囊谦自然观察手册 Nangqen Nature Watch Guidebook 目录 物种目录 List of species Table of content 兽类 棕背黑头鸫 Kessler’s Thrush 43

喜马拉雅旱獭 Himalayan Marmot 22 花彩雀莺 White-browed Tit Warbler 44 三江源 Buff throated Monal 川西鼠兔 Glover’s pika 23 黄喉雉鹑 45 Sanjiangyuan /6 Partridge 高原兔 Woolly Hare 24 白马鸡 White Eared Pheasant 46 囊谦自然观察节 香鼬 Mountain 25 高原山鹑 Tibetan Partridge 47 Nangqen Nature Watch Festival /12 白唇鹿 White-Lipped Deer 26 藏雪鸡 Tibetan Snowcock 48

活动主办 岩羊 Blue Sheep 27 黑啄木鸟 Black Woodpecker 49 Organizers /18 猕猴 Rhesus Macaque 28 灰背伯劳 Grey-backed Shrike 50

兽类 猞猁 Lynx 29 华西柳莺 Alpine Leaf Warbler 51 Mammals /22 马麝 Alpine Musk Deer 30 白斑翅拟蜡嘴雀 White-winged Grosebeak 52

鸟类 赤狐 Red 31 白眉朱雀 White-browedRosefinch 53 /38 藏狐 Tibetan Fox 32 白眉山雀 White-browed Tit 54

中华鬣羚 Chinese Serow 33 蓝额红尾鸲 Blue-fronted Redstart 55 植物 Plants /62 棕熊 Brown Bear 34 河乌 White-throated Dipper 56 金钱豹 Leopard 35 锈胸蓝姬鹟 Slaty-backed Flycatcher 57 2017 自然观察节所见物种目录 鸟类 Birds 植物 Plants All species observed during the Nature Watch Festival in 2017 /66 高山兀鹫 Himalayan Vulture 38 梭砂贝母 Fritillaria delavayi 60

作者名录 胡兀鹫 Lammergeir 39 星叶草 Circaeaster agristis Maxim 61 Authors /80 金雕 Golden Eagle 40 垫狀点地梅 Androsace tapete 62

鸣谢 藏鹀 Tibetan 41 水母雪兔子 Saussura medusa 63 Acknowledgement /81 棕草鹛 Tibetan Babax 42 三江源 Sanjiangyuan

澜沧江 山谷中蜿蜒的路 A road through the valley 6 7

三江源 Sanjiangyuan

三江源位于青海省东南部,地处青藏高原腹地,面积达 36 万平方 公里。

Covering an area of 360,000 km2, Sanjiangyuan (Chinese: 三江源 , literally: "Source of Three Rivers") lies in the heart of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, in the southern and eastern parts of Qinghai Province.

▲ 澜沧江 The Lancang River

三江源区域为长江、黄河、澜沧江(中国境外称湄公河)这三条大 江的发源地,被誉为亚洲水塔。世界上约 40% 的人口受河水哺育, 赖以生存。

Often described as the “Water Tower” of Asia, Sanjiangyuan contains the headwaters of three of Asia’s largest rivers: Yangtze River, Yellow River and Mekong River. Around 40 percent of the world's population depends on, or is influenced by, these rivers. ▲ 三江源地图 Map of Sanjiangyuan area 8 9

Sanjiangyuan has one of the most important grazing ecosystems in the 三江源地区拥有世界上最重要的高山草场生态系统和独特的生物类 world with a unique combination of fauna and flora. In particular, these 群,为许多珍稀、濒危动物提供了少有干扰的栖息地。例如,三江 ecosystems provide shelters for many rare and endemic species. For 源是世界上最神秘的猫科动物雪豹的最大连片栖息地,同时也是许 instance, it provides the largest extent of habitat for the world’s most 多其他濒危动物如野牦牛、藏野驴、藏羚羊的关键栖息地。 mysterious feline, the snow leopard as well as critical habitat for other endangered species such as the Wild Yak, Tibetan Wild Ass, and the Tibetan antelopes.

囊谦尕尔寺峡谷 Valley of Nangqen Ga’Er Monastery 囊谦自然观察节 Nangqen Nature Watch Festival

自然中人 Man in nature 12 13

囊谦自然观察节 除此以外 , 千百年来囊谦人与自然构建了和谐的共存关系,囊谦境 内分布的 100 多座藏传佛教寺庙,使其成为中国寺庙密度最高的区 域,在国内享有盛誉,是青海民族团结创建的示范区域,也是青海 Nangqen Nature Watch Festival 向世界展示藏区治理的重要高地。

In Nangqen, man have nature have co-existed in harmony for thousands of years. Testament to this is the area’s feature of more than 100 Buddhist temples, giving the Nangqen the densest distribution of Buddhist temples throughout the whole of China. As a result, the Nangqen enjoys a very 囊谦地处青藏高原东部,青海省南部,南接横断山脉,北临青藏高 positive reputation across China as an area highlighting the richness of Qinghai 原高原主体,境内大小山脉纵横交错,峰峦重叠。 province, its people and unity. However, the importance of Nangqen goes further than China’s borders, for it is a symbol to the world of the Qinghai Nangqen is located in the East part of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, in the South people’s ability to harness nature and make the Tibetan highlands integral to of Qinghai Province, connecting to the Southern tip of the Hengduan mountain their lives. range. The North of Nangqen looks out onto the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, and these changes in elevation are a key feature of the area, as it crisscrosses over the crisscrossing peaks and troughs.

作为青藏高原向横断山的过渡地带,特殊的生态区位,囊谦拥有着 特殊的生态区位 , 不仅分布有金钱豹、雪豹、豺等珍稀动物,其境 内的棕草鹛和藏鹀也让其成为国际知名的观鸟胜地,每年吸引大量 的国内外自然爱好者前往观鸟,具有极大的市场潜力。

Nangqen is seen as the point where the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau transitions into the Hengduan mountains, making it a location with many interesting and individual ecological features. The Nangqen area is home to many rare species, including the Snow Leopard. Moreover, the area’s Tibetan Babax and Tibetan Bunting populations make it a popular -watching spot. The area is not only ecologically rich, but also highly marketable, since its flora and fauna attract large numbers of both foreign and domestic tourists every year.

▲ 眺望尕尔寺 Contemplating Ga’Er monastery 14 15

本手册的大部分内容来源于囊谦县人民政府、山水自然保护中心和 In 2017, the Nangqen County People’s Government, Shanshui 北京大学自然保护与社会发展研究中心联合发起的”2017 年囊谦 Conservation Center and Peking University Conservation and Social 国际自然观察节”。这次自然观察节邀请自然科学爱好者以公民科 Development Research Center collectively launched the “2017 Nangqen 学家的形式,在尕尔寺大峡谷区域内以兽类、鸟类和植物为主题, International Nature Festival”. The intention of this guidebook is not only 开展了为期四天的自然观察活动。依托于本次活动,在增加囊谦自 to highlight the success of this first event, but to also serve as a guide to 然体验知名度的同时,我们希望制订该区域的自然体验规划,从而 the local area for further activities of a similar nature. We hope that it will 推动以社区为主体的自然体验发展模式。 serve as an invaluable resource for future natural science enthusiasts as they embark on their own quests as ‘citizen scientists’ within the Ga’Er Temple area and Nangqen Gorge.

