San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority Agenda January 27, 2017

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San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority Agenda January 27, 2017 Councilmember Don Tatzin, Vice-Chair, City of Lafayette Alternate Federal Glover, Contra Costa County Councilmember Patrick Hume, City of Elk Grove Alternate Don Nottoli, Sacramento County Supervisor Vito Chiesa, Stanislaus County Alternate Richard O’Brien, City of Riverbank Supervisor Rodrigo Espinoza, Merced County Alternate Mike Villalta, City of Los Banos Supervisor Scott Haggerty, Alameda County Alternate Tom Blalock, BART Councilmember Bob Johnson, City of Lodi Alternate Bob Link, City of Visalia Supervisor Doug Verboon, Kings County Alternate Justin Mendes, City of Hanford Supervisor Brett Frazier, Madera County Alternate Andrew Madellin, City of Madera AGENDA January 27, 2017 – 12:30 PM San Joaquin Council of Governments 555 E Weber Avenue, Stockton CA This Agenda shall be made available upon request in alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. § 12132) and the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code § 54954.2). Persons requesting a disability related modification or accommodation in order to participate in the meeting should contact San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission staff, at 209-944-6220, during regular business hours, at least twenty-four hours prior to the time of the meeting. All proceedings before the Authority are conducted in English. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Authority regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the offices of the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission located at 949 E. Channel Street, Stockton, California, 95202 during normal business hours or by calling (209) 944-6220. The Agenda and meeting materials are also available on the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority Website: 1 Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call Vice Chair Tatzin 2 Consent Calendar Vice Chair Tatzin 2.1 Approve Minutes from November 3, 2016 Board Meeting ACTION 2.2 Discuss Next Board Meeting Location INFORMATION 2.3 SJJPA Operating Expense Report INFORMATION 2.4 Accept Independent Auditors’ Report for Fiscal Year ACTION 2015/2016 2.5 Administrative Items INFORMATION 3 Public Comments Persons wishing to address the Authority on any item of interest to the public regarding SJJPA and the San Joaquin Rail Service shall state their names and addresses and make their presentation. Please limit presentations to three minutes. The Authority cannot take action on matters not on the agenda unless the action is authorized by Section 54954.2 of the Government Code. 4 Election of Officers Vice Chair Tatzin ACTION 5 Approve a Resolution of the Governing Board of the San Brian Schmidt ACTION Joaquin Joint Powers Authority to Accept Budget Amendment #1 from the Board of Commissioners of the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission Increasing the SJJPA Community Engagement and Marketing Budget with Rollover Funds from FY 2015/2016 in the Amount of $158,430, Increasing the SJJPA Operating Budget from $48,730,160 to $48,888,590 and Authorizing the Executive Director to Execute Contract Amendments and Agreements to Utilize These Funds Not to Exceed the Executive Director’s Expenditure Authority 6 Morning Express Service / Mid-Corridor Start-Ends Dan Leavitt INFORMATION Update 7 Update on Surveys for Sacramento Morning Express David Lipari INFORMATION Service 8 Update on Planning for Expanded Service to Sacramento Dan Leavitt INFORMATION 9 Update on 2017 Business Plan Dan Leavitt INFORMATION 10 San Joaquins Operations Update Brian Schmidt INFORMATION 11 Executive Director’s Report Stacey Mortensen INFORMATION 12 Adjournment Vice Chair Tatzin INFORMATION 2 of 51 SAN JOAQUIN JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY January 27, 2017 STAFF REPORT Item 2.1 ACTION November 3, 2016 SJJPA Board Meeting Minutes The regular meeting of the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority (SJJPA) was held at 2:00 PM, November 3, 2016 at the Merced County Board of Supervisors Chambers in Merced. 1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call John Pedrozo, Chairperson of the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority (SJJPA), called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Member Chiesa. Board Members Present: Chairperson Pedrozo, Vice Chair Tatzin, Vice Chair Perea, Blalock, Verboon, Medellin, Johnson, Chiesa, and Link. 2. Consent Calendar 2.1 Approve Minutes from July 22, 2016 Board Meeting ACTION 2.2 Approve Next SJJPA Board Meeting Location ACTION 2.3 Approve 2017 SJJPA Board Meeting Calendar ACTION 2.4 Deny the October 12, 2016 Claim of Channon Keel ACTION Regarding a June 6, 2016 Alleged Incident 2.5 Appoint a New Alternate Member for the San Joaquin ACTION Valley Rail Committee in Los Angeles County, and Change Positions of a Regular Member and an Alternate Member in Stanislaus County 2.6 SJJPA Operating Expense Reports INFORMATION Mr. Leavitt mentioned a conflict with the proposed November 10, 2017 SJJPA Board