
(tm ^^ ^ INCLUDING Bank and Quotation Section (Monthly) State and City Section (semi-AnnuaUy)

Railway and Industrial Section (Quarterly) Street Railway Section ("^I^Jif^)


Representing the Industrial Interests of the United States.


WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, PINE STREET, OOENER PEARL STREET, NEW YORK. Entered according to Act of Congress in tlie year 1905, by

WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, WasMngton, D. C. —


JAJSUABY 1 TO JUNE 30, 1905.


Page Pag A frica's Gold Production in 1904 623 Chicago Stock Market to be Repotted in Foreign Exchange, Organization Look- /^ labama Railroad Commission and Chroniolb 184, 430 ing to Improvement of the Business Railroad Rates (F. S.) 2189 ChloHgo's Railroads and Mayor Dunne's (F. 8.) . 840 AEeghenv and , Injunction De- Method for Getting Possession of Them Foreign Trad e of U. 8. (monthly) 1 97,

lays Union (F. S ) 2SP5 (FS) 1390 686, 1152,1454,1919,2435 Amalgamated Copper Report 2371 City Bonds. *ee Municipal Bonds. Foreign Trade of U 8 fo- Calendar Year. 191

Anthritclte Coal— «ee Coal. Clearings. See Bank « learings. Foreign Trade of U. S , Reasons Why So Australaeia's Gold Production in 1904... 623 Cleveland Cinn. Chi & St Louis Ry. Be Unfavorable Temi'orarv (F.S.) 1078 port for Half Year (F S.) ...1330 France, Japan and Russia 1445 Balfour Ministry, Tlie Future of 1334 Coal Production (Anthracite) Last Year. 437 French Ministry, Fall of M. Combesand alfour, Mr., on National Defense 1943 Coal Road (Anthracite) Earnings (F. S ) M. Deloasse (F. 8 ) 188 Baltic Fleet -Early Reports of Condition 432 and Probable Oatoi>me ... 1394 Combes, M , «nd Fall of French Ministry 188 Gas Company, Rights of, In Public Sts 2372 Bank Clearings (Moutlily) 101. 137, Comme'ce (Inter-state) Commission- eneral Electric Report 1700 570, 975, 1341, 1«34, 2324 New Court to Define Just and Unjust Germany, Exhibit of 1341

Bank Clearings and speculation in 1904. 136 Actsot(F8) . 185 Germany and France, Differences with Bank Clearings by Telegraph 101, 570. Congress Active in New BUls Giving In- Reference to Morocco (F. S.) 2592 974,1341,1833, 2323 ter State Comm ro»> Commission Power Gold Exi.orts, Government Deficit and

Bank Clearings of Unparalleled Propor- to Fix Railroad Rates (F. 8 ) 184 Currency (F. S.t 132

tions (F. 8 ) 1329 Construction and Betterments in 1904. Gold Exi orts at d Imports of U. S. Bank Clearings (Weekly and Monthly)— t>ee Railway and Industrial Section (monthly ). 197, 68 S 1152, 1454, 1949,2435 /See first page eacn week. Jan 28 Gold Exports and Large Manufacture of Bank Notes, Chauges in Totals of. etc., Cotton Acreage and Condition June 1, Bank Notes (F. S.i .. . 561 451, 689, 1038, 14^7, 1836, 2325 19ti5 2315 Gold Movement to San Francisco, to Bank and Quotation beotion (Monthly) Cotton Crop, Census Bureau's Estimate Japan and Europe (F 8) 70 Jan. 7. Feb. 4, Mch. 4, Apr. 8. May 6 1904 05 Crop Proper Policy of Spin- Gold Production Rapid (F. S ) 672 and June 3. See end of "volume rers (F. 8). 616 Gold and silver Production of the World Monthly Review, etc. Cotton Crop and Skill in Marketing(F,8 ) 1391 in 1904 620 Bank Sto kholders' Right to Examine Cotton— Fall River strikers Return to Gold Standard Adopted bv Mexico 1446 Stock Books . ...2598 Work (F 8) 185 Government (D. S.) Revenue and Dis- Bank Stock Sales. ,99, 141, 199. 445. 569, Cotton Receipts at Southern Ports.. 140, bursements (monthly).. 452. 689, 1038, 628 683,847 972 10^4. 10 s8, 1149. 627, 680, 1031, 1401, 18H.6, 2374 145-^, lb 35, 2437 1209 1339. 1402, 1451. 1701, 1831, Cotton Supply and Consumi-tion in Eu- Great .Britain, Balfour on National De- 18"i9 194'<, 2196. 2320. 2376,243,^, 2599 rope 439 fense 1943 Bank Stock Taxing. See National Bank. Crops, Condition of (F. S.) 1392,187s* Great Britain, Business in 1904 440 Banks, National A Law Department for. 971 Crons, Especially Winter Wheat, in Prom- Great Britain, The Future of the Balfour

. Banks, Savings. 5re Savings. ising Condition (F. 8 ). 960 Ministry 1334 Banks. Secrelar> Shaw's Announcement Currency Holding.-! of U. 8 Treasury.

of a 50 ter Cent Call on Depositary 45!,6'59, 1039,1458,1951,2379 a lllnols Central RR , Extra Dividend of

Banks (F. 8.) 1329 Czar and the Russian People .'^63 H 1-2 per cent ( P\ S.) ... 186 Banks. Secretary Shaw's Call on Deposit- Czar's Edict 1827 Imports of Exports of U. 8 (monthly) ary, and 4 f er cent Rates for Call 197,686.1152 1454 1949,2435 Mone.v (F. 8.) 1078 Debt Statement of U. 8. (Monthly) 448, Insurance. See Fire" and ' Life." Beef Trust—Light on the Trust Question. 686, 1036, 1455, 2198, 2601 Insurance, Life. The Equitable Case 1147 1024 Debt of D. S and It« History. See State Interborough Rapid Transit (New York) Beef Trust and the Railroads 1397 AND City Section May ^7. Strike 1026 Betterments.

Municipal, eio. Eckels, Jame.'i H , on the Financial Power Railway Restrictions and Railway Book Notices— of the Nt-w West (F, S) 1141 Freedom 1206 Accountancy of Investments, Including Electric Railways in New York. See Inter-State Commerce Commission's In- Treiitise on Compound Interest, etc . 1888 STKfcET Railway -lection Feb. 25. dictment of Itself 1829 Business Shortcuts in Aocountin»i, Ad- Electric Roads Under Unfavorable Con- Roads, Fares on. iSfee Strbet

vertising, etc , etc 682 ditions, s< e STREET Ry. Sec Feb. 25. Railway Section June 24 Commerce, Lectures on 681 Electrifying Lines with Dense Passenger Iron Production (monthly) (F. S.) 133, Extended Boud Tables 1889 Tratll 1 See SXKEt-T Ry. Sec. Feb. 25. 617. 1022. 1392, 1879, 2368 Financier, Le Marche 682 Ellison's January Annual Cotton Report Iron Production of the L ite Year 565 Investing, The Art of Wise 683 (by Cable) 439 Iron and Steel, Reason for Cotmtry's Legal render Problem 1888 England. See also Great Britain. Large 'onsumption of .2596 Letters from an Old railway Official to Equitahle Life Assurance Case 1147, 2424 Iron and Steel Trades, Reaction in 2192 his -on, a Division Superintendent... 1888 Equitable Life Assurance Society. Hyde Manufacturing Cost....'. 682 Stock (F. 8.) ... 2592 Japan. France and Russia 1445 Savings BaLks that have Failed in the Equitable Lite Assurance Society. Judge apan and Russia, Progress Towards State of New York, a Summary of 1887 Maddox's Decision and Property Rights 2312 Peace (F.S.) 2592 Speeches (Alter Dinner) with Anecdotes Equitable Life Assurance Society. Secre- Japan and Russian War. See Russo-Jap- andToasts 682 tary Morton's I hairmanship and Mr. anese War. Boston Trust Companies 567, 571 Rvao's Purchase ol the Hyde Btook Japanese Credit, The R se in 1203 BreadstuSs Receipts at Lake and River (F. 8.) 2429 Javanese Loan, Grand Success of En- Ports 140, 626, 680, 1031, 1401, Exchange. Se*j Foreign Exchange. couraging (F. S.) 1200 1886, 2374 Exports and Imports of U. S (Monthly).. Japanese Victory in Manchuria and British Tramway Development. See 197, 686, 1152, 1454, 1949, 2435 Financial Troubles in Paris (F. S.) 1078 STREbT Railway Section June 24. Japan's Loan, Holdings of in New York British. -See En.fland and Great Britain. Failure of Mr. Bigelow, Pres. of First Banks (F. 8.) 236 Building I'rades' New Joint Arbitration Nat. -lank of Milwaukee (F. 8.) 1694 Agreement (F. 8.) 1695 Failures by Branches of Business In '04. 197 nr ansasClty Southern Ry 1338 BusinebS Activity. See Stock Exchange. Failures in 1904, The Rich Man's Wreck. 73 M^uro, atkin. Decisive Defeat in Man- Business Pros'ierity and Adversity and FalluTi s lnl905 Less Important (F. 8 ).. churia... 1081 Labor Unions 8l3 961, 1456 Fall River Cotton Mill Strikers Return fa>>or—Open and Closed Shop 137 CI anad a Gold Production in 1904. . 624 to Work (F, 8.) 185 -'abor Situation, the Improvement in— 'anadian Bank Clearlntrs 101, 570, Fares, Street Rnilway, Reduced. See Mr David M. Parry's Remarks 1944 974,1341, 1833.2323 Street R ilwat section Feb. 25. Labor Unions and Business Prosperity Capital, War Against, Cause of Demor- Financial Rehabilitations, Two Import- and Adversity 843 alization inStuck Market (F 8 ) 2188 ant ... 1828 Lake shore A Michigan Central RR. Half- Oars, Rail Motor. .See Railway and In- Financial Situation. See first article each Yearly Statement .... 2430 dustrial Section Jan 28 week. LcKisiature (New York) Extra Session Oassatt, Pres't, of Penn RR in N. Y, N. Fire Inf uranco Rates and Methods 967 (F.S) 2592 H. & Hartford Dlreotorale (F. 8 ) 70 Fish, Mr. t*tuyvesant. Address at Inter- Lehigh Valley RR. Inojeases Dividend Chicago & North Western Ry.Results for national Rv. Congress (F. 8,) . 1825 (F. 8.) 70 the Calendar Year 566 Foreign Exchan.e Market (Weekly). See Life Insurance Companies, Feara as to Chicago Stock Exchange Record of Prices Financial Situation Size of 1085 foria04 198 Foreign Exchange Market in 1904 98 Listings on NT. Stook Exchange in 1904. 193 —

[Vol. lxxx. rv INDEX

Page Page Patte Cor oration. 2191 Railroad Gross and Net Earnings for the Steel— See U S Steel London Embassy 617,624,968 Steel Consumi»tion Last Year's Shrink Long iBland operating Problems, ''^ee talendarY^ar 114% Legislation, Ne«d of Caution in, 2194 agein Ry. and Industrial Section April 29. Railroad Country's Railroad Loan Negotiations, L»rge, In- Steel and Iron, Reason for LouiivllleA Nashville RR. $50,000,000 of -. -. 2596 dicate Confidence (F. S) 1201 Large Consumption Mortgaice (F. 8.) .1201 Reaction In Railroad and Miscelianeous Bonds In Steel and Iron Trades, The LoulsTlUe & f^ ashville RR. Seml-Annaal 1878. 1940. 2192 1904, Prices. Etc /—; ^^ Statement (F. 8 ) 432 in the Railroads and Miscellaneous Stocks In Steel. Last Year's Curtailment tlon of 676 Char- 1904. Prices, Etc 96 Consumi mwanoharlan Battle- Its Decisive -See Foreign Exch 1031 Railroad Rate Act-Cla'ms to ^e in Ac- Sterling Exchange— i^M. acter . - Prices Oauses cord with Public Opinion Absurd (F.S) 672 Stock Exchange. Break in Massachusetts Electric Railways and ... 1694 1824 Railroad Rate Action and President's Sutreested (K 8).... 8tate Regulation 1698 Irregular, Though Good. Views Unwi»e and Sure to Fail (F. 8.). 1878 Stock Exchange Mercantile b allures. See Failures. Many Favorable Features 132 Rallroa 1 Rate Bill Failed to Pass Senate; Merchandise Golt and Sliver Imports W Listings in 1904. Apointfd a Committee to St ck Exchange, Y . 193 and Exports of U. S. (monhly) --17. That Body , Snare and Bond Pre are a Bill. etc. (F 8.) 960 Stock Exchange. N Y 686,1152,1454,1949,2435 Sales 138,570 974 1341 1834 2324 RR., Annual Re- Railroad Rate Bill, Passage in the House Mexican International 616 Stock Exchange Sales Tax on. Bill Signed - •- 19*6 (F. 8.) pofX, . by Governor (P 81 1443 MeTlco'sAd'ootionof theGold Standard. 1446 Railroad Rate Legislation by Congress *^*^ Stock Exchange Setback and President's West, Develoiment of 2314 Likely (F.S) *,- Middle and•i".A---.vPresident's Announcement of Extra Session to Con- Missouri Bankers' Association, Develot- Railroad Rate Question Extra Session to Con sider Rate Question .. 132 Mid le West 2314 Announcement of mentof ^^^ Stockholders Are Better Served by Con- Missouri Paolflo Ry. R^rort 10!J6 Bider(F. S.i , .-i,j-v-,i .V servative Dlvld>»nd Distributions (F S ) 616 Money Market-Four Per Cent for Call Railroad Rate Quest! n and Stock Hold- etc. (P 8.) 838 Stockhold«?r8' Rigut to Take Additional Money and Heavy Call on Deitositary ings by Savings Banks ^^"' Rates and Alabama RR Com.. 2189 Stock 436 Banks (F. 8.) Railroad VV Congrtss Active Intro- Stockholders' Rights and Fixing Railroad Stock of in the United States 5H3. Railroad Rates— Money, Rates (F 8 ) 185 11 4, 14 8. 2200, 2437 ducing Devices to Fix Rates (P S.) ... 184 also Electric Roads, etc. Stock Sales Tax on. Unjust in Form and Monroe Dootrln« and the President's In- Railroads. See 1328 „43l Ra'lroads. See Rate Legislation. Practice (F S) teri'retiUlon (F8.)...... - Transfer Tax. See Y. Stock 259") Railroads—Do Big Train Loads Pay 1 See Stock N Moroccan Question 2^)92. Exchange. See Cars. Ry. and [nd. Section Ai ril ^9. Motor Cars Rail. 1397 Street Railway Section Feb. 25 and al Bonds. Sales During 1904 See Railroads and the Beef Trust Muulcii Com- June 24. See end of volume Seocion vf ay 27. Railroads Liable for Damages from State and City Street Railway Taxes Reduced See Municipal Bond Sal^s in 1904, What puis ry Change of Street Grades 1395 Time New Yck to Street RiiLWAY Section Feb 25 of 1 189 Railroad.-*— Running Was the Amount — Strike (N City) on the Subway and (monthly) ...176. Outcome of (F. S ) North Carolina Judgment and Defaulted 430. 431 6m9 1039,1458,1-51,2379 Togo's Treasury Deficit and Otfiolal Statement State Bonds . 1332 Ru» so-Japanese War—Admiral of Appropriations (F. 8 ) 1022 North Sea Decision 963 Great. VI tory . . 2308,2311 Northern Cent. Ry. Annual Report (F.S.) 839 Russo-Japanese War—Defeat ol Kuropat- Trust Companies in New Jersey, Growth kin Decisive 1081 of (F. 8.1 1078 ^pen and Closed Shop 136 Ruspo Japanese War—Fall of Port Ar- Trust Companies in New York City and thur 70, 134 Elsewhere 567, 571 Rus80-Ja''anese War—The Foreign Of- Trust Question, Light on..... 1024 Paris, Flnan ial Troubles in. Follow- fices and the War Situation 1697 ing Kuropatkin's Defeat (K. 8.) 1022 Russo-Japanese War—The Law of Neu- JTnion Pacific and Northern Pacific In- Peace enforced by Isolation of Nation trality 1882 U terests as Changed at Northern Pa- 1940 Rejecting all Efforts Towards a Reason- Russo-Japanese War-Pros, ect of Peace cific Annual Meeting (P 8 ) able Settlement (F 8.) 2308 1144, 2427 U 8 Bonds in 1904 Prices, etc 96 Peace More Likely Now that Port Arthur Russo-Jaianese War—The North Sea De- U S. Debt Statement (monthly). . 448. H86. 1036. 145% 2198. 2601 has Fallen (F. 8.) 70 cision - 963 Peace Negotiations 2427 Russo-Japanese War—The Question of U. S Debt and Its History— See State Peace and President Roosevelt's Efforts EasternPeace 2369 AND City Section May 27 In that Direction (F. 8,).... 2366. 2424, 25^2 Russo-Jacanese War— Rea.>i earance of U S. Gold and Silver Production in Peace, The Prospect of 1144 the Russian Fleet 1394 1904 620 Peace, The Question of Ea-tem 2369 U S Government Revenue and Dis- Peace KuinorH in Europe and America est. Louis Trust Companies 567, 576 bursements (monthly).. 4 2. 689 1038, 1457 1835. 2437 ialn Credence (F. 8 ) 672 9au Domingo and the Monroe Doctrine Peace Rumors following Kuropatkin's (F.S) 431 U. S. Steel Corioration Annual Re ort . 1082 Defeat (F. 8) 1140,1200 San Domingo Treaty Assuring South U S. S eel Corporation. History of its Peace Rumors and Russian Keform. 67.'S American Debt 619 Profit-Sharing Scheme (F 8 ) 1442 it Peace Humors Unsuhstantlal (F. 8 ) 1328 San Francisco Imports and Exports of U 8. fteel Oorioraiion and How Peace and Togo's Great Victory (F. 8.)... 2308 Gold and Silver 687 1036 1455 Weathered its First Crisis (F. S ) 560 RR. Annual Report .. 965 Savings Bank Deposits in New York U S. Steel Corporation increases Wages Pennsylvania RR. Earnings and Ex- State (F S.) 961 (F.S) --• 1022 peDKCS (K. 8 ).71, 661 962. 1330, l»-25 2309 Savings Bank Investment Law (New U. S. Steel Cor oration and its Merry- Pennsylvania RR. $100 000,000 Bond York) 1029 1033 1699 making Fourth Annual Meeting (F. S ). 1442 Issue (P\ 8.) 1201 Savings Banks— rax on Surplus Deposits U. 8 Steel Cori»oratlon Quarterly Report Philadelphia Trast Companies 567. 573 (F.S.) 2592 (F.S) 1694 Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Injunction Shaw Secretary's Call on Depositary U S Treasury Currency Holdings.. 451, D'lay Union (P. 8.) 2593 Banks (F 8) 10J8.1328 689, 10 j9, 1458. 1951, 2379 Port Arthur, Fall of and the Future of Sliver Importn and Exports of U. S. the War .... 70, 134 (Monthly). 197 6S6 1152 1454 1949, 2435 Vanderbilt Roads, Half Yearly State- Presulnni Roosevelt has Reached his Of- Sliver Prodttfition of the World 624 ments 2430 tlolai Home HIh Views of the Chicago Sinking Fund and Serial Method of Bond Venezuela's Difference with United (F. 1140 8trik«and J''relglit Rat#--8 (F. 8 ) 1876 Payiuents See Statb and City Sec- States a Disturbing Influence S.)... PreHsed Steel Car Co. Annual Report tion May 27 Socialism, See Japan and Russia (F. 8 ) 673 State Needs of Repressing the Wxr. ProKress, The Eneiuies of 1028 Tendency Towards 1336 ater Main Accident, New York City. 2428 of 2314 Public Utl ities and tlie Water Main Ac- Southern Ry . Half-Yearly Income State- West, Middle Development cident New York City 2428 ment (F. S.) 1023 West, New, Financial Power of (F 8.) 1141 8pe(!ulation and Clearings in 1904 136 Wheat Break in Speculation and Failure notations, Property Rights in, and Spt-culation, E lis of. Comptroller of President of First National Bank of Boards cf Trade 1883 Rid«ely's Address (F. 1880 Milwaukee (F 8) 1694 Q S ) Spencer's. Samuel Address Before Trattio Wheat, Drawback on Imported, Attor- Motor Oars See Cars, <;iub ney-General Moody's inion (F 8.) .. 861 Kali of Pltttburgh(F S ) 1443 O allroad Bonds, Ao'lvo Demand for Spencer Samuel Pres't Southern RR., Win at Has Not KCBChed its Limit of Pro- (F.S). , 18 Op. OS lion to Enlarging Rate Power. 132 duction in the United States (F 8)...- 2366 Railroad Construction and Betterments Statfi Bonds Defaulted and the North Wheat, Lar^e American CrOi« Indicated in 1904. /<«« (Construction. Carolina Judgment .. 1332 (F.S.) 1879 Railroad Earnings, Character of Current State Bonds in 1904, Prices etc 95 Wheat, Prospects of Croi- (F S.) 2424 RolurnH (F 8) 1R5, 432, 1078 Statb and City 8ecti< n May 27. See Wheat, United States Surplus a Source Railroad Earnings, Gross (monthly). 139, enal of volume. of Future Supily for Euio^e's Short 679. 1030. 1400. 18H5. 2373 State. Power of. to Tax Non-Resident Croiis (F S.) .2366 Railroad Earnings. N«i (ruonthlv)..19«, Shareholders 1209 Williams (John L.) & Sons Rehabilitated. 1828 846. 1087, 1'149, 1947, 2431 State Taxation. Faots About Worth Con- Wot id's Gold and Silver Production In Railroad Earnings, Roads Discontinue sidering. Sceolal Taxes Unfavorable to 1904 - 620 Reports of Weekly Gross (F.S.) 1941 New York City 1143 World's Wheat CroD in 1904 1460 ) ..