▲ 2017 年囊谦国际自然观察节”吉祥物 ▲ “2017 年囊谦国际自然观察节”开幕式合影 The mascot of the 2017 Nangqen International Nature Opening ceremony of the “2017 Nangqen International Festival Nature Festival.” 活动主办 Organizers

山谷 Valley 18 19

活动主办 Organizers 北京山水自然保护中心 Beijing Shanshui Natural Conservation Center

山水自然保护中心成立于 2007 年,是一家中国本土的民间自然保 护机构,致力于生物多样性保护,在中国西南和三江源地区有多年 的生物多样性保护和社区工作经验。

囊谦县人民政府 Established in 2007, Beijing Shanshui Natural Conservation Center is a Nangqen Country People’s Government Chinese NGO dedicated to environmental protection. Shanshui has many years of experience in bio-diversity conservation and community action 玉树州囊谦县位于澜沧江源头,是澜沧江流域最为重要的水源涵养 work in the Sanjiangyuan area and Southwest China. 区之一,作为青藏高原向横断山的过渡地带,囊谦以其丰富且独特 的生物多样性资源和悠久的传统文化,闻名于世。

Yushu County is located at the source of the Lancang River. As a result, it is one of the most important water conservation areas in the Lancang River Basin. Seen as the point where the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau morphs into the Hengduan Mountains, Nangqen is known for its long traditions and rich bio- diversity. 北京大学自然保护与社会发展研究中心 Peking University Center for Conservation and Social Development Research

于 2008 年成立,北京大学自然保护与社会发展研究中心致力于推 2017 年囊谦国际自然观察节开幕式 中共囊谦县委书记张琨明致词 动中国自然保护与可持续发展的政策研究、经验推广和领导力培养, Secretary Zhang Kunming 为全球可持续发展创造具有中国特色的范例。 speaking at the opening ceremony of 2017 Nangqen Established in 2008, the Center promotes Chinese environmental International Nature Festival protection and sustainable development policy analysis. Their aim is spread their experiences in conservation and environmental policy for the sake of global sustainable development, with the hope that the world will be able to learn from China’s example. 兽类 Mammals

眺望尕尔寺 Contemplating Ga' Er monastery 22 23

兽 类 喜马拉雅旱獭 Himalayan Marmot 川西鼠兔 Glover’s pika 兽 类 Marmota himalayana Ochotona gloveri Mammals Mammals 大型啮齿类动物,栖息于海拔 3500 〜 5200 米的 The Himalyan Marmot is a large rodent which lives on 中等体型的鼠兔,栖息于海拔 3500 〜 4200 米的 The Glover’s Pika is a medium sized variant of the Pika, 高原草甸,集小群,挖洞穴居。白昼活动,活动 the grassland plateau, 3500 〜 5200 meters above sea- 岩石堆和流石滩生境,在岩石缝隙中栖身。具有 and can be found amongst the rock p iles at an altitude 范围以洞口为中心,取食草本植物。长于洞口处 level. They can often be found in small groups burrowed 储藏干草堆的习性。 of 3500 ~ 4200 meters. Between the rocks, the Pika 直立,瞭望警戒,并以叫声报警。冬季入洞冬眠, into the turf. During the daytime, activities center characteristically forages and makes hay stacks. 冬眠时间通常为 10 月至次年 4 月。 around their burrows, and comprise of gathering food and plants. Whilst others forage, some watch from the borrows barking warnings and keeping watch. When 1 winter enters the cave, they go into hibernation, which lasts from October through to April. 1

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兽类 高原兔 Woolly Hare 香鼬 Mountain Weasel 兽类 Lepus oiostolus Mustela altaica Mammals Mammals 大型兔类,栖息于海拔 3000 米以上的高山草甸以 The Woolly Hare is a large variant of the rabbit species, 栖息于高原草甸与流石滩,高至海拔 4500 米。白 Inhabiting the grassland plateau and rocky crevices 及高山灌丛生境中,分布最高海拔可达 5300m。 and can be found amongst the fauna of the grassland 昼、夜晚均活跃。身形修长,行动敏捷,善于奔跑。 4500 meters above sea level, the Mountain Weasel is 春季 3-5 月交配季节,雄性行为活跃,常见相互 plateau, more than 3000 meters above sea-level. March 以鼠兔、仓鼠等啮齿动物为主食,亦捕猎鸟类、 constantly active. Its slim and slender body makes the 追随、打斗。 through to May is mating season, when invigorated 两栖类等动物。 Mountain Weasael nimble predator. The Weasel’s prey males can be seen on each other’s heels, looking for a on Pika, Hamsters and other rodents for their dinner! fight. However, they are also not picky, and will also hunt for birds and other amphibious creatures!

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兽类 白唇鹿 White-Lipped Deer 岩羊 Blue Sheep 兽类 Przewalskium albirostris Pseudois nayaur Mammals Mammals 栖息于海拔 3500 〜 5100 米的高山草甸和高山灌丛等开 The White-Lipped Deer can be found 3500 ~5100 栖息于海拔 3500 〜 6000 米的高山草甸和高山祼 The Blue Sheep can be found 3500 ~6000 meters above 阔生境,常常接近林线,为栖息海拔最高的鹿。典型的 meters above sea-level, amongst the alpine scrubs or 岩区域,具有优异的攀爬和跳跃能力,可在陡峭 sea-level grazing in the alpine meadow or amongst the 社会性鹿类,通常集小群活动。发情期为 10-11 月,雄 near the forest line looking out onto the meadows. Of 的地形中自由移动。常集群活动,群内个体可达 crevices of the rocky areas. To live in such a habitat, the 鹿使用双角进行激烈的打斗,以争夺雌鹿。 all the living on the plateau, the deer live at 数百只。岩羊是三江源地区雪豹最主要的猎物。 Blue Sheep must be nimble, and as such has excellent the highest altitude. Typically, the deer can be found climbing and jumping abilities. The sheep collect in interacting in small groups. October to November is flocks, of anywhere up to 100 sheep. Safety lies in mating season, when the male deer will use their horns numbers, as the Blue Sheep is the main prey of the to fight intensely for a mate. Snow Leopards which inhabit Sanjiangyuan.

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兽类 猕猴 Rhesus Macaque 猞猁 Lynx 兽类 Macaca mulatta Lynx lynx Mammals Mammals 生境复杂多样,本区内栖息于高山灌丛及林地。 The Rhesus Macaque occupy a complex and diverse 栖息于森林、灌丛、 草原及高山山地等多种生境 The Lynx can be found amongst many habitats; in 高度社会性,集群生活,通常由健壮雄猴作为首 habitat, amongst the alpine scrub and woodlands. 内,常于岩洞、石缝内栖身,无固定巢穴。主要 the forests, amongst the shrubs, and high up on the 领“猴王”,群内个体间存在大量复杂的社会行为。 The Monkeys have an advanced social order, clustered 捕食高原兔、旱獭、小型有蹄类食草动物、鸟类等。 mountain side. The Lynx has no fixed nest, so instead 食性繁杂。通常春季产仔,每年 1 胎,每胎 1 仔。 around a ‘monkey king’; usually the fittest and strongest 独居,白昼夜晚均活动,尤以晨昏更为活跃。 roams, finding shelter amongst the rock crevices. The male of the troupe. This social structure dictates many Lynx has adapted to roaming by developing a diverse things, including how the monkeys behave as individuals, diet, and will hunt anything from small grassland rabbits, how groups are organized, and feeding habits for to marmots, larger hoofed herbivores and even birds. example. The Lynx is a solitary animal, and can be found at both day and night, but is particularly active at dusk.

