Human Spaceflight in Social Media: Promoting Space Exploration Through Twitter
Human Spaceflight in Social Media: Promoting Space Exploration Through Twitter Pierre J. Bertrand,1 Savannah L. Niles,2 and Dava J. Newman1,3 turn back now would be to deny our history, our capabilities,’’ said James Michener.1 The aerospace industry has successfully 1 Man-Vehicle Laboratory, Department of Aeronautics and Astro- commercialized Earth applications for space technologies, but nautics; 2Media Lab, Department of Media Arts and Sciences; and 3 human space exploration seems to lack support from both fi- Department of Engineering Systems, Massachusetts Institute of nancial and human public interest perspectives. Space agencies Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. no longer enjoy the political support and public enthusiasm that historically drove the human spaceflight programs. If one uses ABSTRACT constant year dollars, the $16B National Aeronautics and While space-based technologies for Earth applications are flourish- Space Administration (NASA) budget dedicated for human ing, space exploration activities suffer from a lack of public aware- spaceflight in the Apollo era has fallen to $7.9B in 2014, of ness as well as decreasing budgets. However, space exploration which 41% is dedicated to operations covering the Internati- benefits are numerous and include significant science, technological onal Space Station (ISS), the Space Launch System (SLS) and development, socioeconomic benefits, education, and leadership Orion, and commercial crew programs.2 The European Space contributions. Recent robotic exploration missions have
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