1905. January-June, J INDEX,

BANK. BANKERS AND TRUST COMPANY ITEMS. BANKS. BANKS— (Continued.) BANKS— (Continued.) BANKS— (Continued.) Page Page Page Pago Mutual (Chicago) 1891 141 Commercial Sav. (Charleston, Globe Nat. (Woonsocket, R. I.). 1452 ^Etna Nat (Mich,) 1949 Mutual Nat. (Troy, N. Y.).847, 1210 Nat. (Springfield, S. C.) 685 Grand Rapids Nat Agawam 141. 1451, 1702 Mass.) 143, 683, 1832 Commercial Sav. (Toledo) 1703 Greenwich 99, 144 Commercial State (Birmingham, Guaranty Trust & Sav. Co. Nassau 1703 Alabama Nat. (Birmingham)... Nassau Nat. (Brooklyn) 446 (Duluth) 1949 Ala.) 2378 (Jacksonville, Fla.) 1340. 2198 Am. Exchange Sav. (Albany. Y.) 629 144 Commonwealth (Brooklyn). .683 1899 Nat. N. Am, Exchange (St. Louis) Naumkeag Nat. (Salem, Mass.), 200 Am. Exchange Nat. (Dallas, Consolidated (Los Angeles) 448 Hamilton (Ont.) 2323 (Chattanooga) .. .2434 Navesink Nat. (Red Bank, N. Tex.) 2600 Consolidated Nat 141 Hamilton Nat. Nat. (Chicago) 201 J.) 1890 Nat. (St. Louis), Continental Nat. (Chicago) 848 Hamilton Am. Exchange Sav. (Chatta- Neal Loan & Banking Co. (At- 144, 685, 1403 Corn Exchange 200, 629 Hamilton Trust & Corn Exchange Nat. (Chicago). 684 nooga, Tenn.) 2434 lanta) 144 Am. Nat. (Chattanooga. Tenn.).2378 Nevada Nat. (San Francisco), Tex.) 2600 Cosmopolitan Nat. (Pittsburgh). 100 Hanover Nat 141, 2599 Am. Nat. (Dallas, Assn. (Chi- 202, 848 1340 Nat. (Lynchburg, Va.) 340 Crocker-Woolworth Nat. (San Hibernian Banking Am. 1151, 1453 New Amsterdam Nat 141 Am, Nat. (Macon, (ja.).685, Francisco) 848. 974 cago) Holcomb Nat. (Toledo, O.)..630, Newark (N, J.) Nat. Banking 1035. 1151, 1891 2376 Denver (Col.) Nat 685 J035 1090. 1453, 1890. 2600 Co Am. Nat. (Oklahoma City) 684 New York County Nat 1088 (Richmond) 1454 Denver (Col.) Sav 1453 Holyoke (Mass.) Sav 1339 Am. Nat. 2320 New York Nat. Exchange. .569, 847 ,Nat. (San Francisco) 686 Deposit Nat. (Phila.) 1150, Home (Brooklyn) Am. (Toronto, Can.) 2435 New York Produce Exchange. .1089 Nat. (Spartanburg, S. C.).1152 1211. 1890 Home Am. (Detroit) 447 New York State Nat. (Albany). 446 Trust Sav. (Birmingham) 685 Deutsche (Berlin) 1403 Home Sav. Am. & Sanghai Bank- Niantic Nat. (Westerly. R. I.). 143 Trust & Sav. (Chicago), Diamond Nat. (Pittsburgh) 1211 Hong Kong & Am. ing Corp 1454 Nineteenth Ward... 1034, 1210, 1949 1403. 1453. 1703. 2197, 2322, 2377 Diamond Sav. (Pittsburgh) 1211 Houghton (Mich. ) Nat 1340 Ninth Ward (Brooklyn) 1339 Atlanta (Ga.) Nat 1454 Dime Sav. (Detroit) 447 Nat. (Columbus, O.), Norfolk (Va.) Nat 201 Atlantic Nat. (Jacksonville, Dime Sav. & Banking Co. Huntington (Cleveland) 848 1035 2321 North Adams (Mass.) Nat 1890 Fla.) 448 America, Nat.. 141, 199, Discount Gesellschaft (Berlin), Hyde Park (Mass.) Nat .'.2433 North 1089. 1149, 1209. 1402, 1702 1149, 1403 Bankers' Nat. (Chicago) 201 1212 North America, Nat. (Chicago), Bankers' World's Fair Nat. Discount 2433 Idaho Trust (Boise) Illinois Trust & Sav. (Chicago), 684. 1340, 1891 (St. Louis) 144 1 loniinion (Toronto. Can.) 686 100, 144 North America, Nat. (Provi- Battery Park Nat 199, 2376 Drexel State (Chicago) 201 (Toronto) .. 2323 dence) 1150 144 Drovers' Deposit Nat. (Chicago). 1034 Imperial of Canada Beaumont (Tex.) Indiana Nat. (Elkhart) 2322 North Am. Sav. Co. (Pitts- Green (Ky.) Nat 1891 Diovers' & Mechanics' Nat. Bowline Institution for Sav. of Mer- burgh). 973 Boylston Nat. (Boston) .. .1210, (Balto.) 143 chants' Clerks 1210 North Attleboro (Mass,) Nat... 446 1703 Drovers' & Mechanics' Nat. 1403, International Banking Corp, North Side (Brooklyn) 200, 2376 British North (York, Pa.) 1089 America (Mon- 1089, 2320 Northern Nat 141, 200 treal) 1090, 1212 Northwestern Nat. (Minneap- East End Sav. (Columbus, C), Iowa Trust & Sav, (Des Moines), Bunker Hill Nat. (Boston) 2321 olis) 201, 974 447, 630, 2321 447, 2434 Northwestern Nat. (Phila.). .684,1211 East River Nat 142 Irving Nat 199, 1948 California (San Francisco). .202, Nova Scotia (Halifax) 448 685. East Tennessee Nat. (Knox- 974, 1036, 1891 Jeannette (Pa.) 848 Cambridgeport Nat. ville) 2378 Nat (Cambridge, Jefferson 1339 Oakland Sav. (Oakland, Cal.). Mass.) 1452 East Washington Sav. (Wash- 1340, 2323 ington. 2321 Jewelers' Nat. (North Attleboro, Canton (O.) State. .2197. 2321, 2377 D. C.) Old Lowell Nat. (Lowell, I^Iint Nat. (Boston) 1452 Mass.) 1340 Capital Nat. (Indianapolis) ... .1090 683, Mass.) 683 Englewood State (Chicago) 1090 Capital Nat. (Guthrie, Okla.)..2434 Old Nat. (Ft. Wayne, Ind.) 100 Enterprise (Charleston, S. C.).. 2434 Kalamazoo (Mich.) Nat 1151 Cedar Rapids (la.) Nat 684 1035 Old Town Nat. (Balto.). .1452, 2377 Central Equitable Nat. (Cincinnati).... 144 Kalamazoo (Mich.) Sav (Kalamazoo, Mich.). . .1035 Trust Sav. (Chi- Orange CJrowers' Nat. (River- Central Euclid Park Nat. (Cleveland), Kenwood & Mexican (Mexico City). 2323 cago) 684 side Cal.) 1891 Central Nat, (Buffalo) 1832 848. 974, 1340. 1832 Oriental 199 Exchange Nat. (Albany) 143 Keystone Nat. (Pittsburg) . .100, 630 Central Nat. (Cleveland). . .630, Exchange Nat. (Dallas, Tex.).. 2600 Knoxville (Tenn.) Banking Co.. 2378 1211, Packers' Nat. (South Omaha, 1403, 1890 Exchange. Nat. (Milwaukee).... 447 Central Nat. (Peoria) 684 Lafayette. Nat. (Cincinnati), 144, 848 Neb,) 1453 Exchange, Nat. (Roanoke, Va.). 1035 Central Nat. (Phila.) 2.321 Lakewood (O.) Sav. & Banking Pan-Am. Banking Co. (Chicago) 446 Central Nat. (Troy, N. Y.).847, 1452 Co 1890 Park (Pittsburgh) 1211 Farmers' Nat. (Lebanon, Pa.) . 2433 Central Sav. (Toledo) Liberty Nat 141 Pasadena (Cal.) Nat 1704 447, 2321 Farmers' Mechanics' Nat. Central State (Deg Moines) 447 & Lincoln Sav. (Columbus, O.).... 630 Penn Nat. (Phila.) 447 (Phila.) 143, 200, 570 Central Trust Sav. Lincoln Sav. (Louisville) 1211 People' s (Brooklyn) 100, 200 & (Phila.).. 570 Farmers' & Merchants' Nat. Century 1140, 1702, 1832, 2196 Live Stock, Nat. (Chicago) 201 People's (Halifax, N. S.)..1212, (Balto.) G29. 2433 Chapin Nat. (Springfield, Mass.). 629 Live Stock Trust & Sav. (Chi- 1891, 2323 Chattanooga (Tenn.) Nat Farmers' & Merchants' Nat. cago) 1151 People's Banking Co. (Colum- 2322 (Huntsville, Ala.) 1152 Chelsea Exchange 142, 629, Lowell (St. Louis) 2198 bus, O.) 630 Farmers' & Merchants' Nat. Lucas County Sav. (Toledo, C). 447 People's Deposit (Mineral City, 1149. 1451, 1832 (Los Angeles) 685 Chemical Nat 972, 2196 O.) 2197 Fayetteville (N. C.) 848, 1454 Lane Nat. 847, 973, 1210, 1451 Chicago Banks 201, 1151, 2377 Maiden People's Nat. (Hackensack, N. Federal Trust & Sav. (Chicago). Manufacturers' Nat (Newark), , Chicago (111.) Sav 1453 J 2433 201, 1403, 1453, 1703 142, 2197 ' Chicago Sav. Bank 1212 People's' Nat! ' "(Newark. O.) 200 Fifth Avenue.. 2376, 2197. 2322. 2377 Manufacturers' Traders' (Buf- Citizens' (Braddock, Pa,) 1452 & People's Sav. (Cleveland) 630 First Mutual Trust & Sav. 2599 Citizens' (Buffalo) 200 falo) Peoria (111.) Nat 684 (Chicago) 1704. 1891 Nat. (Balto.) 1150 Citizens' (Danville Va.) 686 Marine, Phenix Nat 141. 1.3.39, 1702, First Nat. (Albany, N. Y.)..P83, (Milwaukee) 1453 Citizens' Central Nat 141 Marine Nat. 1831, 1889. 2320 1703, 1832. 2376 Sav. (Conneaut, 1703 Citizens' Nat. (Beaumont, Tex.). 2323 Marine O.) Phoenix (Columbia, Tenn.) 1704 Fir.st Nat. (Asburv Park, N. J,). 629 Sav, (Detroit) 100 Citizens' Nat. (Cincinnati) 1151 Marine Phoenix (Ariz.) Nat 448 First Nat. (Balto.) 200 Francisco), Citizens' Nat. (Covington, Ky.).1453 Market Street (San Philadelphia (Pa.) Nat 143 First Nat. (Barberton. O.) 2197 448, 1340 Citizens' Nat. (Des Moines) 442 Pittsburgh (Pa.) 2321 First Nat. (Birmingham, Ala.) 974 Sav. (Des Moines) . . 447 Citizens' Nat. (Los Angeles) 1833 Marquardt Pittsburgh (Pa.) Sav 447 First Nat. (Boston) 200 Marshall Ilsley (Milwaukee). 144 Citizens' Nat. (Louisville) 847 & Produce Exchanee Banking Co. First Nat. (Calumet, Mich.).... 1890 Maryland Nat. (Balto.) . .1703, 2321 Citizens' Nat. (Oberlln, 0.)..144, (Cleveland) 974 First Nat. (Chattanooga, Tenn.). *^322 Mechanics' (Brooklyn) 1089, 200, (i.30, fiS4, 1212. 1890 Providence (R. I.) Nat 143 First Nat. (Chica.go) . 1151, 1453, 1833 1339, 1452, 1832 Citizens" Nat. (San Francisco), Pullman Loan & Sav. (Chicago). 1151 First Nat, (Chicopee, Mass.).... 446 Mechanics'-Am. Nat. (St. Pvnchon Nat. (Springfield, 1454. 2323 First Nat. (Cincinnati) 144. GP4. 1452 1453, 1833 Citizens' Sav. (Lorain, Louis) 1403. Mass,) 1211 O.) First Nat. (Cleveland). .684. 848, Mechanics' Nat 141,1889 1340, 1453 974, 1340, 1832 Mechanics' Nat. (Boston) 1339 Reno (Nev.) Nat 1340 City (McKeesport, Pa.) 684 2377 First Nat. (Columbus, O.) Mechanics' Nat. (Burlington, N. Richmond (Va.) 144, 1211. 1403 City Deposit Banking Co. (Co- 2377 lumbus. First Nat. (Deadwood, S. D.).. J.) 1890 Ridgewood (Brooklyn) 10.34 O.) 1949. 2377, 2433 First Nat. (Denver) 1035 Mechanics' Nat. (Knoxville) 2378 City Front Commercial Sav. Riggs Nat. (Washington. D. C.).1034 & First Nat. (Grinnell. la.) 2434 Mechanics' Nat. (New Britain, (San Francisco) 1454 Rockingham Nat. (Portsmouth, City Nat First Nat. (Houston) 1704 Conn.) 1339 N. H.) 1150 200 First Nat. (Louisville) 2198 City Nat. (Bridgeport) Mechanics' Nat. (St, Louis). 201, Royal of Canada (Halifax) 2435 1949, 2321 First Nat. (Macon) 144, 2435 1403. 2378 City Nat. (Columbus, O.) 2377 First Nat. (Milwaukee) 144, Mechanics' Sav. (San Fran- 629 City Nat. (Duluth) 848 Salt Springs Nat. (Syracuse) ... 1702. 1833. 1891, 1949, 2434 2R0O cisco) 2323 2323 Cit. Nat. (Grand Rapids) 200, 684 San Antonio (Tex.) Nat First Nat. (Minneapolis) . .201, 1833 Mechanics' & Traders' 141 City Nat. (Kansas City) 630 San Francisco (Cal.) Nat.. 448, First Nat. (Moline, Til.) 848 Mellen Nat. (Pittsburgh) 143 1152, 1454 City Nat, (St. Louis) 1891, First Nat. (Montclair, N. ,T.).. 1149 Merchants' (Canada) 1704, 2435 Scandinavian - Amer. (Seattle). 1949. 2198 First Nat. (Morristown. N. J.).. 200 Merchants' & Clerks' Sav. (To- City Nat. (Sioux City) 1152. 1340 084 1340 Thirst Nat. (Nashville) 1211, 2322 ledo) 447 City Nat. (Troy. N. Y.) 847 1452 Scandinavian-Amer. Sav. (San City Trust Ti^irst Nat. (Omaha) 2377 Merchants' Laclede Nat. (St. Francisco) 974 & Banking (Bait.) ! .1211 First Nat. (Pasadena, Cal,), 2600 City Trust & Sav, (Grand Rap- Louis) Seaboard (San Francisco) .1340, 1891 1036. 2378 Merchants' Nat 2599 (Wash.) Nat 686 ^,l'3s) 084. 1890. 1949 Seattle First Nat. (Pittsburgh). . .1832, 1949 Merchants' Nat. (Balto.) 2433 2600 Clarke Nat. (Minneapolis) 447 Second Nat. (Akron, O.) First Nat. (San Angelo. Tex.).. 14,54 Merchants' Nat. (Cincinnati),, (Cincinnati) 447 Coal & Iron Nat 142, 1402, 1889 Second Nat. First Nat. (Sioux City) 684. 1.340 144, 974 (Hoboken) 200, 683 Cohoes (N. T.) 2321 Second Nat. First Nat. (Springfield, Mass.). 1452 Merchants' Nat. (Houston) 202 Second Nat. (Toledo, O.) 447 Colonial Trust & Sav. (Chicago), 2322 First Nat. (Toledo) 1340, Merchants' Nat. (Indianapolis) . 684 (Minneapolis) 1704 lOO, 1340. Security 1704, 2322 First Na,t. (Utica) 2376 Merchants' Nat. (Newark) 973 (Los Angeles) .... 685 Commerce (Albuquerque N. Security Sav. ^M.) First Nat. (Vicksburg) 974 Merchants' Nat. (New Haven).. 629 Security Sav. (San Francisco). .2323 6S5 First Nat. (Yonkers) 1210 Merchants' Nat. (New Orleans). 2323 Commerce (Cleveland) Security Trust & (Zanesvllle, 684, 1035 First Nat. of Staten Island (St. Merchants' Nat, (Omaha) 201 2377 Commerce (Muskogee. O.) I. T George. N. Y.) 973 Merchants' Nat. (Phila.) 629 Shoe & Leather. Nat..lOO. 141. 1451 1340 First Night & Dav State 446 Merchants' (Providence) .. 1890 2198 Commerce, Canadian Nat. Shreveport (La.) Nat 201, Bank of, First Trust & Sav. (Chicago).. 101 Merchants' Nat. (St. Paul).. 101, 201 (Louisville) 448 631, 1340, Southern Nat. 1892, 2600 Fort Dearborn Nat. f Chicago) .... 1890 Commerce, Nat Merchants' Nat. (Savannah) 685 Southwark Nat. (Phila.) . .18.32. 141 144. 201. 848, 1403, 1453 Merchants' Nat. (Waterville, Sovereign (Can.) 1892 Commerce, Nat. (Columbus 6.'), Fort Sutter Nat. (Sacramento, Me.) 1452, 2.376 Sprague Nat. (Brooklyn) 200. „ 447, 630 Cal.) 448, 2435 Merchants' Nat. (Worcester) .... 973 446, 1089 Commerce, Nat. (Hattiesburg, Fourteenth Street 1034, 1703, Merchants' & Planters' (Green- Springfield (Mass.) Nat... 100 „Mlss.) 685 1889 2432 ville. Miss.) 2434 Standard of South Africa. .569, 1704 Commerce, Nat. (St. Louis) 448 Fourth (Atlanta, Ga.).... 448 .Sr Nat. Merchants' Planters'-Farley • • 142 Commerce, Nat. State (Seattle). .6SC, 1454 Fourth Nat. (Montgomery, Ala.) 201 Nat. (Montgomery. Ala.).. 201, 974 (Chicago) 201, 630 Commercial & Trusts (Rich- State Fourth Nat. (St. Lnuls) 685 Meridian (Miss.) Nat 685 Capital, Nat. (Concord. ^"lond) 974. State 1211, 1340 Franklin (Newark, O.) 400 Merrimack Nat. (Haverhill. N. H.) Commercial (Jack.^^onville Fla.) 974 1151 ~V^^^ Commercial Franklin (St. Louis) Mass.) 1211, 1832 State of Kansas (Kansas City. & Farmers' Nat. Franklin Nat. (Newark, O.) 200 Metropolitan 1210. 1451. 1831 (Balto.) Kan.) 1^40 1452, 1949, 2433 T^ranklin Nat. (Phila.) 143 Metropolitan (New Orleans), State Nat. (Memphis) 448 Commercial Nat. (Albany, N. Fredonia (N. Y.) Nat 2600 1454. 2198 State Nat. (New Orleans) 685 ^^) 143, 1211 Metropolitan Trust & Sav. (Chi- (Terre Haute) 684 Commercial Nat. State Nat. (Chicago). .144 Gallatin Nat 141 cago) 201, 630. 684, 14.'^3 Stock Yards Nat. (Ft. Worth, 201. 684. 1453. '2197 Gansevoort 141. 1209, 2432 Minnesota Nat. (Minneapolis).. 447 °^° Commercial Nat. Tex.) (Columbus, German (Balto.) 1211 Mission (San Francisco) 10.36 Stuyvesant (Brooklyn) 1149, ^0> 684 German (Buffalo) 143. 1035, 11.50 Mississippi State Banks 628 1339 1452, 1703 Commercial Nat. (Kansas City, German-Am. (Buffalo) 143 Morlpsto rCal.) 1152 Swedlsh-Amer. Nat, (Minneap- Kan.) 1949 Commercial German-Am. (Mllwatikee) 144 Modesto (Cal.) Sav 11.'^2 olis) 2434 Nat, (Oklahoma German-Am. (Minneapolis) 1704 Montreal (Can.) 1340,2323 „Clty) 1152 Commercial German-Am. (Rochester) 683 Monument Nat. of Charlestown Terre Haute and.) Nat 684 Nat. (Omaha) 2600 German-Am. Nat. (Fort 2321 (Phila.) 973 Commercial fRoston) 100. 1339 TPTtlle Nat. Nat. (Salt Lake W^ayne) 1832. 2197 Mortgage Banking Co. (Pltts- Third Nat. (Atlanta, Ga.) 685 ^Clty) ,453 German Nat. (Cincinnati) . .447, 1452 fColumbus, 685 Commercial bur-rh) Third Nat. Ga.).... Nat. cnffin. O.) 1890 «S4, 1089 Mt. Pleasant (PleasantvUle. N. Third Nat. (Louisville) 448, 1211 Commercial Nat. O^ (Zanesvllle, Germania Nat. (New-Orleans). Y.) 1832 Third Nat. (St. Louis) 447 2377 2198, 2323 Mutual 1089 Thirty-fourth Street Nat.. 141, 1831 .


BANKS— tConcluded.> TRUST CO. S— (Continued.) TRUST CO. 'S— (Concluded.) MISCELLANEOUS— (Concl'd.) Page Page Page Page Toledo (O.) Nat 2600 Commercial (Philadelphia) 611^0 Old Colony (Boston) 4-*0 Grace, Days of. Abolished in In- Toolle-Lemon Nat. (St. Joseph). 1340 Continental (Baltimore) 973 Orange County Trust & Safe diana 2322 Toronto (Can,) 1891, 2435 Deposit (Middletown, N. Y.).. 629 Traders' Nat. (Rochester) 1832 Detroit (Michigan) 144, 1090 Hambleton & Co. (Baltimore)... 570 Traders' Nat. (Washington, D. Dallas (Te.\as) 2378 People's (Brooklyn) 142 Harris, George R., Death of.... 1089 C.) 684, 1035 Dauphin Deposit (Harrisburg, People's Banking & (Clarksburg, Holidays on New York Ex- Twenty-third Ward 1 103 Pa) 2433 W. Va.) 685 changes 1403, 1451, 2196 Dollars Savings & (Youngs- People's Savings Bank & (Mo- Hcdzxnan & Co. (Cincinnati).... Union (Brooklyn) 1149. 1210, town, O.) 2377 line, 111.) 848 2197, 2321 1339. 1452. 1703 Dominion (Halifax, N. S.) 2323 Petersburg (Va.) Banking & 1090 Union (Chicago) 1704. 1833 Philadelphia Trust. Safe Deposit Idaho State Bankers' Ass'n. .. .1949 Union Bank & Sav. Co. (Cleve- Eastern 847 & Ins. Co. (Philadelphia) 2600 Illinois Bankers' Ass'n 2197 landi 1151 Empire 1451 Plainfield (N. J.) 143, 2321 Indiana Bankers' Ass'n 2377 Union Exchange. .141. 200. 1703, Empire Title & (Philadelphia). .1150 Portland (Me.) 683 Indiana Law for Regulation of 1831. 1889. 2432 Equitable 200 Provident Bank & (New Orleans) Private Banks 1151 Union Nat. (Clarksburg, 1151 W. Equitable (Chicago) . .1035, 1090, 1454, 2378 Ingalls, Melville E 1211 Va.) 685, 1454 Iowa Bankers' Ass'n 1453, 2434 Union Nat. (Cleveland) 1035 Federal (Newark. N. J.) 1403 Queen Citv Savings Bank & Iselin, Adrian, Death of 1210 Union Nat. (Columbus. 0.).447, 6.S0 Fidelitv (Baltimore). .973. 1089. (Cincinnati) 684 Union Nat. (Kansas City. Mo.). 2377 1150, 1452 Kansas Bankers' Ass'n. . .1035, 2434 Union Nat, (McKeesport. Pa.).. 447 Fidelitv, Buffalo : 446 Real Estate 142, 199, 1831, 2599 Kilburn, Supt. Banking N. Y. Union Nat. (Newark) 143, 629 Fidelitv (Louisville) 2378 Rhode Island Hospital (Provi- State, Charges Against Dis- Union Nat. (Newport, R. I.)... 2197 Fidelitv (Philadelphia) 1035, 2.321 dence) 143, 2433 missed 2320 Union Nat. (Omaha) 260O Fifth Avenue 509, 1149 Royal (Chicago) 1151 Klnnicutt & Potter 1889 Union Nat. (Phila.) 2377 First Savings Bank & (Nash- Union Nat. (Pittsburgh) 100 ville) 1211 St. Paul (Minn.) 1035 Lawyers' Title Insurance Co. Union Sav. (Pasadena, Cal.). . . .1152 Flatbush (Brooklyn) . .200. 847.1703 Security (Indianapolis) 1453 973. 1034, 1209 Union Square Sav 1210 Franklin (Brooklyn) . .142, 1948. 2376 Security Bank (New Orleans), Louisiana Bankers' Ass'n. 1454. 1833 United States (Hartford) 2433 & 2198 Louisville (Ky.) Stock ' Ex- U. S. Exchange 1832 Georgia (Atlanta) 144 Security Savings & (Toledo, O.) 447 change 2322 U. S. Nat. (Los Angeles). .685, 1036 German-American (Denver) .... 1891 Security Savings Bank (San U. Nat, (Omaha) 2600 & S. German-American Savings & Diego, Cal.) 2378 Mackay & Co 1210 U. S. Nat. (Portland, Ore.). Pittsburgh) 629 Security Title & (York, Pa.)... 24.33 Malcolm & Coombe 1832 1833. 2323 Girard (Philadelphia) 1035. 2377 Southern Bank (Dallas, Tex.). 1152 Massachusetts Bankers' Ass'n. U. S. Nat. (San Franciscol. & Girard Avenue Title (Phila- Southern Trust Deposit Co. 1150, 2433 1036. 1152. 1454. 1704 & & delphia) 2321, 2433 (Baltimore) 447 Massachusetts Trust Companies 10.'J4, 2376 Reserve Valley Nat. (Des Moines) 447 Guaranty.. 446, 569, 1452, Standard 1339 Funds 1451, 2197 199, 847. 1832, 2432 Standard 2377 Minnesota Bankers' Ass'n 684 Vandeventer (St. Louis) 201 Guardian (Orraha) (Cleve- (Cleveland).... 447 Mississippi Bankers' Ass'n...'.. Virginia Nat (Petersburg). .1211, Guardian Savings & State Banking & 21 . 630 1833, 1833, 1891 land) 23. Superior Savings & (Cleveland) 1949 Missouri Bankers' Ass'n.. 1704, 446 2434 Wake County Sav. (P^aleigh, N, Hamilton (Brooklyn) Tennessee (Memphis) 1891, 2322 C.) 685 Hamilton (Paterson, N. J.) 1452 Territorial Bank & (Muskogee, Mobile (Ala.) Clearing House... 1454 Warren Nat. (Peabodv, Mass.). 1703 Hamilton (Philadelphia) 2377 Ind. Ter. ) 1340 Mutual Life Insurance Co 2600 Hampden (Springfield, Mass.) Title Guarantee &100, 199,1149, 2197 Washington Nat. (Seattle) . .448, 1036 "Washington Nat. (St. Louis)... 201 629, 848, 973 Toledo (Ohio) Savings Bank &..1703 Nebraska Banks, Capital Re- Wells-FarRO & Co. (Portland, Hibernia Bank & (New Orleans) 202 Tiades Union Savings Bank & quired 1453 O.) 2323 Hoboken (N. J.) 1089 (Memphis) 144 Negotiable Instruments Bill Wells-Fargo & Co. (Salt Lake Home (Brooklyn) 1034, 1210, 1.3.39 Signed in Nebraska 1402 City) 1453, 1704 Hudson 100 Union (Albany) 1703, 2197 New Jersey Bankers' Ass'n 1149 Wells-Fargo & Co. (San Fran- Union (Baltimore) 1403 New Jersey Stock Exchange. .. .1702 cisco) 144. 202. 6f!5. S4f>. 1340 Industrial (Providence) 1150 Union (Chicago) 201 New York State Bank Call Un- Wells-Fargo Nevada Nat. (San Integrity Title, Insurance, Trust Union (Detroit) 1035, 2197 der New Law 2376 Franciscol 202 848 1340 1454 & Safe Deposit (Philadelphia) 570 Union (Houston, Tex.) 2323 New York State Bankers' Ass'n, Western Nat. (Oklahoma City). 1891 International (Baltimore)- 1089 Urion (Pittsburgh) 143 1034, 1149. 1451. 1889 Western National (Kansas Nat. (San Francisco) . .1036 Inter-State Union Bank & (Meridian, Miss.) 685 New York State Savings Banks, Whitney Nat, (New Orleans). City. Kan.) 1090 Union Bank & (Montgomery, Bill to Repeal Tax on Sur- 2198, 2323 Ala.) 685 plus 1831 848 Wick Nat. (Youngstown, 0.)...2377 Jeannette (Pa.) Savings & Union Bank & (Nashville) . .448, New York Stock Exchange. .199, "Wiln^ington (N. C.) Nat 1891 .lefferson (Hoboken). .847. 1149, 2376 1035, 2322 446, 569, 628, 847, 973, 1034, Woburn (Mass.'* Nat 446 Jenkins (Brooklyn) 1210 Union Savings Bank & (Cincin- 1089, 1339, 1948, 2196, 2376, 2599 Wondlawn Trust & Sav. (Chi- nati) 1212 North Carolina Bankers' Ass'n. 21 98 cago) 1891 Keystone Savings & (Lebanon, United States 2376 North Dakota Bankers' Ass'n.. 1891 Pa.) 2433 United States (Boston) 1210 Northern Bankers' Ass'n of New Yarmouth (Nova Scotia). .1036 Knoxville (Tenn.) 2322 U. S. Bank & (Chicago) 630 England 1452 U. Mortgage 199, 1210, 2599 S. & i Lancaster (Pa.) 629 Ohio Bankers' Ass' n 1089 TRUST COMPANIES. Lawyers' Title & 973, 1034 Van Norden..99, 446, 628, 1702, 2320 Lawyers Title Insurance & Pennsylvania Bankers' Ass'n, Albany (N. Y.) 100. 1210 1339, 1451 Washington 142 1035, 1452 America.. 199, 1402. 1451, 1831, Lincoln 142, 199, 2320, 2432 Weehawken (N. J.) 1890.2433 Pennsylvania Co. for Insurances 1889, 2599 Lincoln Trust & Title (St. West Side (Newark. N. J.) 1403 on Lives, etc. (Philadelphia). 2197 American (Philadelphia) 847 Louis) 447 Williamsburgh (Brooklyn) 142 Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Long Island Loan & (Brooklyn) 100 Windsor 142 1035, 1402, 1451 Baltimore (Md.) Trust & Guar- Lorain (O.) Savings & 1890 Wisconsin (Milwaukee) 1891 Pittsburgh Stock Exchange 100 antee 14.^. 973 Los Angeles (Cal.) 144, 1152 Pueblo (Col.) Clearing House... 973 Bankers' 100, 142 Louisiana Bank & (Shreveport). Bankers" (Memphis) 1090, 2878 201, 2108 MISCELLANEOUS. Redmond Co 1210 Bankers' & Loan & (Sacramento) .2323 Rothschild, Baron Alphonse de. Bayonne (N. .1.) 1089 Manayunk (Philadelphia) 1452 .\lbany (N. Y.) Association of Death of 2196 Bay State (Boston.) 1890 Manchester Savings & (Alle- Banks 1150, 1339 Rothschild, Nathaniel de. Death Boston (Mass.) Safe Deposit &.. 683 gheny, Pa.) 848 Alabama Bankers' Ass'n 2322 of 2432 Bowling Green 142, 199 Manhattan 142 Am. Bankers' Association. .569, Braddock (Pa.) 1452 Maryland (Baltimore) 1211 1451, 1881. 1948, 2196. 2599 Selignian. J. & W., Co 1149 Bradley Healty & Bank & (Mus- Mechanics' (Bayonne, N. J.).... 447 Am. Institute of Bank Clerks, Sexton, Frederick G., Death of. 1890 kogee. Ind. Ter.) 1340 Mechanics' (Boston) Broadway 1890. 2321 1151, 1703 South Carolina State Bankers' 142 .Memphis (Tenn.) 144. 2434 Arkansas Bankers' Ass' n 1452 Ass'n 1454. 2322 Brookllne (Mass.) '. [ !ll50 Mercantile (Jersey City) 2321 Atlantic Safe Deposit Co 1452 State Banks, Brooklyn Nat. Ass'n of Su- (N. Y.) 142. 569, 2599 Mercantile (St. Louis) 447, pervisors of 2197 Burlington County Safe Deposit 2322, 2376. 2378 Baltimore Stock Exchange 683 Strong, William E^ferard, Death & Moorestown. N. J.) 143 Mercantile Trust & Safe De- Bank Officials (New York) not of 1948 posit Co. (Baltimore) 143,570 to overdraw Canal accounts. New Street (Edward) & Co 1403 Bank & (New Orleans) Mercer (Trenton, N. J.) 629 Law 1701 1454. 1704 Merchants' 2599 „ , 446, 2196, Boston Stock Exchange 1948 Tennessee Bankers' Ass' n 1151 Capitol Savings & (Columbus, Merchants' (Memphis) 448, 260O Broadway Securities Co 1149 Texas Bankers' Ass'n 685 „0) 848, 1703, 1890 Merchants' Loan & (Chicago) Burnett, C^himmings Co. (Bos- State Central & Texas Banking Act, New, 1948. 2196 101, 144, 684, 848 ton) 2196 Central 1451, 1835, 2376 Bank Savings & (New Merrill (Bangor, Me.) 629, 1452 Trust Orleans) Company 'Reserve Funds 1891, 2198, 2323 Metropolitan Bank & (Los An- California Bankers' Ass'n 1212 in Massachu.'-etts 1451 Central of Illinois (Chicago), geles) 1212 Chandler, Geo. B. (Manchester, Twin City Bankers' Club (Min- 974. 1340 Milwaukee (Wis.) 1704 N. H.) 973 neapolis Paul) Central Realty and St. 1453 Bond & 973, Mississippi Valley (St. Louis) Chicago Stock Exchange. .2377, 2434 1034, 1209 . 630, 684, 2434 Commercial National Deposit U. S. Title Guaranty Indem- Chapin^ (Springfield, & Mass.) 629 Missouri-Lincoln (St. Louis).... 447 Co. (Chicago) 1703 nity Co 1034 Chicago (111.) Title & 2198 Monmouth Trust & Safe Deposit Connecticut Bankers' Ass'n 2433 Citizens' (Brooklyn) 2320 Co. (Asbury Park) 446 Connecticut Savings Bank Tax Van Brunt, Justice Charles H., Citizens' (Paterron, N. J.) 200 Morristown (N. J.) 142 Reduction Bill 2376, 2599 Death of 2197 Citizens' Saving-^ & (Cleveland)1949 Mount Vernon (N. Y.) 100 Cooke, 683 Vermilye 1149 City Jay, Death of & Co 629. 1402, 1451, 18311889 Corporation Law, English 974 Virginia Bankers' Ass'n 2600 City (Newark, N. J.).' 440 Nassau (Brooklyn) 446 City Savings Fund & (Lancas- New England (Boston) 1210 Ellgln Loan Co. (Toronto, Can- Walker Brothers (Salt Lake ter, Pa.) 447, 848, 1089 New Rochelle (N. Y.) 200 ada) 24.35 City) 1453, 1704 City Trust Safe Deposit & New York 141, 847 Knglish Corporation Law 974 Washington (D. C.) Bankers' Surety Co. (Philadelphia). .143, New York Life Ins. & 5(59, 2.599 Equitable Life Ass. Soc 2376 Ass'n 2433 „ 1890, 2600 New York Security & 141, 847 Washington State Bankers' (Cleveland (O.) 630, 684. 974, North American.. 199, 446, 1402, Fidelitv & Deposit Co. (Balti- Ass'n 1704 1890, 2197 „ , , 1451, 1831, 1889 more) 973 We.st Virginia Bankers' Ass'n.. 1454 Colonial 199 Northern (Chicago). . .1090, 14.53, Pisk, Harvey, & Sons 2432 Williams (John L.) & Sons Colonial (Pittsburgh) 848, ' 1211 1833. 1891, 2434 Florida Bankers' Ass'n 2435 (Richmond) 973 Columbia Bank & (New Or- Northwestern (Philadelphia). . . .1949 Fort (Ind.) Clearing '•ons) Wayne Winslow. Edward. Death of 683 f74 Northwestern (St. Paul) 144, House 683 Wisconsin Bankers' Ass'n 1891 ColumbuB (O.) Savings &...447, 447, 2198 1151, 1940, 2377 Ohio savings Bank (Toledo). & .2484 Georgia Bankers' Ass'n. . .1454, 2435 Zanesvllle (Ohio) Clearing House 847


Page .„ Page Page Page Auction Sales of Securities. See Bank and Quotation Section for and "Commorclal Bank Trust Company Bankers' Gazette. . .103, 147, 205, and Miscellane- Jan. 7, Feb. 4, Mch. 4. April ous Stocks. Prices In N. Y. See 454, 585. 634, 692, 852, 979. News" (weekly) 8. May 6 and Juno 3 will be "Bankers' Gazette" (weekly). Bank Clearings. 1041, 1093, 1156, 1217, 1345, See In "Edi- found at end of this volume. Banks of England, France, torial Articles." etc. 1407, 1460, 1709, 1838, 1895, Bank Statements N. Y.. Boston (weekly). See "Financial Bank of England Statements 1953, 2202, 2327. 2381, 2440, 2604 and I'hila. (weekly). See Situation" (first editorial each (weekly). Sec "Monetary Bonds, Prices of All (Classes. and "Commercial and Miscellane- week). See "Bankers' Gazette" Commercial English News." ous News" (weekly). Banks. National, Abstracts from (w;ekly). See "Bank and Bank Notes, Changes In Total Bank & Trust Company State- Reports to the Comptroller. . . CJuotatlon Section" (monthly). of, etc. (monthly). See In ment. Chicago. See "Bankers' "Editorial Articles." 703, 704, 1720 Bonds. See "Titles U. S., State, Ga; ette" (weekly). Municipal and Railroad." . . .