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兽类 马麝 Alpine Musk Deer 赤狐 Red Fox 兽类 Moschus chrysogaster Vulpes vulpes Mammals Mammals 栖息于海拔 3000 米以上的高山草甸、高山灌丛、 The plateau is home to various species of deer, and 栖息于森林、灌丛、草原、荒漠等多种生境。体 The Red Fox lives amongst the forest, scrubland, 祼岩等生境。性胆怯,独居,具有固定的家域、 the Alpine Musk Deer can be spotted on the plateau 型最大的狐狸,提倡 50 〜 80 厘米。不同地方及 grasslands and desert, amongst other habitats. It is a 活动路线和排便地点。快速移动时常跳跃前进。 amongst the alpine meadows and scrub plants. The 不同个体间毛色异较大。通常背部毛色棕红或红 typically larger type of fox with a body length of 50- 冬季发情交配。 Alpine Musk Deer is a timid animal, choosing a solitary 褐,体侧淡黄,腹面白色。尾长且蓬松,尾尖白色。 80cm. from different areas will have different life of routine, traversing the same paths and establishing 耳背面黑色或黑褐色。四肢相对藏狐显得细长。 body patterns and shapes. However, usually, the Red Fox a stable home (Its whereabouts can be traced by the 通常独居或成对活动,在废弃的獾洞等洞穴栖身。 will red or at least brown hair upon its back, a lighter, fact it establishes set defecation sites). They’re fast 白昼夜晚均活跃,小型兽类为主要猎物,同时也 yellowish flank, and a white underside. Its tail is long 1 moving, and often use their visually muscular legs to 捕食鸟类、爬行类等其他动物,亦取食浆果和植物。 and fluffy, coming to a white tip. The back of its ears are jump forwards. Mating season is during Winter. back or a dark brown colour, its legs are very slender and of the same colour as the body. Often spotted alone or in pairs, the Foxes will shelter in abandoned caves or holes. They are active both during the day and night-time, hunting for smaller animals and animals to eat. However, they also eat berries and plants.

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兽类 藏狐 Tibetan Fox 中华鬣羚 Chinese Serow 兽类 Vulpes ferrilata Capricornis milneedwardsii Mammals Mammals 栖息于海拔 3000 〜 5200 米的高山草甸、草原、 The Tibetan Fox’s natural habitat is 3000-5200m above 身体结实的偶蹄目食草动物。栖息于高山灌丛、 The Chinese Serow is a sturdy, cleft-hooved . It 荒漠与草灌交接生境。体型矮状的狐狸。背部中 sea-level, amongst a diverse range of habitats: from 针叶林和针阔混交林,多单独活动。成年个体具 can be found amongst the tundra and pine forests. The 央毛色棕黄,体侧毛色银灰。尾蓬松粗壮,尾尖 alpine meadows, grasslands, and on into the dessert. 有固定的活动范围和路线,有在固定地点反复排 Chinese Serow is a predominantly solitary animal. Adult 毛色浅。头大而方,耳朵小,耳背面茶色。以鼠 A variant of the Fox, the Tibetan Fox differs from its 便的习惯。 Chinese Serow are very fixed in their ways, and have 兔和小型啮齿动物为主要猎物,亦捕食高原兔、 relatives by being distinctly shorter. The tone of their characteristically set fixed range of activities and trails. 旱獭、鸟类等猎物。白昼活动为主,通常独居。 coats undulates through various colors. From the nape They also have a havit of defecating in one location, so if of their necks and down their backs, the animal’s fur is this point can be found it can help track them. a light brown color, dissipating into a silvery grey along their flank. Their tales are thick and fluffy, light in color and streamline into a point. Their heads are large and 1 square, their ears are small and a dark brown color. They like to hunt Pika, and other rodents as well as hare, marmot and birds. They are most active during the daytime, but spotting them is complicated by the fact they often live alone. 1

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兽类 棕熊 Brown Bear 金钱豹 Leopard 兽类 Ursus arctos Panthera pardus Mammals Mammals 区内体型最大的食肉动物。体重 125 〜 250 千克。 The region’s biggest carnivorous animal, the Brown Bear 典型的森林动物,主要生活在有森林的山地和丘 Typically, an animal of the forest, the Leopard has a built 身体壮硕,头部巨大,吻部较长。肩部具高耸的 can be anything from 1.25 to 2.5 meters tall! The Brown 陵地带。中型食肉兽类 , 体态似虎但只有虎的 1\3 a life for itself amongst the forests and undulating hills 肌肉,四肢粗壮有力,具发达的长爪,善于挖掘。 Bear has an immensely strong body, and large head 大。豹的体能极强,视觉和嗅觉灵敏异常,性情 of the mountain region. The Leopard is a medium sized 适应能力强,栖息于森林、灌丛、草原、荒漠等 and a long snout. It has broad and muscular shoulders, 机警,既会游泳,又善于爬树。主要捕食斑羚﹑ carnivore, with about 1/3 the size of a tiger. The Leopard 多种生境。杂食性,可捕食大型有蹄类食草动物, strong arms and a long reach. It’s strength makes it good 马鹿﹑猕猴及野猪,但亦会捕猎灵猫,雀鸟,啮 is very physically strong, with a heightened sense of 也常挖旱獭、鼠兔为食。独居,单个个体活动范 at digging. It is comfortable amongst various habitats: 齿动物等。 一般单独居住,夜间或凌晨 . 傍晚出 awareness. Furthermore, it’s a very accomplished 围可长达 2000 平方千米以上,不同个体活动范围 in the forest, tundra, grassland and dessert. Despite its 没 swimmer and tree climbers! The Leopard preys on 之间有较大的重叠。具冬眠习惯,通常从冬季 10 carnivorous appearance, the Brown Bear is actually an Red Deer, Macaque Monkeys, and Wild Boar. However, 月底、11 月初至次年 3 〜 4 月。 omnivore. However, that doesn’t stop it preying on other they are also partial to , birds and other small large mammals which inhabit the area, and they will use mammals. Usually a solitary creature, they are most their digging skills to hunt for marmots and Pika hiding active at night time or in the early morning. underground. An often-solitary creature, the bears 1 roam, sometimes as far as 2000km or more. However, whilst the bears prefer to wander alone, they do tend traverse paths trod by other bears. In Winter, the bears will hibernate, this normally starts in October and lasts March or April the following year.


2 鸟类 Birds

在那儿! Spotted 38 39

高山兀鹫 Himalayan Vulture 胡兀鹫 Lammergeir 鸟类 Gyps himalayensis Gypaetus barbatus 鸟类

营巢于岩壁。多数时候单独盘旋在高原草甸、森 The Himalayan Vulture makes its nest in the rock wall. 多活动于海拔 1000 〜 7000 米的高原和高山祼岩 This smaller can be found flying at an Birds Birds 林和荒漠空中寻找死去的动物尸体,在大型动物 Most of the time the vulture circles above the plateau, 地带。一般单独活动,在天上缓慢飞行,俯视地 altitude of 1000 ~ 7000 meters above the plateau and 尸体旁会大群聚集。在藏区的天葬习俗中扮演了 alone, looking for dying animals or carcasses lying in the 面寻找动物尸体。 mountain rocks. High in the sky, the birds slowly circle in 重要角色。 forest. When one is spotted, the usually solitary birds solitude, scanning the plateau for a carcass on which to will club together and huddle around the carcass. The feast. Vultures play an important role in the Tibetan custom of sky burial.

