Status and Redescription of Rossmaessleria Scherzeri, an Over- Looked Land Snail Endemic on Gibraltar, with Notes on R

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Status and Redescription of Rossmaessleria Scherzeri, an Over- Looked Land Snail Endemic on Gibraltar, with Notes on R © Sociedad Española de Malacología Iberus, 34 (1): 1-17, 2016 Status and redescription of Rossmaessleria scherzeri, an over- looked land snail endemic on Gibraltar, with notes on R. olcesei and other Moroccan species of Rossmaessleria (Gastropoda: Helicidae) Estatus y redescripción de Rossmaessleria scherzeri, un inadvertido caracol terrestre endémico de Gibraltar, con notas sobre R. olcesei y otras especies marroquíes de Rossmaessleria (Gastropoda: Helicidae) J. Sebastián TORRES ALBA*, Francisco E. VÁZQUEZ TORO**, Victoriano MENESES SORES***, David T. HOLYOAK**** and Geraldine A. HOLYOAK**** Recibido el 15-V-2015. Aceptado el 8-X-2015 ABSTRACT Rossmaessleria scherzeri was named as a new species from Gibraltar in 1867, then cited repeatedly and illustrated in the literature up to 1904. Subsequently, except for passing men- tions in 1976 and 1982 it has usually been overlooked, resulting in its omission from local and European lists of threatened species. In 2006 it was dismissed as a dubious taxon, pro- bably synonymous with Iberus marmoratus. We report the “rediscovery” of the species at Gibraltar in 2015 and redescribe and illustrate it, showing differences from Iberus marmo- ratus (with which it coexists) and giving the first account of its genital anatomy, which reaf- firms the generic allocation. The genus has otherwise been known from nine taxa restricted to NW. Morocco, from which the genital anatomy has been described for three taxa. In addi- tion, we provide the first descriptions of the genitalia of R. olcesei, redescribe its shells, report additional localities and comment on variation in its shell characters. RESUMEN Rossmaessleria scherzeri fue nombrada como nueva especie de Gibraltar en 1867, citada e ilustrada en varias ocasiones en la literatura hasta 1904. Posteriormente sólo ha sido men- cionada en 1976 y en 1982, ya que normalmente ha pasado desapercibida, habiendo sido omitida en las listas locales y europeas de especies amenazadas. En 2006 fue des- cartado como taxón dudoso, probablemente sinónimo de Iberus marmoratus. Presentamos el “redescubrimiento” de la especie en Gibraltar en 2015 y se redescribe e ilustra, mos- trando las diferencias con Iberus marmoratus (con el que coexiste) y dando por primera vez datos de su genitalia, la cual confirma su atribución genérica. El género es conocido por otro lado gracias a nueve taxones restringidos al noroeste de Marruecos, de los cuales se han descrito los aparatos genitales de tres de ellos. Además proporcionamos las primeras descripciones de la genitalia de R. olcesei, se redescriben sus conchas, se reportan nuevas localidades y se comentan los caracteres de la variabilidad de su concha. * Dr. Gálvez Moll, 32, 29011, Málaga, España. ** Alfredo Palma, Torrevigía 432, 29603, Marbella, Málaga, España. *** Federico García Lorca, 55, 11360, San Roque, Cádiz, España. **** Quinta da Cachopa, Barcoila, 6100-014 Cabeçudo, Portugal. E-mail: [email protected] 1 Iberus, 34 (1), 2016 INTRODUCTION I. marmoratus being revised by us to fo- llow ELEJALDE, MADEIRA,ARRÉBOLA, Helix Scherzeri was named and des- MUÑOZ & GÓMEZ-MOLINER, 2008a, ELE- cribed from Gibraltar by Zelebor (in JALDE, MADEIRA,MUÑOZ, ARRÉBOLA & PFEIFFER & ZELEBOR, 1867), and subse- GÓMEZ-MOLINER, 2008b and BANK & quently described and figured in several LUIJTEN, 2015]. Nevertheless, the sug- publications, including HIDALGO (1875, gestion that it is the same as Iberus mar- 1884: pl. 40), TRYON (1888: 212, pl. 60) moratus conflicts with KOBELT’S (1883: 7) and authoritative illustrated reviews of report that both occur in quantity on Gi- the species-group by KOBELT (1881c, braltar and that H. scherzeri “is easily 1882). Although its name has been cited distinguishable from H. marmorata by occasionally in recent decades (NORRIS, the white peristome”. 1976: 496; BARTOLOMÉ, 1982: 2), there are Dissatisfaction over the apparent no reports of the species being refound “disappearance” of this species from the or sought after and the taxon appears to literature led JSTA, FEVT and VMS to have been overlooked in most of the search for it on Gibraltar in January modern literature. 2015. The species was relocated living in The Biodiversity Action Plan for Gi- good numbers in deep crevices of limes- braltar (PEREZ, 2006), Schedule 3 of the tone high on the rock (as reported by Nature Protection Ordinance, 1991 (see Kobelt) and a few specimens were MENEZ, 2005) and the European Red List collected. It was living with or very of non-marine Molluscs (CUTTELOD, SED- close to Iberus marmoratus, being diffe- DON & NEUBERT, 2011) cover the other rent from it in shell characters (Fig. 1B scarce and near-endemic land snails of cf. 1A), and thus immediately removing Gibraltar, Acicula norrisi Gittenberger & any doubt that it is specifically distinct Boeters, 1977 and Oestophora calpeana from that species. Specimens were sent (Morelet, 1854), but there is no mention to DTH and GAH for anatomical study of R. scherzeri. Although the CLECOM