yavetz Erinnerungen an Czernowitz Wo Menschen und Bücher lebten Memories of Czernowitz Where People and Books Lived The history of the city of Czernowitz and its population is the story of a unique cultural metropolis that had come to symbolize a long-standing, peaceful coexistence between Ukrainians, Romanians, Poles, Ruthenians, Jews and Germans, until the Second World War and the crimes of the German occupation destroyed the city’s flowering culture once and for all. Zvi Yavetz, professor emeritus of ancient history at the University of Tel Aviv, describes his childhood and early youth in Czernowitz. Born the son of Jewish parents in 1925, he grew up in an age of upheaval. A lively literary scene and the coexistence of languages and peoples still shaped daily life in Czernowitz, but the “old world” of the Dual Monarchy was drawing to a close. The author makes the long lost world of the 1930s and 40s come alive with emotionally charged images. Using the impressive language of “Czernowitz German” he tells how people lived together, but he also notes their differences in a city that produced such diverse poets and scholars as Paul Celan, Rose Ausländer, Erwin Chargaff or Josef Schumpeter. What arises before the reader’s eye is the picture of a long lost world and a cultural center that remains unequaled. Zvi Yavetz was born in Czernowitz in 1925. He is professor emeritus of ancient history at the University of Tel Aviv and numbers among the university’s founders. Most recently C. H. Beck published his “Tiberius” (2002). 288 pages, 22 illustrations, hardcover, EUR 24.90 Literature 24 C.H.BECK

Dagmar Leupold Grüner Engel, blaues Land Roman Green Angel, Blue Land A Novel In her new novel Dagmar Leupold tells the unusual love story of two people who are disappointed with life, the archaeologist Sophia who earns her living creating product names for perfumes, and Johannes, an historian who is writing a biography of Ludwig Lazarus Zamenhof, the man who invented Esperanto. Johannes has only smiled at Sophia up until now, but to their mutual surprise he invites her on a short trip to Belgium to the vicinity of Liège where Moresnet, a neutral, state-like region that almost became the first Esperanto nation, existed for more than 100 years. Sophia is mourning her great love, a married man. Johannes has been mute ever since a childhood trauma. They are, so to speak, two disabled individuals. In the rundown vacation facility where they rent lodgings they are joined by Annika, a movingly unattractive girl who apparently only speaks Russian, if she speaks at all. During their seven-day journey, in the heart of Europe and at the neglected scene of a social and political utopia that now appears paradisiacal only as a landscape, a love develops that is highly improbable and yet fraught with consequences. Poetical and intelligent, fast-paced and pensive, Dagmar Leupold’s novel tracks its two protagonists on their journey to a new life. Dagmar Leupold was born in 1955. She studied German literature, philosophy, and classical philology at the universities of Marburg and Tübin- gen, and comparative literature in New York where

Literature she received her doctorate. She has written many volumes of poetry and also novels, of which “Eden Plaza,” “Edmond” and “Nach den Kriegen” (“After the Wars”) were published by C. H. Beck. Her most recent book by this publisher is a volume entitled “Alphabet zu Fuss. Essays zur Literatur” (“Alphabet on Foot. Essays on Literature”: 2005). The author has received numerous prizes, among them the Aspekte-Literaturpreis, the Bayerischer Literaturförderpreis (Bavarian Prize for the Advan- cement of Literature), and the Montblanc-Preis. In 2002 she held the Liliencron-Dozentur (Liliencron Chair) at the University of Kiel. Dagmar Leupold lives in Kirchseeon near Munich. She is director of the “Studio für Literatur und Theater” (Studio for Literature and Theater) at the University of Tübin- gen. 240 pages, hardcover, EUR 19.90 C.H.BECK 25

SAID Psalmen Psalms With an epilogue by Hans Maier As he grapples and searches for an unconventional and non-denominational spirituality, SAID has long written Psalms. The biblical Psalms, which continue to influence all spiritual poetry to this day, are patterned after ancient Oriental literature. And who could feel more called upon to take up this venerable form of religious song and prayer and imbue it with new meaning in a contemporary form than SAID, whose lyrical language always draws on Persian tradition as well. Nothing in his psalms is to be taken for granted, not even his relationship to the God he invokes; everything is radically open and new. SAID’s psalms leave no one cold, and they leave nothing out, not the catastrophes and conflicts of history, not the language of the present, not the distress of everyday life, not lust or yearning or the fear of death. After the demise of the great utopias and the universal triumph of the marketplace, people are imperiled by world powers and global corporations. More than a few of them yearn for a purpose that transcends consumerism and the physical. Many of them are falling back on conventional traditions and rituals, including those of religion, despite the fact that these are highly contestable. In his psalms SAID moves in a religious space that remains open to all of the questions we have in this realm, and he omits not a single one of them. SAID was born in Teheran in 1947.He left his homeland at age 17 and has been living in Munich Literature since 1965. He has received many prizes for his literary work, most recently the Adelbert von Chamisso Prize and the Goethe Medal. In 1997 he was awarded the Hermann Kesten Medal for his political commitment and personal dedication to politically persecuted and imprisoned writers. From May 2000 until mid-2002 he was president of the German PEN Center. 112 pages, hardcover, EUR 14.90

