On the Insid, , PlaylChool 10 Open ... Paqe :J dntJ er"'''17 bUT wlUIHI _UeN ...... Slate Amateur Goll Tourney GlllHenMlI·ers. IItn ...... Paqe 4 • laT. N : lew.... Bla'h " fine Arta festival at ~~~')/&J M~,.. 'Jt; lew, 13 • ... Paqe!1 ESI. 1868 - AP Leaaed Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP 1.eaHd WIre - Pive Cenia Iowa City. Iowa. Tuesday. JWl~ 13, 1950 -; Vol. .... ·No. 212 ii...... -- ....~~ ~------~~~~~------~~~~~ Trum'on Discusses' Tax Congres~Oebates- Progrbm at ponference Fishing Luck, WASHINGTON (AP)-President Truman diseuued taxes with hjs congressional leaders Monday in a general review of the Or Is ,If Skill! I still filr from complete legislative program. .' Final adjotlllment was so far out of sight that it wasn't cven * * * ' t~Jk~ .about a~ the White House conference, Speaker Sam Ray- WASHINGTON (JP) _ FishIng WASHlNGTON (A.P)-'The seDate otcd Monday to con· b~rn reported. . . - . Is skill, not luck, congress was . tiuue fedenJ reot controls through lQ'5() aod to give (,10mmuniUcs .Others pl'csent were VIce Pres. Brllt"ISh N . !~~~c:~~::i'a a;OS~n::f~~~ ;:;:~~: authority to extend them for aoother Ijx month beyood that. ident All1en Barkley, Scnate demo. ~ ewsman mept ruling that Ilald big fIsh arc the bill DOW goes to the house. Dmlocratic Leader Johll cratic Leader Scott Lucas of it. ' ' caught by chance. McCormacllI . of MasSachusetts said debate will" ,tart there today. ~~r ;on:n :c~u;:ma~:~~~~!~ s eulers or "This business ot fishlrtg Is of Howe seotiment is geucrllUy regarded as closely divided, and Botl, R" f thc utmost skllJ," said Rep J, Caleb sachuseitk. tit S th" Boggs (R.De)). .t ' hard fight is certain. House Passace POIISIbie .,pV' e ympa les "SkiIJ," 11 greed Rep. Charles paJIIi I 'Ord Speaker Sam Rayburn of Texas, It appeared that the adminis- Bennett {D~Fla). ' 511nsy yanll er however, tlld In lov'nte of tbe Irallon has not abandoned hope (.4»-The chief Berlin And Capt, Randolph Harrison, J S' , , senate .cU~ n he bad assured df , II " tax blll at this session of correspo~dent of Reutcrs, Britisb who has becn taking fishing par. • cf ' fOp , .raGIence' President Truman the bouse wQuld congress. news agency, denounced I1ls past ties on the Chesapeake bay for Ipprove the mealure. Rayburn said a rise in business career 'as a "tool ot the Ameri. 25 years, hunded down the ex· In Mr 1'1' a;', Emergency The present law I. due 10 e.. • e taxes "could offset" some of the can war machine" Monday and pert's decision: a plre June 30. 1 propOsed reductions in excise obtaine(l asylum in the Soviet sec- "Someone has said skill i.s the The senate yote 01\ pudIc! was, (sl\lel!) taxes on such things as tor. factor nine. times out ot ten. I'd PI:rrSsURCB (,4')-nte .over· '''28, onIf .. senltors out of lit e futs, jcwlery, luQalte, phone bills John Peet 34..year-old Lon- say it is nearer 9,999 times out nor ot_ Per!nsy,vanla stepped Into votjn,. rive Dcmoer.ta voted and movie tic~els. doner and f~rmer volunteer with of 10,000." ' . II' • • lh6 w6stero Pennsylvailia milk a,aintt II, Ind . Ix RepubUcans The house ways and means the Intern:ttional Brigades in the I Th~, question IS tlsh.lng skill or strlke 'Mondlly with orders to state voted tor