Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03117-2 - Literary Appropriations of the Anglo-Saxons from the Thirteenth to the Twentieth Century Edited by Donald Scragg and Carole Weinberg Index More information

Index of Anglo-Saxons mentioned in the text

Names pre®xed by an asterisk are non-historical ®gures

Acha, daughter of álle, 75, 81 áthelwold, earl of East Anglia, 10 Alban, St, 72 áthelwold, of Winchester, 62, 69 Alcuin of , 220 áthelwulf, king of , 47 , 68±9 , king of the English, 3, 4, 6, , 3±4, 14, 67, 74, 78, 80±2, 85, 88, 8±9, 11±17, 20±1, 34, 37, 40, 42, 46±55, 112±13, 118, 194, 217, 220, 224 97n, 138±49, 152±6, 173, 194, 216±17, , St, 68 219, 221, 224, 232±3 Boniface, 220 Alfred, son of King áthelred, 7, 97 Botolf, St, 220 *Alfric, 104 Byrhtnoth, ealdorman of Essex, 125 Alla, Alle, see álle *Byrhtwold, 180 Alphege, St, 61±3 Anna, king of East Anglia, 86 Canute, Canutus, see Cnut *Artesia, 109 *Cedric, 160, 218 *Askeberd, 63±4 Cerdic, king of Wessex, 219 Athelstan, king of England, 3, 5, 17, 18, 20, Cnut, king of England, 3±4, 18, 50, 97±105, 61±2, 95, 189, 192, 216, 218 197 Audrey, see áthelthrith Coenwulf, king of , 63 Coleman, chaplain to Wulfstan of Worcester, ábbe (abbess of Coldingham), 75 24±5 álf¯ñd, abbess of Whitby, 75 , St, 54±5, 72, 220 álfgifu, wife to King Eadwig, 18±19, 128, Cynewulf, king of Wessex, 68 130±2, 136 álfric, king of , 29, 31 , archbishop of , 19, 51±2, álfricthe homilist, 63, 79, 81, 86, 109n, 110n, 62, 69±70, 127±8, 130±2, 136, 220 220n álfthryth, wife of King Edgar, 10, 17 Eadburga, St, 59n álle, king of , 74±5, 78±89, 90n , king of England, 3 áthelberht, king of Kent, 2, 68n, 220n Eadwig, king of England, 3, 18±20, 55, 128, áthelburg, wife of King Edwin, 75 130±2, 136 átheldreda, St, 59n Ean¯ñd, abbess of Whitby, 75 áthel¯ñd, 'Lady of the Mercians', 196 Eanfrith, king of Northumbria, 75 áthelfrith, king of Northumbria, 75, 81 Ebbe, abbess, 7 áthelred the Unready, king of England, 3±4, 7, Ecgbert, king of Wessex, 68, 216 10, 50±2, 55, 62, 69±71, 97, 102, 216 Ecgfrith, son of , 75 áthelric, king of Northumbria, 75 Edgar, king of England, 3, 10, 14, 17±18, 20, áthelthrith, abbess of Ely, 75, 86 49, 54, 70, 95, 128, 130, 216


© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03117-2 - Literary Appropriations of the Anglo-Saxons from the Thirteenth to the Twentieth Century Edited by Donald Scragg and Carole Weinberg Index More information

