Sequestration, Performance, and Functional Control of Cryptophyte Plastids in the Ciliate Myrionecta Rubra (Ciliophora)1
J. Phycol. 42, 1235–1246 (2006) r 2006 by the Phycological Society of America DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2006.00275.x SEQUESTRATION, PERFORMANCE, AND FUNCTIONAL CONTROL OF CRYPTOPHYTE PLASTIDS IN THE CILIATE MYRIONECTA RUBRA (CILIOPHORA)1 Matthew D. Johnson2 Horn Point Laboratory, Center for Environmental Science, University of Maryland, Cambridge, Maryland 21613, USA Torstein Tengs National Veterinary Institute, Section of Food and Feed Microbiology, Ullevaalsveien 68, 0454 Oslo, Norway David Oldach Institute of Human Virology, School of Medicine, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, USA and Diane K. Stoecker Horn Point Laboratory, Center for Environmental Science, University of Maryland, Cambridge, Maryland 21613, USA Myrionecta rubra (Lohmann 1908, Jankowski Key index words: ciliate; Geminigera cryophila; 1976) is a photosynthetic ciliate with a global dis- mixotrophy; Myrionecta rubra; nucleomorph; or- tribution in neritic and estuarine habitats and has ganelle sequestration long been recognized to possess organelles of Abbreviations: CMC, chloroplast–mitochondria cryptophycean origin. Here we show, using nucleo- complex; HL, high light; LL, low light; LMWC, morph (Nm) small subunit rRNA gene sequence low-molecular-weight compound; MAA, micros- data, quantitative PCR, and pigment absorption scans, that an M. rubra culture has plastids identi- porine-like amino acids; ML, maximum likelihood; NGC, number of genomes per cell; PE, photosyn- cal to those of its cryptophyte prey, Geminigera thesis versus irradiance; TBR, tree bisection-recon- cf. cryophila (Taylor and Lee 1971, Hill 1991). Using quantitative PCR, we demonstrate that G. cf. struction cryophila plastids undergo division in growing M. rubra and are regulated by the ciliate. M. rubra maintained chl per cell and maximum cellu- Myrionecta rubra (5Mesodinium rubrum) (Lohmann cell lar photosynthetic rates (Pmax) that were 6–8 times 1908, Jankowski 1976) (Mesodiniidae, Litostomatea) that of G.
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