THE STAR, THURSDAY 6 MAY 2021 EDUCATION GUIDE Producing top eye health experts

THE study of optometry opens the optometry has gone well beyond door to a healthcare profession spectacles and contact lenses. where the practitioner becomes “This philosophy is well embed- the first professional personnel to ded within SEGi’s Optometry prog- detect and diagnose visual disor- ramme, where students are trained ders and manages the functional in the examination of eye health in disorders of the visual system with generating prescriptions for cor- corrective optical prescriptions and recting their patients’ vision.” vision therapy. “Some graduates decide to re- To answer this need, SEGi examine or further their under- University (SEGi) offers one of the standing in some aspects of clinical most modern optometry degrees in vision science upon graduation. , and is one of the few “With this understanding, many institutions to offer the optometry students are deciding to further programme at both the bachelor their studies by undertaking and masters degree levels. SEGi’s Masters of Science in Vision The Bachelor of Optometry Science by Research upon comple- (Hons) programme provides tion of their first degree in optome- knowledge and expertise in sub- try.” jects related to the identification The Master of Science (Vision and treatment of dysfunctions and Science) by Research programme disorders of vision, as well as the at SEGi aims to provide students vision system. with firm grounding in scholarly To ensure the highest quality of research work in clinical vision sci- education, SEGi’s Bachelor of ence, which encompasses a range Optometry (Hons) programme is of areas in clinical optometry. fully accredited by the Malaysian It forms the initial platform for Qualifications Agency, signifying SEGI’s Faculty of Optometry and Vision Sciences dean Prof Azrin examining a patient. vision-related professionals to full compliance with standards set advance their knowledge of the by the Malaysian Optical Council. in contact lenses, binocular vision surgeons and practising optome- Students display high potential scientific foundations of vision This programme is also listed and low vision disciplines, as well trists. during their clinical placement as science by pursuing supervised in the World Council Optometry as an optical dispensary for effec- Clinical training is carried out at the programme includes a lot of research work in preparation for member list of Optometry Schools tive learning and teaching. the internal clinics on campus as hands-on clinical work to enhance later pursuit of a doctoral degree in Asia Pacific. Together with SEGi’s partnership well as external private optometric their passion for vision care. by research in clinical optometry SEGi’s curriculum combines a with Rotary Club, this facility practices, refractive surgery SEGi also has its own hospital- or clinical vision science. strong emphasis on theory and allows students to study optometry centres, private ophthalmologic based optometric practice practice by introducing a wealth of in a real-world setting and gain clinics and hospital eye at Thomson Hospital Kota ■ For further details on SEGi’s clinical training in the first year of practical experience using the lat- departments. Damansara. Optometry programme, call studies. est specialised equipment. Feedback from industry part- Prof Azrin Esmady Ariffin, 03-6145 1777 or WhatsApp The clinical system under the The programme also draws on ners, such as Oasis Eye Specialists Faculty of Optometry and Vision 011-1210 6389 to get in touch umbrella of SEGi EyeCare compris- the expertise of adjunct lecturers and KL Eye Specialist Centre on Sciences dean and Deputy Vice- with counsellors. es the routine and optometric care comprising biomedical scientists, clinical placements for SEGi stu- (Student Affairs) at SEGi Alternatively, log on to clinics, along with specialty clinics medical practitioners, ophthalmic dents, have been very positive. University, said, “Contemporary for more details. Solid preparation for new challenges

THE whole world was forced to with numbers, so that was the path adapt to the unforeseen circum- I pursued after secondary school. stances brought about by the “Now, I can truly When I heard how strong TAR UC’s Covid-19 pandemic, which has Foundation programme and its his- changed the landscape of many say that TAR UC tory of producing successful gradu- sectors, including education. ates annually, I figured this was the While many are still trying to is the right choice place that could help me develop find their feet, there are a few my passion into a career. who have taken this situation as an for me.” “Now, I can truly say that TAR UC opportunity to solidify their foun- is the right choice for me,” she dation in preparation for future Teh Wen Jie added. challenges that will arise from Currently, TAR UC offers six adapting to the new normal. Foundation programmes in Arts, Take Teh Wen Jie, who joined sons during online classes. Science, Engineering, Accounting, Tunku Abdul Rahman University “This saves me hours of ineffec- Business and Computing, which College’s (TAR UC) Foundation in tive studies, which I can channel are curated to prepare