C. H. Beck published his “Der lange Arm der Mullahs” (“The Long Arm of the Mullahs”: 1995), Croatian translation rights sold to: Durieux d.o.o. “Sei Nacht zu mir” (“Be Night to Me”: 1998), English and Irish translation rights sold to: coiscéim. “Dieses Tier, das es nicht gibt” (“This Animal That Doesn’t Exist”: 1999) Croatian translation rights sold to: Aora Publishing,“Landschaften einer fernen Mut- ter”(“Landscapes of a Distant Mother”: 2001), English translation rights sold to: Chicago University Press, Spanish translation rights sold to: Ediciones Tempora,French translation rights sold to: Editions Métailé.“Außenhaut Binnenträume” (“External Skin, Internal Dreams”: 2002),“Friedrich Hölder- lin empfängt niemanden mehr” (“Friedrich Hölderlin Isn’t Receiving Any More Visitors”:a C. H. Beck audio book, 2002),“In Deutschland leben” (“Living in Germany”: 2004),“Ich und der Islam” (“Islam and I”: 2005) Persian translation rights sold to: PAMAS and “Das Rot lächelt, das Blau schweigt” (“Red Smiles, Blue Remains Silent”: 2006) Korean translation rights sold to: Artbooks. 26 C.H.BECK

Sabine Gruber Über Nacht Roman Overnight A Novel Sabine Gruber’s new novel tells the story of two women in their respective cities, Mira in Rome and Irma in . Both women are living with a disquieting suspicion. Mira is a healthcare worker for the elderly and is concerned about her marriage. As her own husband becomes increasingly foreign to her, she finds herself in the role of the detective spying on him. Why will her husband no longer sleep with her? Irma is a single mother. She works as a cultural journalist and interviews people in professions that are becoming extinct, but her questions are addressed primarily to herself: Who was the dead person who gave her a new life by donating an organ? What is it like to live with a foreign element in one’s own body? What is it like to be a survivor? Two women looking for clues, two women full of yearning for life and love. What connects them? “Overnight” is a book about aging as a reality and a utopia, about fortuity as a life and death power and about the fusion of writing with life. In her beautiful, picturesque language Sabine Gruber establishes a casual link with the theme of her highly praised novel “Die Zumutung.” She tells of life’s surprises and the arbitrariness of being saved, of love’s fragility and rekindling, of friendship and caring and death, which makes one resourceful. Sabine Gruber was born in 1963 in Merano. She studied German literature, history and political science at the universities of Innsbruck and Vienna. Literature From 1988-1992 she was an adjunct lecturer at the University of Venice. Sabine Gruber resides in Vienna and has received the Förderungspreis der Stadt Wien (City of Vienna Support Award), the Solitude-Stipendium (Solitude Grant), the Preissnitz- Preis (Preissnitz Award), the Förderungspreis zum österreichischen Staatspreis (Austrian State Support Award), the Heinrich-Heine-Stipendium der Stadt Lüneburg (Heinrich Heine Grant of the City of Lüneburg) and the Elias-Canetti-Stipendium der Stadt Wien (Elias Canetti Scholarship of the City of Vienna). In addition to stories, radio plays and pieces for the stage, she has published two novels entitled “Aushäusige” (“People Away from Home”: 1996) and “Die Zumutung” (“The Impertinence”: by C. H. Beck 2003) and a book of poetry “Fang oder Schweigen” (“Catch or Be Silent”: 2002). 238 pages, hardcover, EUR 17.90 C.H.BECK 27

Andreas Tönnesmann Die Kunst der Renaissance The Art of the Renaissance In the art of the Renaissance there was a fascinating interplay between the imitation of antiquity and a powerful urge to innovate. In Florence and the Italian principalities, in Rome and Venice, works were produced in the fields of painting, sculpture and architecture that have exerted an unbroken attraction to this day. Andreas Tönnesmann provides a descriptive and competent overview of the rich art of the Italian Renaissance, its adaptation in France and the specific paths taken by the Renaissance in the rest of Europe. Andreas Tönnesmann is professor of the history of art and architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. 128 pages, 45 illustrations (16 in color), EUR 5.00

Tonio Hölscher Die griechische Kunst Greek Art

The epoch of Greek art shaped the cultural history of Europe more profoundly than any other. In Paperbacks the visual arts the ancient Greeks created representations of their gods and heroes, prominent figures from the past and present, and scenes from public and private life. Tonio Hölscher’s lively, focused portrayal guides readers through the visual world of statues, reliefs, paintings and vases, and shows the extent that they influenced political, private and religious life in Greek society. Tonio Hölscher is professor of classical archaeology at the University of Heidelberg. 128 pages, 80 illustrations (5 in color), EUR 7.90 28 C.H.BECK

Paul Zanker Die römische Kunst Roman Art When the Rome emerged as the center of a huge empire, Roman Art also developed its specific characteristics. Paul Zanker’s masterful exposition points out the role that the adoption of Greek culture played in the process and how the visual worlds of public and private life developed during the Republic and the Imperial Age. The author gives voice to the images and the messages they conveyed in their respective historical context. Paul Zanker was professor of classical archaeology at the University of Munich and director of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (German Archaeological Institute) in Rome. He is currently professor of ancient art history at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. 128 pages, 80 illustrations (5 in color), EUR 7.90

Bruno Bleckmann Der Peloponnesische Krieg The Peloponnesian War

Paperbacks The Peloponnesian War (431 to 404 BCE) was a confrontation between the military blocks of the First Attic Naval Alliance under the leadership of Athens, and the Peloponnesian League with Sparta as the hegemon. Thanks to Thucydides we have better information about the course of this ancient world war than hardly any other event in antiquity. Bruno Bleckmann discusses the causes of the war, the various stages of the hostilities, the outcome and the historical significance of the conflict. Bruno Bleckmann is professor of ancient history at the University of Düsseldorf. 128 pages, 11 illustrations, EUR 7.90 C.H.BECK 29 Frank Kolb Das antike Rom Geschichte und Archäologie Ancient Rome History and Archaeology To this day, the cityscape of hardly any other modern metropolis is more defined by ancient monuments than that of Rome. Frank Kolb takes his readers on a fascinating journey through the Eternal City in ancient times. Using its streets and thermae, pillars and arenas, funeral monuments and temples he recounts its history in a descriptive and easily understandable style. Frank Kolb is professor of ancient history at the University of Tübingen. 128 pages, 15 illustrations, EUR 7.90

