囊谦自然观察手册 Nangqen Nature Watch Guidebook 目录 物种目录 List of species Table of content 兽类 Mammals 棕背黑头鸫 Kessler’s Thrush 43 喜马拉雅旱獭 Himalayan Marmot 22 花彩雀莺 White-browed Tit Warbler 44 三江源 Buff throated Monal 川西鼠兔 Glover’s pika 23 黄喉雉鹑 45 Sanjiangyuan /6 Partridge 高原兔 Woolly Hare 24 白马鸡 White Eared Pheasant 46 囊谦自然观察节 香鼬 Mountain Weasel 25 高原山鹑 Tibetan Partridge 47 Nangqen Nature Watch Festival /12 白唇鹿 White-Lipped Deer 26 藏雪鸡 Tibetan Snowcock 48 活动主办 岩羊 Blue Sheep 27 黑啄木鸟 Black Woodpecker 49 Organizers /18 猕猴 Rhesus Macaque 28 灰背伯劳 Grey-backed Shrike 50 兽类 猞猁 Lynx 29 华西柳莺 Alpine Leaf Warbler 51 Mammals /22 马麝 Alpine Musk Deer 30 白斑翅拟蜡嘴雀 White-winged Grosebeak 52 鸟类 赤狐 Red Fox 31 白眉朱雀 White-browedRosefinch 53 Birds /38 藏狐 Tibetan Fox 32 白眉山雀 White-browed Tit 54 中华鬣羚 Chinese Serow 33 蓝额红尾鸲 Blue-fronted Redstart 55 植物 Plants /62 棕熊 Brown Bear 34 河乌 White-throated Dipper 56 金钱豹 Leopard 35 锈胸蓝姬鹟 Slaty-backed Flycatcher 57 2017 自然观察节所见物种目录 鸟类 Birds 植物 Plants All species observed during the Nature Watch Festival in 2017 /66 高山兀鹫 Himalayan Vulture 38 梭砂贝母 Fritillaria delavayi 60 作者名录 胡兀鹫 Lammergeir 39 星叶草 Circaeaster agristis Maxim 61 Authors /80 金雕 Golden Eagle 40 垫狀点地梅 Androsace tapete 62 鸣谢 藏鹀 Tibetan Bunting 41 水母雪兔子 Saussura medusa 63 Acknowledgement /81 棕草鹛 Tibetan Babax 42 三江源 Sanjiangyuan 澜沧江 山谷中蜿蜒的路 A road through the valley 6 7 三江源 Sanjiangyuan 三江源位于青海省东南部,地处青藏高原腹地,面积达 36 万平方 公里。 Covering an area of 360,000 km2, Sanjiangyuan (Chinese: 三江源 , literally: "Source of Three Rivers") lies in the heart of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, in the southern and eastern parts of Qinghai Province. ▲ 澜沧江 The Lancang River 三江源区域为长江、黄河、澜沧江(中国境外称湄公河)这三条大 江的发源地,被誉为亚洲水塔。世界上约 40% 的人口受河水哺育, 赖以生存。 Often described as the “Water Tower” of Asia, Sanjiangyuan contains the headwaters of three of Asia’s largest rivers: Yangtze River, Yellow River and Mekong River. Around 40 percent of the world's population depends on, or is influenced by, these rivers. ▲ 三江源地图 Map of Sanjiangyuan area 8 9 Sanjiangyuan has one of the most important grazing ecosystems in the 三江源地区拥有世界上最重要的高山草场生态系统和独特的生物类 world with a unique combination of fauna and flora. In particular, these 群,为许多珍稀、濒危动物提供了少有干扰的栖息地。例如,三江 ecosystems provide shelters for many rare and endemic species. For 源是世界上最神秘的猫科动物雪豹的最大连片栖息地,同时也是许 instance, it provides the largest extent of habitat for the world’s most 多其他濒危动物如野牦牛、藏野驴、藏羚羊的关键栖息地。 mysterious feline, the snow leopard as well as critical habitat for other endangered species such as the Wild Yak, Tibetan Wild Ass, and the Tibetan antelopes. 囊谦尕尔寺峡谷 Valley of Nangqen Ga’Er Monastery 囊谦自然观察节 Nangqen Nature Watch Festival 自然中人 Man in nature 12 13 囊谦自然观察节 除此以外 , 千百年来囊谦人与自然构建了和谐的共存关系,囊谦境 内分布的 100 多座藏传佛教寺庙,使其成为中国寺庙密度最高的区 域,在国内享有盛誉,是青海民族团结创建的示范区域,也是青海 Nangqen Nature Watch Festival 向世界展示藏区治理的重要高地。 In Nangqen, man have nature have co-existed in harmony for thousands of years. Testament to this is the area’s feature of more than 100 Buddhist temples, giving the Nangqen the densest distribution of Buddhist temples throughout the whole of China. As a result, the Nangqen enjoys a very 囊谦地处青藏高原东部,青海省南部,南接横断山脉,北临青藏高 positive reputation across China as an area highlighting the richness of Qinghai 原高原主体,境内大小山脉纵横交错,峰峦重叠。 