students Accounting programme last year towards other meaningful activi- effectively for transition to their and is currently a Bachelor of ties like revision sessions or even respective Bachelor Degree prog- Commerce (Hons) student, as an exercise to keep myself active and rammes and any future challenges example. alert,” said Teh. they may encounter in their The comprehensive lessons she The 19-year old also credited careers. picked up from her Foundation TAR UC’s comprehensive student days prepared her to take on lifestyle for helping to improve her ■ To find out more about TAR UC’s today’s challenges and turn them social skills via club activities. Foundation programmes, visit into opportunities to excel. “Through my involvement as a “When the pandemic hit, I clear- member of the Economics Society, Applications for the May/June/ ly remembered advice given to me I have learned the importance of September/November 2021 intakes by one of my lecturers: ‘Challenges social skills such as team planning, are now open. Prospective students can be opportunities, it all depends negotiation and communication. are also encouraged to apply on how you view them.’ “These positive experiences also online at “Thanks to my Foundation stud- spurred me to volunteer for the SPM trial exam results are ies, I have already adapted to online TEDxTARUC 2019 event as a com- accepted for the Foundation and learning, so the transition to full mitee member, which taught me Diploma programmes for the May/ online learning has been seamless. lessons that cannot be replicated in June 2021 intake. Attractive schol- “I was also taught to be inde- class,” she explained. arships are also available at TAR pendent and pre-prepare myself It was also her passion for UC on the basis of academic merit for lecture sessions so that I would accounting that led Teh to TAR UC. and sibling discount for qualified Teh credits the solid preparation from her Foundation days for her never miss out any important les- “I have always been fascinated students. seamless transition to full online learning at TAR UC. 2 Education Guide THE STAR, THURSDAY 6 MAY 2021 Pointers for Insightful virtual visit effective

SOME 55 undergraduate chemical engineer- ing students of Curtin University Malaysia speed-reading (Curtin Malaysia) recently participated in a virtual site visit to Yakult (M) Sdn Bhd. SPEED-READING is where you skim over a Students from the Institution of Chemical text, picking up the essential points. It’s not Engineers (IChemE) Student Chapter organ- very useful for learning, but it can help ised the visit to the probiotics drink manu- refresh your memory if you’re going over facturing company located in , something you’ve studied before. . Accompanying them were Speed-reading is useful for these reasons: lecturers Dr Bridgid Chin, Dr Angnes Tiong – To give quick insight into a topic and Dr Lau Shiew Wei. – To see what sort of information is where It was the first virtual site visit organised – To distinguish between valuable by IChemE Student Chapter due to the resources and less valuable ones Covid-19 pandemic. – To eliminate duplicate sources Chin, an adviser to the student chapter, Typically, this is a skill you will use for delivered a welcoming speech prior to the Yakult (M) Sdn Bhd senior event coordinator Phang facilitating the virtual site visit. writing an assignment or exam notes. Here’s start of the visit, which was facilitated by how you can build up the skill: Yakult public relations and science depart- ment senior event coordinator Crystal Phang Know what you’re looking for Xiao Xuan. During the visit, students and lecturers If you want information on dominance in were briefed on the background of the com- Phang (second chickens, you can skip all the chapters that pany and its production processes, followed row from top, cover dominance in apes and humans. by quiz and question-and-answer sessions. centre) posing for Yakult is the world’s leading probiotic bev- a virtual group Sort into piles erage. It was developed in 1935 in Japan by photo with the Dr Minoru Shirota and is now sold in some IChemE students Start by sorting into “keep” and “discard” 40 countries and regions. and lecturers at piles, and then sort the “keep” into topic or Dr Shirota was the first person to success- the end of the order of importance. fully culture a strain of lactic acid bacteria visit. known as lactobacillus casei strain shirota Don’t reread (LcS) which benefits human health. Third year-chemical engineering student probiotics in the market,” said Then. posed challenges in organising meaningful If you’re learning, you tend to move and president of the student chapter, Fellow third-year chemical engineering student activities and educational trips. backwards and forwards in a text to make Stansfield Then, said although the virtual and organising chairperson of the virtual sure you get it. Speed-reading isn’t about visit took only about half an hour, it was visit, Evane Serrah June Gani, said, “I was ■ For more details on the Curtin Malaysia learning, so don’t do this. To help you, cut a very informative. able to relate what we observed during the IChemE Student Chapter, visit cmichemesc. three sentence-shaped hole in a piece