The Acadian Orogeny: Recent Studies in New England, Maritime Canada, and the Autochthonous Foreland
Index [Italic page numbers indicate major references] Benner Hill belt, 8,9, 17 accretion, 20, 28, 67, 68, 69, 85 Assemetquagan River area, 111 bentonite beds, 111 Cambrian, 72 Atlantic Realm, 45 Berwick Formation, 11, 52 Caradocian, 72 Atrypa reticularis, 48 Berwick quadrangle, 60 timing, 33 Avalon, 35 Bethlehem pluton, 15 Ackley batholith, 129 Avalon belt, 8, 11,77 Big Berry Mountains syncline, 116 alcids, 42 Avalon block, 19, 78, 80, 126, 130 Bigelow Brook fault complex, 10 Alleghenian Plateau province, 154 Avalon Composite Terrane, 44 Billings Fold, 56 Allegheny County, Maryland, 160 Avalon crust, 11 biogeography allochthons, 136, 148 Avalon island arc, 17 analysis, 43 Allsbury Formation, 75 Avalon superterrane, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 Cambrian, 41, 44, 47 Alto allochthon, 14 Avalon terrane, 20, 28 Carboniferous, 41, 44, 47 Alton quadrangle, 56, 58, 60 Avalon Zone, 15, 102, 126, 128, 129, bioherms, 109 American Cordillera, 67 130, 148 biostromes, 109 Amity quadrangle, 75 Awantjish Formation, 110 biotite, 58, 129, 139, 146, 148 amphibolites, 9, 106, 129 Aylmer Pluton, 95 Black-Cape Volcanics, 109 andalusites, 63,64, 129 blocks, 20, 35,67, 78, 130, 131 Angers-Dugal Outcrop Belt, 110 backfolds, 64 basement, 78 Angola member, 157 Badger Bay area, 32 continental, 32 Annapolis Valley region, 48 Baie Verte, 130 Blue Hills Nappe, 60 Annieopsquotch Complex, 36 Baie Verte-Brompton Line, 28, 86, 87, Blue Ridge, 14 Anse Cascon Formation, 109 106,117,136 Ansea Pierre-Loiselle Formation, 109 Baie Verte Flexure, 128 Bonaventure Formation, 109 anticlines, 141 Baie Verte Peninsula, 128, 129, 139, Bonnie Bay region, 144 anticlinoria, 8, 51 146 Boston area, 44 Antigonish County, 44, 45 Bailiella, 44 Boston Avalon block, 11 Appalachian basin, 154 Balmoral Group, 118 Boston Basin, 28 autochthonous, 153 Baltic Realm, 44, 47 Boston terrane, 19 Appalachian-Caledonian orogen, 28, faunas, 45 Botwood Group, 32, 34.
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