January-June, 1905. INDEX. VII

Pago Page Paca Page Silver Gold Boston, Phila,, Bait, and Chi- Foreign Correspondence on Mar- Monetary and Commercial Eng- and Exports and Stock Exchange Prices kets (weekly). See "Monetary lish News.. 101, 145, 202, 449, Imports of United States cago (monthly). (weekly). See "Bankers' Ga- and Commercial English News." 583, 631, 687, 848, 975, 1037, See "Editorial Ar- ticles." zette." Foreign Exchange Market and 1090, 1152, 1212, 1341, 1403, Canal and Miscellaneous Stock Prices (weekly). See "Bankers' 1456, 1704, 1834, 1892, 1950, State Bonds. See "Bankers' Gazette" (weekly). and Bond List. See "Railway Gazette." 2199, 2324, 2378, 2436, 2601. "Bank and Industrial Section" (quar.). Foreign Exchange, Sterling Money Market (weekly). See & Quotation Section" (month- Chicago Banks and Trust Com- Daily Prices of (monthly). See "Bankers' Gazette." ly). pany Statement. See "Bank- "Bank and Quotation Section." Money Market in London, etc. State and City Section, May 27. " end of this volume. ers' Gazette" (weekly). Gas Stocks. See Bankers' Gaz- (weekly). See "Monetary and At Sterling Exchange. City Bonds, Prices of. See ette" (weekly). See "Bank and Commercial English News." See "For- "Bank and Quotation Section" Quotation Section" (monthly). Money Stock in United States. eign Exchange." (monthly). Gold Exports and Imports at N. See "Editorial Articles." Stock and Bond Market and Prices. York. Boston, Coin and Bullion Prices In N. T. Y. (weekly). See "Commer- Municipal Bonds. See "Bank & New See "Bunkers' Gazette." cial and Miscellaneous News." Quotation Section" (monthly). Phila., Baltimore and Chi- cago (weekly). See Prices in London. See "Mone- Gold Exports and Imports, Unit- See "State and City Section" "Bank- ers' Gazette." tary and Com. English News." ed States. See "Editorial Ar- May. N. Y. City Bank Statement Stock and Bond Tables. See Commercial Epitome. See "Com. ticles." "Railway Times." Government Revenue and Ex- (weekly). See "Bankers' Gaz- and Industrial Sec- and Miscellaneous penditures (monthly). See ette" or "Commercial and tion" (quarterly). Commercial Stocks and Bonds, Geneiral Quo- News.... 101, 145, 203, 450. 583, "Editorial Articles." Miscellaneous News." Imports and Exports of Mer- N. Y. City Exports and Im- tations. See "Bank and Quot. 632, 688. 850, 976. 1038, 1091, Sect." (monthly). 1154, 1213, 1343, 1405, 1457, chandise and Specie at N. Y. ports (weekly). See "Commer- Stocks, Bonds, etc., volume of 1706, 18.?5, 1893. 1951, 2200, (weekly). See "Commercial cial and Miscellaneous News." and Miscellaneous News." Business on New York, Boston 2325, 2379, 2437, 2602 & Phila. Exchanges (weekly). Prices of. Imports and Exports of Mer- N. Y. City Foreign Trade. .583, Consols. Dally In Lon- 112. 156. 214. 464, 593, 644, chandise and Specie, United 1154. 1951, 2437 don. See "Monetary and 987. 1049, 1101. 1166, 1225, (monthly). "Edi- N. Y. Stock Exchange. See 862. Commercial English News." States See 1353, 1415, M70, 1717, 1848, Articles." "Stock Exchange." Currency Holdings of U. S. torial 1903, 1961, 2212, 2335, 2389, etc.. Phila. Bank Statement and Treasury. See "Editorial Ar- Industrial Stocks, Prices 2450, 2614 Prices of Stocks and Bonds ticles." of. See "Bank and Quotation Street Ry. Securities. See Debt Statement of U. S. See in . Section" (monthly). (weekly). See "Bankers' Gaz- "Bank Quotation Section" "Editorial Articles." Insurance Stocks, Prices of. See ette." Street Ry. Section for Feb. 25 Dividends Declared (weekly). "Bank and Quotation Section" Railroad Earnings. See "Edi- June 24 will be found at (monthly). & See "Commercial and Miscel- London Letter (weekly). See torial Articles" See end of this volume. laneous News." "Mon. & Com. English News." "Investment and Railroad In- Street Ry. & Trac. Earnings Electric Co. Stock. See "Bank Manufacturing Stocks. See telligence" (weekly). (weekly). See "Investment and Quotation Section" "Bank and Quotation Section" Railroad Stock and Bond List. & R. R. Intelligence." (monthly). (monthly). See "Railway and Industrial Telegraph & Telephone Stocks, England. Bank of. See "Bank." Merchandise Imports and Ex- Section" (quarterly). etc. Prices of. See "Bank English Correspondence and ports at New York (weekly). Railroad Stocks and Bonds, & Quotation Section" (month- "Bankers' . Cable Reports (weekly). See See "Commercial and Miscel- Prices of. See ly). "Monetary and Commercial laneous News." Gazette" (weekly). See "Bank Trust Company Stocks. See English News." Merchandise Imports and Ex- and Quotation Section" "Bank and Trust Company Exchange. See "Foreign Ex- ports, United States (month- (monthly). Stocks." change." ly). See "Editorial Articles." Railway and Industrial Section U, S. Securities, Market and Exports and Imports of Merch- Mining Stocks, Prices of. See for January and April at end Prices (weekly). See "Bank- andise and Specie at N. Y., "Bank and Quotation Sec- of volume. ers' Gazette." Prices in Lon- Value of (weekly). tion" (monthly). Silver and Gold Exports and don (weekly). See "Monetary Exports and Imports of Mer- Miscellaneous Securities, Quo- Imports at New York (week- and Commercial English chandise and Specie for U. S. tations of. See "Bank and ly). See "Commercial and News" (monthly). See "Bank See "Editorial Articles." Quotation Section" (monthly). Miscellaneous News." and Quotation Section."


Annual Reports are Indexed in Black-faced Figures,

' Page. Page Page. 1 Page Acme Steamship Co 1915 Am. Smelters' Exploration Co.. Battle Creek Coal & Coke Co., BufC. Roch & Pitts. Ry 116, eolian Weber Piano & 873, 1237, 1425, 1730 Orme, Tenn 2346 599, 1856, 2219

Pianola Co 118, 999 Am. Smelters' Securities Co. . . Bay Cities Water Co 1176 Buff. & Susquehanna RR...471, 710 Ala. Consol. Coal & Iron Co... 1730, 1915, 1973. 2221. 2459 Bay State Gas Co 990 Buff. & Susquehanna Steamship 118, 473, 653, 873, 1173, 2400 Am. Smelting & Refining Co... Beaumont Sour Lake & West- Co 1915 Ala. Great Southern RR 2398 165, 873, 1730. 1973 ern Ry 2219 Bullock Elec. Co. of Cinn 713 Ala. N. O. Texas & Pac. June. Am. Snuff Co 1055 Bechtold Crucible Steel Co 1731 Burlington (Vt.) Gas Light Co.. 1114 Rys 1057, 1478 Am. Steel Foi^ndries Co 224, Bedlington & Nelson Ry 2456 Burlington (Vt.) Lt. & Pow. Co.lll4 Alaska Central Ry 471 602, 653. 1858, 2623 Beech Creek Coal & Coke Co... 1304 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Alaska Packers' Association .... Am. Stogie Co 2400 Beech Creek Extension RR 1174 Detroit 1176

473, 999, 1910, 1915 Am. Strawboard Co. . .649, 653, 873 Bell Telep. Co., Buffalo 653 Bush Terminal Co 995, 999, Albany & Susquehanna RR.1173, 1362 Am. Sugar Refining Co 1(55,710 Bell Telep. Co. of Canada. 1176, 2.346 1005, 1177 Albert Lea (Minn.) Light & Am. Telep. & Teleg. Co 224, Bell Telep. Co. of Phila 873, 2623 Butte (Mont.) Elec. & Pow. Co. . 713 Power Co 713 653, 873, 999, 1110, 1113, Belvidere (111.) Gas & Elec. Co. 1237 Butterlck Co 1727 Albuquerque Eastern Ry 221 1171, 1176, 1180„ 1425, Bemis Bros. Bag Co., St. Louis. 1425 By-Products Paper Co. of Niag- Allegheny Valley Ry 1362, 1477 1731, 1973, 2395 Bennington (Vt.) Elec. Co 2400 ara Falls 2346 Allentown & Slatington Street Am. Tobacco Co.. 118, 165, 107, Benton Harbor & St. Joseph Ry 2218, 2619 653, 1055, 1176 Elec. Ry. & Light Co 2343 Cahill Elec. Typewriter Co., Alliance Realty Co 1973 Am. Type Founders Co 999 Berkshire RR 2219, 24-57 Washington, D. C 1425 Allls-Chalmers Co... 1113. 1364, Am. Waltham Watch Co 2343 Berkshire (Mass.) Street Ry.221, 471 Calgary & Edmonton Ry 116 1480, 1858 Am. Window Glass Co 1915 Berlin Paper Mills 1364 California Beet Sugar & Refin- Alton (111.) Water Works Co Am. Window Glass Machine Co. Bessemer & Barry's Bay Ry...l727 ing Co 1365 713, 1236, 1730. 1973 1915, 1974 Bessemer Foundry & Machine California Gas & Elec. Corp... Alton Granite & St. Louis Am. Witch Hazel Co 1176 Co., Pittsburgh 2460 221, 471, 19lO, 2619 Traction Co 1110 Am. Woolen Co 1055.2400 Bethlehem Steel Corp. .165. 224, Calumet & Hecla Mining Co... 873 Altoona & Logan Valley Elec. Am. Writing Paper Co 873, 474, 1114 Calumet Lighting Co., Chicago. 1177 Ry 649, 710, 2456, 2619 1172, 2459 Big Horn Basin (Wyo.) Devel- Cambria Steel Co 1171 Amalgamated Copper Co.... 224, Anaconda Copper Mining- Co 1731 opment Co 1176 Cambridge (Mass.) Gas Lt. Co. 1060. 1480, 1730, 2221, 2394, 2459 Ann Arbor RR 1359, 1478, Big Sar.dy (Coal) Co 1731 2222, 2400 Am. Agricultural Chem. Co. . . 1970, 2456 Birmingham Realty Co 1915 Camden Inter-State Ry 474 653, 873 Annual-Wind Clock Co., Mid- Birm. Sheffield & Tenn. River Camden & Trenton (Elec.) Ry.. 162 Am. Arithmometer Co 1176 dletown, Conn 1060, 1237 Ry 710, 2457 Camp & Hinton Co 653 Am. Beet Sugar Co 1911 Arizona & Utah Ry 1058 Birm. (Conn.) Water Co 1060 Canada Atlantic Ry. .1058. 1727, 2619 Am. Butter Refining Co 873 Arlington Mills, Lawrence, Block Light Co 713, 2221 Canada Coal & Ry Co 1110 Am. Can Co 1720, 1730 Mass 2346 Boca & Loyalton RR 1174 Canada North West Land Co... 1060

Am. Car & Foundry Co 118, Associated Merchants' Co 118, Booklovers' Corporation. . .2221, 2346 Canada Southern Ry.1911, 2343, 2457 1364, 2221 999, 1056, 1731, 1915 Bond Syndicates 2619 Canadian General Elec. Co., Am. Caramel Co 1364, 2455 Associated Oil Co 1060, 2346 Boone (Iowa) Gas Co 2460 Ltd 1237, 1365. 1481 Am. Cement Co 165, 2221 Atch. Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. Booth (A.) Co 1425 Canadian Northern Ry..ll6. 710, Am. Cereal Co 870, 1060 471, 649, 1057, 1862, 2456 Boott Cot. Mills, Lowell, Mass... 165 996, 1174. 1231, 1237, 2457 Am. Cigar Co 1055, 1060 Atlanta (Ga.) Terminal Co 1970 Borax Consolidated. Limited.... 474 Canadian Pacific Ry...ll6, 710, 1174, 2457 Am. Clay Machinery Co 1236 Atlanta (Ga.) Water & Elec. Borden's Condensed Milk Co. . . . 873 996, Am. Coal Co 118, 653 Power Co 1731 Boston Consol. Copper & Gold Cape Breton Ry 649 Am. Compound Bearing Co Atlantic & Birmingham Ry Mining Co., Ltd 2623 Capital Traction Co., Washing- 1176, 1915 115, 710, 1173, 1362 Boston Consol. Gas Col974, 2460, 2623 ton. D. C 471, 1174, 1360 Am. Cotton Co 118, 1364, 1973 Atlantic Coast Elec. RR. (Long Bostm Elevated Ry. ..116, 160, Carbon St. Ry 1362 Am. Cotton Oil Co 118 2459 Branch, etc.) 2456, 2619 649, 710, 871, 995, 1423, 1478. 1727 Carpenter Steel Co., Reading, Am. DeForest Wireless Tele- Atlantic Coast Line Co. of Conn. Boston & Lowell RR 116, 995 Pa 2460 graph Co 1113 598, 995 Boston & Montana Consol. Cop- Carrabelle Tallahassee & Geor- Am. District Telegraph Co Atlantic Coast Line RR 161, per &. Silver Mining Co... 224, 1481 gia RR. 2457 474, 648, 1173 1058, 1174, 1727 Boston Suburban Elec. Cos 1423 Cairoll (la.) Light Heat & Am. Enameled Paper Co 2459 Atlantic & Lake Superior Ry., Boston Towboat Co 1365 Power Co 1177 Am. Gas Co., Phila 1113 Canada 161, 1970 Boston Water & Light Co 713 Cattaraugus & Wyoming Valley Am. Graphopl-one Co 220, Atlantic (Copper) Mining Co.... 474 Boston & Worcester Elec. Cos. Water Supply Co 224 474, 1113, 1730 Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co 474 221, 710 Centennial Copper Mining Co... 1177 Am. Grass Twine Co 224, 1113 Atlantic Rubber Shoe Co 713 Boston & Worcester St. Ry.649, 1911 Central District & Printing Tele- Am. Hardware Coi-p lllO, Atlantic Shore Line (Elec.) Ry., Bo wker Fertilizer Co 1731 graph Co., Pittsburgh 714 1113, 2459 Sanford. Me 1234 Brattleboro & Whitehall RR... Central of Georgia Ry221, 1110. 2457 Am. Hide & Leather Co 474 Atlas Portland Cement Co.. 224, 1114 871, 1856 Central Heating Co 2623 Am. Ice Co 165, 601, 999, Augusta Southern RR 2219, 2456 Brazos River Channel & Dock Central Iron & Steel Co., Har- 2460 ll'^S- 1730 Augusta (Ga.) Telep. & Elec. Co 1G5 risburg. Pa A T o . Am Ice Securities Co 165 Co 873, 12.37 Bridgeport (Conn.) Hydraulic ColC>60 Central Leather Co 1425, 2222 1237, 17.30. '2459 Aultman Co., Canton, 2221 Brill (J. G.) Car Co 713 Central Market St. Ry of Co- Am. Iron & Steel Mfg. Co.. 224 Aurora Elgin & Chicago Ry.... Bristol (Conn.) & Plainville lumbus, 116, 221, P49 709. 999. 1113. 1176 1234, 2219, 2398 Tramway 116 Central Pacific Ry.l62, 471, 649, 871 Am. Light & Traction Co. .713, Automatic Coaling & Weighing Bristol (Conn.) Water Co 2346 Central Realty Bond & Trust 1176. 1477. 2619 Co 1176 Brockton (Mass.) Gas Light Co. .2400 Co 1114 Am. Locomotive Co... of Music... 602 Central & South Am. Telegraph 474, 1480, Brooklyn Academy 1727 1730, 2459 Bait. Chesapeake & Atlantic Brooklyn Borough Gas Co 2623 Co 1237. Am. Malting Co 1060 1480, 1915 Ry..ll6, 471, 1058. 1362, 1420 Brooklyn Heights KK 162 Central Union Gas Co., N. Y..1855 Am. Meter Co. of New York.. 1730 Bait. Elec. Power Co 1060 Brooklyn Heights Realty Co 2460 Central Vermont Ry 468 Am. Monorail Co 1176 Bait. & Ohio RR. .221. 471, 599, Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co. .471, Century Rea Ity Co 1177 Am. Pipe Mfg. Co 2343 995, 1174, 1423, 1727. 1856, 599, 649, 656, 1174, 1362, 1423, Charleston (111.) Gas & Elec. Co.2460 Am. Pneumatic Service Co.. 999 2623 1910, 2343, 2456, 2619 1478, 1485. 2343 Charleston (HI.) Illuminating Am. 2400 Radiator Co 999, 1056, Bait. Sparrow's Point - Chesa- Brooklyn Union Gas Co. . 1853, 1915 Co 225 Charleston & Summervllle Elec. 1973, 2346 peake (Elec.) RR Brown. !ll Co. (Boilers & En- ^ Am. Rys. Co 649, 2219 2456 Bangor Orono & Oldtown gines), Dayton, 1172 Ry. (S. C.) 24.57 1234 Am. Rolling Mill Corp 1237 (Elec.) Ry 1110 Brush Elec. 111. Co., N. Y 1856 Chartlers Ry Am. Salt Co 1176 Bangor Ry. & Elec. Co 2456 Buffalo Attica & Arcade RR... 471 Chatham Wallaceburg & Lake Am. School Furniture Co 22J7 Barney & Smith Car Co... 12.37, Buffalo Bradford & Kane RR..1174 Erie Rv 2.398 Am. Screw Co 2459 2456, 2459 Buffalo General Elec. Co 1731 Chateaugav & T.Ake Placid RR..1362 Am. Sewer Pipe Co 1055 Batavia (N. Y.) Lt. & Pow. Co. 713 Buff. & Niagara Falls Elec. Lt. Chattanooga Elec. Ry 1911.24.57 Am. Shipbuilding Co 224, 2221 Battle Creek Breakfast Food Co. 1974 & Power Co 1731, 2346 Cheboygan (Mich.) Paper Co 714 . .

VIII INDEX. [YoL> t. yyr .

