On the Insid, , PlaylChool 10 Open ... Paqe :J dntJ er"'''17 bUT wlUIHI _UeN ....... Slate Amateur Goll Tourney GlllHenMlI·ers. IItn ..... ... Paqe 4 • laT. N : lew.... Bla'h " fine Arta festival at ~~~')/&J M~,.. 'Jt; lew, 13 • ... Paqe!1 ESI. 1868 - AP Leaaed Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP 1.eaHd WIre - Pive Cenia Iowa City. Iowa. Tuesday. JWl~ 13, 1950 -; Vol. .... ·No. 212 ii............ -- ....~~ ~-------~~~~~------~~~~~ Trum'on Discusses' Tax Congres~Oebates- Progrbm at ponference Fishing Luck, WASHINGTON (AP)-President Truman diseuued taxes with hjs congressional leaders Monday in a general review of the Or Is ,If Skill! I still filr from complete legislative program. .' Final adjotlllment was so far out of sight that it wasn't cven * * * ' t~Jk~ .about a~ the White House conference, Speaker Sam Ray- WASHINGTON (JP) _ FishIng WASHlNGTON (A.P)-'The seDate otcd Monday to con· b~rn reported. - . Is skill, not luck, congress was . tiuue fedenJ reot controls through lQ'5() aod to give (,10mmuniUcs .Others pl'csent were VIce Pres. Brllt"ISh N . !~~~c:~~::i'a a;OS~n::f~~~ ;:;:~~: authority to extend them for aoother Ijx month beyood that. ident All1en Barkley, Scnate demo. ~ ewsman mept ruling that Ilald big fIsh arc the bill DOW goes to the house. Dmlocratic Leader Johll cratic Leader Scott Lucas of it. ' ' caught by chance. McCormacllI . of MasSachusetts said debate will" ,tart there today. ~~r ;on:n :c~u;:ma~:~~~~!~ s eulers or "This business ot fishlrtg Is of Howe seotiment is geucrllUy regarded as closely divided, and Botl, R" f thc utmost skllJ," said Rep J, Caleb sachuseitk. tit S th" Boggs (R.De)). .t ' hard fight is certain. House Passace POIISIbie .,pV' e ympa les "SkiIJ," 11 greed Rep. Charles paJIIi I 'Ord Speaker Sam Rayburn of Texas, It appeared that the adminis- Bennett {D~Fla). ' 511nsy yanll er however, tlld In lov'nte of tbe Irallon has not abandoned hope BERLIN (.4»-The chief Berlin And Capt, Randolph Harrison, J S' , , senate .cU~ n he bad assured df , II " tax blll at this session of correspo~dent of Reutcrs, Britisb who has becn taking fishing par. • cf ' fOp , .raGIence' President Truman the bouse wQuld congress. news agency, denounced I1ls past ties on the Chesapeake bay for Ipprove the mealure. Rayburn said a rise in business career 'as a "tool ot the Ameri. 25 years, hunded down the ex· In Mr 1'1' a;', Emergency The present law I. due 10 e.. • e taxes "could offset" some of the can war machine" Monday and pert's decision: a plre June 30. 1 propOsed reductions in excise obtaine(l asylum in the Soviet sec- "Someone has said skill i.s the The senate yote 01\ pudIc! was, (sl\lel!) taxes on such things as tor. factor nine. times out ot ten. I'd PI:rrSsURCB (,4')-nte .over· '''28, onIf .. senltors out of lit e futs, jcwlery, luQalte, phone bills John Peet 34..year-old Lon- say it is nearer 9,999 times out nor ot_ Per!nsy,vanla stepped Into votjn,. rive Dcmoer.ta voted and movie tic~els. doner and f~rmer volunteer with of 10,000." ' . II' • • lh6 w6stero Pennsylvailia milk a,aintt II, Ind . Ix RepubUcans The house ways and means the Intern:ttional Brigades in the I Th~, question IS tlsh.lng skill or strlke 'Mondlly with orders to state voted tor It. I ~ committee has voted tor more Spanish civil war, announced his luck? - bobbed up , III co~gre~s Oopsl Wrong Line-Or Is It? polJee to track down on "crlmln· Betore the final test. Democratic than $l.blUion in such cuts, and decisIon at a news conference call- because 01 a post office ru~mg m 111 acts of .vioJe'llce." , Sen. Walter Geor;e of Ceor. the ' members of the committee ed lly Gerhart Eisler, Ea tt Ger- ;February. The department, m rul. EPITOl\lE OF CONFllSlON I, tbls unidentified male student wbo stepped UP lo tile rel'ltt'IUon &abl~ .t Vnloll sPokesmen re.pllea there bitterly a... Ued backers ot the have shown no enthusiasm for man propaganda chief. His action I~~ 011 whet~er. news or adver- tile collere of nuraln&' for lome advice M:>nday. But all he wanted to do WII fill ,ut .._ reih\Ir.tloa h • been no violence and that bill. most of them lellow Demo­ raising the tax rates on corpor. was a complete surprIse to his em- tlSlng about fIShing contests could blanks. Surprlted Ilurslnc counselors are 1\Iary Smalley. N:t, Conway (fronU, Mrs. FIoreDte Mehe~· '!f.b4! IOvernOr hal been misInform· C!ra~. He Iccusod