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金雕 Golden Eagle 藏鹀 Tibetan Bunting 鸟类 Aquila chrysaetos Emberiza koslowi 鸟类

栖息地多样化,能够适应草原、森林、高山、丘陵、 The Golden Eagle is supremely versatile, and has 栖息于海拔 3600 〜 4600 米的高原山柳灌丛地带 The Tibetan Bunting inhabits the willow shrub lands, Birds Birds 荒漠等多样生境。体型壮硕,翅膀张开有一人半长。 adapted to many of the habitats of Sanjiangyuan. The 。一般独自或成双活动,冬季结小群。尽管飞行 3600~4600 meters above sea-level. The birds generally 主要猎食大型鸟类和中型兽类 . 多见单独在空中盘 Eagle is a supreme hunter, capable of operating in a wide 高度很低,但也不易观察到。 live alone or in pairs, but will in Winter the birds will 旋寻找猎物。 range of environments: from forest to cliff edge, from come together and live in a small community. Even hillside to desert, the Eagle is highly adept in all! The though the birds usually fly at low levels, they are still Eagle is both large and very strong, with a wingspan the quite difficult to spot. length of up to 2m! The main prey of the Golden Eagle is other large birds and small mammals. The Golden Eagle is predominantly a solitary creature, spotted circling the 1 skies, hunting for prey. 1


2 3 42 43

棕草鹛 Tibetan Babax 棕背黑头鸫 Kessler’s Thrush 鸟类 Babax Koslowi Turdus kessleri 鸟类

栖息于海拔 3350 〜 4500 米的山谷地区。一只中 The Tibetan Babax makes its home 3350-4500m above 多栖息于高海拔山地的针叶林、灌丛和草甸,非 The Kessler’s Thrush is very versatile with respect to its Birds Birds 等体型(28 厘米)的黄褐色鸟。喜欢隐匿于矮丛 sea-level, inside Sanjiangyuan valley. The Babax is a 繁殖季成群下至中海拔的开阔地带越冬。以动物 environments. They can be spotted in the pine-forests, 地带、多岩地区及荒芜的耕地。或成双活动,冬 medium sized tawny bird (28cm). The birds like to hide, 性食物为主,也吃植物浆果。 but also on the open meadows which cover the plateau. 季结小群。 and can be found peeking out of bushes or amongst the Where they can be spotted is highly season-dependent. rocks and rubble. Often found in pairs, and small flocks In Winter, for example, the non-breeding groups will in Winter time. head out onto the plateau’s open spaces. As with most animals, finding food to eat is a priority. The Kessler Thrush usually eats smaller animals, such as worms, but 1 is also fond of plants and berries.


2 2 44 45

花彩雀莺 White-browed Tit Warbler 黄喉雉鹑 Buff throated Monal Partridge 鸟类 Leptopoecile sophia Tetraophasis szechenyii 鸟类

主要栖息于高至海拔 5000 米的草原和针叶林林缘 The White-browed Tit Warber mainly inhabits the steppe 栖息于海拔 3500 〜 4500 米左右的针叶林、高山 The Partridge make their home roughly 3500 ~ 4000 Birds Birds 的草丛、灌丛和杜鹃林,也见于荒漠和戈壁。主 and coniferous grasslands which cover the plateau. The 杜鹃灌丛和林线以上的岩石苔原地带,冬季可下 meters above sea-level in the coniferous forests, 要捕食昆虫,也食植物果实和种子。 can also be spotted in the Gobi Desert. They usually prey 到 3500 米以下的混交林和林缘地带活动。夜间多 amongst the rhododendron shrubs and the different on , but will also forage for nuts and seeds. 栖息于低的树枝上,除繁殖期多成对或单独活动 tundra’s which cover Sanjiangyuan. In Winter, they can 外,其他时候多呈小群活动。 be spotted at a lower altitude of just 3,500m in the mixed forests alongside the forest edge. At nighttime, the birds can be spotted in small groups perched on the low branches. This changes come Winter time, as it is 1 breeding season, when the birds will often be seen in 1 mating pairs rather than in a large group.

2 2 46 47

白马鸡 White Eared Pheasant 高原山鹑 Tibetan Partridge 鸟类 Crossoptilon crossoptilon 鸟类

喜集大群活动于海拔3000 〜 4000米左右的 The White Eared Pheasant live in large groups at an 喜集小群活动于海拔 2500 〜 5000 米的高山灌丛、 The Tibetan Partridge is a more sociable bird, with them Birds Birds 高山针叶林林缘、灌丛和草甸 。有时集群多达 altitude of roughly 3000 ~4000 meters amongst the 草甸、苔原地带和裸岩地带,有时也会下到高原 tending to live in small flocks amongst a habitat of alpine 50 ~ 60 只。主要以灌木和草本植物的嫩叶、幼芽、 alpine forests, low-level shrubs and along the forest 河谷活动。全身灰色有棕色横斑,眼下有黑色斑, shrubbery, amongst the meadows, tundra and rocks at 根、花蕾、果实和种子为食。 edge. Sometimes the flocks can number up to 50 or 60. 头颈具宽阔的红棕色领带。 an altitude of 2,500 to 5,000 meters. Occasionally, the The Pheasants diet comprises of shrubs, herbaceous birds can be spotted down in the valley by the water’s leaves, plant buds and other seeds and fruits. edge. The Tibetan Partridge’s body is entirely grey, but is decorated with dashes of brown. Behind the eyes the birds sport a black sash, the final feature is the birds’ elegant ruddy-brown necktie. 1


2 2 48 49

藏雪鸡 Tibetan Snowcock 黑啄木鸟 Black Woodpecker 鸟类 Tetraogallus tibetanus 鸟类

集群栖息于海拔 2500 〜 6000 米的高山草甸、裸 The Tibetan Snowcock can be found in flocks from 2,500 多单独或者成对栖息于落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林 The Black Woodpecker live alone or in pairs in the Birds Birds 岩地带和流石滩。全身灰色,腹部白色有粗的灰 to 6,000m above sea-level amongst varied habitats 和针叶林的树林和林缘。多在粗大的树干取食昆 Sanjiangyuan’s broad, mixed and coniferous leafed 色细纹,眼后和喉部也为白色,嘴和脚红色。 including: the plateau grasslands, on the open rock 虫、蚂蚁的成虫、幼虫和虫蛹。 forests. They hide amongst the tree trunks, preying on faces, and rocky crevices. Their entire bodies are gray, insects, ants –their larvae – and pupae. apart from their underbellies, which are white scored with grey lines. Behind the eyes they also have white stripes, and their beak and feet are red.