It. I ~ committee has voted tor more Spanish civil war, announced his luck? - bobbed up , III co~gre~s Oopsl Wrong Line-Or Is It? polJee to track down on "crlmln· Betore the final test. Democratic than $l.blUion in such cuts, and decisIon at a news conference call- because 01 a post office ru~mg m 111 acts of .vioJe'llce." , Sen. Walter Geor;e of Ceor. the ' members of the committee ed lly Gerhart Eisler, Ea tt Ger- ;February. The department, m rul. EPITOl\lE OF CONFllSlON I, tbls unidentified male student wbo stepped UP lo tile rel'ltt'IUon &abl~ .t Vnloll sPokesmen re.pllea there bitterly a... Ued backers ot the have shown no enthusiasm for man propaganda chief. His action I~~ 011 whet~er. news or adver- tile collere of nuraln&' for lome advice M:>nday. But all he wanted to do WII fill ,ut .._ reih\Ir.tloa h • been no violence and that bill. most of them lellow Demo­ raising the tax rates on corpor. was a complete surprIse to his em- tlSlng about fIShing contests could blanks. Surprlted Ilurslnc counselors are 1\Iary Smalley. N:t, Conway (fronU, Mrs. FIoreDte Mehe~· '!f.b4! IOvernOr hal been misInform· C!ra~. He Iccusod th\!m in eUed allons, or reducing the depletion ployers. go through the malls, made tbis helmer, IDllruo&or In tbe colle ..e: Joan SmUb, N4, tate Center, and Relll\e8 Ta~eman, N4. Guttenber•• ed.!' ot leaving lOund prlnelp\es tor aIJ,owances of oil wells and mines, j Peet read a. f~ve-page stateme.nt de~:si~~~re was a rl'ze for Re,llItra,lbn Win eOllllnue throul'h today at the Ile'dhouse lor the cI!lmated ',50' who Wilt eJlroU fer . Slate p'ollce helldquorter. reo the s~e of vot~. as suggested I)y tile Presld.mt. n German whIch echoed Soviet. . P , the IUlllmer scbool. • ported special -patroll are rolling "A . Would Reduce Tr-•• ury' attacks against the west. biggest fIsh ca.ught, and It the elvin· the jh1,hways to , kilep the re we ,oln, to ~acrWcc ey· ~_ Immediately afterward he tele- contestant had put up money to ' ro,acls oP said at least Ihree tba~ price for a lICalln Usb body? -an action which would have the decillration in English to his as- ,!he depart~cnt adml~ted so:ne tnickff8 J;ad been threatel]~d. Are we?" n etre~t of reducing treasury rev- tonished superiors skill may be IDvolved m ' gettmg .~.. WASHINGTON ()Pl-Kcy Wlt. \ ' •. , •• ,,'. Police ilt C"nonsbur, said a A... ~.'I.trMlIeH ' d Ie e.n.lle. . ' it t . ' the proper tackle. But whether • • I nest :Philip J affe aroused scua- '. ., • ~. ' t\'Uekir rE~ his loael ot .~O His hel~ Ittack followl!d In· '1 ~aYburn " ~POke of the possi- ou ers then announced his the catch is a minnow or a whop- _Laborlles torinl ire MO. nday when he balk. Swepf ': Over' I. qlla~ ' bf \o rltlJk wal duMped by a trodu!:{I~n of In ImendmenL 6)' of raising tbe normal connection with the agency had per _ that's luck, the d'epartment British 6 Dam' •.9"t ;..ml!n. , - Sen. Mahhew Neely (D·WVII) to b~' ''tY \ t~x.. ceased. S~I''''. , ed at un, (oldlDg secrets of the 1945 ' " . , " ~a~loIidIII ut~ " "'i"":'~ ' an tlo. nk k I III ' . r.. , ~ on corporations from 38 per- .. ... R· 't All E AmeraSia Documents case to a I C b" C' ,' . .1Ce v ....• , ..