Page Page t^e Page Cherokee Construction Co 2346 Columbia River & Northern Ry.llll Dering Coal ITSl Chesapeake Co 714, 1060, Forest City Street Ry., Cleve- & Del. Canal Co... 873 Columbia (S. C.) Water Power Des Moines .1174 Chesapeake & Fort Dodge RR. land 1971 & Ohio Canal Co... Co 2623 Detroit City Gas Co 653, 1974 Fort Scott (Kan.) Water Supply 165, 602 Columbus Delaware & Marion Detroit Iron & Steel Co 2461 Co 16© Chesapeake Ohio & Ry 1423,2219 Electric RR 117 Detroit Mackinac & Marquette Fort Smith (Ark.) Light & Trac- Chesapeake & Potomac (Bell) Columbus Delaware RR. Grant 1234 Telephone & Marion Land tion Co 996- Co 1365 Ry 117 Detroit Portland Co 2347 Chesterfield Cement Fort Wayne, Van Wert & Lima & Lancaster RR...1970 Columbus Grove City South- Detroit Southern RR..472, 599, Traction Chic. Alton & Co 222, 2344 & Ry 471,649,2398 western (Electric) Ry 222 650, 996, 105S, 1111, 1478, Chic. Burlington 1362, Fort Wayne & Wabash Valley & Qulncy RR. Columbus & Hocking Coal & 1856, 1971, 2344, 2457, 2620 Traetion Co 2219' ^^ 471, 599, 1058, 2620 Iron Co 1974, 2342 Detroit Toledo & Ironton Ry., Fort Worth Stock Yards Co 715 Chic. Cinn - Louisv . . RR 649, 2457 Columbus London & Springfield 2344, 2399, 2457, 2620 Forty-second Street Manhattan- Chic. City Ry 162, 221, 471, (Electric) Ry 117, 1174,1423 Detroit United Ry 650, 708, vllle & St. Nicholas Ave Ry.1424- 599, 649. 711, 869, 871, 1174, Columbus New Albany & Johns- 1058, 1111, 1123, 2G20 Fourth Street & Arsenal Street 1362, 1727, 2398 town Traction Co.. 117, 2399, 2620 Dexter Portland Co 2461 Ry., St. Louis Chic. Dock & Canal Cement 472 Co 2460 Columbus Newark & Zanesville Diamond Chain & Mfg. Co 1781 Fox River Light, Heat & Power Chic. & East 111. RR. .162, 1728, Electric P.y 1234 Diamond Match Co.. 602, 648, Co., Ill 873- _ 1856, 2219, 2398, 2457 Columbus (O.) Gas Chic. Edison Co Light & 715 Franchise Tax in New York 1970 Heating Co 2644 Diamond State Steel Co 225, State 1362, 2344, 2621 Chic. Gt. West. Ry 116, 649, Columbus & Hocking Coal 474, 602 Freehold J.) Elec. Light 1359, 1362, & (N. & 1911, 1970, 2219, Iron Co 214 Differential Rates 1971 Power Co 166 2398, 2457, 2620 Columbus (O.) Public Service Dimmlck Chic. Indianap Louisv Pipe Co., Birmingham, Frontier Telephone Co., Buffalo. 2347 & Ry... Co 2346 Ala 1114 Fulton County Narrow Gauge 162, 221, 2398 Columbus (O.) Ry. & Light Co.. 117 Distillers' Securities Corp. 1481, 1915 RR 1362 Chic. Junction Ry 649,711, 871 Chic. Columbus (Ga.) Water \A'orks Dominion Atlantic Ry 711,996 Junction Rys. & Union Co Dominion Stock Yards Co 653,714,869 2623 Coal Co 119, 166, palveston City Ry 1971 Commercial Telephone Co. of 870, 877, 1365, 1425, 1481, VXalveston Electric Co 1971 Chic. Milw. & St. Paul Ry 1110 Texas 653 1732, 1915 Galveston, Harrisb'g & San An- Chic. & Milw. Transp'tion Co.. 1177 Commonwealth Chic. Motor Vehicle Co Elect. Co. (Chi- Dominion Iron & Steel Co. 1481, 2461 tonio Ry 1424, 1912 1177 cago) 224, Dominion (N. Chic. & Northwestern Ry...221, 1970, 2623 Textile Co., Limited, Garfield J.) Water Co 2347 Commonwealth Elec. Co. (Phil- Montreal 2347 Gas & Electric Co. of Bergen 599, 1856 adelphia) 119 Dover (N. County, N. 653, 1365 Chic. & North Western Tele- H.) Gas Light Co 873 J Commonwealth Power Co.. 225, 1114 Dow Composing Machine Co., Gas; Light Co., Augusta, Ga 1732 graph Co 1425, 1481, 1974 Commonwealth Water Light 2222 Gen. Asphalt Co 1178^ 1974, Chic. & Oak Park Elev. Ry & 1060, Co., Summit, N. J 714 Driggs-Seabury Ordnance Corp. 1114 ^218, 2223 472, 1171 ^u- r, Compressed Air 1177 Duluth Northern Gen. Chemical Co 598 Chic. Pneumatic Tool Co. .648, Co Messabe & Concord (N. H.) Elec. Co 2623 Ry 472 Gen. Electric Co 1481, 1726, 714, 873, 1114, 1237, 1481, 2623 Coney Island Brooklyn . 599 Duluth 1915 1735, 1915 Chic. Rock Island & Pacific Ry & RR. Steamship Co Connecticut Ry. Lighting Co. 1111 Duluth-Superior ..1911 Gen. Fire Extinguisher Co. of 472, 1362. 1423, 1728, 1856! & Traction Co. Connecticut River 1478, 1911 Dupont (E. I.) Nemours Pow- New York 873 2398, 2620 RR de r^- c.. ^ Connecticut Gen. Gas, Electric & Power Co., Chic. St. Paul Minn. & Omaha Valley Street Rv., der Co 474 1111 Dupont International Powder Connersville, Ind 474, 1237 ^^y- 221, 650 871, Consol. Car Heating 225 Co 119, 1177 Gen. Metals Co., Colorado Spgs.1178 Chic. Short Line Co ' Ry 711 Gen. Refining Co., Beaumont, Chic. & South Shore Elec Ry. Consol. Cotton Duck Co.. 1915, Durango Albuquerque & Gulf 2346, 2460 222 Texas 1732 1362, 1728, 2398 RR ^^. „ , Seneca Falls Chic. Subway Co. Consoi. Electric Co., Burling- Geneva Waterloo .472, 650, 871, 1110 Cayuga Lake Traction Co. .2344 Chic. (Bell) Telephone ton, Vt 1114 Eagle White Lead Co., Cincin- & Co 710 George's Creek Coal & Iron Co.. 2461 Chic. Terminal Transfer Ry... Consol. Gas Co., Baltimore. .119, nati 715 714, 1858 Kast Louisiana RR 996 Georgetown & Western RR 2621 ™. ,r 116, 162, 221 Georgia Car & Mfg. Co., Savan- Chic. Union Trac. Co. Consol. Gas Co., New Y^ork... East St. Louis & Suburban Co., .162, 650, nah 475, 2401 871, 1058, 1362, 470, 474, 1060, 1177, 1731, 650, 871 1728, 1911, 2343 Georgia Fla. Ala. Ry 222, 2457 Chic. & Western Indiana RR... 1854, 1858, 1910, 1915, 2222, East Tenessee & Western Car- & 2346, 2460 olina RR 1478 Georgia Ry. & Electric Co.. 711, 1111 871, 996, 1234. 2219, 2610 Transportation Co 166 Child's (Quick Lunch Restau- Consr.l. Gas & Electric Co., Ba- Eastern New York (Electric) Gilchrist tavia, 1728 Globe Steamship Co 1915 rants) Co 2222, 2346 N. Y 714 RR Cmn. Columbus Consol. Gas Electric Light & Eastern Ohio Traction Co. 1478, 2620 Globe-Wemicke Co., Cinn 873 & Traction Co.. 1234 Gold & Stock Teleg. Co 1426 Cinn. Dayton & Toledo Traction Power Co., Baltimore. .. .714, Eastern Steamship Co 873, 1481, 1781, 1858 1915, 2222 Goodwin Car Co 1060,2347 Co... 116, 599, 1362, 1478, 1728, Gottlieb-Bauernschmidt-Strauss 2219 2343 Consol. Heat Light & Power Eastman Kodak Co 1365, Co., Cal 1177 1425, 1477 Brewing Co., Bait 1426, 1974 Cinn. Ham. & Dayton Ry. .162 1114 Consol. Indiana Coal Co.. 2461, 2623 Eastmans, Limited 1237 Grand Rapids Edison Co 871, 1058, 1110, 1856, 2343 Hydraulic Co 1426 Cinn. Consol. Lake Superior Co 474 Eaton Cole & Burnham Co 1732 Grand Rapids Ice Co 1731 Grand Rapids & Indiana Ry..l420 Cinn. Inter-Terminal RR..1728, Consol. Liquid Air Co 166 Eau Claire (Wis.) Gas Light Consol. Lithograph Co 1731, 2222 Co 2461 Grand Rapids & Kalamazoo 2398, 2620 Valley (Electric) Ry 117 Cinn. Interurban Co 2219 Consol. Ry. (Electric) Conn., Edison Elec. 111. Co., Brockton. 1060 etc.. 117, 222, 472, 1111, 1234, Edison Portland Cement Co 2624 Grand Trunk Ry 871, 1909, Cinn. Milford & Lovelake Trac- 2457, 2621 tion 1362, 1910, 1911, 2457, 2620 Edison Sault Electric Co., Sault Co 2343 Grand Trunk Pacific Ry 996, Cinn. Consol. Rubber Tire Co 2342 Ste. Marie, Mich 2461 N. O. & Texas Pacific Ry. 1174, 1234, 1363, 2457 Consol. Telephone Co., Buffalo. .2346 Headlight Co. 2461 2398, 2620 Edwards Electric Great Eastern Clay Mfg. Co... 1237 Cinn. Consol. Water Co., Utica, N. Y. 474 Edwards' Railroad Elec. Light Northern RR 1362 Great Lakes Coal Co., Pitts- Consolidation Coal Co. of Mary- Co 1732, 2461 Cinn. Northern Traction Co 472 burgh 715, 2347 land 225, 474, 1177, 1361 Cement Co.. 1732 Cinn. (Bell) Telephone Co 653 Egyptian Portland Great Lakes Towing Co 2347 Consumers' Electric Co., Ottawa. 2460 America. .. .225, Cinn. & Suburban (Bell) Tele- Electric Co. of Great Northern Paper Co 1974 Consumers' 474, 1732, 2342 phone Co 1114 Gas & Fuel Co., At- Great Northern Portland Ce- lantic 1481 Battery Co., Cinn. Traction Co 996,2219 City. N. J EUectric Storage ment Co 999 1114, 1233 Citizens' Gas Co., Newcastle, Consumers' Gas Trust Co., In- Great Northern Power Co 653 Ind dianapolis. .1731, 2222, 2347,2460 Electrical Reduction Co... 1732 2222 Lead Great Northern Ry. .1111, 1174, 1479 Consumers' Co., Corp 715 Citizens' Gas & Elec. Co., Park Brewing Electrical Securities Great Southern Lumber Co.1237, 1915 Brooklyn, N. 2401 Co 873 Council Bluffs 2460 Y Elgin-American Gas Green Bay (Wis.) Gas & Elec- Citizens' Continental Coal Co. .1114, 2222, 2460 Elkhart (Ind.) Electric Co 1858 Gas, Elec. & Power Co24no tric Co 2624 Citizens' Heat, Light & Power Continental Paper Bag Co 2623 EUenville & Kingston RR 871 Green Bay Light & Power Co . . 2624 Co.. Springfield, 2222 Continental Ry. Equipment Co. .1481 El Paso (Tex.) Gas & Elec Co. 166 Green Bay & Western RR.162, 1359 Citizens' Island 1728 Light & Power Co., Continental (Beet) Sugar Co 1177 El Paso & Rock Ry Consol. Copper Co.. 225, 162 Greene Fort Worth, Texas 1177 Contra Costa Water Co., Oak- El Paso Southern RR 475, 1481, 1732, 2461 1481 Passen- Citizens' Light & Transit Co., land, Cal 1177, 1365, El Paso (Tex.) Union Grejne Consol. Geld Co 1061, 2462 1911 Pine Bluff, Ark 1234 Conway (Mass.) Street Ry 1971 ger Depot Greene Gold & Silver Co 114 Citizens' Steamboat Co 2222 Copper Range Consolidated Bmlyn Iron Works, East Chi- Greene Land & Coal Co 1332 Citizens' Telephone Co., Sioux (Copper) Co : 1060 cago 1732 Greenfield Deerfield & North- 715 Falls, S. Dak 166. 1731 Corn Products Co 119, 653, Empire State Sugar Co ampton rtreet Ry 871 Citizens' Transit Co., Cleveland. 1177 1177, 1365, 1853, 2623 Empire Steel & Iron Co... 999, 1060 Greenfield & Turner's Falls City Gas & Elec. Co., of Paris, Corning (N. Y.) & Painted Post Equitable Illuminating Gas Street Ry 871 III 2401 Street Rv 162 Light Co., Philadelphia. .602, Greensboro (Pa.) Gas Co 1061 City St. Car Co.. Staunton. W. Covina Valley (Cal.) Gas Co... 136 1481, 1732 Greenwich (Conn.) Tramway Co. Va 1478 Covington & Cjnclimati (Sus- Equitable Life Assurance So- 117, 1111 City & Suburban (Bell) Tele- pension) Bridge Co 996 ciety.. 715. 999, 1114, 1178, Greenwood Coal Co 1115,1732 phone Co., Cinn 714 Crane's Nest Co. (Coal & Coke) 119 1365, 1425, 1858, 2222, 2347, Groton & Stonington (Conn.) City 2461, 2624 Water Co., Newark 1114 Crucible Steel Co. of America.. 1481 2401, St. Ry 2344 City Water Co. of Ocean Park, C^umberland (Bell) Telephone & Brie Canal 715, 1177, 1915 Guayaquil & Quito Ry 2457, 2621 ^ Cal 2460 Telegraph Co 714 Erie & Jersey RR 2621 Guggenheim Exploration Co. 873, 1974 r.ity Water Co., Sheboygan, Wis 714 Cunard Steamship Co 1365 Erie RR....222, 711, 1362,1912, 2621 Gulf & Ship Island RR 162, ,^621 Claflin (H. B.) Co 161 CJuyahoga Telephone Co 166, Erie & Pittsburgh RR 162, 472 Clarkssburg Fuel Co.. 474, 1177 1478 714, 2624 Erie Rapid Transit Street Ry... 162 Hackensack Meadows Co 873 Clarksville (Tenn.) Ry. & Light Erie & Western Trans. Co 711 alifax & Southwestern Ry..2219 Co 24.57 Dakota Pacific RR 222 Esquimau & Nanaimo Ry 711 Hallwood Cash Register Co 2223 Cleve. Akron - Columbus Ry...l911 alias (Texas) Gas Co.. 2460, 2624 Essex (N. J.) Union Water & Hamilton (Ont.) Cataract Power Cleve. Cinn. Chic. & St. Louis Dallas (Texas) Gas & Fuel Co.. 2460 Light Co 715 Light & Traction Co 1111, ises P-y 599. 1358. 1423, 1728 Daly-West Mining Co 873, 1114 Evansville (Ind.) Gas & Elec. Hamilton (Ohio) Gas & Elec Co. 654 1911, 2343, 2.^99, 2620 Danville (Pa.) Bessemer Co.... Light Co 1426 Hamilton (Ohio) Home Tele-_ Cleve. Elec. Ry. .871, 996, 1970, 2.343 1481, 1915 Evansville & Princeton Traction phone Co j^237 Cleve. Furnace Co 1915 Davis Mills, Fall River 166, 653 Co 2621 Hamilton-Otto Coke Co 654 Cleve. 1425 Electric 873 Lorain & Wheeling Rv. . Dayton Electric Light Co Everett (Wash.) Ry. & Hammond Ice Co., Bait 1058, 1174 Dayton Gas Light & Coke Co.. 1114 Co 2219 Hampton Roads Ry. & Electric Cleve. Terminal & Valley Rv...468 Dayton Lebanon & Cincinnati Everett (Wash.) Ry Light & Co.. Newport News, Va. .997, 1058 Clifton Forge Mining & Devel- RR 1478 Water Co 2219 Hannawa Falls Water Power opment Co 474 Dayton (O.) Lighting Co 1425 Everett (Wash.) Water Co 2222 Co.. Potsdam, N. Y 2462 Cllnchfield Corporation 118 Davton Springfield & Urbana Harrlsburg (111.) Water, Light 224, 474. 714, 1481. 2222, '2346 Electric Ry 117, 222, 1174 Fairmont & Clarksburg Trac- & Power Co 2624 Clinton (Mass.) Gas Light Co.. Decatur (Ala.) Light Power & tion Co 600 Hartford Electric Light Co 2462 714, 1425 Fuel Co 1974 Fairmont Coal Co 225, 474, Hartford Manchester & Rock- Clinton (N. Y.) Home Telephone De Forest Wireless Telegraph 1178, 1361 vllle Tramway Co 1912 Co 2346 Co 1731 Fall River Elec. Light Co 2222 Hartford (Conn.) Street Ry Cluett. Peabody & Co., Troy, Delaware & Bound Brook RR., Pall River Mills 225 600, 1111, 1479 N. Y 1365 1728, 2457, 2620 Farmers' Co-operative Harvest- Hartford & Springfield St. Ry. .2697 Coahulla & Pacific RR 1478 Delaware & Hudson C0..1170, ing Machine Co. of Amer....2461 Havana Central RR 1912 Coal River Ry 2219 1174, 1362, 1911, 2343 Farmville & Powhatan RR..871, Havana Dry Dock Co 1974 Coal River & Western Ry 2219 Delaware Investment Co 2624 1234, 1912, 2457 Havana Electric Ry..674, 657, Coeur d'Alene & Spokane Ellec- Delaware Lackawanna <^ West- Federal Clay Mfg. Co 2223 1424, 1912 Smelting Co., (Pa.) Brewing Co... 1732 trlc Ry 711 ern RR. . .868, 996, 1234 Federal Mining & Hazlewood Colorado Fuel Xr Iron Co. ,474. Delaware River Ferry Co 2460 873, 1974 Hecla Portland Cement, Coal & 1177, 1425. 1481, 1726, 24R0 Delaware River Steel Casting Federal Railway Signal Co 17.32 Coke Co 2223 Refining Co 653 Herrlng-Hall-Marvln Safe Co. . Colorado Industrial Co . . . . 1 42.'>, 2400 Co., Chester, Pa 474 Federal Sugar Telephone Co 1858 602. 995, 999, 1237, 17S2 Colorado New Mex & Gulf Ry. . 222 Delaware Securities Co 2624 Federal Colorado & Northwestern RR.. 650 Delaware Water Improvement Ferrler (John R.) 1237 Heywood Bros. & Wakefield Co. 2462 Colorado & South. Ry.472, 599, Co 2624 Fisheries Co 2461 Highlander Milling & Mining Co.1365 650, 1111, 1174. 1362, 1423, Denver Gas & Fleo. Co... 1114, 2460 Fltchburg RR 472, 599, 711, 871 Hocking Valley Ry Ill, 221ft 650 IS.'ifi, 1911, 1971, 2620 Denver Northwestern & Pacific Fitchburg & Lieomlnster Street Holyoke (Mass.) St. Ry Colorado Southern New Orleans Ry 996, nil. 1362 Ry 1478 Homo Telephone Co.. Los & Pacific RR 1971, 2.199 Denver & Rio Grande RR..472, Flei.^chmann Co., Distilling & Angeles 2347 Colorado Springs & Cripple Creek 871, 2219, 2.399 Refining, Cincinnati 999, Home Teleph. & Teleg. Co. of 1426, 1481 Santa Monica Ocean Park, District Ry 472, 1111,1423 Denver Tramway Power Co . . . 871 & G34 Colorado Texas * Mexico Ry... 24.57 Denver Union Water Co 1114 Flint River & Northeastern RR.2219 Cal 1478 (N. Illumin- Colton (Col.) Gas Co 2.346 Depew >

January-June, 1905.] INDEX tx

Page Page Page Page Hoster-Columbus Associated Kansas City Tulsa & South- Maryland & Penn. Ry.651, 711, 1235 Nat. Fireproofing Co. 708, 1734,2224 Breweries Co., Columbus, O.. 119 western RR 2621 Maryland Telephone & Tele- Nat. Lead Co 1421, 2437 Houston Gas Co 1732 Kansas City-Western (Elec.) Ry. graph Co 874, 1061 Nat. Light, Heat & Power Co. Houston Oil Co 166, 475, 2399 Mason City & Ft. Dodge RR.. 1238, 2402 1178. 1237, 1915, 2223 Kansas Home Telephone Co 1733 1363, 2399, 2621 Nat. Phonograph Co 166, 1858 Houston & Texas Central RR..1234 Kennard & Sons Carpet Co., Massachusetts Elec. Companies. Nat. Portland Cement Co 2625 Howard Watch Co 1178 St. Louis 1733, 2223 472. 997. 1235. 1363, 1424, 1479, Nat. RR. of Mexico.. 1363. 1424, Hudson (Tunnel) Companies. 162, 222 Keystone Telep. Co. . . 166. 470, 1858 1729, 1971. 2344, 2458 1908, 1917 Hudson County Gas Co.... 475 Keweenaw Central RR 2219 Mass. Gas Companies 1482, Nat. Refining Co 716 Hudson County Water Co 1237 Keystone Watch Case Co 1178 1974, 2462. 2625 Nat. Starch Mfg. Co 119 Hudson Iron Co., Secaucus, Kings County Electric Light & Mass. Lighting Companies 716 Nat. Steel & Wire Co 1000, 1427 N. J 2462 Power Co., Brooklyn 2216 Mass. Securities Co 2344 Nebraska (Bell) Telephone Co.. 1061 Hudson & Manhattan RR 163 Kingston (N. Y.) Gas & Elec- Massillon (O.) Coal Mining Co. 2462 New Albany (Ind.) Water Hudson Navigation Co 1365, tric Co 2347 Medina Quarry Co 1238 Works 1238 1426, 1733, 2223 Kingston (Ont.) Portsmouth & Memphis Street Ry 1058, 2399 New Amsterdam Gas Co.. N. Y. Hudson River Water P'ower Co. Cataraqui Electric Ry 1058 Merchants' Coal Co., Penn. & 1877, 2224 1237, 1915 Kinsman Tran. Co., Cleveland. .1733 W. Va 716 New Castle (Pa.) Forge & Bolt Hudson Valley (Electric) Ry... Kirby Lumber Co 166, 1178 Mergenthaler Linotype Co. .654, ' Co 1734 2219, 2344, 2457, 2621 Knickerbocker Ice Co., Bait.... 874 874, 1733 New England Gas & Oil Co 1734 Huebner-Toledo United Brewer- Knickerbocker Ice Co., Chicago. Meridian (Miss,) Water Works New England (Bell) Telephone ies Co 1426. 1482 654, 1057 Co 1178 & Telegraph Co 1858 Huntington & Broad Top Moun- Knickerbocker Steamboat Co., Metropolitan Securities Co., N. New England Water Works Co. 716 tain RR. & Coal Co 650, N. T 1426. 1974 Y. City 711 New Jersey & Hudson River 1479, 1T24 Knickerbocker Sugar Refl'g Co.. 119 Metropolitan S. S. Co 1916, 2347 Ry. & Ferry Co 998 Hygienic "Mapl-Flake" Food Kokomo (Ind.) Steel & Wire Co. 119 Metropolitan St. Ry., N. Y. New Jersey & Penn. RR 222 Co 1974 711, 2344 New Jersey Steamboat Co 1366 Hyle Steel Tool Co 2624 La Belle Iron Works Co 1365 Metropolitan Water Co., Kan- New Jersey Steel Corporation, ackawanna Steel Co 225, sas City. Kan 1733 Newark 1734

Illinois Brick Co 602, 654, 475, 654, 1916 Metropolitan West Side Elev. New Jersey Stock Exchange. . .1734 870, 873, 1365, 1858, 2223 Laclede Gas Light Co. of St. 1421. 1424. 1913. 2458 New Jersey Terminal Co 1174 Illinois Car - Equipm't Co 166 Louis 470, 475, 602, 1061, 1426 Mexican Central Ry..ll7. 159, New Mexico Ry. & Coal Co.... Illinois Central RR 222, 996 LaCrosse & Southwestern (Elec- 163. 220, 1059, 1174, 1424, 1729, 1971 Illinois Traction Co 2219 tric) Ry 222 1479, 1856, 2458 New Milford (Conn.) Power Co. . 119 Illinois lovva & Minn. Ry 2457 Ladew (Tanning) Co 1426 Mexican Gulf Commercial Co.. 716 New Orleans Brew. Co 2462

Illinois Tunnel Co., Chicago. . . Lafayette (Ind.) Telephone Co..l7S3 Mexican Internat. Improvement New Orleans Gas Light Co 2224 163, 472, 600, 1111 La Grange (111.) Gas Co 874 Co 2462 New Orleans Great Northern Imperial Glass Co., Bellaire, 0..1974 La Grange (111.) Water, Light & Mexican Internat. RR.1969, 1976 RR 998, 1235, 1729, 1913 Imperial Paper Mills, Sturgeon Power Co 1061 Mexican Light & Power Co.. New Orleans Ry. & Light Co.. 2622

Falls, Ont 2462 Lake Erie & West. RR. . 1232, 2458 475, 2462 New Orleans Rys.. 117, 163, 222, Imperial Typewriter Co 1237 Lake Shore Electric Ry 472, Mexican Nat. Construe. Co.... 473. 651. 998, 1111. 1175, 2220, Independent Brewing Co., Pitts- 997, 1729, 2458 1173, 2621 2345, 2622 burgh 999, 1178. 1974 Lake Shore & Michigan South- Mexican Oil Corporation, Ltd.. 2462 New Orleans Terminal Co 1972 Independent Consolidated Tele- ern Ry.l852, 1856, 1912, 2458, 2621 Mexican Southern Ry 222 New Orleans Water Works Co. 1916 phone Co., Wisconsin 1238 Lake Steamship Bonds 1733 Mexican Sugar Co 1734 New River & Pocahontas Con- Independent Telephone Co., To- Lake Superior Corporation. .475, Mexican Telegraph Co.. 1238. 1727 sol. Coal Co 2462 peka, Kan 1178 602, 654, 715, 1000, 1482. 1858. 2347 Mex, Telephone Co... 651, 1061, 1115 N. Y. Air Brake Co 2462 Independent Teleph. Securities Lake Superior & Southwestern Mexican Telephone & Telegraph N. Y. & Bait. Transp'n Line... 1179 Co 1115, 1733, 2347, 2462 RH 2219 Co 1061, 2399 N. Y. & Boston Dyewood Co 2402 Indiana 111. & Iowa RR 1363, Lakewood (N. J.) Water, Light Miamisburg & Germantown N. Y. Canadian Pacific Ry 1059 1912, 2457 & Power Co 715 Traction Co 2345 N. Y. Cent & Hud. River RR. Indiana (Electric) Ry 1912 La Luz Drainage & Transporta- Michigan Central RR fiOO, 117, 222, 600, 1112, 1175, Ind. & Mich. Electric Co. .1000, 1858 tion Tunnel Co 1733 1852, 1913, 2345, 2458 1230, 1235, 1240, 1424, Ind. Southern Coal Co 2223 Lancaster (Pa.) Electric Light, Michigan-Lake Superior Power 1479, 1729, 2458, 2622 Indianapolis & Eastern Ry 711 Heat & Power Co 2462 Co., 602, 655, 716, 874. 1365, N. Y. Chic. & St. Louis RR... Indianapolis Gas Co 1238 Lansdale & Norristown (Pa.) 1482, 18.58 219, 223. 1853 Indianapolis Lt. & Heat Co 475 Electric Ry 1424 Michigan Light Co 655 N. Y. City Ry 2458 Indianapolis Lt. & Power Co... 475 Lanston Monotype Machine Co. Michigan State Telephone Co... 1482 N. Y. City Interborough Ry Indianapolis & Martinsville 2619, 2624 Mlddletown-Goshen Elec Rv. 117, 1059, 1175. 1479, 1729 Rapid Transit Co 2457 Lawyers' Mortgage Co., N. Y..1178 N. Y 998. 10.59, 1424 N. Y. Edison Co 1855, 2224 Indianapolis Northern Traction Lawyers' Mtge. Bond Co., New Midland Valley RR...472, 1729 2345 N. Y. Glucose Co 1179, 1366 Co 651 York G02, 874 MiKord Pink Granite Quarries. .2223 N. Y. & Harlem RR 1424 Indianapolis & Northwestern Lawyers' Title Ins. Co., N. Y...1115 Millen & Southwestern RR....1424 N. Y. & Jersey RR 117, 163, Traction Co 2457 Leadville (Col.) Electric & Milwaukee & Chicago Breweries, 651, 1112 Indianapolis Traction & Ter- Power Co 715 Ltd 874 N. Y. & Kentucky Co., Roch- minal Co 472 Lehigh Coal & Nav. Co.. 166, Milwaukee Coke & Gas Co 2462 ester 119, 18.53 Indianapolis Union Ry 871 475, 602. 654, 874, 1061, 1238 Milwaukee Gaa Light Co 602 N. Y. & Long Island RR 1479 Indianapolis & Western Trac- 1360, 1733 Milwaukee Light, Heat & Trac- N. Y. & Long Island Traction tion tion Co. . 1912 Lehigh & Hudson River Ry 469 Co 472, 872 Co 1479, 2345, 2458, 2622 Indian Territory Traction Co., Lehigh-Northampton Gas & Minneapolis Brewing Co 1178 N. Y. Mutual Gas Co 1855 South McAlester 2458 Elec. Co. of Catasauqua. Pa. 166 Minneapolis General Electric Co. N. Y. New Haven & Hartford Industrial Coal Co 1178 Lehigh Valley RR 177, 222, 1115. 1426, 2223 RR...117, 223. 872, 1112, 1363, IngersoU Sargeant Drill Co 1733 1111. 1424. 2219, 2458 Minneapolis Red Lake & Man- 1971, 2458, 2622 Insular Ry., Havana 1912 Lehigh Valley Trac. Co.. 1912, itoba RR 1971 N. Y. & New Jersey Telep. Co..l057 Interb'gh Rap. Tran. Co. ...117, 1971, 2399, 2621 Minneapolis & St. Louis RR. .2220 N Y. & North Jersey Rapid 222, 711, 1058, 1111, 1234, Leominster, Shirley & Ayer Minneapolis St. Paul & Sault Transit Co 1112 1479. 1912, 2344, 2399, 2458, 2621 Street Ry 7II, 1479 Ste Marie Ry 472, 651 N. Y. Ontario & Western Ry... Internat. Co., Colu'bus. O.1061, 2223 Levis County (Electric Rv.) Miss. La. & Tex. RR 1235 473, 651, 872, 1112, 1363, 2345, 2622 Mo. III. Internat. Bell Teleph. Co 1482 Canada 1235, 2621 & Bridge & Belt Rv. . 711 N. Y. & Ottawa RR. .223, 2220, 24.58 Mo. X- Internat. Mahogany Co 1365, 2347 Lewiston-Clarkston Co., of Kan. (Bell) Telephone Co. 874 N Y. Penn. & Southw'n RR... 998 Internat. Mercantile Marine Co Clarkston, Wash 475 Mo. Kan. & Tex RR. .222. 712 10-59 N Y.-Phila. Co.. 163, 712, 1175, 1235 225. 654, 873, 1000, 1426, 2462 Licking River RR 2344 Missouri Pacific Ry....473 712. Phila. & Norfolk RR 872 "1116. N. Y. Internat. Nickel Co 2210 Ligomer Valley RR 711 872. It08. 12.'?5. 2458 N Y. Phonograph Co 166, 1858 Internat. Paper Co 119, 225, Lima Findlay & Toledo RR Mo. River (^ Northwestern RR. 222 Y. & Portchester (Electric) Mo. n' 1426, 1482, 1483, 2624 1424, 2.344 River Power Co 1 178 Ry 1972, 2345 Internat. Power Co 654 1426 Little Kanawha RR 2219, 2399 Mobile & Ohio RR 2621 N Y. RR. & Delevopment Co.. 1972 Internat. Power Vehicle Co 1733 Lobdell & Bailey Mfg. Co., Ona- M'->hawk Portland Cement Co., N. Y. & Stamford (Electric) Internat. Salt Co 1056 way, Mich 225 New York 1734 Ry 118, 1112 Internat. Silver Co Lockport (N. T.) Gas & Elec. Monmouth (111.) Gas & Elec. Co. 1179 Gas Commission 2462 1000, 1172 Monoline N Y. State Internat. Smokeless Powder & Light Co 2347 Composing Co 1734 N. Y. Susquehanna & West. RR 712 Chem. Co Lone Island Consol. Electrical Monongahela River Consol. Coal Telephone Co 1179 119, 1178 Coke Co N. Y. (Bell) Internat. Steam Pump Co.. 1916, 2402 Companies 2462 & 160. 166 N Y. Transportation Co 2224 Internat. Traction Co.. Buffalo. 997 Long Island RR..163. 600 997, Monongahela Water Co,, Pitts- N. Y. Weigh'g Barge & Coal Co.1179 Inter-State Iron Steel 1111. 1363. 2621 burgh 1061 & Boston & Co 1733 Montana N Y. Westchester Inter-State Rys., Phila 1111 Lookout Mountain Iron Co., Coal & Coke Co 1482 ^•->«^ Investment & Railroad Intelli- Battelle. Ala 1061 Montgomery (Ala.) Light & '''-'''S-^^B Water Power gence... 113. 157, 215, 465, 596, Lorain (O.) Street Ry 997 Co 1426 Niagara Lockport & Ontario Lorimer Automatic Montgomery (Ala.) Traction Co. -2348 645, 705. 863. 990, 1052, 1104, Telephone Power Co. • • 1167, 1228, 1356, Co 1733 998. 10,59. 1424 St. Catherine's & To- 1418, 1471, Montreal Boston Niagara 1721, 1849. 1906. Itl64, 2213 Los Angeles Interurban (Elec.) & Consol. Min- ronto (Electric) Ry 651 ing Smelting Co.l3Pfi, 2338, 2392, 2451, Ry 651 & 2223. 2625 Niagara Transfer Ry 1175 2615 Montreal Bridge Terminal Iowa Central Ry Los Angeles Rv 651 & File Co -^^5 472 Co Nicholson Iowa & Illinois (Elec.) Ry 1058 Louisiana Irrigation & Mill Co., 1363. 2621 Niles-Bement-Pond Co 1734 Montreal Llfrht, <^ Iowa Loan & Trust Co 1733 Crowley, La 715 Heat Power Norfolk-Hampton Roads Co 2402 Co.. 47.5. Iron Mt. Car Trust (Ass'n) 2624 Louisville Ry 994 1115, 1916, 2224. 2401, Norfolk southern Louisville 2625 & Ithaca-Cortland Traction Co 711 & Eastern (Elec.) RR.1174 2456, fy^-^-^-^^^^^ Montreal Quebec

INDEX. [Vol, lxxx.

