Yaesu FT -650 Transceiver THERADIOMAGAZINE for HF & 50Mhz
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Reviewed This Month Yaesu FT -650 Transceiver THERADIOMAGAZINE For HF & 50MHz S ".. S n n Li 'c INSIDE THIS L J U. u IMAM"livfP F T - 650 V. Al, MOM ISSUE NINO SIM MI6 - MOM PP AMP N AGCF BIT S NM low uso NM gstOrt .""" uS PROC CAM New Digital 11111 C M AM Product A Frequency Sensitive AND ate CB High &?toil PacketPar;orlini ewsde k '91 mp tition Corner 114./ adio Diary nd Lots More! PRIL 1991 1.60 ISSN 0141-0857 04 Build 0 A 3.5MHz I Valved CW 977041185006 itter- eiv ; OUR COMPLETE LINE OF PORTABLE OWER TOOLS. When you're talking Yaesu handhelds, power takes on many meanings. Like maximum RF output. Sophisticated microprocessor control. Deceptively simple operation. Even cost savings-as most accessories are interchangeable throughout the line. Added up, it's no wonder amateurs choose Yaesu HTs more than any others. FT -470. DUAL -BAND OPERATION PERFECTED. 2 metre and 430-440 MHz 42 memories. Simultaneous receive of both bands. Dual VFOs each band. Paging feature. DTMF autodialer (10 memories, 15 digits each). Auto repeater shift. Scanning features. Auto power -off. Battery saver. Audible command verification. Keypad and rotary -dial frequency entry. Battery packs available from 2.3 to 5 watts. More. FT -411 SERIES. MAXIMUM SINGLEBAND PERFORMANCE. 2 metre FT -411 and 430 MHz FT -811. 49 memories. Dual VFOs DTMF autodialer (10 memories, 15 digits each). Auto repeater shift. Scanning features. Auto power -off. Battery saver. Audible command verification. Key -pad and rotary -dial frequency entry. Many battery packs available, from 2.3 to 5 watts. More. FT -23R SERIES. SMALL, SMART, RUGGED. 2 metre FT -23R, and 430 MHz FT -73R. 10 memories (7 store odd splits). Memory scan at 2 frequencies per second. High/low power switch. LCD power output and "S" -meter display. Auto -battery saver. Alluminium-alloy case. Water-resistant seals. Many battery packs available, from 2 to 5 watts. More. Want more information? Call (0703) 255111 Or call into your local authorised Yaesu dealer and ask about the FT -470, FT -411 and FT -23R Series handhelds. The power in handheld performance. South Midlands Communications Ltd, S M House, School Close, Chandlers Ford Industrial Estate, Eastleigh, Hampshire, S05 3BY. Telephone (0703) 255111, Fax (0703) 263507, Telex 477351 SMCOMMG.YAE SU Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Contents Apri11991 APRIL 1991 19 A Valved Transceiver For (ON SALE MARCH 14) 3.5MHz VOL. 67 John Keeley G6RAV NO. 4 ISSUE 1009 25 PW Review Yaesu FT -650 24, 28 & 50MHz NEXT ISSUE (MAY) All Mode Transceiver ON SALE APRIL 11 Rob Mannion G3XFD and Tex Swann G1TEX EDITORIAL & ADVERTISEMENT OFFICES 30 Pulsed System Receivers - Practical Wireless Using The Frequency Sensitive Enefco House AND Gate The Quay 19 Gerald Stancy G3MCK Poole Dorset BH15 1PP rr Poole (0202) 678558 32 High Impedance Oscilloscope (Out -of -hours service by Probe answering machine) Steve Farrow G8IWY CREDIT CARD ORDERS (0202) 665524 35 The Oscilloscope In Your (Out -of -hours service by Workshop answering machine) Fred Judd G2BCX FAX Poole (0202) 666244 40 Reflections Editor 32 Rob Mannion G3XFD Ron Ham Art Editor Steve Hunt 43 PW Review CAP.Co Remote Technical Projects Sub -Editor Antenna Switching Unit NG (*Tex") Swann G1TEX Mike Richards G4WNC Technical Artist/ Photography 46 A Six Element Experimental Rob Mackie HB9CV Production Sharon George Tony Martin G4XBY Editorial Assistant Donna Vincent 47 Mathematics For The Radio Administration Manager Amateurs' Examination Kathy Moore Accounts Manager Ray Fautley G3ASG Alan Burgess Accounts Assistant 49 CB High & Low Darren Howe Quaynotes Clerical Assistant 43 Rachel Parkes 50 Packet Panorama Advertisement Manager Regular Features Roger Cook G3LDI Roger Hall G4TNT PO Box 948 71 Advert Index 53 Getting Started - The London SW6 2DS 68 Book Service Practical Way it 071-731 6222 13 Competition Corner Rev. George Dobbs G3RJV Cellphone 0860 511382 11 Keylines FAX 071-384 1031 14 Newsdesk '91 66 Radio Diary 57 Bargain Basement Advert Copy and Readers' Ads Make-up (Poole Office) 11 Receiving You Marcia Brogan 13 Services fr Poole (0202) 676033 67 Subscribers' Club SATELLITE SCENE HAS BEEN FAX Poole (0202) 666244 66 Wireless -Line HELD -OVER THIS MONTH COPYIUGHTiZ PW PUBLISHING LTD 1991. Copyright in all drawings. photographs and enicles published in Practical Wireless is hilly protected and reproduction or imitation in wholeor part is expressly forbidden Wl reasonaWe preceuuons ere takes by Practical Wireless to ensure thet the advice and data given to our readers era reliable. We cannot however guarantee rt and we cannot accept legal responsibilityfor it. Prices ere those current es we go to press. PUBUSNED on the second Thursday of each month by PW