Peter Schreiner Konstantinopel Geschichte und Archäologie Constantinople History and Archaeology

In the year 330 CE emperor Constantine the Great founded his city, Constantinople. He lavished it Paperbacks with such rich appointments – as did his successors later on – that it remained one of Europe’s most important cities until it fell to the Turks in the year 1453. In a fresh and accessible presentation this book renders an account not only of Constantinople’s palaces, churches, harbors, fortifications, commercial buildings and residential quarters, but also of the lives and history of its citizens. Peter Schreiner is professor of Byzantine studies and modern Greek philology at the University of Cologne. 128 pages, 10 illustrations, EUR 7.90 30 C.H.BECK Hermann Kamp Burgund Geschichte und Kultur Burgundy History and Culture Hermann Kamp presents a competent, informative and well-written introduction to the history of one of Europe’s politically most important and culturally most spirited lands. He describes the diverse developments that the former kingdom and subsequent duchy of Burgundy underwent in the fields of government, church history and art from the early Middle Ages to the early Modern Age. Hermann Kamp is a lecturer in medieval history at the University of Münster. 128 pages, 5 illustrations, EUR 7.90

Georg Bossong Das Maurische Spanien Geschichte und Kultur Moorish Spain History and Culture

Paperbacks Beginning in the 8th century Islam had a presence on the Iberian Peninsula for some 900 years. The period was one of unique coexistence between Muslims, Christians and Jews. There was a flowering of science, philosophy, literature and art. Even today, the mosque of Córdoba and the Alhambra of Granada bear witness to this “Golden Age.” Georg Bossong offers a vivid description of Moorish Spain’s eventful history, of its splendor but also of the conflicts that in the end resulted in the expulsion of the Jews and Muslims. Georg Bossong is professor of Romance philology at the University of Zurich. C. H. Beck (has already) published his anthology entitled “Das Wunder von al-Andalus. Die schönsten Gedichte aus dem Maurischen Spanien” (“The Miracle of Al-Andalus.The Most Beautiful Poems from Moorish Spain”: 2005). 128 pages, EUR 7.90 C.H.BECK 31

Volker Leppin Die christliche Mystik Christian Mysticism The piety of mysticism exerts a fascination which continues unabated to the present day. In this generally accessible book Volker Leppin explores the forms and interpretations of Christian mysticism. He draws an arc from its first biblical traces to theologian Dionysius Areopagita in Late Antiquity, and from the great mystics of the Middle Ages such as Bernard of Clairvaux and Meister Eckhart to the present day. His account touches on all of the major Christian denominations, Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant. Volker Leppin is professor of church history at the University of Jena. He is a member of the Saxo- nian Academy of Arts and Sciences and sits on the board of the Meister-Eckhart-Gesellschaft. 128 pages, 5 illustrations, EUR 7.90

Wolfgang Benz Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion Die Legende von der jüdischen Weltverschwörung The Protocols of the Elders of Zion The Legend of the Jewish World Conspiracy

More than 100 years ago the czarist secret intelligence service advanced the claim that it had come Paperbacks into possession of the minutes of the Zionist World Congress of 1897. In the form of 24 protocols the Jews attending the congress had supposedly sketched out plans there to take over control of the world. Scholarly research has often confirmed that the protocols were an anti-Semitic fabrication. But answering the question of why – now more than ever – this pamphlet serves as a key reference document for anti-Semites is proving to be a greater challenge. The author explores the questions of how legend is formed, in what sense myth establishes meaning, and which needs the “Protocols” fulfill in terms of explaining the world. Wolfgang Benz is professor of history at the Technical University of Berlin and director of the Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung (Center for Anti-Semitism Research). 128 pages, EUR 7.90 32 C.H.BECK

Franz-Michael Konrad Geschichte der Schule Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart History of School From Antiquity to the Present

Paperbacks Franz-Michael Konrad has written a colorful history of school from ancient Egypt and the gymnasia of antiquity, to medieval monastic schools and the present. His primary focus is on developments in Germany during the 20th century, where compulsory education, the appropriation of schools by the state, and repeated reforms shaped the course of events. In his conclusion the author asks what the PISA study means for the future of schools. Franz-Michael Konrad is professor of historical and comparative education at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. 128 pages, 5 illustrations, EUR 7.90 Bruno Streit C.H.BECK 33 Was ist Biodiversität? Erforschung, Schutz und Wert biologischer Vielfalt What Is Biodiversity? The Exploration, Protection and Value of Biological Diversity What does biodiversity mean and why is it so important for us? How can we protect what remains? Drawing on current figures and the latest research, this volume discusses the nature of biological diversity. It provides information on the status of scientific research, discusses agreements and measures for a sustainable biodiversity strategy, and formulates the opportunities, problems and tasks that lie before us. Bruno Streit is professor at the Institut für Öko- logie, Evolution und Diversität (Institute for Ecology, Evolution and Diversity). He has taught at the University of Frankfurt am Main since 1985 and is speaker of Kompetenzverbund Biodiversität Frank- furt (Biodiversity Network Frankfurt). 128 pages, EUR 7.90

Angela Schuh Biowetter Wie das Wetter unsere Gesundheit beeinflusst Bio-Weather How the Weather Influences Our Health

