Public Lecture Series Speakers: 1936 – 2019 The Graduate School has been fortunate to host the following speakers as part of the Public Lecture Series. Lecturers on this list are not eligible for the upcoming nomination cycle. Please contact
[email protected] with any questions about the nomination process. Signature Speakers Series Menhaz Afridi Maria Hinojosa Donna Shalala Morehshin Allahyari Ralina Joseph Ellen Schur Harry Belafonte Verlaine Keith-Miller Nate Silver Carl Bergstrom Marieka Klawitter Kristen Soltis Anderson Misty Copeland Anthony Leiserowitz Touré Laverne Cox Ulf Leonhardt Jose Antonio Vargas Robin DiAngelo Sharon Maeda Jevin West Junot Díaz Trinh Mai Joy Williamson-Lott Lori Dorfman Peggy McIntosh Tim Wise Adam Drewnowski Megan Ming Francis Kevin Young Ronan Farrow Kathy Najimy Sara Zewde Larry Gossett Emile Pitre Temple Grandin Rogelio Riojas Walker-Ames Scholars Alexander Nagel Kirk Johnson Louis Nirenberg John Beverley Charles Keil Rithy Panh Peter Brewer James Lawson Valerie Smith Ming Cho Lee Samuel NC Lieu Roger Strasser Deborah Dryden Helen Longino Elizabeth Wilson Carole Gassert Philip Kumar Maini Joy James Guiseppe Mazzotta Walker-Ames Lecturers Jeno Adam James Balog George Benedek Julian Agyeman Leonard Barkan Seyla Benhabib Huda Akil George Bartholemew T. Brooke Benjamin Hans Albrecht Bethe Paul Bartlett Margaret Bent Emilio Amero George Batchelor Russell Berman Alexander Archipenko Joseph Beach Howard Bern Kenneth Bailey Hugh Beales Jagdish Bhagwati Bernard Bailyn Arnold Beckett Bhabani Bhattacharya Mieke Bal Jean-Albert Bede Garrett Birkhoff Alan Bittles Alfred Chandler, Jr. Robert Dicke J. Bjerknes Li Chi Liselotte Dieckmann Felix Bloch Brock Chisholm Jean Dieudonne Bruce Blumberg Gustave Choquet Andrea (Andy) DiSessa Larry Bobo Ralph Cicerone Stuart Dodd Christoph Bode Marion Clawson Denis Donoghue Bart Bok Cornell Clayton Sterling Dow Bert Bolin William Clebsch Curt Ducasse Paul Bonifas JM Coetzee John Dunning Gabriel Bonno Philip Cohen J.