2 50 51

灰背伯劳 Grey-backed Shrike 华西柳莺 Alpine Leaf Warbler 鸟类 Lanius tephronotus 鸟类

常见单独活动于中性至干旱的草原、河谷、林缘、 The Grey-backed Shrike can often be spotted across the 见于高至海拔 5000 米的高山森林林缘和灌丛。多 The Alpine Leaf Warbler can be spotted at an altitude Birds Birds 冠词能够、平原、干草地带生境。在空中和灌丛 area’s grasslands, in the valleys, and hiding along the 单独或成对活动,在灌丛间寻找昆虫为食。 of 5,000m above sea-level along the forest edge and 之间捕捉昆虫,和小鸟也吃蛙和老鼠等食物。 forest edge. They are predominantly solitary birds, who amongst the scrub. The birds can be spotted alone or spend their days catching insects mid-air or hunting for in pairs searching for food, mostly insects, amongst the them amongst the shrubbery. shrubs.




2 3 52 53

白斑翅拟蜡嘴雀 White-winged Grosbeak 藏雨燕 Salim Ali's Swift 鸟类 Mycerobas carnipes Apus salimalii 鸟类

一般成对栖息于告知海拔 5000 米高的高山针叶林 Often found in pairs, the White-winged Grosbeak’s 多见成群生活于河谷、山崖、峭壁和岩洞,也见 Often seen in flocks above the valley, high on the Birds Birds 林缘和林灌地带,冬季集小群下至低海拔。多以 natural habitat is 5000m up amongst the mountain pine 于草原和森林上空。于空中飞行捕食各种昆虫、 mountain, alongside the cliff face, or hovering over 树木的种子和果实为食。雄鸟头、胸和整个上背 forests, along the forest edge and ‘wet’ areas of the 边飞边叫,飞行速度极快。全身黑色,喉部喉部 the grass lands and forests, the Salim Ali's Swift breeds 黑色,翅膀上有鲜黄色和白色的斑块。雌鸟似雄 forest, during Winter they move to a lower altitude. They 颜色稍淡。翅膀狭长而尖,尾尖长且分叉较深。 from the eastern Tibetan Plateau eastwards through 鸟但黑色部位为灰色。 eat the seeds and nuts on the trees. The male’s head 分布于西藏高原东部和四川西部。 western Sichuan province. The Swift fly high above open and down the birds back is black, the wings are bright spaces searching for insects to eat; they are incredibly yellow with white patches. The female’s are similar in fast fliers! Their bodies are black, apart from their appearance to the males, the only difference being that their throats, which are of a lighter color. The Swift can the black sections are gray. easily be identified by the unique shape of its wings, which streamline into a point. This type Swift is further 1 identifiable by shape of its tail, which is forked. 1


2 3 54 55

白眉山雀 White-browed Tit 蓝额红尾鸲 Blue-fronted Redstart 鸟类 Poecile superciliosus Phoenicurus frontalis 鸟类

多见单只或成对活动于海拔 3000 〜 4500 米的针 Often seen alone or in pairs, the White-browed Tit can 常见于高海拔地区,高可至林线附近,见于原始林, Often seen in high altitude areas, the Blue-fronted Birds Birds 阔混交林、针叶林、高山草甸、灌丛和矮树,多 be found amongst the pine forests and alpine shrubbery, 但在人类居住地周围不难见,多数为留鸟。喜开 Redstart is most at home in the forest, but is not afraid 活动于植被的中下层。以昆虫为食,也吃植物果 meadows and thickets. They live off a collection of 阔的疏林和灌丛,不惧人,停栖和飞行时常伴随 to venture beyond the forest line and can also be 实和种子。头顶、喉咙和眼线黑色,有细长的白 insects, shrubs, fruits and nuts. They can be identified 连串的声。雄鸟前额和眉纹前部辉蓝色、头、颏、 spotted near human settlement areas. They prefer open 色眉纹,脸颊到胸腹粉红色,上背褐色。 by the black markings on the top of their heads, and 喉、胸及上背深蓝色、腰、下胸、腹部及尾下覆 spaces and the sparser areas of the forest. They do not black stripe which surrounds the eye. They also sport an 羽栗红色。 fear people, and have a series of calls. The male bird’s elegant white sash running from above the eye, a pale forehead and brow is of a deep blue color, the head, pink breast and brown back. throat, chest, and back are of a sorrel color.



2 3 56 57

河乌 White-throated Dipper 锈胸蓝姬鹟 Slaty-backed Flycatcher 鸟类 Cinclus cinclus Ficedula hodgsonii 鸟类

多单独或者成对栖息于落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林 The White-throated Dipper live in family groups and 栖于海拔 2400~4300 米的潮湿密林;冬季下至低 The Slaty-backed Flycatcher prefers the damp conditions Birds Birds 和针叶林的树林和林缘。多在粗大的树干取食昆 communities at an elevation of 4500 meters above 海拔处。 青石蓝色鹟,胸橘黄,上体无虹闪,外 found deep in the forest, some 2,400 to 4,300 meters 虫、蚂蚁的成虫、幼虫和虫蛹。 sea-level, in the river valley and amid the streams of 侧尾羽基部白色,胸橙褐渐变为腹部的皮黄白色。 above sea-level. Where it can be spotted is highly Sanjiangyuan. The Dipper fly fast above the water, 喜欢安静地在林子里停栖。 dependent on the season, since the birds will move to waiting and then diving into the streams to catch aquatic lower climes during Winter. The bird has stone-blue insects, mollusks and fish to eat. claws, an orange breast, and a blue back and head. The birds prefer a quiet and relative tranquil environment, which suits them as they are relative docile themselves, often spotted just perched on a branch.



2 3 植物 Plants

山中跋涉 Trekking the valley 60 61

梭砂贝母 Fritillaria delavayi Androsace tapete 植物 垫狀点地梅 植物

Plants 植株高 20 〜 30 厘米。花单朵,浅黄色,具红褐 These plants grow to a height of 20 ~30cm. They 株形为半球形的坚实垫状体,由多数根出短枝紧 The plant takes a circular form, and its flower head is Plants 色斑点,花被片长3.2 〜 4.5 厘米;柱头裂片很短。 blossom into a single flower of a light-yellow color with 密排列而成;根出短枝为鳞覆的枯叶覆盖,呈棒状。 raised on a strong stem, the flowers are closely arranged 蒴果长 3 厘米,包于宿存花被内。花期 6 〜 7 月。 reddish-brown spots. The petals are rounded, and have 当年生莲座状叶丛叠生于老叶丛上,通常无节间, off short stems which attach to a central root. When 生于海拔 3900 〜 5040 米的高山流石滩。 a length of 3.2 ~ 4.5cm; the stigma are very short. The 直径 2-3 毫米。生于海拔 3500 〜 5000 米。 the root opens out it is covered in withered leaves capsule has a length of 3cm, the edges of the capsule which act as scales, these branches are stick line in are very narrow, and contains the perianth. The plant appearance. When in full bloom, the plant blossoms flowers from June – July. It can be found at an altitude into a lotus flower above a thick clump of old leaves. The of 3900 ~ 5040 meters above sea-level, strewn amongst 1 plant has no specific flowering season; the flowers have the rocks on the mountain side. a diameter of 2-3mm. The plants can be found at an 1 altitude of 3500 ~5000 meters above sea-level.

