THE STAR, THURSDAY 6 MAY 2021 EDUCATION GUIDE Producing top eye health experts THE study of optometry opens the optometry has gone well beyond door to a healthcare profession spectacles and contact lenses. where the practitioner becomes “This philosophy is well embed- the first professional personnel to ded within SEGi’s Optometry prog- detect and diagnose visual disor- ramme, where students are trained ders and manages the functional in the examination of eye health in disorders of the visual system with generating prescriptions for cor- corrective optical prescriptions and recting their patients’ vision.” vision therapy. “Some graduates decide to re- To answer this need, SEGi examine or further their under- University (SEGi) offers one of the standing in some aspects of clinical most modern optometry degrees in vision science upon graduation. Malaysia, and is one of the few “With this understanding, many institutions to offer the optometry students are deciding to further programme at both the bachelor their studies by undertaking and masters degree levels. SEGi’s Masters of Science in Vision The Bachelor of Optometry Science by Research upon comple- (Hons) programme provides tion of their first degree in optome- knowledge and expertise in sub- try.” jects related to the identification The Master of Science (Vision and treatment of dysfunctions and Science) by Research programme disorders of vision, as well as the at SEGi aims to provide students vision system. with firm grounding in scholarly To ensure the highest quality of research work in clinical vision sci- education, SEGi’s Bachelor of ence, which encompasses a range Optometry (Hons) programme is of areas in clinical optometry. fully accredited by the Malaysian It forms the initial platform for Qualifications Agency, signifying SEGI’s Faculty of Optometry and Vision Sciences dean Prof Azrin examining a patient. vision-related professionals to full compliance with standards set advance their knowledge of the by the Malaysian Optical Council. in contact lenses, binocular vision surgeons and practising optome- Students display high potential scientific foundations of vision This programme is also listed and low vision disciplines, as well trists. during their clinical placement as science by pursuing supervised in the World Council Optometry as an optical dispensary for effec- Clinical training is carried out at the programme includes a lot of research work in preparation for member list of Optometry Schools tive learning and teaching. the internal clinics on campus as hands-on clinical work to enhance later pursuit of a doctoral degree in Asia Pacific. Together with SEGi’s partnership well as external private optometric their passion for vision care. by research in clinical optometry SEGi’s curriculum combines a with Rotary Club, this facility practices, refractive surgery SEGi also has its own hospital- or clinical vision science. strong emphasis on theory and allows students to study optometry centres, private ophthalmologic based optometric practice practice by introducing a wealth of in a real-world setting and gain clinics and hospital eye at Thomson Hospital Kota ■ For further details on SEGi’s clinical training in the first year of practical experience using the lat- departments. Damansara. Optometry programme, call studies. est specialised equipment. Feedback from industry part- Prof Azrin Esmady Ariffin, 03-6145 1777 or WhatsApp The clinical system under the The programme also draws on ners, such as Oasis Eye Specialists Faculty of Optometry and Vision 011-1210 6389 to get in touch umbrella of SEGi EyeCare compris- the expertise of adjunct lecturers and KL Eye Specialist Centre on Sciences dean and Deputy Vice- with counsellors. es the routine and optometric care comprising biomedical scientists, clinical placements for SEGi stu- Chancellor (Student Affairs) at SEGi Alternatively, log on to clinics, along with specialty clinics medical practitioners, ophthalmic dents, have been very positive. University, said, “Contemporary www.segi.edu.my for more details. Solid preparation for new challenges THE whole world was forced to with numbers, so that was the path adapt to the unforeseen circum- I pursued after secondary school. stances brought about by the “Now, I can truly When I heard how strong TAR UC’s Covid-19 pandemic, which has Foundation programme and its his- changed the landscape of many say that TAR UC tory of producing successful gradu- sectors, including education. ates annually, I figured this was the While many are still trying to is the right choice place that could help me develop find their feet, there are a few my passion into a career. who have taken this situation as an for me.” “Now, I can truly say that TAR UC opportunity to solidify their foun- is the right choice for me,” she dation in preparation for future Teh Wen Jie added. challenges that will arise from Currently, TAR UC offers six adapting to the new normal. Foundation