More than half of the population claims to be affected by the weather. Meteorosensitivity goes even Paperbacks further and can arise after accidents, for example, or in chronic illness. For its victims it often means an aggravation of their symptoms which can culminate in severe pain. This book analyzes the interrelationships between weather and health. It describes prophylactic and therapeutic strategies while also taking into account the health-promoting effects of weather conditions. Angela Schuh holds a doctoral degree in human biology and medicine, has satisfied her postdoctoral qualifications in the field of medicine, and holds an advanced degree in meteorology. She is professor of medical climatology at the Institut für Gesund- heits- und Rehabilitationswissenschaften (Institute for Health and Rehabilitation Sciences) at the University of Munich. 128 pages, EUR 7.90 34 C.H.BECK Michael Walter Haydns Sinfonien Ein musikalischer Werkführer Haydn’s Symphonies A Musical Guide to His Works Michael Walter has written a stimulating and generally accessible introduction to the creations and reception of Joseph Haydn’s symphonic works. He explains the origins of the symphony itself, orders Haydn’s symphonies within the composer’s oeuvre, and introduces each of them, from the earliest to those written for Prince Esterházy and the ones he created in Paris and London. In addition, the author sheds light on cultural and musical-historical references within Haydn’s symphonic works. Michael Walter is professor of musicology and director of the musicology department at the University of Graz. 128 pages, EUR 7.90

Nils Büttner Peter Paul Rubens

Paperbacks His contemporaries praised him as a “God among painters,” and to this day Rubens can be said to epitomize Baroque painting. He created portraits, landscapes and political allegories, but above all depictions of mythological scenes and pious works in the spirit of the Catholic reform movement. He kept company with the wealthy and powerful and corresponded with the intellectuals of his day. Nils Büttner’s well researched introduction outlines the life of Rubens and acquaints readers with his work in its diversity. Nils Büttner is a private lecturer in art history at the University of Dortmund. 128 pages, 25 illustrations (19 in color), EUR 7.90 C.H.BECK 35

Wilhelm Volkert Geschichte Bayerns History of Bavaria From prehistoric times to Celtic and Roman rule, and from the long centuries of dukes, electoral princes and kings to the federalism of our times, Wilhelm Volkert provides knowledgeable and precise explanations of the key events and defining structures of Bavaria’s historical development. He begins with the tribal territories and ends with the present-day Free State. Until his retirement Wilhelm Volkert was professor of Bavarian history at the University of Regensburg. 128 pages, 1 map, EUR 7.90

Hans-Georg Wehling and Reinhold Weber Geschichte Baden-Württembergs History of Baden-Württemberg

Baden-Württemberg was a Roman territory, the Celts left impressive evidence of their presence. It Paperbacks was a land of humanists, the scene of peasant wars and a region of poets and thinkers. As a federal state Baden-Württemberg has existed for 55 years, since 1952 when Baden, Württemberg and Hohenzollern – all of which were created by Napoleon – were combined into one entity. Today it is a shining example of economic strength and internal stability. A successful overview. Professor Hans-Georg Wehling teaches political science at the University of Tübingen. He has published extensively on the history of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg. Reinhold Weber, PhD, holds the position of division head at the Baden-Württemberg Central Office for Political Education. 128 pages, EUR 7.90 36 C.H.BECK

Julia Onken Der Tag der weißen Chrysanthemen Ein Bericht über Liebe und Eifersucht sche reihe l The Day of the White Chrysanthemums

beck A Report on Love and Jealousy Lena becomes jealous when she learns that her husband is planning a sailing trip without her … together with some male coworkers and, well, also a female one. She immediately finds any number of indications that her husband has fallen in love with this very colleague. While he is away her jealousy grows into a torturous obsession and she begins to question her entire marriage. In order to counteract the pain she instigates an affair with a former schoolmate, but the relief she had hoped for fails to materialize. Her husband returns and she immediately sees that her fantasies were entirely unfounded. This insight comes as a shock because it catches her entirely off guard. Her shock becomes far greater still when she unexpectedly encounters her father who had deserted his family many years earlier for the sake of having an affair with another woman. She decides to finally confront him but the story he tells about their family is entirely different from the one told by her mother, which had shaped her entire childhood. In the book’s finale Julia Onken allows an apparently cohesive body of truths to crumble piece by piece. At the end of this emotional mystery novel there stands a woman who is able to make peace with the nightmares of her youth and can finally look to the future with a sense of freedom. Julia Onken holds an advanced degree in psychology and psychotherapy. She is director of the Frauenseminar Bodensee (Bodensee Women’s Seminar), a teacher at the adult education level and the author of many books. 144 pages, EUR 9.90 Paperbacks C.H.BECK 37

Other available books by Julia Onken:

Altweibersommer Ein Bericht über die Zeit nach den Wechseljahren Indian Summer A Report on the Post-Menopausal Years 184 pages, EUR 9.90 sche reihe l Feuerzeichenfrau Ein Bericht über die Wechseljahre Fire Sign Woman

A Report on Menopause beck 207 pages, EUR 9.90

Geliehenes Glück Ein Bericht aus dem Liebesalltag Happiness on Loan A Report on Everyday Love 222 pages, EUR 9.90 Vatermänner Ein Bericht über die Vater-Tochter-Beziehung und ihren Einfluß auf die Partnerschaft Fathers and Men A Report on Father-Daughter Relationships and How They Influence Partnerships 205 pages, EUR 9.90

Wenn Du mich wirklich liebst Die häufigsten Beziehungsfallen und wie wir sie vermeiden If You Really Love Me The Most Common Relationship Traps and How to Avoid Them 212 pages, EUR 9.90 Paperbacks Eigentlich ist alles schief gelaufen Mein Weg zum Glück Actually, Everything Went Wrong My Road to Happiness 213 pages, EUR 9.90