Index of Anglo-Saxons mentioned in the text

Edgar the atheling, grandson of Edmund Horsa, brother of Hengest, 108, 113, 162 Ironside, 51, 53, 171 Edith, daughter of Godwine and wife of Edward Ine, king of Wessex, 69 the Confessor, 126, 133, 136 *Ivanhoe, 160 Edith, St, 71 Editha, see Edith, daughter of Godwine Kenelm, St, 60, 63±4, 66, 69, 72 Edmund, king of England, 3, 189, 192 *Kenten, traditionally the father of Aldhelm, 69 Edmund, St, king of East Anglia, 7, 61, 63±4, Kenulf, see Coenwulf 68, 220 Edmund Ironside, king of England, 3±4, 7, Leofric, earl of Mercia, 4, 16, 98, 104±5, 17±18, 20, 51, 53, 97±8, 100±6, 216 196±201, 203±4, 206±7, 212 Edric Streona (Edricus), ealdorman of Mercia, *Leofric, 98, 104±5 97±9, 101±5 *Leofwin, 182 , king of England, 4±5, *Lodowicke, 134 7, 14, 47±8, 50, 53±4, 57±8, 64, 66, 97, 126, 133±7, 140, 167±8, 197, 216, 219, Merewalh (Mñrwal), son of Penda, 30 231 Mildburg, St, 30 Edward the Elder, king of the English, 3, 189, Mildthryth (Mildred), St, 59n 192, 216 , king of England, 10, 51±2, Oda, archbishop of Canterbury, 61 69±71 Offa, king of Mercia, 17, 216 Edwin, king of Northumbria, 2, 14, 30±1, 75, *Oliver the Weaver, 115 81, 82n, 84±6, 88±9, 216 *Orgar, 17 *Edwin, 12, 18 Osric, son of King Oswiu of Northumbria, Edwy, Edwin, see Eadwig perhaps confused with an earlier king of Elfrida, see álfthryth Deira, 31 Elgiva, see álfgifu Oswald, St, king of Northumbria, 2, 29±31, 71, *Elsintha, 14 75, 81, 86, 216 Emma, wife of áthelred and Canute, 97, 126, Oswald II, bishop of Worcester, 37, 61±2, 69 136±7, 196±7 Oswiu (Oswy), king of Northumbria, 30±1, 75 Eormengilda (Eormenhild), daughter of King Erconberht, 88 Penda, king of Mercia, 29±30, 81, 83, 86, 216 Erconberht, king of Kent, 88 Etheldreda, see áthelthrith Rñdwald, king of East Anglia, 81 Ethelred, see áthelred *Rouwenne (Renwein, Ronix, Roxena, Rowena), Ethelwold, see áthelwold daughter of Hengest, 32, 108, 112, 117±20

Felogild, archbishop of Canterbury, 87 *Sigbert, 153n Sigeberht, king of the East Angles, 7 Godgifu (Godiva), 4, 16, 194±214 Siward, earl of Northumbria, 4, 197 Godwine (Goodwin), earl of Wessex, 4, 8, 95, , St, 68, 220 126±7, 133±6, 197 *Symon, Mayor of Queenborough, 114±16, Guthlac, St, 220 120±1

Harold I, king of England, 50 Thorold of Bucknall, 196 Harold II (Godwineson), king of England, 4, 7, *Tor®da, 172 16, 20, 50±1, 64, 65, 133±5, 137, 168, 182, Tostig, son of Earl Godwine, 133±4, 137 216, 233 Harthacnut, king of England, 50, 95 Werburg, St, 88 Hengest, 26, 108, 110±20, 162 , St, 220 Hereric, son of álle, 75 Willibrord, 220 *Hereward, 161, 170, 171 Wulfhere, king of Mercia, 88 *Hermingild, 88±90 Wulfstan II, bishop of Winchester, 23±4, 36±7, *Hersus, 116, 118±9 61, 64±6, 71, 220 Hild, abbess of Whitby, 75 Wynfrith, see Boniface


© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03117-2 - Literary Appropriations of the Anglo-Saxons from the Thirteenth to the Twentieth Century Edited by Donald Scragg and Carole Weinberg Index More information