of “We learned a lot of things such as the virtual visit to what is taught in our course. or follow its Facebook page at paper. Drag it over the page – and don’t go chemical and biological principles in the pro- It was also a good opportunity for me, as the or email back. duction of Yakult. Daily consumption of the organising chairperson, to hone my organi- [email protected]. delicious probiotic fermented milk drink can sational and communication skills.” For more details on Curtin Malaysia, visit Spot patterns help improve digestion and build immunity Chin said the virtual site visit greatly bene- or look for Curtin as Yakult contains over 6.5 billion LcS in fited both the students and lecturers, espe- Malaysia on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Think of the big picture. Look out for key each bottle – the highest concentration of cially in light of the pandemic which has YouTube or LinkedIn. ideas, bold print and repeated tag words. THE STAR, THURSDAY 6 MAY 2021 3 4 Education Guide THE STAR, THURSDAY 6 MAY 2021 College route to management MSU College’s Diploma in GOOD management is fundamental in build- leadership, marketing and finance. Management ing great teamwork and a successful organi- It also prepares students with the neces- offers a broad sation. sary knowledge, skills, high moral values business Management is the process of organising, and integrity while carrying out their duties management planning, decision making, leading, motivat- and responsibilities. education ing and controlling the human, financial, A strong foundation in all related areas and equips physical and information resources of an will provide students with a clear under- students with organisation to reach its goals efficiently and standing of the fields they may want to the necessary effectively. explore at when they pursue their bachelor soft skills. With the aim of preparing those who are degree. interested in pursuing a successful career in The entry requirement to this two-and- management and administration, MSU half-year programme is a minimum three College’s Diploma in Management offers credits in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) of credit transfer. There are also other programmes availa- business management education and equips certificate in any subject or its equivalent. In line with MSU College’s aspiration to pro- ble under its School of Hospitality, Education students with the right soft skills. Upon completion, students can choose to duce balanced, holistic and well-rounded and Business Studies such as Early The programme is specifically designed to start their career or continue with the sec- graduates, a comprehensive entrepreneurial Childhood Education, Accounting and provide students with all the tools required ond year of a bachelor degree programme in ecosystem and industry embedded prog- English Language Teaching. for a management position, as well as expo- the same field or related ones offered by ramme are deeply rooted as part of its initia- sure to basic components of organisational MSU under the Business Management tives to enhance students’ soft skills and ■ For more information, look out for the management including communication, Professional Studies faculty with the option ensure that they are ready for the job market. advertisement in this StarSpecial. Make the most of college PASSING the course you’ve Money management signed up for is one thing. There are other life lessons you can How far you progress with learn while at college. Here’s this depends on whether you how to make the most of them. live at home during college years or whether you take your own Making new friends flat and do your own cooking. It may be sensible the first You’ve spent all those years at year to live in accommodation school with the same crowd. If where food is provided so you you’re shy, you may be tempted can concentrate on your studies. to stick to the people from your But if you can, move to your old school. Don’t.This is the time own place after so you learn to to reach out and meet new peo- shop, cook and pay the bills. ple. Join clubs and rotate where Living with others you sit in class to meet other stu- dents. This will help you If you study close to home, this improve important soft skills. won’t be very easy but do try to By the end of college you’ll be stay at least one semester with able to communicate better and other students. Living with have cross-cultural skills too – others teaches you tolerance, something that your first negotiation, patience and employer will love. communication. THE STAR, THURSDAY 6 MAY 2021 Education Guide 5 Mapping The first 1,000 days of life out your