Julia and Maya Onken Hilfe, ich bin eine emanzipierte Mutter Ein Streitgespräch zwischen Mutter und Tochter Help, I’m an Emancipated Mother! An Argument between a Mother and Daughter 236 pages, EUR 9.90 38 C.H.BECK Hanno D. Schmidt, MD Gesund leben – eigentlich einfach Was man beachten sollte, um gesund zu bleiben und sich vor vermeidbaren Krankheiten zu schützen Leading a Healthy Life – It’s Actually Simple sche reihe l What You Need to Know to Stay Healthy and Guard against

beck Preventable Disease Far too many people are still succumbing to preventable diseases which they could have warded off by slightly changing their lifestyles. In fact, “leading a healthy life” is actually not difficult. The main thing is to practice a fundamentally healthy lifestyle and in due course to take a few measures which have proven beneficial for promoting and maintaining health. This book contains a clearly arranged outline of everything a healthy person should take into account to reach old age in good health. Its goal is as demanding as it is simple: to inform all of its readers, regardless of educational background, as intelligibly and comprehensively as possible what they can do and need to bear in mind to maintain their health. Hanno D. Schmidt, MD, was a professor at the University of Berlin and currently holds a guest professorship at the Institute of Physiology at Berlin Charité University Hospital. 320 pages, EUR 14.90 Paperbacks C.H.BECK 39

Herrad Schenk Der Altersangst-Komplex Auf dem Weg zu einem neuen Selbstbewusstsein sche reihe The Fear-of-Aging Complex l Taking Steps toward New

Self-Confidence beck Today, “60 plus” implies an entirely different perspective on life than even 20 or 30 years ago. This book lays out the enormous opportunities during a phase of life that now lasts longer than childhood and adolescence combined. Growing older poses no great threat or danger for our society; aging could be the great adventure of our future, for individuals as well as society overall. “Anyone reading these easily understandable, personal reflections on growing older will recognize new horizons.” Tages-Anzeiger Herrad Schenk was born in 1948 and has been an independent writer (nonfiction and novels) since 1980. She has received numerous prizes and awards and has held P.E.N.membership since 1989. C. H. Beck published her “Das Haus, das Glück und der Tod” (The House, Happiness, and Death”: 1999),“Glück und Schicksal.Wie planbar ist unser Leben?” (“Happiness and Destiny. How Plannable Is Our Life?”: 2000) and “Wie in einem uferlosen Strom. Das Leben meiner Eltern” (“As If in a Boundless River.The Life of My Parents”: 2002) among others. 240 pp., hardcover, EUR 9.90 Paperbacks 40 C.H.BECK

Claudia Quaiser-Pohl Barbara Reichle sche reihe l Kinder, Küche, Konferenzen oder Die Kunst des Jonglierens

beck Kids, Kitchen and Conferences Or, The Art of Juggling Every third woman in Germany will remain childless. Among college graduates almost every other woman will not bear a child. It is a long-established fact that this phenomenon is related to the diffi- culty of combining family and career. Yet there are many women who want both, children as well as a career. The examples in this book show that the situation is not hopeless. They provide answers to questions that concern most working mothers: How do I organize daily life and child care? How do I integrate my partner into the family organization? How do I keep a cool head during the small mishaps that happen on a daily basis? But also questions such as: When is the right time to have a first, second or even third child? How do I manage working hours that are not exactly family- friendly and the mobility a profession requires? And above all: Amidst all of the hustle and bustle how do I still find time for myself and my partner? Barbara Reichle is a fully qualified secondary school teacher and holds an advanced degree in psychology. She is the mother of two children and professor (chair for developmental and educational psychology) at the University of Education in Lud- wigsburg. Claudia Quaiser-Pohl is a psychologist and

Paperbacks physician. She is the mother of two children and professor of educational psychology at the University of Siegen. C. H. Beck published her “Warum Frauen glauben, sie könnten nicht einpar- ken – und Männer ihnen Recht geben. Über Schwä- chen, die gar keine sind.” (“Why Women Believe That They Can’t Park a Car – And Why Men Agree with Them. On Weaknesses That Don’t Really Exist”: 2005, together with Kirsten Jordan). 192 pages, EUR 9.90 C.H.BECK 41

Annika Fechner Hungrige Zeiten sche reihe

Über Leben mit Magersucht und Bulimie l Hungry Times

Living with Anorexia and Bulimia beck Annika Fechner forcefully relates the inner conflict, mental chaos, suffering and disastrous compulsions that plague those who suffer from eating disorders. Not even the shameful aspects of the disturbances are sidestepped. The author’s desire to give an account of what it means to live with an eating disorder is palpable in every line. As one reads, one comes to understand that the world of eating disorders is a universe to itself with its own rules, values and priorities. They have little in common with those of the “normal” world – which explains why this world is so utterly inaccessible for the victims’ friends and family. This book presents a vivid, inside view of a disconcerting world and uses graphic imagery to translate the feelings of the afflicted into the language of those who are healthy. Annika Fechner renders the alien world of eating disorders comprehensible. Annika Fechner is a student. She lives in a south German university town. 304 pages, EUR 12.90 Paperbacks 42 C.H.BECK