Meeting. He recommended November 17, 2017 as an alternative. M/S/C (Blalock/Tatzin) to amend Item 2.3 of the Consent Calendar to change the November 10, 2017 Board Meeting to November 17, 2017. Passed and Adopted by the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority on November 3, 2016, by the following vote to wit: Ayes: 9 Chairperson Pedrozo, Vice Chair Tatzin, Vice Chair Perea, Blalock, Verboon, Medellin, Johnson, Chiesa, and Link Noes: 0 Abstain: 0 Absent: 1 Hume 1 3 of 51 3. Public Comment Gary Rucker of Merced discussed the excessive train horn blowing in Merced and the impact on the community. Mike Barnbaum, founder of Ride Downtown 916, mentioned the upcoming opening of the Downtown Sacramento Holiday Ice Rink. He also discussed activities taking place for “Train Day” on November 19 at the Holiday Ice Rink. There were no additional public comments. 4. Recognition of Outgoing Chair John Pedrozo Member Chiesa recounted the first time he met Chair Pedrozo. Member Verboon discussed how Chair Pedrozo made him feel welcomed when he first began attending rail meetings. Vice Chair Perea reminisced on his friendship with Chair Pedrozo. Member Johnson told a story highlighting Chair Pedrozo’s popularity and leadership qualities. Member Blalock mentioned Chair Pedrozo’s contribution to the formation of the SJJPA. Vice Chair Tatzin also touched upon Chair Pedrozo’s welcoming disposition. Ms. Mortensen applauded Chair Pedrozo’s leadership as Chair of the SJJPA. Mr. Leavitt thanked Chair Pedrozo for his unwavering support and commitment toward improving the San Joaquins. Mr. Schmidt mentioned the degree of Chair Pedrozo’s trust in staff. Ms. Mortensen and staff then presented Chair Pedrozo with an engraved bell and framed photograph. Chair Pedrozo spoke next, introducing his family and friends in attendance and thanking everyone for their kind words and support. He also mentioned how his life philosophy influenced his role as a public servant and SJJPA Chair. 2 4 of 51 5. Approve Resolution of the Governing Board of the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority Adding Section 7.6 to Article 7 of the Bylaws Granting the Chair Discretion to Allow Board Member Participation at Special Meetings Via Teleconference ACTION Ms. Mortensen began the item with a presentation discussing the need for the Board to have an option in place to take quick action on short notice, without the need for a formal Board Meeting. Member Blalock discussed the measures BART has adopted in the past to address similar circumstances. M/S/C (Verboon/Blalock) to approve resolution of the Governing Board of the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority Adding Section 7.6 to Article 7 of the Bylaws granting the Chair discretion to allow Board Member participation at special meetings via teleconference. Passed and Adopted by the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority on November 3, 2016, by the following vote to wit: Ayes: 9 Chairperson Pedrozo, Vice Chair Tatzin, Vice Chair Perea, Blalock, Verboon, Medellin, Johnson, Chiesa, and Link Noes: 0 Abstain: 0 Absent: 1 Hume 6. Approve Resolution of the Governing Board of the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority Authorizing the Chair to Execute the FY 2017 San Joaquin Intercity Passenger Rail Service Operating Agreement with Amtrak ACTION Ms. Mortensen began the item with a presentation outlining the Operating Agreement with Amtrak and some of the key components. There was no Board discussion on this item. M/S/C (Verboon/Tatzin) to approve resolution of the Governing Board of the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority authorizing the Chair to execute the FY 2017 San Joaquin Intercity Passenger Rail Service Operating Agreement with Amtrak. Passed and Adopted by the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority on November 3, 2016, by the following vote to wit: Ayes: 9 Chairperson Pedrozo, Vice Chair Tatzin, Vice Chair Perea, Blalock, Verboon, Medellin, Johnson, Chiesa, and Link Noes: 0 Abstain: 0 Absent: 1 Hume 3 5 of 51 7. San Joaquin Valley Rail Committee Report Mr. Krause began the item with a presentation on recent San Joaquin Valley Rail Committee (SJVRC) happenings. The content of Mr. Krause’s presentation is summarized in the Board Briefing Materials, and in Mr. Krause’s PowerPoint slides for this agenda item (available on the website). Mr. Krause then introduced Steve Cohn, former Sacramento City Councilmember and SJJPA Vice Chair. Mr. Cohn thanked Chair Pedrozo for his service to the SJJPA. Mr. Cohn then presented on key developments and recommendations from the latest SJVRC meeting. The content of Mr. Cohn’s presentation is summarized in the Board Briefing Materials, and in Mr. Cohn’s PowerPoint slides for this agenda item (available on the website). Member Chiesa inquired into how quickly some of the Committee recommendations can be implemented. Ms. Mortensen mentioned the need to have a planning prioritization meeting to clarify how the recommendations should be addressed. Chair Pedrozo expressed his pleasure in having Mr. Cohn actively participating in rail efforts. Mr.
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