-I) °v1er m ma e he b appllclble to t~ cCI)t ' to 40 percent, tor a revenue "Mr. Peet's action comes as a Rep. Edward MUter (R.MD) . eJet • urope senate inQujry committee. n. a In .' rUlset,' stri ~~ibllW cut .upplles. Nintl Dlst.rict of Columbia. wh\ch now k gijrt of $4QO-milllbn to $650-mil- complet.e SUI:prise," the Reutt~rs said, "It's legislation by bureaus u.Alon~ dattles J In WaehinltOn hi. a "p~lte rent c:onlrol ad. lJ~, ' announcement said. "N'one of hrs or department instead of by con- (' \ t 'S I P I Sen, Theodore Green (D·R!), 4 L': ' TII S~ .., 'nd ; su¥I)s}\lveb~Dcl~. slnce When Gcorle sat dowo, .J(eel? ( .,' ' Britlsh" or American newspaper g~ess." " , ·oa · tee 00 acting com mit tee chairman, Ive ~ to e 'tnrv ~~r· 11000. , called the Ceor,lan's . s",,~1o. ''aU "Although Mr. Tr\lman called for and news agency colleagues in F6110wJng the department's de- " \,romptly announced the group • ' , '".)' , 1 :rhll,.ame u.nlOI1 that ·eall.cl out oiat.orlcaltem""lt io a.ttl-po::', ~ftd sOll'\l! ' elCcise ' tax cllts, he said In Germapy apparently had any fore- .. 1 bill . t may recommend that the senate P1TTSBURGH '1A') - Two' youn, drlvet'll .1n Ptt.tsl)urlh de.II7IlDd- "an ,.·hlblt'on...... f orilo.... Ail" n ~II 11-,·. hi"• spccI'al mecoage_ 0' n taxes last warnl'n".. Atv l·n.·IlUI' ng ot the tact ducedCISW , severato take fishing.s w~re contests ID ro· LO,.,>.JDON ' ~/IDIn. 1 -J, The Br'ltlsh I~b-aCeIt J a ff e Ior contempt or con- men who' SUrvIV""\ J .. a . nl",t I of ~, ' sunlt~ 1 al'1~ .I,eJTtlS \ n W.. h ,nlton. wn~"...... "~ ""t wltn-·ed , inn.. my »J..e • Jan . 23 t "... ·at he could not ap _ that he had any pronounced poll'- ~rom under the 'lottery laws. He!lr. !)ranv Pllrty":;upcr-lTovernment" MOlJdllY night torel 'man-ected gress. h orror w h en they. were · .-~... lp '1 st o.' III e ~u-r.,,,.. s'",II" .. ~ frOm tim,...... "!i " I ~ H11 prwe ex<:ise ,tax reductions un- Ii cal views. !Dgs were h:ld. on these 1J!on(iay ali~ a pool ~f Europe's coal and Creen said Jaffe relused to an- with six others on II cabin I:' Itr he nlde .el*(1. dilrle.!. ll(ildent. c. ee Y his been In · poll c. 1#8 they were accompanied by "His news messages always have by ' a house Judl~lary subcommit. steel. . slYer any but "the most elemcn- under a dam spillway Mond.,. told ,'r~ di~i ... ,lIr .. 80 miles from since 1008. ptoylslOh ,f6r replacing the ri)V. been accura t e, Impartial. and' be- tee . tary" questions, r!!fused to say their own .Jbtorles ' of the 1errlf)dD' ·"e... ,ca pllil to b""v..r 'LlfIC j r d airy. pro· !.ftaJ AeU •• enl,le thus lost. He ' a$ked lor' $1- yond' reproach." . A 7,OOO-word booklet publish- whether he was ever a Commu- experience. ' . duds_. . Tho bill would retliln · the pre- bHiio~ fn addltipnal revenue, The lanky, be. ~p~ctacled journal- D..~owns cd. by , thl e ruling partY'sfexecutlve nlst, and gave a "regular litany" They are Jolin C. ~reii, 21, ~ *, '. * . GentlooA . law for six montHs, ot unUl Iir;nclpally by rev'ising thc eatate ' CR Woman' commit ee ex.pressed ear, too, ' • ,* t nd t 1950 J d"ltl ...... alI... d 'gi/t' tax la"'s and" making a ist tco'k obviou'Ol delight in the thilt private indus1ria\,lsts would of "I decline to answer" replies. marine veteran wounded ~n' Guaj. N' Milkt.g '· \ '~ 0 0 . n a u on, <.vm- f.,