Page Page Page Page Northwestern Steamship Co llidS Port Angeles Pacific Ry 2b:c2 s'ao Paulo Tramway Light & Texas Oil Co 1427 Nova Scotia Steel & Coal Co...l3G(> Port Arthur Canal & Dock Co. . 169 Power Co 1729, 1969 Texas Gulf Ry 223 Port Huron (Mich.) Shipbuild- Schenectady (Elec.) Ry 652 Texas & New Orleans RR 1425 Oakland Traction Consol 1479 ing Co 1734 Schuylkill Ry 1729 Texas & Pacific Coal Co 1239 hio Fuel Supply Co 1061 Port Jervis Monticello & Sum- Schuylkill Traction Co 1729 Texas & Pacific Ry. .601, 652, Ohio Leather Co., Youngstown, mitville RR 872 Schwarzschlld & Sulzberger 1059, llOS, 1170, 1175 Ohio 1734 Portland (Ore.) Consol. (Elec.) (Packing) Co ' 119,1000 Texas Pacific Land Trust. .874, 1062 & Western Ry..l63, Ry 2220, 2459 Scranton FactoryvUle & Tunk- Texas Sabine Valley & North- 473, 600, 1913 Portland (Ore.) General Elec. hannock RR 1059 western Ry 223 Ohio Traction Co 2220 Co 2463 Seaboard Air Line Ry. .118, 164, Texas Southern Ry 713 Oil Fields of Mexico Co 1975 Portsmouth (O.) Steel Co., 223, 601, 652, 713, 1480, 1914, Thompson (L. A.) Scenic Ry. Oklahoma & Texas Southern Wheeling, W. Va 1734 1972, 2220, 2345 Co. of N. Y 2400 RR 872 Potomac EUec. Pow. Co., Wash- Seaboard Co 2345 Tidewater Ry 1175 Old Colony Street Ry 1235 ington, D. C 1916 Seattle Electric Co 2345 Tidewater Terminal Co., New Olds Motor Works, Detroit 225 Pratt Coal Co., Birmingham, Seattle-Tacoma Power Co 2463 Jersey 1175 Olympia Cotton Mills 1975, 2224 Ala 1427 Securities Co. of New York.... 1056 Title Insurance Co., New York. 1062 Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Pratt Consol. Coal Co., Birming- Sharon Foundry Co 1975 Toledo Angola & Western Ry.. 164 Ry 1175. ham, Ala 1427 Shawinigan Water & Power Co., Toledo Coal & Clay Co 1183 Omaha Electric Light & Power Pressed Steel Car Co 169,709 1179, 1486, 2463 Toledo Home Telephone Co.... 1062, Co 1975 Princeton (N. J.) Lighting Co.. 2224 Sheffield (Ala.) Co 601 2224, 2348, 2625 Toledo Marshall & North'n RR..13li3 Oneonta Cooperstown & Richfield Procter & Gamble Co.. 655, 1916, 2463 Sheffield (Ala.) Coal & Coke Co. . 716 Toledo Peoria Ry...707 Springs (Electric) Ry 1972 Providence & Burrillville St. Ry.2343 Shelby Iron Co 1916 & Western Toledo Ry. Light Co469, 998, 1236 Ontario Power Co 119, 1427 Providence (R. I.) Gas Co 1000 Shelby RR 2345 & Toledo Ry. & Ter. Co 2346 Orange Co. Lighting Co., Mid- Provident Loan Society of New Sheridan (Wyo.) Coal Co 2463 RR. dletown, N. Y 1179 York mo, 1179, 1182 Sierra Ry., Cal 1112 Toledo St Louis & Western 1973, 2459, 2622 Oregon & California RR 2220 Public Service Corpor. of N. J. Sloss-Sheffield Steel & Iron Co., Toledo United Breweries Co.... Oregon RR. & Navigation Co.. 1913 164, 652. 1424. 2220, 2622 874, 1062. 1115, 1301, 1366, 1183, 1427 Oregon Short Line RR..223, 473, Publishers' Paper (Jo 1366 1373, 2463 Ry.. 713 1175. 1857, 1013, 1969, 2399,2403 Pullman Co, 1916 Smith Transit Co 1916 Toledo Urban & Interurban Orford Mountain Ry 712 Soivay Process Co 1239 Toledo & Western (Electric) Ry 2221, 240O O'Rourke Engineering Construc- Quaker Oats Co 870, 1975 Sorento Coal Co., CJhicago 2625 Tonopah Mining Co 169, 1975 tion Co., New York 71 .' Ozark Cherokee Central Ry. .1424 . & South Yuba Water Co 476 Traction Terminal Co 2221 Racine (Wis.) Gas Light Co... 476 Southern (Bell) Telephone & Tremont & Suffolk Mills 226 Pacific-American Fisheries Co. 226 ahway Valley RR 1720 Telegraph Co. of 2402 Va Trenton & New Brunswick RR. 1(54 acific Electric Ry 651 Railroad Earnings. See "Edi- Southern California RR 1059 Trinity & Brazos Valley Ry.... Pacific Mail S. S. Co 874, torial Articles." See "Invest- Southern Electric Securities Co., 873. 1480, 2622 1916, 2341 ment and Railroad Intelli- 22,3, 1062, 1973 River General Electric Pacific Mills, Lawrence, Mass. .2224 gence" (weekly). Truckee Southern Illinois & Missouri Co 476. 1183 Pacific Pack. Nav. Co 226, Railway & Industrial Section & Bridge Co 1424, 2220 Twin City Rapid Transit Co... 471, 476, 602, 716, 1061, 1115 for January and April at end Southern Indiana Coal Co 2224 652, 1175, 1233, 1914, 1973, Pacific States (Bell) Teleph. of volume. & Southern Indiana Ry. .118, 652, 2221, 2400 Telegh. 602 Railway & Light Securities Co. 712 Co 1363, 1480, 2221 Electric Rys. of Paducah (Ky.) Electric Railway Steel Spring Co. 1000, 1050 Underground Gas & Southern New England (Bell) 1112, 2459 Co 2348 Raleigh & Cape Fear Ry 2459 London, Ltd 1060, Telephone Co 655 Union Bag & Paper Co Pana (111.) Gas Electric Co. .2402 Raleigh & Pamlico Sound RR. .1363 & Southern Pacific Co... 164, 473, 1433, 2402, 2625 Panama Canal 1000, 1366 Raleigh & Southport Ry 2400 601, 872, 998, 1112, 1857, 1914 Rapid Transit in N. Y. City Union Electric Light & Power Panama RR. .163, 473, 872, 1235, Southern Ry 473, 1054,2622 118, 1236, 1972, 2345, 2622 Co, St. Louis 603 1479, 1913 Southern States Lumber Co., York.... Paper Products Co 874 Reading Co 118, 1729, 2622 Union Ferry Co., New 119, 2625 1125, 2224 Parrott Silver Copper Co., Reece Button-Hole Machine Co.. 1366 & Southern Street R y 1059 Union Light, Heat Power Co., 1061, 2224 Reliance Portland Cement Co.. 2224 & Southwest Missouri Electric Ry.l973 Fargo, N. D., etc 1239 Passaic Steel Co., Paterson, N. Republic Bank Note Co., Pitts- Southwestern Pennsylvania RR.1914 burgh 1916 Union Natural Gas Corp. , Pitts- J 1366, 2462 Spokane & British Columbia Ry.l729 Republic Iron Steel Co 476, burgh 716, 1057 Paxtang Electric Co., Harris- & Springfield (Mo.) Gas Elec- 716, 1734 & Union Oil Co. of California 655 burg, Pa 2224 tric Co 1115 Penn. Furnace Co 220 Republic Rubber Co.. Youngs- Union Pacific RR 473. 052. town, Springfield (Mass.) Gas Light 1060. 1364, 1729, 1857, 1914, 2221 Penn. Gas Coal Co 716 O 1738 2348 Revere (Mass.) Water Co 1738 Co 655, 1916, Union Switch & Signal Co 1057 Penn. Co. 223, 1112, 1175, 1424, 2«18 Springfield (O.) Light & Power Penn. Iron Works Co 1734 Richmond & Chesapeake Bay TTnion Terminal RR. of Cinn...2221 Co 2224 Union Traction Co. of Indiana.. 713 Penn. RR. .118, 163, 600, 994, (Steam & Electric) Ry 713 Kichm'd F'burg & Potomac RR159 Springfield Railwav Companies, Union Typewriter Co 1125. 1427 1002, 1112, 1235, 1728, 1913, 1914 Richmond (Va.) Standard 1363, United Box Board & Paper Co., 2220. 2399, 2458 Steel Charleston Spike & Iron Co 1482 Springfield South 226, 655, 717, 875, 1075 Penn. Steel Co 655, 874, Washington Court House & 1423, 1975 Rio Grande Sierra Madre & Pa- United Button Co 2402 Chillicothe Traction Co 1112 1239 Penn. (Bell) Teleph. Co 716 cific RR 164, 1112 United Coke & Gas Co Rio Grande Western Ry 473 Springfield (Mass.) Street Ry., United Copper Co 1486. 1916, Penn. -Wyoming Copper Co., 1236, 1363, 1480 476, 1427 Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light 2395, 2463 Power 1175 Springfield (Mo.) Traction Co. . . 223 Electric Co., People's Gas Light & Coke Co., & Co United Light Riverside Bridge (Building) Co., Squire (J. P.) & Co 12.39 Springfield, Mass 2402, 2463 655, 709, 1916 Elec. Wheeling, W. Va. .874, 1238, 1916 Stafford Springs (Conn.) United Electric Light & Power People's Heat Light & Power 1914 Bobbins Transportation Co 1916 Light & Gas Co 1738, Co.. Baltimore 119, 717 Co., Springfield, 2224 1112 Robinson (111.) Water & Lt. Co.. 2402 Stamford (Conn.) Ry United Electric Light & Power People's Power Co., Rock Island, Standard Distilling & Distribut- Rochester & Eastern Rapid Co. , New York 1 850 etc.. Ill 119 ing Co 1975 Peoria Eastern (Electric) Ry 2345 United Elect. Securities Co 655 & Ry 1363 Rochester Standard Gas Light Co. New Peoria & Pekin Terminal Ry... 998 (N. Y.) Ry. & Light United Fruit Co. 226, 1001, 1062, 1427 Co 1480, 1729, 1857 York 1H55 Pere Marquette 163, 223, United Gas & Electric Co., RR Rochester Syracuse Eastern Standard Motive Power Co 1738 601, 998, 1059, 1729, 2458 & Dover, N. H 874 (Electric) 601, 2345, 2459 Standard Oil Co 1001 Petaluma (Elec.) RR United Gas & Electric Co., New & Santa Rosa Rochester Suburban Standard Roller Bearing Co., RR 1913 & Ry 1729 Albany, etc 1236 Rochester Telephone Co. . .2224, 2402 Philadelphia 1738 Pfister Vogel Co., Milwaukee. 1734 United Gas & Elect. Co., San & Rockford Belt Ry 2459 Standard Rope & Twine Co., Phila. Bait. Wash. RR., Jose, etc., Cal 1062 & Rock Island Co 118, 2400 476. 603, 874, 1115, 1183 1112, 1475 United Gas Improvement Co., Rocky Mt. (Bell) Telep. Co 1061 Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co., Phila. & Brigantine RR 712 Phila... 603, 1486, 17.38, 1856, Roger." (William A.), Limited. . .1482 Pittsburgh 603. 2625 Phila. Co.. Pittsburgh.. 223. 6.52, 1862. 1977, 2342, 2348 Rogers Locomotive Works.. 476, 1482 Standard Screw Co.. Detroit. 1729, 1H59. 1913 United Illuminating Co., Port- 1853, Rome (N. Y.) Locomotive & Ma- 716, 1179, 1486 Phila. Elec. Co 1422,1427 land, Me 119 chine Works 1179, 1975 Standard Steel Car Co 169, 1179 Phila. Erie .712, 2622 United Power & Transportation & RR. 1470. Rotary Ring Spinning Co 1738 Standard Typewriter Co 1239 Phila. Lehigh Co 713 & Valley Trac- Rubber Goods Mfg. Co. ..1423, Standard Underground Cable tion Co 1913, 2458 United Railroads of San Fran- 1427, 18.58, 1975 Co 476 Phila. Pneumatic Tool 874 cisco 1862 Co Rutland RR 223, 473 Stark-Tuscarawas Breweries Co. Phila. Rapid Transit Co 223, United Railways Co. of St. Rutland (Vt.) Street Ry 2220 Ohio 12.39, 1486 652. 872, 1059, 1175, 1729 Louis.. 998, 1054, 1000, 1480, 1236, State and City Index, Jan. 1 Phila. Steel Iron 1427, 2221, 2622 & Co Jo.'^eph (Mo.) Gas Co 716 to April 15 1500 1975, 2625 St. United Railways & Elect. Co. t. Joseph Lead Co 2402 State and City Section, May 27 Philippine of Bait... 223. 998, 1236. 1425, Railways 2622 St. Joseph South Bend & South- at end of volume. Phillips Gas <^ Oil 169 1725. 2346, 2622 Co ern RR 1913 State Telephone Co. New Jersey, Phillips 652 United R'ys Invest Co.. San & Rangelev RR St. Lawrence & Adirond'k Ry.. 223 1738, 2348 Phoenix 2625 Francisco 1480, 1909, 1914 Gold Mining Co St. Louis Brownsville & Mexico State Line Telephone Co 603 Phoenix (Ariz.) 1000 United Shoe Machinery Corp... Water Co Ry 652, 872, 1175, 1236 Stephenson (.Tohn) Car 716 Pioneer Co 1062, 1183, 1486, 1862, 1022, Steamship Co., Cleve- St. Louis Car Co 169 Stillwater (Minn.) Gas & Elec- land 874 3456, 2463 St. Louis Cotton Compress Co.. 226 tric Light 1738 Co U. S. Brick Co., Reading. Pa... 1975 Pitts. Brewing Co 470,1000 St. Louis Iron Mountain & Storage Co 2463 Power U. 9. Cast Iron Pipe & F'ndry Pitts. Cln. Chic. & St. L. Ry., Southern Ry 473, 2459, 2622 Street Railway Section Feb. 25 Co 169 1175, 1330 St. Louis Nat. Stock Yards Co. .2348 and June 24 will be found at Pitts. Coal Co 169. 476, mn, U. S. Coal & Oil Co 710 St. Louis St. Charles & West. end this volume. of S. Cotton Corp 874, 70S. 874. 1115. 1170. 12«8, Electric 1913, U. Duck KR 2220 Street Railway and Traction 1916, 2348 1358, 13G7, 1427, 1482, 1916. St. Louis & San Francisco Rv.. EarningiS (weekly) S^e "In- 1919, 2463 U. S. Gas, Coal & Coke Co 2348 2224, 164, 601 1112, 1363, 1424, 1729, vestment Intelli- and Railroad S. Co 875 Pitts. (

January-June, 1905. INDEX

Page Page Page Page Urbana, Bellefontaine & Nortli- Washinston. Baltimore & An- Western Ohio Ry 2346 Wilkes-Barre (Pa.) Gas & Elec- ein (E^lectric) Ry 1175 napolis Electric Ry..ll8. 223. 1914 Western New York & Pennsyl- tric Co 226, 1464 Utah (Bet't) Sugar Co 717. 1062 Washington County RR., Mary- vania Rv 1364, 1470 Williamsport (Pa.) Wator Co. .2625 Utica & Mohawk Valley (Elec.) land 2459 Western Pacific Ry..l364. 1425, Willimantic (Conn.) Gas & Elec- Ry 223, 123fi Washington Ry. & Electric Co.. 14.80, 1730, 2221. 2622 tric Light Co 1239 1176, 123a. 1914 Western Steel Car & Foundry Willimantic (Conn.) Traction alley Counties Power Co 2(120 TT Washington (D. C.) Teiniinal Co 169 Co 2221 Y an Biiren (Ark.) Electric Ry. Co 656, 1176. 13r,4, 1973 Western Sugar & Land Co., Wilmington & Northern RR.... 1239 & Bridge Co Washington Water Power Co., Colorado Springs 1862 1425, 1858 Vandalia RR..1113. 1175, 123G, Spokane 1060 Western (BellJ Telep. & Teleg. Winona Copper Co 476 1243. 1914, 1973 Waterbury Rope Co 1062. 1738 Cn 1183 Wisconsin Central Ry .2221 Vandergrift Land & Imp. Co... 2.348 Watuppa Mills New Bedford 2225 Western Union T^leg. Co.. 226, Wisconsin & Michigan Ry 2221 Vera Cruz & Pacific Ry 1364 Weber Piano Co 1001 655. 1062, 1427, 2464 Wisconsin, Minnesota & Pacific Vicksburg fMiss.) Gas Co 2348 Westchester, Kennett .^- Wil- Western United Gas & Electric RR 1858 Victor Fuel Co., Denver. Col... 1977 mington Elec. RV...713, lOeO, Co.. Aurora, 111 875 Wisconsin Railroad Commission Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., 1176, 1730 Westinghouse Air Brake Co.... 2464 Law 2459 1001 IGl. 226, 875. Westchester Lighting Co 1001 Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Woonsocket (R. I.) Gas Co 1001 Virginia Carolina Coast RR..2346 & (N. 1'.) Racing Co 1374. 1487, 1862, 2464 Worcester Rys. & Inv. C0.I6O, 224 Virginia Westchester Iron. Coal & Coke Co. 226 Ass'n 1183 Westminster Heights Co., Worcester & Southbridge Street Virginia Passenger Co., & Power West Chicago Street Ry 165 Brooklyn. N. Y 2406 Ry 165 2622 713, West End Street Ry., Boston.. Westmoreland Coal Co.. Phila., Woronoco Street Ry 1480 Virginia Southeastern Ry 223 717, 1239. 1427, 2406 Virginia Truckee 652, 1425. 1729, 1857 & RR 2346 West Jersey & Sea Shore RR..1060 Westmoreland Light, Heat & Yolande Coal & Coke Co., Bir- Vulcan Detinning Co 603 West Penn Electric Co 12.39. 1922 Power Co 1922 mingham, Ala 717 Wabash RR...473, 1175, 1236, West Penn Railways 1057, Westmoreland RR 1176 Youngstown (O.) Iron. Sheet & 1364, 1425, 1480, 1729, 1914, 1914 2221 Wheeling & Lake Brie RR Tube Co 1239, 1427. 1739 2221. 2459 •West River RR 1857 219. 1236, 1364, 1480. 1730, 2221 Youngstown & Southern Ry 2400 Wabash-Pittsburgh Terminal Ry., Central & Pitts- Wheeling Mold & Foundry Co.. 655 Youngstown (O.) Telephone Co. 1239 164, 873, 1231, 1.364, 1480, burgh Ry 1425 Wheeling Steel & Iron Co 717 1729 1973 2221 West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co. 1001 Wheeling (W. Va.) Traction Co., Zanesville (O.) Electric Ry., Wachovia Coal Co., Maryland! .1239 Western Allegheny RR TIS 1060, 1730 Lie-ht & Power Co 873 Wallkill Transit Co., Middle- Western Distilleries Co. San Whitaker-Glesner Co 1427, 1739 Zanesville (O.) Gas Light Co.. town, N. Y 1425, 2346 Francisco 1239 Whitehall Portland Cement Co. 717 1125. 1374 Warner RR 999 Western Gas & Investment Co. White Knob Copper & Develop- Zanesville (O.) Light & Power Warren & Corsicana Pacific Ry. 999 Chicago 1739 Ment Co 476, 1001, 225 Co 165 Warwick Iron & Steel Co 2225 Western Maryland RR 224 White Mountain Paper Co 1374 Zenith Furnace Co., Duluth. . .1062 Washington. Alexandria & Mt. 468, 473, 601. 1113, 1176, White River Valley RR 1113 Zenith Steamship Co., Duluth.. 717 Vernon Ry 1176. 1425, 2221 1425, 1480, 1857, 1914 Wiggins Ferry Co 2348

STATE AND CITY DEPARTMENT—MUNICIPAL NEWS AND FINANCES. Page Page Page pocrg 234 Ala 2414 Attleborough, Mass.. 726, Bloomfteld. 2473 Camden, N.J 178 Cincinnati, 0..178, Abbeville, Mo 1133, bbeville. La. .725, 1434, 2474 1013, 1071, 2414 Bloomsburg, Pa 1383 Camilla, Ga 1133 484, 665, 1071, 1383, 1435, 1746, 1747 Abbotsford. Wis 725. 1494 Auburn, Me. .2232, 2356, 2634 Blue Lake, S. D., Cal 1985 Campbell, Neb 2415 Canandalgua, N. 1252 1871, 1931, 1985, 2415, Aberdeen, Miss. . . . I77 234 Auburn, N. 726, 2474 Bluffton, Ind 1383, 2232 Y Y 2473. 2475. 2634 1013. 1252, 1494, 1931 Auburn, Pa 1071 Bluffton, Ohio 1495, Canandaigua Un. Free S. D. 2634 Cincinnati School District. Aberdeen Sch. D. No. 5. Auburn Levee Dist., Ark. 1931, 2474 No. 1,N. Y 1071, 1133 Ohio 1253j 1.383. 1871 . . . Canon, Wash 483, 726, 1013 (see Linwood Levee D.) . 1384 Bogara Sch. Dist., Mo. 1746 Ga Clare. Mich. 610. 727, 885, 1013 Abilene, Kan 2472 Auburn .Sch. D., Wash.. 1434 Bogota, N.J 610, 1133 Canon Citv Sanitary S. D Claremont Sch. D. N. H..1133 Ableman Wis 2414 Audubon Co., Iowa 2414 Boise, Idaho 2474 No. 1, Colo 2473 Clarendon Sch. Dist.. Pa.. Ackerman, Miss 483 Aurora, 111 2414 Boise City, Idaho 665, 885 Canton, Kan 483 1495 1253. 1435 Acton, Ont Aurora, Boise , 2474 Canton, Ohio 234, .1931 Ont 1985, 2474 City S. D Idaho 484 1190 Adair Co., Mo 2474 Austin, Minn 177 Bolivar, Mo 1071 1931, 2475 Clark Co.. Mo Bolivar, Canton Sch. Dist., Ohio, Clark Co.. Ohio. .484, 727, 1133 Adams Co., Miss 483, Avalon, Pa 2356, 2474 Tenn el753, 2414 ^ Bolivar 1871, 2357 Clark Co. S. D., No. 1, Kan. 101 1190, 1382. 1434 Averyville, 111 2414 Sch. Dist., N. Y., 1071 Mills Cape N.J 1071, 1191 Clarksburg, W. Va...727, . May, Adams S. D., . 1070, Avon, S. Dak 2232 1985, 2414. 2634 O D., Va., Boone Co., 484 Carberry Sch. D. No. 164, Clarksburg S. W. 1190, 1495 Iowa 1931. 2415 Addyston Sch. 2474 Minn 177 Boonville, Mo 2414,2474 Man 1252 1747, D., Ohio.. Bagley, Clarkson. 127 Adel, Ga 1495 agley Sch. Dist., Minn. 177 Boonville Sch. D., Mo 725 Carbondale, 111 483 Neb 2634 Clarkston Sch. D., Wash. .2475 Altken Minn 726 Baker City, Ore 1191 Bossier Levee Dis., La. . . . 484 Carbon Hill, Ala Clarksville. Ind 483 Akron, Ohio 726, 2474 Ballard, Wash 2474, 2634 Boston, Mass.. 665, 1870, Carey Sch. Dist., 0..885, 1133 Clarksville, Tenn el753 Alabama 610, 1383. 1495 Ballston Spa, N. Y., 2474, 2634 Carlton, Minn 2232 Clarksville, Tex 725 Alamo Sch. D., 2232 Bottineau Co., N. 484 Carnegie, Pa 1013, 1435, Cal..610, 1434 1745, 1985, Dak Clay Twp., Ind 1931 Albany, Ga 2474 Baltic Sch. Dist., Dak., Boulder, Colo. 1495, 1870, 2232 i747. 2634 2232, S. Clear Creek Twp., Ind. 610, 727 Albany, N.Y. 483, 610, 726, 1070 2474, 2634 Boulder S. D. No. 3, Colo., Carrlngton, N. Dak. . 1871, 1985 Clearfield, Pa 2473 Albany City, 1746 Baltimore, 127, 726, 19.31, 1985, 2232, 2356, 2415 Carrollton, Ohio 2475 2634 Mo Md Clearfield Sch. Dist. Iowa. 2475 Albany Co., N. Y 483, 1132, 1747, lf>70 Bowling Green, Ky 2232 Carson School Dist., No. 1, 1252 Clear Lake. S. Dak. .178. 665, 726, 1070, 1382 Baltimore, Ohio 484,665 Bowling Green, O 665, 1013 Nev 1013, 2415 1494. 2473 10i3. 1071. 1986. Albany S.D., Mo 2232, 2356 Bangor, Me 1434, 2474, 2634 Bowling GreenSch. D., Mo . 2634 Carthage, Mo al385 Clearwater Co.. Minn 1435 Albert Lea, Minn 2356, 2474 Bangor, Wis 2474 Bowman Sch. Dist., S. C. . 1985 Carthage, N C Clements Sch. Dis., Minn. . 1133 Alcorn Co., Miss 885 Bangs Ind. S.D., Tex. 726, 1013 Boyd Co., Neb 665, 1133 Carthage Sch. D., N. Y 1253 Alden, 610, 665 Cleveland, O. .665, 727, Minn 1070 Baraga, Mich 1191 Bozeman Sch. Dis. No. 7, Cascade Co., Mont. 178, 1435 Alexandria, Cass Ind 1383, 2415 885, 1013, 1071, La 483, 2232 Barberton, Ohio 484 Mont 1435, 1870 Co.. Cleveland, Miss 1986, 2475 Alfred, Braceville Casselton, S. D., N. Dak. .1747 N.Y 665, 1071, 1191 1252 Twp. . .1191 726 S. D O. Cleveland, Tenn el753 Allegan Co., Barnesville, Braddock, Cassvllle, 726, 1383 Mich 1434 Ohio ... 6 10, Pa.. 726. 1013, Mo Cleveland Heights. Ohio, Allegheny, Pa. , . .234, 726 885, 1013, 1132, 1252 1133, 1435 Cassvllle, Wis 178 1495, 198(), 2357. 2475 1070, 1382, Barnesville 1191 Bradford, Caswell Co., N. C. .1191, al385 2356, 2474 S.D..O. .1071, Ohio 1870, 1985 Cleveland Heights Sch. D., Allegheny Co., Pa. . . 1252 Barry Co., 2474 Brivdford Sch. Dist., Cave City S. D., Ky 2415 1132, Mo. .726, 1252, Cal.. 1495 Ohio... 1014, 1133, 1191, 1435 Allegheny Twelfth Bartelsville, Ind. Ter 1133 Bradley. Ill 1383 Cedar Falls. Iowa 178 Ward Cleveland S. D., Ohio, Sch. Dist.. Pa. 726, 1132, 1190 Barton Heights, Bradner, Ohio Cedar Springs, Mich 2475 Va 2474 1191 1871, 1931, 1986, 2415,2475 Allen and Whitley Cos.,Ind. 127 Batesville, Ind 484 Brady S. D .,Tex.484, 2634 Cedartown, Ga 2475. 2634 1252, Clifton, Tex 2475 Allen Co., Ind 127 Bath Twp., Ohio 726, 1071 Braidentown, Fla 484 Celina, O. .726. 1191. 1931, 1985 Clinton, 111 234. 484 Allentown, Pa Branford, Celina Dist. 1, 483 Baton Rouge, La 177, 2356 Conn 726 School No. Clinton Minn.. 1014, 1133, Alliance, O. . . . 1190, Battle Brantford, 1013, 1383 1252. Creek. Mich.. 2356, Ont 484 Tex 1495. 1871, 2475 1382, 1747, 1870, Bratenahl, Center Twp.. Ind 1253 2232, 2414, 2474 Ohio 2474 Clinton. Mo 1071, 1190 2356, City, Brawley Sch. Dis., Centerville Station Twp.. 2634 Bay Mich. .234, 610, Cal 1435 Clinton, N. Y. .178, 1191, 1495 Alliance Sch. Dist., Ohio, 1931, Brazoria Co., Ill 1190 2232, 2356, 2474 Tex (see Clinton Co., Ind 2415 Bay City, Aransas Central City, 2357 1931, 2474 Tex 1383 Co.) 483 W. Va.l931, Clinton Co., Mich 1495 Alma, Kan Bay City S. D.. Breckenridge, CentrallaSch.D.. 111. 1253,2232 234 Tex 2474 Minn 1985 Clinton Co., N. Y. 178, 727, 1253 Alma, Neb.. Breckenridge, 2634 1013, 1132, Bayonne, N. J 1434 Mo... 1985, 2474 Centralla S. D., Mo. .2357, Clinton Dis., Iowa 1253 1133 Sch. 1434 1495 Bay St. Louis. Miss 2474 Breckenridge S. D., Tex . . 885 Central Lake. Mich Alma Clinton S. D. No. 2, Mich. . 1495 S. D., Mich... 1495, 1747 Bay Springs Miss 1747 Breitung Twp., Cerro Co., Iowa. . . . 1494 Mich. 2357, 2415 Gordo Clio, S.C 1435 Alpena, Mich 1013 Beaufort, N. C al385, 2474 Brevard, N. C 234 Chambersburg, Pa 1495 2415 Alpha Ind. Clio S. D. No. 9, S. C S. D., No. 4 Beaufort Co., N. C. .al385, Bridgeport, Conn 726,1435 Champaign Co.. O.. 1383, 1871 Cloverdale, Cal 1986, 2635 Minn 2232, 2414 1434, 1870 Bridgeport, Ohio 2415 Champaign Sch. Dist. No. 1014 Alton, Clyde, Ohio 111 1747 Beaumont, Tex 726 Bridgeville Sch. D., Pa 177 71.111 1191.1253 2475. 2635 Altona, Coahoma Co., Miss.. N. Y 234,665 Beaver Falls, Pa. . . .1383, 1434 Brigham City, Utah 1747 Champion & Denmark Sch. A'toona Coalgate, Ind. Ter. . .1014, Sch. Dist., . Pa. . .1132 Beaverhead Co. Sch. Dist. Brighton, N. Y 665 D. No. 2. N. Y 2475 1871 Amarillo, 1435, Tex 234, 483 No 10, Mont 1071, 1383 Brighton Sch. Dist., Ill 2474 Chandler Ind. School Dis- Coal Grove Sch. D., Ohio, 610, 2474 Bedford Sch. Dis., Ohio, Bristol, Tenn el753 trict. Tex 726 1871 Amherstburg, 1191, 1383, Ont... 665, 2414 1434, 1747, 1931, 2356 Bristol Twp., Pa 1931 Chardon, Ohio 665, 726 Coche Co., Tenn el753 Amsterdam, N. Y 1747 Belding, Mich.. 1252, 1495, British Columbia 1985 C)harlton, Iowa 1435 Amsterdam Cocksviile, Tenn el753 Sch. D., N. Y. 726 1931, 2356 Broadwater Co. S. D. No. Charlton Dr. Dist. No. 1. Coggan, Minn 1133 Anadarko, Okla 234 Bellefontaine, Ohio. 177, 17, Mont 1495. 1870 Mo 2232 2233 Anderson Cohoes, N. Y 1931, Co., Tenn 234 726, 1071, 1133, 1747, 2474 Bro.adway Twp., N. C 2474 Charleston. 111.. 665. 885, 1191 Colbert Co., Ind -483 Angelica, N. Y 1931, 1985 Belle Plaine S. D., Kan. . .2474 Brock Sch Dist., Neb 1985 Charleston, W. Va 2357 Annandale Colchester, Ont 1871, 1986 S. D., Minn 1747 Belle Plain Sch. D., Minn., Brockton, Mass. .234, 605, 885 Charleston Sch. Dist., W. Cold Spring, Minn 2415 Ann Arbor, Mich 1747 1434, 1870 BrockviUe, Ont 1931 Va 2232, 2475 Coldwater Twp., Mo 1132 Ann Arbor S. D , Mich 1495 Bellevue, Ky. .1434, 1870, 2474 Brocton, 111 1133 Charlotte, Mich 2415 ColebrookS.D., Ohio. 1986, 2233 Ansonia, Conn., 1495,2474,2634 Bellevue, Pa.. 177, 1985, 2414 Brookings, S. Dak.. 1435. 1747 Charlotte, N. C 234, al385 Coleman, Tex 2357 Ansonville, N. C 2634 Bellingham, Wash 1 197 Brookings S D., S. Dak. .1435 Charlotte. Tenn 178 Coles Ill 484 Ansonville Co., Twp., N. C 2634 Bells, Tenn el753 Brookline, Mass. .. .234. 1191 Charlotte Co.. Va.l27. 665, 1435 Colfax, Wash.. 127, 484, Anthony Sch. D., Kan 726 Bells S. D., Tenn 2414 Brookside, W, Va 2424 Charlottesville. Va 1495 60^, 885, 1191 Appleton, Wis,. 177, 726, 1985 BeltSeh.D.No. 27, Mont. .1133 Brownstown, Ind.... .1133 Chase City, Va 665 Collierville, el753 Appleton Tenn Ind. S. D. Minn. 177 Belvidere, 111 483, 2232 Broxton, Ga..l435, 1931, 2357 Chase Co., Kan 2415 Coilinwood, O. .1071, 1191, Aransas Co., Tex 483 Bemidli, Minn.. 177, 234, 610 Bryan, Tex 665, 1191 Chatham Co., N. C. . 113.3 al3S5 2357 ArapahoeS.D.No. 1253, 1495, 5, Col.. 725 Bennettsville, S. C..1071, Bucyrus, Ohio. . 1252, 1747, Chattanooga, Tenn . . . 484, 1495 Arcade, Coilinwood, Ont N. Y 234 610 1747, 2356 1870. 1931, 2415 726, 2357, 2415, 2472 Coilinwood S. D., Ohio 2475 Arcadia, Fla '2414 2356, Benton Harbor, Mich 2414 Buffalo, N. Y..4S4, 726, Cheltenham S. D., Pa I87I Colman, S. Dak 234 Arcanum, Ohio. .726, 1132 Berea, Ohio. 1434, 1931, 1985 1071, 1133, 1191, 1252, Cheney, Wash 2475 Colorado 234, 722, 1434, 1434, 1S70, 1931 Berkeley School District, 1435, 1747, 1931, 2475 CheneyviUe, La 1383 1435. 1746, 2473 Ardmore, Ind. Ter 484 Cal..l77, 726, 1133, 1252, Buffalo Sch. Dist., Mo 2473 Cherryvale Kan 1191 Colorado Springs, Colo. . . .2475 Argentine, Kan 2474 1870, 2356 Buford. Ga 127 Chester, Pa 1132 Columbia, Miss 484 Arizona 484, 1013, 1190 Bethany, Mo 1190, 2634 Buncombe Co., N. C.al385, Chester Co., S.C 1070 Columbia, S. C.484, 1133, 1986 Arkansas 1930 Bethel, Ohio 610,1013 1495, 1870 Chester Ind. School Dis- Columbus, Ga 778, 1985 Arkansas City. Kan. ...'.'; 1191 Beverly, Bur.as Mass. .1434, 2356, Levee Dist., La . 726, 1132 trict, Pa 484 Columbus, 0..178, 484, Asbury Park, N.J... 1747, 1870 2414, 2474 Burlington, N. C. . . 2232,2634 Chester Ind. S. D., W. Va., 727, 885, 1014, 1133, Asheboro, N. C 2474 Biddeford, Me 1383, 1495 Burroughs Sch. D. No. 19. 178. 727 1191, 1383, 1435. 1747, Ashe Co., N. C 1495,' 1931 Big Canyon, Utah 2414 S. C. 1013, 1071, 1495. 1985 Chester Sch. Dis., Ohio 1133 1871, 1931, 1986 Asheville, N. C al386 Big Flats, N. Y 605, 1383 Butler, Pa 1071, 2475 Chester Twp. Sch. D., O, .1253 Columbus Junction, Iowa. . 1383 Ashland, Ohio 2474 2634 Big Sandy Indep. School Butte Co., S. Dak 177 Chetopa, Kan 2475 Columbus S D., Ohio 2475 Ashland Co., Ohio. . 177 District, Tex 126 Butte Sch. Dis., Mont 1071 Chetopa Twp., Kan 1071 Colville, Wash.. 727. 885, 1071 Ashtabula, Ohio. 177, 665,1252 Bigtimber Sch. D. No. 22, Bycsville, Ohio 1252 Cheyenne S. D. No. 1, Wyo. Colville S. D. No. 2, Wash. 610 Ashtabula Co., Ohio 484 Mont 610, 1434 2357, 2475 Commerce, Tex 1435 726, Ib70,'l252 Big . . Ind. 2475 . „ Timber Twp., Kan. . 1931 C'Oddo, Ter 726 Chicago, 111 1382, 2473 Concord, Mass Asotm, Wash. , 1132, 1747 2232 Billings, Mont 1747, 2474 /adillac, Mich. 1191, 1435,1495 Chicago Heights S. D. No. Concord, N. H.1191, 1495, 1747 Aspen, Col 483 Billings Sch. D., Mont 1383 Cadiz, Ohio 886 170.111 2415 Condon, Ore.. 1748, 1871,2233 Aspinwall Sch. Dist., Pa!.'2634 Binghamton, N. Y 127, Cairo, Ga 726 Chicago Sanitary District, Connecticut 1132, 2472 Astoria, Ore 2634 177, 2414, 2474 Caldwell Co., Tex 2415 III 1071, 1191, 1253 1494 Connervllle, Ind 610 Atchison Sch. D., Kan!! 1252 Birmingham Ala 1985 Caldwell Ind. S. D., Ida.. 2415 Chicago So. Park, 111. .777 Converse Co., 'Wyo 127 Athena, Ore 2232 2474 Birmingham, Mich 2424 Caldwell Sch. Dist., Ohio. .2415 1133, 1383, 1495, 1871, 1985 Conwav Spring S. D., Kan. 2635 Athol, Mass 1495 BIsbee Sch D. No. 2, Ariz., Calera, Ala 127 Chicago West Park, 111., Cook Co. III. ..1071, 1191. 1383 Atlanta, Ga 72(5 1013 1252, 1495 Calgary, Alberta 1985 725, 1746 Cooke Co., Tex 727, 1133 Atlantic City, N. J.. 885 Bishop, Cal 1252 California 483. 1132.2472 Chlcopee, Mass 2357 Cookeville, Tenn. 178, 6IO, 666 1071, 1191. 2414 Bishopvllle, S. C 1931 Callaway. Neb 2415 Chinook S. D., Mont 1071 Cook S. D., Neb. , . 1748, 2475 Atlantic Highlands, N. J.. Blackfoot, Idaho 1931 Callaway Co., Mo. . .1494, 2473 Chinook S. D. No. 10, Coon Rapids, Iowa. .1014, 1133 1132, 1747 Blackwell, Okla 605, 1133 Cambridge, Mass 10.13, 1747 Mont 1435, 1871 Cooperstown, N. Y 1191 Atlantic Sch. Dis., Iowa. 1434 Blaine Co., Okla 1252 Cambridge, Neb 2415 Chouteau Co. Sch. Dis. No. Copiah Co., Miss 727 Atoka, Ind. Ter 107 Blair Co., Pa 1747 Cambridge, O..1071, 1191, 10, Mont 1191 CoraopollsS.D., Pa..ll91, 1435 Attica, Ohio 610, 885 BlairsvlUe Pa 885, 1013 .u; 1495, -2357 Chrisman, 111 1191 Cornwall, Ont 2475 XII INDEX, [YOL. LXXX.

