BULLETIN jo/^fAe> HISTORICAL 50CIETY MONTGOMERY COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA JfORR/STOWM Somery PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY AT IT5 ROOM5 18 EAST PENN STREET NORR15TOWN.PA. APRIL, 1952 VOLUME VIII NUMBER 2 PRICE ONE DOLLAR Historical Society of Montgomery County OFFICERS Donald A. Gallager, Esq., President George K. Brbcht, Esq., First Vice-President Foster C. Hillegass, Second Vice-President David E. Groshens, Esq., Third Vice-president Eva G. Davis, Recording Secretary Helen E. Richards, Corresponding Secretary Mrs. LeRoy Burris, Financial Secretary Lyman a. Kratz, Treasurer Mrs. LeRoy Burris, Librarian TRUSTEES Kirke Bryan, Esq. Mrs. H. H. Francine Donald A. Gallager, Esq. Herbert H. Ganser Nancy P. Highley Foster G. Hillegass Mrs. a. Conrad Jones Hon. Harold G. Knight Lyman A. Kratz Douglas Macfarlan, M.D. Katharine Preston Frankun a. Stickler Mrs. James I. Wendell Mrs. Franklin B. Wildman, Jr. Norris D. Wright Photo by Wm. M. Rittase, Phila. Chapel at The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa. THE BULLETIN of the Historical Society of Montgomery County Published Semi-Anrmally — October and April Volume VIII April, 1952 Number 2 CONTENTS The Hill School Dr. James I. Wendell 67 Early History of Lower Pottsgrove Township Rev. Carl T. Smith 86 Henry S. Landes Jane Keplinger Burris 96 Deaths in the Skippack Region. ..Hannah Benner Roach 98 Early Land Transactions of Montgomery County Charles R. Barker 115 Neighborhood News and Notices Compiled 128 First Sunday School in Norristown. Rudolf P. Hommel 141 Reports 145 Publication Committee Mrs. LeRoy Bubbis Jean E. Gottshall Charles R. Barker, Chairman 65 The Hill School* Dr. James I. Wendell, Head Master Mr.
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