AN experienced community nutri- tionist, Dr Snigdha Misra began her career path research journey by studying food anthropology among tribal com- WHEN choosing a basic degree, munities and migrant populations you have a career path in mind. in eastern India. Since then, there Are you looking at starting salaries has been no looking back. and the first few jobs you take or Snigdha has worked to support what you think you’ll want when people’s health through improved you’re 30, 40 and 50 years old? nutrition. When the Covid-19 pan- demic struck, the lockdowns and Weigh your choices carefully restrictions affected food availabili- ty for many vulnerable groups. Some people have a driving pas- One such vulnerable group that sion that’s lifelong. But suppose especially worried Snigdha was Snigdha, Tan and Rokiah will lead a project that safeguards the health of underprivileged pregnant, postpartum that you just work to earn a living. pregnant mothers. mothers and their children at nutritional risk for the first 1,000 days of life. What do you want to happen to “Pregnancy is an important peri- your career if you have kids? Will od in a woman’s life. It is an equal- “good nutrition during pregnancy United in their drive to improve plete the entire degree at IMU or to you start your own business or ly important period for the foetus and early childhood provides the community health through nutri- complete two years at IMU and retire early? growing within her,” she said. best foundation for a child to grow, tion, Snigdha, Tan and Rokiah will then transfer to Deakin University “This is because the first 1,000 learn and thrive”. lead a project that safeguards the for their final year. Look ahead days of human life – the period Former IMU nutrition and health of underprivileged preg- Each year, the programme com- between conception and a child’s dietetics department colleague and nant, postpartum mothers and mences in July and September. If When you chose a basic degree, second birthday – is a critical peri- former Health Ministry nutrition their children at nutritional risk for you have an interest in science, the it’s useful to look beyond the first od which determines the child’s division director Rokiah Don said: the first 1,000 days of life. ability to work in a team and want few years after graduation. Ask health into adulthood.” “Double burden malnutrition This project is in collaboration to make a difference, make an yourself, “What do I think will Snigdha’s colleague from the (DBM) still persists in Malaysia, with YTL Foundation. online application today. make me happy when I’m older?” International Medical University’s with rising rates of childhood obes- Nutritionists help people achieve If you have just completed your Then ask, “Will this degree allow (IMU) nutrition and dietetics ity and stunting amongst children, their best health and performance SPM and do not have pre-university me to do this? If it doesn’t, how department, Dr Tan Seok Shin, more so among the urban poor.” by advocating healthy eating qualification, consider enrolling in hard will it be for me to retrain?” said: “In the first 1,000 days, the Strengthening maternal nutri- according to their age, gender and the one-year IMU foundation in sci- brain grows more quickly than at tion and promoting infant and physical activity levels. ence, the direct route for entry into Ask questions any other time in a person’s life young child nutrition during the IMU’s three year nutrition prog- any of IMU’s degree programmes, and a child needs the right nutri- first 1,000 days of life are the key ramme IMU equips students to including credit transfer options. Ask the lecturers, graduates and ents at this time to feed the brain’s strategies to address DBM, as pursue careers in fields including experienced industry leaders what rapid development.” reflected in the National Plan of industry, education, health promo- ■ For more details, visit www.imu. they think. It also helps to read job Tan, a senior lecturer with a pas- Action for Nutrition of Malaysia III tion, research and journalism. or email [email protected] advertisements. Use what you find sion for community nutrition, says (2016-2025). Students have the option to com- or call IMU at 03-2731 7272. to decide what’s best for you. 6 Education Guide THE STAR, THURSDAY 6 MAY 2021 Delve into biomedical science

THE Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biomedical Biomedical science graduates can pursue Science programme at the Faculty of careers in academia, research and develop- Medicine, AIMST University, is anchored by ment, bioentrepreneurship, health and safe- in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical ty, genetics, clinical biochemistry, immunolo- skills through extensive laboratory sessions gy, medical microbiology, blood transfusion, and industrial placements. pharmaceuticals and enforcement agencies. The programme is taught and assessed by AIMST University’s Faculty of Medicine Malaysian and international professionals also offers postgraduate programmes such in medicine, biomedicine and laboratory as Master in Science (Human Anatomy), sciences. It prepares graduates to face the Master in Science (Medical Physiology), challenges in their chosen field by arming Master of Science (Medical Microbiology), them with the right mix of attitude, skills Masters in Science (Medical Biochemistry) and knowledge over four years of extensive and PhD in Medical Microbiology. training. Graduates are eligible to continue their The programme is accredited by the academic progress by enrolling in these Malaysian Qualifications Agency and has an programmes and also have lateral entry innovative curriculum with opportunities and credit transfer option into the MBBS for collaborative learning, research and programme at AIMST University. clinical electives that can be pursued in AIMST University has a beautiful green universities around the world. campus with state-of-the-art educational

The Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biomedical Science programme at the Faculty of Medicine, AIMST University, is anchored by in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

resources including an anatomy dissection sional bodies and industries, the university hall, multi-disciplinary laboratories, clinical also emphasises international exposure skills simulation centres, an advanced molec- through a network of international partners. ular biology lab, as well as tissue culture and Student exchange programmes help stu- research facilities. dents develop global perspectives and skill- The BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science prog- sets. As a result, AIMST is widely known for ramme provides a rich student experience its highly marketable graduates, 95% of with co-curricular and extra-curricular activ- which secure employment within six months ities. The campus boasts an Olympic stand- of graduation. ard swimming pool, sporting facilities as well as excellent IT and residential facilities. ■ For more details, visit AIMST University’s Offering high-quality education that is campus in Semeling, , or call 012-549 globally recognised by the relevant profes- 8108 / 04-429 8108. THE STAR, THURSDAY 6 MAY 2021 Education Guide 7 Promoting the field of psychology

THIS year, HELP University is research with organisations and celebrating 21 years since the agencies such as Unicef, the founding of its Centre for Women, Family and Community Psychology, which has since Development Ministry and the evolved into the Faculty of Education Ministry on projects Behavioural Sciences comprising like child sexual abuse research the Department of Psychology, and bullying in schools. CAREERsense@HELP and the “We also partnered with Centre for Counselling and World Vision on the 30-Hour Psychological Services. Famine campaign annually for HELP is the first private insti- many years. tution of higher learning in “In the last 10 years, we helped Malaysia to offer a viable path- the Rotary Club of Bukit Kiara HELP University’s Psychology programme equips its graduates for a bright and successful future. way in psychology for students Sunrise develop their mentoring who want to study in Australia programme, which supports and New Zealand through trans- financially deserving students in fer programmes with institutions public secondary schools. That like the University of South has gone on to win this club Australia, Curtin University international recognition. and Otago University. “Most recently, we partnered While there is great interest in with the Malaysian Mental studying psychology today, that Health Association to set up the was not the case 21 years ago. Centre for Mental Health and To promote awareness of the Wellbeing, an initiative to pro- full benefits and applications mote emotional health and well- of this field of study, the Centre being in the community.” for Psychology conducted flag- Since March last year, the ship programmes such as Faculty of Behavioural Sciences “The 10 Keys to 10 As” and “The has been reaching out to the Psychology of Peak Perform- public via radio shows, podcasts ance” in major cities in Malaysia. and webinars on dealing with Today, the centre runs an the psychological impact of the annual psychology school con- Covid-19 pandemic and provid- vention that attracts close to ing insight into how people can 1,000 participants each year. cope with stress and anxiety. “In the early years, we con- Visit the Empowering Lives ducted parenting seminars website to view the resources alongside student sessions, as produced by the faculty at well as statewide conferences for school counsellors to help empowering-lives-resources/ them in their roles as guidance The academic programme at counsellors,” said HELP HELP continues to provide a University’s Dean of the Faculty quality learning experience that of Behavioural Sciences, helps to make its psychology Education and Languages and graduates future-ready. Pro Vice-Chancellor (Mental In terms of leadership, one Health) Dr Gerard Louis. name stands out as legendary – “Finally, we established former Faculty of Behavioural CAREERsense@HELP to organise Sciences dean Dr Goh Chee career fairs and introduce our Leong, who was responsible for psychology students to industry. many initiatives over the years “These initiatives and many that established the growth of others in the last 21 years helped psychology studies in Malaysia. create job openings in Malaysia HELP University founders for students with a degree in Datin Chan Kam Yoke and Prof psychology that extended Datuk Dr Paul Chan’s vision and beyond the regular mental support for the faculty’s initia- health occupations. tives have also been a major rea- “A key part of the develop- son for the development of this ment of psychology in the coun- field of study in Malaysia. try was our engagement with different partners in the commu- ■ For details, look out for the nity. We were involved in critical advertisement in this StarSpecial.