Page Page Page Page Page Cornwall Un. Fr. Sch. D., Ellenville, N. Y 1134, Garvey S. D.. Cal 1872 Helena, Mont. 1254, 1748. 2416 Kernersville, N. C al385 No. 5, N. Y 1192 1748, 1986 Gaston, N. C al385 Hempstead S. D., N. Y., Kershaw Co., S. C 728, Corry, Pa 610 Ellisville, Miss 1192 Gates C'o., Wis 2476 1748,-1932, 2416 1193 1872 Cortland. N. Y 1263 Ellisville, N. Y 1134 Gates S. D. No. 6, N. Y. .2416 Henderson, Tenn el753 Kewaunee, Wis 1254^ 2368 Corydon, Ind. S. D., Iowa, Elmlra, N. Y 2415 Gaylord. Minn 2476. 2635 Henderson Co., Ky.l436, 2477 Kincardine, Ont 886 1071, 1192, 1253, 1495 El Monte Un. H. S. D., Cal., Geneva, Ala 485 Henderson Sch. D., N. C.al385 King Co. S. D. No. 23, Cottage Grove, Ore 2357 1253, 1748, 2357 Geneva, N. Y 1072. 1192 Henderson Twp., N. C, Wash 2234

Cotton Grove Twp., N. C. .2415 Elmwood Place. Ohio 1932 Geneva. . 886, 1014, 1072, 1384 1748, 2358 King Co. S. D. No. 164, Cottonwood Co., Minn., El Paso. Tex 1253. Geneva Sch. D., Neb., Hennepin Co., Minn 485 Wash 1872 1071. 1192. 1383, 1871, 1931 1435. 1748, 1871 1192. 1254. 2416 Henning, Tenn 2358,2477 Kingfisher. Okla 2417 Covington. Ga 2475, 2635 El Paso de Robles, Cal., Georgetown. Ohio... 886, 1014 Henry Co.. Mo 1070 Kingman. Kan 1254, 1987 1133 1134. Ariz 2358 Henry Co., Covington. Ky 127. 1871 Gila Co., Ohio 2233 Kingsland Ind. S. D., Tex . . 179 Covington. Ohio 1435, 2635 Elroy. S. D. No. 6, Wis.. Girard, Ohio 886 Hereim, Minn 2358 Kings Mountain, N. C.,

Covington Sch. D.. Ky. .. . 178 1748. 1871 Girard,S. D., Ohio. . . 1932, 2476 Herkimer, N. Y 611, 886 al385, 2477 Crawford Co., la 2357, 2475 Elwood. Ind 1253, 1384 Gladstone, Mich 2416 Herkimer Co., N. Y 235 Kingston, Ont 1987, 2636 Crawford Co.. Ohio. .885. 1113 Elyrla, Ohio 235. 1134. Gladwin S. D., Mich. .611, 1072 Hertford, N. C al385 Kingston, Pa 1015 Crawfordsville. Ind 2475 1253, 1748, 1986, 2415 Glandorf, Ohio 1496 Hertford S. D.N. C. .al385, Kiowa Co. Sch. Dist. No. 1 Cresco Sch. Dist.. Iowa, EljTlaS.D., Ohio. 485, 885,1014 Glasgow City, Mo 1070 1496, 1987 Kan 886, 1193 1192. 1253, 1748 Emerson, Pa 2635 Glassport S. D.. Pa. .2416. 2635 Hiawatha. Kan 886. 1193 Kirksville, Mo 2473 Crestline, Ohio 1495, 1986 Emerson Sch. D., No. 61. Glendive. Mont. 173, 1254, 2635 Hickman Co.. Tenn.. 485. 1193 Kirkwood. Ga 236 Crestline Sch. D., Ohio, Neb 1435, 2415. 2635 Glendora S. D., Cal 2416 Hickory. N.C 1987 Kissimmee. Fla 485 1133, 2357, 2415, 2635 Emily, Minn 1748. 2476 Glenfleld. Pa 728, 1014 H cksville Fire D.. N.Y.178. 886 Kitsop Co. Sch. D. No. 42, Creston, Ohio 2475 Emsworth, Pa 235 Gloucester, Mass 1072, Highland, Wis 1193, 1748 Wash 179 Cridersville, Ohio 1190 Enid. Okla 727. 885 2358, 2416 Highland Co., Va 235 Kittaning. Pa 127

Crookston Sch. D. Minn.. Ephraim. Utah 1986 Gloucester City, N. J . . 666, High Line Irr. D., Col 1254 Kittery. Me 2477 1253 2233 Erie. Pa 1014 1496, 2476 Hightstown, N. J 2477 Klamath Co. Sch. Dist. Crow Wing Co.. Minn.r74^. 1931 Erie Co.. N. Y 1748, 1871 Gloversville, N. Y 178, 611 Hillrose Irr. Dist., Colo., No. 1. Ore 1987 Crystal Falls S. D., Mich.. Escanaba, Mich.. 235, 485 1134 GloversvilleSch. D., N. Y.. 728 1496, 2416 Knox Co.. Ind 1496, 1933 1748. 2415. 2475, 2635 Esplen, Pa 1014 Goderich, Ont 2416 Hillsdale, Mich 1014 Knox Co.. Ky 1933 Cuba 665 Essex Co., Mass. .178, 235, Goldfleld Sch. Dis., Iowa. .1014 Hinckley Twp. S. D., Ohio. 2477 Koochiching. Minn. .1384. 2477 Cumberland, Md 727, 485, 666, 1871 Goldsboro. N. C al385, 1748 Hinds Co., Miss 1932, 1987 Kutztown, Pa 1015. 1435, 1871 Essex Co., N.J. 1072, 1192, 1872 Goshen, N . Y 728 Hirn Free Turnpike No. 48, 1496, 1987 Cumberland Co., N. J 611 Essex Co., N. Y 666, 727 Graceville, Fla 2416 Ohio 2477. 2636 Cumberland Co., Tenn., Estacada S. D., Ore 2415 Grafton Sch. Dis., W. Va., Hoboken, N. J 1496, 1932 LaBallona, S.D., Ca.l496. 2471 1192, 2475 Estherville Sch. D., Iowa. .1253 1134. 1254. 2233 Holden, Mass. .886, 1748, 1872 aceyville. Pa 1015. 1384 Custer Co., Mont.. 1253, 2415 Eureka S. D., Cal... 1748, Graham. N. C 1748, 1932 Holdrege S. D., Neb. 1748, 2477 Lackawanna Co.. Pa 127

Cygnet, Ohio 2415 2233. 2635 Graham S. D., Tex 2416 Holland, Mich 235 La Crescent S. D., Minn. . .1015 Cynthiana S. D., Ky. .127, 235 Evanston S. D. No. 75, 111., Grand Forks, N. Dak., Holly, Mich 1384^ 1436 La Crosse. Kan 886 1748, 1932 1192, 1254, 1496, 1986, 2635 Holly Beach, N. J 485, La Crosse, Wis... 886, Dallas Co., Tex 178. Evanston Sch. D., Neb 1435 Grand Island, Neb.. 1748, 1072, 1134 1254,1749, 1987, 2417 1072, 2415, 2473 Everett, Mass 1873 1872, 2358, 2476 Holly Springs, Miss 127 La Crosse Twp., Kan 1936 Danbiu-y, Conn. .484, 727, 1495 Everton Sch. Dist., Mo 2472 Grand Ranids, Mich.. 728, Hollywood, Cal 1748 Lafollette. Tenn 2633 Danforth, 111 1748 Excelsior, Minn 727, 1192 886, 1192, 1254, 1496, Holton Sch. D., Kan. 1014, La Grange, Ga 485, 1496 Danforth, Minn 1748, 2415 Exeter, Neb 666, 885 2358, 2416 1254, 1748, 1749 La Grange Co.. Ind 235. 666

Danville. Va 727, 1133. 2475 Grand Valley Ir. D., Col. . . 178 Holvoke, Mass. . . .235, 485, La Harpe. Kan 1933, 2234 Dauphin, Man 2233 Fairfax, S. Dak 485, 1253 Granger. N.Y 1192 1014, 1193, 1254, 2^58, 2416 La Junta. Col 1384

Dauphin Co.. Pa 483. 725 airfax Sch. D.. Minn 1253 Granger Sch. Dis.. Iowa. . . 1192 Hoopeston, 111 1014 Lake Charles. La 1933, 2358 David City. Neb 2635 Fairfield S. D., Iowa 666 Granite. Minn 2233, 2476 Houghton, Mich 611 Lake Charles S.D., La 1749 Davidson Co., Tenn. 1192, el753 Fairfield S. D. No. 112, 111.1496 Granite, Okla 1192 Houston, Miss.. 485, 886, 1072 Lake City. Fla 2477 Dayton. Ohio.. 485, 727, Fairfield S. D. No. 18, Neb., Grant Co., Ind 2358 Houston, Tex 1014 Lake City Sch. D . la. .236, 887 10^4,1072. 1133. 1383, 2357 1748, 2357 Grant Park S. D.. Ill 1986 Howard Co., Ind... 1072, Lake County, Ind. . .2234, 2358 Dayton, Tenn el753 Fair Haven, Vt 1986 Grant Twp.. Kan 1254 2233 2477 Lake Crystal, Minn 1496

Decatur. Tex 2356 Fairmont, Minn 1748 Granville S. D. No. 7. N. Y . 1986 Howard Spl. S. D.. Ohio. Lakewood, Ohio, . 127, 236, Decatur Co. S. D. No. 18. Fairmont, Neb 1986, 2415 Gray Co., Kan .1192 1749. 1932, 2358 611, 728. 1193. 1254 Kan 885 Fairmont, W. Va., 727, Great Bend School Dist., Hudson, N. Y 127 Lamar Co., Miss 2368 Dedham, Mass 2475, 2635 1134, 1435, 1748 Kan 235, 1E54, 2476 Hudson Co., N. J 666, Lamar Co., Tex 1747 Deer, Minn 1383 Fairmont S. D., W. Va., Great Falls Sch. D. No. 1, 728, 1014, 1496, 2636 Lamarsh Dr. Dist., Ill 2477 Deerfleld. Mich 1072. 1133 1748, 2233 Mont 235, 725, 728, 886 HufI, Ind 1193 Lamberton, Minn 2417

Defiance Twp., Ohio 2635 Faribault Co., Minn 1932 Great Twp., Kan 886, 1192 Hughes Spgs , Ind. S. D., Lancaster, O. . .887, 1193, 1496 Delaware, Ohio. .485, 611, Fall River. Mass. 235, 1134, 1192 Greelev, Col 886, 1496 Tex 886, 1932 Lancaster Co., Neb 485, 611 885, 1192 Farmersburg S. D., Ind.. 2415 Green Bay, Wis. 1192, 2416,2476 Hughestown Boro .S. D., Langdon, N. Dak 2636

Delaware Co., Ohio. . .666, Farmersburg S. D.. Neb. .2357 Greenburg, N. Y 1384 Pa 2233, 2477 Lankershim S. D., Cal 2234 727, 885 Faulk Co.. S. Dak 611, Greenburg Un. Fr. S. D. Hugo, Ind. Ter 2477 Lansdale, Pa 1015 Delaware Co., Pa 1132 727, 2476 No. 2, N.Y 1986 Humansville, Mo.. 1254, 1749 Laporte, Ind 2478 Deb-ay, Mich 666 Faulkner Co. Levee Dist. Greene Co.. Ind.. 1192, Humboldt, Kan.. 485, 611, 666 Laramie, Wyoming 1193 Dent Co., Mo 1190 No. 1. Ark 1014, 1384 1436, 1986 Humboldt, Neb 1193, 1987 Larned Sch. Dist., Kan. . .2478 Denton, Tex. .235, 1014, 1871 FaulktonS. D.. N. Dak 1436 Greene Co.. Mo 19.30 Humboldt, Tenn 2636 Laurel, Del 1384 Denver, Col 178, 1072, Fayette, Ohio 2357 Greenfield. Ohio 1072 Humboldt Sch. Dist., Tenn. Laurel Sch. Dis., Cal 728 1132. 1253, 1746 Fayette Co., Ohio 235 Greenfield S. D.. Wis. (see el753, 2358 Laurlnburg, N. C al385 Lawrence, Denver S.D. No. l,Colo. . .2473 Fayette Co., Tex 1748 West Alles, S. Dak.) 1138 Huntington, Ind 886 Kan 725, 2473 De Pere, Wis 235, 1192 FayettevlUe. N. C 1986 Greensboro, N. C 728, 2416 Huntington Twp., Ind. 485, 886 Lawrence, Mass 1384 Derby, Conn 1192, 1496 Feasby Free Turnpike Rd. Greensburg, Pa 1930, 2472 Hutchinson, Kan. 728. 886, 2477 Lawrence Co., Ind. . . .236,

Des Moines S. D. lo. . .727,1496 No. 47, Ohio 1932, 2233 Greenville, Mich 1254 728, 887, 1254, 2417 De Soto, Mo Gil, 2473 Fentress Co., Tenn el753 Greenville, Ohio 1193, 1394 Tdaho 666, 1872. 2234 Lawrence Co.. Mo 725 Detroit, Mich.. 127, 235, Fergus Co. S. D. No. 45, Greenville, Pa 2416 idaho Springs, Colo 2477 Lawrence Co., Ohio 1193 485, 611, 665, 72/, 885, 2.357 Mont 611. 886 Greenville, S. C.728, 2416, 2476 llion, N. Y 485 Lawrence Co., S. Dak 1930 Lawrence Co.. Detroit Nor. S. D., Tex 2357 Ferry Co. S. D. No. 6, Wash. Greenwood, Miss. . . . 1254, Illinois 1930 Tenn el753 Devine Indep. Sch. Di.st., 1932. 2416 1436, 2416 Independence, Mo 728 Lawrenceburg. Tenn . 486.

Tex 2415, 2635 Findlay, 0.886. 1436. 1496.1932 Greenwood, Ont 2358 Independence S. D., Kan. . 1193 1254. el753 De Witt Co., Tex 1383 Finney Co., Kan 1192. 1436 Groton, Conn 886 Indiana 1072 Leavenworth. Kan 236 Dickinson Co., Iowa 1014 Fitchburg. Mass 2416 Grove CJity, Pa 666, 1072 Indianapolis, Ind... 2414, Leavenworth Co.. Kan 486.1436 Dickson. Tenn 1192 Fitzgerald. Ga 485 Guilford Co.. N. C 178 2416, 2636 Lebanon. Tenn 2636 Dillonvale, Ohio 1383 Flandreau, S. Dak 2416 Gulfport. Miss 485, 886 Indianapolis Sch. Dist., Lebanon Co.. Pa 1872 Dodge, Neb 1986, 2233 Fletcher, Colo 1746 CJunnison, Col 1436 Ind 1987, 2477 Lehi Sch. Dist., Utah 1987 Dodge City, Kan 727, 1192 Flint, Mich 886, 1072, 1192 Grundy Center S. D., la., Indlanola, Miss 235, 611 Lemont. Hi 728 Donaldsonville, La.. 1014, Florence S. D., N. J 2635 1134, 1193 Indian Territory (see Okla- Lenox Sch. Dist. Mich 728 1496, 2357. 2635 Florence S. D. No. 2, Colo., Guelph, Ont 2476 homa) 665 Leominster, Mass 1193 Dothan, Ala 666, 1253, 1932, 1986 Ingram, Pa 178, 666 Leonardsville S. D.. N. Y.. 2475, 2675 Fonda, N. Y 727, 886, 1192 Hadley Water Dist., Mass., lola, Kan 728, 1193 1933. 2234. 2417 Dougherty Co., Ga 2476 Forestport Un. F. S. D.. 1932. 2233. 2358 Ionia Twp., Mich 2417 Leray S. D. No. 3, N. Y..1872 Lestershire, Douglas Co., Minn. . . .485, No. 10, N. Y 666 Halfmoon Bay Sch. Dist., Iowa 1494 N. Y 2417 727, 1253 Forsyth Co.. N. C 1986 Cal 2416, 2476 Ironton, Ohio. 1932, 2477, 2636 Lewlsburg, Tenn 1384 Douglas Co. Sch. Dist. No. Fort Bend Co.. Tex 1748 Hall Co., Ga 886 Iroquois, Ont 1436 Lewlston, Idaho 1384, 2234 3, Mo 2473 Fort Bend Co., Tex (see Hallettsville S. D., Tex., Irwin Ind. S. D., Iowa 2358 Lewiston S. D. No. 1, Mont., Douglas Co. Sch. D. No. 43, Aransas Co.) 483 1254, 2416 Isanti Co., Minn 2636 1496, 1933 Wash 1748 Fort Bragg Un. High Sch Hallock, Minn. 1072. 1384, 2416 Isanti Sch. Dist., Minn 2234 Lewlston Union S. D. No. 1, N. 1496, 1933 Douglas S. D. No. 27. Ariz . 727 Dis.. Cal.. 1384, 2357, 2476 Hamblen Co.. Tenn el753 Isllp Sch. D. No. 2. N. Y. .2636 Y Douglass Twp., Kan 1253 Fort Dodge. Iowa 886 Hamburg, N. Y 1872 Lexington, Ky 128, 1015 Dowler Free Turnpike No. Fort Edward Union Free Hamilton, Minn 886 Jackson, Mich 2358 Lexington, Mo 1193, 1749 51. Ohio 2476. 2635 Sch Dist. No. 1. N. Y. . 127 Hamilton, Ohio 1986, ackson. Miss. 1254, 2234, 2368 Lexington, N. C al385 Downey High S. D.. Cal. .2476 Fort Frances. Ont..ll92, 1748 2358, 2416, 2476 Jackson, N. C al385 Lexington S. D.. Tenn 2234 Dravosburg, Pa 666, 1072 Fort Pierre. S. Dak.. 727. 1253 Hamilton, Ont.. 235, 728, Jackson, Ohio 1 193 Lexington Twp., N. C 2478 Drayton S. D., N. Dak 2415 Fort Scott. Kan. 128. 728. 1872 1436, 1748. 1872 Jackson, Tenn 2477 Liberty, Mo 1384, 2417 Dresden, Tenn el753 FortValley, Ga. .728 107^, Hamilton Co., Ohio.. 485, Jackson Co., Ind 1384 Liberty Center, 0.179, 611, 887 Duluth. Minn. 727, 1253, 1435 1872, 2233. 2635 611. 1070, 1072, 1134, Jackson Co., Mich 1749 Liberty Twp., Mo 725 Liberty Twp., Ohio. .1134, 1436 . Fort . . Dumont .Sch. D., Iowa. . . 1496 Wayne S. D., Ind 127, 666 1496, 1930, 2476 Jack.son Co., Ohio. . 1134, 1436 Ohio 128 . Lima, Duncan, Ind. Ter...l496, 1S71 Fort Worth, Tex .178, 611, Hamilton Co., Tenn. 1496, Jackson Co., Tex. . . .666, 1987 S. Lima Sch. D., 0.887. 1073. 1193 Dunkirk. N. Y 178. 885 Fort Worth D., Tex 2476 1748, el753, 1872, 1932 Jackson Hill Twp., N. C. . .2477 Dunn. N. C al385, 1986 725, 1192, 1382, 1872, 1986 Hamilton S. D., J Jacksonville, 111 1072 Lincoln. Mass ,....2478 Twp. N. . 2233, 2635 Fo.sston S. D., Minn. 1384, 1436 1932, 2358, 2476 Jacksonville, Ohio 2636 Lincoln, Neb,. 179, 1134, 1496 Dunn Co., Wis 727, 1496 Fostoria, Ohio 660, 725, Hammond, La.. 485, 886, 2635 Jacksonville, Tex 1932 Lincoln Co., Mo 483 Durham, Conn 727. 1496 1014, 1134 Hammond Twp.. Ind., Janesville, Wis 1254, 1496 Lincoln Co. S. D. No. 59, Hill, Wash 179. 236 Durham, N. C al385 Fountain Pa 485,886 1193, 1748 Japan . . 1190, 1252, 1382, 2472 Duval Co.. Fla 727 Frankfort, Kan 1192 Hammonton, N. J.. 611, 1872 .rasper Co., Ind 2636 Lincoln Co. S. D. No. 72, Dyer, Tenn el753. 2476 Franklin, Tenn 2416 Hampden Co., Mass 728 Jay Co., Ind 728 Wash 1384 Franklin Co., 0..127, 235, Hampshire, 111.1436, 1748,2476 Jefferson, S. C 1872. 1987 Lincoln Co. S. D. No. 84.