hil:hlightsWill appear ot Inthe the affair show will and be the a ~1"H0nThJ newin coldfabric, weather. embodying me- dresswill ,no thelonger inventors be necessarysuggest. Itto J!~m!la!illll!!!!g!!~~II.1 demonstration by the Sharvin taUic particles, reflects this heat bundle up in a heavy coat during po~t Red Jackets, 1949 American back to the body. Icold weather. .A light coat lined Legion national champions. . In summer, when the heat out- with the newly treated fabric will Sponsor of the tournament is Side the body Is greater, warmth suffice for the most extreme cold. the Cedar Rapids Boya drum and .• I bu,le corps .

Prof. Reynolds to Teach ,Iowa Union Dining Service Summer Anatomy Co~rl8 I

" I Prol. Albert Reynolds, DePauw i June 12 - August 9, 1950 UftIvtrslty, Greencastle, Ind., ar-· rived In Iowa City Monday to Air Conditioned leach a course in comparative anatpmy during the summer ses­ lUftch ' ~ - , ... ,,~ ,1:00 to 2:00 Sion. III . Reynold, . will replace Prof. , r Jerry Kollros, zoo)o,y depart­ ~afeteria ., P", $:00 to ':30 .'.' . hlent, who went to UCLA, Los WEEKDAYS 11 :30 a.m. • 1:00 p.m, . Angclel, Calif., to teach for the aWUmer. 5:00 p,m .• 7:00 p.m. • SUNDAYS 11:30 a,m, • 1:30 p.m. Canvas of Ballots Set By County Sup.rvi'olr. . . . ! • , • Ballots cast in Johnson county Soda Fountain dllrln, IlIIIt week's prlmar), elec· " lion will' be canvaBled thl. morn- WEEKDAYS 6:30 a.m. • 10:00 p.m. 1q by the county board ot .uper· StJNDAYS 9~OO a.m.· 7:00 p.m. vilorl at' the courthoule. UNIVERSiTY;. '" .. .p BJ"...... , Raturila from 21 townships and , . nlAe Iowa City precincts wlll be Soft drlDlcI. ScnuIWlell'l, Ct;atettel, Ccmdy ad counted for the flaal official prl- G\IIIl at an tim... ~ry Int,"l~ , '~~'~5;;~~'~- 6~~~~.:';;;;;;;;_.R:;;· ;;;;:'-~'M_;;;;;;;;;~~ '-::-~~~~~~=~~~~~"~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~.... ~~~...,.~-.~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~-- PAGE FOlJR - THE DAILY IOWAN. TUE DAY, JUNE l~ , ){I :> O

