The availability of agricultural land for food crops, especially in , is rapidly declining every year. The availability of rice field or subak in , especially in District until 2040 is no longer existence of rice field, this means that Kuta has lost subak (traditional irrigation system in Bali). Food balance in Badung Regency in 2015 with indices of plantation (IP) and initial productivity in each sub-district showed a food deficit of 32,843.44 tons, then after increased IP 2,5 and productivity in Petang Subdistrict and Kuta 7 tons / ha, and Abiansemal, Mengwi and Kuta Utara sub-districts of 8 tons / ha indicate a surplus in 2020 and 2030 respectively of 25,155.19 tons, and 3,401.79 tons. But in 2040 and 2050 there was a food deficit of 18,434, 78 tons and 11,824.82 tons respectively. However, it is not easy to establish areas that can be reserved for agricultural expansion due to the complexity of the problems encountered in land governance. The pressure of development and population also demands easier access to land. In addition to land restoration efforts that degraded land expansion, through the expansion of other food areas. Literature Review

2.1 Food Balance in Badung Regency

Year Food balanceAbianse- in Badung RegencyKuta is calculated based on projection sof populationPetang malgrowth andMengwiprojectionUtara of Kutaland functionKuta Selatan in everyTotal sub-Informationdistrict. Modeling done by Trigunasih (2017) by increasing IP or crop index of 2.5 2015 196 -371,13 778,06 -8501,85 -11022,8 -13921,73 -32843,44 Defisit and productivity up to 7-8 tons hence resulted food balance data of

20202020 , 20306096,77, 204019533,37and 205030807,11 shown-151,62in Table-122861. -18844,49 25155,19 Surplus

2030 5908,62 17076,07 25437,36 -4803,49 -15296,9 -24919,87 3401,79 Surplus Table 1. 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050

2040 5679,73 14618,77 20067,5 -9454,57 -18161,6 -31184,64 -18434,78 Defisit

2050 5532,43 12161,47 14697,76 -14105,77 -21012,1 -37310,18 -11824,82 Defisit Metodology This research was conducted in Mengwi Subdistrict, Badung Regency. Mengwi sub-district consists of 20 villages, and the total area of rice field according to the Central Bureau of Statistics of 2016 covering 4366.03 ha and according to the results of digitization 2013 satellite digitization of 4302.04 ha. Tools


1. Quickbird Satellite Image of 2013 Badung District from Geospatial Information Agency 2. Thematic maps of Indonesia Earth Map of Scale 1: 20.000. Research Prosedurs 3.3.1 Preliminary studies Preliminary study is done through stages such as collecting and studying literature review from various sources. Collecting data used in research, identification of research area.

3.3.2 Interpretation of satellite images and the arrangement of the coordinate system Interpretation of orthoretification satellite images, compilation of reference coordinate system using Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection system, datum, word, geodetic system 1984 and 50 southern zone, development of raster and vector data.

3.3.3 Mapping and Measurement of Land Area Mapping is done with image interpretation and digitization on screen. Objects observed and mapped are vacant land / sleeping land, shrubs, swamps, moorlands and mixed gardens. After mapping the area is done wide measurement using GIS applications.

3.3.4 Calculation of Increasing Food Availability Calculate the addition of food availability starting from the calculation of the addition of land area in 2040. The area of land projection in 2040 added with the area of potential land mapping. From the new land area obtained the availability of food (Gabah Dry Harvest) is by multiplying the new land area with a maximum ip of 2.5 and maximum productivity of 8 tons / ha. Data of dry grain harvest is converted to dry grind mill multiplied by 0,86 and looking for Rice multiplied 0,63 Daily Power Off (THL) - Agricultural Extension Aid (TBPP) Deptan Banten. From the results of additional food availability reduced by the needs of residents in Mengwi District Year 2040, it will be seen the value of suplus or deficit. Then supply supply of food to scale badung district in 2040 to know the value of surplus or deficit. Result & Discussion The above mapping results indicate the potential land of mixed plantation area of 128.51 ha and open land / shrubs of 3.49 ha. Potential land in the form of dominant mixed garden was found in Sobangan Village (50.07 ha), Gulingan Village (22.5 ha), and Sembung Village (11.97 ha) while potential land in the form of open-bush land was found in the Village Munggu (1.27 ha), Kapal Village (1.3 ha) and Desa Baha (0.92 ha)