Publishing Ltd., Enelco House, The Quay. Poole. Dorset 814151PP. Printed in England by Blackmore Press,Shaftesbury, Dorset. TO 074793034 Distributed by Seymour. Winsor House, 1270 London Road. Norbury. London SW16 aDH, Tel 081-6791899, Fax. 081-679 8907, Teter 8812945. Sole Agents for Australia and New Zealand - Gordon end Gotch IAael Ltd.; South Africa - Central News Agency Ltd. Subscriptions INLAND EIS CO, EUROPE 01, OVERSEAS Iby ASPIE22. payable to PRACTICAL WIRELESS, Subscription Deparbnent. PW Publishing Ltd., Eneko House. The Quay. Poole. Dorset 8/115 1PP. PRACTICAL WIRELESS is sold subject to thefollowing conditions, namely that it shall not. without Pro written consent of the publishers brat heving been given, be lent, re -sold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of bade al more than therecommended selling price shown on the cover, end that C shall not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of in a maimed condition or in any unauthorised cover by way of Trade. or affixed to or as part of any publication or itch/erasing, !notary or pictorial maserWhalSOOYOf Practical Wireless, April 1991 1 0 ICOM IC-2SE, SIMPLE OR MULTI -FUNCTION VERSION 144 MHz FM TRANSCEIVER NOW AVA Icom's tradition of building high quality, reliable handhelds continues with the IC-2SE CILABLEE, an incredibly compact handheld designed with features thai exceed larger, bulky handhelds. The IC-2SE proves that superior quality comes in all sizes. Slim and unbelievably compact. The IC-2SE measures only 49(W) x 103.5(H) x 33(D)* mm with the BP -82 Battery Actual Size Pock. Hold the IC-2SE in your hand to truly appreciate its miniature size. Weighing just 270gt with the BP -82, the IC-2SE will easily fit anywhere - on belts in shirt pockets, handbags, etc. '1.9(W) x 4(H) x 1.3(D) in. t 9.5 oz. Simple design for operating convenience. Even with its tremendous versatility and a wide variety of functions, the IC-2SE is easy to use. All functions are performed by a total of just six switches and three controls. The IC2SE includes both simple and multi -function modes. The result is two transceivers in one: both an easy -operation and multi -function transceiver. Simple mode ensures totally error -free operations. Multi -function mode allows you a variety of function settings depending on your operating requirements. Other advanced features: Reduced size doesn't have to mean reduced quality. The IC-2SE proves this with a wide variety of advanced functions. Tuning control on the top panel for quick QSYing. Monitor function that allows checking of the input frequency of a repeater. Function display that clearly shows all information required for operations. Splash resistant design and durable aluminum die-cast rear panel for dependable outdoor operations. Options DA -11, Deno. Cap. Protective cop for terminals NM -46, Sposicer/Mierepheme. on the bose of the IC-2SE. Combination speaker and microphone equipped Denary peeks and case. with on earphone jock. Clips to your shirt or lapel. BP -81 7.2V, 110mAh NS -51, WNW:sof. Headset with VOX function BP -82 7.2V, 300mAh thot allows you hands -free operation. BP -83 7.2V, 600mAh BP -84 7.2V, 1000mAh Carrying Cases. BP -85 12V, 340mAh Carrying Case Battery Packs, BP -86 Case for six R6 (AA) size batteries Battery Case Ilt-721, AC Denary Charger. LC -53 BP -81 Desk top charger for the BP -81- BP -85. LC -55 BP -81, BP -83 or BP -86 CP-12, Cigarette lighter sable with noise LC -56 BP -84 or BP -85 filter. Allows you to use the IC-2SE through o MA -30, Meenting Dresicet. 12V cigarette lighter socket. Also chorges the Mounts the IC-2SE in a vehicle or on a wall. 8P-81 - BP -85. OPC-235, Mini DC Power Cable. PA-140,11,144MIlz nasals antenna. For use with o 13.8 V DC power supply Flexible ontenna for 144MHz bond operation Same type supplied with the IC-2SE. Datapost: Despatch on same day whenever possible. Visa & Mastercards: Telephone orders taken by our mail order dept. instant credit & interest free H.P. Countonus! THE COMPACT HANDHELD WITH A SPLiT PERSONALITY S Watt Output Power. Power Saver for longer operating Convenient Scan Functions. Utilizing a specially designed ultra -small time. The IC-2SE is equipped with VFO and highly efficient power module, the IC-2SE The power saver ensures lower current memory scan. delivers a full 5 W" of output power. Bring flow during standby conditions. Operating VFO Scan. VFO Scan repeatedly scans those distant repeaters into range. times are much longer than with older, all VFO frequencies. In addition, unnecessary " At 13.8V DC more conventional transceivers. frequencies can be skipped. 48 Memory Channels. Built-in Clock with timer functions. Memory Scan. Memory scan repeatedly scans memory channels. The IC-2SE has 48 fully -programmable The IC-2SE is equipped with an advanced memory channels and one coil channel.