2 2 62 63

星叶草 Circaeaster agristis Maxim Saussura medusa 植物 水母雪兔子 植物

Plants 一年生小草本,茎细弱,高 3 一 10 厘米,根直伸, An annually blooming small herb, with small stems 多年生草本。根状茎细长,有黑褐色残存的叶柄 A perennial herb. The root stands erect and has a dark Plants 支根纤细。花期 5---6 月,果期 7--9 月。喜阴湿, and a height of 30-10cm. The plant has long fibrous 叶柄,上部发出数个莲座状叶丛;茎直立,密被 brownish color. Attached to its side are small petioles 要求散射光和潮湿的生境。 steams which rise straight up. Flowering season is May 白色棉毛。花期 7 〜 9 月。 which support rosette leaves towards the top of the through to June, followed by fruiting season in July and plants structure. The root is quite hairy and appears as If September. It prefers being exposed to sun but only in covered in cotton-wool. Flowering season is July through small doses, as it also enjoys damp conditions. to October.

1 1


2 3 2017 年自然观察节所见物种目录 All species observed during the Nature Watch Festival in 2017

高原光影 Shadows crossing the plateau 66 67 鸟类 Birds 鸟类 Birds

中文名字 Latin name English name 中文名字 Latin name English name

高原鼠兔 Ochotona curzoniae Plateau Pika 花彩雀莺 Leptopoecile sophiae White-Browed Tit Warbler 藏鼠兔 Ochotona thibetana Moupin Pika 凤头雀莺 Leptopoecile elegans Crested Tit Warbler 川西鼠兔 Ochotona gloveri Glover’s Pika 棕草鹛 Babax koslowi Tibetan Babax 高原兔 Lepus oiostolus Woolly Hare 红交嘴雀 Loxia curvirostra Red Crossbill 岩羊 Pseudois nayaur Blue Sheep 黄喉雉鹑 Tetraophasis szechenyii Buff-Throated Monal Partridge 喜马拉雅旱獭 Marmota himalayana Himalayan Marmot 高原山鹑 Perdix hodgsoniae Tibetan Partridge 香鼬 Mustela altaica Mountain Weasel 血雉 Ithaginis cruentus Blood Pheasant 藏原羚 Procapra picticaudata Goa Eurasian Three-Toed Wood- 三趾啄木鸟 Picoides tridactylus 白唇鹿 Przewalskium albirostris White-Lipped Deer pecker 马麝 Moschus chrysogaster Alpine Musk Deer 黑啄木鸟 Dryocopus martius Black Woodpecker 狼 Canis lupus Grey Wolf 纵纹腹小鸮 Athene noctua Little 猞猁 Lynx lynx Lynx 雪鸽 Columba leuconota Snow Pigeon 猕猴 Macaca mulatta Rhesus Macaque 矶鹬 Actitis hypoleucos Common Sandpiper 中华鬣羚 Naemorhedus caudatus Long-Tailed Goral 胡兀鹫 Gypaetus barbatus Lammergeier 狗獾 Meles meles European Badger 日本松雀鹰 Accipiter gularis Japanese Sparrowhawk 雀鹰 Accipiter nisus Eurasian Sparrowhawk 金雕 Aquila chrysaetos Golden Eagle 鸟类 黄嘴山鸦 Pyrrhocorax graculus Alpine Chough 中华歌鸲 Luscinia cyane Birds 红翅旋壁雀 Tichodroma muraria Wallcreeper 霍氏旋木雀 Certhia hodgsoni Hodgson’s Treecreeper 高山雀鹛 Alcippe striaticollis Chinese Fulvetta 领岩鹨 Prunella collaris Alpine Accentor 棕胸岩鹨 Prunella strophiata Rufous-Breasted Accentor 褐岩鹨 Prunella fulvescens Brown Accentor 栗背岩鹨 Prunella immaculata Maroon-Backed Accentor

川褐头山雀 Poecile weigoldicus Sichuan Tit 68 69 鸟类 Birds 鸟类 Birds

中文名字 Latin name English name 中文名字 Latin name English name

林岭雀 Leucosticte nemoricola Plain Mountain Finch 黑喉红尾鸲 Phoenicurus hodgsoni Hodgson's Redstart 拟大朱雀 Carpodacus rubicilloides Streaked Rosefinch 白喉红尾鸲 Phoenicurus schisticeps White-Throated Redstart 红胸朱雀 Carpodacus puniceus Red-Fronted Rosefinch 红腹红尾鸲 Phoenicurus erythrogaster White-Winged Redstart 白马鸡 Crossoptilon crossoptilon White Eared Pheasant 蓝额红尾鸲 Phoenicurus frontalis Blue-Fronted Redstart White-Capped Water 赤麻鸭 Tadorna ferruginea Ruddy Shelduck 白顶溪鸲 Chaimarrornis leucocephalus Redstart Grey-Headed Woodpeck- 灰头绿啄木鸟 Picus canus er 白腹短翅鸲 Hodgsonius phoenicuroides White-Bellied Redstart 大杜鹃 Cuculus canorus Common Cuckoo 鹪鹩 Troglodytes troglodytes Eurasian Wren 青藏白腰雨燕 Apus salimalii Salim Ali’s Swift 川褐头山雀 Poecile weigoldicus Sichuan Tit 岩鸽 Columba rupestris Hill Pigeon 黑冠山雀 Parus rubidiventris Rufous-Vented Tit 高山兀鹫 Gyps himalayensis Himalayan Vulture 褐冠山雀 Parus dichrous Grey-Crested Tit 喜山鵟 Buteo burmanicus Himalayan Buzzard 岩燕 Hirundo rupestris Eurasian Crag Martin 大鵟 Buteo hemilasius Upland Buzzard 烟腹毛脚燕 Delichon dasypus Asian House Martin 红隼 Falco tinnunculus Common Kestrel 棕眉柳莺 Phylloscopus armandii Yellow-Streaked Warbler 猎隼 Falco cherrug Saker 华西柳莺 Phylloscopus occisinensis Alpine Leaf Warbler 灰背伯劳 Lanius tephronotus Grey-Backed Shrike 四川柳莺 Phylloscopus sichuanensis Sichuan Leaf Warbler 喜鹊 Pica pica Common Magpie 黄眉柳莺 Phylloscopus inornatus Yellow-Browed Warbler 地山雀 Pseudopodoces humilis Ground Tit 淡眉柳莺 Phylloscopus humei Hume's Leaf Warbler 红嘴山鸦 Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Red-Billed Chough 暗绿柳莺 Phylloscopus trochiloides Greenish Warbler 达乌里寒鸦 Corvus dauurica Daurian Jackdaw 大噪鹛 Garrulax maximus Giant Laughingthrush 大嘴乌鸦 Corvus macrorhynchos Large-Billed Crow 橙翅噪鹛 Garrulax elliotii Elliot's Laughingthrush 河乌 Cinclus cinclus White-Throated Dipper 角百灵 Eremophila alpestris Horned Lark 棕背黑头鸫 Turdus kessleri Kessler’s Thrush 树麻雀 Passer montanus Eurasian Tree Sparrow White-Rumped Snow- 乌鹟 Muscicapa sibirica Dark-Sided Flycatcher 白腰雪雀 Pyrgilauda taczanowskii finch 锈胸蓝姬鹟 Ficedula hodgsonii Slaty-Backed Flycatcher 白鹡鸰 Motacilla alba White Wagtail 蓝眉林鸲 Tarsiger rufilatus Himalayan Bluetail 树鹨 Anthus hodgsoni Olive-Backed Pipit 赭红尾鸲 Phoenicurus ochruros Black Redstart 粉红胸鹨 Anthus roseatus Rosy Pipit