. Wash 2358. 2478 Eastchester Union Fr. S. 725, 728, 886, 1072, Hampshire Co., Mass. 666, 728 Jefferson Co., Ohio. . 1436. D. No. 2. N. Y 1014 1253, 1436, 1932. 2416 Hancock Co., Ohio.. 1134, 1749. 1870, 1872 Lincolnton. N. C 611 East Cleveland. Ohlo.1496. 1871 Franklin Co. S. D. No. 1. 1384, 1932. 2358 Jefferson Ind S. D.. La ..2477 LInwood & Auburn Levee East Grand Forks S. D.. Ark 1072 Hancock Co.. W. Va. 1496, 2477 Jefferson School District, Dis.. Ark 1384 Minn 666 1383, 1748 Franklin Sch. City, Ind.. Handsboro. Miss 2416 Iowa 235, 1384 Lisbon. Ohio. 2368, 2478, 2636 Little Rock Sch. D.. Ark. . 887 East Greonsburg, Pa. (see 1932, 2476 Hanford Sch. Dist.. Cal. . .1193 Jefferson S. D., N. C 2477 Grcensburg) 1930, 2472 Frankllnton Graded S. D. Hanford Un. High S. D.. Jennings. La 2358 Live Oak. Fla 1496, 2478 Easthampton, Mass 1871 N. C 2635 Cal 1932 Jersey City. N. J., 235, 485, Livonia. Minn 2478 East Liverpool, Ohio. .235, Frazee Ind. S. D. No. 8, Hanover, Ont.. 666, 1193, 1986 1749, 18^2, 1933, 2477 Lockland S. D., Ohio 1933 Lockwood. O 1497 725, 1014, 1192, 1383 Minn 1932, 2357 Hansford Co., Tex 1014 Jewett City, Conn. . .728 2636 1987 East Liverpool 3. D.. O. Fredericksburg, Va. , 1014. Hardin Co., Ohio 611, 886 Johnson City, Tenn.. 179, Lockport. N. Y 1384. l583, 1986 1072. 1253 Hardin Co., Tenn 2416 728. el753 Logan. Ohio 1384. 1749 Ea.st Lyme, Conn 235 Freedom Twp.. Minn 2357 Hardy, Neb 1748 Johnson Co., Tex 2234 Logan Ind. School Dist., Iowa 887, 1254. 1497 East Orange, N. .1 . . . 1932, 2233 Fremont. 0,,485. 611, Harriman,Tenn el753 Johnston Co., Tex 1436 East Palestine S D., Ohio, 1072, 1253, 1384, 1872, Harrington S. D., Wash.. 2416 Johnstown, Pa., 235, 725, 886 Logansport, Ind 1255 1748, 2476 2357, 2476 Harrisburg, Pa. .485, 2477, 2635 Jones Co., Miss. 1749, 2368. 2636 Logan Twp.. Ont 179.666 East Syracuse. N. Y 2233 Fremont Co., Iowa 1872 Harrisbiirg School Dist.. Joplln.Mo 1436 Lompoc S. D.. Cal.. 1933. 2417 Ea.st Waterloo Ind. Sch. Fronefield Free Turnpike Pa, 886. 1072. 1134. 1193. 2477 Jordan, Minn 2477 London, Ohio 2369,2478

. 1 Dist., Iowa 2233 No. 49, Ohio 1253, 1436 Harrisburg Spl. Sch. D., Jullaetta, Idaho 179 Long Beach, Cal . 666, 193, Eatontown Twp. S. D., N. Fulton, Ky 235 Ark 2358 1:564, 1384, 1436.2234 J 1^7, 666 Fulton, N. Y 666, 725, Harris Co., Tex 2635 Kalamazoo. Mich ..1134, Long Beach City Sch. Dist., Eau Claire. Wis 2415 886, 2416, 2476 Harrison, Mich 2477 1987, 2417 Cal 1384, 1872, 1933 Edgar S. D. No. 12 Neb. .2635 Fulton Co., Ind. .886, 1496,2357 Harrison Co., Miss 2473 Kanabec Co.. Minn 127 Long Branch, N J. .2369, 2478 D.. 611 Edgefield. S. C 1932 Harrison Co., Ohio. .2233, 2416 Kansas. . . 1073, 1132, 1252 Long Branch S N.J... Longview. Tex 1749 Edgerton. Wis 485 adsden, Ala 725 Harrison Twp. R. D.,0 . 485, 886 1254, 1384, 1434 Edina .Sch. DIs., Mo. 1134, 1496 C^XalcnaS. D, 111 1932 Harrison Un. Free S. D. Kansas City, Kan.. 611. 2358 Lorain. O ,236. 1015. 1193, Edinburgh. Ill 178, 235 Gallatin Co. Sch. Dist. No. No. 2, N. Y 2635 Kansas City. Mo 1132, 1254, 1497. 1749. 1872. Edwardsdale Pa.. 1014, 2476 8, Mont 2357 HarrisviUe, N. Y 1496 1987, 2358, 2636 I933. 2369. 2417. 2478 Co.. Ohio 2636 Edwardsville. N. Y 1 134 Gallatin Sch. Dist.. Mo 2473 Hartford, Conn.. 485, 728. Kansas City S. D., Kan. . .2477 Lorain Elberton, Ga 2357, 2470 Gallia Co., Ohio 1014. 1192 1252. 1384, l436. 1872 Kansas City Sch. D., Mo., Lorain Sch. D., Ohio. 1015. Eldon S. D., Mo 2357. 2636 Gallipolls, Ohio 485, 886 Hartford So. S. D., Conn., 1193. 1749, 1933.2417 1254. 1497, 1749. 2234 Elgin Twp.. Ill 2233 Galveston Tex 1134,1252 886. 1384 Karnes Co.. Tex 485 Los Angeles. Cal..,. 728. Elgin Twp. Un. S. D. No. Galveston Co., Tex 1134 Hartford Twp. S. D., Ohio. Kearny. N. J 1016 1015, 1073, 1134, 1933 46. Ill 178. 485. 1871 Gananoque, Ont 2357 2233. 2358 Kearny Co.. Kan 728. Los Gatos, Cal 611, 1016 ElUabeth. N. J 1383, 1871 Garden Grove S. D., Cal., HarvardS.D.. Neb.. 2477, 2636 1134. 1384. 2477 Los Nletos Valley Union Elizabeth City. N. C.. 1748, 2358 Haskell Ind. Sch. D., Tex.. 1436 Kenmare. N. Dak 127 High School Dist., Cal. .1193 Loulsburg. N. C. .236. 486, 666 727. 1253, al385. 1496 Gardner, Mass. . , 127, 178, HattlPSb\irg, Miss 485 Kennebec Water Dis.. Me., Elkhart Co.. Ind 1871. 2476 2.35, 485. 1384. 1436 Haverhill, Mass 235, 2477 f254, 1436 Loulsburg Graded S. D. 1872.1987 Elk River Minn 1014. Garfield. N. J 2358 Hawlev, Mass 127 Kennett S. D.. Mo. . 1747, 2473 N. C 179 Louisiana 1382 12,53 1748 Garfield Twp. 8. D.. Iowa, . 485 Hawthorne S. D. No. 99, Kenosha Sch.. Wis Louisville. 2359, 2417 Elkton, S. Dak 2233, 2635 Garnet, Kan ..886, 1254 , Ml 1932 Kenton, Ohio.. 886, 1987, 2234 Ky.2234, Ellendale, N. Dak 1102 1436. 2472 Healdsburg S. D.. Cal 2477 Kentucky 234, 725 Loveland S. D., Colo. 1749, 1933 1496 1986 G.arrett Co. Md 1134 Hebron, Minn 2416 Kern, Cal 611 Loveland S. D. No. 2. Colo.223 4 . 1

JANUAKY-JUNE, 1905. j INDEX. xni

Page Page Page Page Page Lowell. Mass 2636 Milwaukee, Wis. .236. 667, New Lexington, Ohlo.1749, 1988 Pasadena. Cal.. 237, 1255. Redlands, Cal.. 180, 1498, Lowry Sch. Dtst., Minn 1987 10^3 1194, 1437. New London, Conn . . 486, 1873, 2360, 2479 2419, 2479 Lumberton, N. C al385 1930, 2473. 2636 1015, 1988 Pasquotank Co., N. C, al386 Red Lodge Sch. Dist. No. 1, Ludlow, Ky 2478 Milwaukee Co.. Wis 2417 New Madrid, Mo 1194, 1497 Passaic Valley Sew D., N.J. 1070 Mont 2638 Ludwlck, Pa. (see Greens- Mineral Ridge S. D.. Ohio. 2637 Newmarket 3. D., N. J 1934 Paterson, N. J.. 129. 237, Redondo, Cal 2235 burg) 1930, 2472 Mineral Springs S. D.. Ark. 1385 New Mexico 666 729, 1385, 1498, 1934. 1988 Red River and Bayou des Luverne. Ala 1015, 1933 Mineral Wells, Tex. .1749, 2417 New Orleans, La 725, 1747 Paulding Co., Ohio... 729. 1135 Glaizes Levee and Dr. D.. LjTichburg. Ohio 1255 Minerva, Ohio 612, 887, New Philadelphia, Ohio. . .1016 Paulsboro, N. J 237, 2479 La 129, 2361 Lyndon ville Sch. D., Vt... 611 1194 1385 Newport, R. 1 729, 1015 Pawnee City, Neb 1498 Redwood Falls, S. D., Minn., Lynn, Mass 128, 1933 MInier S. D.. 111. 1933, 2234,2637 Newport, Tenn el753 Pawnee City S. D.. Neb., 1136, i750

D., la. .2417 Minneapolis, Minn . . . 486. Newport News, Va 1255 2360, 2418 Lyons City Ind. S. j Regard S. D. Mo 2473 Lyons S. D. No. 69, Kan., 1749, 1§73, 1933. 1987. Newport Sch. Dist., Pa. . .1015 Paxton, in 1135 Reglna, Assa., N. W. T...2236 1255. 1497 i234. 2359, 2634 New Roads, La 1135, 1386 Payson City, Utah.. 1873, 2360 Regina Public S. D. No. 4, Minnesota 1434, New Rochelle, N. Y., Pearl River Co.. Miss., N. W. T 1266, 1934 McComb City, MUS..611 887 1497, 1746, 1934 486^ 667, il35 1194. 129, 180, 1016 Rennselaer Co., N. Y. .487. cHenryCo.,N.Dak Minnesota Sch. Districts. .2359 1745. 2^35,, 2418. 2478 Peekskill, N. Y 1135, 2479 888. 1498. 1873 1497. 2478 Minonk, 111 2417 New Shoreham, R. 1.729, 2637 Pekln, 111 887, 1256, 1498 Reno S. D. No. 10, \ Nev. .2419 McKeesport, Pa 179. 2478 Minooka Sch. Dist., Ill 2478 I Newton. Mass 2478 PeklnS.D. in. 1265, 1386, 1750 Renville. Minn. 1017. 1074. 2361 McKeesport Sch. Dist., Minster Sch. Dis., Ohio 1385 Newton, Miss 1749 Pelee Twp., Ont 180, 667 Revere, Mass 237. 1750 Pa. .236, 666, 887. 1933, 2417 Mlshawaka, Ind. Ter 1135 Newton, N. J 1497 Pembina Co., N. Dak 2360 Rhea Co., Tenn el763

.1987, 2478 , Ind. 486, 1016, 1437 Pennsylvania 1434 McKlnley Sch. D. No 18. Mission Twp., Kan. ! Newton Co Rhode Island 1930 Minn 2636 Missouri 1015. 1382 New Ulm, Minn 2478 Peno Twp., Mo 1190 Rice Co., Kan 2479 McKlnney, Tex 179, 1073 Mitchell. S. Dak 1749, New York City. N. Y.. Penryn S. D., Cal. . .1750, 2479 Rice Lake, Wis 2361 McLennan Co.. Tex 2478 1873 2234 179, 234, 667, 725, Pensacola, Fla 1073 RiceLakeS. D., Wis..237. 1760 McLeod Co.. Minn 2359 Mitchell Co., Iowa '. 486 1016, 1070, 1194, 1386, Perry, Fla 237 Richland, Ga 1017. 1988 McMlnnville. Ore. . . 1749, 2636 Moberly, Mo 2637 1437, 1746, 1749, 1873. 2418 Perry Co.. Miss 1194 1437 Richmond, Ind 487. 729 Macon. Ga 2478 MobUe, Ala 483, 1749, New York State 1190, Perrysburg, Ohio... 1386, 1750 Richmond. Va 1873, 2235 Macon. Miss 2478 2417, 2637 1265, 1434 1494, 1497, Perry Twp.. Ind 1256 Richmond Co., N.C.al385 2361 Macon Co.. Mo 179 Modesto Sch. D., Cal 1385 1746, 1870, 1985, 2473 Perth Amboy, N.J 1016 Rio Vista Sch. Dist., Tex.'. 1017 Macon Co. Drain Dlat. No. Mohawk, N. Y 1015. 1194 Nez Perce, Idaho 1016 Petersburg. Ind 1073 Ripley Co.. Ind 2419 1, Mo 1987 Monaco Sch. Dist., Pa 2417 Niagara Falls. N. Y. .1194, 2418 Petersburg. Va 237 Ritz ville. Wash 2419 Madera Sch. D.. Cal 1193 Monclova Twp. Sch. D., O., Niagara Falls, Ont. . .729, 1016 Petoskey. Mich 1255 River Forest Twp. S. D. Madison, N. C al385 1255, 1437 Niles Sch. Dist., Ohio, Philippine Islands 887, (see Oak Park). lU. .887. 1135 Madison Co., Ala 236 Monett S. D.. Mo 1749 128, 2S6, 667, 1073 1016. 1073, 1136, 2473 Riverside S. D.. Cal. 1498, 1934

Madison Co., Ind . . 179. 611, Moniteau Co^ Mo 1747 Nobles Co., Minn 1988 Phoenix. Ariz 886. 1930 Roanoke. Va 1930 666, 1134. 1255 Monongalia Co.. W. Va... . 483 Norlolk Co., Mass 887, Picton. N. S 2236 Rochester, Ind 2361 Madison Co.. Mo 1749. 1930 Monroe. Ga 2418 1016, 1497, 2637 Pierce Co.. Wash... 1494. 1870 Rochester. N. H 789,1017 Madison Co.. N. C 1384, Monroe. Mich 728 North Adams. Mass.. 729. 1194 Pierce Co.. Wis 612, 1016 Rochester. N. Y.. 129. 180, al385_, 1933 Monroe, N. C al385. 2478 Northampton. Mass 236 Pierce Co. S. D. No. 88, 668. 729, 1074, 1256, Madison Co., Ohio. ...667. 1015 Monroe Co.. Ill 236, 1070 North Augusta, S. D.. S. C. Wash 2637 1387, 1437, 175(5, 1873, Madisonvllle, Ohio ... 728, Monroe Co., Ohio 1194 i385. 1497. 1750 Plermont, N.Y. 1988, 2360, 2418 1988, 2638

1497, 2234 Monrovia, Cal. . .486, 1194, North Bay. Ont 729. 1073 Pike Co., Ala 1760 Rockford, Wash 129 Madrid. Iowa 1073, 1193 1749 2637 North Bergen. N. J 2637 Pima Co., Ariz 1760, 2418 Rockingham, N C al385 Magee. Miss 2478 Montana 1070, 1135, North Carolina. . 1070. 1382 Pine Bluff, Ark 1073 Rockvllle. Conn. 237, 1017, 1195

Mahanoy Sch. Dl»t.. Pa. . .2478 1385, 143^. 1497 1385, 1434. 1497, 1746, Pme Co., Minn.. 180, 237, Rocky River, Ohio. .1074, 1437 Maiden, Mass 887, 2234, Montana State University. 667 1934, 2414 729, 1135, l255j 1873 Rocky River S. D., Ohio. .2419 ^359, 2417 Montezuma Valley Irr. North Dorchester Twp., Pipestone. Minn. .237, 1136, RollersviUe S. D., Ohio.. Mamaroneck, N. Y 2417 Dist., Colo.. 728, 1135, 1497 Ont 2369 1498, 1934 1136. 1498 1873 Manchester, N. H..1075, Montgomery, Ala 728 North East, Pa 1498, 1988 PIqua, Ohio. 237. 487, 1016. Rome, N. Y 1017. 1437 1073, 1134, 2478 Montgomery Co., Ala 483 North Fort Worth Tex., 1136, 1386, 1934, 2479 Rosebud Co., Mont.. 487, Manchester, Va 1073 Montgomery Co., N. Y 486 236, 1016, 1073, 1750 Plscataway Twp. S. D., 1195, 1761 1747 1255. 1494. Montgomery Co., O . . 667, North Fort Worth S. D., N.J 729, 1396 Roseburg, Ore 1070 Manchester Spl. Dis., la.. 1193 1015, 2254, 2418, 2478 Tex 1194, 2637 Pltcairn, Pa 1256. 1873 Rosedale, Kan 488, 888 Manila, Philippine Islands, Montgomery Co.. Tenn.. North Hempstead, N. Y., Pitcairn Sch. Dist., Pa 1016 RosedaleS. D. Kan. 1438, 2236 1872. 1933, 2232 2235 2359 128, 179, 4^6, 1073, Pittsburg, Tex 1873 Roslyn S. D., Wash. 2361, 2638

Manistee. Mich. 1193. 1497. 2417 Montgomery Spl. S.D..O.". 728 1194, 1385, 2418. 2478 Pittsburgh. Pa. . 1252, 1382 Roxburg Sch. Dist., Idaho. 180 Manistee Co.. Fla 486 1015 Montlcello. Ga.2359, 2478, 2637 North Lewlsburg S. D .. Pa . 2478 1386. 1498. 1988. ^360. 2634 Royal Center Sch. D . Ind. 612

Manlstlque. Mich . . . 1749. Montour Falls, N. Y 1194 Northome Minn 1385, 1873 Pittsburgh Morse Sub Sch. Royalton, Minn 237. 612 2234, 2478, 2636 Montpelier, O 1015 North Platte. Neb . . 179, Dist.. Pa 1194 Russell (io.. Va 180, 237 Manlteau Co.. Mo 2473 Montpelier Irr. Dist., Ida. .2359 1750. 1873. 2359 Pittsfleld, Mass 729. 1386 Russell Gulch S D. Colo. .1934 Manltou. Man 236 Montreal. Que. 1385, 1497. 2637 North Wales. Pa 2478 Pltteton Sch. D.. Pa. 1266. 1437 Russellvllle, Ky 1934, 2235 Manitowoc Co.. Wis 236 Montrose. Colo.. 236. 1135, North Yakima, Wash. 1016.1385 Plain City. Ohio. 237. 612. 1016 Rutherford, N. J 613,729 Manor Sch. Dis.. Tex .1193, 1749 1194, 1385 North Yakima S. D. No. 7, Plalnfield. N. J 1934, 1988 Rutherford Co., N. C al385 Mansfield, La.. 486, 1015, Montrose Sch. Dist.. Minn., Wash 236.612.667,729 Platte Center S. D., Neb. .2479 Rutland & Leroy Sch.

1436, 1497, 1872 1015, 1749 Norway Sch. Dist.. Mich.. .2359 Plattsburg, N. Y. . .2479, 2637 Districts, N. Y 2419 Mansfield, Mass 2636 Moorestown S. D., Pa 2637 Norway Twp.. Kan 729 Plattsburg Sch. Dist.. Mo. 2473

Mansfield, Ohio 1933, Mooresville, N. C 2359 Norwich. Conn 1194, 1988 Pleasant Ridge. O . . 888, Sacramento, Cal . . 129, 1987. 2417 Moose, Minn 1015 Norwich Twp. S. D., Ohio, 1016, 1194, 1386, 1934, 2360 729, 888, 1136. 1387,2235 Maple Creek, N. W. T 1872 Moose Jaw, N. W. T 128 1135. 1385, 1934 Plum Bayou Levee Dist., Saginaw, Mich.. 129, 181, Marble Cliff S. D., 0.2359. 2636 Moosomia, Assa. East .... 2359 Norwood. 0..237. 729. Ark 1016, 1256 237, 888, 1074, 1136, Marcy, N. Y 611 Moran, Kan 1073 1135. 1255. 2478. 2637 Plymouth, Mass 1386, 1437 1195, 1256. 143§. 1498.

Marianna Spl. S. D., Ark.. 887 Moranvllle Twp., Minn . . . 1015 Norwood Sch. D , Ohio, Plymouth S. D., Pa . . 1256. 1437 1751, 1934. 2236. 2638 Marietta, Ind. Ter 2478 Mordan. Man 728 1194, 1498, 1934,1988, 2637 Pocahontas, Va.888, 1016, 1256 Saginaw Un. Sch. Dist.. Marlette Sch. Dist. Mich., Morehead City, N. C, Nutley S. D., N. J. .1255. 2418 Point Pleasant, W. Va., Mich 2638 1255. 1384 al385. 2418. 2637 Nutuna Pub. Sch. Dist. No. 2235, 2418 St. Anthony Ind. S.D.. Ida. 613 Marion, Iowa 1193 Morgan Co., Ga 486 869, N. W T 2418 Polk Co.. Iowa.. 888. 1194. St Bernard. Ohio 1751 Marlon, N. C 667, 728 Morganton. N. C...al385, Nyack, N. Y 1498 1256. 1386, 1498. 1750. 2479 St. Clair. Mich 2638 Marion, Ohio. ...486, 1193, 1384 2478, 2637 Nye Co., Nev 1750, 1934 Pomeroy. 0.667. 888. 1386.1437 St. Clau- Co.. Mo 1930 Marion. S. C. .1015, 1436, 1933 Morrison Co., Minn 1073 Nymore, Minn 1194 Ponca. Neb 2637 St. Clair Heights, Mich 237 Marion and Truro Twps.. Morrisville. N. C al385 Nymore Sch. Dis.MInn 1386 Pontlac. Mich. .487. 729, 1016 St. Croix Falls. Wis 181 Ohio 1384 Morton Co., N. Dak. 2235, 2637 Pontiac S. D., Mich. .1256. St. Edwards S. D.. Neb.. 2479 Marlon Co., Ind. .128, 179, Morven Twp., N C 2637 N. Dak. 1194. 1750.2418 1750. 1873 St. PYancis Levee District, , Oakes. 486. 887, 1015, 1255, Morjrville 486 akfleld. Wis 1498 Pontiac Twp. Ill Ark 729. 1136, 1257 Twp., Minn i S. D.. 2479

1497, 2234, 2359 Moulton. Iowa 179. 236 Oakland. Cal 486. 1194 Portage Co.. Ohio. . .1016. 1073 St. Johns, Mich 1017. 1136 Marlon Co., Mo 2473 Moultrie. Ga 2748 Oakley. Kan 1194 Portage la Prairie. Man. St. Johns, N. B 2638 Marlon Co., Ohio 236,887 Mound City S. D.. Mo.. Oakmont, Pa 486 129 2479 St. Johns, Ore 2479, 2638 Marion Sch. Dist., Ohio, 1747. 2473 Oak Park & River Forest Port Angeles. Wash .' .1194 St. Johns Co., Fla... 237. 2419 1933, 2234, 2417 Mount Airy. N. C al485 Twp. High S.D., in. 887, 1135 Port Carling. Ont 2637 St. Johns Sch. D., Ohio 1 136 Markham Ind. S. D., Tex. . 1749 Mount Carmel. Pa... 486, Oberlin, Ohio 2479 Port Chester. N. Y. .1386. 1437 St. Johns S. D. No. 2. Ore. .2479 Marksvllle, La 1015 1015, 2637 Ocala. Fla 667 Port Clinton. Ohio 2479 St. Joseph, Mich 1438

Marlborough, Mass. . 1497, Mount Carmel Sep. Sch. Ocean City. N. J 2360, 2478 Port Deposit, Md 237. 668 St. Joseph, Mo 1074 1749, 2417, 2478 Dist.. Ont 2359 Ocean Park, Cal. .486. 729, Porter Twp. Sch. D.. Pa.. 1136 St. Joseph Co., Ind. 488, Marshall, Tex 2417 Mount Clemens, Mich., 1749 1135, 1750, 1934, 2479 Port Henry, N. Y 2637 1017; 1387, 1438, 1934, Marshall Co., Tenn 486 1987. 2418 Ocean Park Cltv Sch. D., Portland, Conn 729, 1988, 2361 Marshall Sch. Dis., Minn.. 1255 Mount Gilead Un. Sch. Cal 1073, 1385. 1873 1498, 2637 St. Lawrence, N. Y 1751 Marshfield, Wis 1070 Dist.. Colo 2418 Ocean View S. D., Cal.1934. 2359 Portland, Me 487, 729, St. Louis, Mo. .181, 237, Martinsville, Va 486 Mount Healthy, Ohio 1385 Ogdensburg, N. Y 729. I0I6, 2637 488, 729, 1136, 1196, 1387 Maryland . 1252, 1252, 2356,2359 Mount Olive Pa 2418 2479, 2637 Portland, Mich. 1437, 149^, 2360 St. Mary's, O 488 Mary vine. Mo 887, 1134 Mount Orab. Ohio 1385 Ohio 1986 Portland, Ore 1016 St. Paul, Minn.. 668, 888, 2'»36, 2638 Mason, Ohio 128 Mount Pleasant. Iowa. . . .1135 Ohio Co., Ind 2360 Portland Sch. Dlat. No. 1, ^419. Massachusetts. .234, 236. Mount Pleasant. Ohio. 486. 887 Okanogan Co. S. D., Wash. 2637 Ore 180, 668, 1016 St. Thomas, Ont 237, 1017

610. 611. 667, 1073, Mount Pleasant Twp.. Mo . 2473 Oklahoma 665 Portland Sch. D. No. 3, I Salamanca, N. Y...1988, 2235 1134, 1193, 1255, 1494, Mount Vernon. N. Y., Oklahoma City S. D., Okla., Mich.. 2235, 2418. 2637 Salem, Mass. 1195, 1438. 2361

2232 2356 236.486,667,728.1135. 1760, 2418 Port of New Orleans. La.. : Salem. N. Y..1438. 1751. 2235

Masslllon, Ohio. .887, 1015, 1385. 2235. 2418, 2637 Oklahoma Co., Okla 1750 612, 668, 1073 [ Salem. Ohio 488, 668.