Reinmar du Bois Kinderängste Erkennen – Verstehen – Helfen 4. neu überarbeitete Auflage sche reihe l Childhood Fears Recognizing – Understanding – Helping

beck 4th revised edition Children are often afraid, but parents frequently do not understand the origins of the fears that cause their offspring many a tormented hour. The symptoms of children’s fears can be followed through all stages of development: screaming fits and stranger anxiety in infants, separation anxiety and sleep disturbances in young children, and during puberty the fear of aggression, one’s own or that of others, fear of pain, and anxiety in school. Reinmar du Bois draws on case material to illustrate the various manifestations of childhood anxiety. He shows ways that parents can help their children cope with the feeling of fear and not be overwhelmed by it. An important advice book for parents and child care workers. Reinmar du Bois is professor of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Tübingen. He is director of a psychiatric clinic for children and adolescents in Stuttgart. 4th newly revised edition, 240 pages, EUR 12.90 Paperbacks C.H.BECK 43

Ursula Spuler-Stegemann sche reihe

Die 101 wichtigsten Fragen: Islam l The 101 Most Important

Questions: Islam beck What are the “five pillars” of Islam? What role do Jesus and Mary play in Islam? Which translations of the Koran can be recommended? How do Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan? Is the headscarf a religious obligation? How do I conduct myself in a mosque? Does Islam condone terror? Islamic scholar Ursula Spuler-Stegemann supplies knowledgeable and easily understandable answers to these and other questions. The book contains very simple questions which in part defy easy answers, as well as difficult questions with surprisingly simple ones. The questions and answers are arranged by topic such as “The Origins of Islam,” “Central Tenets of the Faith,” “The Koran,” “The Mosque,” “Everyday Life” and “Islam in Germany.” In sum, an equally comprehensive and entertaining introduction to Islam. Ursula Spuler-Stegemann is professor of religious studies at the University of Marburg. She became known to a wider audience through her standard work “Muslime in Deutschland” (“Muslims in Germany”: 2002). Most recently she served as editor for a book entitled “Feindbild Christentum im Islam” (“The Concept of Christianity As the Enemy in Islam”: 2004). 160 pages, EUR 9.90 Paperbacks 44 C.H.BECK

Gero von Wilpert sche reihe

l Die 101 wichtigsten Fragen: Goethe The 101 Most Important

beck Questions: Goethe March 22, 2007, marks the 175th anniversary of Goethe’s death. Did Goethe speak German or Hessian? Which foreign languages did he speak, and how well? How much did Goethe earn? Did he actually pay taxes? Did he exploit Eckermann? What did Goethe have against eyeglasses? Was he a smoker? Did he drink and, if so, how much? Was he a good husband? What was the story with Frau von Stein? Was Goethe a Freemason? Was he superstitious? Did Goethe have a sense of humor? How tall was he? Was he slender or corpulent? What is an Erl-king? Who was Herr Iste? What were Goethe’s last words? Gero von Wilpert, one of the leading authorities on Goethe, provides serious answers (with the wink of an eye) to these and many other questions. Gero von Wilpert was born in Dorpat, Estonia. He worked as a publishing house editor in Stutt- gart, was a professor of German literature in Syd- ney, and is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. He has authored numerous books including “Sachwörterbuch der Literatur” (“Dictionary of Literature”: 2001) and the monumental “Goethe-Lexikon” (“Goethe Dictionary”: 1998). C. H. Beck published his “Deutschbaltische Literaturgeschichte” (“History of German-Baltic Literature”: 2005). 160 pages, EUR 9.90 Paperbacks C.H.BECK 45

Hans-Ulrich Wehler sche reihe l Notizen zur deutschen Geschichte

Notes on German History beck “… naturally, that’s what makes reading him fun. He’s unfair, contradictory and overly sophisticated, but also witty, stylish, fluid, and always intellectually stimulating.” Richard J. Evans on essayist Hans-Ulrich Wehler, die tageszeitung From the debate on Götz Alys’s book about “Hitlers Volksstaat” (“Hitler’s Volk-State”) to the question of Turkey’s accession to the EU, Hans-Ulrich Wehler’s remarks on current events attract attention and are publicly discussed. This volume collects his scholarly and journalistic pieces from recent years, thereby providing the reader with an opportunity to become more closely acquainted with the positions of this always stimulating and sometimes disquieting historian. Hans-Ulrich Wehler is professor emeritus of history at the University of Bielefeld. His main work,“Deutsche Gesellschaftsgeschichte” (“Social History of Germany”) (4 vols. to date) already enjoys a reputation as one of the great historical works of our time. Most recently C. H. Beck published his “Eine lebhafte Kampfsituation” (“A Lively Conflict Situation”: 2006). 280 pages, EUR 14.90 Paperbacks 46 C.H.BECK

Dieter Nohlen and Florian Grotz, editors sche reihe

l Kleines Lexikon der Politik Concise Dictionary of

beck Politics This “concise” but nevertheless comprehensive dictionary of politics addresses a wide range of users. Every reader who deals with politics professionally and the politically-interested individual alike will value this compact and reliable reference work. More than 270 articles present information on central political concepts, political institutions and processes, ideologies and theories, and all important political areas of domestic and foreign policy. In addition, keywords such as globalization, global governance, new wars, etc. take the latest developments into account. Dieter Nohlen was born in 1939. From 1974 – 2005 he was professor of political science at the University of Heidelberg. Florian Grotz, PhD, was born in 1971. He is an assistant professor at the Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science at the Free University of Berlin. 4th completely revised edition, 640 pages, EUR 16.90 Paperbacks C.H.BECK 47