province, its people and unity. However, the importance of Nangqen goes further than China’s borders, for it is a symbol to the world of the Qinghai Nangqen is located in the East part of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, in the South people’s ability to harness nature and make the Tibetan highlands integral to of Qinghai Province, connecting to the Southern tip of the Hengduan mountain their lives. range. The North of Nangqen looks out onto the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, and these changes in elevation are a key feature of the area, as it crisscrosses over the crisscrossing peaks and troughs. 作为青藏高原向横断山的过渡地带,特殊的生态区位,囊谦拥有着 特殊的生态区位 , 不仅分布有金钱豹、雪豹、豺等珍稀动物,其境 内的棕草鹛和藏鹀也让其成为国际知名的观鸟胜地,每年吸引大量 的国内外自然爱好者前往观鸟,具有极大的市场潜力。 Nangqen is seen as the point where the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau transitions into the Hengduan mountains, making it a location with many interesting and individual ecological features. The Nangqen area is home to many rare animal species, including the Snow Leopard. Moreover, the area’s Tibetan Babax and Tibetan Bunting populations make it a popular bird-watching spot. The area is not only ecologically rich, but also highly marketable, since its flora and fauna attract large numbers of both foreign and domestic tourists every year. ▲ 眺望尕尔寺 Contemplating Ga’Er monastery 14 15 本手册的大部分内容来源于囊谦县人民政府、山水自然保护中心和 In 2017, the Nangqen County People’s Government, Shanshui 北京大学自然保护与社会发展研究中心联合发起的”2017 年囊谦 Conservation Center and Peking University Conservation and Social 国际自然观察节”。这次自然观察节邀请自然科学爱好者以公民科 Development Research Center collectively launched the “2017 Nangqen 学家的形式,在尕尔寺大峡谷区域内以兽类、鸟类和植物为主题, International Nature Festival”. The intention of this guidebook is not only 开展了为期四天的自然观察活动。依托于本次活动,在增加囊谦自 to highlight the success of this first event, but to also serve as a guide to 然体验知名度的同时,我们希望制订该区域的自然体验规划,从而 the local area for further activities of a similar nature. We hope that it will 推动以社区为主体的自然体验发展模式。 serve as an invaluable resource for future natural science enthusiasts as they embark on their own quests as ‘citizen scientists’ within the Ga’Er Temple area and Nangqen Gorge. ▲ 2017 年囊谦国际自然观察节”吉祥物 ▲ “2017 年囊谦国际自然观察节”开幕式合影 The mascot of the 2017 Nangqen International Nature Opening ceremony of the “2017 Nangqen International Festival Nature Festival.” 活动主办 Organizers 山谷 Valley 18 19 活动主办 Organizers 北京山水自然保护中心 Beijing Shanshui Natural Conservation Center 山水自然保护中心成立于 2007 年,是一家中国本土的民间自然保 护机构,致力于生物多样性保护,在中国西南和三江源地区有多年 的生物多样性保护和社区工作经验。 囊谦县人民政府 Established in 2007, Beijing Shanshui Natural Conservation Center is a Nangqen Country People’s Government Chinese NGO dedicated to environmental protection. Shanshui has many years of experience in bio-diversity conservation and community action 玉树州囊谦县位于澜沧江源头,是澜沧江流域最为重要的水源涵养 work in the Sanjiangyuan area and Southwest China. 区之一,作为青藏高原向横断山的过渡地带,囊谦以其丰富且独特 的生物多样性资源和悠久的传统文化,闻名于世。 Yushu County is located at the source of the Lancang River. As a result, it is one of the most important water conservation areas in the Lancang River Basin. Seen as the point where the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau morphs into the Hengduan Mountains, Nangqen is known for its long traditions and rich bio- diversity. 北京大学自然保护与社会发展研究中心 Peking University Center for Conservation and Social Development Research 于 2008 年成立,北京大学自然保护与社会发展研究中心致力于推 2017 年囊谦国际自然观察节开幕式 中共囊谦县委书记张琨明致词 动中国自然保护与可持续发展的政策研究、经验推广和领导力培养, Secretary Zhang Kunming 为全球可持续发展创造具有中国特色的范例。 