Table 2. Projection Data of Population of Sub-District in Badung Regency in 2020, 2040 and 2050

No. Popul Population Total Population (Soul)** Districts ation *) Densitiy 2 Growt (Soul/km ) 2015 2020 2030 2040 2050 h Area Rate (km2)

1 Petang 115, 0,6 226,97 26.100 29.953 31.611 33.628 35.590 00

2 Abiansemal 69,0 2,2 412,85 90.600 98.809 116.62 134.445 152.265 1 7

3 Mengwi 82,0 3,14 1562,20 128.10 142.09 175.71 209.345 242.970 0 0 4 9

4 Kuta Utara 33,8 3,3 3.358,10 119.80 136.91 172.66 208.407 244.153 6 0 6 2

5 Kuta 17,5 2,8 5.576,48 97.700 109.80 134.92 160.042 185.161 2 5 3

6 Kuta Selatan 101, 4,42 11.142,09 122.68 16606 21959 274803 328782 13 0 0 7

Description: *) = Badger BPS 2015 Data [5] **) = Calculations in Trigunasih (2017) Table 3. Projection Data of Rice Field Change in Badung Regency

An Area Rate Paddy Field Area (ha) No. Districts (ha) of Land Fuction(ha/t 2015* 2020** 2030** 2040** 2050** h)

1 Petang 11.500 0 1.173,0 1173,00 1173,00 1173,00 117300 0

2 Abiansemal 6.901 4,033 2.868,6 2848,51 2808,18 2767,85 2727,52 7

3 Mengwi 8.200 14,40 4.420,0 4348,05 4204,08 4060,11 3916,14 3

4 Kuta Utara 3.386 5,51 1.452,9 1425,35 1370.25 1315,15 1260,05 0

5 Kuta 1.752 1,7 27,00 18,50 1,50 0 0

6 Kuta Selatan 10.113 0 0 0 0 0 0

Description: *) = Badger BPS 2015 Data [3] **) = Calculations in Trigunasih (2017) 50000 From the result of the addition of potential 45000 land that can be converted as wetland (132 ha) then 40000 calculated the addition of food availability that is: 35000

30000 Availability of new food in 2040 - availability of old 25000 food year 2040 = 45425.7 tons - 43823.97 tons = 20000 1601.73 tons. 15000

10000 With the extensification of agriculture in 5000

0 District Mengwi can increase the availability of food 2020 2030 2040 2050 Jumlah Penduduk x for 1601.73 so Mengwi District can supply food 14209.4 17571.9 20934.5 24297 10 Kebutuhan Pangan availability for other districts in Badung regency of 16124.83 19940.59 23756.47 27572.24 (ton) the year. But for the entire Badung regency in 2040 Luas Lahan (ha) 4348.05 4204.08 4060.11 3916.14 Ketersediaan 46931.94 45377.95 43823.97 42269.99 still need food supplies from other regions to meet Pangan (ton) the needs of food. Conclusions

1. Mapping of potential land that can be converted to agricultural land of food crops obtained by 132 ha consists of 128.51 ha of mixed garden and 3.49 ha of open land / shrubs. 2. From the results of additional land produced 1601.73 tons of rice that supplies food availability in Kecamatan Mengwi to 45425.7 tons. With the addition of surplus in 2040 in Mengwi sub-district amounted to 21669.23 tons but did not cover the food deficit in Badung regency in 2040. 1. Agricultural extensification potential can be done in other sub-districts in Badung Regency such as Abiansemal and Sub-districts. 2. Potential mapped potentials may be further adjusted to the Spatial Plans of Badung Regency Year 2013-2033, in particular additional lands in accordance with the zoning / designation of the agricultural crops area. TERIMA KASIH