Index of authors and works cited

Ailred of Rievaulx, Historia regum Anglorum, Burges, Sir James Bland, Alfred's Letters 143n, 48±9 Richard the First, 145±6 Alfred the Great: Deliverer of his Country,11 Burke, Edmund, 123±4 Alfred, king of the English, translation of Burney, Frances, Brief Re¯ections Relative to the Gregory's Cura pastoralis,4,42 Emigrant French Clergy 127 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 4±5, 37±8, 47, 78, Camilla 131±2 81, 82, 85, 87, 112, 113, 114, 123, 174, Cecilia 131±2 196, 197, 226; see also Peterborough Edwy and Elgiva 18±19, 122, 124±32, Chronicle 136±7 Anti-Jacobin; or, Weekly Examiner, 147n Elberta 129 Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine, 139, 148n, Evelina 129 150, 151 Hubert de Vere 129 Athelston,6 The Siege of Pevensey 129 The Wanderer 132 álfric, Homily on St Gregory, 79, 86 Byron, George Gordon, Lord, Cain, a Mystery, Life of St Edmund,63 146n Life of St Oswald,81 Cambridge Intelligencer, 141n Bale, John, King John,8,94 Camden, William, Britannia, 2, 109 Bates, Brian, The Way of Wyrd, 219 Canaway, W. H., The Ring-Givers, 219 Battle of Brunanburh, 5, 17, 179±81, 183±4; see Carleton, Thomas, Fatum Vortigerni, 117 also Tennyson, Alfred, Lord Carlyle, Thomas, On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Battle of Maldon, 180, 183 Heroic in History, 230 Bede, Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum,3,4, Cervantes, Miguel de, Don Quixote, 158 14, 67, 78, 80±1, 82, 85, 88, 112, 113, 118 Chatterton, Thomas, 126, Goddwyn ... bye Beowulf, 123, 176±7, 179, 180, 183, 184, 186, Thomas Rowleie 135 195, 219, 226, 234 Chaucer, Geoffrey, Canterbury Tales, Man of Bicknell, Alexander, The Patriot King or Alfred Law's Tale, 7, 74±6, 79, 89±92, Clerk's and Elvida,11 Tale, 92, Franklin's Tale, 200±1 Blackmore, Sir Richard, Alfred, 13, 140±1 House of Fame, 195 Brewer, Anthony, The Lovesick King, 95, 97n Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 152, 157, The British Critic, 139 Watchman, 142 Brown, Dr John, Athelstan,17±18 Contemporary Review, 174 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 232, Eugene Aram, 165 Cottle, Joseph, Alfred, 138±41, 142n, 146, Harold: the Last of the Saxon Kings, 166±9, 149n, 151±6 178, 182, 218 Messiah: a poem, 152n Rienzi: the Last of the Roman Tribunes, 166 The Fall of Cumbria, 152n The Last Days of Pompeii, 166 War A Fragment, 153 The Last of the Barons, 166±7 Coventry Corpus Christi Plays, 210±11


© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03117-2 - Literary Appropriations of the Anglo-Saxons from the Thirteenth to the Twentieth Century Edited by Donald Scragg and Carole Weinberg Index More information

Index of authors and works cited

Crichton, Michael, Eaters of the Dead, 219 Guest, Edwin, The Brunanburh War-Song, 185 Critical Review, 146, 150 Guy of Warwick,5n Cumberland, Richard, The Battle of Hastings, 11±12, 20 Haggard, Rider, Allan Quartermain, 231 King Solomon's Mines, 231±2 Daniel, Samuel, Historie of England, 109 Harrison, William, Description of England, 109 Darley, George, Ethelston or The Battle of Hawes, Stephen, The Example of Virtue,7 Brunanburh, 17, 18 Hayley, William, Essay on Epic Poetry, 145 Dekker, Thomas, Old Fortunatus,95 Henry of Huntingdon, Historia Anglorum,41 The Welsh Ambassador,95 Henryson, Robert, Orpheus and Eurydice,86±7 Deloney, Thomas, Coventry made free by Godina, Henty, G. A., Wulf the Saxon: a Story of the countess of Chester, 200n Norman Conquest, 233±4 Deor, 179 Higden, Raynulph, Polychronicon, 113, 199 de Redcliffe, Viscount Stratford, Alfred the Great Hill, Aaron, Elfrid or the Fair Inconstant at Athelney, 15, 16 (Athelwold), 10, 18 Disraeli, Benjamin, Coningsby, 163±5 Hill, Geoffrey, Mercian Hymns, 235 Endymion, 163 Holinshed, Raphael, Chronicles, 97±8, 105, 110, Sybil, 164 113, 117, 199 Tancred: or, The New Crusade, 163, 164 Holmes, Robert, Alfred, an Ode,13 Drayton, Michael, Poly-Olbion, 109±10, 112 Home, John, Alfred, 11, 141n Dugdale, William, 199, Antiquities of Hughes, Thomas, Alfred the Great,16±17 Warwickshire, 201n, 210 Tom Brown's School Days,16±17 Duggan, Alfred, Conscience of the King, 219 Hughes, Thomas, The Misfortunes of Arthur,95 The Cunning of the Dove, 219 Hume, David, 124, 126 The King of Athelney, 219 Hunt, Leigh, Godiva, 209

