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Prof. AHMET ERDEM Prof. AHMET ERDEM OPfefricseo Pnhaol nIen:f +or9m0 2a8t6io 2n18 0018 Extension: 22217 EFmaxa iPl:h oaenred:e +m9@0c 2o8m6u 2.e1d8u .0tr533 AWdedbr:e hstst:p sÇ:a/n/akvkeasilse. cOonmseuk.eizd uM.tarr/ta Üerndiveemrsitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Fizik Bölümü, Terzioğlu Kampüsü, 17100, Çanakkale Education Information PDooscttgorraadteu,a Eteg,e E Ugne iUvenrivsietrys, iFtye,n F Benili mBilleimril eErnis Etintüstsiütü, sAüs,t rAosntroomnio Vmei UVzea Uyz Baiyli mBilleimril eArni aAbnilaimbi lDima lDı, aTluı,r Tkueryk 1e9y9 129 -8 199 -9 16992 Undergraduate , DEogue bUlen iMvearjsoirty, E, Fgen U Fnaivkeürlsteitsyi, FAesntr oFnakoümltie Vsei, FUizzaiky Böilliümmleür,i TBuörlküemyü 1, 9T8u5rk -e 1y9 189985 - 1989 FEnogrliesihg, nB2 L Uapnpgeru Iangteersmediate Dissertations UDzoacyto Brialitme,l eTrVi ACansa bvieli mXY D UaMlı a/ ÖArstterno fÇizifikt YBıilldimızl aDraınlı,ı n1 9Iş9ık6ölçümü, Ege University, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Astronomi Ve APostsrtogfriazdiku Batileim, G Dünaelış, 1P9a9r2lamaları, Ege University, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Astronomi Ve Uzay Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı / RPheysseicas,r Acshtr Aonroemays and Astrophysics, Stars, Natural Sciences Academic Titles / Tasks APrsosofecsiastoer ,P Craonfeaskskoarl,e C Oannsaekkkiazl eM Oarnts Uekniizv eMrasritty U, Fneivne Ersdietyb, iFyaetn F Eadkeübltieysait, Faizkikü,l t2e0s0i, 7F i-z Ciko, n2t0in0u2e -s 2007 RAessiesatarcnht PArsosfisetsasnotr, ,E Cgaen Uaknkivaeler sOitnys, eFkeinz MFaakrüt lUtensiiv, eArsstirtoy,n Foemni EVdee Ubziyaayt BFialikmülletersi iB, Föilzüimk, ü1, 919969 0- 2- 0109296 AVicea dRecmtoirc, Caannadk kAadlem Oninseiksitzr Maatirvt Uen Eivxeprseitryi, e2n01c5e - 2019 Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, 20103 - 20135 Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009 - 2010 Advising Theses ERDEM A., GBüaznıe CyA YBa rAımdakyüı rÇeidfte Y Sıledçıizlelanr ıBna Fzoı Wtom UeMtrai kT üArnüa lÇizifi,t DYoıldctıozlraartıen, TDa.SyÜfsRaGl İvTe( FStoutdoemnett)r, i2k0 İ1n0celenmesi, Doctorate, EBR.ÖDZEKMA RAD., ERŞS( SCtVund eYnıltd)ı,z 2la0r1ın0ın Genel Özellikleri, Postgraduate, D.SÜRGİT(Student), 2005 ERDEM A., ÖWr tUerns Çaeif tM Yaıljdoırzilsa rTdüar üÜnçdüennc üG Cüinseimş BSeonrzuenrui Övert Denin Çaimft iYğiı,l dPıozlsatrg,r Paodsutagtrea, dVu.BaAteK, IBŞ.