and comparisons with Moroccan Ross- Supraspecific Classification of European maessleria. non-marine Mollusca (BANK, BOUCHET, This paper therefore reports the “re- FALKNER, GITTENBERGER, HAUSDORF, discovery” of the population of R. scher- VON PROSCHWITZ & RIPKEN, 2001: 102) zeri on Gibraltar with notes on its habi- included the genus Rossmaessleria P. tat and ecology, redescribes the shell Hesse, 1907, and SCHILEYKO (2006: 1806) characters and describes the hitherto included “S. Spain” in addition to Mo- unknown genital anatomy. HESSE (1915) rocco in the range of that genus, the provided good accounts and figures of Fauna Europaea checklist of Iberian gas- jaws, radulae and genital anatomy for tropods (BANK, 2011) omitted both ge- three Rossmaessleria species, R. sicanoides nus and species, apparently in error. Fi- (Kobelt, 1881), R. sultana (Morelet, 1880) nally, TALAVÁN GÓMEZ & TALAVÁN SER- and R. tetuanensis (Kobelt, 1881). In or- NA (2006: 38) refer to it under Iberus der to broaden the basis for compari- gualterianus marmoratus as: “controverti- sons with R. scherzeri, we take the op- da especie citada de Gibraltar, de cuyo portunity to redescribe shells of the po- status taxonómico se duda. A nuestro orly known R. olcesei (Pallary, 1899), des- juicio, este taxón podría tratarse en efec- cribe its genital anatomy for the first ti- to de I. gualterianus marmoratus por el me, and present new distributional re- gran parecido entre nuestros ejemplares cords of it and comments on geographi- y los referidos por HIDALGO (1875: lám. cal variation in its shell characters. We 40) a H. scherzeri ...” [i.e., they regarded also present new anatomical and other it as a controversial species of doubtful data on R. tetuanensis. The genital ana- taxonomic status, in their judgment best tomy is thus now known from five of regarded as a form of Iberus marmoratus the ten nominal taxa that appear to have (A. Férussac, 1821), which is well known been correctly placed as species of Ross- on Gibraltar; the taxonomic treatment of maessleria (see Fig. 3 and its legend for 2 TORRES ALBA ET AL.: Status and redescription of Rossmaessleria scherzeri list of the taxa and a distribution map). The genitalia is of semidiaulic mono- A reconsideration of the relationships of trematic type. The gonad (ovotestis) is Rossmaessleria to other genera of Helici- branched, giving rise to a long contorted nae and of species and subspecies limits first hermaphrodite duct functioning as in the genus will be the subjects of sepa- a seminal vesicle, which ends in a small rate publications. talon. The albumen gland is large and long; the spermoviduct (second her- maphroditic duct) arises from its distal MATERIAL AND METHODS end, consisting of a female channel (with a seminal groove) and prostate Samples of shells and specimens gland fused to define a single lumen. preserved in alcohol were collected in The vas deferens is long and slender, the field in August 1984 and June 1986 following the sperm groove in the pros- in Morocco and January 2015 on Gibral- tate gland of the spermoviduct, passing tar by direct searching around crags and in a loop between the distal vagina and other rocky habitats, seeking living the penial complex (joined to distal animals resting in crevices or under vagina and distal penis by thin connec- boulders. Adult shells were recognisable tive tissues), ending in the penial because of the reflected lip of the peris- complex at or close to the point where tome, allowing selection of adult shells flagellum enters epiphallus. for measurement and mature specimens A long penial flagellum is present for dissection of genitalia. Measure- (longer than epiphallus). The well deve- ments of shell breadth and height and loped muscular epiphallus is somewhat counts of whorls followed the methods shorter to slightly longer than the penis illustrated by KERNEY &CAMERON and connects the proximal end of the (1979: 13). Measurements of some shells penis with the flagellum/vas deferens were made with vernier callipers; those junction; the inner wall of the epiphallus of breadth being accurate to within ± has five or six longitudinal ridges pro- 0.05 mm, those of height were less jecting into the lumen. The penial retrac- precise because the greatest height of tor muscle inserts near the distal end of the shell is widely offset from the colu- the epiphallus and ends on the body mellar axis, so shell orientation affects wall. The penis in mature snails gene- the measurement. Other shells were rally has the proximal part wider than measured accurately to ± 0.25 mm. The the distal part. The proximal penis is ± genital anatomy was studied from the ovoid, with a thin-walled outer sheath same material, dissection being carried and a thick muscular inner wall within out using Meiji RZ Series stereo-micros- which are two small verges, the proxi- copes and drawings prepared with a mal verge apparently representing the Meiji drawing tube. distal end of the epiphallus, the distal The basic pattern of the genital verge a sphincter-like constriction that anatomy in Rossmaessleria is closely may project distally as a blunt papilla similar in all five species for which it is with central pore; the lumen (chamber) known.
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