Stratigraphic Studies of a Late Quaternary Barrier-Type Coastal Complex, Mustang Island-Corpus Christi Bay Area, South Texas Gulf Coast
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Stratigraphic Studies of a Late Quaternary Barrier-Type Coastal Complex, Mustang Island-Corpus Christi Bay Area, South Texas Gulf Coast U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1328 COVER: Landsat image showing a regional view of the South Texas coastal zone. IUR~AtJ Of ... lt~f<ARY I. liBRARY tPotC Af•a .VAStf. , . ' U. S. BUREAU eF MINES Western Field Operation Center FEB 1919S7 East 360 3rd Ave. IJ.tA~t tETUI~· Spokane, Washington .99~02. m UIIM» S.tratigraphic Studies of a Late Quaternary Barrier-Type Coastal Complex, Mustang Island Corpus Christi Bay Area, South Texas Gulf Coast Edited by GERALD L. SHIDELER A. Stratigraphic Studies of a Late Quaternary Coastal Complex, South Texas-Introduction and Geologic Framework, by Gerald L. Shideler B. Seismic and Physical Stratigraphy of Late Quaternary Deposits, South Texas Coastal Complex, by Gerald L. Shideler · C. Ostracodes from Late Quaternary Deposits, South Texas Coastal Complex, by Thomas M. Cronin D. Petrology and Diagenesis of Late Quaternary Sands, South Texas Coastal Complex, by Romeo M. Flores and C. William Keighin E. Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Late Quaternary Fine-grained Sediments, South Texas Coastal Complex, by Romeo M. Flores and Gerald L. Shideler U.S. G E 0 L 0 G I CAL SURVEY P R 0 FE S S I 0 N A L p·A PER I 3 2 8 UNrfED S~fA~fES GOVERNMENT PRINTING ·OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1986 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR DONALD PAUL HODEL, Secretary U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck, Director Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Main entry under title: Stratigraphic studies of a late Quaternary barrier-type coastal complex, Mustang Island-Corpus Christi Bay area, South Texas Gulf Coast. (U.S. Geological Survey professional paper; 1328) Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19.16:1328 Contents: Stratigraphic studies of a late Quaternary coastal complex, South Texas I by Gerald L. Shideler-Seismic and physical stratigraphy of late Quaternary deposits, South Texas coastal complex I by Gerald L. Shideler-Ostracodes from late Quaternary deposits, South Texas coastal complex I by Thomas M. Cronin-[etc.] 1. Barrier islands-Texas-Gulf Region-Addresses, essays, lectures. 2. Geology, Stratigraphic Quaternary-Addresses, essays, lectures. I. Shideler, Gerald L. II. Series: U.S. Geological Survey professional paper ; 1328. GB465.T4S87 1986 551.4'23'09764 84-600246 For sale by the Books and Open-File Reports Section, U.S. Geological Survey, Federal Center, Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225 CONTENTS [Letters designate the chapters) Page (A) Stratigraphic studies of a late Quaternary coastal complex, South Texas-Introduction and geologic framework, by Gerald L. Shideler -------------------------------------------------- 1 (B) Seismic and physical stratigraphy oflate Quaternary deposits, South Tex~s coastal complex, by Gerald L. Shideler - ------------- - - 9 (C) Ostracodes from late Quaternary deposits, South Texas coastal com- plex, by Thomas M. Cronin - ------ -- -- -------- ------ ---- --- 33 (D) Petrology and diagenesis of late Quaternary sands, South Texas coastal complex, by Romeo M. Flores and C. William J{eighin -------------------------------------------------- 65 (E) Geochemistry and mineralogy of late Quaternary fine-grained sedi- ments, South Texas coastal complex, by Romeo M. Flores and Gerald L. Shideler --------- ------------------------------ - - 83 Stratigraphic Studies of a L~te Quaternary Coastal Complex, South ·Texas- 0 , J i····, I Introduction and Geologic Framework By GERALD L. SHIDELER S~fRA~fiGRAPHIC S~fUDIES OF A LA~fE QUA~fERNARY BARRIER-TYPE COASTAL COMPLEX, MUS~f ANG ISLAND-CORPUS CHRISTI BAY AREA, SOUT'H ~fEXAS GULF COAST U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 1328-A CONTENTS Page Plbstract -------~---~----~-----~---~-----~~--~----~-~-------~-----~--~~------------ 1 Introduction ---- ~---------- ~--- ~--------------- ~---- ~---------- ~----- ~----- ~ ~------ 1 Geologic framework ---- ~------- ~---------- ~-------------------------- ~-- ~------ ~--- 2 Physiographic setting ------ ~ ~------------------- ~- ~--- ~---------- ~------- ~---- ~ 2 Regional geology ------- ~- ~----------------- ~ ~---- ~---------------------------- 4 Local geology ------- ~ ------ ~ ---------- ~ ---------- ~ ~ -------- -- - --- ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 References cited ~---------------------------------- ~ ~- ~--------------------------- ~ 7 ILLUSTRATIONS Page FIGURE 1. Map showing locations of features within the southern Mustang Island-Corpus Christi Bay study area on the South Texas GulfCoast -------------------~--------------------~~~~~~~~-------~-~-------~----~~------~~-----~------~--- 