(ÖSZtKudAeRnDt)E,Ş 2(0S0tu4dent), 2004 2E0R0D0EM A., RS CVn Türü Örten Çift Yıldız RT Andromedae’nin Yörünge Dönemi Analizi, Postgraduate, M.GÜRE(Student), Articles Published in Journals That Entered SCI, SSCI and AHCI Indexes I. PGhazyesaisc aKl. , pZaorlaa mS.,e Ltiearkso so Af .c, lZoasker zbeiwnsakri yB .s, yRsutceinmssk:i SV. IMII. , Kreiner J. M. , Ogloza W., Drozdz M., Koziel-Wierzbowska MD.O, SNtTacHhLoYw NskOiT GIC., EeSt aOlF. THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol.501, no.2, pp.2897-2919, 2021 (Journal Indexed II. Nine SwC Ip)hotometric analysis of hot Jupiter: WASP-135b NÖZETWÜ RAKST OR.,O ENRODMEYM, vAo.l.82, 2021 (Journal Indexed in SCI) III. ASÜbRsGoİlTu tDe. , pEaRrDaEmMe tAe.,r Esn ogfe ltbhrreechet sCo. uAt. h, Meranr aencgl iFp.sing binaries: DQ Car, BK Ind, and V4396 Sgr iMn OSNCIT)HLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol.493, no.2, pp.2659-2675, 2020 (Journal Indexed IV. MPauslietirbba Mnd., Goopytailc Aal., fOlsutxro dwesnksi iMty., Satnadw aprozl La.r, iWzaiittiao Pn. Jm. ,i Gcroopvaal-rKiraisbhilniaty G s., tLuadryio onof vo Vp.t iMca. ,l lMyo brroizgohvta bDl.a Az.a , rIstoh R., MALOİNÇATHVULYŞ FN.O, eTtI CalE.S OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol.492, no.1, pp.1295-1317, 2020 (Journal Indexed V. Ainb SsCoIl)ute parameters of young stars: HX Velorum MBlOacNkTfoHrLdY M N.O GT. I,C EErSd eOmF TAH., ES uRrOgYitA DL., AOSzTkRarOdNeOs MB.I,C BAuLd SdOinCgI EET., YB, uvtolal.n4d8 7R, .n, Do.e1m, pirpc.a1n6 1O-.167, 2019 (Journal Indexed in VI. NSCeIw) photometric analysis of five exoplanets: CoRoT-2b, HAT-P-12b, TrES-2b, WASP-12b, and WASP- 5Ö2ZTbÜRK O., ERDEM A. iMn OSNCIT)HLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol.486, no.2, pp.2290-2307, 2019 (Journal Indexed VII. mSpeUdpiuNmIC-r (eSspoelucttrioong,r laopnhg -Uspligt rsapdeec:t rNoegwrlayp Ihm opnr othve dS oCuatshs eAgfrraicina)n: Aa svterorsnaotmileic aanl dO besffeircvieantot rloy'ws -1 t.o9-m tCerlaeussceo Lp. eA. , Gilbank D., van Gend C., Worters H. L. , Sass C., Kotze E. J. , Potter S., Sickafoose A., Sefako R., JSOoUuRthNwAoLr tOhF J .A, eStT aRlO.NOMICAL TELESCOPES INSTRUMENTS AND SYSTEMS, vol.5, no.2, 2019 (Journal Indexed in VIII. ASCbIs)olute parameters of young stars: V454 Carinae Butland R. J. , Erdem A., Ozkardes B., Blackford M. G. , Surgit D., Budding E., Demircan O. iMn OSNCIT)HLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol.482, no.2, pp.2644-2652, 2019 (Journal Indexed IX. GBIDS3CH58O:F FT-hKrIeMe A D., ePcraodvensc oalf