speaking at the opening ceremony of 2017 Nangqen Established in 2008, the Center promotes Chinese environmental International Nature Festival protection and sustainable development policy analysis. Their aim is spread their experiences in conservation and environmental policy for the sake of global sustainable development, with the hope that the world will be able to learn from China’s example. 兽类 Mammals 眺望尕尔寺 Contemplating Ga' Er monastery 22 23 兽类 喜马拉雅旱獭 Himalayan Marmot 川西鼠兔 Glover’s pika 兽类 Marmota himalayana Ochotona gloveri Mammals Mammals 大型啮齿类动物,栖息于海拔 3500 〜 5200 米的 The Himalyan Marmot is a large rodent which lives on 中等体型的鼠兔,栖息于海拔 3500 〜 4200 米的 The Glover’s Pika is a medium sized variant of the Pika, 高原草甸,集小群,挖洞穴居。白昼活动,活动 the grassland plateau, 3500 〜 5200 meters above sea- 岩石堆和流石滩生境,在岩石缝隙中栖身。具有 and can be found amongst the rock p iles at an altitude 范围以洞口为中心,取食草本植物。长于洞口处 level. They can often be found in small groups burrowed 储藏干草堆的习性。 of 3500 ~ 4200 meters. Between the rocks, the Pika 直立,瞭望警戒,并以叫声报警。冬季入洞冬眠, into the turf. During the daytime, activities center characteristically forages and makes hay stacks. 冬眠时间通常为 10 月至次年 4 月。 around their burrows, and comprise of gathering food and plants. Whilst others forage, some watch from the borrows barking warnings and keeping watch. When 1 winter enters the cave, they go into hibernation, which lasts from October through to April. 1 2 2 24 25 兽类 高原兔 Woolly Hare 香鼬 Mountain Weasel 兽类 Lepus oiostolus Mustela altaica Mammals Mammals 大型兔类,栖息于海拔 3000 米以上的高山草甸以 The Woolly Hare is a large variant of the rabbit species, 栖息于高原草甸与流石滩,高至海拔 4500 米。白 Inhabiting the grassland plateau and rocky crevices 及高山灌丛生境中,分布最高海拔可达 5300m。 and can be found amongst the fauna of the grassland 昼、夜晚均活跃。身形修长,行动敏捷,善于奔跑。 4500 meters above sea level, the Mountain Weasel is 春季 3-5 月交配季节,雄性行为活跃,常见相互 plateau, more than 3000 meters above sea-level. March 以鼠兔、仓鼠等啮齿动物为主食,亦捕猎鸟类、 constantly active. Its slim and slender body makes the 追随、打斗。 through to May is mating season, when invigorated 两栖类等动物。 Mountain Weasael nimble predator. The Weasel’s prey males can be seen on each other’s heels, looking for a on Pika, Hamsters and other rodents for their dinner! fight. However, they are also not picky, and will also hunt for birds and other amphibious creatures! 1 1 2 2 3 26 27 兽类 白唇鹿 White-Lipped Deer 岩羊 Blue Sheep 兽类 Przewalskium albirostris Pseudois nayaur Mammals Mammals 栖息于海拔 3500 〜 5100 米的高山草甸和高山灌丛等开 The White-Lipped Deer can be found 3500 ~5100 栖息于海拔 3500 〜 6000 米的高山草甸和高山祼 The Blue Sheep can be found 3500 ~6000 meters above 阔生境,常常接近林线,为栖息海拔最高的鹿。典型的 meters above sea-level, amongst the alpine scrubs or 岩区域,具有优异的攀爬和跳跃能力,可在陡峭 sea-level grazing in the alpine meadow or amongst the 社会性鹿类,通常集小群活动。发情期为 10-11 月,雄 near the forest line looking out onto the meadows. Of 的地形中自由移动。常集群活动,群内个体可达 crevices of the rocky areas. To live in such a habitat, the 鹿使用双角进行激烈的打斗,以争夺雌鹿。 all the animals living on the plateau, the deer live at 数百只。岩羊是三江源地区雪豹最主要的猎物。 Blue Sheep must be nimble, and as such has excellent the highest altitude. Typically, the deer can be found climbing and jumping abilities. The sheep collect in interacting in small groups. October to November is flocks, of anywhere up to 100 sheep. Safety lies in mating season, when the male deer will use their horns numbers, as the Blue Sheep is the main prey of the to fight intensely for a mate. Snow Leopards which inhabit Sanjiangyuan.
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