th\!m in eUed allons, or reducing the depletion ployers. go through the malls, made tbis helmer, IDllruo&or In tbe colle ..e: Joan SmUb, N4, tate Center, and Relll\e8 Ta~eman, N4. Guttenber•• ed.!' ot leaving lOund prlnelp\es tor aIJ,owances of oil wells and mines, j Peet read a. f~ve-page stateme.nt de~:si~~~re was a rl'ze for Re,llItra,lbn Win eOllllnue throul'h today at the Ile'dhouse lor the cI!lmated ',50' who Wilt eJlroU fer . Slate p'ollce helldquorter. reo the s~e of vot~. as suggested I)y tile Presld.mt. n German whIch echoed Soviet. P , the IUlllmer scbool. • ported special -patroll are rolling "A . Would Reduce Tr-•• ury' attacks against the west. biggest fIsh ca.ught, and It the elvin· the jh1,hways to , kilep the re we ,oln, to ~acrWcc ey· ~_ Immediately afterward he tele- contestant had put up money to ' ro,acls oP<lP-not ~o convoy milk erythln, lot" YOtes? G cor a e -In fact, it has voted to raise phorled Reuters in London from enter the contest, it was a lotte~y, W't B Ik t A 'I" t~\f.S. An of,j.cer of the tlte shou~. "Are we willin, to pay sothe of the depletion I1llowance~ Eisler's office and made the same and hence barred from .the malls. ,., ness a sam era s ,a" nq' ulry coostabulaQ> said at least Ihree tba~ price for a lICalln Usb body? -an action which would have the decillration in English to his as- ,!he depart~cnt adml~ted so:ne tnickff8 J;ad been threatel]~d. Are we?" n etre~t of reducing treasury rev- tonished superiors skill may be IDvolved m ' gettmg .~.. WASHINGTON ()Pl-Kcy Wlt. \ ' •. , •• ,,'. Police ilt C"nonsbur, said a A... ~.'I.trMlIeH ' d Ie e.n.lle. ' it t . ' the proper tackle. But whether • • I nest :Philip J affe aroused scua- '. ., • ~. ' t\'Uekir rE~ his loael ot .~O His hel~ Ittack followl!d In· '1 ~aYburn " ~POke of the possi- ou ers then announced his the catch is a minnow or a whop- _Laborlles torinl ire MO. nday when he balk. Swepf ': Over' I. qlla~ ' bf \o rltlJk wal duMped by a trodu!:{I~n of In ImendmenL 6)' of raising tbe normal connection with the agency had per _ that's luck, the d'epartment British 6 Dam' •.9"t ;..ml!n. , - Sen. Mahhew Neely (D·WVII) to b~' ''tY \ t~x.. ceased. S~I''''. , ed at un, (oldlDg secrets of the 1945 ' " . , " ~a~loIidIII ut~ " "'i"":'~ ' an tlo. nk k I III ' . r.. , ~ on corporations from 38 per- .. ... R· 't All E AmeraSia Documents case to a I C b" C' ,' . .1Ce v ....• , ..-I) °v1er m ma e he b appllclble to t~ cCI)t ' to 40 percent, tor a revenue "Mr. Peet's action comes as a Rep. Edward MUter (R.MD) . eJet • urope senate inQujry committee. n. a In .' rUlset,' stri ~~ibllW cut .upplles. Nintl Dlst.rict of Columbia. wh\ch now k gijrt of $4QO-milllbn to $650-mil- complet.e SUI:prise," the Reutt~rs said, "It's legislation by bureaus u.Alon~ dattles J In WaehinltOn hi. a "p~lte rent c:onlrol ad. lJ~, ' announcement said. "N'one of hrs or department instead of by con- (' \ t 'S I P I Sen, Theodore Green (D·R!), 4 L': ' TII S~ .., 'nd ; su¥I)s}\lveb~Dcl~. slnce When Gcorle sat dowo, .J(eel? ( .,' ' Britlsh" or American newspaper g~ess." " , ·oa · tee 00 acting com mit tee chairman, Ive ~ to e 'tnrv ~~r· 11000. , called the Ceor,lan's . s",,~1o. ''aU "Although Mr. Tr\lman called for and news agency colleagues in F6110wJng the department's de- " \,romptly announced the group • ' , '".)' , 1 :rhll,.ame u.nlOI1 that ·eall.cl out oiat.orlcaltem""lt io a.ttl-po::', ~ftd sOll'\l! ' elCcise ' tax cllts, he said In Germapy apparently had any fore- .. 1 bill . t may recommend that the senate P1TTSBURGH '1A') - Two' youn, drlvet'll .1n Ptt.tsl)urlh de.II7IlDd- "an ,.·hlblt'on...... f orilo.... Ail" n ~II 11-,·. hi"• spccI'al mecoage_ 0' n taxes last warnl'n".. Atv l·n.·IlUI' ng ot the tact ducedCISW , severato take fishing.s w~re contests ID ro· LO,.,>.JDON ' ~/IDIn. 1 -J, The Br'ltlsh I~b-aCeIt J a ff e Ior contempt or con- men who' SUrvIV""\ J .. a . nl",t I of ~, ' sunlt~ 1 al'1~ .I,eJTtlS \ n W.. h ,nlton. wn~"......"~ ""t wltn-·ed , inn.. my »J..e • Jan . 23 t "... ·at he could not ap _ that he had any pronounced poll'- ~rom under the 'lottery laws. He!lr. !)ranv Pllrty":;upcr-lTovernment" MOlJdllY night torel 'man-ected gress. h orror w h en they. were · .-~... lp '1 st o.' III e ~u-r.,,,.. s'",II" .. ~ frOm tim,. ........ "!i " I ~ H11 prwe ex<:ise ,tax reductions un- Ii cal views.
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