2 2. Landsat image showing a regional view of the Sou~h Texas coastal zone - ~- ~ ~---- ~ ~----- ~-------------- ~---- ~----- 3 3. Plerial photograph showing a local view of the southern Mustang Island-Corpus Christi Bay study area ---- ~ ~ ~----- 5 4. Chart showing Quaternary and Pliocene nomenclature for Texas and Louisiana modified from Bernard and LeBlanc (1965) ----~~--------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------- 6 5. Geologic map of the southern Mustang Island-Corpus Christi Bay study area and surrounding region ----------- ~-- 7 III STRATIGRAPHIC STUDIES OF A LATE QUATERNARY BARRIER-TYPE COASTAL COMPLEX, MUSTANG ISLAND-CORPUS CHRISTI BAY AREA, SOUTH TEXAS GULF COAST STRATIGRAPHIC STUDIES OF A LATE QUATERNARY COASTAL COMPLEX, SOUTH TEXAS INTRODUCTION AND GEOLOGIC FRAMEWORK By GERALD L. SHIDELER ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION An understanding of the origin and behavior of modern barrier island systems is an important factor in the implementation of effec During the past decade, the number of geologic stud tive coastal-zone-management programs. Similarly, an understand ies related to the origin and behavior of Quaternary ing of the ancient barrier-lagoonal analogues within the barrier-island systems has increased greatly. This in stratigraphic record is important in designing effective sedimentary facies models used in the exploration for mineral resources. These creased research effort has been prompted by the in factors prompted the initiation in 1979 of the study described in this creasing intensity of national environmental problems volume. The purpose of this study was to investigate the strati associated with coastal-zone development, the imple graphic history of a late Quaternary coastal complex of the South mentation of the national Coastal Zone Management Texas Coastal Plain province, a complex that includes both Pleis Act, and the need for a solid scientific understanding of tocene and Holocene barrier systems. The study is based on 24 7 m of continuous cores obtained at seven sites and 70 km of high-resolution highly dynamic barrier environments in formulating seismic-reflection profiles, which were used to analyze the uppermost coastal-management decisions. 1\.dditional impetus 60 m of Quaternary coastal-plain deposits. The age of the studied also has been provided by the importance of coastal stratigraphic section ranges from Pleistocene (post-Aftonian) to barriers and associated backbarrier facies within the Holocene. stratigraphic record and their relevance to the design Quaternary sedimentation was controlled largely by glacioeustatic movements. During interglacial high stands of sea level, coastal of exploration models for hydrocarbons, coal deposits, plain depositional sequences were formed of alluvial, deltaic, coastal and mineral resources. interdeltaic, and marine deposits. The coastal-plain sequences are In response to the widespread interest in barrier sys separated by unconformities formed during erosional intervals asso tems, the present study was initiated in 1979 to inves ciated with glacial low stands of sea level. tigate the local stratigraphic history of a Quaternary The immediate study area encompasses southern Mustang Island, northern Laguna Madre, southern Corpus Christi Bay, and the adja coastal complex containing barrier systems on the cent mainland. This part of the Texas Coastal Plain province consists South Texas Gulf Coast (fig. 1). The coastal complex is of a modern barrier-island chain and an extensive lagoonal-estuarine near the City of Corpus Christi; it includes the modern system. Corpus Christi Bay is separated from the Gulf of Mexico by southern Mustang Island barrier and the backbarrier Mustang Island and represe.nts a bar-built variety of estuary that is environments of southern Corpus Christi Bay and typical of the Texas Gulf Coast. The mainland is underlain by the upper Pleistocene Beaumont Forn:tation, which consists mainly of northern Laguna Madre. The complex also includes the fluvial-deltaic deposits but which also includes the Ingleside barrier adjacent mainland, which consists of a Pleistocene bar beach facies. rier system. Thus, the local study site was selected be The chapters in this volume present the results of different facets cause it is a small and compact area that contains two of the study. Subsequent chapters present the following topics: the Quaternary barrier systems, resulting in a maximum seismic and physical stratigraphy of the study area, ostracode assem blages and their paleoenvironmental significance, the petrology and amount of stratigraphic information. Specific objec diagenetic features of sand units, and the geochemistry and mineral tives of the present study were to investigate the gen ogy of fine-grained sediments. eral stratigraphic evolution of this Pleistocene- 1 2 STRATIGRAPHIC STUDIES OF A COASTAL COMPLEX, SOUTH TEXAS GULF COAST 97'20'