1255, 1384, 1872, 2234, 2369 Mount Vernon, Ohio.. 236, 887 Omaha, Neb.. 1498 1750,2360 Portsmouth, Ohio 129, i 888. il95, 1934

Masslllon Sch. Dis., Ohio, Multnomah Co., Ore.. 483, Omaha Sch. Dis., Neb 1132 1386, 1750, 2235 i Salem Sch. Dist., N. Y.,

1194, 1385, 1933, 1987 725, l070, 1190, 1494 Onawa, Iowa. 1135 1498. '479 Portsmouth S. D., Ohio.. 1750 1 d68. 729. 1257 Maumee, Ohio 2359 Muncle, Ind 1749 Oneida, N. Y 1437. Port Townsend, Wash 1988 Salisbury. Md 1751 Maury, Tenn el753 Municipal Bond Sales 1750. 2637 Potsdam, N. Y 2361,2418 Salisbury. Mo 237, 2638

Maylield, Ky 2478 (monthly) . 176, 610, 724, Oneida Co.. N. 179, 2360 Poughkeepsie, 668 Salt Lake City. Utah. Y N. Y.. 612, i

I 668, 1017 MaysviUe, Ky 667 1013. 1()69. 1^81, 1870. Oneonta. N. Y 486, 667 Prentiss Co., Miss . 487, 729, 1136 237, Mayville. Wis 236 1929. 2414. 2471 Orange. Cal. .129. 487. 6li, 667 Preston Sch. Dist., Iowa.. 2418 Sampson Co., N. C al385 1 Mead vine. Pa. 1987, 2417, 2636 Munising. Mich, . . .1135, Orange, Tex 179 Princeton. Ky 2637 San Antonio, Tex 195, Mechanlcsburg, Pa 486, 667 1194, f497 Orange Co.. N. Y 129. 1135 Prospect, Ohio 1136. 1437 1934, 2361 Medina, N. Y. .728, 1135, Munising S. D., Mich 2478 Oregon 885. 2473 Providence. R. I 1017. San Augustine Ind. Sch. 1749, 1872, 2234 Muscatab, Kan 1385 Orlilia, Ont 667. 887 1136 1386 Dist., Tex 2479 Medina Co., Ohio. . . 1436, Muskingum Co., O 128, 236 Orleans Levee District. Pueblo, Colo.. 1136, 1194, 1256 Sanborn, Minn. 1387. 1751, 1935 1497, 2234, 2417 La 483. 1073 Pueblo Sch. Dist. No. 1, San Buenaventura, Cal., Medford, Mass 2417 Nanipa Ind. S. D. No. 37, Orongo. Mo 1437. 1498 Colo 2418, 2637 • ..- 1195. 1935, 2236 Medicine Hat, Assiniboia, Waho 1873, 1987 Orrvllle. Ohio 237 Pulaski Co., Ind 1386 San Dle?o, Cal 1196 N. W. T 2234, 2636 Napa, Cal 2473 Osawatomle Sch. D.. Kan. 1016 Pulaski Co. S. D. No. 1, Mo.2473 Sandusky,0 . 488, 889. 1195, Meeker, Col.. 1385, 1497. 2636 Napoleon S. D., Ohio.1497, 1988 Osborne. Kan 1016. 1934 Putnam, Conn 2418 1387. 1498. 2236. 2419. 2638 Melrose, Ohio 1873, 1933 Nashua, N.H 2637 Osceola, Neb 179 Putnam Co.. Ind 729,1017 Sandusky Co.. Ohio. 1498. 1874 1195 Memphis. Mo 1190 Nashville. Tenn 236. Oshkosh, Wis 129 Putnam Co.. Ohio . . . 1256. 1437 Sanford, Me Memphis, Tenn 1015 1015. 1385. el753. 2637 Oskaloosa, Iowa 1073 Putnam Co., Tenn el763 Sanford S. D., N. C,al385, Memphis Sch. Dist. Tenn., Nashwauk, Minn 486. 1135 Osmond Sch. Dist., Neb.. 2479 2235, 2362. 2638 el753. 1987 Natlck. Mass 2232 Osnaburg, Ohio 1750, 2479 Quincy, Mass 487, 2418 San Fernando Un. High Menasha, Wis 1194 Navarro Co.. Tex. 179, 887, 1073 Oswegatchie, N. Y,.n35, 1255 ulncy S. D., in., 1386 S. D., Cal 1761. ''361 181, Mendon, Mich 1385 Nebraska. . .483, 725. 1382.1385 Oswego, N. Y. . 1194, 1498, 2479 2418. 2638 San Francisco, Cal.. Mercer Co., Ohio 887, 1073 Nelson. B. C 1194. 1497 Ottawa, Kan 237 Qulndaro Twp. S. D. No. 4, 669, 1017, 1070, 1751, Meriden, Conn 728, 1385 Nevada, Mo 2637 Ottawa, Ont 1873,2479 Kan 1386 1935, 1988, 2362, 2473 Meridian, Miss 486, 1930 New Albany, Miss 486, 667 Ottumwa, la 483, 1985 Quitman Ga 1498. 1760 San Juan Co. S. D. No. 7, Merna, Neb 1255, 2478 Newark, N. J.. 1015, 1135, Owatonna S. D. No. 1, Minnl750 Wash 2479 Mesa. Ariz 1015 1255, 2478 Owen Sound Ont 1498 Racine Co., Wis 180. 729 San Juan Co. S. D. No. 13, 1751 Mesqulte Ind. S. D., Tex. . 486 Newark, N- Y..728, 1135, Owosso, Mich 1016, 1073 ahway. N. J 237 Wash Metuchen Spl. S D., N. J.. 2359. 2418 Owosso Un. School Dist.. Ralls Co.. Mo 483 San Juan Co. S. D. No. 16. 667, 1015 Newark. O 128, 179, Mich 729, 1135 Ramapo Un. Fr. Sch. Dist.. Wash 2479 Mexico 234,1434 1255, 1746, 1873, 1934, 2359 Oxford, Miss 180 No. 7. N.Y 237 1195 San Luis Obispo Co. 8. D.. Miami, Fla 1073, 1933 Newark Sch. Dist., 0.486. 1497 Ozark. Mo 2637 Ramsey. Minn 668 Cal 1751 Miami Co., Ohio 1436. 1749 New Bedford, Mass.. 128, Ramsey Co.. Minn 1017 San Luis Obispo High Mlamisburg. Ohio 128. 667 236 2232 Pacific City S. D., Cal 1934 Rankin. Pa 612,1074 Sch. District 2479 Michigan 2473 New Britain, Conn. .236' 1073 alnes ville, O 180, Rankin Sch. Dist., Pa 888 San Luis Obispo S. D., Cal . 175 Marcos. Tex 2479 Middlesex Co., Ont 128 Newburg Heights. 0.667. 1437, 1873, 2479 Rapid City, S. Dak. . 1988, San MIddleton, Pa 1933. 2417 729, 1255, 2478 Palisade Irr. D., Col.. 1255, 1437 2235 2479 San Pedro High S.D.. Cal. 129

Ana, Cal . . 488, 669. Middletown, Conn . . 1328, New Castle, Del 1194 Palmer, Mass 1498 Ravenna. Ohio. . . 180, 487. Santa 1751, i930. 2419 1385, 1749 New Castle, Neb 179, 1255 Palmyra S. D. No. 1. N. Y. 1760 1387. 1934. 2361. 2418 l438. Santa Barbara. Cal. .889. 2362 Middletown, Ohio... 1073, 1255 New Castle, Pa 1194 Palo Alto H. S. D., Cal. . . 1750 Rawson S. D.. Ohio 2479 Middletown S. D., Ohio... New Castle Co., Del. 1015, 1385 Palo Alto S. D., Cal 1750 Raymond, Miss 1498 Santa Barbara S. D., Cal. . 1936 1987, 2417, 2478 Newcastle S. D., Pa 1934 Panola Co., Miss 1194.. 1385 Reading, Ohio 1195 Santa Clara. Cai 237 Midway Twp., N. C 2478 Newcastle S. D. No. 1, Wyo.2418 Paris S. D., Ill 1255, 2479 1498, 1750, 2361, 2638 Santa Monica. Cal. . 1195. 2479 Miles City. Mont 2234, 2636 New Hampshire. .. .729, Parke Co.. Ind 483. 1190 Reading, Pa 1988 Santa Monica S. D.. Cal. .2479 Mllford, Conn 2478,2636 1132, 1190.1255, 1988,2637 Parker Co.. Tex 1750. 1934 Red Bluff Un. High Sch. Santa Paula. Cal 488. 1195 Mllford. Iowa 2417 New Hanover Co., N. C, Parkers Prairie. Minn 237 Dist.. Cal 2638 Santa Rosa. Cal 1438. Miiledgeviiie, Ga. .. 1015 al385, 2235 2478 Parkers Prah-le S. D., Minn. 1750 Red Deer. N. W. T 237 1751. 2235 Miller Co., Ga 728. 1135 New Haven. Conn.. 612, Park Ind. S D.. Tex 2479 Redding, Cal 1387, 2479 Santa Rosa S. D.. Cal 2479 Mlllersburg. 0..486. 1073. 1194 1015, 1135,1386, 1437, 1934 Park Rapids. Minn 1385 RedfieldSch.Dlst., S. Dak. 487 Saranac Lake. N. Y 1498 Saratoga Co.. 1499 Min 8. D., Cal 1933, 2359 New Haven Twp., 0. 1256, 1749 Parkston, S. Dak 887, 1073 Red Jacket. Mich . . . 1074, N Y MlUvale, Pa 179, 1015 New Jersey 1252, 2473 Partridge. Minn 1934. 2236 1934, 1988 2235 2361 Sauk Co., Wis 488 1

XIV INDEX. [Vol. lxxx.

Page Page Page Page Page .1196 Wardner Sch. Dist. No. 6, Wilkes Barre Twp. S. D., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.. Springfield, N. Y 1752 Topeka S. D.. Kan. 1439. 2421 Idaho 239, 1196 Pa 614 1195, 1387. 1499 Springfield. Ohio . . . 238, H36, 2421 Wilkin Co. Sub.-Dr. Dist. Cal 729, 1017 1137, 1195, 1439, 1935, 2480 Toronto. Ont 238 Warren, Pa Sausallto. 2, Minn 1499 2363 . No. Springfield, Tenn el753 Tower City S. D., N. Dak. . 1936 Warren Co., Ind 670, 1753, 2422 Sauris Man 181 Wilkinsburg, 1019 Springfield, Vt. 1196. 1387. 1439 Towner, N. Dak 182 1018 Warren Co., Miss 2473 Pa Sayre. Pa 2479 Williamsburg, Miss 1754 Springfield S. D.. Mo 2473 Traverse City, Mich. .1196, Warrenton, Ga 2480 Schenectady N- "^- AU^-j,,, Williamsport, Pa Springfield S. D., S. C 2420 1989. 2421 Warroad, Minn 239,731 725.2422 182, 613, Warsaw, Ind 182 WilliamstonSch.D.,S.C. . 890 Schoharie, N. Y 48^,729 Sprhigfield S. D. No. 36, Trenton, N. J.. 1018, 1753, 1936, 2362 Warsau, Wis 1196,1258 Wilmington, Del 1440. Schuylkill Co., Pa 483 S. C 2638 S. D.. W. Va. .2638 Wasco, Ore.. 1388, 1499,1875 1499. 1875. 1990. 2237 Schuvler Co.. Mo 725 Spring Lake, Mich 238 Triadelphla 1935 Springport, Mich 730 Trimble, Tenn 2480, 2638 Washington 1132 Wilmington Sch. D.. Del. .1440 Scotia. N. Y 1438. 489 Wilmington Sch. D.. Ohio. N. Y., Springyille, N. Y 1257, Trinidad, Colo 2421 Washington la Scotia S. D. No. 2. 1138. 1258, 1440 729. 1499 1387, 1752. 2420 Triumph, Minn 1137. Washington, N. C...182, 1257, 1936. 2362 al385, 2422, 2481 WiUshire Twp. Sp. Rd. .1747", Mich. . .1936 Scotland Co.. Mo. . 2473 Springwells S. D., Dist. No. 2, Ohio. . Stafford, Conn 1075, 1499 Tropica S. D., Cal. ..2237, 2638 Washington, Pa 1936 1937, 1990 Scottdale, Pa . ... 1017 889, 1018, Washington Co., Pa 2237 Wilna Sch. Dist. No. 9, Scranton, Pa 1438, Stamford, Conn 1499 Troy, N. Y.670, . . . N. 2419 Stamford, N. Y 130, 238 lihS. 1440, 1499, 1936, 2638 Washington Twp., Ind. 731 Y 1754 1499, 1874, 238,889 Washington Twp., Ohio.. 2362 Wilna Un. Fr. Sch. Dist. Seaforth, Minn 130 Stanhope, N.J 2638 Troy, Ohio Ind 1 196 Washoe Co., Nev 2422 No. 1, N. Y 2640 Seaforth. Ont 1439, 1935 Starkville, Miss. 1196. 1936.1989 Troy Twp., . Wilson Sch . Dist . 1989 Troy Twp., Ohio 1753 Waterbury, Conn . . 489, N C al385 Seattle, Wash.. 669, 1137, 1195 Stanley Co.. N. C Winchendon, Ohio. . 1075, 1383 1019 1075, 1440 Mass 731 SedaliaSch.D., M0..1195, 1439 Statesyille, N. C 238, Trumbull Co., (see Marion Waterloo, Ont 1937 Winchester, Mass 2422 Sedan, Kan 2419 al385, 1874 Truro Twp., O. Twp.) 1384 Waterloo S. D., Iowa 1440 Winchester Sch. Dist., Ky.2473 S. D., Cal ^^^2419 Statham. Ga 130 Selma 889 Waterloo S. D. No. 112, Windham, Conn 1754, 2481 Spl. Sch. D., O. .729, 889 Staunton. Va 1070 Tuckahoe, N. Y Selma Ariz 889, 1137 Ore 1075 Windsor, Ont 1754,2481 Falls, 1935 Steele Co., Minn... 1936, Tucson, Seneca N. Y Windsor Dist., 111. Pa 2419 2236, 2420 Tullahoma, Tenn el753 Watertown, Mass 1197, Sch. ..1258 Sewickley, Cal., 1258, 1937 Winfleld, Kan. 1754, 2237, 2363 Ind "^479 Stephen Ind. S. D. No. 1, Turlock Irr. Dist., Seymour, 1874, 1989, 2639 Watertown, N. Y..1753, Winfleld Ind.S.D., W. Va. 731 Shalersville S. D., Ohio... 1935 Minn 2236, 2480 Ala 2480 1875, 2237, 2363, 2481 Winnetka Sch. Dis., Ill 1440 Shamokin, Pa 181 2362 Sterling, 111 2638 Tuscaloosa Co.. 238 Watertown, Wis 1937, 2363 Winnetka S. D. No. 36, 111., S. D., Pa.. 237, Sterling, Kan 2420 Tuskaloosa, Ala Shamokin Free Sch, Waterville, Me 1075 614, 1019 729, 1074, 1935, 1988, Sterling Co.. Tex 181,613 Tuxedo Un. 6, N. 2639 Waterville, Mo 489, 73 Winnetka Park D.. Ill 1875 2362, 2419 Sterrett Twp.. Pa. . .1252, 2356 Dist. No. Y Wash., Waterville, Wash 1499 Winnipeg Man.,239, 2238, 2640 Sharon, Mass 2235 Steubenville S. D., Ohio Two Rivers S. D., 23/ 1195. 1439, 1752, 1936 1753, 2480 Waukegan, 111 182 Winnipeg Sch. D., Man.. 2363 Sharon. Pa Co., Minn. 2640 Pa .2419 Stockton. Cal 238. 730 Tyler, Tex 1930 Waukegan Sch. Dls., 111.. 1440 Winona .2363, Sharpsburg S. D., Va 2639 Wautoma, Wis 2481 Winooski, Vt. .1937, 2238, 2422 Sheboygan Co., Wi.s. .1018, Stockton, N.J. 1388, 1752, 1874 Tyler Co., W. 1018 Waverly, 111 2639 Winside, Neb 2481 1257, 1874, 1989. 2235 Stoney Creek S. D. No. 3, Tyrone, Pa Waverly, Kan. 1018, 1197, 1499 Winside Sch. Dis., Neb.. 1258 Co.. Ind 1018 N. Dak 181 Shelby Ohio. .1874. 2237 Waycross, Ga 1075 Winston Twp., N. C.1388, Shelby CO.. Ohio StouffyiUe, Ont 889, 1137 Uhrichsville, 237^.^^^^ . 1754, 1937, 2640 Stratford, Ont 1075. 1439 Ister Co.. N. Y. . 670. 889 Wayne, Mich 239 Winton, al385 730. 1752. Stratford S. D., Iowa 2480 Union. S. C 1499, 1874 Wayne Co., Ohio 1875 N.C Shelby Co., Tenn. Waynesboro, 1258, Winton Place, Ohio 2473 2^36, 2420, 2479, 2638 Strathcona, N. W. T. .238. 1075 Union^Co., Miss 1137, 1440 Pa el753, 1989, 2362 2237, 2422, 2639 Wisconsin 2634 Shelbyville, Tenn.. 1499, el753 Strawn Ind. S. D.. Tex 1752 Union Co., Pa D., Iowa.. 1499 Wealth-Wood, Minn. 1440, 1875 Wise Co., Tex 2363, 2473 Shellsburg, Iowa 1499, 2420 Strong City. Kan 1196 Union Twp. S. Stroud. Okla 1136 United States of Mexico. .2232 Weatherford, Tex 614 Wisner, Neb 1875, 1990 Shelton, Neb . . 730 Sturgeon, Minn 613 University Place, Neb., Webster, Mass 1754 Wolbach S . D . No . 43 , Neb ., Sheraden, Pa...... 669, 889 182, 614 Webster Co. S. D. No. 5, Mo2473 1258, 1754 Sherburne Co., Minn. .613 669 Struthers Ohio 1499, 2362 D. No. 99, Webster Groves S.D., Mo., Woodbury, N. J 239 Sheridan, Mich 1074 Struthers S. D., Ohio., Upper Alton S. 2236 1752, 1936. 2420 111 1753 1070, 1754, 1937 Wood Co., Ohio. 130, 1754, Sheridan, Wyo 2422 1875, 1990, 2238 Tex 1752 Sturgeon, Mo 2362 Upper Sandusky. O . . 489, 890 Weedsport, N. Y 1937, Sherman, Weehawken, N. J 2481 Wood Co., W. Va 2422 Sherman, Tex 2479 Sudbury, Ont 1075, 1388 Upshur Co., W. Va 483 Suffolk, Va 1499 Urbana Sch. Dist., Ill 1936 WeirS.D., Kan. 731. 1197, 2473 Woodmere, Mich 1019 Sherodsville, Ohio 1195 Woodsfleld, 2236 SuUiyan Co., Ind 1752 Utica, Miss 1499 Welcome, Minn. 1440. 1499.2237 Ohio. .1990, 2363 Shoshone Co., Idaho. 1499, Woodstock, Ont 1138, 1197 La 1989 Sulliyan Co.. Mo 127 Utica, N. Y 182, 239, 1018 Wellesley, Mass 2422 Shreveport, 2421 Wellington S. D., Ohio 1499 Woonsocket, R. I 731. 1875 Sidney N. Y 488 Summer S. D., Cal 1936 Uvalde Co., Tex 181 Uxbridge, Mass 1499 Wells Co., Ind 2237 Wooster. Ohio 1937 Sidnly. Ohio 1018,1074 Summit, Miss .238, 1257, Wellston, Ohio 2639 Worcester. Mass. .182. 239. SlWer'creek N.Y.... .2480 Summit Co , O. 1499, 1874 TTalatie, N. Y 2421 Wellsville, Ohio 2639 731, 890, 1138, 1258,2481 Simcoe, Ont 237, 669 Sch. 1257 Sumter, S. C 2480, 2638 V aldosta. Ga 130 West AUls, Wis ] 197, Wyandotte D., Mich., Sioux City, Iowa 1989, 2422 489, 670, 1138, 1197 SiouxFallsS.D.,S. Dak.. 2638 Surprise Valley Un. High Vallejo, Cal 1138, 1936 1398, :.I874. 2420 Valley Co. S. D. No. 7, ' West Allis and Town of Wyoming 885 Slater, Mo.... 725 S. D., Cal 1075 Mont 182 Greenfield Joint Sch. D. Wyoming, Ohio 1 754 Slater S. D., Mo. 2362 Surrey S. D., N. Dak 1195 Sussex Co.. N.J 238 VanBurenTwp.,Mo.l070, 1190 No. 5, Wis 1138 Smith Center, Kan. Carrollton, Ohiol499, 2363 Ohio 182, 2238, S. D.. N. J 238 Vance Co., N. C. . .a]385, 2480 West Xenia, Two., N. C. . . .al385 Sussex Smithyille Twp.. Ont 1989 Vancouver, B. C 731,1875 West Carthage S D., N.Y. 731 2481. 2640 Falls. Ont...... 2236 Sydenham Smiths D., 1753 Westchester Co. N. Y 614 Co.. Va 489 2420 Sylacauga, Ala 889 Vandalia S. Mo Smyth Vandalia S. D. No. 10, Mo. 2480 West End, Ala 1258, 1875 Yakima Co., Wash. .239, 1019 Somerville. Mass 1935 Syracuse. N. Y 238. 489 Vandalia S. D., Ohio. 2237, 2639 Westerly, R.I 1388, 1499 akima Co. Sch. Dist. Someryille Ind. S. D.. Tex.. ^^^ Tacoma, Wash 1257, 1753 Van Eman Fr. Turnpike Westfield, N. Y 1990, 2640 No. 6, Wash 2481 2638 Rd. No. 46, Ohio 2639 West Hoboken, N. J 2640 Yakima Co. Sch. Dist. No. Sni-a-Bar Twp.. Mo 2638 ahlequah, Ind. Ter Miss.. 489, 730 Van Wert Un. S. D., Ohio, West Homestead, Pa. 1197 16, Wash 1937 . Tallahatchie Co., Cal ...... 130 Sonora. 890, 1018, 1138 1388, 1499. 2422 Yakima Co. Sch. Dist No. South Bend. Ind 2362. 2638 Tallapoosa, Ga 613, 1137 239, West Minneapolis, Minn . . 32, Wash ^238. ...481 Brooklyn^^ Tampa, Fla 730, 1106 Ventnor City, N. J 1989 south 0.^.730.^^3^ 2236, 2480 Verdigris Twp., Kan 1019 1990, 2237 Yakima Co. Sch. D. No. Verdon, Minn 1499, 2421 Westmoreland Co., Pa . 670, 33, Wash 125 8 south Brooklyn^l D.^^O..^^^^ Taney Co., Mo 613 Tarboro, N.C al385 Vernon Twp., Mo 2473 1138, 1440, 2363, 2640 Yakima Co. Sch. Dist. No. Co., Tex 725 Versailles S. D., Ind 239 West Orange S. D., N. J. .2640 34, Wash.. .1937, 2238, 2481 South Carolina.. 725,^885,^^ Tarrant Taunton, Mass. .889, 1018, 2638 Victoria, B. C 1196, 1440 Westport, Conn 731 Yakima Co. S. D. No. 76, 1439 Victoria, Tex 1196 west Seneca, N. Y 1019 Wash 1138 Southeast Greensburg, Pa. Tekamah, Neb 730, Tempe, Ariz 489 Victoria Co., Tex 1753 West Springfield, Mass, Yakima Co. Sch. Dist. No. (see Oroensburg) . . 1930, 2472 .. 1019 1019, 1937, 2237 77. Wash 2481 Newburg, Ohio. 1935, 2362 Tennessee 1494, 1753 Victoria Spl. S. D., Ark. South Vigo Co., Ind. .239. 890, West Union, Ohio 489 Yalobusha Co.. Miss 1990 South San Francisco Cal. .2638 Tennille, Ga 613 C....al3b5 Teton Co.. Mont 2480 1019, 1410, 2421 West Union S. D., Ohio.. 1754 Yates Sch. Dist. No. 3. Southern Pines, N. • Texas 483, 1494 1985.. Violet Twp. S. D., O. .890, 1138 West Virginia 1070, 1930 N. Y 2422. 2640 Omaha, Neb . . 669, South 725, 1070 Wetaskiwin Sch. Dist. No. Yazoo-Delta Levee Dist., 1132. 1195. 1439. Texas Co. S. D. No. 3, Mo. 2473 Virginia 234, 1018 • 264, 614 Miss 130, 890, 1138 1930, 1989 2236 Thayer, Mo 725 Visalia Sch. Dist., Cal 2421 N. W. T River Falls, Minn., Wetumpka, Ala 239, 1019 Yellow Springs, 0..113S, 1388 . Thief . . 1018 St. Paul, Minn. . . South 1137, 1257, 1439, 1753 S. D. No. 63, Wharton Co. (see Aransas Yellowstone Co., Mont .239. south St. Paul S.^D.. Minn 3^ Wabaunsee Thomasville, Ga 2480 Kan 1019 Co.), Tex 483 1388. 1937 1499 Whatcom Co. S. D. No. 28, Yellowstone Co. S. D. No. Sharon, Pa 669,730 Three Rivers, Mich 1388 Vv^aconia, Minn 1075, South Wadesboro, 2639 Wash 1990 2. Mont 1258 Southwest Greensburg. Pa. Ticonderoga Un. Fr. Sch. N.C N. 1196, 1439 Wahoo, Neb 1499 Wheaton 111 670 Yonkers, N.Y 130. 182. (see Greensburg) 1930 No. 5, Y Tiffin, 181 Wake Co., N. C...al385, Whitaker Sch. Dist., Pa. . . 182 289, 614. 731, 890, Jf a ..... 2420 Ohio Spangler, Ore 489 1936, 2421 White Bear, Minn 1440 101&, 1197, 2481. 2640 Sparks b;.D. No. 29, Nev.. 1439 Tillamook, S.C..UbZ Tipton Co.. Tenn 725 Wakonda, S. Dak 731 White Co.. Ind 2363 Youngstown. Ohio . . 130. Spartanburg &• D^ White Co., Tenn el753 890, 1754, 2238 Tiverton, R. 1 2420 Walker, Minn. . 1075, 1275, 1499 Valley S. p., Cal . 613 Spencer Ohio 1499, 1874 Wallaceburg, Ont 1019 White Plains, N. Y 1440 Youngstown Sch. Dist., Spencer. N.C. 1195. al385. 1752 Tod Twp., Ohio.. 130, 181, Walla Walla, Wash 182 Whiteville, Tenn el753 Pa 1937, 2238 . . Toledo, Wash . . . ,•,-„-***" Spokane. Waller Co., Tex. (see Aran- Whitmire S. D No. 52, Yreka, Cal 489 Spokane ^c.^^Wa^sh^.^. 130, 238. 613. 730. 1018. 1075 1196. 1257. 1936. sas Co.) 483 S. C 1754, 1875. 1990 Cal.. . 1075, 1258. 7anesvlUe,'0.1132, 1382. 2422 .'. 2362. 2421 Walpole, N. H 1499 Whittier, . . 613 Spooner, Wis 1138 2421 1499. 1754. 1875 Sprin2daleS.D..C0l.„ ...2480 Toluca Sch. Dist.. Cal 2480 Waltham, Mass Kan.. 182. 613. Wapaneka, Ind. Ter 1196 Wiarton. Ont 1990 Sprlniincld. Ill 730 2638 Topeka, 1753 Ward Co., N. Dak... 670, Wichita Falls. Tex. .1075. 2422 aSee North Carolina, 1385. . 670, 889, 1137, Sprmgneld, Mass . . ._. 2.3§,^^^^ Torrence Co.. N. Mex 1753 1257, 2480, 2639 Wiggins. Miss 1990 eSee Tennessee, 1753.

COTTON. BREADSTUFFS. DRY GOODS—WEEK'S NEWS, TELEGRAPH AND CABLE. Page Page Page Page Consumption in Europe Cotton— New Orleans Option Flour. See "Breadstuffs" Breadstuffs, Agrlc. ^|P°^tf Cotton— -; "2470 721, 1129. 1743, 1982, 2468 Mar ket (weekly). (weekly). (weekly). Do New York Exchange. .721, Grain. See "Breadstuffs" Breadstuffs, British Prices, etc. Do Crop in Sight 1187 882, 1010, 1926, 2410, (weekly). (weekly). See "Mon. and Do East India Crop Do Egyptian Crop 882, 2411, 2631 Iron. See "Commercial Times" Com. English News," Movement. (weekly). Breadstuffs—Exports from Pac. 2411, 2631 Do Overland Do Egyptian Report by Cable Spinners' Takings, etc. Jute Butts, Bagging, etc. (week- Ports (weekly). ly). See "Cotton Report." Breadstuffs-Exports m.m U.^S,^^^^ (weekly). (weekly). Do Exports in Detail from Do Port Receipts and Daily Lard Market. See "Commercial Ports Crop Movement (weekly). Times" (weekly). Breadstuffs. Gov't Weekly Re- United States and Print Cloths Market Lead. See "Commercial Times" ports on.. 1380. 14.33. 1492. Do Exports of Yarns Do (joods from Great Brit- (weekly). See in "Dry (weekly). 1744 1868. 1928, 1983, 2230, Meats. See "Commercial Times" 2354. 2412, 2469. 2G32 ain 231, 882, 1187 Goods Market." S. at New York (weekly). Breadstuffs Market & Statistics Do Exports from U. Do Quotations . .482. 1012. 1492 (dally). Merchandise Stocks at N. Y. 125. 174, 232, 481, 60S, (;G3, 722, (monthly) Exports of Yarn from Quotations for Middling (monthly).. 604, 1007, 1375, 883. 1011. 1067. 1130. 1188, Do Do to 1129 York for 32 1863, 2349 1250 1379, 1432, 1491, 1744, India China at New Freight (weekly). (weekly). Metals. See "Com'l Times" 1868! VJ27. 1982. 2230. 2354, Do Rates Years 2412. 2469. 2632 Do Future Markets at New Do Quotations for Middling (weekly). Naval Stores. See "Commercial Butter. See "Commercial York. New Orleans and at Other Markets (weekly). Times" (weekly). Times" (weeltly). Liverpool (weekly). See "Commercial Do Gov't W^pekly Reports on Do Receipts Daily and Week- Oats Market (weekly). See Cheese. "Breadstuffs." Times" (weekly). 1378. 1431. 1490, 1742, ly at U. S. Ports. 1926. 1981. 2229, Petroleum. See "Commercial Coffee. See "Commercial 1867, Do Sale of Spot and Con- of Times" Times" (weekly). Do Height Rivers (wkly). tract at New York (weekly). Commercial Times.. 121. 170. Do India Receipts and Ship- (weekly). Petroleum Exports from U. S. (wkly by cable). (monthly) 482, 1492 227. 477. 604. 658. 718. 879, ments Do Shipboard Not Cleared Interior Movement Pork. 1007, 1063, 1125, 1183, 1246, Do Towns (weekly). See "Commercial Times" 1375, 1429, 1487. 1739, 1863, (weekly). Do Stocks at United States (weekly). 1022 1978, 2225, 2349, 2407, Do Liverpool Market (weekly). Ports (weekly). Provisions EJxports from U. S. 2464, 2627 Do Manch 3 iter Market (week- Do Visible Supply in World (monthly) 482. 1492 Com & Corn Meal. See "Bread- ly). (weekly). Provisions Market (weekly). See stuffs," Do Manufactures, Exports Do Weather Riports by Tele- "Commercial Times." Cotton—See also Editorial Articles. from U. S 173, 662. 1378 graph (weekly). .Sugar. See "Commercial Times" Do Agric. Reports on 23.53 Do Market and Statistics Dry Goods Market & Statistics (weekly). Do Census Bureau Reports (weekly). See "Com- (weekly) 126, 175, 2.'i3. 482, Tin. See "Commercial Times" on Ginning, etc.... 480, mercial Times." 609, 664, 723. 884, 1012, 1068, (weekly). » 607, 662, 1249 Do Memphis Exchange 231 11.31, 1189, 1251, 1.380, 1433, Tobacco. See "Commercial Do Consumption and Over- Do New England Mill Situ- 1493, 1745. 1869, 1928, 1984. Times" (weekly). land Movement. .. .124, ation 173, 231. 480. 2231. 2355, 2413, 2470. 2633 Wheat Market (weekly). See 1010, 1249. 2352 1186, 1743 Eggs. See "Commercial Times" Breadstuffs.