, I • J' . .. • '. ~ If T . Cards (all on Sunday G.me Fine Pla.y ' Start~ Today in S~~ ·te 1, tJ~lor \10 lourney t~~£:~~~!:~:~:~~:f~t:~:r~=~r~~~ ~ Witl SU I's I hihitiOIlS W,·nn·ers W,·/I A d van' c eM ' I K II (H tid' L ' B ff e . L d C I~I~:I~:~/:~~:ee~~ II) ~~:~ ~~~ni~ldle~rm~ aPr:~~:~; eX Prof . E• I major crisis in the sport's helr-' night game could be considered . .," ." '. .us,e e , 0 eague . a 'ng eo S ~ thc' fO lln, o archy, for previously Chandler' iI1eg~1 under basebal\ law. 1 Nt· I ._-,...... ,..",+,.,..,. haB ordered the date changed and "Their interpretation Is dUfer- festiva l hUI Ta A_ me S r a r a ·, ana Pirctes' Kiner Leads I Doby's Average Drops ' the club refused. ent frOm mfne," Solgh said: "But pvents, bllt . 3 " k Fred M. Salgh, president of the the Cardinals are willing to abide By HOBUT DUNCAN In Homer Department 3 Pomts In One , Wee Cardinals, said Monday that the by It." iCll tin g in I Dally Iowan SpOr'- Editor game, which he Wanted to play l!utSalgpl "1ade It certain that ,til ~e res ults NEW YORK (JP) - With the CH ICAGO (JP) - De t r 0 I t's Sunday night, July III, will be the neVoi dnte was not brought Young golfers from around the state will start medal play at St. Louis Cardjnals taking over George Kell Monday led the played instead Monday nliht, JUlyl about by Commissioner Chandler's sO l' s fine 8 a.m. today in the qualifying round of the state junior amate ur the National league lead, Stan American league batting race 17 . He said the switch wile made order. ITa m"' Cholc golf tournament to be played on the Finkbine course through Musial has opened up a 37-point with a .381 mark as the erstwhil e . , 1M 35 pi edge in the batting race. MUsial pace-setter, Cleveland's La r r y 'open( Friday. is hilling .384 on avcrages includ- Doby, slumped 33 poin ts to a Over 105 golfers registered Monday, according to D ave Can- ing Sunday's game. four th-spot .362. nOll, chairman of the m eet. Brooklyn's Jackie Rob inson is Official fig u res computed Tournament officials expect at It,U-DouKI.s Nelson. Hmnplon; Rob­ second with a .347 mark. through Sunday's games put Kelt Record, Yo'ui corah. It:21-Jlm O",.n. C.dar Rap ids; David Duke Snider, Brooklyn's brilli- climbing six points during th e least 50 more entrants today, ert Frl.dl. Waterloo ; Rog.r Feitstlli. De­ ant young center fielder, moves past week, in Iront by a two- brining the lil t of total partici­ R•• ••• Oskalo",a ; Frank Sut LO I1 . Cli nton . into the picture witli a third point margin over runner-up ,Walt pants to about L55. l': 2 ~lm W~1s . D ecorah; P ete r Wahl, place .344 . The Duke picked u p Dl'opo of Boston, who had .379 . Any male golfer who doesn't Vietor; Curtfs Hass, Charlton. Summer l Activities IO :3.l-Donald Eslic k. Ma rshalltown; eight points and moved up from Other leaders included Hoo t reach his L9th birthday until af­ John aUlz. Hampton; Jhn Mercer. Wa­ verly. sixth place. Evers: Detroit, third ahead of ter July 15, 1950 is eligible to II:.J!-Jlm Lynch, Waverly; Chuck Enos Sla ughter, the Cards' 1 play in the tournament. Hlrd. Cedar Rapid s; Donald Terreli . Ox­ Doby with .363; Al Zaril a, Bos- ford . steady veteran, is fo urth at .339, ton , .361; J ohnny Pesky , Boston, In Pictures State Champions It:4l1-Dick Lynoh, Waverly ; John just a point ahead of Eddi e Stanky .349; Dom Di Maggio, Boston, .34L; , Llndenmeye r, Grinne ll ; Lee Murphy, Fort Among the cntr:cs Monday were Madllon. of New York and Andy Parko of Ted WilliamS, Boston, .333; J ohn- t' ~ golfers who took the first four Jt:W-Dlck Berry. Muscatine ; Jim Chicago, tied for fifth at .338. STAN MUSIAL TEO WILLIAMS ny Groth, Detroit, .332 ; and Phil with places in the sl.ate high school Waoren voord . Cedar Rapids; Jack Wolter Hank Sauer of the Chicago Cubs 37 Point Lead Leads Homer IIitters Ri zzuto, New York, .330. I MASon City. has taken over the runs battea !j tournament held this spring. The II :OII-AI HoIlma n. M"scaUne; David four, in their order of finish in Johnson" Cedar Rapids; Jimmy Menges. in lead with 43 and Ralph Kiner Boston's Rcd Sox continued Grlnt)eJl. ot Pittsburgh is back on top in their domination of specialized de- the ~ tate meet, are: Hap Miller, • II : IO--Jlm Donohue . Muscatine; J ohn ef West Waterloo; John Mc­ Lubhen, Cedar Rapids; J ohn Marschl1 ll, the home r un derby. partments as well as having five Hampton. players among the 10 top batters. Guiness, Des Moines Dowling; 11I17-Roberl Nelson. Hamplon ; Jack Don Webber, Ames, and Tom Nletzel, MU8catine; Bruce Louden, Fall'· Williams, continuing to lead in • Washburn, Davenport St. Am­ field. homers with 18, moved into the lI:H-Jerry M•• rdlnk , M"scatln.; Bob , hrose. Moorman, Cedar Rapids; Ted Stevens. lead in runs with 55 . Williams O. lw.ln. and Red Sox team-mate, Vern To be eligible to play in the "~ II :al-Bob Overholtzer. Ida Grove; Stephens, shared the RB I lead • national junior amateur tourna­ Jim Yuill. Cedar Ra pids; Larry Tld ­ ment at the Iowa S t at~ college marsh. Oskaloosa, with 61 each. II :3l-Jim Percival, Marshalltown ; Kelt was the front ma n in hits course in August, golfers must Leon KruJi e. TJpton; Fred Peterson, Red first qualify in this state tourna­ Onk. with 75 and two-b!lggers with • ment, Cannon emphasized. 1J :4i1-M ll ler Ream Jr .. Cha rlton; Jam.s 18. Doby and Philadel phia's Bob Brady, Tipton; J oh n. H azen, Otlulllwn, Dillinger were tied for most stolen The top seven in the state meet U:';:!-Brean Kneetsy, Ottumwa; J im will advance to national comPe­ Robertson. Anamosa; LuVerne Sl'nith. bases, five apiece. Des Moines. tition. In addition, two alternates II :GII-Wallace Sheets. Tipton; G.orge W L I'CT. to the national tourney will be Clnrk . ottumwn ; Bill Wolf. Falrrteld. Sl. Louis ...... RU 17 . lI:tR • ENDS TO Il AY • l,!:t6-Charles Danielson. FalrfieJd i Bl ooklyn ...... " ,'!" 10 .MM , " SONG IS nOR'll" selected in the Iowa City meet. Bob Estle. Mount Pleas.nt. Philadel ph ia. . . " .• '!7 tfl .1l"7 " PENNIES FROM II EAVEN" Scharf's il 'lour complete outfitters After today's medal and quali- C hlcaro . " . .. , . . .. . '!:, ' J

