The New Zealand Gazette. 293
JAN, 20.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 293 MILITARY AREA No. 10 (CHRISTCHURCH)-continued. MILITARY AREA No. 10 (CHRISTCHURCH)-continued. 578985 Muir, John Richard William, farmer, "Woodbank," Linc,.)ln 561696 Nelson, Edward Henry Ernest, carpenter, 71 York St., Rd., H a.Jswell, Christchurch. Opawa, Christchurch. 235065 Muir, Kenneth Lloyd, factory hand, care of Mr. G. Moone, 612009 Nelson, Gilbert John, electrical engineer, 152 Stapleton's Rd., 23 Wellington St., Ashbnrton. Shirley, Christchurch. 616196 Muir, Lance Coslyle, grocer's assistant, care of Rogers Amuri 518025 Neuman, Leslie, clerk, 104 Randolph St., Christchnrch S.E. I. Store, ,vai:1u. 509294 Nevell, Charles Henry, cartage contractor, 44 O'Briens Rd., 543366 Muirson, Francis Henry, carpenter, 8 Dublin St., Christ Sockburn, Christchurch. church. 499221 Neville, Lawrence, surfaceman, Cave. ,567903 Muirson, Leslie Kenneth, carpenter, 372 Colombo St., 481241 Newall, David, fellmonger, Rolleston. 618351 Newberry, Irvine James, acting fireman (N.Z.R.), 576148 Muldoon, William George, shearer, 26 Princes St., Christ 269 Wilson's Rd., Opawa, Christchurch. chur<'h. 509183 Newbery, Lionel Theobald Rivers, upholsterer, ll9 Tenny 543360 Jlfullally, Thomas James, shop-assistant (N.Z.R.), 54 Wilson son St., Beckenham, Christchurch. St., Timaru. 615978 Newfield, Wilfred George, brass-finisher, 85 Domain Tee., 579252 Mullaly, Martin John, motor-driver, 7 Coventry St., Christ Addington, Christchurch. church. 578405 Newland, Harold Lewis, labourer, 21 Tuam St., Christchurch. 250496 Mulligan, John Douglas, farm hand, "Barford," Jlfayfield 567999 Newman, Philip Richard, railway porter, Burnham. Rural Deliverv, Ashburton. 598048 Newson, Charles Alfred Noel, music-teacher, 33 Holly Rd., 455346 Mulligan, Robert ~fark, farmor, Mount Somers, Alford Forest Christchurch. Rural Mail Delivery, Ashburton.
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