October 2016 Life Enrichment Calendar
www.greekamericancare.org 847 Wheeling, IL 60090 220 N. First Street - 459 THE - 8700 GREEK-AMERICAN OXI DAY—October 28 (The word “Oxi” is pronounced Ohi and trans- lated means “No”) “Ohi”, Anniversary of the "No") is celebrated throughout Greece, Cyprus and the Greek communities around the world on 28 October each year. Ohi Day commemorates the rejec- tion by Greek dictator Ioannis Metaxas of the ultimatum made by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini on 28 October 1940, the Hellenic counterattack against the invading Italian forc- es at the mountains of Pindus during the Murges,Crisa—10/03 Greco-Italian War, and the Greek Resistance during the Axis occupation. Kolpondinos,Panagiota-10/04 Demos,Anna—10/07 This ultimatum, which was presented to Meta- Kiers,Erna-10/07 xas by the Italian ambassador to Greece, Becharas,Eugenia—10/09 Emanuele Grazzi (fr), shortly after 03:00 am Lagoudakis,Stamata-10/10 on 28 October 1940, who had just come from Beikos,Ellias—10/13 a party in the German embassy in Athens, Caralis,Alexandra—10/13 demanded Greece to allow Axis forces to en- Klug,Beatrice-10/14 ter Greek territory and occupy certain unspec- Papapanayiotou,Catherine-10/17 ified "strategic locations" or otherwise face Inside this issue: war. It was allegedly answered with a single laconic word: όχι (No!). However, his actual reply was, “Alors, c’est la guerre!” (Then it is Special Points of Interest / Birthdays war!).[1][2] Activity Happenings 2016 Hellenic Legacy Gala In response to Metaxas's refusal, Italian Therapy Corner troops stationed in Albania, then an Italian protectorate, attacked the Greek border at Message from Admissions 05:30 am—the beginning of Greece's partici- Remembering Columbus Day pation in World War II (see Greco-Italian War A Note From Social Services and the Battle of Greece).
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