@f~ West of Coralville at Reeommended Boxoffice Opens 7:15 STRAND LAST DAY! Shows at Dusk and 10:15 "BA TTLi;GROUND" ADULTS 50c - Children Under - and - Twelve ill Cars FREE "SOUTH OF RIO" • Smoke When You Like ~ Re6lauI'anl • No Dressing Up • No Parking Costs 13 S. Dubuque rONITE & Wednesday RAy WEDNESDAY 2 AIJ...TtME FUN AND MUSIC GREATSI MILLllND t . ;,'r ' I "i;>~ <;' ' ;' ~ ~' p " • liVING IEIlLIN'S . ~HARLE8 ~ \'O,~" I,.,,-·S A Father's Day Gift ,,_ ." fl. . LAUGHTON CRONY· ASTAIII ~ from

• ~. A Pawnounl PiCLw-e 'fH DAJLY JOW,.\ '. Tt'l:~D Y. lID&: Il. - U :iO - PAC" rr·r. - Rlee, Tam\lYo, Malia and Levine. that an opera has been presented In pddi tlon to Ihis show bei~g on campus. Farmers, Save Soil Fine ;4;~t.S' f.;est£t8r Opens held in the main gallery of the The production will be co­ art building, about 36 paintings sponsored by the departments ot With FHA Loans trom SUI's permanent art collec­ music and dramatic art. Opening ~ Witli ' Palriting~ i xhibits ,tion are being displayed in the night is July 26. Soil conservation and improve­ main lounge of the Iowa Union. The first play of the festival, ment eRn be included in any FH.... SUl's tw{;'lfth annual fine aIts f~sliv~1 opened Monday with These paintings have been pur­ "The Sil vel' Whistle" is scheduled Carm development loan, County , chased from post contemporary to open June 20. Supervisor A. Robert K och of Rooms for Hent Muaic and Radio If.\hihitions by the UJl'de.partm{;,llt ane tbe ~University museum. art shOWS. Prof. E.E. Harper, dll'ectol' of th ~ C?O?J of fine. arts an~. one Marengo, said Monday. ISTUDE.NT IUmm.r room ••nd mow... RADIO "1>& TIna JACKSO!'l· The tirst two exhibits by the LICENSES ISSUED (This week was proclaimed 3 ROOMS Cor nuorrltd lIud~nu or TRIC ASI> GlFT. or the fOllnd ers of the annu al event, sa d ot fthis year s show, The Univel'Sity museum since it be­ Marriage licenses were issued Iowa Soli Conservation Week by Ph":'~~·~61~·n . $:0 111 Z Jeflenon.' GUA.ltAN run •• patn .or oil ...... fes tival ha ~ undergone many changes in program, dates and came part ot the school of fine Monday in Johnson county clerk's Gov. William S . Beardsley.) Home Iml Auto nd",. W. pick up and arts last July, ore on display in TWO DOlIBLE room onel "ne-hall de1I\'~r. SCTTVN RADIO an4 nL.E\'1S- el'ents, bllt it hils remained tru e to it ori inal principle of pre­ office to John J. Bowman, Tiftin, Nearly 1500 Iowa farmers have room. For men. Oppo II. Woolworth', ION . :til P!. M rlLet, mat __ Apt. Wanted bird hall, located on the third and Maxjne C. Fuhrmeister, Iowa been assisted with comervatiC'n liS So. CUnlon. 3rd Cloor. !Cllting in festival p'crfol"lnances i Cloor of Macbride. Both an bird EXPERT radio repal". 1'Iekup ancI de- DOC'fOR AtJ'he painting which took the SUI ~fessor six months to 1 door p...,I.I: IBH N. h 2-<1oor: 1\1040 tuni'Y to make high earninlts this I t · t 11 . f f II t It bi h t - Since 187 - Buick ,p,,"'al 4·door: 19j9 F",d ludor: wmp eels ac ua y a new yerslOn 0 a am y por ra w C our- 1938 I'lymollih coupo : IUJ7 Chevrolet 2- and summer or longer. You will be C trained by lhe FriJ:idaire factory ILe;;d~t;H'pC;J;u;n;tr~y~a;s~p~a~r ~t~0~t~tb;e~1~9~4~7~S;u~m~m;e~r=S~h;o~W;.