Discours du Délégué Permanent de la Russie auprès de l’UNESCO Madame Eleonora Mitrofanova à la cérémonie de nomination en qualité d’Ambassadeur de bonne volonté de l’UNESCO à l’artiste du peuple de Russie Mr. Denis Matsuev

(Paris, Siège de l’UNESCO, le 2 avril 2014)

Cher Monsieur Denis Matsuev, Chère Madame Irina Bokova, Cher Monsieur Mintimer Chaïmiev, Vos Excellences, Mesdames, Messieurs,

Le pianiste Denis Matsuev est un exemple rare de musicien classique reconnu non seulement parmi le petit cercle des connaisseurs de musique classique, mais aussi bien en dehors. Aujourd’hui tous ses concerts sont planifiés plusieurs années à l’avance. Denis Matsuev est l’invité convoité par les plus grandes salles de concert dans le monde entier, le participant immanquable des festivals philharmoniques les plus connus, le partenaire inaltérable des orchestres symphoniques majeurs de Russie, d’Europe, d’Amérique du Nord et des pays d’Asie. Parmi les partenaires de scène de Denis Matsuev il y a des collectifs des Etats Unis, d’Allemagne, de France, de Grande Bretagne, mais aussi l’orchestre du Théatre Mariinsky, l’Orchestre symphonique de Montréal, l’Orchestre du Théâtre La Scala, l’Orchestre national de Belgique et l’Orchestre de chambre Européen, tous mondialement connus. Sibérien d’, géant au physique athlétique de sportif et jeune homme charmant, depuis sa plus tendre enfance Denis a absorbé la force et la puissance naturelle, ainsi que l’unicité de l’admirable site de patrimoine naturel russe, le lac Baïkal, sur les bords duquel est née sa destinée artistique. “Je suis d’origine des bords du lac Baïkal et toute mon énergie provient de là-bas”, confie Denis. Le style artistique du musicien est également athlétiquement dynamique et musclé. Comme tous les sportifs de haut niveau, Denis a ses records et performances. De cette manière, il est le seul musicien au monde qui ait jamais interprété tous les trois concerts de Tchaïkovsky le même soir. Le concert de Tchaïkovsky №1 a été interprété par Denis déjà plus de quatre cents fois. Sur la scène d’une Salle parisienne le public l’a rappelé onze fois. L’artiste reprend les ouvres les plus compliquées qui sont rarement interprétées, comme, par exemple, «Hammerklavier» de Ludwig Van Beethoven, composée lorsque le compositeur était déjà sourd. En continuant dans les sports, il faut rappeler que Denis Matsuev a eu l’honneur de se produire lors de la cérémonie officielle de fermeture des Jeux Olympiques d’Hiver à . Avec son interprétation du Concert №2 pour piano de Sergueï Rachmaninov il a, sans aucun doute, de nouveau charmé ses nombreux admirateurs du monde entier. Aujourd’hui nous avons le plus grand plaisir de prendre part à un événement très solennel, la cérémonie de nomination en qualité d’Ambassadeur de bonne volonté de l’UNESCO à Monsieur Denis Matsuev. En raison de cela je voudrais exprimer notre plus grande reconnaissance à Madame le Directeur Général de l’UNESCO Irina Bokova pour cette importante décision, entièrement justifiée et méritée.

Ladies and gentlemen, For many years Denis Matsuev has been the director and mastermind of a number of music festivals, educational projects, he has become a prominent music and public figure. Since 2004 he has been holding “Stars on Baikal” Festival with considerable success in his home town Irkutsk. Charity auction “Note Do” is organized within the framework of the Festival, the proceeds of which (300 thousand euros in five years) go to the targeted purchase of musical instruments for children – musicians from Siberia. Denis Matsuev participates in charity concerts all over Russia, commemorating various memorable events, the proceeds of which go to funds for victims of natural disasters and acts of terrorism. He performs for veterans of World War II. The artist is the founder of a charity project for children with disabilities. Its main aim is to introduce kids and young people to creative process (the process of performing musical works), during which open rehearsals and meetings are held. The pianist provides personal targeted assistance in terms of qualitative renewal of musical instruments to music schools, concert halls and philharmonic organizations, as well as performance ensembles in different regions of Russia. Special field of responsibility for Denis is his work with the New Names Inter- Regional Charity Foundation, where he used to study and which he now presides. In over twenty-year existence, within the framework of the Foundation several generations of artists has been trained and it continues to expand its educational activities in support of talented children under the leadership of Denis Matsuev and the founder Yvetta Voronova. He is the artistic director of the Crescendo Music Festival, the programs of which were a huge success in , Saint-Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Pskov, Tel-Aviv, Paris and New-York. In 2010, a cross-year of Russia in France, at the behest of French colleagues the artist joined the Arts Festival of Annecy, the main goal of which is the convergence of musical cultures of two countries. In 2012 he became the artistic director of the First International Festival and Competition for Young Pianists Astana Piano Passion in Kazakhstan. In 2013 in the capacity of the artistic director he chaired the Youth Music Festival and Competition “DEBUT” in , . Kyiv is the birthplace of his mother. He toured extensively Ukraine, where still live a lot of his friends. Denis Matsuev is a member of the Council for Culture and Arts under the President of the Russian Federation, Honorary Professor of Moscow State University. For the past two years he has presided the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture. The musician received many of the most prestigious awards and titles: his spectacular rise began in 1998 when he won at the XI International Tchaikovsky Competition. The presentation of the Shostakovich Award was yet another landmark event. The pianist is the winner of the Russian State Prize in Literature and Art, he was awarded the highest honorary title in our country – People’s Artist of Russia, conferred only on outstanding and particularly distinguished artists. Dear friends, In today’s concert you will see the scholars of the New Names Foundation and Denis Matsuev accompanied by the State Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Tatarstan. In this regard let me express my deepest gratitude to the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan (Russian Federation), which proved invaluable support to today’s concert and to participation of the State Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Tatarstan directed by the Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Sladkovsky. Dear Denis, Designation as the Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO is not only a high assessment of your achievements, and not only an honor, but also a huge responsibility, in fulfilling of which, I am sure, your heroic shoulders and caring heart will help. Taking into consideration your vast experience and knowledge, energy and diligence, wisdom and perseverance you will assume this responsibility with honor! Your designation is especially important because it coincides with four significant events: the Year of Culture in Russia, the 60th Anniversary of the admission of the USSR to UNESCO, the 25th Anniversary of the New Names Foundation and the 10th Anniversary of another of your projects – the Crescendo Festival, where the scholars of the Foundation get a start in life. I wish you further success and achievements for strengthening of peace and international humanitarian cooperation! I wish you health and prosperity! Thank you for your attention.