Wolf D. Gruner Wichard Woyke Europa-Lexikon sche reihe

Länder – Politik – Institutionen l Dictionary of Europe

Countries – Politics – Institutions beck This comprehensive dictionary of Europe conveys an overview of historical-political relationships and developments throughout all of Europe. Summary articles explain the background and origins of the idea of European unity. In the process the book raises the question of Europe’s boundaries and supplies background information on Europe’s political, legal, economic and social order. Articles which are organized by region offer a surfeit of information on individual European countries, which is augmented by short articles on the most important European institutions and political arenas. An indispensable reference work for all who are interested in politics and would like to acquire a well-founded overview of Europe’s past, present, and perspectives for the future. Wolf D. Gruner is professor of European history and holds the Jean Monnet Chair for European Integration History and European Studies at the University of Rostock. Wichard Woyke is professor of political science at the University of Münster. 505 pages, EUR 19.90 Paperbacks 48 C.H.BECK

Klaus von Beyme Föderalismus und regionales Bewusstsein Ein internationaler Vergleich sche reihe l Federalism and Regional Awareness

beck An International Comparison In this book Klaus von Beyme draws up a balance sheet on the democratic federal systems of the Western world. His point of departure is the theory that federalism must not be understood solely as the legal distribution of state and national competencies. Rather, it involves the growing importance of national minorities and regional awareness, which are occasionally fanned by militant identity politics and shift the inner balance of federal states, even within the European Union. But Klaus von Beyme also compares the economic and social successes of federal states with those of centralized countries, and federalism does not always come off well. Klaus von Beyme is professor emeritus of political science at the University of Heidelberg. C. H. Beck published his “Das Zeitalter der Avant- garden” (“The Age of Avant-Gardes”: 2006). 256 pages, EUR 14.90 Paperbacks C.H.BECK 49

Ludger Heidbrink and Harald Welzer, editors Das Ende der Bescheidenheit Zur Verbesserung der Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften sche reihe The End of Modesty l On Improving the Humanities and

Cultural Sciences beck It is an established fact: in light of the fundamental changes underway in society today the critical competence of the humanities and cultural sciences is more indispensable than ever. Their accomplishments can and must be advanced with substantially greater determination. Thus, this volume also takes a critical look at its own disciplines and adopts a new tone. All of the authors are mid-career scholars in the humanities and cultural sciences standing in the midst of life. They are proclaiming the end of intellectual, political and definitory modesty and formulating central criteria for gearing the cultural sciences to current social problem areas. With articles by Josef Früchtl, Petra Gehring, Michael Jeismann, Albrecht Koschorke, Michael Pauen, Claudia Schmölders, Wolfgang Ullrich, Barbara Vinken, Cornelia Vismann, Elisabeth von Thadden, Uwe Justus Wenzel and others. Ludger Heidbrink is a philosopher and cultural scientist, director of the “Kulturen der Verantwor- tung” (Cultures of Responsibility) research group at the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut (Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities) in Essen, and a private lecturer in philosophy at the University of Kiel. Harald Welzer is a social psychologist and sociologist, director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Memory Research in Essen, and a research professor in social psychology at Witten/Herdecke University. Paperbacks 200 pages, EUR 12.90 50 C.H.BECK

Gil Yaron Jerusalem sche reihe

l Ein historisch-politischer Stadtführer Jerusalem

beck An Historical-Political City Guide “This book offers a solid foundation for better understanding the roots of the continuing tensions between Orient and Occident.” Dr. Harald Kindermann, German Ambassador to Israel No city in the world is as hotly contested as Jerusalem. It is the cradle of both Judaism and Christianity, and sacred to Muslims as well. World empires and religions have been fighting bitterly for supremacy in Jerusalem for thousands of years. Today, the dispute over the “Holy City” is increasingly shaping the Near East conflict between Palestinians and Israelis. In this “historical political city guide” Gil Yaron traces the city back to its origins and describes its historical significance through the eyes of the three world religions. He recounts the course of the Near East conflict between Jews and Muslims since the 19th century and explains why both sides continue to fight against each other so vehemently to the present day. Simultaneously, Yaron’s book is an invitation to all who wish to study Jerusalem’s history and present situation and discover this unique city for themselves. Dr. Gil Yaron, physician and journalist, was born in Haifa, Israel, spent his youth in Germany, attended universities in Israel and the USA, and today is the Near East correspondent for numerous German- language newspapers, radio and television stations. He runs the website www.info-middle-east.com. 224 pages, 50 illustrations, EUR 12.90 Paperbacks C.H.BECK 51

Kocku von Stuckrad Geschichte der Astrologie sche reihe

Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart l History of Astrology

From Earliest Times to the Present beck “Von Stuckrad has masterfully outlined the nearly 3,000-year history of astrology and thereby… set new standards for the cultural-historical analysis of astrology.” Helmut Zander, Neue Zürcher Zeitung This brilliantly written book outlines astrology’s long road from the earliest beginnings of astronomical thought in the ancient Orient to the psychological astrology of contemporary times. It outlines the basics of horoscope preparation, traces the origins of the zodiac signs and explains the role astrology plays in various philosophical systems, the great religions, politics and everyday life. A must for anyone interested in the secrets of reading the stars. “What makes astrology exciting is its prominent role in European culture, which is what the copious material in this eminently readable book is all about.” Manuela Lenzen, Literaturen “This sensitive book … is a good introduction to the history of an age-old cultural technique and provides insight into the astrological mentality.” Burkhard Reitz, Süddeutsche Zeitung Kocku von Stuckrad teaches at the Institute for the History of Hermetic Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. Previously he was a professor of religious studies at the University of Bayreuth. C. H. Beck published his “Was ist Esoterik?” (“What is Esotericism?”: 2004) among other titles. 413 pages, 12 illustrations, EUR 14.90 Paperbacks English translation rights sold to Equinox, Spanish translation rights sold to Editorial Herder, Portuguese translatin rights sold to Editora Globo and Italian translation rights sold to Mondadori. 52 lsche C.H. Paperbacks beckreihe BECK christlicher Kunst Die vergesseneBildersprache Heinrich andMargarethe Schmidt biblical sources. angels andMaryherselfinChristianart.Itdetailstheirsymbolismrevealsancient and descriptivelywrittenbookguidesreadersthroughthemany-faceteddepictionsofanimals, enclosed garden?Andwhoaretheangelswithfourwingsandheads?Thisknowledgeable What doesthepelicanstandforinChristianart?WhydowesooftenencounterMaryan Doris Schmidt,SüddeutscheZeitung greater amountofmorehelpfulinformationforunderstandingmedievaltheologyandiconography.” “There isprobablynootherbookonChristiansymbolisminsuchacompactformatthatpresents Mariensymbolik Ein FührerzumVerständnis derTier-, Engel-und Editrice Italian translationrightssoldtoCittàNuova Angel andMarianSymbolism A GuidetoUnderstandingAnimal, of ChristianArt The ForgottenIconography travel guidefor many years. Together withMargarethe Schmidthewasafineart and haspublishedwidely ontheological questions. Heinrich Schmidt was apastorandtheologian 3 ae,8 lutain,EUR 14.90 89illustrations, pages, 337 C.H.BECK 53

