Leadership Change at

Singapore, 02 February 2016 – After more than 15 years of stellar service leading General (CGH) and the Eastern Health Alliance (EH Alliance), Mr TK Udairam will be stepping down as Group CEO of EH Alliance from 6 Apr 2016. The EH Alliance Board of Directors will be working with Ministry of Health to commence a search for a suitable successor. Pending the appointment of a new Group CEO, Dr Lee Chien Earn, CEO CGH will be appointed Acting Group CEO, EH Alliance.

Mr Udairam was CEO of CGH from 1 February 2000 to 1 May 2012. Under his leadership, CGH grew to become a leading healthcare institution with more than twenty medical specialties and several medical centres of excellence. His focus on improving efficiency and workflows in CGH is backed by his belief in staying close to the ground. Mr Udairam often visits care delivery teams at their work stations to observe and understand the challenges faced by the ground staff and garner feedback and resources to help drive improvements in the delivery of care.

As the first Group CEO of EH Alliance since 2011, he has led the development of the regional health system in the eastern part of . He played a pivotal role in developing a unique collaborative model involving the staff, public and private sectors to meet the needs of the population in the east. He was instrumental in convening, guiding and driving the EH Alliance from its conception to inception to growing it to what it is today. Mr Udairam has built a wide and diverse network of stakeholders and partners to bring to life the concept of a working regional health system.

A dedicated veteran in healthcare spanning over forty years of service, he has made vital contributions to the development of healthcare policies and public healthcare services. He was a member of the Medisave Planning Team in 1980 that developed the key pillar of our healthcare financing system. He also played a key role in the computerisation of government in the late 1980s. Prior to CGH, Mr Udairam held leadership positions in , , Singapore General Hospital and Ang Mo Kio Community Hospital. Mr Udairam said, “It’s been a privilege to have been part of our system that has moved from 3rd to 1st world within this short period. I have been fortunate to have been a part of the change and have worked with great teams.”

“Mr Udairam has made significant contributions to the development of CGH and the EH Alliance,” said Mr Gerard Ee, Chairman of the Board of EH Alliance. “His leadership has brought about several signature programmes that have benefited patient and the population such as Eastern Community Health Outreach (ECHO), Health Management Unit (HMU) and Neighbours. His departure will certainly be greatly felt by staff, partners and members of the community. We wish him the very best for the future”.