Edgeworth, Maria, Leonora, 124 Ingersol, Charles Jared, Edwy and Elgiva,18±19 Review, 230 Edmund Ironside, 8, 95±106, 111n Jeffrey, George, Edwin, a Tragedy,18 Edward III,95 John of Wallingford, Chronicle, 82n Elstob, Elizabeth, The Rudiments of Grammar for the English-Saxon Tongue 125 ,95 EmareÂ,76 Kingsley, Charles, 231, Hereward the Wake, 169±72, 218, 219 Fabyan, Chronicle, 110, 115 Knack to Know a Knave,95 Faucit, Mrs J. S., Alfred the Great,15 Knight, Richard Payne, Alfred, 14, 146n Fight at Finnsburg, 183 Knowles, James Sheridan, Alfred the Great or The Foxe, John, The Acts and Monuments, 118±19 Patriot King,15 Friendly Rivals 11 Lady's Magazine, 130 Gaimar, L'estoire des engleis, 82n Lady's Monthly Museum, 130 Gardner, John, Grendel, 219 Lambarde, William, Perambulation of Kent, 109, Gaskell, Elizabeth, North and South, 162, 165 114±15 Gentleman's Magazine, 139, 140n LaZamon, Brut, 6, 14±15, 22±38, 40, 81 , Historia regum Britannie, Letters of the Ghost of Alfred, 142±3 14, 22n, 23n, 27n, 76, 77n, 80, 107±8, Liber Eliensis, 82n 110, 111, 112±13, 117 London Magazine,12 Gildas, De excidio Brittonum, 39, 112, 118 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 179±80, Giraldus Cambriensis, Opera,83±4 translation of The Battle of Brunanburh, 180 Gorbaduc, 116 Lydgate, John, The Fall of Princes,7 Gower, John, Confessio Amantis, 7, 74±6, 89±92 Lyly, John, Campaspe,94 Grafton, Richard, A Chronicle at Large, 102, 201 Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks,79 Mallet, David, Alfred, 11, 147 Gregory the Great, 14, 78±9, Cura pastoralis,4, Manning of Brunne, Robert, Metrical Chronicle, 42n 82


© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03117-2 - Literary Appropriations of the Anglo-Saxons from the Thirteenth to the Twentieth Century Edited by Donald Scragg and Carole Weinberg Index More information

Index of authors and works cited

Marlowe, Christopher, The Massacre at Paris,94 Poetical Register, 145 Marston, A. E., Domesday Books,21 Polwhele, Richard, The Unsex'd Females, 133 Mason, William, 14, Caractacus,10 Ponet, John, A Short Treatise of Politike Power, Elfrida, 10, 14, 17 118±19 Maxwell, James, On the French Revolution: a Moral Powell, Robert, A Treatise of the Antiquity, Essay 127, 131, 134 Authority, Uses and Jurisdiction of the Ancient Metrical Chronicle of `Robert of Gloucester',6±7, Courts of Leet, 15, 140 39±56, 82 The Life of Alfred,15 Middleton, Thomas, A Game at Chess,93 Preston, Thomas, Cambises, 102 Hengist, King of Kent, 8, 95, 107±21, 120 Proverbs of Alured,6,37 The Peace-maker, 116 Pye, Henry James, Alfred, 138±41, 142n, The Phoenix, 119 145±52, 154, 155±6 The Revenger's Tragedy, 119 Naucratia; or Naval Domination. A Poem, 147 The Second Maiden's Tragedy, 120 The War Elegies of Tyrtaeus, Imitated, 146±7 Women Beware Women, 119n Millay, Edna St Vincent, The King's Henchman, Ralegh, Sir Walter, History of the World,93±4 10±11 Rathbone, Julian, The Last English King,21 Milton, John, 8±9, 19±20, 142, 149, Comus,8 Ravenscroft, Edward, King Edgar and Alfreda,9 History of Britain,9,17 Rhodes, Ebenezer, Alfred, an Historical Tragedy, Paradise Lost,9 11±12, 141n Mirror for Magistrates,7±8,12 Rives, AmeÂlie, Athelwold,10±11 Monthly Magazine, 155n Roger of Howden, Chronica magistri, 49n, 197 Monthly Mirror, 155n Roger of Wendover, Flores historiarum, 197±9 Monthly Review, 155n Roman de Waldef, 34n More, Hannah, Village Politics.Addressed to all the Rowley, William, Birth of , 95, 108±9 Mechanics, Journeymen, and Day Labourers, in Rymer, Thomas, Edgar, or the English Monarch, Great Britain, by Will Chip, a Country 10 Carpenter, 133 Muntz, Hope, The Golden Warrior: the Story of Scott, Sir Walter, 178, Count Robert of Paris, 161 Harold and William, 219 Ivanhoe, 157±63, 165, 173, 218, 219 The Betrothed, 159±61 Nashe, Thomas, The Isle of Dogs,93 The Pirate, 218 Nennius, , 111 The Talisman, 160 Waverley, 157, 160, 162, 173 Ogilvie, John, Britannia: a National Epic Poem in Shakespeare, William, 94, , 116 Twenty Books, 145 2 Henry VI, 105 O'Keeffe, John, Alfred or The Magic Banner, 15, 3 Henry VI, 105 16 King John, 105, 123 Peeping Tom of Coventry,16 King Lear, 116, 123, 126, 128 Osbern, Life of St Dunstan,51±2 Macbeth, 95n, 116, 126 Oswald, Peter, Augustine's Oak, 21n Pericles, 113±14 Richard II, 105 Paine, Thomas, 123±4 Simeon of Durham, Monarchi Opera Omnia, 49n Paris, Matthew, Chronica Majora, 82n, 83±4, Sketch of Alfred the Great; or, the Danish Invasion, 197±9 a Ballet, 141n Peele, George, David and Bethsabe,94 Smith, Charlotte, 133 Edward I,95 Smith, William Henry, Athelwold,10 Penn, John, The Battle of Edington or British Snorri Sturluson, Prose Edda, 223 Liberty,11±12 South English Legendary, 6±7, 58±73, 83 Percy, Thomas, Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, Southey, Robert, Joan of Arc, 149n, 151±2 200±1 The Lives and Works of the Uneducated Poets, Northern Antiquities, 123 156n Peterborough Chronicle,40 Speed, John, History of Great Britaine, 109 Pocock, Isaac, Alfred the Great or The Enchanted Sympson, Joseph, Science Revived or The Vision of Standard,16 Alfred,13


© Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-03117-2 - Literary Appropriations of the Anglo-Saxons from the Thirteenth to the Twentieth Century Edited by Donald Scragg and Carole Weinberg Index More information

Index of authors and works cited

Tamar Cham,94 Twain, Mark, Life on the Mississippi, 158 Taylor, Henry, Edwin the Fair, 18±19, 20 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, Charge of the Light Verstegan, Richard, A Restitution of Decayed Brigade, 187 Intelligence in Antiquities, 109±10 Godiva, 203±4, 208±9 Vision of Leofric, 197 Harold, 178±9, 180, 181±3 Idylls of the King, 162 Wace, Le , 14, 22, 26, 27, 28, In Memoriam A. H. H., 177 30±1, 33, 34 Merlin and the Gleam, 188 Warwick, Thomas, Edwy,18±19 The Battle of Brunanburh, 17, 174±6, 178n, West, Jane, Edmund surnamed Ironside, 17, 18 183±93 Whalley, Revd Thomas Sedwick, Edwy and The Revenge, 178 Edilda,18±19 Ulysses, 186 Widsith, 179 Thackeray, William Makepeace, Rebecca and William of Malmesbury, Gesta ponti®cum, 196, Rowena, 158 197 Thelwall, John, Specimens of the Hope of Albion; or, Gesta regum Anglorum, 48, 49n, 81±2, 113, Edwin of Northumbria, 145, 146 Wollstonecraft, Mary, 133, Maria, or, The Thomson, James, Alfred, 11±12, 147 Wrongs of Woman, 124 Liberty, 12, 15 Wordsworth, William, 152, Ecclesiastical Sonnets Rule, Britannia, 16, 147 (Ecclesiastical Sketches),13±14 Tolkien, J. R. R., The Lord of the Rings, 234±5 Trevet, Nicholas, Chroniques,7,76±92 Yearsley, Ann, 132, An Elegy on Marie Antoinette, Trollope, Anthony, Barchester Towers, 162 135 Tupper, Martin F., Alfred, A Patriotic Play, 15, Earl Goodwin, 122, 124±7, 133±7 16 Poems on Various Subjects, 135 Turner, Sharon, 10, 163, 180, History of the Re¯ections on the Death of Louis XVI, 135, Anglo-Saxons, 14, 19, 123, 144, 179, 226 The Royal Captive, 133


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