Alexander Demandt sche reihe

Das Privatleben der römischen Kaiser l The Private Lives of the

Roman Emperors beck “Plenty of pep and pleasure in the buzz and gossip of ancient times.” Der Spiegel “The notable thing about a prominent position is that in the long run nothing can be kept secret. Thus, the doors open not only to the emperors’ living quarters but also to their bedrooms, their most intimate chambers, bringing all of their secrets before the public eye.” These are the opening words of Pliny the Younger’s account of the marital life of Trajan, and indeed, Alexander Demandt’s research into the private lives of the Roman emperors leaves no secret untold. “The Private Lives of the Roman Emperors” introduces a segment of ruling-class life in ancient Rome that has never received a comprehensive historical treatment to date. Until his retirement Alexander Demandt taught at the University of Berlin. In the spring of 2007 C. H. Beck will publish a 2nd, completely revised hardcover edition of his “Die Spätantike. Römische Geschichte von Diocletian bis Justinian. 284 – 565 n.Chr” (“Late Antiquity. Roman History from Diocletian to Justinian. 284 – 565 AD”). 308 pages, 28 illustrations, EUR 14.90

Polish translation rights sold to: Wydawnictwo “Uraeus” Paperbacks 54 C.H.BECK

Volker Reinhardt Der unheimliche Papst sche reihe

l Alexander VI. Borgia 1431 – 1503 The Terrible Pope

beck Alexander VI Borgia, 1431 – 1503 “A Vatican Crime Novel.” Christian Schröder, Der Tagesspiegel The permissive and unscrupulous life and rulership style of Pope Alexander VI (1431 – 1503) continues to be the stuff of legend, novels and films to our day. Volker Reinhardt has written a descriptive tale of how Rodrigo Borgia, a cavalier who enjoyed the favor of women, rose to become a pope of absolute power. Aside from all legend, the author points out the unique and terrifying aspects of his ascent to power, his reign and his personality. “Volker Reinhardt fastidiously traces the highly complex history of Alexander VI. The art of the author’s narrative rests on his superior knowledge of the material … but above all in his masterful command of language.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung “Quite possibly the most objective biographical portrait of this Pope to date.” Hansjakob Stehle, Die Zeit Volker Reinhardt was born in 1954 and is professor of modern history at the University of Fribourg. C. H. Beck published his “Geschichte Italiens” (“History of Italy”: 2006),“Die Renaissance in Italien” (“The Renaissance in Italy”: 2006) and “Geschichte der Schweiz” (“History of ”: 2006) among others. 277 pages, 12 illustrations, 1 genealogical tree and 1 map, EUR 12.90 Paperbacks C.H.BECK 55

Stefan Rebenich Theodor Mommsen sche reihe

Eine Biographie l Theodor Mommsen

A Biography beck “A successful example of how the biography of a scholar can be written as an exciting, enjoyable contribution to the cultural history of the German bourgeoisie.” Wilfried Nippel, Literaturen In this impressive biography of Theodor Mommsen, Stefan Rebenich demonstrates that Mommsen’s importance cannot be reduced to his scholarly research on the ancient world. The author recalls the eminently political Mommsen who, as a young professor of Roman law, was fired for his involvement with the revolution of 1848, a man who was subsequently elected to the German Reichstag on the liberal ticket and, based on his democratic, liberal philosophy, positioned himself in opposition to Bismarck. In spite of presenting an abundance of factual information, the author deserves special credit for never losing sight of Mommsen’s personality in any part of the book. The reader can enjoy a genuine biography in the true sense of the word. Stefan Rebenich is professor of ancient history at the university of Berne.Various Publications. 272 pages, 21 illustrations, EUR 14.90 Paperbacks 56 C.H.BECK sche reihe l Alessandro Pinzani

beck Jürgen Habermas Jürgen Habermas numbers among the defining and internationally most significant figures of contemporary German philosophy. From his early days in the Frankfurt School he has remained an authoritative voice in numerous intellectual and political discussions ranging from the positivism dispute and the debate on postmodernism to the current discussion of eugenics. In his “Theory of Communicative Action” he formulated one of the most important concepts of modern ethics. Alessandro Pinzani’s introductory overview traces the philosophical development of this world famous thinker and interprets the central works of his many-sided oeuvre. Alessandro Pinzani is professor of ethics and political philosophy at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina in Florianópolis, Brazil, and a member of the Forschungsstelle für politische Philosophie (Research Centre for Political Philosophy) at the University of Tübingen. 232 pages, 4 illustrations, EUR 14.90 Paperbacks


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