~;;::=====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~:-:::::::::==:_:' doorEKWALL See MOTORSIhe t and. 627other So. u Capllol.("(! cnr II Baggnge Tronster rt'pr s 'ntuti ve. i WANT AD RATES T Miscel!anpouR for S(Tlp Dial - 9696 - Din' KI RWAN FURNITURE CO. • • TAB[.E TOP~. ",,,,c. ·10. llollawa..Y Clossiriod Display bed •. che,t 01 draw r .•tudy lamp'. , tudent d ·.k. utllllY cllpbonrclf. IMOk - One D ay ...... 75c per col. inch rack tGlld. card Illble. M,Je • drlpOlllor. Six :::onsecutive days, Chair . 01., 27'15. per day ...... OOc per col. Inch WESTINGlfOU.s:E ... Crll·.. . tor-4 cubl. One month 50c per ~ol Inch (c t. P r(tet rondllhm. Will fit In ...... • trailer. J45. 413 Sladf .... n Park. 8-1770. (Avg. 26 insertions) REMINGTON no :' .I~ portable. Oood. For consecutive insertions condItion. Call 8·0327 . One day .~ ...... , 6c per worcl I. WESTrNOHOUSE ------rrlrla .. ,,:or $7S. Phone Three Dan ...... IOc per word 9571. Silt Days ..•...... 13e per word BEAUTIFUL BLUE Gr ... Sod {or ul... One Month ...... 390 per word KulcherD Sod Co .• 402 8th Ave .• S.!!: .• Check your ad In Ihe lIu t II.ue It ap- CedDr Rapid " Iowa Dial 3-2043. !Wars. The DIlly Iowan eMn be r.,.pon· _-:--::-:-,- dble lor only one Incorrect In.ertlon. Loans Deacillne. QUICK LeANS on lew .. lry. elothfn. radIo.. elc. HOCK-RYE LOAN. 128~ Weekdays 4 p.m. S. Dubuque.

Saturday Noon ."~. LOANED on ,un.. com.ra •. diamonds. clolh :n,. etc. RELIABL! J. Stephens LOAN CO" loa E. Burllru!lon. Classitled MOrjal!er Help Wanted Brtnr AcJverlisements to TWO weHr e~ wanted (or p; chlt~ mps. prccceding week. Phone r;Xl. 2.16!1. Where Shall W,. GfoI WANTED : Sludenla (or b rd Job •. ReiCh', Caf •. TWO GOLFERS: "Old you hear wh.rr Jone. beat hi. wlC. 10 dealh wflh • Aparbnents for Rent live Iron ?" "Th.t so, '}fow mony I U-nke dfd II "'ke?" WISE BIRDS FLOCK 'f0 ONE Ihre~·room apartmenl. Prlvlte bath. PHONE 4191 TtR: HAWKS N!ST. Student man and wit •. One leeplnll FOR. fiu: BEST buy In lown. II" room lor sludent man and wile. Dial REICH'S Student DInner complet. 342_6.______lET THE ClASSIFIEDS WORK FOR YOU with milk and de. erl-48c:. SMALL .pDrlm~nt. sluceflt ~oupl. only 01" Vt1rtuate lady. P hone 1681 belwN:n TypiDq 0·4 weekday. only. THESIS _ General Typln, _ Mlmeo- · NEW . porlly (Urnl""d. 2-rooln . prlvlle ,raphln,. Notary pl.lbllc. Mary V. bath. Garden already Pljlnled .•7~ .OO. LAFF-A-DAY Bums. 601 ISBT Bid • .• Phone 2~ or Dial 8-0030. 2327. 2-'-4-'R-O- 0-M--,u-r-n-1 -hed--.-p-a-rt-m-.-n-t. -u-U-U' ti es paid. Laundry prl"l..... $67 .• ><1. ACCURATE. reasonabl •. eWclenl. The. ls. AI.o room (or couple. 118M conkfng prlv­ ,eneral Iyplng. Eleperl~nced. Mildred IICII", $J5.00. 01.1 5717. Kipnl! , 4006. TYPING. CIIU 8·1200 lIter 6 p.m. (or GaragQs for Rent .Wdent typlnl ..rvlce. Apartment for Sale GARAGE. 424', So. CUnlon. Evenlnp. WANT TO trade lar,e apartment house Babv Slttmo on 8 farm . Must be near Iowa City. Present Income {rom apartment house WILL ~are lor stnal1 dlildfen in my home net. 2O r ,. Wrlle bale 28. Dally low'n. whll .. mother works. Call 8-~14. "OOM AIm BOABD By GY.NE AHERN

