Adaptive Bitrate Video Streaming for Wireless Nodes: a Survey Kamran Nishat,Omprakash Gnawali, Senior Member, IEEE and Ahmed Abdelhadi, Senior Member, IEEE
1 Adaptive Bitrate Video Streaming for Wireless nodes: A Survey Kamran Nishat,Omprakash Gnawali, Senior Member, IEEE and Ahmed Abdelhadi, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—In today’s Internet, video is the during video streaming to sustain revenues [3] most dominant application and in addition to and user engagement [4]. Most Internet video this, wireless networks such as WiFi, Cellu- delivery services like Twitch, Vimeo, Youtube lar, and Bluetooth have become ubiquitous. Hence, most of the Internet traffic is video use Adaptive BitRate (ABR) to deliver high- over wireless nodes. There is a plethora of re- quality video across diverse network conditions. search to improve video streaming to achieve Many different types of ABR are implemented high Quality of Experience (QoE) over the In- in recent years [5, 6] to optimize the quality of ternet. Many of them focus on wireless nodes. the video based on different inputs like available Recent measurement studies often show QoE of video suffers in many wireless clients over bandwidth and delay. Recently, Pensieve, a neu- the Internet. Recently, many research papers ral adaptive video streaming platform developed have presented models and schemes to op- by MIT [5], it uses deep reinforcement learning timize the Adaptive BitRate (ABR) based (DRL) [7, 8], and outperforms existing ABRs. video streaming for wireless and mobile users. One of the major challenges will occur in In this survey, we present a comprehensive overview of recent work in the area of Internet the near future with 5G wide deployment when video specially designed for wireless network. many devices share the unlicensed spectrum, Recent research has suggested that there are such as [9–11] .Video stream applications can some new challenges added by the connec- be optimized for these resource critical scenar- tivity of clients through wireless.
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