川褐头山雀 Poecile weigoldicus Sichuan Tit 70 71 鸟类 Birds 植物 Plants

中文名字 Latin name English name 中文名字 Latin name

普通朱雀 Carpodacus erythrinus Common Rosefinch 唐古特雪莲 Saussurea tangutica Chinese Beautiful Rose- 红眉朱雀 Carpodacus pulcherrimus 梭砂贝母 Fritillaria delavayi finch 垫状点地梅 Androsace tapete 曙红朱雀 Carpodacus eos Pink-Rumped Rosefinch 星叶草 Circaeaster agrestis Chinese White-Browed 白眉朱雀 Carpodacus thura Rosefinch 蓝翠雀花 Delphinium caeruleum 灰头灰雀 Pyrrhula erythaca Grey-Headed Bullfinch 康定翠雀花 Delphinium tatsienense 白斑翅拟蜡嘴雀 Mycerobas carnipes White-Winged Grosbeak 露蕊乌头 Aconitum gymnandrum 戈氏岩鹀 Emberiza godlewskii Godlewski's Bunting 高原毛茛 Ranunculus tanguticus 藏黄雀 Carduelis thibetana Tibetan Serin 甘青铁线莲 Clematis tangutica 橙斑翅柳莺 Phylloscopus pulcher Buff-Barred Warbler 长花铁线莲 Clematis rehderiana 短嘴山椒鸟 Pericrocotus brevirostris Short-Billed Minivet 叠裂银莲花 Anemone imbricata Rufous-Necked Snow- 烟腹毛脚燕 Delichon dasypus 棕颈雪雀 Pyrgilauda ruficollis finch 毛茛状金莲花 Trollius ranunculoides 大鵟 Buteo hemilasius Upland Buzzard 展毛银莲花 Anemone demissa 红隼 Falco tinnunculus Common Kestrel 白蓝翠雀花 Delphinium albocoeruleum 猎隼 Falco cherrug Saker Falcon 腺毛唐松草 Thalictrum foetidum 花葶驴蹄草 Caltha scaposa 草玉梅 Anemone rivularis 鸦跖花 Oxygraphis glacialis (小叶)拟耧斗菜 Paraquilegia microphylla 鲜黄小檗 Berberis diaphana 桃儿七 Sinopodophyllum hexandrum 黑顶黄堇 Corydalis nigro-apiculata 密穗黄堇 Corydalis densispica 松潘紫堇 斑花黄堇 Corydalis conspersa 72 73 植物 Plants 植物 Plants

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暗绿紫堇 Corydalis melanochlora 异叶孩儿参 糙果紫堇 Corydalis trachycarpa 甘肃雪灵芝 Arenaria kansuensis 条裂黄堇 Corydalis linarioides 藓状雪灵芝 Arenaria bryophylla 叠裂黄堇 Corydalis dasyptera 青海雪灵芝 Arenaria qinghaiensis 总状绿绒蒿 Meconopsis racemosa 雪灵芝 Arenaria brevipetala 多刺绿绒蒿 Meconopsis horridula 山卷耳 Cerastium pusillum 宽叶绿绒蒿 细蝇子草 Silene gracilicaulis 全缘叶绿绒蒿 Meconopsis integrifolia 棒状蝇子草 Silene pendula L. 高蔊菜 Rorippa elata 隐瓣蝇子草 Silene gonosperma 播娘蒿 Descurainia sophia 昌都无心菜 Arenaria chamdoensis 大叶碎米荠 Cardamine macrophylla 福禄草 Arenaria przewalskii 密序山嵛菜 黑蕊无心菜 Arenaria melanandra 菥蓂 Thlaspi arvense 柔毛蓼 Polygonum sparsipilosum 双花堇菜 Viola biflora 丽江大黄 Rheum likiangense 小丛红景天 Rhodiola dumulosa 小大黄 Rheum pumilum 狭叶红景天 Rhodiola kirilowii 心叶大黄 Rheum acuminatum 播娘蒿 Descurainia sophia 圆穗蓼 Polygonum macrophyllum 大叶碎米荠 Cardamine macrophylla 山蓼 Oxyria digyna 密序山嵛菜 珠芽蓼 Polygonum viviparum 菥蓂 Thlaspi arvense 细叶西伯利亚蓼 Polygonum sibiricum var. thomsonii 双花堇菜 Viola biflora 西伯利亚蓼 Polygonum sibiricum 小丛红景天 Rhodiola dumulosa 草地老鹳草 Geranium pratense 狭叶红景天 Rhodiola kirilowii 甘青老鹳草 Geranium pylzowianum 喜马红景天 Rhodiola himalensis 沼生柳叶菜 Epilobium palustre 金星虎耳草 Saxifraga stella-aurea 高原露珠草 Circaea alpina subsp. imaicola 西藏虎耳草 Saxifraga tibetica 柳兰 Epilobium angustifolium sp. angustifolium 糖茶藨子 Ribes himalense 狼毒 Stellera chamaejasme Linn.

川褐头山雀 Poecile weigoldicus Sichuan Tit 74 75 植物 Plants 植物 Plants

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具鳞水柏枝 Myricaria squamosa 松潘棱子芹 Pleurospermum franchetianum 高山大戟 Euphorbia stracheyi 垫状棱子芹 Pleurospermum hedinii 钉柱委陵菜 Potentilla saundersiana 葛缕子 Carum carvi 二裂委陵菜 Potentilla bifurca 雪层杜鹃 Rhododendron nivale 蕨麻 Potentilla anserina 青海杜鹃 Rhododendron qinghaiense 细枝绣线菊 Spiraea myrtilloides 毛花忍冬 Lonicera trichosantha 金露梅 Potentilla fruticosa 刚毛忍冬 Lonicera hispida 银露梅 Potentilla glabra 小缬草 Valeriana tangutica 准噶尔栒子 Cotoneaster soongoricus 缬草 Valeriana officinalis 窄叶鲜卑花 Sibiraea angustata 白花刺续断 Acanthocalyx alba 太白花楸 Sorbus tapashana 刺参 Oplopanax elatus 楔叶山莓草 Sibbaldia cuneata 圆萼刺参 Morina chinensis 东方草莓 Fragaria orientalis 川西小黄菊 Pyrethrum tatsienense 短叶锦鸡儿 Caragana brevifolia 川甘毛鳞菊 Chaetoseris roborowskii 高山豆 Tibetia himalaica 车前叶垂头菊 Cremanthodium ellisii 花苜蓿 Medicago ruthenica 蒲公英 Taraxacum mongolicum 黄芪 Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge. 白花蒲公英 Taraxacum leucanthum 肾形子黄芪 Astragalus skythropos 狭舌多榔菊 Doronicum stenoglossum 锡金岩黄芪 Hedysarum sikkimense 空桶参 Soroseris erysimoides 黑萼棘豆 Oxytropis melanocalyx 香芸火绒草 Leontopodium haplophylloides 鬼箭锦鸡儿 Caragana jubata 银叶火绒草 Leontopodium souliei 川西黄芪 Astragalus craibianus Simps. 羌塘雪兔子 Saussurea wellbyi 斜茎黄芪 Astragalus adsurgens Pall. 红叶雪兔子 Saussurea paxiana 多花黄芪 Astragalus floridus Bunge 水母雪兔子 Saussurea medusa 甘肃棘豆 Oxytropis kansuensis 缘毛紫菀 Aster souliei 黄花鸭跖柴胡 Bupleurum commelynoideum var. flaviflorum 达乌里风毛菊 Saussurea davurica 青藏棱子芹 Pleurospermum pulszkyi 萎软紫菀 Aster flaccidus 76 77 植物 Plants 植物 Plants