IT TOOK ME ..... N !-lOUR. AN' SAY, ·r GOT A IiAND WITH /'o.RM W/'o.V IN· A • WQR,c:IN ON jt1' RANCH JUMPIN' IN TW A IR LIKE Wl-lp USED 10 BE AN A crcow 10 M",lc:E TH ' Ai

KJ.,r 1t\I: ~ "Doo't worry about whether you'ft! bis fint Iote. Jute make SUte you' ft! his Iast." '. , • J

S~op '!}n .A-i,.~ConJili~neJ Comfort 'For School Suppl.ies Text Books Art Supplies

The suited Sporting Goods eidel)t loosed lral' mi~e

at the I , ,

I One Stop Service For AJI Your . , Summer . School Courses


, "'.... ! .... ( ~. $1 .. ~uys In School Supplies Complete Lines of. America's Finest Sporting .Goods loose leaf note books ..... '...... 79c to $2.25 Wilson & Spaulding GO~F CLUBS to meet every requirement I GOLF BAGS .. .' ...... 2.95 to 24.95 ~ipper note books ...... '...... I .. $3.05 GOLF BALLS Sheaffer pens ...... $3.75 to $15.00 'Wilson Walker Cup Special ...... 39c each Other Balls ...... SOc to 95c Parker 51 Pens ...... $13.50 to $1.9.75 Caps, Gloves, Spikes, Shoes, and many other items of intereJt ~~w Parker 21 pens ...... $5.00 Shakespeare FISHING EQUIPMENT ,

Esterbrook pens .. I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• $2.00 CASTING RODS :...... 3.50 and UP. REELS ...... 4.80 and Up Mechanical pencils ...... 20c and up . .. Baits, line, tackle boxes, Minnow buckets, & dozens of other items Ball Point refills for any make pen ...... 50c . ~ TENNIS RACKETS ''l\eg! been LQundry bags ...... $2.45 to $6.25 Nylon Stru ng Rackets . : ...... ~. 95 to 11.95 the , , 1 Pl!S.t • Special lot of Frames (Values 11.25 to 15.00) •c;OIW • I Jlellrec ~,w:: Now 9.95 to 11.50 strung with Nylo~ ll\~Dt . Party and picnic supplies· all de ~~ , Wilson, Pennsylvania and Dunlap Balls ... $1.75 all of three a, In \ , : Pt'o_ Gifts and Iowa souvenirs In,, ' Tennis Presses, Shoes, Shorts, Sweat Socks a~d Caps "abou eent E Racket Restringing (36 hour service) ..... '...... $3.50 and Up The­ . \ , nomle- III to lalt h , C~~plete line of Baseball and Soft ball equip'm~nt ~or y'~ur team play 8,bJI The­ tlOn • Inallte. i.!Nt" bet 01 .~ . wh;'~ ~ ,h.y las, lOft)a u.,!.\ " Ball Pol~ I' eolia,: numb. bHn,' FOUNTAIN ~" ' 0 II ftltJOI" ~ PENS ~ .~P~ Whioh ~~ "'"