JO. Lb. s, eBrRvAaDtiLoEnYs Pf.o Ar. ,t hMeO NInT-GdOeMptEhR YA sMte. Hro. ,s Sehisipmmoalno gHy. Lo. f, HaA DRBRVO LSDta Sr. T. , HOWARD ABS., TSRTORPICHKYLSAICNADL W JO.,U CRHNAANLD, vLoElR.8 D71., ,C nAoM.1P, B20E1L9L (DJ.o, uetr naal.l Indexed in SCI) X. RAeultahteivnittiyc aCteinngte tnhaer Py rFelsaernec: eI mopf rao Rvelda tOivribsittiacl MParsasimve tBerlasck Hole Binary in OJ 287 Using Its General eDte ayl .L., Valtonen M. J. , Gopakumar A., Zola S., Hudec R., Pihajoki P., Ciprini S., Matsumoto K., Sadakane K., Kidger M., XI. SAtSoTcRhOaPsHtiYcS MICoAdL eJOliUnRg NoAf LM, vuollt.i8w6a6v, neole.1n, g2t0h1 8V a(Jroiaubrnilailt yIn odfe xtehde iCn lSaCsIs)ical BL Lac Object OJ287 on TGiomyaels Ac.a, lSetasw Raarnz gLi.n, Zgo flar oSm., M Daerchaednekso t Vo. , HSoiudras M., Nilsson K., Ciprini S., Baran A., Ostrowski M., Wiita P. J. , et al. XII. PAhSToRtoOmPHeYtrSiIcC AinLv JeOsUtRigNaAtiLo, nvo ol.f8 6h3o, tn eox.2o, p2l0a1n8e (tJso: uTrrnEaSl I-n3dbe xaendd i nQ aSCtaI)r-1b NPÜESWK ÜALSLTÜR OÇN., OSOMYYD, vUoGlA.5N5 , Fp.,p E.3R9D-4E7M, 2A0.,1 B7U (DJoDuINrnGa lE I.ndexed in SCI) XIII. RLIaUd Xio., YaAnNdG o Pp. tPic. a, Ll IiUn tJr., aL-IdUa By. Rva. ,r HiaUb Sil. iMty. ,o KbUsReTrAvaNtIiDoZnEs Oo. fM f.i v, ZeO bLlAa zSa.,r KsRAUS A., KRICHBAUM T. P. , SU R. Z. , et Mal.ONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol.469, no.2, pp.2457-2463, 2017 (Journal Indexed XIV. Ainb SsCoIl)ute parameters of detached binaries in the southern sky - III: HO Tel NSuErWgi tA DS.T, RErOdNeOmM AY., vEonlg.5e4lb, rpepc.h1t0 C9.- 1A1. 4, v, a2n0 1H7e e(Jroduernn Hal. IPn. d, eMxaendi cink RSC.I) XV. AErbdseomlu Ate., Spuarrgaitm De., tEenrgse olbfr echlitp Cs.i An.g , vbain aHreiersd ienn SHo. uPt. h, Merann iHcke Rm.isphere sky - II: QY Tel XVI. PNhEoWt oAmSTeRtrOiNc OsMtuYd, yv ool.f4 9tw, pop .b3e8t-a4 2L, y2r0-1t6y p(eJo burinalr Iineds:e xDeDd iAnq SrC Ia)nd RR Lep NErEdWem A SAT.,R OOzNtuOrMk YO,. vol.48, pp.33-41, 2016 (Journal Indexed in SCI) XVII. PBhUoDtDoImNGe tEr.i, cR aHnOaDlEySs iMs .o Df . t, hPeÜ SsKyÜstLeLmÜ ÇK.e, Jpi lYe.,r E-1RDEM A., BANKS T. XVIII. OASsTciRllOaPtHinYgS IcClSa sAsNicDa lS PAAlgCoEl S-tCyIpENe CbEi,n vaorly.3 6X1Z, nAoq.1l0, 2016 (Journal Indexed in SCI) NSoEyWdu AgSaTnR FO.,N SOoMydYu, gvaonl. 