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西藏凤毛菊 Saussurea tibetica C. Winkl 大唇拟鼻花马先蒿 Pedicularis rhinanthoides subsp. labellata 黄帚橐吾 Ligularia virgaurea 南方普氏马先蒿 Pedicularis przewalskii subsp. australis 小垂头菊 Cremanthodium nanum 甘肃马先蒿 Pedicularis kansuensis 青海二色香青 Anaphalis bicolor (Franch.) Diels var. kokonorica Ling 管花马先蒿 Pedicularis siphonantha 乳白香青 Anaphalis lactea Maxim. 绒舌马先蒿 Pedicularis lachnoglossa 葵花大蓟 Cirsium souliei 青藏马先蒿 Pedicularis przewalskii 臭蚤草 Pulicaria insignis 凸额马先蒿 Pedicularis cranolopha 假水生龙胆 Gentiana pseudoaquatica 欧氏马先蒿 Pedicularis oederi 椭圆叶花锚 Halenia elliptica 罗氏马先蒿 Pedicularis roylei 鳞叶龙胆 Gentiana squarrosa 绵穗马先蒿 Pedicularis pilostachya 秦艽 Gentiana macrophylla 皱褶马先蒿 Pedicularis plicata 麻花艽 Gentiana straminea 全叶马先蒿 Pedicularis integrifolia 二叶獐牙菜 Swertia bifolia 碎米蕨叶马先蒿 Pedicularis cheilanthifolia 湿生扁蕾 Gentianopsis paludosa 毛果婆婆纳 Veronica eriogyne 青海报春 Primula qinghaiensis 短穗兔耳草 Lagotis brachystachya 心叶大黄 Rheum acuminatum 短筒兔耳草 Lagotis brevituba 圆穗蓼 Polygonum macrophyllum 肉果草 Lancea tibetica 山蓼 Oxyria digyna 灰毛蓝钟花 Cyananthus incanus 珠芽蓼 Polygonum viviparum 大萼蓝钟花 Cyananthus macrocalyx Franch 束花粉报春 Primula fasciculata 皱边喉毛花 Comastoma polycladum 西藏点地梅 Androsace mariae 钻裂风玲草 Campanula aristata 匙叶雪山报春 Primula limbata 灰毛党参 Codonopsis canescens 钟花报春 Primula sikkimensis 脉花党参 Codonopsis nervosa 天山报春 Primula nutans 细叶沙参 Adenophora capillaria subsp. paniculata 斑唇马先蒿 P.longiflora var. tubiformis 喜马拉雅沙参 Adenophora himalayana Epilobium angustifolium sp. angustifolium 微孔草 Microula sikkimensis 大唇拟鼻花马先蒿 Pedicularis rhinanthoides subsp. labellata 甘青微孔草 Microula pseudotrichocarpa

全叶马先蒿 Pedicularis integrifolia 碎米蕨叶马先蒿 Pedicularis cheilanthifolia 78 79 植物 Plants 植物 Plants

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长果微孔草 Microula turbinata 北方拉拉藤 Galium boreale 倒提壶 Cynoglossum amabile Stapf et Drumm. 茜草 Rubia cordifolia 长叶微孔草 Microula trichocarpa 平车前 Plantago depressa 山莨菪 Anisodus tanguticus 山生柳 Salix oritrepha 密生波罗花 Incarvillea compacta 葱状灯芯草 Juncus allioides Franch. 白苞筋骨草 Ajuga lupulina 狭叶五加 Eleutherococcus wilsonii 宝盖草 Lamium amplexicaule 坚桦 Betula chinensis 独一味 Lamiophlomis rotata 细穂高山桦 Betula delavayi Franch. var. microstachya P.C 康藏荆芥 Nepeta prattii 油杉寄生 Arceuthobium chinense 康定鼠尾草 Salvia prattii 粘毛鼠尾草 Salvia roborowskii 甘青青兰 Dracocephalum tanguticum 绵参 Eriophyton wallichianum 高原香薷 Elsholtzia feddei 密花香薷 Elsholtzia densa 甘露子 Stachys sieboldii 鼬瓣花 Galeopsis bifida 川甘韭 Allium cyathophorum var. farreri 太白韭 Allium prattii 唐古韭 Allium tanguticum Regel 卷叶黄精 Polygonatum cirrhifolium 广布红门兰 Orchis chusua 西南手参 Gymnadenia orchidis 大花杓兰 Cypripedium macranthum 大叶火烧兰 Epipactis mairei 卷叶黄精 Polygonatum cirrhifolium 角盘兰 Herminium monorchis 80 81 作者名录 鸣谢 Authors Acknowledgement


项目负责任 Project Manager 徐思 中共囊谦县委 囊谦县人民政府 山水自然保护中心 北京大学自然保护与社会发展研究中心 翻译 Translator Joseph Cash 编辑 Editor 董正一 合作机构 助理编辑 Assistant Editor 陈熙尔 地图 Map 肖凌云 阿拉善 SEE 基金会 汇丰银行 野性中国

摄影 Photo Credits 年保玉则生态保护协会 朱雀会 中山大学生物博物馆

Kyle Obermann:4-5, 8-9, 10-11, 13, 16-17,20-21,36-37,58-59, 64-65 左凌仁:6, 24-1, 25-2, 45-2, 50-3,51-1;徐思:7,封底 伟大的扫把:14;张程皓:15, 29-1, 29-2, 44-1, 47-2;雷磊:22-1 何海燕:22-2, 23-1;班鼎盈:23-2, 41-1;韦铭:24-2, 38-3, 44-2 曾祥乐:25-1, 25-3, 41-2, 48-1, 53-1;史洋:28-1, 55-1, 55-2 猫盟 CFCA 荒野新疆 方舟生物多样性影像中心 张炜 : 28-2, 42-1, 43-1, 43-2,46-2, 54-1;才仁丁增:26-1 黄秦:26-2, 42-2;旺尕尼玛:26-3, 52-2;张强:27-1 朱小明:27-2,47-1;博冠光电队:30-1,51-2。董正一: 31-1 郑海磊:28-1, 60-2, 62-2, 63-1;入曲:38-1 年保玉则协会:38-2 香巴林卡:39-1;国志超:39-2, 50-1 囊谦寻足迹摄影协会:40-1 ;陈熙尔:40-2, 52-1, 53-2, 57-2 刘春宏:40-3;香巴林卡:45-1,46-1;荒野新疆:48-2, 60-1 鸟兽虫木自然保育中心 全球环境研究所 广州博冠光电科技股份 孟宪伟:49-1, 57-3, 63-3;江改:50-2 有限公司 曹恭元:53-3, 55-3;子日旺索:56-1;朱雀会:57-1 张亚琼:61-1;田一杰:61-2, 62-1, 63-2

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