programmes in Arts, Take Teh Wen Jie, who joined sons during online classes. Science, Engineering, Accounting, Tunku Abdul Rahman University “This saves me hours of ineffec- Business and Computing, which College’s (TAR UC) Foundation in tive studies, which I can channel are curated to prepare students Accounting programme last year towards other meaningful activi- effectively for transition to their and is currently a Bachelor of ties like revision sessions or even respective Bachelor Degree prog- Commerce (Hons) student, as an exercise to keep myself active and rammes and any future challenges example. alert,” said Teh. they may encounter in their The comprehensive lessons she The 19-year old also credited careers. picked up from her Foundation TAR UC’s comprehensive student days prepared her to take on lifestyle for helping to improve her ■ To find out more about TAR UC’s today’s challenges and turn them social skills via club activities. Foundation programmes, visit into opportunities to excel. “Through my involvement as a www.tarc.edu.my/cpus. “When the pandemic hit, I clear- member of the Economics Society, Applications for the May/June/ ly remembered advice given to me I have learned the importance of September/November 2021 intakes by one of my lecturers: ‘Challenges social skills such as team planning, are now open. Prospective students can be opportunities, it all depends negotiation and communication. are also encouraged to apply on how you view them.’ “These positive experiences also online at www.tarc.edu.my “Thanks to my Foundation stud- spurred me to volunteer for the SPM trial exam results are ies, I have already adapted to online TEDxTARUC 2019 event as a com- accepted for the Foundation and learning, so the transition to full mitee member, which taught me Diploma programmes for the May/ online learning has been seamless. lessons that cannot be replicated in June 2021 intake. Attractive schol- “I was also taught to be inde- class,” she explained. arships are also available at TAR pendent and pre-prepare myself It was also her passion for UC on the basis of academic merit for lecture sessions so that I would accounting that led Teh to TAR UC. and sibling discount for qualified Teh credits the solid preparation from her Foundation days for her never miss out any important les- “I have always been fascinated students. seamless transition to full online learning at TAR UC. 2 Education Guide THE STAR, THURSDAY 6 MAY 2021 Pointers for Insightful virtual visit effective SOME 55 undergraduate chemical engineer- ing students of Curtin University Malaysia speed-reading (Curtin Malaysia) recently participated in a virtual site visit to Yakult (M) Sdn Bhd. SPEED-READING is where you skim over a Students from the Institution of Chemical text, picking up the essential points. It’s not Engineers (IChemE) Student Chapter organ- very useful for learning, but it can help ised the visit to the probiotics drink manu- refresh your memory if you’re going over facturing company located in Seremban, something you’ve studied before. Negeri Sembilan. Accompanying them were Speed-reading is useful for these reasons: lecturers Dr Bridgid Chin, Dr Angnes Tiong – To give quick insight into a topic and Dr Lau Shiew Wei. – To see what sort of information is where It was the first virtual site visit organised – To distinguish between valuable by IChemE Student Chapter due to the resources and less valuable ones Covid-19 pandemic. – To eliminate duplicate sources Chin, an adviser to the student chapter, Typically, this is a skill you will use for delivered a welcoming speech prior to the Yakult (M) Sdn Bhd senior event coordinator Phang facilitating the virtual site visit. writing an assignment or exam notes. Here’s start of the visit, which was facilitated by how you can build up the skill: Yakult public relations and science depart- ment senior event coordinator Crystal Phang Know what you’re looking for Xiao Xuan. During the visit, students and lecturers If you want information on dominance in were briefed on the background of the com- Phang (second chickens, you can skip all the chapters that pany and its production processes, followed row from top, cover dominance in apes and humans. by quiz and question-and-answer sessions. centre) posing for Yakult is the world’s leading probiotic bev- a virtual group Sort into piles erage. It was developed in 1935 in Japan by photo with the Dr Minoru Shirota and is now sold in some IChemE students Start by sorting into “keep” and “discard” 40 countries and regions. and lecturers at piles, and then sort the “keep” into topic or Dr Shirota was the first person to success- the end of the order of importance. fully culture a strain of lactic acid bacteria visit. known as lactobacillus casei strain shirota Don’t reread (LcS) which benefits human health. Third year-chemical engineering student probiotics in the market,” said Then.
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