4F6.,, Aplpiç.4a0vu-4ş6 F, .2, E0r1d6e (mJo Au.rnal Indexed in SCI) XIX. FPLRAIMRAERY BLACK HOLE SPIN IN OJ 287 AS DETERMINED BY THE GENERAL RELATIVITY CENTENARY BVearltdoynuegni nM A. .J,. e, tZ aoll.a S., Ciprini S., Gopakumar A., Matsumoto K., Sadakane K., Kidger M., Gazeas K., Nilsson K., XX. ASnTaRlyOsPiHs YoSfI CthAeL eJOxUoRpNlaAnLe Lt EcToTnEtRaSin, vinogl.8 s1y9s, tneom.2 ,K 2e0p1l6e r(-J9ou1rnal Indexed in SCI) ABSuTdRdOinPgH EY.,S PICÜSS KAÜNLDL SÜP ÇA.,C REh SoCdIeEsN MCE. ,D v. o, lD.3e6m1i, rncoa.n1 ,O 2.,0 E1r6d e(Jmo uAr.nal Indexed in SCI) XXI. AERbDsoElMu tAe. , PSaÜrRaGmİTe Dte.,r EsN oGfE DLBetRaEcChHeTd CB. iAn. a, rViAeNs iHnE tEhReD SEoNu Hth. Pe.rn Sky - I: V349 Ara and V4403 Sgr XXII. APUbBsoLIlCuAteT IpOaNrSa OmFe TteHrEs AoSfT sRoOuNtOhMerInCA eLc lSiOpCsIiEnTgY b OinFa ArUyS: TMRWAL IPAu, pvol.32, 2015 (Journal Indexed in SCI) SÜRGİT D., ERDEM A., ENGELBRECHT C. A. XXIII. NERW P eAgS:T ARO nNeOwM hYi, gvhol.y3 5a,c ptpiv.3e2 s-3e5m, i2-0d1e5ta (cJohuerdn abli nInadreyxed in SCI) NEREDWE AMS ATR., OSÜNROGMİTY , Dv.o, lK.3U3R, PpIpN.3S8K-A4-3W, 2IN01IA4R (SJKouAr Mna.,l OInBdLeAxKe dE .in SCI) XXIV. NERoDnE-cMo nAs., eÖrZvTaÜtRivKe Om.ass transfers in Algols iMn OSNCIT)HLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol.441, no.2, pp.1166-1176, 2014 (Journal Indexed XXV. NSÜeRgGleİTct Ded., ErReDvEeMrs eA .Algol system: WZ Hor XXVI. ENaErWly A-tSyTpReO WNO UMMY,a v oclo.1n7t,a ncot .3b,i pnpa.r3y3 6s-y3s4t0e,m 2:0 1N2e w(Jo duartnaa lo Ind Ve5xe3d5 i nA rSaCI) NÖZEKWA ARSDTERŞO BN.,O EMrdYe, mvo Al.1.7, no.2, pp.143-148, 2012 (Journal Indexed in SCI) XXVII. TErhdee mde Ata., cAhlieçdav eucşl Fip., sSionygd buginaanr Fy., TDXo gHrue rS .r Se. v, iSsoityeddugan F., Çiçek C., Demircan O. XXVIII. PNeErWio AdS sTtRuOdNieOsM oYf, vcolal.1ss6i, cpapl. 4A9l8g-o5l0-t2y, p2e0 1b1i n(aJoruierns aIlI I:n UdXex Leedo in, RSCWI) Mon, EQ Ori, XZ UMa and AX Vul NSoEyWdu AgSaTnR FO.,N EOrMdeYm, v Ao.l,. 1D6o, ğprpu. 2S5. 3S.- 2, A64liç, a2v0u1ş1 F (.J, oSuoryndaulg Iannd eFx.,e Çdi çienk S CC.I, )Demircan O. XXIX. TERhDe EnMe aAr.,- cZoOnLtAa Sc.t, WbiInNaIrAyR SsKtaI rM R.Z Dra revisited XXX. PNeErWio AdS sTtRuOdNieOsM oYf, vfoivl.e1 6n, engol.e1c, ptepd.6 -A1l1g,o 2l0-t1y1p (eJ obuirnnaarli Iensd: eRxWed Cine St,C BI)O Gem, DG Lac, SW Oph and WY Per NEREDWE AMS ATR., ODNogOrMuY S, . vSo. l,. 1S5O,Y nDoU.7G, ApNp. 6F2., 8Ç-İ6Ç3E6K, 2C0., 1D0e m(Jiorucarna Ol .Indexed in SCI) XXXI. TSÜhReG AİTlg Do.l, EbRinDaErMy Asy., sBtUeDmD KINZG P Ea.vonis revisited SMCOI)NTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol.407, no.1, pp.497-506, 2010 (Journal Indexed in XXXII. ABUbDsoDlIuNtGe Ep.a, ErRamDEeMte Ars., Ionfl eyko Gu.,n DgE sMtaİRrCs A-N I IO.
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