HELP is the first private institution of higher learning in Malaysia to offer a viable pathway in psychology for students who want to study in Australia and New Zealand. 8 Education Guide THE STAR, THURSDAY 6 MAY 2021 Towards greater medical heights

MSU’S involvement in the medical and health sciences areas has led to a initiative towards comple- menting the nation’s need for qual- ified medical personnel services in Malaysia and the region. With the MBBS programme being offered at the main campus in and its offshore campus in Bangalore, India, MSU looks set to be a major provider of medical . “There is no difference in the medical curriculum offered at the main campus or our offshore campus. “However, the campus in Bangalore provides the oppor- tunity for students to experience an international setting as they pursue the medical programme in MSU,” said MSU’s International Medical School (IMS) dean Prof Dr Mohamad Khairuddin Abdul MSU’s Bangalore campus provides the opportunity for students to experience an IMS dean Prof Khairuddin is confident that the qualified Wahab. international setting as they pursue the medical programme. and experienced staff will steer MSU on the right course. “Our involvement in the Indian sub-continent is part and parcel of “We are confident that the train- MBBS programme is the develop- linked itself with several interna- the public as well as job opportuni- our international efforts in brand- ing and exposure acquired by the ment of holistic, balanced and tional partner universities and ties for future graduates in MSU’s ing and promoting Malaysia’s edu- medical students are sufficient to well-rounded medical graduates. medical authorities including the medical and health programmes. cation globally.” prepare them for real-life medical MSU focuses on producing Medical Council of India, the Sri Intakes for the MBBS prog- Khairuddin, who specialises in settings. qualified medical doctors who not Lanka Medical Council and the ramme are between April and orthopedic surgery, is optimistic “Becoming a doctor is not just only excel academically, but also Maldives Medical and Dental October. that the wealth of experience he about curing the sick. It is about demonstrate commendable soft Council. Qualified students are required brings together with his team of understanding the sick, so doctors skills through engagement in “Things are looking very positive to sit for the medical entry test local and international faculty must be able to communicate effec- various personal activities and in terms of MSU’s further involve- at its Shah Alam campus to deter- members will steer MSU on the tively with patients. Effective com- community services. ment in the medical field for the mine their aptitude for the prog- right course in medical education munication has been known to This ensures a continuous effort next few years. ramme. and other medical disciplines. help the healing process,” he said. by MSU towards its commitment “IMS is looking forward to be Since its pioneering batch gradu- Students at MSU are exposed to to producing quality healthcare part of this historic development,” ■ For more information on ated in 2012, MSU has produced various kinds of activities aimed at providers that meet the nation’s he said. scholarships and fee waivers, nerly 2,000 medical personnel enriching their learning experi- objectives in healthcare services. Meanwhile, he said MSU Medical call 03-5521 6868 or email who have gone on to serve in the ence. As part of its benchmarking initi- Centre would provide quality and [email protected] or visit Malaysian healthcare sector. One of the key features of MSU’s ative, Khairuddin said MSU has up-to-date healthcare services to